Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fellowship Tuesday

I had the best day yesterday! It started off with Bible Study at church.  Yesterday we were watching a video by Priscilla Shirer.  If you have never heard her speak or done a study by her - RUN and find the nearest you tube video, book, study that you can do. She is AMAZING! I always come away blessed after hearing her speak.  And she's the mom of three young boys so I can identify with so much of what she talks about.  She also has a HUGE heart for all you single girls which is something I adore about her.
She was sharing on the verse that has been the theme for my life the last few years - Ephesians 3:20 "God is able to do immeasurably more than all you can ask or imagine".  She just drilled home that GOD IS ABLE!! We put Him in a box and limit what we think we can pray for or hope for but He made the universe and He loves us.  He CAN do anything - sometimes it's whether according to His sovereign plan if He will.  That can be hard to understand but it all boils down to we are not the mind of Christ. Either we trust God or we don't.

After Bible Study we had a lunch for new women members in the church and it was so much fun.

 Laurie, Amber and Angela
Our Sunday School Class girls have started having dinners once a month at each other's homes.  We call it "recipe dinners" but honestly we don't really exchange recipes as much as we just get together to eat and talk.
 Erin, Kacy, and Stephanie
Last night we met at my friend Amanda's beautiful new home and she made us a great fall dinner of baked potatos and soup and a yummy dessert.  We brought the toppings for the potatos.
Mary Avery, Amy and Amanda
Sweet Rachel and Me
I had the best time I have had in a LONG time. We laughed so hard I was crying. My favorite thing was we sat around the table after we all ate and Laurie asked us funny questions that we went around and answered. I'm SO thankful to have a group of friends who I can share life with, cry with, who inspire me to be a better person, who were there for me in a HUGE way when Harper was so sick...................but who also make me laugh so hard I can't breathe!

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