Note to Self: When you link to something - make sure and check if your link is working before you leave for the day. ha! The link to the site works now! Sorry about that.
Isn't Harper precious in her Razorback smocked dress? She is so proud of her team for being undefeated so far! :-)

I love that she has a cute BIG razorback bow to match her dress!

Yes - I'm super biased - but I think this is the cutest booty in all of Arkansas!
I LOVED all the comments I got on my college football post last week. So fun to hear from so many girls who are crazy about football like me. I got several questions that I thought I should answer.
1. First things first:
Several of you said you didn't understand the whole "pride in your conference thing". I think all the SEC teams are VERY proud of our conference. We hate each team on game day - but when anyone from the SEC is playing anyone else - we are big fans. I can't stand LSU (sorry) or Alabama (ha!) but when they play another school or in a bowl or championship game (since the SEC wins basically every year - J/K) - I will yell just as loud as I do for the Hogs. It's southern football - it's not just a game to us.
2. Do I (we) really dress up for football games? YES! Don't all of you girls from SEC schools dress up for game day? It's part of the fun. Only if it rains or is EXTREMELY cold would I wear jeans and a tee/sweat shirt. I remember going to a Big 12 game and was SHOCKED that no girls were dressed up.
A sweet blogger sent me this site and I am loving it and have to share - two SEC girls have started this so it is easy to find cute clothes in your team colors!

How cute is this Gator girls?

I can see this being worn in the Grove at Ole Miss - eating BBQ under a chandelier!

Or how about you Bulldog fans (Miss State that is) - so cute?

My #2 favorite team in the SEC is Georgia - go Bulldogs!

I could see some cute LSU girls yelling "Geaux Tigers" and eating jambalaya in this!
3. Why did I not go to the U of A if I'm such a big hog fan?
My parents both went to Arkansas so they raised me to love it but when it came time for college - I wanted to go to a small, Christian school - so I went to Ouachita Baptist. It was TOTALLY the right choice for me. But I am CRAZY about the hogs. Most anyone who is raised in Arkansas - regardless of where you go to school - is a Hog fan! It's in our blood!
Oh I love this time of year!
adorable... love it.
Tell me... where did you get your lovely red dress in this photo? So cute... and you've lost weight... you look so good! ~ kim
The link for the team colors outfits is not working. Can you send me the website? This Clemson gal has got to find it!! Thanks Kelly! BTW I love that you dress for the games... I do as well!
Ohhh, love Harper's school spirit! We are Purdue fans (Big 10) and people do not dress up, but I soooo wish they did! How adorable everyone must look!
can you please repost the's not working! I'm not from the states, but those are some cute dresses!!
Adorable picture. I went to Vanderbilt for graduate school and about the first week there my classmates were discussing the SEC and I thought it was the Securities and Exchange Commission. I had a lot to learn, and still laugh when I think about it, even though it's almost 40 years later.
i love the pics!! there is a little prize tag on harpers dress in the pic of her ;)
she is so darling!!
The link to the site isn't working!!!! Can you re-post it?! Gotta rep Vandy in the SEC :)
So true! Hate LSU and Bama but will cheer for them if playing someone other than AU. Ha!
Harper looks adorable, as usual. And I know what you mean when you say that on game day the opposing team is your worst enemy, but when they are up against anyone else, we are right there rooting for them! My husband explains it that when a SEC team, it makes us all look good! But we already knew that ;)
I agree - something is special about SEC football! Have you seen the "Football in the South" post? I believe I saw it at According to Nina.
Also, the link isn't working in this post.
Love your red dress and Harper's Go Hogs outfit! Too cute! I was totally wearing all my LSU gear - all day in anticipation the late Saturday night game.
Happy Labor Day!
You and Harper both look ADORABLE in your red! Derek thought I was crazy that I didn't wear a t-shirt and went for a black shirt and red jewelry instead for the game. I was definitely not THAT dressed up but I was amazed that I really didn't see any girls dressed up (except for my aunt...she was and always is). I remember when I was younger and my parents would take me. Everyone was dressed to the nines. Not really like that anymore. Oh, and when Derek was looking for tickets, he could only find four. He asked me if I thought you and Scott would want to go with us. I told him that I was pretty sure you had WAY better seats than that already and that you also were staying home with Harper. I thought that was a great idea Derek had though. Wouldn't that have been F U N to go together?!
Those outfits are fabulous! Maybe I need to be a Bulldog fan someday so I can wear that cute dress. LOVE!
Cute post! I love that you dress up for games.
Oh and I will admit, I am one of the small percentage of Arkansans that were born and raised in the state and is not a Razorback fan in any way, shape or form. Love the state, just not the teams. :-)
So cute and well said! Go Hogs!
Photos are too cute!
I'm one of the Big 12 girls that doesn't dress up for the games. My hubby & I both graduated from K-State, and we bleed purple!! And we're raising our boys to feel the same!!
But, yes, it's true...we don't dress up for the games. I usually wear jeans and a purple t-shirt or sweatshirt or my purple coat.
Go Cats!
As far as the Big 12...obviously you didn't go to a Baylor game...don't leave home without your pearls.
I posted about my 'Dores today! We took the whole family to the season opener and had a blast!
Fun Stuff! I miss SO much being in NC and being my college football games. I was a little jealous seeing all my friends posting on facebook that they were all going. I went to ECU and football was/is a huge part of my life too. I grew up kids are missing out on that. Now I get to watch my son play for his high school team and it is just the best!!
