Friday, July 22, 2011

Show Us Your life - Share Marriage Advice

*** I've updated the SUYL topics on my left sidebar to take us through October!

Today's SUYL is all about giving your best marriage advice.

I have been married almost 8 years but I have to say - I don't like giving advice because I don't feel like I have it all figured out myself. I will share a few things I have learned.

Probably the VERY best advice I've been given is straight from the Bible and once I started applying it - it made a huge difference:

However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. Ephesians 5:33
Women need to feel loved by their husbands but husbands need to feel respected. I was good at showing love to Scott but I don't think I realized I needed to show him respect. Listening to him when he gave suggestions (instead of my stubborn ways of wanting to do things my way) and letting him know I admire him for his work and things he does - those are ways I've tried to show him respect. Not over sharing about him or our marriage on the ole internet is another way I'm trying to respect him.

I think the thing to remember is no marriage is perfect and it's SO amazing to have a partner for life and someone who is always there for you ......but marriage is WORK! It's hard and you have to work on it. You have to make time for you as a couple and not put your children as your top priority. Children are super important but your marriage needs to come first so you can have a solid foundation for your family. And if you put God as the VERY center of your marriage and family - it makes a HUGE difference.

Also .......laugh. A lot.

And have separate bathrooms. :-)

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