Are ya'll having a good weekend? We are having an un-busy, relaxed one and it's been nice.

We've mostly just been playing a lot at home with this girl!

I don't know about y'all but one of my least favorite things is trying to come up with something for dinner every night. I was looking in my pantry at what I had and I came up with a little recipe for
chicken, spinach and artichoke squares. They were pretty good and Harper even liked them which I was so glad because besides green peas - she is not fond of green vegetables.

This morning we all got ready and decided to head to our town square for the Farmer's market.

It's a busy place - but i think it's something that's so fun to go to!

This is one of the first days it hasn't rained in over a week so it was hopping there!

Harper was checking out the okra I bought. I think it's time to introduce her to the goodness of okra! My favorite vegetable!

We walked over to the cupcake shop and let Harper pick out a cupcake for us to share!

This is a face of a girl who LOVES her some cupcakes!

And this is another regular face we see around here. ha!

One of Harper's favorite thing is to sit with her daddy in his office. I think it's so sweet when they sit together.

This is my normal view of Harper - me chasing her through the house.
I told ya'll about my stack of books I'm reading. I'm almost done with "Crazy Love" and I'll share more about that. It's so good. I got in bed to read it last night and these are the books Scott is in bed reading....................

Looks riveting, huh? I asked him if he could read me a little so I could fall asleep quicker! ha!
Tomorrow after church - we have a VBS meeting and then spend the rest of the day decorating and then VBS will be in full swing. I'm not sure how much I will update next week. I may write every day or I may be napping and trying to recover. ha! I hope ya'll have a great weekend!