I'm excited to have the opportunity to serve our church on the women's council and we had a meeting this morning. Our new Bible Studies start soon and I can't wait. I love women's ministry - I think it's such a key element in a church. We need each other! :-)
A few of my good friends are on council so we decided after the meeting to head to lunch at chick-fil-a so our kids could play and eat!

I was so tickled because the older lady who we all love who works in the nursery, Mrs. Gail, told me she loved keeping our group of kids because they all play together so well and they are at church all the time so they are used to each other and church. That makes me so happy that Harper is one of those kids that lives at church. ha!

This is a little boy I adore! He kept talking to "Harper" and it was just making me so happy!

I like this little girl a lot too! ha! Mrs Gail also told me she thought I was having another girl and she asked me what we would name her (which I'll announce if we are having a girl later) - and when I told her she said "Absolutely not." She has a crazy aunt with that name and she said she couldn't bear to keep a child with the same name. She told me I needed to pick a new name and I told her she would just have to call her something different (if it's a girl). ha! That cracked me up!

It's always a little crazy with 4 moms and 7 kids but I wouldn't have it any other way! A sweet lady in our church who was also eating there came by and was saying "Enjoy the chaos - before you know it they will be 23 (like her daughter) and you will miss this". I teared up when she said that because I know it's true.

Tonight I went to a big consignment sale in our area. I only found two things for Harper but I thought they were both really cute. I have been looking for a fall smocked dress and I love the red outfit. I think I'll probably get an H monogrammed on it. I was thinking of maybe putting "Go Hogs" on it but I'm not sure. We already have a lot of razorback outfits. I'll probably just stick with an "H" or her full monogram.