We have had a nice day here with my family. Harper has been SOOOOOO happy and good today! She has been so fun and hasn't thrown one fit! ha!

My aunt Linda and Uncle Bob came over for lunch today and to spend time with their
great niece!

Linda reading with Harper. Linda was an English Teacher and is now a History teacher and she always gave my brother and I books for every birthday and Christmas. Reading is important to her and it's so fun to see her now reading with H.

My mom made a great lunch - an enchilada ring (I think she is going to post the recipe) and homemade salsa and guacamole! So good!!!

Harper tried guacamole today and let's just say - the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!

Me and my girl (she wasn't too thrilled in this picture - she was more interested in all the family fawning over her than she was in me today) ha!

Oh she loves her poppa

I love my parents house. They live out in the country and my dad built their house several years ago (I should add that my dad is a pastor and never built anything before their house except a workshop for himself so I still have no idea how he did it). It's so pretty and airy. The view is so pretty and it's so peaceful. It's just so bright and airy because they have big windows. I love all the green my mom decorates with for spring and summer.

The view from the kitchen.
Just a few other notes:
- I'm giving away the wonderful hymn CD on my REVIEW BLOG. I will pick a winner late tonight or early tomorrow and announce so there is still time to enter!
- There is a couple in my area who is about to go to Haiti to work for several months. They have gone through a pregnancy loss, cancer and the loss of their 3 month old child in recent months and are now going to serve. I'd love for you to look at their blog and support them with prayer.
- Pray for the people of Ohio who recently endured devastating and deadly Tornados.