Friday, November 13, 2009

Watch Out David Beckham

My posts have been serious this week but we have had a lot of fun also. I had to share this video that Patricia made. It cracks me up! We helped with field day with our kids today and it was a BLAST!

Be sure and scroll down and read my next post!

We are headed back home today! I'm excited and changed forever!

And please read this post by Shaun.


Anonymous said...

that's great! love the cheerleading moves!

Kelley said...

That is so fun!!! I love the cheerleader kick!! Looks like you've done that before! I don't think I could get my feet that high :) Praying for your safe return.

Anonymous said...

Yall are cracking me up!!! I just knew no trip would be complete without Kelly doing a cheer...hehe. Now did you teach them to call those HOGS?

carissa said...

you had way too much fun!!! you will miss those kids forever! they are so beautiful! have a blast seeing your baby girl today.

jules said...

Looks like so much fun, safe journey home to you.

Melissa and Cas said...

I didn't know you had such cheerleading skills! Impresive! Safe travels home! I have written about your blogging about Compassion this week. We hope to be able to sponsor next year!

Kelley with Amy's Angels said...

I stop by now and again to see your blog and am thrilled that you got to be on this Compassion trip. I am sponsoring a child in India and just sent him another e-mail note to remind him how much he's loved!

And, like every other compassion trip I've read via the blog world, I've cried--at my computer--at work--when will I learn to read compassion stories AT HOME? : )

Kaylan said...

how wonderful!! :) Safe travels!! I can't wait to see your homecoming with your baby girl and hear more about your travels.

Julie Brooks said...

I have loved reading your post all week. My heart has been touched through your stories. We sponsor a Compassion child and all though we haven't met her we did get to meet a Compassion child this past summer. She spoke to our youth (my husband is the youth pastor) and explained how Compassion changed her life. It was very moving and I haven't been the same since. I hope to one day meet our Compassion Child. I'm so glad you had a great week! I know you are forever changed.

Summer said...

That's great!! Love the cheerleader moves! Looks like ya have done that before! :0)
Summer :0)

Miranda Tucci said...


Thomas and Jamie said...

GREAT video! Thanks for sharing that!

Rachel H. said...

Hope you have a safe flight! I know you are looking forward to seeing Harper!

Lauren said...

LOVE IT!!!!!!! :)

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Kelly, I sure have enjoyed reading about your trip. I just sponsored a little girl about 2 mos. ago & can't wait to see the progress & hear updates from her.

Nina said...

Kelly, it has been great and awe inspiring to read your posts during your trip. God is so grateful for you as we are all also. I hope my future trip to El Salvador is just as meaningful as yours.

Unknown said...

very very cute. I enjoyed watching this! so thankful you've had such a wonderful trip.

TRM said...

Safe travels to you and Scott!

We've Got Scents said...

Thanks so much for sharing. Praying for your entire Compassion team to have a safe trip home.
Matthew 21:22

Megan said...

Love this!

Audrea said...

I so enjoyed reading about your trip. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. It has truly touched my heart and made me stop and thank God for all that I have. I will continue to pray for these families! Have a safe trip home!

Lisa said...

Nice hurkey, Kelly! You've still got it, girl! Thanks for sharing with us this week. I'm overwhelmed by reading what you've experienced and so grateful for your witness for these children. Seeing you get to meet Daniela was so beautiful! We're changed with you, through your eyes and testimony. Safe travels back and I'm sure Harper won't move from your arms this weekend!!

Elizabeth Hopper said...

You guys are awesome! And thanks to you all, those children will remember this past week for the rest of their lives! Congrats on such a great herkey too, btw! :) Can't wait to hear about you and Harper reuniting!

Unknown said...

That was HILARIOUS! I haven't posted in quite some time, but I'm here and I'm still reading your blog regularly...I just don't get time to post often. :) Thanks for sharing harper with us...and this week for sharing El Salvador - what a blessing you are to Daniela and I pray that one day my family can sponsor a child. Have a great rest of the trip and safe return trip!

Connie said...

What an awesome day! Praying for your safe travel home!

Jacquie said...

I am CRACKING UP at you! You still have your old cheerleading moves! Ha! (It's harder now, isn't it?)

Praying for y'all as you travel home today.

Krystal said...

Love that video, especially your sweet cheerleading skills :)

I have loved reading about your time in El Salvador. It brings back so many memories and makes me want to hop a a plane right now and go play and love on those sweet children. Thanks for sharing your heart with us this week!


Traci said...

Hilarious! Getting older is a trip isn't it? We just can't hurkey like we used to. Have a great trip back- can't wait to see our favorite Arkansas baby again!

Hannah said...

Great video. Love the herke (not sure how to spell that). Also not sure I'd even be able to get my leg up that high anymore.

