One thing I miss about working is the Annual Review. A time when you sit down and think about what you did good last year, what you could have improved on and Goals for the next year. So I thought today - I would put together my own personal Annual Review. (and maybe after reading it - Boss Man will give me a raise. ha ha ha!)
1. That I carried a baby to full term and even though her beginning was VERY hard and scary -

3. I'm thankful for both of our families and especially for how they supported us so much after her birth. We would have been lost without them. I'm thankful for how much they love our daughter. She has NO idea yet how lucky she is.
4. I say this a lot - but I'm SO thankful for our church family. I can never put into words how much they mean to us. I can't express to you how important it is to find a body of believers to join and to have fellowship and worship and to love and support one another!
5. I'm thankful that God never leaves us or forsakes us. I may not always understand what He is doing but I know He is always with me.
1. I could be a lot better wife and mother (and Scott is saying "Amen!") I was a very rookie mom this year and I have to admit - I had a lot of hard days. It's a LOT harder than it looks. And there were days Scott came home and probably wish he hadn't of because I took it out on him. I just want to enjoy every moment with Harper this year and realized the days are long but the years are short. I want to focus on giving Scott more of my attention. He deserves it.
2. I want to be a better friend. I probably dropped the ball on a lot of my friends because I just felt up to my eyeballs most days this year. I want to do better at sending notes when I know friends need it. Or doing favors and not expecting one in return. I want to go back to having people over for dinner more often.
3. I want to be a better Christian. I want to spend more time with God. I neglected Him a lot this year. I loved and worshipped Him every day - but I didn't always spend time talking to Him or reading His word or trying to KNOW HIM more.
4. I want to be more healthy. Yes - I need to lose 20 pounds and I just can NOT put down the chick-fil-a and oreos. I want to exercise this year. I want to feel good about myself again.
5. I want to be a better daughter/DIL. Our families have done so much for us this year - I want to be better at doing for them and showing them I love them.
1. I think the most important place your money should go is to your local church. Everything we have is God's and He deserves our first fruits as a sign of our faithfulness to Him. I want to give more than a tithe this year.
Malachi 3:10 says "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."
My life in the last couple of years is a testimony to that!
2. Obviously my new passion is COMPASSION. I want to do anything I can to help those children. I want to do good at writing our two children letters. I want to do more to help. And eventually at some point I want to go on another trip with them. A sponsor trip this time.
3. Our family has a heart for the Arkansas Baptist Children's Homes. This helps children in our own state who need love, a home, food, shelter, etc. I want to continue to help them and also the Promise House - home for teen moms. I'm hoping to send them a package SOON! On my side of the family this year we all gave what money we would have spent on each other and gave it to the ABCH. I hope this a tradition we can continue! My parents also did that for my first Mother's Day and it meant the world to me!
4. I want to do more random acts of kindness this year. Paying for a meal in a drive thru. Helping a mom struggling with several kids in a store. Sending a note when you know someone needs encouragement. Sending anonymous gifts. Lord - open my eyes to people who need help and direct me!
5. I want to earnestly spend more time in prayer for others.
What about you? What are your goals for 2010?
Great list Kelly! I did my resolutions today on my blog, but I think you've inspired my to do a year in review tomorrow...great idea!
Happy New Year Kelly! I am hugely into Random Acts of Kindness personally - in fcat four of my friends and I are doing a project to do even more next year! You can find us at
Wow! You have some great goals for the new year! The first year of being a mommy is so hard. I think that you have done an amazing job! I have not gotten all my goals figured out for the year but I think they will center around the word "need". What do I need, what do my kids need and what does my husband need. First and foremost I need my savior and like you I neglected quality time with Him this last year, I talked to Him daily and definitely thanked Him for all that He has done but I have not spent the time in His word and just being with Him the way I should. I have also not been the wife my husband needs and the mommy my kids need because I have been pulled in too many different directions so I am going to work on that! Well, now that I wrote a novel in your comments section, I will go! Have a Happy New Year!
Great post! I'll have to sit down and really think about resolutions. I have a friend who's husband applied for the recreational director position at Arkansas Baptist Children's Home. I'm pretty sure you'd make a great soccor coach. Ha! (Isn't that what you played so well on your Compassion trip?)
