Friday, October 02, 2009

Feeling Groovy

We are feeling MUCH better at our house. YEAY! Harper has had a really good day today so I'm hoping tonight will be an ever better night of sleep!

We got to go to our first MOPS meeting. I've missed the last two because of different reasons so it was fun to go today. We really enjoyed it. Are you in MOPS and do you like it?

During Harper's afternoon nap - I decided to do a little re-decorating. I moved our family room coffee table over to a wall. We needed a little floor space where she can get down and play besides her bedroom (our house only has carpet in the bedrooms). Here she is enjoying her snack with Dawson keeping a watchful eye.
This afternoon we made a little trip to T J Maxx where I found these precious boots for $7 each. Are they not so cute??? I can't wait for her to start wearing them!
We also got this plate today from HERE. I love melamine plates but this is too cute to eat off of so we will display it in her room!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend! Scott and I have a date to grill steaks and catch up on a lot of DVR'd shows after Harper goes to bed. Sounds like fun to me!!!!! :-)


Donna said...

HI Kelly, So glad to hear Harper is feeling better. Those ear aches are miserable. The tiny Ugg boots are darling. She will be styling this winter for sure. Love the picture of Dawson watching Harper. You never know when she might drop a goodie. Have a great week end.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.

Heather said...

Hope you have a great weekend! I too have missed my first 2 meetings at MOPS and was able to go today. I think if for nothing else, it's just great to get out and fellowship with other Christian moms that encourage and lift each other up!! It's so great to have that support system around you!

Love the Harper plate and we are watching DVR' shows tonight too!!Enjoy~!

carissa said...

all these super cute outfits and adorable hair bows/bands make me want a baby girl real bad!!!

Laura, Lena and Caleb too!! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura, Lena and Caleb too!! said...

Hi Kelly-
I've been a blog stalker for some time. Whenever I thought about leaving a comment it was always a few hundred in... so, I didn't, thinking you may NEVER got to it.

I just want you to know that I really enjoy ALL your posts. It's the highlight of my morning while eating my breakfast before work.

Harper is so beautiful! I enjoy seeing all her various outfits, and hearing about all she's starting to do. I especially loved the video of her eating and stopping to smile at her daddy between bites.

Thank you for all you do in your blog!! ENJOY the night - and the steaks! It does sound like lots of fun!!

Catherine said...

Hi Kelly!! I LOVE MOPS -- just got back from the MOPS convention in Nashville and am all pumped up for the year ahead. I'm on the committee so I have slightly different perspective, but let me just tell you -- give MOPS a chance --- you will never be sorry you did!!

Harper is adorable as usual and your home is beautiful!!

Love those boots!


Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE your rug!! Just had to say!!

Kassandra Alexis said...

LOVE the baby Ugg looking boots, SO SO cute! I would totally get those for my baby too! T.J Maxx is also like one of the best stores yet, I can't go in and not spend hours looking lol :o)!

Anonymous said...

I just love reading your blog each day. I have to make it by TJ Max what a steal!

Lydia said...

Marion Clare had soo much fun playing with Harper @ Moppets today. :)

Todd and Courtney said...

Precious precious precious!!! Please keep me in the loop with MOPS. Ive thought about going. Beautiful living room too.

Rory said...

Ok, missy, spill the info about the dress!!! I have to know where I can get one!!

Melanie said...

So glad she is feeling better!!!!
LOVE the boots! I want some :o)
Have a fun date night. We are waiting on our inlaws to get our kiddos so we can have a date night too! :o)

Marla Taviano said...

I've never attended MOPS, but I speak at 10-12 groups a year. The women are always so kind and wonderful. Wish I lived closer to you! ;)

Laurie said...

Love the outfit and the boots, but love the girl more!

the day's said...

thanks for the sweet message! as always, you are so thoughtful and kind...hope have a wonderful family filled weekend!!! :)

The Allens said...

Yum! Steaks sound great. I am in MOPS. I couldn't wait to have a baby so I could join MOPS! Seriously. I have had friends in it for about a decade and I was so anxious to join!

Stephanie said...

those boots are sooooo cute! i love TV date nights w/ my man too. ;)

Courtney said...

Your house is decorated so cutely! Where do you come up with your ideas?

jandkland said...

The room looks great! And Harper is precious as always. I love your style.

My hubby and I are gearing up for our own "stay-in" date night. The girls went to bed at 8:00 and he's out getting us some Mexican takeout. We'll eat, talk, and maybe catch up on the Office, which we missed last night. I love date nights! Enjoy yours!

