Hey - it's Harper. I thought I would take over Momma's blog and tell you about our weekend. My Nonny and Poppa came on Thursday. They took me to a concert and I REALLY liked it. I watched the lights and listened to the music. Friday they came back and we went to lunch and to my favorite place - Target. It was a cold, rainy day but we had a lot of fun.
Friday night they babysat me and my parents went out for a date. I don't understand why they would want to go anywhere without me. They couldn't have any fun without me. I wonder what my mom did during dinner when she wasn't constantly needing to feed me puffs and baby food and bananas? Do you think she ate her own dinner? Mom said they ate Mexican - that's her favorite. She said they also met some nice blog friends in town for the ball game.
Because I was being extra good - mom and dad went to Barnes and Noble after dinner and Mom got a red velvet cupcake that she said was worth every last calorie and a Caramel Apple Spice. She sat in the quiet and looked at a few magazines. I don't understand why she never has time to read anymore???

That is too funny about the pacis! You know at Walmart they have microwave sterilizer bags? They are by munchkin & they are fabulous! You put some water in the bag & whatever you want to sterilize- then pop it in the microwave for 90 seconds! They save my life! :)
Yay Harper, great blogging!
That paci pic is hilarious!
Oh dear heavens, the paci thing is like stuff I do! I had apples and cinnamon in a pot on the stove (to make the house smell good) and forgot about it and woke to burnt smell all through the house. Not only did my house stink forever, I ruined one of my favorite stewers!
Thats right! Saturday is going to be a good game! Are you coming to the game? If so I would like to meet you! I will be there! Go Gators oh and that old Timmy Tebow sure is cute!
Thank you for being kind to us Auburn fans...y'all beat us BAD. Very embarrassing for the Tigers...but we NEVER seem to play well against the Razorbacks. I saw the paci picture before I read and couldn't figure out what in the world it was! Pretty funny! Good luck at the swamp!
So funny! Ha! The paci experience totally looks like something I would do! And, we also have to play Florida in a couple of weeks - scary!
The paci indcident is hysterical! The Starbucks looks so yummy!
I'm telling you, that girl has got some of the best facial expressions!!! She is just so stinking adorable in the litle pink tutu!!
I got to go to the game yesterday with Courtney and Hillary (well sat with Courtney because their mom and dad couldn't make it up to the game) and it was soooo much fun and only my second Razorback game and I just thought about you the whole time and how I just knew you were cheering your heart out at home because our boys were doing SO good!!!
And the paci story is just too funny!!
oh my gosh!! The pacifiers are hilarious! You should frame that and put it in her room or something... what cool art! :)
Oh my that red velvet cupcake looks yummy. I think I may need to go to Barnes and Noble for the afternoon! Looks like Harper had a great weekend!
As a fan of the Crimson Tide, I want to congratulate you and the Arkansas Razorbacks on your big win over the other team in Sweet Home Alabama! Go Hogs!
Hope you and Harper have another great week! Blessings!
Goooo gators!!!!!!! Ha
Oh Kelly--that is TOO funny about Harper's minis! (Since nothing was seriously harmed!) I only ever threw Paxton's in the dishwasher b/c I KNOW I would have had that same blob, LOL!
Love the paci pic...so funny!
She is sooo cute! And the melted pacis look like a work of art.
I love the pacis!!! That is one of those "trying to be helpful but backfired" (no pun intended) moments! Bless your mom - she probably felt so bad! Can you PLEASE send me an e-mail with your contact info - I have something I want to mail Harper but I don't know where to send it to!
or via my blog at
Kelly she is so beautiful! And getting so big. She has such spirit in her eyes! And she's such a good blogger!
Harper's tears in the last photo could melt any heart! Love the picture of the melted pacis, too.
her poor melted pacies! that is too funny! and WOOOOOOO PIG!!!
Love the weekend wrap up! I really love the melted pacis! That made me giggle a little bit! Glad you had a great weekend!
Oh no melted paci's!!! I've done that before in the sterilizer. I had a microwave one. It almost looks like ice cream melted with paci's in it!!!! haha As always, LOVE your blog!
