Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day weekend

This is a long post and I doubt many of you make it to the end so I just want to start off by saying Happy Mother's day to all you moms out there. Being a mom is the most wonderful thing in the world - but it can also be one of the hardest jobs ever! You are all amazing! And on my heart all day have been all of you who hurt on this day because you are not a mom yet or you are missing your mom who is no longer with you.  You are not alone. So many are praying for you and you have not been forgotten.

Both sets of grandparents came this weekend for Mother's day and baby dedication.  My dad couldn't come because he had to be home to preach at his own church and we really missed him.  We are so fortunate to have grandparents that are so crazy about their grandkids!

(and my dad sent me the sweetest text this morning. I may be a mom now - but I'm still a daddy's girl!)

Harper REFUSED to take a picture with her sister but we kind of tricked her! ha! 
We were blessed with wonderful weather this weekend. It was warm and sunny and we spent some time outdoors. Harper would play outside all day long if I would let her. I have a feeling we will spend a lot of time outside this summer.  We grilled out steaks Saturday night and enjoyed a really nice meal.
I just can't tell you how precious this little baby is!
Today is my MIL's birthday so we celebrated last night and had cake and presents.  Harper is CRAZY about her Gigi. (and her nonny).  When the grandparents are around she wants NOTHING to do with me or Scott. It really hurts my feelings but on the other hand I'm glad she loves her grandparents so much.
Today was a special day because we dedicated Hollis.  It's just a statement we make in front of the church that we will do our best to raise our child in a Christian home and teach them to follow God's word.
Here we are before church.  We had planned to have Harper up on stage with us but we are just knee deep in the terrible 2's and I knew the stress wasn't going to be worth it so we made a last minute decision to send her to the nursery and just take Hollis up there.  I was so disappointed but I'm learning slowly that with small children - things don't always go as planned and rarely are things as "picture perfect" as you expect.
Our sermon today was on discipline and raising up children God's way and I was so thankful because honestly lately I've just felt like a failure of a mother. I just feel so overwhelmed with the task of forming little lives into the amazing people I know they can be.

This was up on the screens as we were called on stage

Here is Harper and three of her little friends - Emily, Sarah Kate and Neely.  Love these sweet girls!
Nonny and her newest granddaughter!
After church we came home and had lunch at our house.  Laurie and Steve joined us.
I had a sweet cake made for Harper's dedication and wanted to do the same for Hollis but I waited too late calling bakeries and they were booked up so I got petit fours instead (which I love almost more)!
Our best friends

The Little Princess table

I'm SO thankful to be the mother of these two precious girls.  I will never thank God enough for entrusting me with their lives. I feel SO unequipped to be their mom.  I want so much for them and pray that God just gives me wisdom daily.  They are the biggest blessings I will EVER receive!

I'm very thankful for my mom - I love her so much and I'm so glad she could be with us. And I'm thankful for my sweet mother-in-law. I'm thankful they love my girls as much as I do.  They have been such a huge help to me in the last two years.

Happy Mother's Day to you all!

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