Monday, October 31, 2016

13 Years and Singles Day

Tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary.  Thirteen years.  I can't believe it. Long enough ago that I have to take a picture of a picture because we don't have any digital pictures and we also did not have a wedding hash tag. ha!

We had a fun and rare date night planned Saturday night to celebrate and of course a kid threw up so we ended up cancelling and eating soup at home.  Because this is our life. ha! In sickness and in health.  We were laughing because one of the last times we had a date planned it was Valentines weekend and our whole family got the stomach bug.  So I think we will quit planning date nights. ha! There is romance in just knowing someone is on my team and will clean out the car while I clean off the kid.  Or who takes kid duty so I can take the others to church.  Flowers and fancy dinners are great but I will take just the steady of having an every day partner who will watch TV with me in our sweats and put air in my tires when I need it.

And with that, I am celebrating tomorrow by hopefully helping other couples meet!!!!! I want to remind you that tomorrow is Single's Day! In case you missed the details - check out THIS POST.  Please share with all your single friends and encourage them to participate.  Eleven couples have met and married through Singles Day on this blog so it IS possible and not too crazy!

See you tomorrow! My prayers are with you!

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