Ooooh boy......I've been talking about some serious things lately and today - let's talk "fluff". Let's talk one of my favorite things (besides fried chocolate pies, SEC football and Sonic cokes) - FASHION!

Stacy London from TLC's "What Not to Wear" was at Scott's office yesterday. They have been working on a website with her. I begged Scott to please tell her that his wife needed a makeover so she would fly me to NYC and give me $5000 for new clothes. ha ha ha ha! Can you believe he wouldn't do it? He also didn't get his picture made with her? Hello - blog material! But he gave me this one picture of her from yesterday.

This year has been a good year for me because I have gone crazy over the "ruffle" trend. It's (lucky for me) - everywhere! I am a sucker for ruffles. I love dresses. Until I got pregnant and then started staying home - I NEVER wore pants. I had to buy some shorts this summer because I didn't own any. I just love girly, frilly dresses. So pretty much everything I have bought this summer has been RUFFLY! And I LOVE it!!!! I want this trend to stay a while.

I just got this dress from Francesca's and it is SO cute on! I knew not only was it a cute ruffle dress but it was Razorback red so maybe I'll be wearing it to a game this year!

And I have loved this dress forever at J Crew and it finally went on sale and I ordered it. Love it! Love it! Love it! It will be a dress I'll wear for a LONG time! What trends do you like right now? I'm a little nervous because I keep hearing they are bringing the 80's back. Including Jelly shoes, tight jeans that zip at the ankle, and stirrup pants. If you are in your early 20's - you can probably get away with this but my motto is if you have lived through a trend once - you shouldn't wear it the second time around.

And speaking of clothes.............this is what we found this morning. Scott went in to get Harper and yelled over the monitor "You need to come here". ha! Almost every morning she finds a way to get her pajama pants off (she seems to hate pants - like mother like daugther). But this morning she also got her diaper off. (and peed all over the bed - lovely)! There is never a dull moment with that girl!
Edit: OH MY GOODNESS - ya'll quit leaving comments about babies "painting" their cribs and walls with their diaper are going to give me nightmares. We have made it through ALL kinds of "#2" incidents and I've just had to laugh - but I think I would lay down and cry over that!
THAT is hysterical!! SO thankful my son hasn't picked that one up yet!!
BTW - I LOVE Stacy London!!!
How funny, so lucky my H. hasn't learned that yet!
I love ruffles too! Love the dresses you picked out.
That little miss Harper... too cute and I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there will probably be more of that to come! ;)
Have a great day!
OM, I love ruffles toooo! Can't get enough.
My neice used to do the same. They used to have to buy zippered PJs ONLY (1 piece) and the Carters once also snap with one snap at the top. To finish it off my sister would then place 1 saftey pin over the flap that has the snap. Little escape artist! Beth
That is hilarious!!! When I was a baby I hated pajama pants with the built in socks!!! My parents usually had to cut the sock part off!!
I love the ruffles, too. I can't talk fashion well because I know nothing about it. I probably look like a frump to those who like fashion! Plus, how can a heavy lady like me look good in any fashionable clothes? LOL--How in the world does a little girl like her gets her pants and diaper off? I guess it will always be her secret! :-)
little miss harper's diapey issue could have been a LOT worse, and i think a number states just how much worse it could have been...TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
i remember my oldest son doing just that...that was NOT the most fun we ever had together, i can say that!
How you get over the diaper issue is to put the diaper on backwards . If she figures out how to take that off tape the tabs down and backwards. Hopefully that will help you.
I personally dont think you need to be on tlc but me on the other hand I do!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut Up! (Ha! A little play on words!)
Stacey and your husband were in the same building? I can't believe he wouldn't get a picture. You totally should have sneaked in and snapped a few of your own! And I'm with you on the new wardrobe thing. I tell all my friends who watch the show that they can nominate me anytime...come on...$5000 is $5000. What girl doesn't like new clothes?
Harper? Yeah, she cracks me up :) Who doesn't like going commando?
Oh my goodness! I love love the dresses. The red one is my fave!!! Awesome!
Check out my WOW Wednesday post when you get a chance.
Carter's makes some great jammies that are one piece and zip up the front with a little snap down tab to cover the zipper at the top. They work great at keeping little hands away from dirty diapers! I can usually find them at WalMart, Target, and Kohls.
I love all of your clothes! Do you mind telling us where your shirts in the little collage are from!? As if you don't have enough to do!
That is too cute of Harper... if she's wearing a onesie, snap it over her pants!
Love Stacey London. She's going to be a lot busier if they bring the 80s back... ugh.
That is so funny that she takes her pants off. I can't believe she got her diaper off. She is young for that. CUTE picture!
That's so funny! She's got character..
That is soooo funny!! Definitely a picture you pull out later in life! I love it!
Haha! That is so funny! Love her expression in the picture! :)
I am loving the ruffles too! Your dresses would look so great with this necklace!
oh my gosh, that is so funny! How does she do that?
I love ruffles that J Crew dress, so cute! And that pic of Harper is hilarious!!
Love ruffles too! And I do love some jelly shoes, I get jealous when I see them for my girls, I think they are cute, but a big fat NO to the stirrup pants!! Yuck!! Harper is so cute and how funny at such a young age!! her hair is getting darker and really starting to come in!!