Hey Kelly! I am a HUGE Ole Miss fan, and I totally agree about SEC football! I went to a small school, too, instead of going to Ole Miss, but I always have been and always will be a big Ole Miss fan. I grew up 20 minutes from there, and that is where both of my parents went, so I was pretty much raised to be an Ole Miss fan! :) Someone told me the other day that it annoys them that people are fans of schools they didn't even go to! Glad you are in the same boat as me!!! :)
So true about the dressing up thing. I'm an Alabama fan through and through, and we continually made comments about how the Virginia Tech girls this weekend were wearing cut off shorts, t-shirts, and face paint! A far cry from my white sundress and red clutch.
The link isn't working, and I NEED some of those dresses I'm sure. Let us know when it's back up!
These pics are too cute! You definitely need to make a collage of her first Razorback outfits (including the cute booty)!! What a great things to have for her wedding video!! (I'm thinking ahead a little) :)
I live in Red Raider (Texas Tech) country and EVERYONE dresses up here! I have always been a Red Raider fan but when I moved to Michigan I became a Wolverine fan too! I'm just glad they won't play each other! :)
i must correct you...:) look to the northeastern part of the state at the OTHER division 1 NCAA school, and you'll find thousands who aren't hog fans in the least..we love our red wolves, and do NOT cheer for the hogs...ever...just had to add :)
I'm a Clemson girl. I think that in the ACC really the only girls that dress up are the sorority girls or those going to the game with a frat boy. neither of those were me. I wear a tee and jeans/khakis to games. I just can't stand sitting in the heat all day dressed up. I guess it's all what you are used to. To each his own.
Now, my daughter. She is 2.5 and has been to most games since she was born (only the first half of the game, though) and she is always decked out in cute Clemson dresses that her Grandma makes each year. I let her get all the cuteness and I go for comfort! Ha!
Its totally a southern thing to dress up. We southern girls rock out the Football game in our knee high boots and mini skirts!
I think that it also has something to do with the fact that for MOST of the football season in the south... its STILL 90 degrees outside! Our poor Coach Brooks was totally sun burned after the UK vs Miami game!
I totally agree with you about the SEC. I think its one of the tightest knit conferences in America. Once again... its the south... southern hospitality and pride are not catch phrases... they are a way of life!
ohmystars, equal time for the TENNESSEE VOLS!!
i have to agree. i hate on the SEC when the vols are on the other side of the ball, but on a saturday afternoon, i'm all SEC no matter who is playing (although go gators causes me to throw up in my mouth just a tiny bit!)
i'm a tennessee grad whose daughter is not a freshie at UA. . . roll tide (gah!).
she's a new little AOII so the girl is ALL about her red!!
fun post and cute clothes!! i'm on my way to that site now to maybe do a little christmas shopping!!
and do southern girls dress up for games?? you bet your sweet SEC we do!!
Now I have a question. Where did you get the Go Hogs bloomers and smocked dress? We aren't Hog fans but my husband and his family are big WVU fans and I would like to get a similar outfit for our daughter.
Absolutely we dress for games!
The link for the dress site isn't working...
Cute! I love Harper's smocked dress! SEC teams are amazing, and it's hard to explain the friendly love/hate relationships between us, but you did a great job!
We are Florida Gator fans, but when we moved to Alabama about twenty years ago, we learned really fast not to make that too public :) They are crazy about some Alabama football in these parts. Our neighbors just moved here from Arkansas, and put a HUGE Razorback Hog yard sign in their front yard. I don't think it will last too long! Best wishes to you and your team!
hog fan here as well. my husband and i were in New Orleans last weekend and could only get the game on espn 360. we had to take the computer into a cafe with internet to cheer on the hogs! luckily no tiger fans seemed to care.
She is so adorable and those bloomers are sooo cute!
I love the GA outfit. Sadly I could see most of my family wearing the Florida outfit on game day :(
You hate Alabama? Well, I will forgive you. I hate Auburn. But, here in Alabama you have to decided at birth if you are for Alabama or Auburn. ha. Love your dress & Harper's dress. You have the cutest clothes for her. ROLL TIDE ROLL! :)
That's how things are around here doesn't matter what school you went to, if you live in Ohio, you're an Ohio State fan pretty much :-) I also went to a small Christian school, but I'm an OSU fan! We have an OSU-themed room in our house, and neither my husband or I went to school there :-)
Geaux Tigers!!!
One quick question. Is that a dress or a long blouse you're wearing in these pictures? I'm in love with it! Where did you get it?
My husband is a college football coach in Texas on the DII level. One of our other coaches is from AR and I think they have friends that know you! I love football and both my girls have gone to games since they were babies. My oldest was born during football season and she went to her first game when she was 2 weeks old! Way to start Harper early! More than dressing up myself, I love to dress my girls up! This week, my Mom made them zebra and football pants and I made a shirt to go with them!
I went to a big 12 school and my friends and I always dressed up for games. I went back for a game a few years ago and was so surprised that no one was dressed up at all!
Just wanted you to know that some of us USED to dress up! :)
Oh those bloomers are the cutest!!!
I just wanted to remind you to keep all of Harper's smocked dresses. You can hem them a little and use them as smocked tops with ruffle pants or shorts when she gets bigger.
We completely understand the SEC obsession in our house! We're Bulldawg fans through and through and were SO disappointed on Saturday. It hurts! Game Days are so much fun for us! We won't be going to ANY games this year - I'm 34 weeks pregnant - but we LOVE doing the tailgating thing with friends at home while we can't go! I LOVE Harper's dress. Can't wait to dress my boy up for games! I think college football is COMPLETELY different for those of us in the South, just like NFL is completely different for those in the North. Our allegiance remains with UGA, but we're going to be yelling for FSU tonight as well!
