We flew out on Friday morning headed to Mobile. It wasn't a great sign when we got there and it was pouring down rain. We also got there in the afternoon holiday traffic so it took us FOREVER to get to gulf shores. We worried that our trip might be a bust but luckily - the rest of our trip just got better. We stopped in Foley and ate at Mellow Mushroom. It was SO good!
We got into our condo and unloaded and then headed to Wal-Mart. We knew this was a mistake because it was 8:30 and Harper was SO tired but we needed several necessities like diapers, baby food, sunscreen and well - diet coke. :-) Just as we imagined - Harper had a complete meltdown and was screaming so loud the whole store was looking so we had to hurry out of there. But first I ran into two bloggers who were there shopping. It was fun to meet Julie and her sister! They were SO sweet!It was kind of like we had two vacations because we spent the first half with Scott's parents who came down and met us and then they left on Monday and our best friends Laurie and Steve came and met us. Scott's parents got there about 1 a.m. on Saturday morning. We waited up for them and we were all very tired come early Saturday morning when this little girl was ready to hit the beach!
So we headed down to the beach! Harper really liked the ocean. I had so much fun sitting with her right where the tide came in and letting her put her feet in the sand. When the water would come up - she would squeal and flap her arms!
We didn't stay out for long. I was so worried about her getting sun burnt even though I kept her in a hat and in the shade and with tons of sunscreen on. This was a VERY different beach trip than all the trips I have taken in the past where I mostly laid on chairs and read book after book relaxing in the sun. The only thing I read on this trip was my iphone and I didn't do much of that. And there wasn't a whole lot of relaxing. But watching my sweet girl enjoy her first taste of the beach - PRICELESS!
After the morning trip to the beach - we came back and got ready and headed to Sea and Suds for lunch. I have never been there before and it ended up being one of our favorite spots. It was right next to our condo so it was just the most convenient lunch spot. And they had the BEST hushpuppies EVER!
I already posted this picture! You were all wondering why I wasn't wearing red. Well - we weren't headed to a game but I did want to dress Harper in red to support the Hogs and Scott just happened to have on red too!

(and of course we have the cutest monogrammed ZEBRA cover to use - you will see it soon - but it took up too much room in the suitcase - we were limited)

Tomorrow I'll post about the rest of our vacation.
Looks like you all had a good time, despite the weather and flight. Can't wait to read the rest tomorrow. You all ate at some of my faves!!
Oh I just love it and find it hilarious you ran into so many bloggers!! You are such a great mom Kelly! Amanda Leford posted pics of our meeting on her blog.....we missed you :(
Kelly looks like a great trip! I just love the pictures. You look wonderful in the pictures. So refreshed and relaxed I wish I felt that way. Oh what memories you all created. I look forward to hearing about part 2. Have a great weekend!
Sigh. I miss pre-kids beach trips. LOL
I love your pics--so glad you had a great time!!
Looks like ya'll had such a great vacation! I love all the pictures and Harper's polka dot bathing suit!
I think it is too funny you ran into so many bloggers. Your FAMOUS!
By the way I love Mellow Mushroom too...they have one a location right by the hotel we stay at in Destin!
Have a good weekend!
How fun! I am missing a beach vacation right about now.
Looks like y'all had a blast on vacation!!!! You should taste my momma's sweet tea... So good!! Let's just put it this way: she puts 1 1/2 cups of sugar in a tea pitcher!!! It doesn't get any better than that.
I love that you represented your Arkansas while on your trip!
I love how Harper matches her daddy! You have such a lovely family!! We're definitely going to add Gulf Shores to our destination list! Keep the posts coming!!
She is too precious! I love the sailor outfit.
Looks like ya'll had lots of fun... Is that the swimsuit ya got from Target??? The polka dot one you posted about??? And do I see monogramming on it??? How cute is that!
That picture of Harper "testing the waters" is hilarious!!!
Fun times...we love the beach, too!! Ya'll ate at two of our favorites...Sea & Suds and Original Oyster House...getting hungry just thinking about them!!
Love the beach pictures!!!
It's so fun to live vicariously through you! I love the beach!! Harper's sailor dress is to die for!!! (But let's be honest...so is her whole wardrobe!-ha!)