I was thinking of you and your video with your cheer as I watched the Hogs yesterday. THEY WON!!! MY husband kept asking why I was cheering for them!? But...this week you will be the enemy. We are HUGE Gator fans...no matter how bad we beat the Hogs...Can we still be friends?? :) I mean, anyone who thinks Tebow is cutie is a friend of mine!!
Oh...forgot to add that at first glance of the melted pacis...I thougth it was cake and icecream....wonder what is on my mind???
I had to comment about the paci incident - I did the same thing with all my pump parts the Friday before I went back to work on Monday! Luckily the customer service folks at Medela are awesome and overnighted me new parts!!! Seriously, I thought I was the only one who'd done something like that :-)
Sounds like y'all had a wonderful weekend!
The microwave sterilizer bags by medela are good too. They seem expensive, but you reuse them quite a few times. They don't take up a bunch of room in the kitchen, and at the end you aren't stuck with a big microwave dome-thing to store (none of them would even fit in our microwave).
Cutest post ever!!! The picture of Harper in the "future cheerleader" shirt with that tutu is one of the cutest I've ever seen of her! I agree Harper, let's all still be friends after football season! Your Mommy is raising you to be a true lady!
Oh my word, that paci picture os priceless! What a fun post to read! Isn't mommy and daddy time wonderful?
Love the paci picture. We think Tebow is cute too Harper.
Oh no, those pacis!! I looked at that picture forever trying to figure out what it was before I read the explanation. It almost looked like ice cream with a bunch of pacis stuck in.
So sorry for your loss of pacis! I know they can be expensive!
That paci picture is hysterical, and it sure sounds like something I would do!!
Harper you are so right about Tim Tebow he is a doll!!
I was telling my husband yesterday all during the game "I bet Kelly is going crazy!" He couldn't figure out who you were until I said you know little Haper's mom. Enjoy your win!!
The melted pacifier art is AWESOME!!!! Lol!!! I thought that maybe you did it on purpose when I first saw the picture! I think that would be a neat way to "get rid" of the nuk! Melt them and make art out of them!!! A way to freeze just a few little memories of our kids being Babies!
All that being said.... my older two never took the nuk and my 9 month old just uses them to toss around and chew on! LOL!
LOL Always love the Harper posts. :)
Oh Harper, you are just TOO cute! and tell your mom I'm sure she is not the only one who has ever melted all the paci's together :)
I don't comment much, but I just have to tell you how much I love when you write from Haper's point of view. Those Razorback pictures are adorable (and very creative I might add)! She is absolutely adorable :)
Harper--don't worry--Tim Tebow is still single--!!! hee-hee-hee
I live here in Gainesville, Florida and those Gators sure are ready for some hog meat--
p.s. Kelly--love the blog--read every day, but don't often comment! Keep it up!!
LOVE that girl! And never say never - I was so excited last night after the game, that I thought maybe we'd have a shot at #1 next week!
Ohhh the melted pacifiers.
I hate that we have to play the Gators this week!!! I will always root for the Hogs, but I'm still pretty sure Timmy is going to marry me someday! So, I will have to watch us play with my heart divided! Ha! :)
I love the Crimson Tide like you love the Razorbacks...but yesterday I had my entire family cheering Whooooo pig sooie! We can all share in our dislike for Auburn. :)
I stopped by your blog to verify that you were still hosting your Friday "theme day".
In case you aren't sure why I would do that, please first go here: http://thehousethatlovebuilt.xanga.com/712911712/today--/
and then read this one:
I see that you still are, so I shall leave you on the lists :-D
Should you wish to contact me for any reason, feel free to do so via: pink bunnies (at) sbc global (dot) net
Cheryl B.
p.s. - the picture of the pink ballerina is so-o cute!!! Her opinion registered clearly!!!
OMGosh! That binky picture is hilarious!! So glad you caught it before the house burnt down!
Sweet, sweet baby girl!
You are almost convincing me to yell WHOOOOOO PIG, because of your cuteness!