Great posts on the HOG frenzy and SEC football!! I'm right there with you! Did you get my e-mail about the north/south differences in football?? I got that right after you did the post on loving football, SEC, etc. and had to send it to you. I hope you got it! LOVE the Hog smocked dress and bloomers! TOO stinkin' cute!
Wooooo Pig Sooie!!! Yes ma'am! I love those Hogs and am so excited it's football season again. There really is nothing like this time of year!
Love Harper's Razorback dress! I can already tell she'll be following in her mama's football lovin' footsteps!
Your post about SEC football is right on (although I do find it hard to ever pull for Alabama). We enjoyed watching Saturday night's game on Game Plan here in Birmingham with some other Hog fans. LBeau and I will be heading to Fayetteville in a couple of weeks for the Georgia game.
I can't get that link to work. I saw a site that had cute team couture but it was only for Texas teams...doesnt work for me in Kentucky! :) I'm a bit upset that you left UK out of the dress lineup:(
LOVE the adorable dresses!
Cute pics of you all! :)
Oh I totally agree with being crazy about the SECOND! Very true! I always want my conference to win. And I love dressing up for games. They don't really dress up at UF but I think most southern/SEC schools do dress up. That's part of the fun- planning your outfit!
Your dress is so cute! I'm a big 12 girl, and never dressed up for games but if I could do it over again I probably would!
Harper is TOO CUTE!
I'm one of those minorities that was raised in AR, but the Razorbacks aren't my favorite team. I like them, but I'm a big Oklahoma fan and have been forever. I don't dress up for the game. I wear my t-shirt/sweatshirt and jeans. And you are right, I don't see dressing up too often in Big 12 games.
And I do have to add, I'm just the opposite...if I see Texas, Nebraska, OK State, Kansas State, or any other Big 12 team playing someone else, I'm always for the someone else! Ha! And then when we start playing each other, I try and figure out what it would do for us in the whole grand scheme of things and no matter what, I could never cheer for Texas.
Hey Girls...that link is
cute cute stuff....
kelly, i agree with you on the whole small school family all went to LSU but when it was my turn I knew it wasn't for me... i went to Millsaps College in Jackson instead. loved it, but i still love my tigers!!
january is just around the corner...i would love to make Harper a plate and bowl set to match her birthday theme....(or do the invites or all!!) i hope to hear from you one day on my site!!
Geaux Tigers...and GO SEC!
If someone has to question why you are dressed up for a college football game, it is clear they are MOST DEFINITELY not from the South!!! I graduated from AUBURN, and get so excited to find a cute orange or navy dress to put on for gameday!! Love your red dress...too cute!! :)
harper is a cutie! xo.
harpers dress is adorable! i love it.
Harper is so cute! And, yes, most SEC girls dress up for games! I went to UGA - Go Dawgs - and there was a store in Downtown Athens call the "Red Dress Boutique". It is filled with adorable game day dresses.
It is more of a sorority girl thing to dress up when I was at Tennessee. I always wore my orange though. I have been wearing Tennessee shirts all week in anticipation of yesterday. I cheer for all SEC teams too (except the Gators. I just can't do it.)
So I went to a game this weekend- I haven't been in a couple of years and really thought I would be underdressed based on reading your blog about red dresses for the games. I wore a "nicer" shirt and jeans and was overdressed. Us Big 12 girls go pretty casual. It must be an SEC thing!
I am going to have to print this page and show it to a friend! I live 35 from Mississippi state and so many people are Dows fans...and should be!
I love your blogs post..they are so cute! Its fun to read them..even though I have never ment your family and found your site through a friend its been fun and inspiring to see your blog!
I'm not even a football fan but you are SO CUTE with your football enthusiasm! Makes me wish I lived in the south (I am in Los Angeles!)
I live in Ohio and I wish we dressed up for games! Everyone around here wears jeans and t-shirts. I'll just add it to my list of reasons about why I love the south!
harper looks soooo it
i love the dresses
i didnt go to LSU but i was born and raise a fan.
i am proud to be a lsu girl and a sec girl
Okay, Kelly, I love your blog, but I totally have to agree with Jill. Those of us that went to the school on the other side of the state are proud of our Indians/Red Wolves! It's more of a school loyalty thing than anything else, but this might be our year! We are undefeated so far. ;)
I do love me some college football!
Yes ma'am! We are a dressing up kind of a crowd. HOWEVER I refuse to wear heels to a game like so many gals do! I'm a flat wearing sort of a girl! I really like all the pics of the other SEC team dresses, but the link isn't working!
I HEART those Hogs!
I'm an SEC girl too! Go UK Wildcats!
PS at Chick-Fil-A today, they were having "wear any sports shirt and get a free chicken sandwich" day and there was a gal there wearing a Bama shirt! The lady behind me goes "Oh, I'm not even from Arkansas and I know better than that!" ha!
Since I live in an area where college football is the best thing since sliced bread I thought I would share a website with you. A local business man founded a clothing line - Stadium Pants - the website is www.penningtonand It's pricey but neat clothing! You see the pants at every college game in SC!
I'm a Big Ten girl, and I think I might move the dressing up tradition up here to Indiana. Little black dress + Gold accessories = Boiler Up!
I can't believe you hate Bama!!? Do you think u really hate Bama, or just their CRAZY OVER THE TOP fans? I am surrounded by them every day! But I do have a HUGE sense of pride for any team of the SEC, they represent well!! Isn't the SEC the ONLY real conference out there???!!!!
And I agree! I would never go to a game not looking as cute as possible, we would be totally out of place!!