HAHA! That is so funny! My son (who is now 10) did the same thing and I also have pics to prove it! So funny! Good blackmail :)
I needed a good laugh today and that picture of Harper did it for me. I can't believe she does that. Too funny!!! Thanks for the laugh. Love reading your blog :-)
I just laughed out loud at Harper's picture- that is greatness! What a clever girl. I don't think my 15 month old can do that! I'm sure it was a mess, but a cute mess! :)
hahaha Harper looks so cute in this picture!!!!
I wish I knew a thing or two about fashion...i'm horrible at that stuff!
I think the ruffles are a lovely trend though my man persists with Seinfeld pirate shirt references whenever I ruffle it up. :)
Ewww...potty in the bed! Ewwww...why do I want eleven children again? Haha!
Great picture of Miss Harper!! How funny!!
Was in the mall yesterday and spotted a display with STIR-UP PANTS!!! I think we could have skipped that one!!
Ha! And she's looking at you like, "WHAT? That thing was wet!" hee hee!
HA! I am having to contain my laughter at work. Thanks for putting a smile on my face. I needed it today, it has been a rough week, but that is too funny! I would be funny to keep a video recorder in her room to see exactly how she gets out of her clothes. =)
That is hilarious!! I'm telling you Kelly, you've got to get a sleep sack on that girl :) Then she can't get anything off! However, she just might still come up with something funny to do!
Speaking of ruffles! BigMama has a link to ruffle boots on her site. They are so expensive, but I had just read your blog and I thought you'd love to see a ruffle on a boot. ;),-product.saleDate&navCount=40&navAction=middle&fromCategoryPage=true&selectedProductSize=&selectedProductSize1=&color=020&colorName=BROWN&isSubcategory=
That absolutley cracks me up about Harper in her bed! It looks like you need to find more one piece 12 month PJ's for that girl! hahaha
I LOVE What Not to Wear! I too love dresses and skirts. I usually see what they have at Target and go with what looks best on me. I have been digging the sort of hippie look lately. I also love ruffles and small details on the edges of a shirt/dress that gives it that extra little something special!
Love Stacey London!
WARNING! You don't want a poop issue with the diaper off! I have 3 kids and have had the poop issue once. My son wore his sleepers to bed backwards ..yes it works! Just put their feet in and twist it around so it's on backwards. Works like a charm! may walk into more than just pee! :(
I think that is the cuttest thing ever!!! Preston used to do that too. Good thing # 2 wasnt in the crib as well!! :) Oh, and you had written a post about the full body footie pajamas that Carters has that Harper wears. I love them so much as well. I love that thier little feet are covered and stay warm. Well....I was at target the other day and saw these: It made me laugh because when I walked up to them, they were as tall as me!! I saw an XL which was a size 16. I think Harper will be covered to wear those jammies all the way into high school. Anyways, just thought that was too cute not to show you. Harpers a doll.
Love the dresses you got! Very pretty, classy, and girly! I love dresses too! And I love dressing in dresses with my daughter!
Hugs, Ginger
Cute dresses!
Oh the Harper home front, all I have to say is get yourself some DUCT TAPE, ASAP. I tape my son's diaper when he is going down for a nap because a month ago I had 3 poop smears in less than 24 hours! Yucky:)
That picture of Harper is great! I'm sure it won't be long before Katie Bug figures that one out.
Oh gosh Kelly, what is little Miss Harper going to say about this picture being on your blog. when she gets older, I LOVE IT !!!I hope you are still blogging when Harper gets about 13, Oh me you are going to hear about this one and in turn , maybe you will blog about what she said .Seriously, I love all her pictures and yes, you do look lovely in your frilly dresses
Aahhh...the diaper thing brough back some memories! My daughter did this too, but unfortunately she must have ate something that didn' agree so well with he tummy, so when I went in to get her when I heard her crying I couldn't figure out why it smelled so bad even down the hallway. I was greeted with smeared walls, a white crib that wasn't so white anymore and of course, a messy baby. She thought it was pretty funny! I ended up having to only put her to bed in the carter style pj's that buttoned the tops to the bottom because she couldn't get the back undone to take off her diaper. It was a LIFESAVER!
So funny...I NEVER wear dresses and now that I'm out numbered in my house; 3 boys vs. all I want to wear are dresses!
I love ruffles, but a very small amount...can't rush it here!
At least she only peed!:)
Oh that picture of Harper is priceless! Love that little bum! I have a 22 month old daughter and every once in a while she manages to get her pj's off but we've not gone in to find her with no diaper on! HAHA! That one made me laugh out loud! So cute!
I also love the ruffles. I dress my daughter in dresses all the time but I hardly ever wear them myself!
Listen, you're lucky. My oldest used to "paint" her crib with the contents of her diaper, and sadly I have the pictures to prove it. No fun. That's when you become a big fan of zipped up footie pjs. With her, she could even unzip them, so we'd have to get footless zip up pjs and put her in them backwards. You get creative after scrubbing poo off crib slats!
Too cute!! My middle child also liked to play in the contents of her diaper...we had to duct tape them on her and where the tape met had to be in the back of the diaper or she could get the tape off. Believe me.....this is NOT a fun stage!!
I just have to say that you are so lucky it was only pee. My toddler is now in the habit of "investigating" her diaper and let's just say she's found some real treasures (which then got all over the crib).
