Monday, November 16, 2009

When Can I go again?

I've been sad today

I have wished all day that I was still in El Salvador

I want to wake up early, put on my tennis shoes and go hug those sweet faces full of so much love, joy, and hope. I want to whisper "Dios te Bendiga" in their ears (God Bless You) and speak spanish with my country twang.

I went there just hoping I could bless them. Praying I could make a difference.

I left being blessed by them more than they will ever know.

And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5


Annemarie said...

Beautiful post and video Kelly! XOXO

Allyson said...

Thank you so much for sharing all your stories from El Savador. For some reason I can't see the video, but it's probably a glich with my computer.

lots of love said...

Aww such an amazing blessing you could go on that trip! Loved reading about it last week!

The video says it's private & isnt playing tho??

Kodi said...

I always had that feeling leaving a mission trip. I cannot imagine the new appreciation you have for motherhood.

Father's Grace Ministries said...

I believe that when you go somewhere for the Lord, part of your heart will always belong to His people there.

My husband has been on quite a few trips to S.E. Asia and Vanuatu, and although we haven't been able to travel with him, the people where he has ministered lie close to our hearts. The gifts he brings back from the humble hearts he has visited, speak volumes to all our family, reminding us of God's people.


Jenn said...

Beautiful video!

We are praying about going on a trip to Panama next summer with a group from our church. I am nervous, but so excited! Seeing that video is so encouraging!

I love Love LOVE that Phil Wickham song!

Krystal said...

I LOVE that passage of scripture. It's my theme verse for any mission trip I take!


Kelly, the lives that you have touched in El Salvador will always remember you. I know what it feels like to leave an impoverished country, where you were being a servant, to return to the states and have your heart yearning to go back and do more. I'm sure that you will continue to pray and seek the Lord for guidance as to how he can use you in such a way again.

I posted a video similar to yours on my blog last year when my husband and I returned from our mission trip to Guatemala. Here's the link if you'd like to see it:

Bless you!

Taking Heart said...

When the desires of your heart match God's desires for your life... big things happen. You had a vision... you fulfilled that vision.... and now you have a tangible memory that can call you back into new life saving adventures for God.

What an exciting place to be in your life right now... so close to the calling of our Lord! There are so many opportunities near and far just waiting for you to bring your light to.

You are salt of the earth. A city on a hill. You inspire me and so many others. I know your heart is sad right now... but like a previous commenter said... you will carry the hearts of those you touched and those that touched you forever. Let those tears not be in vain... continue what you have started. Continue the call. Find your niche and God will fill in the details.

God bless you... you have been such a light to me these past months. Your trip has inspired me to no end. I can only pray that if God chooses me... that I will have an opportunity to work for His kingdom in that capacity in my lifetime as well.

You are salt, Kelly. You are light.

Anonymous said...

this video and post moved me so much emotionally. There is so much that we all can do in our daily lives to help each other, those in need close by and far away. Helping others, like you did on this trip, makes the world a better place. I am so proud of you and in awe of your loving heart. My older sister and I are also sponsoring children, it's amazing how much help is needed. great post Kelly.

midnight macaroons said...

What a great post. Don't you want to bring them all home with you?

Rachel said...

You are getting the bug. I know it's hard when all you want to do is continue to serve. All I can say is be open to the Lord cause you never know when you will be called!

Thank you for sharing and opening our eyes to the needs of El Salvador. It's good, for me especially, to be reminded of the needs in other parts of the world!

Summer said...

Beautiful video! I loved your post!
Summer :0)

Rachel H. said...

Beautiful post...I'm sure that you'll be able to go back and in the meantime you'll be in constant prayer for all of those precious little ones!

Becky said...

They remind me so much of all the beautiful faces I grew up with! My mom planted those seeds of giving when we would spend time and finances ministering to two orphanages where I grew up. Pass this on to Harper - Help her to know people are more important than possessions. Possessions are just hay and stubble. People are eternal.