Awesome list! Thank you for being you!
I teared up with your first goal. I feel that way so much. My poor husband:-( I miss having the time to do thoughtful things for others as much as I want. But I'm so thankful the reason why is because I'm trying to be a good mother.
What a great list. I love your entry about changing the focus of your blog back to scrapbooking your lives. That's what I do, since I can't seem to find the creativity or desire to put together beautiful elaborate hard copy scrapbooks. I'm going to cheat and record our lives on our blog and then every year print it out to a hardback myself! Family does come first. Sweet little Harper will be celebrating her 9th birthday before you know it. I can tell you from experience - I have 4 kids and my oldest turned 9 this summer. I still remember her first year like it was yesterday and wish I had that time back to love on that sweet baby again, watch the Frankenstein walk or potty train. I'd do it all with less wishing it away (aka doing things as quickly as her friends), more patience and treasure every second. You've got the right mindset! Kudos to you!
I wish you a wonderful 2010 and I'll still be reading, no matter how you change up your blog!
Good post. The random acts of kindness are a priority for me this year. It's the greatest feeling ever to know you put something positive in a persons life.
Hope that you and your family have a very blessed 2010.
Happy New Year! Thanks for sharing are a blessing to me!
These are ALL wonderful goals Kelly!
I read your tweet about crying all morning because you are so thankful for all the blessings you received this year...and I cried along with you when I read this post. You have blessed over and over and I can't think of a better person or someone more worthy, than you :)
I hope and pray that 2010 brings you many more blessings!
Thanks Kellie,
I will do my resolutions tonight. But one of my is to not waste anymore time on things that do not matter.
My husband is being deployed in feb to Iraq for a year. I don't want to waste a minute of what God has planned for us, for me, for him, for our two little girls.
I started a blog to just keep a record of our life and to encourage people to pray for our family, my soldier, and other soldiers and their family who are serving our country.
I will be praying for you and your family.
I have been a short time reader and this is my first comment. I wont go into details as to why I love your blog so much but I'll say this, we are practically "town neighbors..." or down the street a ways. I have to say I am quite inspired by your Annual Review and I think you deserve a raise :D
I really enjoy your blog, the inspiration you provide, & last but not least the LOVE we share for WOOOO PIG SOOOIE!!!!!
May you and your family have a very blessed 2010 and a Happy New Years Day!
more time with friends, cutting myself more slack, more golf, and more reading! oh--and permission to scrapbook more. :-)
Thanks for opening your list/life for us to see. You give me a lot of food for thought and I really need and appreciate it. Your faith in God is inspiring and makes me want to know more. So Thank you, and Happy New Year.
What a great post!! I have to say that I am thankful for Harper also and that you let all of us in on her life as she grows! So I guess that makes me thankful for you too!!! 2010 is going to be a great year. I am also going to get into shape and love my body!!!
I hope 2010 brings you much happiness and joy!
I posted my New Years resolutions today too! Hope you & your family have a Happy New Year & a blessed 2010!
I love this post, Kelly! Happy New Year!!
I love your goals for 2010. I also added 5 resolutions for 2010! And some of mine are on the same lines as yours! I want to be a blessing to others in 2010!
Great list Kelly! I have my list and will be sharing soon. And I understand how thankful you are for little Harper...the girls were in the NICU for their first 3 weeks of life and we battled with infertility for 4 years.
Our list have a lot in common...better wife, mom and get in shape.
Happy New Year!
I'm starting to panic - given that it's New Year's Eve and I don't have all my goals neatly lined up like I normally do. :) When I turned 30 a year and a half ago, I made a list of decade goals, so maybe I need to just focus on seeing where I stand with those and working hard on them. And I know, know, know my relationship with the Lord needs much more attention. MUCH.
I like your idea! It's kinda like a SUYL, but on Thursday and without the McLinky. :) I'm going to do this same thing on my blog now. It's been a little while since I posted, so this will be a nice jumpstart back!
Kelly, You are such and encourger to me!! I love following your blog and keeping up with you and Harper. I think I have told you before Harper is the same age (within a few weeks) of my grandbaby! I just want to say thank you for how you enlighten my day with your blog! Blenda
First off I love your new blog look! Super cute for a super cute little girl :o)
Is her party gonna be um cupcake themed? Just a guess Ha! Ha!
