Today is Show us your life Thanksgiving Recipes and Traditions!
I am SOOOOOOOOOO late getting this up - I apologize!
We have the traditional Turkey at our house. My mom usually makes cornbread dressing, green bean casserole and potato casserole. We have the relish dish - with pickles and olives - do ya'll have that? It was always my brother and I's favorite thing! And pumpkin and pecan pies! Yum!
This is the potato casserole we always have:
Hashbrown Casserole
1 package frozen hashbrown casseroles
1 8 oz container sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cups cheddar cheese
1 package frozen hashbrown casseroles
1 8 oz container sour cream
1 can cream of chicken soup
2 cups cheddar cheese
1 stick butter melted
Combine 1st 4 ingredients and put in a 9 x12 baking dish. Top with cornflakes and melted butter. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.
I look forward to seeing any unique recipes you might have or anyone that might stray from the normal turkey!!!!

Hashbrown casserole is one of our favorites too! We use crumbled Ritz crackers that have been drenched in butter as the topping! Yummy!
That hashbrown casserole - or as I call it, cheesy potatoes! - is my VERY favorite!! :)
Yes, we also have a relish dish, although I think it may be just a Southern thing!
Not just a Southern thing. We have it her in Michigan too! It's a family favorite and has been for many years. I make this for Christmas Eve every year. We even had it last week just for the heck of it. Mmmmmm, Good!
This is one of my all time favorite recipes! I take to it every pot-luck occasion and am always asked for the recipe. Yummy, yummy!
Corn Pudding is my favorite... here's the recipe:
Corn pudding
6 ears of sweet corn, cut off cob
½ cup butter, melted
6 eggs
4 Tbsp. flour
3 ½ cups whole milk
3/4 cup sugar
Preheat oven to 350. Blend eggs well. Add flour and sugar, and blend well. Add milk and blend. Mix in corn and butter. Pour in casserole dish sprayed with Pam. Bake at 350 for about 45 minutes. When pudding is done, the center should be solid and the top should have a nice golden brown color. Let rest for 15 minutes. Serve warm.
I adore this one as well...
1 1/2 cups milk
1 1/2 cups Waverly Cracker crumbs
3 T. flour
3/4 cup slivered almonds, toasted
1 tsp. salt
2 lbs. fresh asparagus
8 T. butter
1 jar Kraft Old English Cheese
Cheese Sauce
In a saucepan, melt 4 T. butter over medium heat. Stir in flour and salt to make a paste. Add milk and cook until thickened. Add jar of Old English Cheese and stir until completely melted. Set aside.
Crush crackers and add 4 T. melted butter to cracker mixture. Spread layer of cracker crumbs on bottom of 9x13 pan (sprayed with Pam). Place raw asparagus on top of cracker layer. Sprinkle almonds over asparagus. Pour cheese mixture over top. Sprinkle remaining crackers on top. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes or bubbly.
Last, but not least...
(Oaxaca Mexican Restaurant)
1 TBL EVOO (original recipe called for 2 oz butter)
1 cup onion, diced
3 cloves garlic, crushed
3 shallots, chopped
½ bunch green onions, diced
½ tsp. cumin
½ tsp. oregano
½ tsp. hot chili powder
½ tsp. cayenne pepper
½ tsp. tomato paste
4 cups chicken broth
cilantro, finely chopped (save some for topping)
1 lb. pumpkin or winter squash(or use canned pumpkin)
In soup pan, sauté onion, green onions, and spices in butter. Add chicken stock, squash (peeled, seeded and chopped), cilantro and tomato paste. Cook until squash is soft. While still warm, puree in blender or food processor. Add ¼ cup milk. Top with sour cream and fresh cilantro.(Add Chicken if you want to after blending)
**If you want to add creaminess then add some fat-free evaporated milk at the end.
Haha! We do the relish dish as well! Everyone thinks we are crazy for this! Glad to know another family does the same. :)
Up here in Wisconsin, we call that "Cheesy Potatoes" of couse everything that comes out of WI has cheese in it!! It's sooo good. My favortie dish!
so I made an oopsie and entered twice...sorry! I forgot to link it to you-my fault...but now it's fixed!
We had the relish tray as well-still do actually and its our favorite thing too!! We have pickled okra on ours and its my favorite!!! Have an AMZAING trip and I cant wait to read your posts while you are there!!!
I love Hashbrown Casserole! It's not only a Thanksgiving tradition, but we like to have it for Christmas too! Loving all the recipes!
Oh how neat! I had no idea someone was already hosting a recipe swap! I am hosting one on Nov. 13 if you would like to join in on that one as well I would love to have you!
I love Hashbrown Casserole! So good!! :)
We have something called Green Bean Bundles instead of the Green Bean Casserole and I always look forward to them!
Did that Hashbrown Casserole originate in Arkansas?? ;) Cause my sweet Grandma who lives there makes this and it's a fave of mine!! Thanks for reminding me about it!
Thanks for sharing this recipe Kelly. It sounds very good.
We love the relish dish in Iowa too!!!!! Mmmmm Sweet pickles
Hi Kelly,
We ALWAYS have the little sweet pickles and olive dish as well, and a little dish of those colorful pastel after dinner mints in California..... I love the holidays!
Have a fun weekend!
Hi Kelly, I have been in NC for the annual family trek to the mts. and did not know you and Harper were sick. Heavens!! Swine flu! My Grandson had it too. Nasty stuff. Glad you and the Sweetheart are on the mend. I know you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off getting ready for your trip. Can't wait to read your blog about it. Take care while you and Scott are gone. I know your Mother and Daddy are going to love keeping Harper.