--Kelley in GA

Trace Car Driver said...

love the boots... and her cute lil dress and headband! she is precious. glad she's feeling a little better. my 8 mo baby boy had a viral throat infection... not fun. i know what you are going thru. i also had a date nite planned of watching tons of shows, but my hubby wanted to go to a football game. so i made him take our 2 yr old! maybe we'll catch up on the shows another nite!

southern love and prayers from alabama!

How "Sweet" it is... said...

Harper gets prettier every that possible to get any prettier?? I love the boots!! I may just have to get some for the twins.

Chare said...

We don't have MOPS at our church, we do MUMS (Moms Uplifting Moms Spiritually) and I LOVE it!

I love the boots too! A friend of ours had some last winter and used them as socks and shoes for her baby. They were so warm! Might have to make a stop by TJ Maxx tomorrow and see what fun things we can find!

Kelsey712 said...

well that is exactly what hubby and I are doing tonight. Grilled steaks, baked potatos, and salad! YUM! We are also catching up on some of our DVR'd TV shows. I'm glad for a quiet night at home!

Love your blog and am glad to be a follower!

Kari said...

Love her dress. Love good bargins. Love date night with hubby!

Lauren said...

How cute is Harper's outfit!!!!! :)

Tracy said...

Gotta love that DVR! That is the best way to watch! Harper is the cutest! Have a great weekend!

Kristen said...

Glad she is feeling better! I hope it continues to go well! Harper is just too precious. If we lived near each other, we'd have to let her and my Benjamin play together. They are only 3 days apart, if I remember correctly.

The living room looks beautiful! I love the rug!

Summer said...

Glad Harper is feeling better! She looks oh so cute in that flower outfit and hairbow! Sounds like a fun night eating steaks and watching DVR'd shows, just about what we are going to do after are little girl goes to bed....
Summer :0)

Ashley said...

Loved MOPS when mine were little. Harper is getting cuter everyday if thats even possible!

Cute dress!

We're having the same Friday night fun here too- TV and dinner together!

Love the new look in your living room!

Abramyan Avenue said...

I'm so glad Harper is feeling better. A sick baby is no fun at all!
Sometimes evenings at home are so much fun! We had one Tuesday night, my mom kept the girls. You just need that one-on-one time together to reconnect and catchup sometimes.

Autumn said...

I love seeing pictures of Dawson. I think u should show more of him and Harper. Cute rug! Hope u and your hubby have a fun date night.

P.S. I was at Walmart and got the $5.00 scarf like u. Now, I just need to know how to wear it. It doesn't look as cute on me as it did on you. HA!

Heather said...

Precious plate and I love Harper's dress, too.
I have a date with AK's closet this weekend...time to get out fall/winter stuff!

Erin said...

Ha Ha Ha how cute are those shows/boots. Just got alex a few pair for winter!

Love her headband and that adorable dress!

~M~ said...

Sooo cute!

Summer said...

I'm attending MOPS for the first time this year and I've been loving it! I'm trying to get a playdate started for the Thursdays we don't have MOPS (our MOPS group meets the 2nd and 4th Thurs. of the month). I love getting to chat with other moms and make new friends!

Love Harpers outfit, sooo cute!

Maddy said...

She looks so cute! I love that zebra striped rug it is so cool!

Melissa Miller said...

Those boots are darling! :)

pam said...

I'm having a baby girl in a few weeks and have that same Baby Lulu outift. I'm dying to know where to get that bow/headband Harper is wearing. I was going to email but your email is taken down, so hopefully you can blog about it or something. We had steak for dinner too. Must be steak night!

The 'Ssippi Scoop said...

Is that a Baby Lulu dress that Harper has on? Where do you get her's from? Our mailman has to think I'm doing something illegal by the amount of packages I get from all over the US when I buy Bailey's off of ebay. I just wondered if you had a local place you buy for a good deal.

Mary said...

The boots are so cute!

Raquel said...

love, love, love MOPS. i am the coordinatoor of my group and have been for 5 years now. i think it is a amazing ministry for mommies

Melissa Stover said...

i love her dress. she looks adorable.

Audrey said...

I went to a MOPS group the other day. It was TERRIBLE and very embarrassing. I didn't know that our local group had a waiting list to be involved. So I show up, all proud of myself for stepping out of my box.

Anyways... you can read the rest of the awful story here:

Erin said...

Okay, she is just too cute. I bet Dawson is hoping she drops lots of snacks!

Jen said...

I'm so glad that Harper is feeling better.

The boots you got for her are so gosh darn them. The dress she is wearing is also adorable.

Hope you have a great weekend watching college football.

Father's Grace Ministries said...

I love the little Harper plate! It's so much nicer for a child to have something individual to eat off, rather than just Barbie or Disney or something that everyone else has.

That said- I'm a sucker for Bunnykins!- boys and girls can use it- I love the sweet innocent images.


