My brother and his fiancee came home this weekend so I decided to go home too and see them. Scott couldn't go because he is once again having to work. I stayed home Friday night because I wanted to spend some time with him but he didn't get home until 12:30 a.m. and then he had to go back at 5 a.m. on Saturday. Bless his heart - he worked from 5 until 7 p.m. yesterday and has been there all day today and finally got home at 9:30 tonight. The good news is in 10 days - he starts a new job on a different team. I'm SO glad for him. God just worked everything out for him. The manager of his new job e-mailed him and asked him to apply. It was God's absolute perfect timing.
So on Saturday morning - I went home. Chris and Carrie went to Silver Dollar City for the day. Mom, Dad and I headed to Branson around 2. We hit the outlet mall where I got a very cute dress at Banana Republic. It came a huge storm while we were there so we went to Cracker Barrell to meet up with them for dinner. Except that because it was a monsoon - everyone left SDC at the same time so C&C were stuck in the parking lot for over 3 hours. And my brother had no gas - so they had to sit in a hot car for all 3 hours. So we just ate and went home without seeing them.
This morning I went with my mom to the nursing home before church (which she does every week) and then I helped her in the nursery during Sunday School. We went to church and then I finally saw C&C and we ate brunch at 178 club. It was good to see my family. I just wish Scott could have been with us. My dad pointed us out in church (which mortifies me) and since he didn't mention Scott and I was there alone - I figured the rumor mill would be going around that I was getting a divorce. ha!
Are you wearing the cute dress you bought in the 178 Club picture? If not, where did you get that one? I love it!
Hee Hee - that is my cute dress! Just like when I was a kid and insisted on wearing my new shoes out of the store - I HAD to wear the new dress the next day! I got it at a banana republic outlet store - it was a good deal!
I can't believe I'm wearing TX longhorn orange though.
Hey now!! Don't be knocking Texas Longhorn orange. We rock!! haha
Surely there isn't still a rumor mill in big ole Flippin.
I love reading your posts! Found lots of pictures this weekend of when Chris escorted me in homecoming. What a trip down memory lane.
Yes, so young and so skinny. I'd love to have that metabolism again. haha
I like your dress, too! I can't believe C&C had to sit in the hot car for 3 hours with no gas...hope they had some SDC salt water taffy to snack on! jlg
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