We put her in a onesie with pants so she can't get to her diaper.
Good luck!
And (P.S.) I don't think you need a makeover. You seem to look great in every picture on here.
A onesie and some diaper pins will stop her from taking off her diaper. Had to to it with my daughter. After a while she figured out she could squeeze out the neck hole, but I'm sure most kids don't realize that. :o) Been there, done that! And pee is much easier to clean than the alternative ;o)
I love that last picture... it's as if she thinks "I'll act natural and no one will notice what I've done!".
I too am a little afraid of the
80s trends coming back. I was in elementary school during the late 80s and these fashions still scare me. I have seen that acid wash jeans are back in style, lucky for you that you mostly do the dress thing. I don't believe that I will be taking part in the 80s revival anytime soon.
Harper is the cutest little thing, after my 7 month old son Jacob, you can check him out at, since you are always looking for a nice little boy to set Harper up with. The peeing in the bed thing is HILARIOUS, I have a 2 year old daughter that has peed through her diaper but never taken it off. Too Funny.
I love the picture of your little girl - so cute! My nephews have never figured out how to get their diapers off! :)
Love your blog - I've just started blogging myself and you're an inspiration!
Harper's new habit is totally funny . . . . . unless your the one cleaning the mess. My son JonJon (now 2) started that little habit of taking off his pants and diaper a few months back (probably good signs for potty training around the corner) but still a terrible mess to clean when there is something other then pee pee to deal with. My worst moment with this was when he quietly went into the dinning room and hid under the table to "take it all off" annd do BOTH on the floor, YEAH! Thanks for the fun read ;-)
Daily laying it at the Master's feet!
Laura Ann
duct tape and jammies put on backwards (zipper up the back) -- a tried and true tradition around here! i've never had a baby undo both. :)
love the j crew dress!
The red dress is too cute! I always browse Francesca's but haven't gotten anything. Higher waists don't look all that great on me and I'm always nervous to buy before I try it on.
I'm with you on the 80s, PLEASE don't bring them back.
Harper is still as cute as ever and too funny that she got her own diaper off!
If no-one has said it yet--double diaper her up! Put one of correctly and the a second on on backwards. It is funny watching them figure it out--but great when there are no accidents1
Oh my goodness little Miss Harper is a mess!!! A family I used to nanny for had to duct tape the night time diaper on there child because he always took it off.
Kelly, that is by far the cutest pic of Harper!!!! How hilarious. I left B alone (now 11 months) for a few minutes, came back and he was pointing the wii remote at the tv!!! ha ha. Don't you just love them????
Oh Miss Harper is too cute!! I can't believe she can get her pants and diaper off already!!!
I think that skinny jeans only look good on about 2% of the public. This is not a trend that I am a fan of. I also saw that harem pants are in style and those look TERRIBLE on even the teeniest of people!
I am, however, a fan of feminine blouses with flower or ruffle details at the neck! Lightweight (living in Texas this is important!) knits that just kind of hang are a trend I'm loving right now too! You've also inspired me to start wearing more dresses! You always look so cute and put together, but they are also really comfy and easy to wear.
Please no eighties... oh boy!
Oh silly girl. My neighbor had to actually duct tape her daughters diaper on at naps and overnight because it's the only way she couldn't her diaper off. Especially since she started had doing the "other" in her bed.
I love your dresses and ruffles. I definitely need a makeover. My wardrobe has gotten a little too outdated. That's the problem I have had with becoming a say at home mom. I hardly ever dress up anymore.
ah, I love little naked baby bums!
That picture is too, too funny. Love the ruffles too. :)
Harper is sooo precious. I know it has been said before, but put her diaper on backwards. It works! When she figures out how to take it off again in a few months, then resort to the duct tape.
That is too hilarious! Glad you got a picture of that. I LOVE ruffles as well. I sure hope the stirrups aren't coming back in. I can not imagine myself wearing them EVER again. It makes me cringe to even think about it.
I think the ruffles are very cute. I don't really know what trend I am in right now. I guess I am a little all over the place. I am liking the plaids.
I can't believe Harper managed to get her diaper off! That is pretty hilarious, but maybe not so funny for momma. I hate to wash bedding.
Oh and speaking of 80s. I am planning an 80s skate party for our Sunday school class! I can't wait. It's going to be a lot of fun!
Harper is too funny! May I suggest a Halo Sleep Sack( It would keep her warm and make it harder for her to undress herself in the night. You zipper it on, but the zipper starts at the bottom instead of the top. Handy if you need to do a diaper change and hopefully would keep her from unzipping it too. : )
I was in the middle of a language lesson in Kyiv when my housekeeper interrupted to tell me there was a problem with my daughter...she had done the dirty business and was rolling pellets all over the crib. Let's just say I learned a lot of new words that day!
On my list of things I don't understand is why on earth didn't you pick the day Stacy London was there to visit daddy at work???? Cute baby = time with celebrity!
I can not believe he didn't get a picture with her. I love What Not to Wear! I'm with you on the ruffles. I buy everything with ruffles. My other favorite trend right now are metallics...I love gold and silver sandals.
Have you seen the pj's that have snaps keeping the pants and shirt together? I use those quite often because my daughter will wiggle her way out of pants, but I've yet to find her without her diaper on. This is hilarious!
