After six days of being stuck inside the house - we finally got out and did some socializing today. It's been a busy and fun day so sit back and enjoy the picture parade!
We started the morning by dropping off sausage balls and a gift for my friend Leah's shower. She is expecting a little girl, Emmi, in a month. We couldn't stay for the shower but I'm so excited for her.
We then headed to Laurie's house for a Barbie Birthday for my "niece" Emily's 4th birthday. (She's not actually my niece but Laurie and I consider each other sisters so we act like we are all related - which we actually are cousins by marriage).

Harper and Sarah Kate. Harper had the cutest outfit on that my Aunt Linda got her. It was a little snug on her big belly. Now she knows how I feel when I get dressed every day. ha!

Tonight was SO fun. My neighbor Melissa and her husband Chad found out this week what they were having and they kept it a secret until tonight. (They told their families this week earlier). They invited all of their friends for a "gender reveal party". I thought it was such a cute idea! I took two gifts but Melissa only got to keep the "right" one. Scott stayed home with Harper (who went to bed at 5 after no naps).

They decorated everything in pink and blue and had all kinds of yummy appetizers and desserts.
This is what Melissa and Chad were wearing. I gasped when Melissa answered the door because I thought that was the answer........until Chad came around the corner.

They asked all the guests to wear pink or blue - depending on what you thought it was. Here is everyone who thought it was a girl.

This is Josh, Jaime, Jordyn and Jackson was off playing......

June and Reese - isn't she the cutest??? She and Emily are neighbors and very good friends!

Tracy and Sarah Grace

Maegan and Korbyn who did not want to pose! :-)

Emily's Barbie cake

Scott and his "mini me"

All the kids eating cake and ice cream!

The birthday girl! I just can't believe she is FOUR. I was there the night she was born. It's a night I will never forget. And it seems like just yesterday we were celebrating her first birthday.

Laurie and Beth
Harper had the BEST time at the party. The kids played a freeze dance game and she even got on all fours and did a little "booty" dance. She played and she crawled and she stood and she was held by almost everyone. I just knew she would come home and take a good nap. But nope. No nap for her today so we went to Hobby Lobby and T J Maxx since we were having withdrawl from both of those places. ha!

They had tables set up where you could vote for your favorite boy or girl name!

This is my neighbor Cindy and her daughter Danielle. I just love them.

This is Tiffany and Ashley and Ashley's daughter Avery - isn't she precious???

And everyone who thought it was a boy. You can see who was outnumbered.