Jara said...

I am in MOPS here in Keller, TX and it rocks!!! I love fellowshipping with other christian moms and I LOVE doing the crafts! We also have many great speakers at our meetings! They speak on all things such as how to love your mate, fun activities to do with your kids, play therapy, etc. We also have a short devotion time at the end, I have really enjoyed getting to know lots of moms in my church that way!

Jordan said...

Glad she's feeling better. I too have a date night with the hubs on the couch to watch recorded shows! Fun!!!

I just started my first MOPS groups about a month ago. I'm looking forward to a great year in it!

Sar(Mrs.Teddy) said...

HEy Kelly! Harper is just so darn cute!! THose boots are adorable.
I am in a MOPS group and I really enjoy going. I think its good for mommy's to get out & to know that other people are in the same or similar situations!

Diana said...

Glad Harper is feeling better. My little girl has a sinus infection and is finally feeling better today as well. I started MOPS this year and so far I have been loving it. My group of ladies is an odd mixture, so it should be fun to see how the group melds through the next few months. =)

Newlywed Bliss said...

Love the boots, plate, redecorating AND the outfit and of course the cutie wearing it! :) Have a great weekend!

momMYsliceoflife said...

Glad y'all are feeling better!! I love harper's flower headband! And those shoes are precious!

kellydee said...

Hi Kelly - you are going to love MOPS! I am going on my 4th year in a MOPS group. The first group I was in started w/ about 10 and now I am in a different group that's about 45 women! It's a great oppurtunity to make new friends, get advice from other Moms, and know you're not alone in some of the struggles we go through as moms. I know you're going to love it!!
Kelly S.

linda in georgia said...

Harper is too cute!!!

I would love to know where you got her high chair. I like it....

Tote, Debby, Sammy and Caleb Jimenez said...

LOVE MOPS!!! It's such an awesome ministry and outreach! We have a lot of ladies coming who don't know the Lord and it's a wonderful blessing to be involved in a group where women feel welcome and hear the gospel! =)

Confessions From A Work-At-Home Mom said...

I'm not sure if you read all your comments, but I just found your blog, and wanted to say how much your story touched me! My daughter also spent time in NICU after her birth (so many people think only preemies end up there, but my daughter was a 40 weeker too!), and I know the feeling of not being able to hold your child, of staring blankly at monitors, of listening in to doctors as they make their rounds trying to distinguish some intelligible fragment, and going back and reading your posts really took me back to that place in my life. Even though I just found your blog, I can already tell I'll be following along!

(By the way, you don't happen to work in TV, do you? The "head shot" you have on your BlogFrog profile looks just like the headshots the anchors' at the station where I work...)

Angela said...

Judah and I go to MOPS and we love it! It's amazing that there are thousand of different moms all across the country that are doing the same things and going through the same things with their kids! MOPS is so great. I love the time to visit with other moms, make new friends and it's good for Judah too. He gets to spend time in the nursery with nice people that love him and hang out with other kids!

Candie Bowen said...

Kelly- I found your blog several months ago & LOVE reading it. I have a baby girl a few months older than Harper & she has that same cute dress!!! (I also just bought some similar boots for her at Target).
Roll Tide! :)

Sheridith - mom to peeps said...

So cute!!! we have alot of hard floors too and invested in throw rugs and Baby Leggs for Chloe..

Those boots are adorable!

Brian & I do alot of "dates" on the couch catchin' up on our shows and eatin a grown up dinner! Love those night!

Lyndsay said...

I love MOPS...I started going in January and I wish I had gone earlier. I didn't know what I missing. I just became a Care Group Leader and it's so much fun. I love being with other mom's and not feeling alone.

Those boots are adorable!!! We are pregnant with our 3 child and I just found out it's a girl!!! After two boys it will be fun and strange to have pink in the house. We have a TJ Maxx just about 5 minutes from our house so I might have to run down there and buy her a pair of them. It's going to be so much fun! :)

Leah said...

This is my first year NOT to be in MOPS in six years! I was actually coordinator last year. I love MOPS!
Harper is so darling! I cannot take it. Her little smiling face makes me smile instantly. Tooooo cute!

Aura said...

So my biggest dream is to one day own a baby boutique. I want to open one online sometime within the next year. My biggest nerdy confession is that I hope it's done while Harper is still a baby so I can send you some cute stuff for her!!

Unknown said...

Harper is so sweet and I love how she just smiles and glows at you... you can tell she loves her momma! Blessings cheryl

cbryant81 said...

Love the outfit on Harper!! Where did you find it?

Jennifer said...

Harper's outfit is precious! I just love the bright colors! So fun!
I LOVE those boots too! Those are so adorable!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Ells said...