HA, how does that girl get out of her pajama pants?!!! And now her diaper? That is too funny. And pretty darn cute!
You are gonna have to beat me out for the What Not to Wear makeover!!! I am sure they would have a hay day in my closet!
Ooohhh! My daughter removed her diaper in bed the other day! Only she was a lot more than wet!!!!! My husband found her too and had to call me to help him. My boys liked to take their diapers off when they were babies too. I walked in their room one morning to find one of them peeing through the bars of their crib. We had to put duct tape on their diapers so they couldn't take them off. hee hee!
i LOVE her crib liner! zebra AND pink!?!? two of my faves
Pee and all...that is a priceless and adorable picture!!
I love that Harper looks completely nonplussed about all the fuss over her choice of nighttime wear:)
That's hilarious! Glad there wasn't poo in that diaper! I have had that at least once with both kids...poo all over the crib. ;)
I like ruffles as well. I am really into modern vintage (that doesn't even make sense!) like some stuff Fossil, Buckle, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters (although I cannot afford to shop most of those places unless I catch one item on good sale here and there). And I have been pregnant or breastfeeding for over 3 years straight...literally no break. So, shopping is limited for me! ;)
Those dresses are GORG!
I giggled about Harper getting her britches off. My BFF's daughter (my niece) once got her's off and had poo-poo then smeared it all over her bedding and the walls that she could reach while standing in her crib. It wasn't pretty! LOL
Hahaha... that is GREAT! I remember in one of your posts a few days/weeks ago you mentioned your PJ issue. I was just at Carter's last weekend and they had a huge sale on PJ's (with the little feet on them). The sizes ranged from 3months - size 5! I personally purchased a few 12 month and 18 month pairs for my 7.5 month old. I don't know if you have an outlet mall by you with a Carter's Store... but if so hit it up. I think they are running a 50% off sale and if you get on the website you should be able to get an extra 20% off coupon. Just an FYI!
OH and I love the dresses.... I wish I was a dress girl. Haha.
That is hysterical! How can you be angry at a face like that?
I heard the 80's thing, too. I saw on E! News last night that even the NEON shoes are coming back...yikes...nno thanks!
I love, love, love the ruffle trend. I am borderline abusing it. hahaha! As far as other trends, I LOVE the leggings and ballet flats in the fall/winter. And not that its really a "trend", but I wear dresses most everyday in the summer.
My little girl, London, will be 11 months tomorrow and went through the pulling the diaper off phase at about 9 months. It was not fun. She loves to go in just her diaper when we hang out around the house, but I couldn't let her because she would have that diaper off in no time flat. So, I started putting her bloomers on over her diapers when she was "going naked". After a few weeks, she kind of moved on and stopped trying to get the diaper off.
That is HILARIOUS!!!!!!
Stacy London... the only thing better would be if Clinton was with her. I like Clinton. (My secret wish is to get a makeover on WNTW!)
That JCrew dress is adorable, too!
I just had to say that I've never heard of someone having their picture "made", in Florida we have our picture "taken". I also love that someone used the word "britches" in their comment. Ha! Sometimes I wish those charming Southern words and phrases had made their way down to Florida.
I totally agree with your Motto...I don't see me wearing that stuff again.
And Harper's picture is priceless!
Don't you just love the little moments like that, you will remember it forever.
Sleepsacks ... she can't get her pants off that way.
I love Stacy London and What Not To Wear ... how fun that your husband's company is working with her. Too bad you couldn't have paid a surprise visit to have met her!
I would take any of those dresses! But that red number is GORGEOUS! Love it. :)
AHHH! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE those dresses! I love the ruffles trend too! It is so feminine! They are adorable! I love Stacy London too! I would love for her to style me everyday! Haha! Little Harper is so funny! You may have to get out the duct tape! :) (Totally joking!) LOL
That is awesome! My little girl does this on occasion...always a pleasant surprise to find in the morning...pee everywhere!!!! :) Thankfully no poo incidents...yet!
I was so bummed to miss Stacy hubby told me she was at the Home Office yesterday but thought it was for employees only. :( I love her (and Clinton's!) show!!
HILARIOUS! and I love the dresses!
can't.stop.laughing. I used to smear my poop on the walls...AHHHH NASTY!
And hello....I so want to meet stacy clinton and I LOVE YOUR CLOTHES :)
Ok, I think Harper is 1 month older than my little one, and he has never managed to get his clothes off (although he is walking) Yes, a just 9 month old who walks (but will not hold his own bottle...I just love how quirky each and every little one is! Like Harper taking off her diaper! That literally made me laugh out loud.
What a cutie!
I love ruffles, too. I need more...or should I say I "want" more.
My two year old that is almost potty trained pooped in the tub yesterday for the first time. She asked for more bubbles, I guess she was trying to hide it. Needless to say...the tub was scrubbed. :)
I don't own any shorts and as the mother of a six month old, I don't find the diaper incident this morning funny and I would never leave you comments about painting. I think whoever left those made them up. That does not happen. I stand behind that.
Kelly, PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE provide a link for the red dress....PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
i can't stop wearing ruffles either-- specifically the j.crew ruffles. i think i'm going to be in the poor house if i keep buying them, though! you look adorable!
I love ruffles too and hope stays around a while! My son has only taken off his diaper once and it was when my husband put on his night time diaper instead of me! haha:)
we are dealing with that with our oldest son. now is harder for us and maybe it is cause he is a boy but he finds a way to take his diaper off but keep his one piece still on and untouched.