The dresses at tru color are so cute! I am so ready for Saturday and Alabama's first home game. I love getting dressed up for the game. I have found some CUTE dresses and accessories for this season. Ha! Roll Tide! I have never really thought of other parts of the country not living football. I did find it interesting that we went on a cruise in 2008 and my husband had on an Alabama shirt. We got off of the ship and all of these people in honduras started yelling Roll Tide! ha. That was interesting!
I love the game day apparell! Super cute and I love dressing up for the games, too! I am a UT fan and have the hardest time finding "Tennessee Orange"! Could you post that website again since it's not working here?? I would LOVE to see if they have something cute for UT!
1.) Your arms are rocking!!! Seriously! I'm ready for some awesome mom arms from holding my sweet boy!
2.) I love those dresses, but for some reason the link didn't work. I want to see more-- and hopefully there's a Gamecock option! :)
3.) SEC Football is in its own class. Big 12 and Big 10 don't even know! :) I always cheer for SEC teams when they're playing non-SEC teams. And my Dad grew up in Crossett, AR so my grandparents and my Dad have always been Hogs fans!
p.s. The link works now. SORRY! :)
Oh how my Tiger heart aches that you don't like LSU! Just kidding! :) Hey ... at least we agree on Alabama!
We always look forward to the Thanksgiving time LSU/Arkansas game. It's always a good one!
Thanks for your fun SEC posts! You've done a great job describing that special SEC magic!
(BTW, Harper's bloomers are adorable!)
With every post you write, you seal in my mind that you are MY KINDA GIRL.
I am a TRUE SEC girl!! I'm with you I cheer for every SEC team because we truly are the BEST!! I am a HUGE Georgia fan and I am married to a HUGE South Carolina fan, so we cheer for one another except for the Carolina/Georgia game which happens to be next weekend!!!! SO, my litte girl will go neutral while my husband and I sit in opposite rooms to watch the game unless he decides to head to UGA with my brother and all his UGA friends to the game!! GO SEC!!!!!!
I'm a fellow Arkansas girl and I agree with all of this. Especially about being a Hog fan whether you went to the UofA or not. I didn't attend the UofA for financial reasons but still live and die Razorback football! and basketball...and baseball....haha
And love the dressing up for the games! Southern thing I guess =)
Kelly, you are the epitamy of a Southern Girl. I love it and you make me proud to be from Arkansas!
Much love,
Oh my word, this Gator girl is lovin that Gator outfit!!!!!!!! :)
My father-in-law is a retired professor from Auburn and I always admired how everyone looked on gameday. I love my dresses but with our extreme weather (that changes from minute to minute) I was so uncomfortable. This Oklahoma State fan is going back her t-shirts/sweatshirts once and for all!
Also, I cheer for everyone in the Big 12 except OU. There is NO WAY I could ever cheer for them, never!
Cute outfits! I'm a newcomer to your blog. I've been blog hopping looking outside my normal crafty/sewing circle of blogs.
I have a sewing/embroidery studio at home and have been making a number of bloomers and diaper covers out of all sorts of fabrics. Please stop by and see the blog and the other crafty things I'm up to.
These darling bloomers turned out great for a gal out west -
Yea! Go Dawgs! I totally agree about dressing up to go to games! If you're a girl and don't dress up for a UGA game you stick out like a sore thumb! Girls go ALL out on game days!
RED is so your color....You are such a is Harper...but red is absolutley gorgeous on you....
Girl, I LOVE me some SEC football!!! It is the BEST conference!!! I will always root for SEC teams as long as they aren't playing our GATORS...although Tennessee is not a personal favorite. :)
Love the new pics! And, you are blogging about my favorite topic. You are right... I love SEC games and root for them when they are NOT playing the Hogs. I want our "conference" to do well! But, when they are playing our team it's not like that!
Hugs- Tiff
Harper's little dress and headband are so cute. I totally agree with you pulling for the SEC teams, however I can't bring myself to root for any team who's colors are orange (no Gators or Vols).
Just had to put in a little feedback from here on Rocky Top. Yes, we do cheer for all SEC teams...even the dreaded Gators...when they're not playing our Vols - the better our conference does the better each team fares in the end of season rankings. However, we don't dress up for games here. Homecoming, yes. Some freshman college girls, yes. But for us tried and true down and dirty football fans, no! It's almost a sport watching girls in little dresses and fancy shoes walk uphill both ways getting to and from the stadium. And now that we're watching from home with kids in tow (all dressed appropriately in orange and singing every word to Rocky Top by 3) it's t-shirts and UT flip flops (with appropriately pedicured toes showing) for us for every game!!!
I went to USC- not California and we still dress up for every game! Its what you do in the South.
Thought you might also like this website. Great SEC clothing!
I love dressing up for the games...wish I had more cute outfits in crimson & cream (OU). I understand the conference allegiance the SEC has, and wish we had a little more in the Big 12.
And, try going to a game again, it's a lot more commonplace for people to be dressed up now, than before.
Love Harper's bloomers...way to start her on the Hogs early!
I come from a sweatshirt & jeans part of the midwest... but think the southern way of celebrating team spirit is adorable! We are hard core IU and Purdue fans around here... most are one or the other!
that's funny!!! i went to ATU and am a HOG fan all the way, but prefer that my kids go to a smaller school. however since we live right at the back door of the u of a it's been hard to persuade my 14 to start thinking about going elsewhere...he loves the hogs and we never even get to go too many games b/c we are tooooooo poor!!!!! my husband lived in arkansas most of his life (from 8 yrs on) and ended up going to MSU (boooo) and he tries to convince all 3 of our kids that they already have bulldog blood in them. ugh!