While I was in NC I bought Arkansas Black apples. Seems that the growing conditions are about the same. Good Stuff.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Relish tray here too.
My Nanny always includes a relish tray in the spread. I have to fight my younger cousin for the leftover pickles!
That's the exact recipe my mom makes too! If she didn't make it every Thanksgiving I am pretty sure Jill and I would cry. It is seriously my VERY favorite dish from the holidays. I also love it when my mom makes it with a big meal on Sundays. YUMMY!!!
I'm a Virginia gal ...we do the relish dish too :-) If you come across a good/easy stewed tomato recipe - please share!!!
To me it's not Thanksgiving if there aren't Deviled Eggs...we'll my husband's aunt called them Angel Eggs.
We live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and our menu is nearly exactly like yours....the hashbrown potato casserole has been a staple around here for years, plus green bean casserole.....and the relish dish!
The hashbrown casserole sounds wonderful!!
Hashbrown casserole is the best!
Kelly - Do you think Hashbrown Casserole would taste good with cheddar cheese soup instead of chicken soup? I'm thinking it may be a good addition to our family's Christmas morning breakfast.
Instead of putting cornflakes on top, we put crushed Cheese Its! Yummy!!!
I'm from Nebraska (in Colorado now) and the relish plate is a staple at Thanksgiving dinner...and just about any other major holiday. My mom adds her homecanned pickled okra and cinnamon pickles. I also love pickled baby corn. The plate definately has to have olives (black and green) celery with peanut butter or pimento spread.
We make the hashbrown casserole too. I've used potato chips in place of corn flakes and it's good too. Green bean casserole is also one of my faves.
Okay...enough about food. I'm starving! LOL!
Great sounding recipe, thanks for sharing and thanks so much for hosting this great recipe exchange!
Praying for you as you prepare for your Compassion trip.
Blessings this weekend and always,
Matthew 21:22
We call this "fatning cheesey potato casserole"
It's not on our thanksgiving dinner table but Christmas would not be complete without it.
Oh, yummers! This sounds divine! But this blog carnival cannot be good for my waistline...
Kelly- in your recipe, you stated you need 1 package of "hashbrown casserole". Do we use shredded hashbrown potatoes or the potatoes that are cut into squares?
We always have the exact same thing! Hashbrown casserole, green bean casserole, and a relish tray! Funny! I never went to anyone else's house that had a relish tray....thought my family was the weird one. :) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I LOVE hash brown casserole! It's a must when we eat ham too.
I posted my yeast roll recipe. Thanksgiving is not complete unless you have homemade yeast rolls. This recipe is wonderful and you can make it ahead and freeze it. With how busy I am with other Thanksgiving food preparations I don't have time to mess with making bread from scratch on the same day!
Looking forward to looking at everyone's recipes :-)
Hey tried to put this in the prayer request but it wouldn't let me! Please visit this site. He is from Northwest Arkansas and goes to my church.
After losing my mother last year I have tried my best to go through all the cookbook I inhereted from her to find the classic Thanksgiving recipes she did SO well. Nothing will ever taste as good as your own mother's Thanksgiving meals. Sadly, I don't think she ever wrote any of her classic recipes down. I did ask her for one in particular that I will add to your link list, it was baked corn. All my ex-boyfriends over the years loved it (wow that sounds like I had a lot of boyfriends, I didn't, haha). I wanted to make something to bring to my current boyfriend's Thanksgiving 5 years ago (my first one with his family). His mom always makes creamed corn, and I have to say both corn dishes were a hit). I love this time of year. It's rough not having my mother but, through the power of the kitchen she will always be with me, filling my heart and spirit with love and my belly with her great traditional food! ox
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hashbrown casserole, but what I've started using instead of sour cream in a container of French Onion Dip...yum!!! My hubby hates FOD, but he loves the casserole with it :o)
Kelly, I don't know where to email you at and wanted to share w/ you this little idea for when your sweet parents are spoiling your little one next week, Harper might find it tough on the change and miss her momma and dada so you could put a shirt you've worn all day in a ziplock bag and one from Scott in another (or, if your laundry is all caught up, try your pillow cases) it might help calm her if nothing else works, of course have them take it out of the zippered bag and keep it in the bag when not being used. I heard of doing this when a loved one passes on, why not when a loved one is away. Sorry so long of a comment.
We are a military family, so each year we are usually entertaining a different set of friends who are far from their family. To document all the friends who have shared this meal of thanks with us, we write what we are thankful for on our white table cloth each year. It's turned out to be one of our treasures!
Hi Madam, had a good time on your blog. Your family is cute and sweet. I felt, smile is the essence of your family life and you are making all efforts to bring smile on your site visitor's face also . Keep it up and may God bless you all.
We always have a relish tray too! I think people are weird if they think a relish tray is weird! :) We include celery with squirt cheese, black olives, pickled okra, bread and butter pickles and dill pickle spears. Yumm!
To the commenter asking about shredded potatoes or chunky squares, either one works! :)
Will definitely be trying this one! Looks easy, which is what I'm all about! :)
I had so much fun going through all of these recipes :)
We do that very same hashbrown recipe at our house for many holidays - usually with ham for Christmas and Easter! YUM!
Oh My Gosh...that is one of my favorite dishes to make....we call is Righteous Potatoes! Sam's sells a frozen Hashbrown Casserole that is DELICIOUS!!!!
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