Sunday, June 15, 2014

Fish and Marshmallows

We headed to south Arkansas this weekend to celebrate Father's Day and enjoy some time in the country. 

 Scott's parents have land that they hunt on that is beautiful.  The girls favorite thing was driving around in the mule.  (I loved it too!)

We got Flying Burger takeout for lunch and took it out to eat at the cabin.  If you are ever in south AR - you need to go to Flying Burger (it's not just burgers - they have amazing catfish and salads).  I always get the fish tacos and they are the best I've ever had!!!

 Hollis' favorite thing was this swing.  She just wanted to swing most of the day. 

 Harper learned how to fish and she was pretty good at it.  She caught about four fish! She was so excited! 
I'm pretty sure she is daddy's little outdoorsman. 

 Dawson got to come and he had the BEST day.  He's been exhausted today after all the fun. 

 The girls mostly love time with their grandparents. 
 Harper is obsessed with campfires.  She builds "campfires" in our yard constantly out of leaves and grass and rocks.  She is always asking for one so her Pap-pa built us a campfire and we had hot dogs and S'mores. 

 There is not much I love more than a good S'more. 

And we always have to play on this old merry go round they have.  I don't do rides of any kind - I can't handle even kiddie rides. I could only take about 4 minutes on here.  But the girls love it! 

It was a hot, humid day and perfect to spend in the country! Thankful for the memories my girls are building! 

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