Kelly, so FUNNY about the pacies! What a "mom" thing to do! I can't tell you how many times I've started something like that and walked off only to forget all about it. :D
I love your pink cheerleading outfit Harper! Glad your team won, Yay!!!!
at first glance I thought the melted paci's was some sort of creative candy thingy for a baby shower! Ha! Ha! I am such a dork....
Glad you and your hubby had a great date night! That cupcake looks yummo! How can ya eat all that stuff and stay so thin???? I just looked at it and gained 10 lbs! Ha! Ha!
Summer :0)
Thankful for a great weekend for all of your family and so thankful you were home to find where the 'scent' was coming from....oh my:(
Don't let little Miss Harper give up too soon on next weeks game. U of A looked fantastic against Auburn yesterday. Proud for all of the Hog fans!
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Medela makes the best steam bags for sterilization! You can put bottles, nipples, pacis, breast pump parts, etc... in them!
Total life saver!
That picture of the pacis is HYSTERICAL!! But, more importantly, I LOVE Harper's pink Hogs onesie!!!
Harper is so cute in her Razorback Cheerleader onsie and tutu! Gotta love the baby Razorback stuff!
If you want to sterilize your pacis, just pop them in the dishwasher. The water gets really hot and basically sterilizes everything really well. :-)
Hope the date night was fun...we are going out on one this weekend when we go to LR to see Grandparents. We are excited!
Oh, and GO HOGS!!!
It was so nice to meet you both on Friday! Glad to be called blog friends rather than crazies that stop you on your date night- ha! I love the cute pictures of Harper and check in regularly for your sweet updates. You are such a good Mom. We loved being up in your area for the game! Thanks for the sweet comment on our blog. Go Hogs! Elizabeth
I'd be crying to if The Horns had to play The Gators. But I agree Tim Tebow is too cute :)
Cute, Kelly! Glad ya'll beat Auburn, it's OK with us. :) And I had to laugh at the melted pacies. I just ruined my stovetop recently by leaving a pot on boiling. It actually cracked the glass top.
Those melted pacifiers are a work of art. Save that in the baby box for a good laugh.
Love when Harper blogs! ha :) GO HOGS!! As a fellow Alabama fan I was cheering loudly for the Hogs. They ran all over Auburn. It's a great weekend with Alabama wins and Auburn doesn't. :) ROLL TIDE!
I nearly spewed my coffee when I saw the paci's!! Oh Kelly, keep that, punch a hole in the top and hang it on your Christmas tree each year! (at one point, you're gonna have to get a "kid trimmin' tree" to hang all the "BEAUTIFUL TREASURES" that Harper makes on it. What a memory!! ; )
Harper is quite the little blogger! So sorry to hear about your paci's sweetie!!!
By all means, keep the paci art. You may just win a prize someday...Too cute. Tell Miss Harper, she did a good job blogging.
Beecher City, IL
Had to laugh over the paci incident, those melted pacis make quite the colorful picture. You should keep it and show it to Harper when she is older. The red velvet cupcake looks very yummy, can you believe I've never had red velvet anything?!!
Your Harper point of view blogs are too precious!!
Too Funny about the paci incident!!! I am so proud of are Hogs this weekend!!! I so dread next week when we play the Gators and in November when we play the LSU TIgers, I would love to beat them all!! But you are right, we will NEVER beat Florida and Tebow is really cute!! Have a great week!!!
Great post, Miss Harper! I have to say- your picture with your sweet smiley face and tutu has to be our favorite one-to date! You're beautiful! We sure enjoy watching you grow up on your blog.
amy (reese and riley too)
Such a cute post!
I was wondering what in the world I was looking at before I got to the explanation about the pacis! Oh no!
Tell your mommy to just throw those pacis in the dishwasher. By the time you have a little brother or sister, she will be doing good to wipe them off.
