Sunday, January 20, 2013

Over the Rainbow

We have had a low key weekend which has been so nice.  After a year of a nap strike -  Harper has even started napping again. Hallelujah! 

The only thing on our agenda for the weekend was a second birthday party for our friend Amelia! I have gotten to know her mom Amanda over the last year and she is so sweet! Our girls have played together a couple of times. Amelia is SO smart and funny! Amanda is the one who made my girls such cute Christmas outfits

 I LOVE kid birthday parties.  My girls always have the time of their lives. They get entertained and worn out and get to eat cake! What is not to love! I'm glad we have so many friends who have so many birthdays! :-) 

 Gymboree has really fun parties!

Amanda had a rainbow party and everything was SO cute!!! She had Holly make her cookies.  Holly is a local girl who BLOWS MY MIND with her talent to make cookies.  She is only making limited orders now because she is pregnant with her third child. Ain't no one got time for that. :-) (Sorry - I couldn't resist). 

Hollis really loved cupcake time!
My friend Ashley and her little girl Avery were there.  I get so tickled about Ashley because literally every person I meet or new friend I make - I am guaranteed to find out they are also friends with Ashley.  She is like the Kevin Bacon of Arkansas. Only it's not 6 degrees. Everyone is usually less than two degrees of Ashley. ha! She makes me smile!

Hope your weekend has been nice!

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