I love the Annual Review idea.... I think I may have to make one myself.... You have such awesome ideas....
Summer :0)
Hey kelly I haven't ever commented before, but I have been reading your blog for over a year now. I love it! HARPER is adorable...
I was trying to get your email addy and the contact button on your new page isn't working for me.
You could shoot me an email on mine if you would like then I'll have it.
Me and my husband have done the craziest diet! It is so easy and you just shed weight like no other. Since you had mentioned it, I thought I would pass it on to you!
The website is where you can get it, if someone else reads this and is interested.
I would love to tell you more about it though!
I just wanted to say thank you Kelly. I just started following your blog a couple of months ago but you have inspired me to be a better CHRISTIAN and person. I don't spend nearly enough time with the Lord. You are such an inspiration to me and you have showed me to be very appreciative and greatful for what I have. Thank you for sharing your life and being such a great role model.
Your goals are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing with us!
Everything you wrote is just beautiful!!! You are such an inspiration to me each and every day. I strive to be as good of a Christian as you are! Thank you!!
I saw a familiar baby in the ABCHomes Outlook :) I used to work for them. They are a wonderful organization and I think it's great what your family did in place of gifts. I could echo most of your "improvements" for myself, especially #3.
Kelly- your heart just jumps off of this page!!!
I read an interesting question on a blog today and it's a pretty heavy question. The question is, what defines a "Happy New Year"? And what will make it a Happy New Year for you?. And this is what I said and this is what I'll say here:
I think what will make 2010 a “Happy New Year” for me is living life with a greater passion then the year before. Embracing the mundane days because it’s those simple moments that are glazed over and often overlooked. I am realizing that life can still be exciting even in the mundane. I need to start living in the moments rather than letting these moments pass me by. A Happy New Year for me will begin when I make it my goal in the upcoming year to start seeing myself through the eyes of the Father and not through the eyes of this world and how I perceive myself to be. I’ve learned this year Kelly, that I’m my own worst critic and I desperately want to change that. I will like to spend my 2010 living in confidence, boldness, peace, happiness, joy, and live it in abundance.
I could really go on and on, but really looking forward to this year.
And along with what I said, I think Kelly what you said are what myself, and I'm sure others are hoping for in the new year!
Hope the Stamps Family has a wonderful 2010 :)
Wonderful post, Kelly! I have many of the same goals for 2010. And remember--this is your blog, to do whatever you want with it. People don't come for the give-a-ways, people come to be rejuvinated, to be inspired, which you do without knowing it!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Great list Kelly! I'm sure you'll do fine with all of them.
As for me? I want to put down the chocolate and get healthy. I want to get through chemotherapy and move on with my life. I want to be a better daughter because I stink at it right now. I have a niece or nephew on the way and I want to be a great aunt! I want to be a better person by finding a church and attend every Sunday. I want to educate myself by reading the Bible AND I want to start school next fall and find something I love. I also want to be a better friend because it's hard being my friend right now and I appaud the ones who stick with it.
Thanks for your beautiful blog!
Amy C.
That was SUCH an inspiring post, Kelly! I must sit down and put my own list together. You are an inspiration! :)
Kelly you are such a blessing and an inspiration. I am going to sit down right now and do my Year End zreview and goals for next year.
Thank you for inspiring me to be a better person!
Happy New Year. Your words are so genuine and real, I never once could doubt anything you say. What you wrote has brought a lot of thought into me. I really want to go to church, but I have a hard time finding acceptance in myself to go, I always think I am going to be looked down on if I am not in dress clothes, but thing is, we can't afford that right now, since the hubs got laid off. We are very active prayers and pray a lot and I know that he is with me, but I too, and my husband, really want to be closer to God this year. We talk about it all the time, and something happens like no money for gas for us to go, etc. But that is my goal for 2010. I WANT TO BE CLOSER TO HIM!!!!!
Those are great resolutions! I posted my resolutions yesterday! :)
I am a goal setter. I hate the word resolution. I always feel like I am breaking a promise when I fail - espeically in the Spiritual realm.
You have a great list.
I want my work to truly become my mission field this year.
I want to encourage my kids to be people oriented rather than possesion oriented. I desperately want them not to have true religious jeans, but rather, true religious genes. We invest so much in possessions when people are eternal - rather their souls are!