Harper you are too cute!! Isn't Barnes and Noble dates the best! There is nothing better than getting some starbucks and reading some magazines with the Hubs! Love it! =)
Hey Harper--thank you for wrapping up your weekend. I'm sorry you were sad in the last pic but even when you're crying you are SO CUTE!! Sorry about your pacis, but glad they were quickly replaced. :) I still remember the smell of when my Mama burned a Tupperware cup in our dishwasher--and that has been at least 25 years ago!! I'm glad your grandparents live so close that you can see them. I only got to see my grandparents once a year because they were in NY and TX and I was in OH. I actually stopped watching the Hogs game because it was too boring--congrats on your win! :) Hope you were a good girl in the nursery today--you know church is a good place and everyone there loves you. I know you're sad when Momma leaves, but one thing you need to remember about Mommas--THEY ALWAYS COME BACK. ALWAYS. :) You always make me smile. Love you! :)
That is so funny about Harper's pacis!!!! That is something I would've done!:) HA!
I'm glad you didn't burn the house down! I've put a pot of water on the stove to make sweet tea and walk off...you know what happened next. I remembered it once I smelled the pot burning after all the water had boiled out. Thank Goodness you didn't leave the house!
Love the paci picture!!
Sounds like a great weekend!!
This was the cutest post! I loved to paci photo...it looks like abstract art! Hope that you don't have the burned rubber smell anymore! LOL! Have a wonderful week Harper...and mama too! :)
The paci thing looks scary!!! You need one of those microwavable sterilizers....I love ours!
Melted pacis look like a MODERN PIECE of ART. I would keep it.
LOL! Harper I love your blogging and you are just too cute!!
Loved reading this post! I'm glad you had a great weekend! Harper is fast becoming a great blogger! :)
I can't believe what happened to the pacis...weird!
Take care! I hope you have a great week!
Oh no! The pacis...we have all done something like that before, haven't we???
She's a doll!
The melted pacis are hilarious! I like Harper's jammies, too!
I think this might be one of your best posts ever. Just too darling!
I truly LAUGHED OUT LOUD so hard when I saw those pacis. I stared at the picture trying to figure out what it was before reading down and I swear I could pee my pants :) Looks like yall had a great weekend
You should keep the melted pacis'!!! It looks like a modern art piece! Haha!
I was going to tell you about the bags that go in the microwave to strelize stuff but someone beat me to it! They are a life saver!
I was SOOO proud to be a HOGS fan on Saturday! Thanks for giving Auburn a good spanking! That's always fun to watch!
Have a good week Harper! You sure are cute in your pink tutu!
I laughed when I saw the melted pacifiers but I am sure glad you or no one else got hurt. Looks like you guys had a great weekend!
OH, Harper! Too bad about your pacis! Kinda looks like modern art. But your Mom is so nice to buy you more. My Dad went to the U. of Fla. so we are Gators at our house. So, my gator may eat your pig today. We'll see whose cryin' then. A little grandparent spoiling never hurt anybody.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Tebow sure is cute! Go Gators! < <
Seeing those paci's, I thought they were sitting in ice cream that was all melted down until I read it! HA!
The melted paci's take the cake.
This is such a cute post, Harper!
That sure was a funny post Harper! Good job!
Yeah, yall did beat us pretty good Saturday! It was hard to watch, not gonna lie! :(
I just finished looking at ALL 197 links for the Show Us Your Life Baby Gear and I want to say THANK YOU for doing that one! I am expecting my first child, a son Brennan Gage, any minute. I am taking it easy right now so I won't go into labor before the 16th and I have enjoyed looking through these posts and updating my baby gear list! Something else that I looked for on these posts were any custom made items for babies. So I thought it would be neat to do a Show Us Your Life: Favorite Websites/Online Stores/ Etsy Shops. Just a thought! Thanks again!
Oh my gosh!! I have never seen that happen to binkies!! haha! At least you were alreay on your way to target!!
I love the tutu pictures! Glad y'all had a great weekend!
I have been meaning to tell you how GREAT your bangs look. I love how they are *lighter*...not too heavy at all!!
The paci picture is TOO funny!!! Get the sterilizer for the microwave!!
