This is a picture of how Harper and I both feel about the new baby! ha ha ha ha ha ha! :-)First of all - oh my goodness - thank you SOOOO much for all the sweet comments. To say I'm overwhelmed is a HUGE understatement! Ya'll are SO sweet! And I cracked up at all of you who said "I knew it" or "you were expecting it".
I thought I would give you some details about this baby!
First of all - this baby was an enormous surprise! After trying so hard for Harper - we were blessed to easily get pregnant this time. I was not expecting that with our history and my age. I had even told Scott about a week before we found out that " I thought we should wait until Harper was 2 to start trying". Funny how over and over in my life - I make plans and God laughs and changes them. He loves to remind me that HE is in control - not me. And I love that about Him! It helps me to trust Him in all the details of my life. When I found out I ran in and told Scott immediately and we just sat and smiled. Complete shock! We could not be any more excited!!!!
We told our parents in person using the "big sister" dress. I ordered it off etsy the night I found out. We took video so I'll try to post it sometime soon so you can see how excited the grandparents were!
I am due 3/21. I'm only 9 weeks. We are telling a little early because we've had an ultrasound and my doctor said things looked great and it would be fine to tell and we just couldn't keep a secret. They will be watching this baby carefully and we'll take some extra precautions to hopefully have a safe and healthy delivery and baby this time.
We will find out the sex around the end of October. I'm pretty sure everyone in my life including all my family and even our doctor are rooting for a boy! Scott and I would love to have our Hudson. I have a strange feeling it's another girl. Scott looks like he might pass out every time I say that. I think he's scared to death to be trapped in a house full of estrogen. ha! But maybe we'll end up with "blue" after all! We honestly don't care AT ALL! We are just hoping for a healthy baby.
I have been really sick. Actually I feel the same as I did with Harper. I was sick with her for 20 weeks straight. That makes me nervous. I have some medicine to help this time. It's a lot harder being sick and taking care of a toddler. But I also know sickness is a good sign so I'm not complaining.
And last-
We are SO thankful for this baby and I am so happy to be able to share it. But it's a bittersweet feeling because my heart hurts for all the girls reading this who are still waiting for their child. I know how it feels to think it will never happen and the sinking feeling when yet another friend announces a pregnancy. I hate that my news might add to anyone's sadness. I just want you to know I'm thinking of all of you out there who are still waiting. Some of you have been waiting since before I got pregnant with Harper and that just seems so unfair. I've had to realize that this is the family and the timing God has given us and God is still writing your story! His timing and His plan in your life is for a reason and for His glory! I pray that you will all experience the joy of a child and that you will know God had a purpose in the journey. And know that I and so many others are praying for you as you wait. I love that in the Bible when it says "With God - all things are possible" - it was in reference to infertility (Elizabeth). Isn't that neat??? I know God meant it in every aspect but it was directly linked to a story of a barren woman! God has not forgotten you!