So if you read this blog often - you know we do a little "Show Us Your Life" Friday. The themes are all over the place but we have done three "Singles" days - where it's like a little Bloggy Style It started as just kind of something I thought might be fun and turned into something only God can do! Two couples met and are married and one more couple got engaged this past weekend! I want to share this not because I deserve any credit for this happening but because I want to give hope to all of you reading this thinking it's NEVER going to happen for you - God can bring someone to you even through something crazy like a boring mom's blog! TRUST and OBEY!!!
(and I met Savannah one day in the Target parking lot when I had locked my keys in the car with Harper inside and my cell phone inside and I just asked a random girl "Can you help me?" and she replied with "um - I read your blog") (Hilarious).
AND - you may have noticed I have a new fall look on my blog! Danielle - who designs my blog has a little something for y'all:
Hi everyone. It's Danielle (Kelly's blog designer)! I wanted to offer all of you a special promotion on my new pre-made template line and a chance to win a little something on my blog today. Feel free to stop by! These pre-mades are great because they can be customized with your photos, the color scheme of your choice and even the patterns of your choice. They are as close to a custom design as you can get at a lower price point. Here are two of my favorites!
And I hope you'll stop by for Halloween week next week! A week of Halloween food, fun & decor!
Thanks so much & have a great day!
And here is our first GUEST POST for Compassion International!
I have asked for YOUR testimonies about sponsoring a child and I have a lot of them. So I will put up one every day until my trip and there will more that will run after the trip.
This is from Tara:
not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it
says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is
like a man who looks at his face in
a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately
forgets what he looks like. But the man who looks intently into the
perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting
what he has heard, but doing it-he will be blessed in what he does.
James 1:19-25
had been thinking about sponsoring a child for a long time. I would see
the ads on t.v. I would go to concerts where there would be a table
tons of children’s pictures just waiting to be sponsored. I was younger
and could not afford it then, and it broke my heart. BUT now I am
older…and I can! I read a few blogs of people going on trips with
Compassion and that started to turn the wheels in my head. I knew what
God wanted me to do. I went to the Compassion website and signed up to
sponsor a 6 year old girl from Kenya. I didn’t know how I would come
up with the money each month. I had just graduated form college, and
did not have a job yet. My God is a BIG God. Nothing is impossible to
him. So, I started making hair-bows. I would sell them at church, work,
and on facebook. I also taught some private gymnastics lessons to earn
money. With that ($), God provided me with 3 months of sponsorship
money! Then, 3 months later I got a nursing job. Like I said, my God
is BIG! I LOVE writing letters to Rhoda, and I squeal with joy when I
one back. It just makes my heart so happy. I hope to visit her in a
few years. I thank God that he has allowed me the opportunity to be a
part of Rhoda's life. What a blessing!