Well the minority ruled tonight.
They went to their bedroom to "change" and came out like this! Such an exciting moment! And such a cute way to tell friends.
I'm SO happy for them!!! Harper has a future boyfriend/playdate all lined up!!!
Such a great way to end my long week of being shut in! I'm ready to go to church tomorrow!
Thanks, Kel!!! How stinkin' cute is that!!!!! I'm just so happy for them!! I know you and I both thought "GIRL" so I couldn't believe it when she told me it was a BOY!!! I just know that she and Chad are going to be AWESOME parents....just like you and Scott. I can't wait for Baby BOY Stafford to start playing with Harper!!
Thank you, again, for taking such awesome pics! Glad you had a wonderful night. You looked ADORABLE, by the way!
Sounds like you had a great day!
Such a cute idea! Glad ya'll had a great weekend and got to get out a bit. Did you stop at Sonic? I sure did!! Happy hour rocks =)
That is such a cute, creative way of sharing such joyful news!!
Congratulations to them!
That is a great idea and looks like it was so much fun!
Such an adorable party! Congrats to them XOXO
What a fun exciting weekend and I bet you are glad to be finally out of the house. Just hopes it warms up soon.
oh my stars!!how fun is that!!!
what a great day you all had!!
I love the idea of a gender party!! So fun!!
How cool!
This sounds like a fun idea!
I'm going to have to do that when we get pregnant with our 2nd child... maybe this summer!
Thanks for posting it! I love the idea!!
Harper is sooo precious Kelly!
that gender reveal party is sooo cute! and i love your purple dress! looks like you guys had a fun saturday!!!
Thats a great way to tell everyone! I love it!
Happy Weekend !
That is the cutest idea! I find out on Tuesday if we are having a boy or girl. This would be a fun idea to do with our friends!
Most fun party I've seen!
What a precious way to reveal! I love that idea! If only I was planning for more babies!!! Glad you had such a fun day!
Tonight was so much fun! What a great party! It was great to see everyone, Melissa is so blessed!
Glad we got to catch up, looking forward to Monday!
BIG HUGS to you & HARPER!!!! ;)
I love your blog so much. I'm a only a college student, but you inspire me so much as to want to be when I get older.
I have to ask though...where did you get the title for this blog post? When I was in high school, I had a teacher that would sing a sing called the "Party Song" that had a line that said "P-A-R-T-Y don't let your momma know" and he said that they came up with it when he was growing up (in small town Alabama). So. I was just curious. If your interested, you can see the video of him singing at this link:
That is just brilliant. Love it!
p.s. Did the books arrive??
So nice. I love the gender reveal idea, so cute. Harper and my little one Garrett are a few days apart. Was she born the 12th? Garrett was born 1-9-09, four weeks early. We just celebrated his 1st birthday he's a toddler! SIGH..time for another one? Hmmm...not yet! ;)
I've never heard of a gender reveal party, but that sounds SO cute! If ever we have a third (which is very doubtful!) I'll have to remember this! Glad y'all had a fun day! I broke out of the house all evening too... it felt GREAT! haha!
Such a cute way to tell everyone. They look so happy. Glad you got to go out after days in.
Too fun! I love the gender reveal idea....
we finally got out on friday to dallas galleria! it was sooo nice. i'm excited for church tomorrow, too!
What a fun day! The gender reveal party was such a great idea, and I am going to pass it on to our friends that are expecting. I am sure it was great officially getting out of the house. We have been cooped in due to frigid temps, and my son wants to play in the MOUNDS of snow so badly!
Great party idea! I LOVE Harper's tights in the picture from the b-day party. Too Cute!
what a fun party day! I love the gender reveal party, that was such a great idea and so cute! hope you cute girls are staying warm!
What cute parties!
My husband would wear blue regardless of what he thought the gender was. He would never be caught dressed in pink LOL
We tried for 13 months to get pregnant, and now we are! Fig will arrive in July, and in a few weeks we'll know Fig's gender. Thanks to you mentioning this gender reveal party on your blog a few days ago we decided to have one too! We're having the dr write it down and then we won't know either. A friend is then going to make a cake and the inside will either be blue or pink. Then at a party (hopefully not more than 48hours after the ultrasound) we will cut into the well iced (with white or chocolate icing) cake and find out what we're having! Thanks for sharing the pics of the decorations and their super cute shirts, more ideas for us!
What a fun & cute way to announce! That is so fun too that they got all their friends involved! Looked like lots of fun! :)
What a great idea for a party. It was great that their friends joined in on the fun and wore pink or blue :)
I really like the way they decided to tell everyone. Very creative!
that is an adorable idea for a party!!
Kelly, I love your purple dress you look so pretty!!
Cutest gender-reveal party idea EVER.
i love this! but please please please share where you got your dress
Yes! Where is your purple dress from?! SERIOUSLY adorable!
I love the "gender reveal" party idea, so fun!
What a great way to let people know the gender of your baby!
That is such a cute idea! I loved the pictures!
Kelly Thank you so much for being apart of our special night! It was all that I thought it would be like. So much fun and I have some great friends! I can't wait until Harper and Baby Boy Stafford can play together like all the other kids that were running around my house tonight. Thank you for the sweet gift. You are too sweet! Enjoy church tomorrow. Love Melissa
I don't think I've ever seen such big bows on such little heads. I've been meaning to ask you for awhile and seeing all the big bows made me think about it, where do you get Harper's little clippies? I know you have to get tired of telling the whole world where you get everything. But I've looked on my own and I just can't find any that I like that aren't cheap looking, and even though they look cheap, they certainly aren't. So I was just wondering where you got her good-looking one's from. I just ordered some off of ebay but they haven't come in yet so I'm anxious to see how they look. We have a little bit of hair that needs to be clipped back, but not enough hair or a head near big enough to warrant those big huge bows right now! Thanks!