That dress WILL be cute at a Hogs game. That's what cracks me up about SEC games, girls in dresses. I went to OSU- we weren't quite that dressy in the Big XII.
I'm loving that we can wear Yellow Gold again!!
i love "what not to wear" - so fun! the picture of Harper is HILAROUS..i have one exactly like that of Addelyn a couple of months ago...but it was because my husband isn't the best at putting on diapers! so precious..she'll love it when she's older! :)
I can definitely see you wearing both those dresses! The ruffle trend is beautiful and both those dresses are gorgeous! You have such great style!
Stacey London is my idol!! How I love What Not to Wear. Thanks for posting!!! I love the ruffle trend too, as a pregnant girl, it's a little more challenging sticking to your girlie side with such limited clothing options but I have been finding great dresses at Target to wear this summer to accomodate my growing bump. I love the dresses you found, adorable!!!
Oh I laughed so hard.
Please tell me they are NOT bringing the 80s back. NO!!!
Oh, and the trick for the diaper painting, speaking from YEARS of experience, is to cut off the feet of the little footie pajamas, and then zip them in with the jammies on backwards... they can't unzip, and they can't "paint."
Trust me, I know.
My 16 month old little fella has been taking his pants and diaper off lately and peeing all in his bed. It was funny at first, but oneday he did it twice!!!!! I suppose it's still funny though. He has no idea what he's doing he just likes taking it all off. OH MY!!
You're too funny! Thanks for putting a smile on my face today.
I cant believe your husband wouldnt do that for you that would of being amazing if you would be the one to have those $5000 makeover come to think it didnt have to come out of his own budget. As far as Harper there is never a dull moment with kids. Just love every moment.
I would have shown up at his office to meet her! I love that show! :-)
I am LOVING dresses right now....I have for the last several have inspired me! Check out the dress I wore today for work on my blog when you get a chance--I am going to buy it I love it so much!!!
(If you come visit me there is a GREAT local shop with the cutest dresses where we can shop!)
OH- and Connor never did anything terrible with his diaper or the contents, so I am HOPING and PRAYING that AK will be the same!
Oooooooooh, I love those dresses!
Love that JCrew dress!! The red one is beautiful too!
I'm all in favor of your personal motto - if you've lived through the trend once, don't wear it again. Although, doesn't it seem to contradict the notion that if you hold on to something it will come back into style again one day? Of course we don't have to wear it again the second time.
Big fan of summer dresses. Don't know if you've noticed this yet, since H is still so young, but boy do they make gorgeous, cute, fun dresses for girls. I always catch myself wishing they made similar styles for women my age - light, carefree, summery - without looking trashy. My daughter has a closet of dresses that I wish they made bigger.
"The" Stacy London...OH!, "shut up!!" How could Scott NOT get his picture with her?! He will regret that I'm sure. ha. Love, love, LOVE her and WNTW.
I am amazed that Harper can take off her pajama pants. Truly. Amazed. The only time Raegen ever took his diaper off at bed or nap time is when he wasn't wearing pants, and I agree, it is so, so, sooo funny! What a shock to walk in and see a naked little bum!
I'm kind of the opposite of you. I've always loved living in jeans. I have just recently gotten into the dresses...and LOVE them! They're so easy and it saves me so much time in the morning when I'm trying to find something to wear.
The picture of Harper is killing me!! She's too much :)
Oh my word! I can't believe she did that. One piece pj's, here you come!
LOVE IT, and what a cute chubby butt!!!! Don't you just love holding a sweet naked baby!!!
You're such the fashionista! Love, love, love the red dress!
Just wait until she takes her diaper off but is still wearing the pants! Those times always threw me for a loop.
I to am a ruffle goddess!! You look so cute in ruffles! I hope they never go out of style :) The J Crew dress is adorable! I may just have to order it myself! Harper is quite the character! Don't worry, I have never had my child paint on the walls with #2! I would die!
I'm laughing so hard about Harper's picture!!!!!!!!
A couple of weeks ago I was in the kitchen when my 12 month old boy armed crawled to where butt naked! His diaper came off (a rather large cloth diaper) and was scooting across the floor!! It was funny!
You do not need a makeover! You always look great!
Thanks for commenting back. I hope I didnt sound harsh or rude. I just said what came to my mind. I completely understand where you are coming from-just wanted to share it from someone who has been on both sides.
You should check out for dresses- they are a little pricey but have the cutest stuff!! I bet you'd love them!! If you google "shabby apple coupon codes" you can usually find some good ones, for 10-25% off and they have decent sales too.
I had one who was always getting out of a wet diaper and she was my easiest and youngest to potty train:) That is a good sign!
The little girls I used to babysit did that! We finally had to put them in their onesies BACKWARDS with the zipper in the back. Saved me a lot of nasty cleanup!
my friend hilary had to use duct tape around her daughters diapers each night. she held up the baby and daddy rolled duct tape around the diaper. this was an every night occurance... necessary as little claire took all her clothes off all the time
CUTE dresses!
I cannot believe she got her diaper off! At least if she paints the walls they are already brown!:)
(Sorry, I know that was really nasty but I had to say it!)