I have TOTALLY done the exact same thing with my son's pacis!!! My husband thought I was insane because I tore through the house screaming that something was on fire. There is no small quite like that of burned rubber, is there? :)
I LOVE it when Harper blogs! :)
She is so cute in her tutu and razorbacks onesie!
Harper, you tell your momma, that this momma from the West Coast taught all three of her kids (5, 2, and 11 months) how to call a hog. They thought it was quite funny. Since, the Arkansas game was even on TV over here, we all got to call hogs together. Tell your momma, thanks for teaching us how! ;)
*smell, not "small". :)
those pacis are hilarious. i'm so glad you took a picture.
don't worry, you're in good company. i've almost burned the house down twice while boiling pacis. :o) oops!!!
As always, I love Harper's posts. The paci meltdown looks like a pretty collage. You could probably frame and sell it as art. The last picture of Harper is priceless! Good luck against Florida.
Lets sure hope the HOGGS BEAT FL
We tigers didnt have a chance
The pacis are hilarious! Sounds like something I would do!
Oh my goodness those pacis are hilarious. I showed my husband and he just laughed and laughed.
I'm a huge Auburn fan but your Hogs played way better than us and Harper is cute as ever in her Hog clothes!!!
Ahhhhhh! I was SURE that those pacifiers were some real abstract artwork that you got for Harper's room or something! Finally realized they were an "accident" after I read the text...
What a fun post! I can't believe those pacis melted like that! I've boiled them before and I thought they were made to be sanitized like that... That is too crazy! Have a good week!
The pacifier story is hilarious. I could see myself doing the exact same thing.
Oh my...the burnt pacis are hilarious. I was trying to figure out what in the world it was until I read about it!!
Glad you and Scott had a good night out!
ok so im a south Carolina fan, but the pink Arkansas stuff is SOO CUTE!!!! good luck against the gators, we face Alabama at Alabama this weekend :o( yikes.
Hey, Medela sells some sanatizing/sterilizing bags you use in the microwave. We used these when our little one was in the NICU. You pop them in the microwave for 90 seconds with 2 oz of water and they are done. =) Also, most dishwashers now have a sanitizing function which according to the neonatologist was good enough. Of course, you should still boil them before the first use. =) Hope this helps.
Way to go Hogs! I have done that with my daughter's pacis too...They should put a warning label on those things :)
Kelly, this was the absolute cutest post. Thanks for showing us what happens to a pacifier if it is boiled to long. Ha. At first I thought it was a picture of some kind of fancy cupcake. Definitley funny, but I'm glad it didn't start a fire.
Now that is funny about the pacis! Just blame it on mommy brain, lol!
Cute post, Harper! You're a doll! I have melted a few things of Blair's as well...oops! Congrats on the big win this weekend!
Girl, I just caught up you last few posts! Loved them all (especially the pics with sweet Angie, the video starring Harper and her gorgeous momma, and the weekend wrap up with all the g-parent pics). You are so cute and I just have to say again how VERY much we wished with had you with us this weekend!! Love you, friend!
What cute pics! The paci pick is hilarious...what a mess!
Miss Harper, don't worry your cute little head. There's always next year to beat the Gators, but NOT likely, hahaha!!!!! :)
Love you and your sweet Momma!!
the melted pacis look like art! :)
We did the same thing with pacis and a medi nurser when Jude had thrush! What a stench!
My mom follows your blog and would love to talk to you to see if you would consider speaking at a young womens church function in November. She lives in SW Arkansas. She has been really inspired by your witness to others. Her e-mail address is coffeeod@hotmail.com. She would look forward to speaking with you about this possiblity. Thanks
hehe! What a sad but cute picture!! I thought about you this weekend when I saw that the Hogs won! Yay! Hope ya'll beat the Gators! They beat my Tigers this weekend! LOL..Well have a great week!! ~Stacy
I did the exactly same thing this weekend with our pacifiers ... thank the lord I am not the only one! haha ... glad we both have houses still standing! :)
The melted pacis make for interesting artwork. I could see that in a gallery somewhere! : )
Yep, we just lost to Florida. Good luck!