I want to do a better job nurturing friendships as well.
I want to attempt to be more creative!
Obviously I want to be more of a blessing as a wife, mother, grandma, daughter. I also want to honor Him in every aspect of my life and show people that what, or rather Whom, I truly believe in is truly true.
What a beautiful recap. It reminds us what is truly important in our lives.
I am so thankful as well for you that Harper is healthy! I started reading your blog the day that she was born and it just broke my heart to see you all going through that. God truly is amazing and has blessed your family.
Motherhood is HARD! The first year was terrible and the second year has gotten a bit better for me and I know it will be better for you as well. I wish you and your family all the best in 2010!
I love the Year in Review. Wow! So much has changed for you this year! Thank you for being so honest in your lists. I know those are so true for me as well in various ways.
I'm so happy for you in the changes to your blog! I know it's hard for us southern girls to say no sometimes and I'm happy your able to guide your blog to what you want it to be rather than what others would want you to have it.
We're so happy for your many things to be thankful for this year and it makes us smile to see how far Harper has come! Blessings to you and I pray your home be filled with more love, joy and peace in 2010!
This is in regards to your birthday party favors post or tweet (can't remember). For my little one's first bday we gave out photo magnets of her. I ordered them for CHEAP from, but you can get them at most any photo lab. I wrapped them in cello bags and they were a hit. Most of the guests were adults. For kids I like water balls. (cloth- can get wet) They are good for infants through teenagers.
Beautiful post - thank you and happy new year
I need to list out my goals but some of mine sound a lot like yours, especially the better wife/mother one. I too have had many hard days and not handled them well at all, especially when Jake got home! Oh, and definitely the one about not being able to put down the chik-fil-a and oreos! I'm gonna have to work hard on that one! Ha!!
Happy New Year! I'm so glad we've become better friends this year!
Awesome post... You inspired me to write mine down and post some as well. Just starting my blog would love you you to come by and read my 2010 goals. Love your blog!!!
What a great list! You are such an inspiration to me! Here's to a wonderful 2010!
Our goals aren't unlike yours. I am always striving to be abetter Christian. Every day I wonder "did the people who saw me today see Jesus?" Most of the time, I'm afraid they didn't. I will strive to walk in love every day in 2010. Love, Sara
Beautiful post, Kelly- thank you for your transparency! It really is an inspiration! Here's to a brand new year filled with promise and hope!
And what an adorable new header on the blog, too! hee hee hee :)
That made me cry!! LOVE you and thanks for being an inspiration!!
I need a tissue now. Thanks for sharing!
Happy New Year :)
I LOVE your lists! This is my favorite post you've ever written!!! You've got some great goals set & a great example to show others! Thanks for sharing your list!
I don't know you personally, but I just love you so much! Thank you for helping to open my eyes at times when I need it most ;) You are an inspiration and just so REAL! I'm excited about the changes in your blog and wish you and your family all the best in 2010!!!
Love the new blog. So cute. That was a great post!
What a great post and idea! What you had to say was WAY more in depth than any annual review I've had at work -- and they have been pretty in depth I hafta say.
So many things to be inspired by. Thank you Kelly for sharing your life with us all =)
Good post, Kelly! I'm going to commit to random acts of kindness and to read something other than magazines in 2010. HA!
It's SO hard to believe it's been almost a year since Harper was born! She had a rough start, but she has been such a blessing to so many. I love seeing what's going on with her daily.
Your list is wonderful... I think most all of us can relate to the things you listed.
Happy New Year to the Stamps family! May God bless you in 2010!
Well, I just found out today that we are having a baby!!! So one of my goals for 2010 is to not worry. I am a HUGE worrier and I need to not spend this whole pregnancy in fear. God knows I need to learn this lesson and I'm sure He will help me :) Also, I want to spend more consistent time in prayer. I've struggled lately and need to get back on track.
Love the new birthday layout! Great list of resolutions! Good luck and Happy New Year!
I love the new layout and I love this post!
We all have so much to be Thankful for , if we would all stop to see it!
Happy New Year !
What a awesome year Kelly , Thanks for sharing your Blog, I always look forward to reading your blog.Hope 2010 brings all that you want in life.