Another #2 story.... I'll never forget going to get my little princess out of her crib many years ago and she had "stuff" smeared all over her. I am not kidding you when I say ALL over. It was in her ears, nose, and she even tried to lather up her hair with it! (sick!) That definitely was a job for daddy!
I had never heard of Francesca's and love it. I ordered a dress and shirt from there. Thanks! And Harper is as cute as ever.
Kelly, it is too funny you posted this. My good friend, Mikel, works at Aloft and not only got to meet Stacy London but had the honor of running to Wal-Mart Monday night to pick up an emergency bottle of Big Sexy mousse! LOL Then he had a couple of cocktails with she and her stylist. I got to hear alll about it yesterday morning. Since I don't watch much TV I had to Google her name...I didn't know who she was! But don't ever tell him that! Ha.
P.S. Harper's tooshy is so precious!
OMG! You cracked me up when I saw the pic of Harper in her crib with her diaper off! She is quite the smartie pants!! Harper is just so adorable and gets cuter by the day.
You are so blessed!
Momma of 2 boys in MA
my daughter is 2 now, at 9 months she figured out how to take her diaper off. i never made a big deal about it and she hasn't just taken it off ever and run or spread poo everywhere.
i think it depends on the kid :)
LOVELY dresses! So vintage...which is GORGEOUS :)
You could try and put on diaper covers (bloomer like rubber pants from way back when)....My daughter that is now 23 used to do this every morning but she had more than tee tee all over the bed, walls, in the mouth get the picture!! Ha! We were stressed about this for a few days then decided to put rubber pants over her diaper.
Good luck..Harper sure is a pretty little girl and love all her dresses and bows. And love the dresses you bought.
Two words... DUCT TAPE, that is what a friend told me when my twins starting taking their diapers off. FUNNY I know, but when you have to clean up the painted walls you will think about it.
i'm a fashion girl, too! check out my blog!
One thing you've got to get - (well 2, so you always have a clean one) - Ultimate Crib Sheet!
I can only find them at Babies R Us. It's a sheet and mattress pad in one that snaps around crib rails so you still see the pretty sheet when you walk in room, but it keeps you from dealing with bumper ties, lifting mattreses, etc. of changing normal crib sheets. It's a gift from above!
I have seen the stirrup pants at Wal-mart already this fall! My daughter LOVES jelly shoes....she's got several pairs of jelly sandals in all differnt colors to match her clothes. I, like you, don't wish to wear all those clothes a second time! haha
knock on wood, my son turned 2 in july and we've NEVER had a poo blowout, and he's NEVER even tried to take his diaper off himself (although now i wish he would so he'd start potty training!!!!) i can handle barf... but poo..... i think i'd have to throw everything away that it got on.
how in the world does harper get her pants off???? that's crazy. she's slick.
I thought your husband looked familar on your blog and I just put it together that he works for Rockfish! Small world, I actually interviewed for a job there last year but ended up taking a job at a marketing firm in Bentonville. Many of our good friends work at RFI including John Cox (he used to work at Camp War Eagle with my husband), Alden Napier (he came back to Camp War Eagle), David Mears (he lives right next door to me and they just had another baby boy!), and the lady who watches Parker is named Serena and she just left Rockfish. I've heard so many good things about the company--I'm sure Scott does great work!
All I have to say is DITTO the MOTTO! HA!
I LOVE dresses! They are all I wear in the spring, summer, and into fall! I teach and last spring as soon as it started getting warm I was wearing dresses. I didn't repeat one ever! I made it to the end of the school year. And so far this school year I have been able to do the same thing. It's a great addiction!
Try putting the diaper backwards it'll be awhile b/4 she figures it out!.....Jo
What is really hilarious is another blog yesterday was about this same thing, but her child was a year old and while mom was cleaning the wet crib up, she was pooping on the living room floor!!! Ha
I know, you asked for no more poop stories, but I couldn't resist. =)
When mine were that age, I had to put bloomers over their diapers or onesies to keep the diaper where it's supposed to be. lol The bloomers need to be a little tight, but not too tight, or she'll figure it out.
I just loved this post! I have that same J.Crew dress and it's SO comfortable!
ha ha ha... I read it after you included the 'edit' but was thinking just that. Abigail would take her diaper off and paint artwork on the walls. I took pictures, just for her. Yes, ew. The boys never did that.
My niece used to do sister used to put her in one piece zip up pjs, but after she pastered that, my sister put her zip up pjs on backward overnight. Emma was a little houdini!
My little girl did the same thing- every night for about two weeks and then I discovered duct tape. I literally had to duct tape it around her waist and between her legs to keep it on her- just make sure it's not too tight if you decide to try it. Works like a charm.
Oh my goodness!!! The pic of Harper's little naked toosh is just too much. SO FUNNY! My Nora is 16 months old, and she has yet to take her diaper off. All I can say is WOW! ;)
Love those dresses. And, I am with you on the trends - love the thought of not doing it when you've been through it once! Although, I'm kinda digging the skinny jeans - I didn't really wear them in the 80's (but I did wear the zippered legs and that's just wrong!)
And, I found our little boy diaper-less this afternoon from his nap too!! The things those lil' boogers do! I'm pretty sure he was doing it for defiance and laughs from me though :)
check out Ann Taylor Loft. They have a bunch of ruffled stuff this season. Yeah I got bored at work and played on thier website today. :)
Hey, it's Leslie from Arvest! Rockfish has got it going on : ) You should totally check out Francesca's online store, they have even more things there than in the actual store.