Jessica K. said...

I am not able to watch the video since I live in Germany, that's weird :(

Unknown said...

I know how you feel! I went to the Dominican Republic and got to meet my Compassion child! It was rough for a few weeks after I left, just wanting to be back there again!
Glad you got to meet your Compassion child! :)

Lauren said...

I don't blame you one bit for wanting to go back Kelly, but if you do, it's on one condition, we ALL get to go with you, haha!!! :)

Natalie said...

What a wonderful video Kelly! It is so amazing to see God working in you and through you in others...He is so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Oh, do I know the feeling!! I used to go on mission trips to Mexico and I just remember being prepared for the culture shock. Little did I know, the culture shock would hit me AFTER coming back home to the states. I was so depressed and saddened by ALL we had and didn't even realize how blessed we were and here were people in Mexico with NOTHING and yet they were SOOOO generous. I missed them terribly and cried often wishing I could pack them all up and take them home. THAT'S when the culture shock set it.

What you did was amazing :) Praying God opens more doors for you to continue with this ministry.

Brandie said...

I know the feeling. What helps me get by is helping children locally. There are so many right outside our doorsteps that have those same faces that need physical and spiritual things. You don't have to travel far to give back.
While you are waiting to go back, check out your local schools and see what you can do!
Congratulations on your trip and thenk you for all you do! What a beautiful post.

JenB said...

Isn't that how it is with mission trips? You are always blessed more than you bless them-----at least it seems that way. I wish I was back in Brazil lots of days.

pcb said...

No words.

Erin said...

Do you think you will ever go back?! Sooner then later? Would you like to take Harper?

Tara G. said...

Praise God! Thank you for sharing, Kelly.

Shannon said...

I loved your video Kelly! I loved you teaching them cheers. (so cute!)

Katie said...

The video makes me want to go too! I need to brush up on my Spanish and I am sure I cannot teach those sweet kids any cheers like you could. But what an awesome experience.

harmonysong said...

What a beautiful video! Thanks for sharing it! It's is always so hard to come back from missions trips. You were in a foreign place, experiencing things that no one else back home experienced. Even those on your trip had a different experience and emotions than you did. I have always found that jumping right back into "normal life" is so difficult after a trip. BUT the good news is you will always have that experience and God gives you grace for today! :)

aimee said...

i served a mission in guatemala a garbage dump, literally! every morning when i wake up, i long to be back in that garbage dump with all those beautiful people that i miss and love so much! my church is back there this week but i wasn't able to join them and it hurts so bad that i can't be there! when i got home from guatemala, i said the same thing as you..they blessed me more than i could ever imagine was possible. it's amazing where we find His love and grace. you have done such a great thing!!!

CourtneyC said...

Great video thanks for sharing.

heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

What an amazing video! Thanks for fav part was you teaching them the cheer! :) No doubt that God used you in some mighty ways there!

Robyn said...

I think instead of saving up for another trip to Disney World...I want to save up and go on a mission trip with my kids. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great post and video! You have made such a difference in the lives of so many. You are truly an inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly - What you did was the most rewarding thing I think you could ever do! I am so proud of you for leaving your sweet daughter to go and help out others in need! What a great acomplisment! How would a person like me get to experience the same trip? Thanks again for the goodness you bring! - Karen

Hers and His said...

This video is so sweet. I can't wait to meet my sweet little Juan Xavier someday!

I'm helping with Compassion's Christmas Child program and I just put up a post with my Christmas Child! I'm looking for him a sponsor if anyone is interested!

Jennifer said...

This is so touching! Thanks for sharing! It brought tears to my eyes to see sweet little Daniela and you together.

Paige said...

Thank you for sharing your stories with us. You have touched so many lives!

MomMom said...

Kelly, I know exactly how you feel. I've been on mission trips to Guyana, Ukraine, and Mexico. They were all life changing events. Once you've been, you're changed forever and can't quite get the people out of your mind. I pray I'll NEVER forget the people I met and I certainly don't want to become complacent about the poverty and living conditions I saw. May God bless you and I pray you'll have the opportunity to go again one day.

