Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's been Going on.............

I wanted to share about our weekend but I really have to back up a few days to Thursday.  Thursday night I had a girls night over at my friend Amber's house.  All the girls from our Sunday School class get together around once a month and we have a potluck and visit and it is always SO much fun and probably the thing I look most forward to each month.  Only we had so much fun talking and laughing that I forgot to take pictures.

Also on Thursday - we were playing in Hollis' room after bath time and Hollis sat by herself for the first time.  She sat for a few minutes at a time several times!!! She's getting so big!

I was so excited Friday because one of my blog friends Susie who lives in south LA happened to be in town for a funeral (sad for her) but we got to meet up that morning before she and her family left town.  She is so sweet. I had so much fun visiting with her. Her daughter Maddy who is 11 was with her and she entertained Hollis (Harper was at school) and her husband was also there and is so nice. He has a LOT in common with Scott - I was wishing they could have met.  I kept telling him they would be best friends.  Susie is so creative and makes the CUTEST signs!
We had a ROUGH night Friday night.  Both girls were up almost all night.  Hollis had some gas issues and I don't know what Harper was up to.  I didn't get to sleep until almost 4:30 and then was back up at 7.  So we took it slow Saturday and were pretty lazy.  Luckily Hollis took two really good naps and Harper took one and I should have but the Lord just seems to give me energy. :-)
I love this picture.  They are starting to interact so much these days and it is SO fun!
(I'm so proud of Harper's dress in this picture. I absolutely love it and I love it especially because my friend Kacy saw it in a consignment shop and it's basically new and was $10 and she emailed a few of us with girls that age to tell us about it so I raced to get it!) (and Hollis' dress was Harper's that she wore for two years - once as a dress and once as a top.  So we should get four good years out of that sweet dress!)
We went to a birthday party for our friend Lena Saturday afternoon.  My friend Tracy throws the most amazing parties. She makes the rest of us look bad.  I honestly don't think the girl ever sleeps.  This is Tracy's sister Dia - she is Harper's MDO teacher. Harper was SO excited to see her there.  She was acting so good like she needed to behave because her teacher was there.
It was a cute cowgirl themed party and Tracy had pony rides for the kids.  Harper LOVED this. She rode the pony twice and had the best time.  The last thing she said before going to bed Saturday night was "I rode a horsey!"  She talked about it all day.

My friend Amanda and Hollis' BFF Lela.  We decided going to birthday parties with two kids is very fun but stressful. It's a lot to keep up with two when there are so many fun things going on.
Here is the birthday girl with her cake.  That's my friend Tracy and her other daughter Sarah Grace. You need to go visit her blog to see all the details from this party and the one she threw Sarah Grace a week ago for her fifth birthday.
She had a cute little photo booth area set up.  Of course - we were never all 3 going to look at the camera.
Harper and her sweet friend Neely.
My girls before church today. I got their little frog dresses off Zulily a while back. I SO love them. I'm hoping to get family pictures made this fall and I think we will wear those dresses.

Today was a crazy Sunday.  We went to church.  We had a big Sunday School class today - 17 9th grade girls - it just keeps growing! We came home and ate lunch and I ran to a baby shower for my friend Julee. I had to leave that a little early and come back in time for our parenting class at church.
This is Hollis and I before we left for the shower.  I took Hollis with me and she was so sweet.  She just "talked" and squealed and smiled the whole time.  Harper stayed home with Daddy and took a nap.

The shower was absolutely precious.  How sweet does this look?

And the cute cake.

They had pink cotton candy for favors. What a sweet idea!

Julee is one of my favorite people.  She is so pretty and she's one of the SWEETEST people I know.  I prayed so hard for her to have this baby and I'm so thankful that we are close to meeting her.  Baby Preslee will be here in December and she will be one loved and blessed little girl!

I didn't get a ton of pictures at the shower because I was holding Hollis but here are Jill, Melissa, and Jennifer. I love these blond girls!

Julee's mother-in-law, SIL Rachel and Leslie. It was at Leslie's house and it was so nice!

It's been a full but wonderful weekend! 

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