Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Little Hogs

Hi - I'm Kelly!
I don't know if you know this about me but I love the Arkansas Razorbacks. 

I wasn't sure if I ever told y'all that. ha! 

I have to admit - it's been a rough year to be a Hog fan.  I'm not a fair weather fan but I've been less than excited about this season.  It's just been an AWFUL HORRIBLE football year so I kind of slacked on dressing up the girls for games.  I'm still a Hog fan and I know we will be good again.
(Hoping we get a good coach SOON!)

(On a side note - how fun has this year been? I have to admit - I love seeing upsets and this year (especially the last two weeks) has been FULL of crazy ball games! 

 I meant to get to the U of A last month when the leaves were peak color and take a few pictures but we just never had the time.  Harper had a meeting with her speech therapist in Fayetteville today
 and it was a GORGEOUS day so we took a few pictures in our Razorback dresses.
The girls in front of one of my favorite places on earth! :-)

It was fun to let the girls run all over campus.  College kids were everywhere headed to class and I felt kind of dorky and old but so many stopped and smiled and commented on the girls. 
The U of A really is beautiful and they are doing so much construction to make it more beautiful. 
My parents both graduated from U of A and I wanted to get the girls' pictures with their names on the senior walk.  (My mom is Judy Lipscomb). 

And sitting by Papa's name.  
My parents met at college. One day my girls will get to hear all about how they met at school and got engaged on St. Patrick's day on campus just like I have my whole life. 

 Cutest little Razorback fans
They have grown so much in the last year.
I hope I can take them every fall and take a picture in a similar spot on campus. 
How much will they hate me when they are 14 &16 and I ask them to put on a Hog dress and pose? :-)

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