SEC football is the best...and in particular Alabama football is the best of the best (sorry)!!! ROLL TIDE! So, although Alabama fans are loyal to the SEC, It would be still be hard to pull for Auburn or the Gators even in the National Championship. We are pretty die hard and hate those 2 teams with a vengeance! I attended UA and live in Tuscaloosa, and fall is such an exciting time! We love our Crimson Tide! And yes, all the sorority girls and many of the alumni dress up for the games. There is still a huge part of our fan base that doesn't dress up, but if you were in a sorority then you always find cute outfits for gameday! I love it!!! I don't think all the SEC schools dress up though. Harper looked adorable in her dress, bow, and bloomers. I LOVE bloomers on little girls!
Okay, I went to KU (Big 12 school) and I would never dress up for a game. KU sweatshirt and jeans. But then, I rarely dress up anyway.
And also, I understand having pride in your conference, but there are some teams I just cannot root for! I hate MU with a passion and would never, ever cheer for them! Any other Big 12 team I would cheer for, though...
kelly, i MUST know where you got the smocked dress!!! my husband is a HUGE razorback fan and would definitely foot the bill for that adorable dress. :)
I'm at Big 12 girl myself and since I was a sorority freshman I have always dressed up... even if I'm just watching on TV! You're so right that most Big 12 fans don't though. I seem to always wonder why most girls are in jeans and t-shirts when they could be in a cute dress instead! That dress of Harper's is precious... I wonder if I can get a smocked Texas Tech dress in an adult size! ;)
Totally have to agree that if you grow up in Arkansas, you are a HOG fan! My whole family (parents, siblings, grandparents) all went to the U of A, but when time for college, I went to Oklahoma Baptist University for many of the same reasons you said you chose Ouachita. GO HOGS!
HA! I grew up in SE TN and for a long time only thought the SEC existed. Now, sure I cheer for most of the SEC but will not, even in a bowl game, cheer for Alabama, Tennessee or Florida. I just can't. I did know that Texas was around but that has to do with my dad. And yes, I am obsessed with SEC football.
Dressing up? Umm, not so much. Especially after graduating. I went to some Ole Miss games last year and the undergrads were dressed to the nines, even when it was freezing cold. We "older" people dressed for cuteness but leaned towards comfort.
Harper is so cute in her Razorback gear!
But my beloved Dawgs lost (let's not talk about it okay?). At least Ole Miss won!
Arkansas would be one of the states that doesn't carry those adorable SEC clothes!!:)
I love Harpers cute little dress and your dress looks so cute on!
Kelly, Harper is precious just like her Mama. Red is a gorgeous color on you both!
So many cute things...and your little girl is the cutest little Hog fan I've ever seen!
Thanks for passing on that website! Big Mama posted one the other day, but it was just for the Texas schools. :(
Where is her smocked dress from? I have a Clemson dress (for me) and a Michigan dress (for my husband), but am always looking for places that sell smocked clothing. Also, LOVE LOVE your dress - where is it from???
I so hear you on loving football, especially SEC football. I didn't attend the University of Georgia, but I am a huge Bulldawg fan. Love the Dawgs!! And, like you said, I'll cheer for another SEC team as long a we're not playing them. (And, by "we", I mean UGA, of course) My second favorite SEC team is Alabama.
I actually didn't dress up when I used to go to games regularly, BUT I always wore the team colors. If I went now, I'd totally dress up. And,I'm loving that site you posted!
It's too bad the Dawgs started out the season on such a rough note, but it can only go upward from here. I hope. ;)
I have to know where you got that dress. I must have one for my 4 month old.
Finally, someone who understands SEC football!! It is a southern thang!! I love my Auburn Tigers, but I root for the SEC just like you. I even enjoy Alabama football games, shhhhh! don't tell anybody that is so not allowed! ha!
I never went to Auburn but my parents did and that is all I know. I also when it came time for me to go to college I chose a smaller community college close to home.
Yes, I love finding dresses to wear on game day or a really cure dressy top.
Ohio State alum here !! I think the reason that Big 10 girls don't dress up is IT'S TOO COLD after the first 2-3 games. Cold, rainy, windy, snowy...I always wanted to play an SEC team the weekend before Thanksgiving...GO BUCKS !!!
Where did you get the smocked dress? I have been a HUGE buying smocked dresses from ebay the past week or so but I haven't come across a bulldog (MSU) or tigers (Auburn) one yet. Lots of other cute ones though.
BTW, don't know if any of you have every heard of big crumbs. I came across it on someone else's website and decided to try it out. I was paid almost $5 last week when I bought dresses on ebay by going through this site first. It's a maketing thing and FREE but you have to be referred. If any of you sign up, feel free to use my referral code: basw07.
That's so funny about dressing up! Us Big East girls do NOT. I remember the bowl game between WVU and U of Virginia and you couldn't help but notice how well dressed the UVA fans were. Not just well dressed, but DRESSED-UP. I couldn't imagine wearing a dress at the football game. HA!
I am a two-time Auburn Alum and a life long Auburn fan - War Eagle! But, I also share the SEC pride, except, for Alabama. I'm sorry, we Auburn fans ALWAYS pull against Alabama. But as for the other 10 teams out there (not counting Auburn), YES-SEC all the way!
And yes, we Auburn fans ALWAYS dress up too! The only time we don't are, like you stated, extreme weather conditions - cold and/or rain!
Congrats Hogs on your win!
I love your dress and Harper's dress! You two look beautiful.
As an Auburn Alum - I say way to go defending the pride of the SEC!! If you don't get it then you just must not be from the south is all I can say. However, I must disagree with ya on the dressing up for games. I never do, its just not comfortable. Give me a cute AU t-shirt and some jeans anyday. Either way, there's no place like the SEC!! War Eagle and I must say I obviously share your dislike for Alabama!!
