Friday, September 18, 2015

Health and Weight Update

Well, I was waiting to give a weight update because I have kind of been stuck for a few weeks.  I've been a little bummed about that but I also have been feeling better and clothes are fitting better and I am still about 20-30 pounds from where I would love to be but change is happening.  
This is real life.
Weight doesn't just magically drop off at lightening speed when you are in your 40's.  It just doesn't.  And I figure most of you if you have been trying to get healthy or lose weight have at some point been stuck and felt defeated.  

I'm headed to the beach in a few weeks so I'm SUPER motivated right now.  I won't be running like Baywatch in a bikini on the sand but I would like to lose 5 pounds or more before we go.  
We will see. 

I put August in the last picture although it's actually today but my weight has just been hanging out here.  The number isn't moving a lot but I look at the picture and I can see a change.  What I'm learning is that what I eat can really make a difference in how I feel.  So I'm going to share details of what I've been doing.

I had gone to Metabolic Research Clinic back before I got pregnant last year and it really started to work for me when I found out I was pregnant.  So I paused and went back in July.  I only had a few weeks left on the program.  It involves protein drinks and some supplements but it's the diet plan that I really like so I'm sticking with it because it's doable.

Basically I have cut all but a tiny bit of carbs and sugar.  I'm eating mostly protein and vegetables.  And I don't miss the other stuff so much.  In fact this past weekend I ate Mexican food and pie and I felt AWFUL.  I really haven't cheated much in the last couple of months and haven't eaten out almost at all.

This is what a typical day looks like for me:

Breakfast: 3 egg whites and 3-4 strawberries  (I don't eat the yellows of eggs - they are good I know but they make me gag).

Lunch: 4 oz protein, 8 oz vegetable and a couple of melba crackers (50 calories).  I've been eating a lot of salmon and chicken.  I eat a lot of cucumbers because it's hard to cook vegetables for a quick lunch.

Dinner: Same as lunch although I usually have something like zucchini or fresh green beans for vegetables.  A lot of chicken and some red meat.

I use fat free Italian dressing, Cavendar's seasoning (with no sodium), or lemons to season.  No amazing recipes - just very basic.

Scott is following the same plan so that makes it easy.  And the girls will eat mostly what we eat with fruit or yogurt added in.

Exercise is my hardest issue.  Actually TIME is my hardest issue.  Until I join a gym - it's just hard to carve out time to work out.  But now that the girls are in school, I'm trying to take Will Holden in a stroller and walk.

Slow and Steady is my motto.  I am determined to get to a weight and size I'm happy in but I know it's not going to just happen quickly.  I'm not interested in magic potions - I am trying to make this a life style.  I will go out every once in a while for chips and salsa but mostly I'm happiest eating as whole food as possible.

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