Happy New Year to you and your family
This is great, Kelly! The Lord will walk with you step by step this coming year, and I look forward to continue reading all that He has in store for your precious family.
I want to be more diligent to God, help others more, tithe more, love more, be an inspiration to others. I love your blog & the way you encourage everyone!
per the book "eat this not that"...chickfila does NOT have a sandwich that totals over 500 calories. thats amazing when u consider that its fast food...cutting out the chick is not the answer :)
I love the year in review. I am definitely going to take the time tomorrow to look back on my year and see what is good and what I can change.
Kelly< you and my little girl Shelby have the same bday! i have really enjoyed reading your blog! i lost my first baby at 27 weeks and starting reading your blog when i was pregnant with shelby....have a happy new year! my blog is let me know if you have any ideas for bday parties close to christmas :)
I enjoy reading your blog Kelly! I just found it recently and have loved sitting down and reading through the past and current posts.
Great list! Good luck on everything! You have made me think about a few things in my life that I need to improve on. Thanks!
Well Kelly, you've done it again. Another blog that has us down on the knees of our hearts. You are so amazing to be able to touch people like you do. I'm one of the Blogger Aunts giving Thanks for Miss Harper's wonderful year. A rough start for sure, but look at her now. What a beauty. Looking forward to 2010 with Harper and the Stamps.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Kelly, you are a beautiful person and I appreciate how open and honest you are.
I enjoyed reading through your list and I have to say, I'm with you on almost all of it. I'm so grateful for what God has blessed me with - and I want to serve him more faithfully and show my appreciation and love for others by being a better wife, momma, daughter, sister, auntie, friend, etc.
Happy New Year!
Wow, Kelly...seeing that picture from Harper's first days when she was on the vent...I remember so completely and vividly waiting on the edge of my seat at my computer for updates on her and reading every word you wrote about her and praying for her like I've never prayed for anything. And to not even really "know" her and y'all...I learned so many lessons during that week. Hugs and kisses to Harper from all of us out here that just love her! :o)
I am definitely looking forward to the fresh start of this new year! Lots of changes!!
Great post! Happy New Year!!!
i think you are such a beautiful person, inside and out and i just love your blog! my baby girl is a little older than harper (dec 19th) but it's fun to watch them grow up "together". wishing you the best in 2010 and i hope you don't mind if i copy your lists and make them my own! :)
Kelly, I love this post. I know you did not ask for a blog following but God gave you one... thanks for sharing your life this year. I appreciate your honesty... your ideas... and your love for the LORD. ~ kim
What a great list! I did a post today about my goals (not resolutions -- ha!) and linked to you as inspiration for Compassion International. Thank you for being faithful and opening the eyes of your readers to those in need of help and prayer. Good luck with your personal (improvement) goals. . .I'm sure most of us are right there with ya! And by posting this way, we can pray for you too.
Happy 2010!!!
What a lovely end of year post! A great reminder to all your readers to step back and reflect at this time. Your list should include as one of your accomplishments that you touched so many people with your blog! Best wishes for a wonderful 2010 to you and your family!
I want to be more Organized! And of course become more healthy. (I think thats on my list every year ha ha) :)
Happy New Year Kelly, Harper and Scott! Wishing you all the best in 2010!
I am still compiling my resolutions but the top of my list time management. I know I can improve greatly in so many other areas too.
great review of a great year! i'm thankful for your almost one-year-old blessing.
my number one goal is to be in the word daily and help adelaide to that too. this is something i have needed to work on the past several years and it's time!
Happy New Year Kelly! Blessings to you in 2010~
Love the new Header, super cute!
You have had a busy and great year!
I pray you have another fabulous year!
I could totally relate to your list of things to improve. I want to be a better mother and wife this year, as well. My son is 16 months old and being a parent is MUCH harder than it looks! Especially being a stay at home mom. There have been days when I have wanted to run away and never come back! There have been days when I was lazy and didn't feel like entertaining my son. There have been days when I took the day out on my husband. It happens. I want to be better this year, too. Happy New Year! By the way, I work with Julee Turner! She told me you guys have become great blogging buddies!
Your blog is such an inspiration. Random acts of kindness are something I wish everyone would embrace. Wishing you and your wonderful family a Bright and Happy New Year!!