My dad went to Arkansas, so I was raised as a Razorback, but went to LSU. Anything SEC is OK in my book.
New to your blog. Enjoying it!
Oh, and those pj's are precious.
I get so tickled when you write from Harper's perspective! It is always a hoot!
Have a great week!!
oh my goodness... the paci's! how funny!!!
OMGoodness! I did the EXACT same thing with pacis a year ago. Stinks terribly, doesn't it? Mine stuck to the bottom of the pan too and it was a pain to get them off! Now we use the Medela steam bags to sterilize them. :)
And I must say it again...Harper is freakin' adorable...I love your pics of her!
OH MY WORD!! I did the SAME thing with my daughters binkies(that's what we call them)! I woke up in the night and smelled something awful...well you know the rest!! I was so afraid I had poisoned my daughter with the smell!:) Over a year later she seems just fine! Oh and by the way, I feel your pain with naps and teething. Ally was SLEEPLESS during that stage but a wonderful sleeper now. Don't give up! You're doing a great job!
That paci picture is hysterical!! Thanks so much for sharing!
Oh, sweetheart! You tell your momma to just throw those pacis in the dishwasher!
I have been so close to doing the same with pacis many times...I was looking at that picture going "It looks like pacis...but..." until I kept reading:)
My husband was making such fun of me, cheering that Arkansas beat Auburn! He didn't know I cared. LOL
I think you will have trouble in Florida. And I'll sort of cheer for Florida as I heart Urban Meyer. Even though he left Utah.
Too cute!! That last picture and caption is just to precious. Ecspecially me being from FL & a Gator fan an all. So glad you got to enjoy some "grown up" time, a few hrs gives you a breath of fresh air.
Have a great week and.....
Harper just keeps getting cuter and cuter! I love the melted pacifiers! I have never seen that before!
I always think of you when I see Arkansas on TV! By the way--I have SOOOOO be there with the pacifiers....all my bottle nipples were ruined too. There was a lot of money spent that weekend!! HAHA!
I love the paci picture!
Your right Harper. Tim Tebow sure is cute but Roll Tide.
Sounds like a great weekend with family! :)
I love that someone else did the same thing to pacis. Now I just put them in some bleach water for 10 minutes and wash them. A lot easier. I do the same thing with her bottles.
Being a good fan I would like to congratulate you on the win but I still have to say WAR EAGLE and go GATORS. But the gator thing is only b/c as Auburn fans we need Fl to keep winning so Alabama doesn't move up in the standings. Please understand! :)
Please, please, please pull off a win in the swamp this weekend! (Long shot I know, but it would make my entire month of October, I think!)
You need the Avent bottle sterilizer...even though you don't need it for bottles. You use it in the microwave and I used it for years (obviously since I had those toots back to back) for pacis, small toys, etc. I could never remember to come back after I started boiling something on the stove. The microwave alerts you. :-) Four minutes and you're done.
LUV those pics of Harper. I'll update you separately on OBU trip..oh my goodness have things changed.
i agree... the paci thing is HILARIOUS!!!!!! i probably don't sterilize my baby's near as often as i should though, so i have no room to talk. i do have those microwave steralizing bags though. you should try them!
cute pic at the very end. LOVE IT! hope ya'll beat florida, b/c we are huge FSU fans :)
southern love and prayers from alabama!
The picture of the melted pacifiers is hilarious! It almost looks like funky art! Too funny!
Harper is so adorable! I just love the picture of her in her pink tutu! The paci things sounds like something I would do. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. Have a great week! Way to go Hogs!
Hi Kelly! I have been a follower since Harper was born. I just love your SEC and football spirit. Just wanted to let you know that I am also an SEC lover, lover of football, and GATOR fan!!! I grew up in Gainesville, went to UF and bleed orange and blue! After watching the Razorbacks this weekend, it certainly looks like we have a great ball game in the Swamp on Saturday. I will be thinking of you and your family during the game. GO GATORS!!!