HA, I just noticed that her swimsuit is monogrammed too. CUTE! I "heart" the beach also. It is one my favorite vacation spot. We go to Ft. Walton each year. I have followed your blog for some time now but this is my first time to comment. I just live a few miles south of you in Fayetteville. You have a beautiful miracle baby. I love following along in your life.
We ate at Tacky Jack's for brunch when we were there. It was yummy!
We were there at the same time! I wish I could have run into you but it's better I didn't I would have embarrassed my husband! We ate at Tacky Jacks Friday night and stayed at Phoenix X. We too sat through the storms and rain Sunday. I noticed when you posted the Razorback pics before that the background certainly didn't look like your house! Glad you had a good trip. We drove with 3 kids 6, 3, and 18 months...only 10 hours for us and mostly uneventful!
Love the pics from your trip~enjoy watching your beautiful daughter get bigger. I love the one of her in the pool~that one was too funny...just had to comment on that one!!! Love the polka dot swimsuit too...it is super cute!
SO glad y'all had a GREAT vacation. So jealous! You were in our hometown area. Can't wait to go back at Thanksgiving!!!
What a praise that Harper was so great! Emma is not the best traveler...praying she gets better before we make our forever long trip to Finland in the spring.
Harper is getting so big and cute as ever!!!
Looks like a great time.. I want to go to the beach :) Love all the pictures!
Oh how sweet... and that little pink hat she is wearing is just darling. Nothing better than a sweet little hat on a darling girl.
looks like ya'll had a great time... we were down there friday through monday... wished i would have ran into you... i probably would have been star struck... LOL... so glad you had a nice vacation! :)
harper is too cute... LOVE all her monogram suits...
ps you should have gone to milos in foley they have some GOOD sweet tea!!!!
I hope to take Owen to the beach sometime! We live so far from one though!
You can use that shopping cart cover I sent you on restaurant high chairs too! (I'd guess you didn't have it with you though!)
She always has the cutest little outfits. I never thought about having a bathing suit monogrammed. I may have to steal your idea ;) Glad y'all had a nice trip. Sounds like lots of fun and good food!!
What fun photos! We traveled from central IL to Branson, MO for Labor Day weekend. Fortunately, we didn't encounter any major traffic until we took the exit into Branson. It took well over half an hour to get across town to our hotel!
I love Harper's itsy bitsy teeny weeny monogrammed polka dot bathing suit!
great pictures! Looks like you guys really had a great time! Love all of Harper's suits =) (especially the monogramming...I do that with my little girl's suits too)
she is so adorable, I love that swimsuit!
Kelly!! She is so cute! I love that picture of her when shes like Im not so sure about this...
I have a new blog, designs by maddy... Do you want me to put a design on your blog email me and tell me yes or no.
Such memories of Gulf Shores...I spent all my spring breaks there and have eaten at ALL those places! I LOOOOVE me some sweet sweet tea too! Don't tell anybody, but I add sugar to the little packets of Quaker Maple & Brown Sugar! haha...I grew up eating it that way and now I eat that stuff EVERY day and have to add tons of sugar to it!!!
Harper is so cute at the beach!!!
As usual Harper is too cute! I love the monogrammed bathing suits!
It's always fun to hear of others who love Gulf Shores and all the famous fun places to eat and shop. We started going over twenty-five years ago when it was just a very small resort town, and our daughter were just a few years older than Harper. Now we still go there every May because they want to take their children to the same places they went...I guess we will be going there forever. It's great for families. Thanks for sharing.
lovin the storis about Little Harper..Please Tell us where you got your bag hanging on her stroller...
Have just started reading your blog! I am hooked! You are such a wonderful inspiration with your faith and of course it's so wonderful to see your sweet girl in all her beautiful outfits! So glad to have found your blog!
looks like such a fun trip. i still cannot believe we were there at the same time, too bad i didn't run into you too... harper & my youngest son nolan are only about a month or so apart ;) we ate at a lot of the same places you ate at too!