That's so funny girls dress up for games in the SEC! In the Pac 10 we definitely don't do that. I went to the University of Washington in Seattle and we played LSU on Saturday. I went to the game and it was awesome. Unfortunately we lost but we looked much better than last year.
Check out my post of my favorite Husky pics over the past few years!
Love your blog Kelly! :)
We just got my little boy his Gator t-shirt to match my t-shirt. But now I need a dress. lol
You guys look great in your Hogs gear.
Love the link. has great skirts. You choose fabrics and have them custom made. Great game day colors.
Up here in the North... they do not dress up for games. Probably because the weather turns cold so quickly! We usually wear OSU jersey's or jackets. Go Buckeyes! Nancy from OHIO
Didn't you go to grad school at Fayetteville? Brice thought that you did....he thought he saw you there as well....LOVE LOVE LOVE
the smocked dress!!!!!!
Love the dress and the bow! I am a Clemson grad, so I sometimes wish I had at least one girl so I could dress her in orange with smocked tiger paws. I could not find the smocked rompers for boys until mine were too old to wear them (and their dad probably would have protested!).
I love football season and everything about it! And I def. agree with support of the SEC...except Auburn...being an Alabama fan...I don't think i would ever cheer for them..haha. But Harper looked absolutely adorable! I am expecting our first and I think buying my AL gear is what I look forward to most!
You look so pretty in your red dress.
Harper is the cutest! I love her
diaper cover.
I was wondering why you were so dressed up in the pictures! =) In the Big 12 it's jeans and a t-shirt for guys and girls alike. =)
Kelly, you and Harper should be a poster for the Razorbacks! Especially Harper in her adorable outfit. I'm sure it would boost attendance! ha.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I grew up in California, but now live in Louisiana and completely agree with you on all your points! I was just as surprised as most of your readers were at first, but of course now it makes perfect sense!
Love Harper's dress! Is it Vive Le Fete? My 1-year-old wore the Mississippi State version to Starkville on Saturday, and because I love your blog, I was actually wondering if y'all had a smocked Hog dress yet! Precious!
I'm so glad it's footbal season...the most wonderful time of the year! Because I work at a Div. II school in Alabama (we play OBU in a month!), we have already been to three games this year..UWA and MSU! So fun!
So glad that your #2 is GA! However....were they even playing on Saturday?! :) And pretty much...raised in GA, better be a dawg fan! (Just like you if you were raised in Arkansa...) Love the baby hog outfits. I have a boy on the way and already have a camou Ga outfit!
Something extra special about the SEC!!!
I feel the obsession. And also completely agree about the dressing up for game day. I didn't know it happened any other way.
Very well said and I totally agree! Love some Hogs, always cheer on the SEC and don't like LSU! HA! :) Super cute dress on Harper and I love the bloomers the best!!!
You KNOW your a Southern Belle when you wear smocked football dresses! :D London does have an LSU (I still love you even though you dissed us! haha!) dress, but it is not smocked. I might try to find one for next year.
Though I do love my Tigers, I love Ole Miss as well. My family is a divided one when it comes to football. So half loves Ole Miss and the other half loves them some Tigers. It really does not get much better than day game in the grove if your a football lover and a girly girl. The grove is like a big ole fashion show.
Roll Tide, Kelly!! And yes, you HAVE to dress up for a game. I can't tell you how many games I've walked back home from the stadium barefoot and with blisters on my feet because I wore uncomfortable high heels ALL day...Jordan never understood. I'm glad it's football season, I'm just sad we won't be going back home for any games this year. There's always next year!
I just roared at your "dress up for games" explanation. Once upon a time, I was a Midwest girl at my first UGA football game in early September. In the Midwest we do not dress up for football! We are more practical than that and also much more casual! I went wearing shorts and a t-shirt to the game. It was HOT and I was with teammates from elsewhere who wore the same. And then there they were...THOUSANDS of girls dressed up in their finest dresses, hoses and pumps all in red and black for the big game against USC (that's SOUTH CAROLINA for all non-SEC fans). I was shocked at the dressing up for games. But it is very southern and definitely the tradition. I am not a GRITS (girl raised in the South) but I do love your traditions. Fun to see the pic of Harper and you!
I was in Arkansas this weekend for my family reunion!! I live in Texas, but my whole family are Hog fans!! When we went to Walmart, I thought about you and Harper when I was in the Razorback section! lol My son actually got an Arkansas shirt, so I will have to post it when I upload them! I hardly ever comment, but read your blog daily!!! Just thought I would say hi!!
(I'm a Texans fan (dont judge! lol) but we dress up every game too!!)
Football season is the best time of year!! :) :)
ROLL TIDE! I can't believe you hate Bama! :) And yes, we dress up for games!
Funny story...I am not originally from Bama. I went back to my home state farther north one weekend and met who would be my husband. Years later, he moves to Alabama with me. We had tickets to every home Bama game that year (1994's great season) and he made terrible fun of all the people with stuff on their cars, the girls dressed up, all the Bama clothes, etc. Laughed and laughed. 3 games into it, we beat Georgia with a huge comeback and last second field goal. I look over, he's standing on the seat screaming, saying it's the best thing ever. He was hooked!
Love Harper's dress!! Nope, Big 12 fans love to be comfortable when cheering on their team so it is jeans and a cute shirt for me! We had an awesome win over Georgia this weekend...sorry... ;) The Big 12 usually feels like the SEC step-child so it was a nice win! Glad you guys get into college football like we do!!
Oh my do I LOVE your dress! I must agree, I also love ruffles! I hope this style stays in for awhile!