Kristina said...

I know the feeling all too well!!! It's so hard b/c you are back with the people that you love so much, but homesick for a place that isnt really "home." It's a very strange feeling and one that anyone who has been on a trip like this has experienced. Thank you so much for sharing all of your stories and pics. I have LOVED them and even signed up to hopefully go on a trip one day!! We already have 1 little girl in India and if our budget wasnt so tight, we'd have MANY MORE!

The Busy Blaine's said...

You will feel this way for a while. I went on my first mission trip 2 years ago and every time I hear about someone else going I have a longing to be right back again. God bless you for stepping out on faith and doing His work. Thank you for sharing Jesus!!

Katie said...

What a sweet video! Just know that they are probably missing you just as much today. Thank you for all your posts from El Savador- they have all been amazing and inspiring.

krislyn. said...

Loved this post, and it was so great for an outsider to actually SEE what all was going on in El Salvador. It is a great reminder to of how MUCH we have to be thankful for .. Even to be on a computer right now, so thankful.

QuatroMama said...

My heart feels full, even as a spectator. Love the cheerleading, Kelly!

Virtual Hugs!

The DeYoungs said...

What a great video. It reminds me of the days I went on missions trips and how much I miss it.

Megan said...

I have really enjoyed following your journey to El Salvador.

I spent the summer after I graduated college in India on a mission trip, and it was quite an adjustment to return to the excesses of American culture. If I could give you a piece of advice that a wise person gave me during that time, it is this, "Take more time than you think you need to make big decisions." Allow yourself time to process everything and give yourself some grace in the mean time. God changes hearts in an instant but lifestyles are not always so easily and quickly changed.

I will be praying for you and Scott as you attempt to merge your heart changes with your lives back home. May He make your next steps clear. Blessings to you!

Maria said...

This brought tears to my eyes!

Tiffany said...

Hey Kelly! Love your blog and have enjoyed reading about your trip! Looks like you had a wonderful time. Happy 10 months to Harper! Growing so fast! Have a wonderful rest of the day. Visit my blog at and become a follower. Trying to get more followers! It's hard! -Tiffany =)

Mary Craig said...

Thank you for going and sharing your experience with us. Because of you, I just signed up to sponsor a little girl named Lesly! You are an inspiration. :)

Melissa said...

Beautiful Post Kelly! I cried and want to go and play with all those kids and babies. What a great journey for you to remember for the rest of your life. Your parents and Harper should be very proud of you. I can't wait for our lunch date. We have a lot to catch up on!

Erin said...

Awe Kelly, I totally know how you feel! Those kids are so precious. I am getting ready to go to India again for missions and I can't wait to get my hands on those precious kids!

Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

I have chills and tears watching that beautiful video. What an amazing ministry- now I want to go meet my sponsored child. Bless you for sharing your journey with us!

Kathryn said...

My 8 year old daughter read your blog with me last night and was in tears after one post from El Salvador. She has been saying for some time that she wants to be a missionary but yesterday she asked if she was old enough to go to El Salvador NOW! When I said no she said "fine, what if you come with me." She has been saving money for a camera for months and asked last night if she can send the money to help these kids. We discussed sponsoring a child as a family and think we will be doing so tonight. She did not think this is enough though- she wants to go see them and be involved one on one. I praise God for her servants heart!

Kelly said...

Kathryn -
LOVE your daughter. I pray Harper is EXACTLY like her!!!!!

Sherrie said...

Beautiful video Kelly. Thank you for sharing your trip all last week. My heart smiles watching and hearing it all. I can only imagine how your heart feels being there, meeting Daniela, the moms and babies; your face glowed with His light and love in every picture and video. Compassion is a blessing!

TAFTY5 said...

