Today has been a fun day! Our women's ministry had a luncheon today for us since Bible Study has ended for the spring. And prior to the lunch - we could bring our babies in for a little two hour mother's day out! Laurie and I met up and went to a couple of antique stores in our area. I've wanted to go to a few of these but no way I could ever take Harper. We had so much fun!First we went to this store called "True Treasures". Apparently Sandra Bullock has shopped here a few times when she's been in town. (Just a tidbit for you). I found this hat that reminded me of hats my mam-ma used to let me play with from the 40's. I asked Laurie how much she would pay me to wear it to the lunch. (or to Beth Moore next week - now what would y'all think if you saw me in that hat?)
I have been wanting a chalkboard in a frame for my kitchen. I thought it would be fun to write little messages or Bible Verses on it. I had planned to make one but I found this one for a cheap price. I hung it this afternoon!
I like the frame but I'm also thinking of painting it red. What do you think? Leave it or paint it?
I have a sweet friend Aimee who has a little girl who is a year or two ahead of Harper and she is always dressed like a little doll. Aimee has sold me a bunch of her little girl's clothes and today she brought me a bunch of shoes that Harper can wear late summer and early fall! I was SO excited! Most of these have barely been worn! I felt like I hit the jackpot!
I was never interested in shoes for Harper in her first year. We didn't go anywhere for months so I just let her wear socks and last summer she just went barefoot. But now that she's walking - I have to keep her in shoes and so I'm always on the look for cute shoes.
I thought I'd share places I have found shoes and brands I like. I get asked so often where I find her clothes and shoes. At this age - they only wear them for a short time so I hate to pay much and I also think consignment is the BEST option!Are these not the CUTEST? They are from Target!!! Tar-jay is where I get most of her shoes because they are cute and cheap. I think these are adorable! (Confession: Y'all know I love Wal-Mart - but I HATE their kids shoes).
And I just discovered recently that Payless ShoeSource©
has kids shoes. I got her several pairs this winter that were so cute and cheap!
When we visited Scott's parents last time, we went to this cute kids boutique that carried both of the shoes above. The top pair is Itzy Bitzy brand and the bottom is Mooshu. They both squeak as the kids walk and they are so cute. Scott's mom got Harper the pink sandals and they have different colored bows you can switch out. I just LOVE these! They are more expensive but so nice! I found both of these at
I LOVE pedipeds! My aunt Linda (Happy birthday!) got Harper a pair at Thanksgiving and we wore them to death. They were great shoes. I found some at
I love TOMS Shoes
because for every pair you buy - a pair is given to a child in need. How neat is that? And I love these for little boys! I just found out Toms has kids shoes!
I love Robeez Shoes - especially for babies before they walk. They are so soft and comfy! I love these cupcake ones! Free Shipping* on orders of 2 pairs of Robeez Footwear or more!
Where are you favorite places to get kids' shoes? I'd love to get more ideas! (and I'm sorry these are all girl shoes - except the Toms - moms of boys - please speak up!!!)
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A Month Gone.
3 years ago