Harper looks SO cute in her Hogs outfit/bow - I think she might grow up to be a HUGE hog fan...just maybe :)
I love Harper's can never start them too young rooting for their teams!!! My nieces and nephews were raised on Jayhawk Animal Cookies by their Aunt Kristin!!! Good luck to your Razorbacks!!!
Totally agree about the SEC. There are lots of reasons to cheer for the others in your conference. I am all about some SEC pride.
Born and raised in Alabama ROLL TIDE. Went to school at MSU GO STATE. They are my #1 and #2.
Never been one to dress up for games. Can honestly say you are one of the first non-college sorority girls I have seen dress up. I am all about the jeans and BAMA shirt on game day.
haha... the big 10 doesn't dress up because it's always cold and rainy! My Dad's a Dean at Purdue, so they go to all the games. My mom has some very nice black and gold scarves and jackets :)
Football watchin' at it's finest. The Hogs must be proud to have such dedicated fans!!
I am a GEORGIA Bulldog, born and raised! But I don't have cable so I can't watch them. :( My best friend is a Razorbacks fan - and your girl is ultra precious in her SEC garb!!
oh man thanks for sharing the tru colors link! I love it! I just wish they had gamecock colors! :)
Oh! So cute! Where did you find her outfit??
Kelly, how sweet are you!!! I love Harper's cute little bloomers! Personally, I never get into all the sports stuff(wasn't raised with it); you sure do make it look fun :P
I love how when I leave your site, I feel like the world really isn't all that bad! Thanks!
I have a sweet friend of mine who makes "Game Day Dresses" here is her new website...
Please go check them out!
Don't usually comment....because I'm always over the 100th commenter and what's the point? But I have to say I'm loving these posts! I did the same thing as you.....I'm a hardcore Ole Miss fan, but I went to a small christian college (Mississippi College) and it was the right decision. My dad used to say I got the best of both worlds..I was a Choctaw during the week and a Rebel on the weekends!
I just bought my almost six month old daughter a smocked dress for her first trip to the grove.....I almost fainted when I found it at a consignment sale!
And I feel you about the dressing up thing. I can't imagine wearing a t-shirt and would be like wearing a t-shirt to a dressy party or out to eat on a date. Its so much more fun to wear a cute sundress and actually, it's cooler than anything else. But I've definitely seen girls in COCKTAIL dresses and attire appropriate for a that's a little much. Keep these fun posts coming!
I always giggle at football season and the attire differences between the north and south.
Since we only get a handful of "warm" games that don't also require down jackets -- we northerners are not likely to ever be caught dead in a dress at a game... unless it was paired with Uggs, long johns, the aforementioned down jacket, hat, scarf.... the works!
Nope, game attire for us is jeans and the college sweatshirt (or t-shirt if it's a really nice day). Face paint optional, but a lot of fun!
As for cheering on rivals...we're Michigan fans (I know...feel our pain) -- and there's no way, no how, we'll EVER cheer for Ohio State. *shudder*
Love the post! :)
OK, so I can NEVER let me husband discover your blog, because he will leave me for YOU! I hate to say it, but I am not a football dad did not watch...we were hockey people...but my husband...a HUGE COLLEGE football fan..the Huskers. And of course, while dating, I pretended to think that his obsession with the sport was "cute"...and now, with four kids, and his "gotta see the game" it drives me a bit nuts! But I swear, this is the year...I will be serving the chili and cold beer and cheering the team on...I think...
now, let's talk BUTTER CREAM, since you asked: yes, I make my own, and I will e mail you the recipe. SO EASY, and always good.
Harper is a adorable! I love your dress too!
How cute!!! I love that you love all SEC teams. We are Tennessee Vols and just like you, anytime another SEC team is playing someone outside the conference, we are fans of our SEC team. Congrats on your win. We won too!! Elaine
I personally do not dress up for games. I like to be comfy and I would be misrable in a dress, but that is me. Like you my parents went to UGA so that made me a Georgia Bulldog baby and I have grown up LOVING me some Georgia Football. Here is to a great 2009 season even though it is not looking too very promising for my dawgs!
I LOVE Harper's adorable game day outfit! She is TOO cute!
I went to the University of Florida and had season tickets all 4 years and went to almost every single game, but my friends and I never wore dressy clothes to the games. Do you know how HOT it is in Gainesville? Woooo buddy! We're talking, you go to the restroom every half and hour just to grab some paper towels to wipe all the sweat off!
We definitely showed our Gator pride by wearing all orange and blue clothes, but we wore t-shirts or tank tops, shorts, and flip flops to the games.
I can't believe that site doesn't have any UK gear. Stink!! Bummer, I don't want to wear orange and purple, ha!!!
Yes, there is just something special about SEC football! Being raised in AL with some relatives being die hard AU fans and others being for AL, I didn't really develop a total loyalty to either. I'm always for both until they play each other...then I'm for AU! :)
Those dresses are so cute! I have so many red and black gameday dresses and accessories (GO DAWGS!). In college I used to get new ones before every season. Now that I live in Alaska, I was the only one wearing a dress on Saturday and everyone was confused!!
Harper's little dress is so adorable. I cannot wait to have kids so that my little ones can wear UGA outfits on gameday!!!
I went to Harding (wanted to do the small Christian school thing as well) but I am a huge Hogs fan! It stinks living in Texas and not getting to be in the middle of all the SEC action! I am totally with you on rooting for any SEC team when it comes to playing another conference.
Amen Sista.
SEC all the way. Go Rebs! You always look so cute in your Arkansas get up. Your Harper is adorable too.
Go LONGHORNS!! thats my favorite team I agree with you on game day I hate the opposite team but I USC is not one of my favorites dont like them at all. but if i have to one day I will cheer for them only if i have to. that red dress looks awesome. you look good and as always Little Miss Harper is cuter than ever. GOOD LUCK THESE SEASON!!