Hi Kelly!
Im coming out of hiding to send you this....
I tried to find your email address, but for some reason couldn't find it.
I have been reading your blog since before Harper was born. You have a darling family! BUT that's not why Im writing.......
Today my family sponsored a child! Whoot! Whoot! ;0)
Through your blog I had also been reading Whittaker Woman. I had no intention of sponsoring a child, but clicked on a picture of a boy who needed a sponsor. His name is Denis and shares a Birthday with my daughter and middle name with my youngest. It was meant to be!
My kids are at school right now, but I can hardly wait to pick them up and tell them!
Thank you for all you have done for these children!

Hannah said...

This past summer i got to go on a mission trip to a small village in Mexico with my church's senior high trip, as i had just finished my sophomore year in high school. It was such an amazing experience. We didn't get to go inside the houses, but i'm sure they were not much different than the ones you saw...there were stray dogs every where, small tiny houses that we would consider sheds or huts and it was such a special trip. We did VBS with the kids, and i went to a spanish immersion elementary school, so i did a lot of translating. It was a trip i'm never going to forget, and am praying i can go back and bring my parents and sister along next time. Your post reminded me so much of what i have missed about my trip. I'm so glad God opened that door for you. =)

Donna said...

Kelly, once again, tears and no words.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

The4Rs said...

I just stumbled onto your site, through Compassion. Our "adopted" child is in Guatemala, but my hubby and I were Peace Corps volunteers in 1978-1979 in El Sal. It was a difficult time, civil war kept us from fully doing our jobs. I hope I can return there some day, and pass through Guatemala to visit our kid too. God bless you for sharing this, I will write ours tonight...
I have a blog, stop by

Kathryn said...

Yeah, we did it! My daughter who wants to be a missionary just helped me pick out a 3 year old girl from El Salvador to sponsor. We picked her and then I sent Keagan to bed. I just went up to tell her we "adopted" Dayana and she said "You adopted her just as I was praying for her!" Now how often do you think she is going to ask me to go to El Salvador!?!

Kim said...

Lotsa tears watching that Kelly -- makes me think you must have done a ton of crying if I'm crying from Minnesota when I didn't even go on the trip :)! I think a piece of your heart will forever be with those kids and moms in El awesome that we have brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. You will go back!

Amy said...

How beautiful! Thanks for opening so many peoples eyes to this program. I was watching the video with my two-year-old daughter and she said "that look fun!". She's right!

Krista said...

Kelly, your El Salvador video is beautiful. But I'm really commenting on your next post (I didn't want to leave a comment there to get mixed in with the t-shirt contest).

I just HAD to comment on the way Scott is looking at Harper in the photo where she is playing with the tupperware!! Look at his face! His eyes tell it all. It melts my heart. :)

Marlene said...

We are going to Guatemala in 2 weeks! Want to come??? I love this post and the music. Who is the music by? Have a great day Kelly. Don't be sad. Your post inspires other to want to want to help.

Sara said...

Hi Kelly! Thanks for opening my eyes and my heart to the needs of people in other countries. This is something I've thought about for years, but had never taken the leap. After reading your posts from El Salvador, my husband and I decided to sponsor a little boy!Thank you for inspiring me to do so. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving. We all have SO much to be thankful for!

Hgrace said...

Hey Kelly! I've been a long-time reader/sometime commentor :) Just wanted to tell you how much your Compassion trip blessed and convicted and humbled me, and my husband and I are now sponsoring a little girl from El Salvador :) Thank you for being Jesus' hands and feet and helping us to do the same alongside you through your blog. God bless you guys, and thank you again for documenting such a wonderful and miraculous trip so that we could learn and see too!

~Hannah in CA

Unknown said...

Kelly, thanks so much for the motivation I needed to start sponsoring a child. We decided to stop Christmas shopping (I've already done some) and use our money to sponsor a teenage boy from Haiti. We chose Haiti because my husband has gone on a missions trip there, and our church has several missionaries in Haiti. We are so excited to be involved in the Compassion ministry.