As an Auburn fan, I was trying to not check out your blog for a few days because I was scared of what you might say - ha!! But, I just had to check in on the adorable little Harper! :) I can only hope that I will have children as cute as her one day!!! Good luck to your Hogs in the Swamp!
That last pic cracked me up. I live in Gainesville and just had to say...GO GATORS!!!!!!! (And you're right Harper...that Timmy sure is cute!) ;)
Absolutely love the last pic and comment! Too cute and yes Timmy is a cutie!
Hi Kelly! We had such a blast in your great state watching the Hogs. My husband had so much fun. Wish we could have met but we hope to come back soon and maybe meet up with yall then. I did a post on the Hogs and hope you get a chance to come by for a visit~
And to think I thought those pacis were some sort of ice cream mix? Haha, I have no clue. Cute little Cheer outfit!!!
Loved the post. Sounds like everyone had a great weekend. Harper is precious as ever. I'm thinking she looks a lot like Scott's dad......the mouth maybe. Have a great week. Blessings!
Oh I love Harper's pink outfit! Go Hogs!!
And that paci incident is just too funny...I thought it was some sort of abstract art project : ) LOL
I can't believe how big Harper is getting. She is starting to look like a toddler now instead of a baby. I can't believe the paci's. Did the pot survive?
Sounds like a fun weekend! Jordan went to the Arkansas game with his stepdad and they sat on the 50 yard line in the 4th row...they were happy!
Sometimes we go to Barnes and Noble on date night after we eat dinner, too! I'm always thinking, we are SO old because it's just wonderful to be able to read through books and magazines and drink coffee in quiet! The melted paci thing is TOO funny!
LOL girl - I was wondering what that picture was of and was glad you explained it and how you "made" that creation! HA! Glad everyone was okay and you didn't burn the house down. I guess you are nicer than me, I had to gloat on my blog about kicking Auburn's butt - couldn't contain my pride! hee hee hee On another note, I sure hope you're wrong and we do beat the Florida Gators - that would do a LOT for our Razorback players' confidence! Not that it's reality, most likely, but we can hope, right?! Have a great day! :o)
You need to get the sterlizing bags to put Harper's pacis in...it is so much simpler than boiling, it takes less time, and you don't have to worry about them melting. There are different brands to choose from at Target. I am going to have to try that drink from Starbucks, sounds yummy!
Awwww, Harper's "posts" are fast becoming my favorites. You're so funny!
I think you could see that paci creation as modern art on etsy. Surely someone would consider it avant garde and ironic, no :)?
Harper is adorable, Tebow is awesome and I'm sorry you guys have to play the Gators in the swamp ;) Cute pictures and I love love love the tutu
I thought of you yesterday. I drove from Chattanooga, TN all the way to Fort Sill, OK and I drove across Arkansas!
Not only did ya'll beat the crap out of Auburn, but my team got crap beat out of them by a surprising team - TN...who woulda thunk it...
Oh and the whole paci incident is so something I will probably do one day! Too funny!
I have totally done that with the pacis! And, my LOVING (?) husband took a picture and emailed it to all of his family. It was really quite lovely. lol!
I always wondered what melted pacis looked like! LOL!!
That Starbucks cupcake looked awesome!
The paci picture was a hoot! So Funny! I saw parts of the game Saturday and I kept thinking about you screaming and hollering How exciting! GA Tech won and UGA lost - that is always the ultimate happy weekend. We face #5 VA Tech next weekend so we will enjoy our happiness while we can. Yikes!
This is just too cute!!! Love the paci pic! Hope you (Harper) like your new pacis though!
Poor paci's! Maybe it's time to quit them? Nah. She won't go to college with one, so don't worry about it. That photo just cracked me up.
Ha! I love this post-Harper is too cute!
Love your blog. I did the same thing with my sons pacificers. Took a whole day and a really big fan to get the smell out of the house.
Harper is such a cutie pie!
you should keep the "meltdown"! It's a nice peice of abstract art! Hate that happened though!
LoL Wayyy too cute! :)
((hugs & blessings))
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