We left scott's family today and are headed home to unpack and repack to go see my family!

Harper is having a great time! She has learned two new words this week: "uh oh" and "thank you". Good timing, huh?
I'm so thankful for two sets of grandparents who are just crazy about Harper. I'm so thankful my family is healthy. I'm thankful for my husband and daughter (soooooooo thankful). I'm thankful Scott has a job and we have a home and plenty to eat. I'm thankful for friends and a church family.
But most of all, this year - I'm actually very thankful for the hard years of singleness, for the horrible pain of infertility, for the horror of almost losing a child and for the chance to stare REAL poverty in the face. Because all of things have opened my heart to love and be burdened for others. It has given me the bravery not to just look away (or down) when someone is hurting but to hold their hand and cry with them. It has made me say "I'll pray for you" and then actually do it. And it has made me closer to my wonderful Saviour than I ever dreamed I could be!
Kelly - Just wanted to let you know that my husband and I decided to sponsor a precious little boy this week. Thanks so much for sharing your experience with Compassion. We are so thrilled to be able to do this for him. Hope you and your family have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Precious picture of Harper!! When do we get a video of her "talking" with her extensive vocabulary? Isn't it wonderful, every little word is so precious. Have a wonderful time with your family this Thanksgiving. You have a lot to be thanful for, Harper is truly a gift from God. Did Scott shoot Bambi on his hunting trip? I sure hope not. Enjoy the week end.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Look at that sweet face! I love when they start saying "uh-oh". She will probably say it every time something drops, spills, falls and doesn't work quite right. I love it:)
Have safe travels and a wonderful visit with your parents. We are headed out tomorrow to Gammy's house.
Hey Kelly ... wondering if you might be willing to spread the word about an 11 year old girl trying to raise 20K by Thanksgiving to fund the adoption of a girl in Eastern Europe with Down syndrome? Her parents agreed to adopt the child if she really thought she could raise the money, so she is trying. She is over 10K so far ... here is the post on my blog ... feel free to plagerize. :)
I totally agree with everything you wrote. Our experiences aren't just for us...God uses them to give us a deep love and compassion for His people. Happy Thanksgiving, Kelly! We have SOOOOO much to be thankful for this year!
I never thought I would be grateful for my struggle with infertility, but I am. I am a better person and will be a better mother because of it. It has strengthened and solidified my marriage. I look forward to the day we have a child, but in the meantime, I am grateful for this faith building opportunity.
Thanks so much for that reminder. I think we forget that the hard times are when we so often come to know the Lord for who he really is. It's hard to be thankful for these things when you are "in the middle of the storm," but it's such a reminder that there is light at the end of the tunnel and sometimes it's just not all about me.
That baby is just too cute! Made me laugh to see her so happy.
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a beautiful post! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hugs to Harper!
So well said Kelly... Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for sharing your life with all of us!
Wow, it's very hard to be thankful for the "bad" things in life. But It is amazing to look back and see how God has provided. You have an amazing testimony and are such an encouragement to others! :)
Have a great thanksgiving!
Thank you for the sweet reminder that we can't truly know joy if we have never known sorrow. Believe it or not I actually suffered with infertility for a time and I know God was smiling at me as He knew He would bless me with my 6 boys and little girl. Happy Thanksgiving to the whole Stamps family! ~Becky
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a precious picture of Harper! Thanks for sharing what you are thankful for! Safe travels wished your way and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Summer :0)
Super sweet picture of Harper! Just want to remind you her chest clip should be about an inch higher - even with her armpits!
What great thoughts Kelly. I've enjoyed reading about your journey in life and your walk with God. You are a blessing to those who you've never met and I appreciate your genuine, kind, big and beautiful heart. (o: Happy Thanksgiving!
Love your post! It is amazing how our struggles can make us so thankful. I hope you and yours have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Thank you Kelly! A lot of people SAY they're praying for you, but I truly believe it with you :)
Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm right there with ya, girl! So thankful and blessed :)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your family!
Great post! Happy Thanksgiving!
Very well said, Kelly and just as the Lord would want us to be - thankful for our trials.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Love you, Kelly!! What a year you've had!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Very awesome!! You're an inspiration, no matter what you think, and I thank you for that!!!
Harper is so precious I just wanna kiss and love on those sweet little cheeks of hers!!
P.S - Have you read Angie's blog today?! Amazing post!!! Gave me goosebumps!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for encouraging and sharing God's Love with all of us who follow you on here!
Well said...You took the words right out of my mouth! Hope your beautiful family has a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! You are so right- being thankful for the hard times does open your heart. Thankful for you!
So beautiful. God bless!
well said :)
Amen...and that is one of the best pics of Harper YET (and that's saying something!) :)
Happy Thanksgiving...I'm thankful for you!
Sarah Moseley
Love you!!! Happy Thanksgiving to the precious Stamps fam!