We love Tack Jacks. Its fun and they have great prices! Do I see that Harper enjoyed some Sweet Tea too? Or maybe thats juice in her sippy? I hope she got a little sip of the sweet tea though! :) I let London have a sip of mine the other day and I SO wish I had a picture of her little face. She LOVED it.
Looks like such a great trip!
That looks like so much fun!
I just had to add that you should totally get a "Tiny Diner" now that Harper is sitting in restaurant highchairs. It's a rubbery mat with suction cups on the back that you put on the table in front of her and it gives you a clean place to put her food that she's eating. It even has a lip that hangs over the edge of the table to catch food. I loved ours with our first son and already have a new one waiting for boy #2 to be old enough to use it. You can find them at BRU in yellow, pink, and blue. They cost around $12.
She is so cute in her little bathing suits! And look at what a big girl in that high chair!!! But, are you really telling me that Harper doesn't have a big, puffy high chair cover with an adorable monogram?!?! Say it ain't so!! ;)
I love the picture of Harper asleep in her stroller! Priceless!
Kelly, it was so so so much fun to meet you!!! We went to Tacky Jacks on Sunday, too. Lamar got the huge pancake. I ended up seeing some sweet friends of mine from Louisiana in there. It was so much fun running into people in a totally different state. Glad you made it back safely and how awesome that you got to meet David Crowder!! What a wink (as my Dad says) from God. :) Happy weekend!
Can't wait for the rest of the trip! We love Sea n Suds. My husband's family has a place at Gulf Tower, so we visit Gulf Shores at least once a year.... LOVE THAT PLACE! We were also at the beach last weekend, but we went to Seagrove Beach (between Destin and Panama City). It's also a great place to visit if you haven't been there. Looking forward to part 2!
Gadsden AL
SO glad y'all had a great time and Gulf Shores is our favorite beach trip with the fam!!!
Don't worry about missing reading for now. Keep a list of ones that look interesting and you'll get around to them in oohhhhh, say, about eighteen years give or take a few!!!
the floatie picture is hysterical!
It is so neat to see all of the places I have grown up going to and still go to several times a year. Gulf Shores is like my second home. My Mom actually lives there now and we go all the time. So glad you got to have a GREAT family vacation!
kelly!! we stayed at the same condo place this summer! LOVE IT THERE and i agree with you on sea n suds!
This passage is so very comforting! Here praying!
John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Prayer Bears
My email address
At which condo did you stay? That place looks amazing!
What cute pictures, looks like awesome fun!
so lovely!!
Looks like you had a fun time and so glad Scott's parents could join you for a few days. I can't wait till we get there later this month.
Thats great you got to see Scott's parents and Harper is getting so big! what a cutie!
It's funny to see y'all at some of our favorite places in the Gulf! We LOVE Tacky Jack's breakfast!! Girl, you know we Bama folks can make some sweeeeeet tea! My husband always says (about our tea at Sonic--we sell TONS) "People will let me know when our tea isn't sweet enough...but I've never had a customer tell me our tea was too sweet!!!" Philosophy to live by! Ha!
Glad y'all had a good trip. When my kids were toddlers we would always take a small inflatable pool. We'd blow it up on the beach and fill it will ocean water, using buckets. That was we could lay in our lounge chairs, our kids were playing in the water (with no waves!) and in the shade!! The best $3 pools we ever bought! Just a thought for next summer!
She is SO cute! I am loving all of her cute outfits and her bathing suit is super cute!! Love it! Looks like a great trip so far!
Where did you get that adorable dress with the sailor collar? I had one just like it when I was little and would love to find one for my baby girl! All of the pics are super cute (as usual)
Great pics and it looks like y'all had so much fun. I've lived in the north all my life and I too love sweet tea. My sister thinks it's way too sweet and I'm like "really there is such a thing?" Ha! :)
I love sweet tea but not the sticky sweet kind!!! Again, LOVE the smocked dress! And, I am loving the floaty that Harper is in. That is the coolest thing ever!! Her face in that one pictures is hilarious...I still get those looks from Rachel and she is almost 3!!