*tear- I'm trying to put my finger on exactly why everyone hates Alabama so much. Sure we have some obnoxious fans, but doesn't everyone? Granted, I also know why LSU has a bad taste in their mouth concerning us. Probably the only SEC team that I would never want to do well is Tennessee. That rivalry runs deeper than anything I can think of. After living all over the SEC- I have had my fair share of harrassement for being a Bama fan, and was looking for some closure about it.
And yes, dressing up is what all SEC schools do- and it is SO much fun! Thanks for that link, us Southern ladies spend a bunch of money on game day clothing!
Dressing up for game's is totally a Southern. As is, apparently, cheering for "your" team, even if you didn't go to school there. I'm a die-hard Auburn girl, though I didn't go to college there.
I'm so happy to see you wearing the red for UGA!!! That IS why you're wearing red, right? I didn't go to Georgia, but my son is in school there. I love going to the games and seeing all the girls in their sundresses. I'm not originally from the south, although I've been here 20 years, but I was surprised to see how well dressed people are for football games....almost better than for church!!
ok so these outfits are of so cute!! Please tell where they are and the red dress that you are wearing! I NEED it for the next game!!
I'm a reader but don't often comment. What you say about SEC football is SO true! We are VOLS fans through and through and will always cheer for an SEC team when they are playing out of conference.
I'm loving learning about the SEC!
Well we may not dress up, but Aggieland is a unique place to be on game day! Just ordered the maroon "Ashley" dress that I will be wearing at the next home A&M game! I just might begin a trend with these cute clothes. Thanks for the link. Love Harper's smocked Hogs dress too! Gig Em!
LOVE your red dress!
So true about SEC football!!! Roll Tide!
Harper is precious in her smocked dress!
Just ONE thing to say to you .....
GO Bama!
By the way...I know you are coming to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach very soon. My suggestion to you is that you DO NOT wear an "HOGS" shirt! Unles you want to be looked at funny! (lol) I am telling you this because I wouldn't want you to be harrased by some of the "rednecks" you might come in contact with!!!
It's all out of love my friend!
Hi Kelly~
Ashley from "Aggieland" turned me onto your adorable blog today when she called to order her "Ashley" dress from TRU COLORS!! I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts, especially about the SEC MAGIC! It's so much fun isn't it?? Tis the season! Thank you for appreciating TRU COLORS and sharing it with your friends!!!
Amy Chenevert
Harper's outfit is absolutely adorable, right down to the diaper cover!!! I love it!
i'm cracking up at this! i'm a texas girl who does happen to dress up for Big 12 games, but i do love the SEC too.
I agree with everything you wrote. My husband and I both gradutated from Arkansas State and are both big Hogs fans and Red Wolves fans (used to be the Indians). But believe it or not - some people on our side of the state hate the Hogs. We have friends that don't understand why we are Hog fans when we went to ASU, but I remind them that I grew up in Little Rock and didn't even know who the Indians were until I started looking at colleges. LOL
And I may have told you this before, but our oldest son's initials are SEC. And totally on purpose!
HELLO!!!! Give us Tennessee fans some love!!!! haha!! Don't tell but i'm still an Ark fan at heart!!
We went to Hot Springs over the weekend. My parents have a condo on Lake Hamilton and as we sat out on the porch Saturday night we could hear people all over the lake calling the Hogs. I LOVED it! My husband is from Minnesota and I always tell him ... up there they have a professional team and college teams. In Arkansas, the Hogs are both for us so we ALL love 'em.
Glad your vacation was fun!
Another Big 12 girl here (who's VERY late reading this post!) and like a much earlier commentor I went to K-State and it's Jeans and a beautiful Purple tshirt and sweatshirt (you Southern girls can get away with those cute little dresses, but we have to dress for weather that can change from 80 to 50 in a 3 hour time period, I LOVE my CATS, but can't scream and be freezing at the same time!!)
(I have bought a Hogs baseball cap btw, my maternal grandpa was born and raised in Arkansas and when we went to visit family bought it for a boyfriend! LOL )
I am a SEC girl that is living smack-dab in the middle of Big 12 country. This Gator ended up in Dallas, and also cannot understand why people don't dress for football games. Of course, here, nobody dresses for church either, and I'll go to a Catholic mass before I'll go to church in jeans and a tee shirt!
I guess not everyone can be as civilized as us SEC southern girls.
The dressing up part made me laugh. I was raised an Alabama fan and loved watching all the pretty girls get dressed up for the game as I was growing up. But I do remember my grandmother also saying, "I don't know why they wear such uncomfortable clothes, I remember the year wool suits were popular, those girls and women were lined up on stretchers from heat stroke!!" That has kinda stuck with me, so I wear what is comfortable- I didn't go to Bama but I went to Georgia Southern (GA has the HOPE scholarship, and I couldn't call myself a Dawg) and I was a ZTA- I still didn't dress. I wore what I could to be comfortable in that Mid-day South Georgia heat. I still think to this day- "How are they climbing those stadium steps in heels?" I guess a lot of my grandmother has stuck with me- she's a wise woman!!
HahahahahahA! I'm a Big 12-er and my way of dressing up was wearing cowboy boots in school colors!! If you couldn't drink lots of beer and drip ketchup on it while tailgating, then I didn't want to wear it! But, in the end, we're all Southern girls - although I might be a little more Redneck Woman than Scarlet O'Hara! Go Texas Tech Red Raiders!!!
If you are looking for cute game day options in red, blue, orange, purple, maroon, gold or green, has some great options!
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