Next week our church is having Vacation Bible School and I am leading up the 3 year olds. (It's really just the worker's kids). I have not helped with VBS since I was in high school at my parent's church and it has changed a LOT. Our theme is high Seas and I have spent the last few days at the church decorating and trying to get ready. I'm in the "barn room" and I was trying to turn the barn into a ship today.
I have two big rooms to use and decorate and it's a lot of work. Especially because I'm a numbers person. I thrive on excel spreadsheets and numbers. When you look at me and say "You need to decorate a room for preschoolers ....." - you have no idea the stress that causes me. I have NO idea how to be creative but I'm trying. I thought it would be fun to have a little treasure chest where they could get treasures at the end of each day if they could say a Bible Verse or tell us something they learned.

Pretend you are three and have a lot of imagination - it looks like a ship, right? ha!

Harper has had a lot of fun playing at the church while I work. She's been the youngest kid there and I'm pretty sure she was wearing the workers out. I can only imagine how tired both of us will be next week. There may be a lot of naps next week.

I have been putting off a trip to the grocery store for a while now and the cupboards are BARE so when I left church I picked up Panera for the three of us. I'm addicted to french onion soup and tomato, basil, mozzerella salad right now. Actually I am on a ONION kick. I can't quit eating onions. Onion soup, onion dip, grilled onions. Weird. I saw on The Neely's the other day
this recipe for a grilled onion. (Anyone else love the food network channel?)

This afternoon we went to the mall so I could look for a pair of shoes for Harper. She is about to grow out of her one pair she wears in a size 5 and we have 7's for fall/winter but no 6's and she needs one good pair to carry her through the rest of the summer. While we were there I saw several preteen/teenagers wearing these long fingerless gloves in crazy colors. Can anyone explain that to me? I'm praying smocked dresses is in style for teenagers in 12 more years. ha!

We went in Lifeway just to look around and I came out with these two books. I have been wanting to read them forever and I just decided it was time. Have any of you read either? I have heard they are awesome.

The only problem is - I can't ever find time to read and right now I have this stack of 7 books waiting for me to read them. Two are parenting books and the other 5 are on faith. I really, really want to read all of these along with a couple of other parenting books by James Dobson and "The Help". I guess it's time to turn off the TV and buckle down.

Harper and I hope you had a good Wednesday too! The week is almost over! :-)