That was the cutest shower ever!! I have never seen that done before, but such a clever idea and a great way to include both the gals and the guys. Isn't it fun now that Harper is older and can be out and about to socialize with her "little" friends?
Love & blessings from NC!
Kelly I check in several times a day to see if you've posted (especially this week when I've been housebound too due to illness!) And I'm always so happy to see your great posts!!! Thanks for such a GREAT blog!
I LOVE your dress too -- how cute are you in that? Can you let us know where you got it?
Fun party ideas too -- God bless!!
Oh I love this idea!!!! What a great way to reveal the sex of the baby and still find out early!! Very cute party idea!
Oh I love that idea! Yay for little boys!
I think that is such a fun idea!! Almost makes me want to have one more so that I can do something like that! Ha!
That is such a fun idea. You Arkansas girls know how to throw a party! Enjoy being at church today. I am at home with a sick one. Bummer!
That is the cutest idea ever! What a neat party, thanks for sharing!!
Hi Kelly, I usually don't like to comment because I don't want to take time away from your precious Harper. But I just wanted to say that I am so thankful that Melissa has you as a friend to be there for her throughout this pregnancy journey. She is so special to me and I just love her to pieces. You all seem to have a lot of fun last night. Look forward to watching Harper grow into a beautiful soul just like you and can't wait to see what she thinks of her birthday cake!!!!
where did you get your dress? i love it! it would be perfect for clemson game days!
Loved Harper's outfit. I loved the reveal party and so glad that you all got to get out. Cabin Fever, I've heard, can be fatal to the mind. LOL
Such a cute idea- and I love both you and Harper's outfits- where did you get your dress?
What a cute idea on how to tell friends the gender of the baby
what an awesome way to reveal the gender! I am not able to keep a secret long enough to plan a party!!!
What a cute idea to reveal the gender. I also love love love your purple dress. That is too cute :) Where did you find it? I am glad you were able to get out of the house today.
What a cute way to tell everyone what you are having!! Great pictures. Looks like it was alot of fun!
Looks like you guys had a fun-filled day with friends! Glad all the parties went well! Man, you Arkansas mamas make some darn cute babiea!
Squeal! I'm so excited - don't know them but still SO exciting and what a great idea! Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like you had a very fun day! I love your dress. Where did you get it?
What a fun day! It's amazing how quickly kids grow up! It seems like just yesterday my 3 year old was born....
How cute is that Gender Reveal your outfit by the way....and Harper sooo looks like her daddy....she is just a doll :0)
The gender reveal party is such a cute idea! I love all the decorations:)
Looks like a fun filled weekend. I just love the idea for a gender reveal party. wish we had thought of that!
I love your purple dress! Where did you get it from? That party sounds like fun. All the guys wore blue, haha.
So glad that you were able to get out & have a fun weekend! The Gender Reveal party sounds like a TON of fun & such a creative way to celebrate a new baby! I love it!
WOW!! HOW CREATIVE!!! Love the way they announced it!!
That is fantastic! What a great way to let everyone know the gender - so original and fun!
Thanks so much for posting about the "Reveal" party! It was so cute looking at the pictures and I just had to laugh at those who thought it was girls and those who thought the baby was a boy...I laughed out loud!!!
What a cute picture of Scott and "Mini Me". Going to so many parties is getting Harper primed for Her party. The Barbie party was so cute. I had a Barbie party for my Granddaughter and the doll's skirt was the cake. She loved it. The Gender Reveal party was a cute idea. Do you bring gender neutral gifts so you don't have one to return? Glad you got out of the house.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I love the idea of a gender reveal party! How much fun!!!!
That IS a great way to share what you're having!!! How exciting for them and for all their guests!!
Hope you have a Great week of warmer temperatures and lots of sunshine.
I love this idea and was so curious how they would play it out! Thanks for sharing!
I didn't take the time to read all the post so I don't know if someone mentioned this already. My friend had a gender reveal party and took the envelope to the local bakery. She gave the envelope to the lady and had the lady put a middle layer of blue or pink icing inside a cake. So no one knew the gender until they cut the cake at the party! I thought that was cute too!!! The video is so cute because you can kind of hear her mother sigh as it is their third boy...due in April!!! Great idea with the gender reveal parties!!
What a FUN idea!!!!!
Such a cute idea...a neat way to reveal what the baby is.
You looked so cute in your dress...and you are always so stylish.
It is nice that you and Harper have so many friends to play with. (:>)
Glad she got to finally get some is hard once they give up their naps...but it is good that Scott didn't mind staying home with her so you could go and join in the fun.
Thanks for all of the fun pictures.
Linda @ Truthful Tidbits
And someone reads MckMama b/c I see those lollipop gumdrop cake do hickeys she posted about a few weeks ago on the table!! Cute, cute party!!
A Reveal Party ~ I love that idea! How fun!!! Congrats to them!
I am totally stealing that idea! I love the gender reveal party!!
What a cute idea! And all that food is making me soooo hungry!
That was so cute!!!
I love that idea!! How unique is that! I wish I knew someone that was pregnant so I could tell them they HAD to do this. Looks like a great time:)
What a CUTE thing to do with the gender reveal party. I might have to remember that if we have a 3rd. People and their creative ideas, blows me away.
That is so incredibly neat! I love that idea, too. I wonder where they got it.
Love those little shirts! What a cute and fun idea. Did you ever see Shannon's reveal party idea with the center icing being the color of the gender (pink or blue)? That was so clever!
I have that dress from Ann Tayalor as well! It's so cute and pretty comfortable!
what a super cute and creative way to tell friends and family the babies gender! cute blog! glad i stumbled upon you! ;o)
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