Hooray for your husband-date at home! Hope you all had a wonderful evening. :)

I volunteered as a MOPpets leader last year and loved hanging out with the sweet little preschoolers.

Krista said...

She is just the cutest little thing! Don't you love it? I would have loved to go to MOPS with all three of my kids, but you can't if you are a working mom, at least where I live. All the meetings are during the workday/in the mornings.

Claire said...

Yay for dates! And I adore those little Ugg boots!


starlightmommy said...

I am in MOPS and I love it. I joined MOPS in September 2007 and it has been a god send.

C.Thompson said...

Love;love;love that adorable dress and head band. I am so happy to hear that she is feeling better. As far as MOPS, I love my MOPS group. It is such a fantastic organization and the kids as I love going. My oldest is sad the he is missing out this year due to being in Kinder.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Glad everyone is feeling better!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Glad everyone is feeling better!

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly! I am so glad Harper is feeling better! Those ear infections can be so nasty for little ones! I hate it when you know they are in pain, you as a mom can feel so helpless!
I am also glad you made it to MOPS! I love our MOPS group! It is so good to be able to hear words of encouragement from good Christian Ladies who are in or have been in the same boat as us moms! How often does your group meet? Ours is just once a month, but we are thinking about making it more often! Hope you guys are getting some of this cooler weather we are here in MS!
God Bless!

Charity said...

I'm with Rory. Spill the info about the dress ;-) SO SO CUTE!!! So is the little lady in it!!!

Love your blog!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Jessica said...

Love the boots! My little man has some just like them that are dark brown, but his feet are still too small!

Anonymous said...

HI Kelly,

I just found your blog recently and I love reading it! I'm glad that Harper is feeling better...she is so adorable :-)

I hope you have a great weekend!

Nicolasa said...

Those boots are so cute and they look like they would be really comfy! I want some! I also love that plate!
Enjoy your weekend catching up on DVR, we have the same thing going on around here!

Cheerful Homemaker said...

Those boots are TOO cute! I'm really considering getting a pair to wear around the house and keep my toes warm.

Julie said...

I love the baby lulu dress but they are soooo expensive! do you have a place where you find them for a deal (besides ebay).? i have only found a few at garage sales and so have splurged :)


NeverEnoughTime said...

we had cute little boots just like that!!! they were my very favorite!
Hope you enjoyed your Mommy/Daddy time!!!

Laura Ann said...

Love the adorable dress she is wearing, I have been following your blog for a while after I found it through Design Girl, and look every day for your new posts. You always seem to have the cutiest outfit on Harper, you must have so much fun shopping for her. Thanks for sharing so much on your blog.

Love your barstools, where did you get them?

Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're in MOPS! It's such a great organization! I served as our Hospitality Chair last year and had a blast doing so. We were lucky to have a tremendous steering team and we all had such a great time going to the annual MOPS convention in Dallas. It's such a wonderful way to share the love of Christ to other moms!

Clementsville: Population of 5! said...

The groovy outfit is adorable and of course Miss Harper is too!

just joined MOPS... LOVE it!!

Lindsey said...

Those boots are adorable! Are they Uggs?? I have seen baby Uggs at TJ's before . . . . she will just be stylin!! =)

Hester 5 said...


Unknown said...

I used to be a MOP and am speaking to a MOPS group tomorrow morning. I wanted to tell you that this weekend I was speaking at a church womens retreat in San Antonio. During one of the sessions I mentioned I was from Little Rock. A very young, very cute mom came up afterwards and said she was from Magnolia and we started talking and wound up realizing we both "knew" you. :) Anyway ... I asked the ladies to share examples of God writing the story of their lives and she spoke about how she had a baby and then went through 5 miscarriages before getting pregnant (due in Dec.!). It was the sweetest story of God's work in their lives and afterwards I told her ... "now I know how you know Kelly" ... and although I'm sure you know, I wanted to remind you that you do have such a neat ministry to moms struggling with infertility ... you "get it". I loved her comment when she said ..."Kelly just seems like everyones best friend."

noahandlylasmommi said...

so glad she is feeling better. love her flower outfit :)

annalee said...

i love mops! i enjoy doing it along with a bible study too, because it is a more light/less deep setting but has such value to be with other moms! i help plan the crafts for our group and i often joke that mops is like summer camp for moms since we have arts and crafts time and door prizes:)

Sonya said...

those boots are super cute. Lauren had some of those that I got from my brother and his fiance at my baby shower. Sadly by the time it was cold enough for her to wear them they didn't fit her any more! :(

Saylorsmom said...

Hi, do you know what brand your cabinets are and what color they are? I love them and I am remodeling my kitchen. Thanks.