I've always been a very girly girl! I don't like to get dirty or mess up my hair. I'm not outdoorsy AT ALL. I have always preferred dresses. I loved playing with dolls. I couldn't wait to wear make-up. My poor parents tried to get me to play sports and both basketball and softball were disasters. I used to get stomaches just thinking about P.E. because I knew we'd have to play volleyball or dodgeball AGAIN. I'm just not athletic and I always imagined if I had a little girl she would be just like me.
Or will she?
Harper can be a tomboy or an ultra girl girl, she can love sports or be like me and think laying on the beach is "outdoorsy". I will love her no matter what she does or who she becomes because I'm her mother and she is my precious gift.
Were you a girly girl or a more sportsy/athletic/outdoorsy? And if you have a daughter - are they like you or different?