Monday, January 23, 2017

Appointments, Inaugurations and Family

Well, last week was a FULL week.  Monday we celebrated Harper's birthday and the kids were all home that day.  

Tuesday, Will Holden and I had a string of appointments.  We went to the his opthalmologist on Monday for a pre-op appointment and when he listened to his heart he said he had a heart murmur.  Well, I was a little nervous about that.  He said he would feel better (and clearly so would I) if we had his pediatrician listen.  

So thankfully his pediatrician was nice enough to work him in on Tuesday morning.  I have to admit - the words "work him in" from a doctor's office concerning an almost two year old boy strikes a fear in me like almost nothing else because I picture hours in a waiting room with a very busy boy.  But they got us in quickly and everything was fine.  

Then we went straight to my eye doctor to check back on my eye which is doing well.  I decided that two doctor's appointments weren't enough - we might as well work in a hair cut for Will Holden.  ha! By the time all that was over - we both needed a nap! 

My friend who has an older Will gave us this chair and my Will LOVES to sit in it to watch Elmo or Mickey.  Who else has little kids and is so happy they came out with Mickey and the Roadster Racers to offer extra entertainment??? 

The girls got their report cards this week and I'm happy to report they are both doing so great! 

More Will in his seat! ha! 

Scott's parents offered to come up and help take the girls to school since Will Holden had a little surgery on Thursday morning.  They also wanted to celebrate Harper's birthday.  It ended up being great timing because the girls and I went with my parents to Dallas on Friday so they just stayed on to help Scott with Will Holden.  Scott could have handled it fine himself but I'm sure he was happy for the company.  

Will Holden had eye surgery on Thursday morning.  I'm going to write more about this tomorrow.  But he's doing great! 

Thursday night my parents came to town and I cooked dinner for all of us and we watched the pre Inaugural festivities.  

Friday we left for Dallas.  Thanks to technology we were able to watch the Inauguration on our phones! 

Every single time I have EVER gone to Dallas, we have stopped at the chili's in McAlester to eat.  Every time.  It's one of the only places you can stop and it's just the perfect half way mark.  

The girls were so excited that we got to stay in a hotel over the weekend! They love hotel life - what kid doesn't? 

We went to visit my brother's family and had a great visit with them and we finally got to meet my new nephew.  

And this boy had a great time with his dad and grandparents.  They kept him busy! 

Now it's back to life.  Thankfully my calendar looks a lot less full this week so I'm hoping to catch up! 

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