What a beautiful and heart felt post Kelly. Though every post of yours brings inspiration to me, this one really gets me!
Bless you for being you!
it's s true. you don't actually develop an appreciation for all the good things in your life until you go through hard times. i can relate big time, and i'm very thankful i had my family to stand by me when everybody else chose to walk away.
hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday!
I think that sometimes the phrase "I'll pray for you" does get overused and people (myself included!) don't actually follow through. I really have been trying harder to do that! And then actually calling/checking in and seeing how things are going. Hope you continue to have a happy thanksgiving!
Wow, so awesome! You do have a lot to be thankful for, as do I! Thank you for your transparency and for sharing what the Lord has done for you and in you! Isn't He so amazing-- He can turn the most painful times of our lives into places of beauty and grace! Blessings to you! Keep on doin' what you're doin'!
I put myself once again on your prayer blog because I had found a Godly man and he all of the sudden decided to not be with me anymore so I am asking for prayers for another Godly man in God's time, so I am incredibly thankful to you for the prayer blog because I have had an immense amount of peace and I know it is from so many people praying for me. Thank you!
"But most of all, this year - I'm actually very thankful for the hard years of singleness... and for the chance to stare REAL poverty in the face."
This is such a wonderful post, especially this sentence. I know just what you mean (save the infertility part) -- http://tearinguphouses.blogspot.com/search/label/m%20chronicles
p.s. That is the custest picture!
Wonderful and heartfelt post Kelly!
Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Happy Thanksgiving Kelly to you and your family!
Wonderful post...no matter how hard things are, we are all so blessed and should be so thankful! Happy Thanksgiving!
You do have so much to be thankful for! It is encouraging to read that you are thankful for the hard years of singleness, because I am hoping I can reach that place too. :) Happy Thanksgiving!
You are unbelievably kind and inspirational. I love that you are thankful for things that many would just spend time complaining about and dwelling on. Your optimism and caring heart is contagious! SO thank you!
Well said Kelly. Sometimes it takes looking at what others don't have to realize what we do have and what we should always be thankful for. I am experiencing some of that myself this week/month/year.
Harper is adorable and I am sure hearing her lil voice just makes your day!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Amen and Amen!!! No matter what we are going through or have been through...I humbly say "thank you" because He loves me so much and He and I can do anything together!
Gobble Gobble! You are loved! I am thankful for you!
My 10 month old learned "Uh oh" and "Yuck" - but I think you need to get a video of Harper saying "Thank You", because I bet that is adorable!!
Wow - what an amazing testimony!
Thank you!
What a wonderful perspective!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Kelly, great post!!
Love you guys! ;)
First, I really love reading your blog! Your recent trip really got to me. I feel a tug each time I read about a mission trip such as the one you went on and I feel that God fully intends to send me too, one day.
Second, I love the bows and hats taht your daughter wears in all the pictures! I would love for you to read the story of Olivia at www.tadababyboutiques.com.
Happy Thanksgiving!
That was such a sweet post. We all have something to be thankful for. Even if we think something is not perfect in our lives there are people out there with much worse situations.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Amen!! Beautifully said!
What a beutiful,joyful picture!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Amen to that!
We all have something to be thankful for.
Harper is sooooo cute!
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's always in the still moments where we feel God has left us that He's closer than ever before.
I'm extra thankful for all those moments.
And I'm thankful for your blog, Kelly. I've been a faithful follower, and my college roomie (and best friend)and I talk about how we get these blog blocks all the time. We both admire your blog posts nonetheless :)
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your sweet family! ~Ashley
Well put Kelly! I share many of the sentiments you voiced. Thank you!
Sometimes we forget to appreciate our blessings until we remember when we did not have them. Great post!
Precious picture of Harper....and precious words of thanks you've shared. May you and yours have a safe and wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
Just wanted to wish you the happiest of Thanksgivings! I don't comment often, but read your blog everyday, and I just wanted you to know that you're an inspiration and a beautiful example of a godly woman. Thank you!
I have been following your blogg for a while and i am in love with your little Harper!! I love the joy you feel in Motherhood as not all women feel the great blessing this is. I hve 3 children and my youngest just turned 18. I have been married to a wonderful man for almost 24 years and The highlight of my life has been being a mother, a stay at home mother. It fills my heart with gratitude when I read about your joy and dedication to little Harper. Always enjoy and take time, they grow up so fast. God bless, he lives!!
Great post, Kelly. Reading your post makes me think about why SCC calls it "The Great Adventure".
We have much to be thankful for... and it has been a blessing to me to be able to stay in touch with you and your family as you live daily for the Lord!
You are so sweet!
I hope Harper's first Thanksgiving is wonderful!
what a beautiful post. happy thanksgiving to your beautiful family!!!
Today's is the most precious picture of Harper! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
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