What are you up to these days?
You are a VERY active girl. I don't think you sit still for more than 30 seconds all day. You are constantly moving, running, getting into things. You are just BUSY!
You are talking more and more and more. You say new words all the time. Just yesterday you said "bubbles". I knew eventually you would talk and I was right. You always have a lot to say. You are not quiet or shy! ha!
You have become aware of what is "yours" and are starting to show those normal selfish tendencies of not wanting to share. I'm sure you will grow out of that. Other than that - you are a very sweet little girl. You love to make people laugh.
Your sleeping is getting better. Just last night you slept the ENTIRE night! I got up at 3 to make sure you were still breathing. But you have decided your new wake-up time is 5:30. I'm not so excited about that. ha!
You recently got your molars in which hasn't been fun. I think you have 12 teeth now. Maybe a couple more. You won't ever let me look long enough to count!
I get SO tickled because every time I'm getting on to you - you will smile, wave, pat my back and rub my chest. It's EXTREMELY hard to be mad at you and not to laugh when you are being loving while I'm trying to discipline you.

I have to share this video:
Yesterday I kept my neighbor's baby Grayson for about an hour and Harper was so excited at first. Saying "baby" over and over. After this video the full meltdown began. I held him and gave him a bottle and you would have thought I was chopping off her toes one by one for all the screaming and crying Harper did. She was so jealous. I may have my hands full next spring. :-)