God Bless
Your list was wonderful. What I am thankful for is the unemployment this year. I am thankful that no matter what hard things we face, God brings good out of everything. Have you ever noticed that? I am thankful, that God has taken such good care of us when we had used all our assets and seemed to have nothing . . . We had so much. I am thankful that through our trials, God helped us learn to be more unselfish and think of others above ourselves more. Being unemployed has made us more aware of the needs of others.
I have certainly enjoyed your blog and if Harper had not needed prayer, I would never have started reading it -- a small good that came from your hard trial. So many people have been blessed reading your blog and a lot of it started when Harper needed prayer.
I told you God always brings good from our trials!! :)
God bless you and love to you and your family.
Melanie Keffer
Olive Branch, MS
P. S. You will be a good mother and wife. I remember my first one and that first year. I prayed continually for God to help me be a good mother. I don't know if I ever made it, but I do know that bathing your children and husband in prayer each day is the secret to "your" success.
Happy New Year to you and your family! I apologize for being MIA, have had house guest until this afternoon so there is lots of catching up to do!!!
You are such an inspiration and make me want to be a better person. Thanks for sharing this post.
Blessings for all of you to have a great 2010,
Matthew 21:22
A wonderful list! Mine would be very similar. I need to lose about 25 pounds...and really would like to be more healthy with my eating and exercise. And, I would like to have more purposeful devotion time. I have fallen short in many ways in thankful for the Lord's grace and for His faithfulness when we are faithless. I could always seek to be a better wife and mother. I need to get my house organized and keep it that way...also need to be more organized with Sufficient Grace Ministries, and a better manager of time and priorities.
There are many more, but if I could just start on these, that would be good! =)
Many blessings to you and your beautiful family in 2010....thank you for sharing your life with us!
Wow. I just came to your blog and I don't know your whole story but I have so many of the same thoughts. My baby is 9 months old and he was in the NICU for the first week. it was the hardest week of my life and this has been the hardest year. I feel far from God, far from Friends, i've been a terrible wife.. i'm just hoping this next year is better. I'm glad i'm not the only new mom who has felt that way.
Hogs clothing for HBS...I thought if I typed that you would read...I read your blog...ok daily...A little embarrassed by that cause I should be doing other things...but you start my mornings off positive and with a 12 yr old, 2 yr old, and a husband that hunts and golfs...we you understand...But I was looking for my Presley some things and ran across Hogs CUTE clothing &U thought of you like we are Best Friends Go to
And they have great after season sales...Thanks for being polite southern belle!!!
Wow, sounds like you have a lot planned for 2010! Makes me want to be a little more motivated with my resolutions. Ha!
Happy New Year!
I had to comment and say that this year, one of my New Year's Resolutions is NOT to lose weight; I already did that, so I'm just going to keep up my routine. I use DVDs of a workout called Core Fusion, and I want all the mommies in the world to know about it because it is life-changing(bootie-changing too!). After having kids, going to the gym did NOT work for me, but I love that I can pop in a DVD and get a great workout in 50 minutes. You can order the DVDs through Amazon, just make sure they're the genuine article "Core Fusion" by Exhale. The workouts are so different but they WORK. I'm not a spokeswoman for them, just a real-life momma who is happy to have her body back after two babies :)
I am also trying to lose some weight, be a better wife and daughter...and buy a new house! So excited for 2010 :)
Go PIRATES!!!! ARRGGG!!!!!!!!!
Sorry Kelly but I hope my Pirates beat those Razorbacks!!
Go ECU!!
I love your blog. I read every update, but I hardly ever comment. (sorry) I loved your goals for this year. Mainly because so many were very similar to the ones I set for my own family....On a funny note. I know I read your blog too much because today, when my husband said Arknasas won, my first thought was "Kelly will be happy" and I don't even know you! Happy New Year!
I just love you!!! This year I want to be so organized that people think I am crazy...that's my goal! I am working one room at a time and just went to walmart and bought a bunch of clear containers. The shoe containers were only 94c each. I can't wait! I love your list..I agree 100%, I also need to improve in those areas! We are blessed with wonderful family & friends and I want to be the best person I can...espically for the Lord. Happy New YEar!!!
This was a great post, Kelly.
You are blessed with a wonderful family.
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