Trace Car Driver said...

love love love it! what a great way to show others what christ's love it all about. how awesome that you and scott have gotten to be a part of this trip together, and knowing that harper is in GREAT hands back in the US. thanks for making me cry when i watched the video of you meeting daniela. too precious! and speaking of crying, your mom is awesome. i cried when i read her last post and watched that video of harper. you are such a blessed woman with an awesome family of god!

ps- i sponser a little girl from claudia and your posts have convicted me that i need to pray for her more. even though i haven't met her, i can still pray for her family.

i love your blog kelly. you are the cutest little thing!! an inspiration to all!

southern love and prayers from alabama!

jamie @

Courtney said...

Oh Kelly! The herkie made my day!!! God bless you!

TheFancyFritter said...

Oh my goodness!! HOW FUN!! It looks like ya'll had a blast! Have a safe trip home & great Herkie(sp?)jump by the way! LOL

Erika said...

hilarious!!! i am so glad that your trip was so life changing and amazing. i have so enjoyed reading about your travels with Compassion.

Kelley said...

That was precious! I loved watching. Glad you had such a wonderful trip.

Love Being A Nonny said...

The herkie was fabulous!

Jennifer said...

I have been reading your blog since Harper's birth (I had a baby boy about the same time). I am so encouraged by your trip. This seems like such an awesome ministry.

This is a bit off the topic and maybe I should not post it here, but I could not find an email address to contact you with. Anyway, I participate in something called Foto-Friday, where we post pictures that go with a weekly theme. Anyway, there is usually only 12 or so people who participate. This week there was a post that someone linked that seemed really odd to me because it featured several pictures that looked like your daughter. I had to double check before I wrote this and sure enough the pictures are from posts you made in June.

The baby is called Lauren in the post and in all previous posts the baby looks like theirs until this week. Anyway just wanted to let you know. The blog address is

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

Praying for safe travels! The video was pretty entertaining--looks like all involved had some fun.

Keely said...

All the posts are so touching. What servants you and Scott are. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I am praying for you both to have a safe trip home. I know little Harper will be so excited to see you both home!

Deidre said...

What fun! I have loved reading all week about your time with Compassion. It's such a great and meaningful organization!

RMSLIL said...

I was scrolling down looking for your post you refer to in today's entry when I saw the long comment about the other blog with Harper's pictures. I looked at it and it just sent chills down my body. I am so sorry this has happened to you and your family. I will pray nothing more comes of it and that the blog is deleted. WOW! Praying for your safety.

Sonya said...

Fun and hilarious all at the same time!

Jess said...

I think it's a wonderful thing to help those less fortunate than yourself. Especially moms and babies. I get the impression that Compassion wants to shove religon down their throats in exchange for giving these poor people some money and food. I don't think that is fair. Why should they have to be YOUR religon in order to get some food in their kids' bellies? How would you feel if you were forced to be a different religon in order feed Harper each day?
Just give from your hearts, without forcing the religon choice on these people. That would be the honorable thing to do.

I have a feeling as much as you say you were changed this week, you are probably so relieved that you are flying back to your nice home, and baby girl with closets full of monogrammed expensive clothing. I would be ashamed to be so into buying such fancy clothing for my child after witnessing such poverty! How can you even enjoy that anymore?
Do you really think your one time gift of a little backpack of "goodies" will make a dent in changing this Daniela's life?

I bet you are secretly happy that you get to go back to your manicures, girl night outs, and lunches out, and spa days. This must have been the worst week in your life to actually have to see others less fortunate than you for the first time in your life.

Jess said...

you said in one of your previous posts, that you came across a beautiful girl, and because she was so beautiful you would have adopted her to be Harper's big sister in a heartbeat but she already has a family.

Why not adopt another child who IS available and in need of a home? Why does it only have to be the most beautiful one? That is shameful.

Anonymous said...

That video was great I Laughed out Loud but I couldn't pull off that Hurkey...I would of totally peed my pants!!!

And to Nicole the commenter above me I mean really was all that necessary if you don't agree don't read it's really that easy!!

Donna said...

Boo to Nicole!! Now that that is over...
Hi Kelly ! So Glad you are coming home and had a wonderful trip. I know Harper will be so glad to see you. What stories you will have to share with her. Did you teach the kids to call the Hogs? Great cheerleading moves, you still got it! Have a great reunion with your family.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Maddy said...

Love the cheerleading moves!

Kim said...

Hey Kelly,

Don't let the downers get you down. That's not how the rest of us feel and certainly not how we see you.

One thing I was thinking as I read your post about the moms in El Salvador is the perspective you have. You are always aware of how your words and actions might be making someone else feel. This comes out in your posts about infertility, about being single, and basically all the time :) I see your heart for the underdog as an incredible spiritual gift.

Thanks for blessing so many this week.


Anna said...

I have so enjoyed reading about your adventure in El Salvador! What an awesome experience that God allowed you and Scott to be a part of.
DO NOT let the negative commenters get you down! Your readers love you, your family, and your blog! You have been such a source of Christian encourgament to me as a woman and a wife. Keep seeking HIM! You are so great :).


ReminisceHeirlooms said...

You are just a gem!!!