I love the diaper story! We just experienced this on Sunday only my daughter did more then just pee. You can read all about it on my blog. I took a picture, but decided it was too disgusting to share with the world. haha.
Kelly, You should have went up to his office! I met Stacey yesterday at Sam's Club and got my picture with her! check it out on my blog! She was super nice! BTW I read your blog all the time, you are super a great mommy and Harper is sooo very cute!
We are approved to foster in our state and one of the questions in our application was "would we consider taking a child that smears their poo on the walls"? Honest to goodness, it really asked that! My hubby is so silly...he says to our social worker, since they are giving us a choice - that's a NO!!!
Girl, I am with you on the ruffle trend. I love all things ruffled!! Love it!! Ok, and I literally just laughed out loud about the last pic of Harper! That is hilarious!!
I absolutely LOVE Stacy London!!! I want to be on What Not To Wear as well. ( I LOVE shopping!!) My son took his diaper off last week while he was in his crib only instead of peeing he pooped and he pooped EVERYWHERE!! It was horrible.
I know you are a dog lover and I just wanted to share a very sad story that happened in my area. I blogged about it on my blog.
Here's the link:
You do not KNOW of my love for Stacy and Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you have your hubs ask her why Nick Arrojo is no longer the hairstylist on WNTW? I am sure this Ted fellow is lovely and all but I loved Nick. And he knows how to cut curly hair and how is he supposed to give me a fabulous curly girl haircut when i get chosen to go on??!?!?!
She was at my office yesterday too!!! They had her doing a Locks for Love by Panteen. There were quite a few ladies giving at least 8 inches or more of hair....and Stacy did the chopping. Afterwards, she did a question/answer with us and even suggested wardrobe ideas. She was wonderful, hilarious and very very humble and down to earth!!!
As for the diaper issue, my 18 month old has a thing for taking hers off and dancing. Scary for me she likes to climb on the coffee table:)
Too, too funny! My kids at one time or another managed to get their diapers off with their pjs on. Don't assume because there is a snap, like many have mentioned, that Harper won't unzip the pjs and still get the diaper off.....mine did that. I remember finding my daughter several times with the snap still in place, but the zipper was down!! Good luck!!
love the J Crew dress! any dress they make is great! also loving that you mentioned SEC football! i am a Gamecock fan, as heartbreaking as it can be sometimes. we live in NC now and i keep joking with people here that the real Carolina is coming to play State tomorrow! ha!
how creative of Harper to take off her diaper too!
I have followed your blog since Harper was born. I just love your honesty and love for the LORD! You inspire me to be a better person. I love the pic of Harper and her naked biscuits! I do have to inform you that Wal-Mart here has stirrup pants...YIKES!!!!! I look forward to continue to follow you and be challenged to be a better person!
I like the ruffle trend too! So
I have seen leggings with
zippers. Don't think I will be buying any of them.
Also plaid is in for the fall. I
don't like the way it looks on me.
You are right about a trend, wear it once it is popular, not again.
You always wear such pretty dresses. You have nice taste in
Harper is so funny, she is a little
Houdini. Adorable!
I love Stacy and Clinton!!!
All I have to say is I CANNOT wear the 80's trends again! There's not much from that decade that was/is attractive! Please Lord! Don't let it be!!!!
such cute stuff you have:) Very interesting about the trends coming back.
Thats so funny about her taking off her diaper..haha
Love reading your blog..started when Harper was born and I prayed for her and you. Just wanted to comment since you had a Stacy picture. For our 15th wedding anniversary my husband arranged a surprise trip to NYC and made an appointment for me to get my hair done by Nick Arrojo. It was awesome! I live in Ada, OK.
Girl, you know I love me some fashion! I love Franchescas, so glad that red dress is from there- it's beautiful! ;)
HAHA on the diaper, I am worried my day is coming all to soon!
Right after Shawn first died the only show I would watch on TV was What Not To Wear. I'm talking I would watch endless hours of the show. I love Stacey London!
That red dress is so so cute! I would wear that everywhere. You will for sur have to take some pictures in it so we can see what it looks like.
The picture of Harper made me laugh. So sorry you had to wake up to that, but at least you all can laugh about it.
Oh, mercy! That is so cute about Harper getting her jammie bottoms and diaper off...of course, I didn't have to clean up the mess! That's a new one on me. My kids (almost grown) never did that.
How do you get your pictures in a collage like that?
And I don't care who you are, skinny jeans look terrible on everybody. Yes, I said it, EVERYBODY!
Excuse me for commenting that Harper has the cutest tooshie on the planet. HAAAAAAAA! That face in the picture is sooooo guilty... I LOVE IT!
Cute dresses! I didn't even realize until now ruffles were in. I'm out of it on fashion lately. I think I need Stacey London. That is cool he met her by the way. :)
I have had a hard time finding one piece zip up footed pajamas for Ella because she is so long and I think you said you were having a hard time finding them too. I went to Dillards yesterday and they have some, up to 24 months, for a decent price. I stocked up on them, maybe that will help with the pants problem!
SHUT UP! (I love it when Stacey says that.) Your new dresses are darling and we have had zero wall or crib paintings here thank heavens! I would cry!
