Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Lazy Labor Day

Our labor day weekend started early.   I declared fun days on Thursdays and Fridays because on Thursday Harper had school but Hollis didn't.  So we went to the splash park (which we basically had to ourselves) and then went to the Crepe Truck across the street and had the most amazing crepes for lunch.  

 Friday Harper was out of school and Hollis had preschool so I got to spend one on one time with my big girl.

I often get alone time with Hollis but hardly ever with Harper so it was nice to be just us.  I had some shopping to do and Harper is so grown up now it's actually fun to take her along.  Up until now, even the idea of shopping with the girls has been torture but things have changed and I love it.  We had so much fun together.

I told her to pick where she wanted to eat lunch and she picked Pizza Hut and asked me to "text Laurie and see if they could meet us".  And they did.

Saturday we basically just spent around the house doing chores and watching the Razorbacks.  Which you probably know we lost.  But we had a good first half.  So there's that.

Scott and I substituted taught Harper's Sunday School class on Sunday.  They have a sweet group of kids.  I have taught 3 yr old several years in the past and I have to say Kindergarten Sunday School is a BREEZE in comparison.  It's amazing how much they grow up in 2 years.

The rest of our Sunday looked a lot like this.  Playing outside and just enjoying our down time. 

We planned for a lazy day today as well.  It was pouring down rain this morning and we slept late and were in our pi's when we decided we might need a little fun.  So we headed to lunch at Chuy's. Can't resist the Creamy Jalepeno dip. 

And then we went to glow in the dark bowling.  It was a lot of fun. 

Hope your labor day was full of food, friends, family and fun! 

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