Diaper incidents??? Yes! They WILL happen. Be ready!
Betty in Oklahoma
That is the funniest thing! I can't believe that she took off her diaper too! :)
Kelly, A couple years ago I made the BIG mistake of nominating my sister for What Not To Wear and we were picked. YES! I won't tell you which episode, but it's on a lot lately. Anyway, She was one of three beautiful women and was not chosen for the final $5000, but the worst part is Stacy was so harsh to her and then because she wasn't chosen, was left with a sad self image and nothing to do about it. Therefore, believe us when we say you are beautiful and your style is amazing. You know what to wear.
Kelly, I ran across this baby food on another blog I read, and it seemed like "you." Thought you might want to check into it ... if our baby weren't already off of baby food, I'd certainly try this out!
Speaking of #2 incidents. When I was a baby, my Dad came into my room and I was standing in my crib. He saw that I had something in my mouth. He put his hand cupped under my chin and told me to spit it out. Well, I did, and you guessed it, it was #2!!!! BLEH!!!
I'm with you, LOVE the ruffle trend! I would have DIED if you got to meet Stacey!!! Love her!!! Harper is TOOCUTEFORWORDS!!!!
I love your dresses. How cute they are.....How do those babies undress in the night. I would love to set a video cam going and see what they do.
SEC all the way. GO VOLS! And the ruffles look great on you!
Love those dresses! I just saw a really cute one in Downeast Basics (and a whole bunch of cute skirts too!)
I keep asking my family if they want to nominate me for What Not to Wear. I love that show!
Put that diaper on backwards Momma!
I LOVE What Not to Wear-I was just watching it in fact!
LOL! My little one hasn't figured out how to take his clothes off yet. ;)
We've never met, and I have never even commented before, but I just had to say that I was in JC Penney's this morning and saw several ruffly dresses and the first thought that came into my mind was Kelly sure would like those! :)
I LOVE What Not to Wear! It's actually a pretty sweet show. I usually cry. Lately, I've been glancing around to make sure they aren't filming me. I'm pretty sure that they would want to get their hands on me. I also talk about them like they are my friends...
Stacie and Clinton would just love this...
SO cool that she was right there! Your husband has no idea how cool that is!
Also, I was walking my baby in the mall and wandered into New York and Company (not usually my favorite store) and spotted this:
It's so cute and I bough the cream color. I thought I should let you know. It's like a jersey dress, but a nice heavy jersey so it will actually last. It's really really cute and on me it's not as short as it looks on the tall tall model. I thought I'd let you know!
Helen Joy
I love the ruffle trend, too! So feminine - no matter what I actually look like that day, ruffles just make me feel prettier. That J Crew dress should look classic for a long time - cute find!
I didn't read through the comments, so if someone has already said this, forgive me!! My boys are 12 and 13 now, but back when they were little the loved to take their diaper off! Try to put the diaper on backwards at night, it's harder to take off that way. If that doesn't work, duct tape! Seriously, it!
I used to put my daughter to bed (and nap) with a onesie on religiously until she was two. And I only use footed PJs until she was about 20 months. BTW- Carters has great footed PJs all the way up to size 4T, if you can find an outlet that is the easiest way to find them. Or Kohls, they sell them too. Target also has their own line of footed PJ (I think they may carry Carters too?) up to size 2T-3T.
Being on "What Not to Where" would be my dream come true. If Stacy and Clinton showed up the ambush me I would pass out with happiness. Take me and PLEASE make me get rid of all my clothes.
I love Dips too.
Go BC EAGLES! (I'm a Boston girl)
I love your blog!
(kirsten - SAHM of 3, one 3yrold and 5 month old twin boys )
My daughter did it too...she didn't like to be wet. I remember you saying you were having a hard time finding those footed pjs. I bought all of mine from walmart up to 9-12 months (I'm sure they are not quite in season yet) But Harper will learn to get the snap ones off so you need to try and find zipper with the fold snap at the top to hide the zipper because she'll figure that one out too. Try Old Navy.
Live me some ruffles too! I used to be a skirt and dress girl, but since my little one, not as cute... Still working on it! YOU look great- please share you weight loss secrets!:). I would also love to hear where you have found all of your ruffled tops and dresses. I have several from anthro and jcrew, but know you are a great bargain shopper.
Harper is darling and would never paint the walls...right?:)
rolling with laughter - such a little cutie! :]]
I love Clinton and Kelly, they are so funny and have some great tips too! The J Crew dress is so cute, I may have to go looking for it this weekend. We are lucky that Avery is not pulling off her pants yet but I am sure it will happen sooner or later.
Your red dress looks like one of the dresses my bridesmaids picked out to wear except they are brown. I wanted to buy it because I thought it was so cute. Except I would want a purple one for my LSU Tigers!!
I'm sure someone has already told you about the awesome p.j.'s at a store called The Children's Place. If you don't have one locally you can order online. Anyway they are long stretchie one piece jammies that can be worn all year long. Light weight and super cute! My daughter wore them until she was almost three years old. We had them in every size and color. Anyway there is no way Harper could get them off of her. My niece and nephew have worn them and my sister swares by them too.
Here is a link-
Great post. Stacy London and your girl who obviously thought her diaper was "what not to wear." Somehow I blog hopped over here. You have a lot going on!
-- michele
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