Being an Auburn girl ;) livin' in Bama, we certainly know about Sea 'n Suds. They have THE BEST shrimp sandwiches, ever. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE some Sea 'n Suds food and how the place sits right over the ocean. Glad you had a great time. Harper is adoreable, as always. Enjoy your football today. We are heading to the Plains to watch the Tigers! War Eagle! =)
Looks like so much fun! We got to do the 1st beach trip this summer too. BTW I love your diaper bag. I use mine like it all the time!!
looks like so much fun for harper's first beach trip- my baby girl will be about 8 months old next summer (our first to bring home!) and my husband has it in his head that once she gets here we won't go and do anything. WRONG!!! And, love the suits- i haven't ever seen anyone monogram a swimsuit!!!
Kelly ~
Your family is precious! Love all your pics.
I LOVE Tacky Jacks!!! It's my most fav!! Looks like y'all had fun and the place y'all stayed looks beautiful!! I would love for you to post the name of it!! Love, Angie@Angie's Daily News
Looks like so much fun! Harper's little swimsuits are too cute!
How fun for you guys, Kelly! I just LOVE Harper's little bathing suits. I'm surrounded by boys - hubby + 3 little guys - and while I wouldn't trade them for the world, those little girl clothes are SO cute! I especially love your ebay DEAL with the monogram added. Precious & very resourceful!
Hope you're recovering from your vacation & I'm looking forward to the second vacation installment. I think I'm living vicariously though you... Ha!
Leanne in GA
I love Mellow Mushroom! All of the restaurants look so great. It looks like y'all had a great time! Her bathing suits are too cute!
Kelly!! My step-dad owned Ribs and Reds for several years before the current owners bought it from him! I can't believe sweet baby Harper ate there!! Seriously- it does my heart such good to read your blog and see her thriving. We shed many tears (my husband included) and prayed so hard for her during those first horrible weeks. Our son, Anderson who is three still randomly asks about her because we prayed for her at bedtime every night for a long time!
We live in Tuscaloosa, and if Harper should wish to make a re-appearance in Alabama- say for the UA vs. Arkansas game you are more than welcome at this house! I am pretty sure we could round up some free tickets for you!We would even promise to keep a lid on the "Roll Tides" while you are here!!...and trust me- we wouldn't do that for just anyone!
I love the polka dot swimsuit!! Glad you all had fun. Vacationing with children is so different than when it is just you and your hubby! I know that is right!
I can't believe how fast she is growing up! Looks like y'all had a wonderful time! Love love love the sailor outfit!
I cannot thank you enough for this post!! We are taking our first beach trip to Fort Morgan (right near Gulf Shores) with my 3 year old in a couple weeks. We have never been there and you have helped me out by letting me know where to go and eat! I was starting to fret a little b/c we have family meeting us there and no one has been. Thank you again!!
It looks like Harper had an amazing trip to the beach! I love that she has so much monogrammed stuff! I own a store (www.paisleymonogram.com) with a friend of mine and I monogram everything!
I thought of you this morning when I made my Rotel dip in my crock pot for football games today! Isn't living in the South the BEST!?!? And of course the SEC is my fav too! Go Vols! :)
These pictures are so cute!It looks like you had a wonderful time! I love all of Harper's little swimsuits and outfits! So preciuos!I love your black dress, too. It's so cute and comfy looking! I can't wait to see more pictures.
I thought that fabric looked familiar in the last picture and I realized I have that chair in my living room that your in-laws are sitting in! Haha! :)
Im so ready to be in Orange Beach myself! Headed there Thursday night!
You are making me so excited! We are leaving next week to go to Orange Beach. Where did you stay? We are staying at Phoenix West. I am a little anxious about the first long car ride with our 5 month old. We may leave at night so that he can sleep.
Wish I could have run into y'all! Glad you had a good time! I love Original Oyster House!!!
Looks like fun - so jealous of Tacky Jack's :)
Love that place!
Great pictures!
Awww...that sounds like such a great trip so far! I love going to the beach. It's one of my very favorite places ever. Harper looks so precious. It's so neat how you can record your whole vacation so easily with blogging!! Fun times! :)
LOVE the monogrammed swimsuits and Harper's pink hat!!! SO very cute!!
I'm a pretty big fan of Mellow Mushroom, although I didn't realize it was a change.
And I do think its slightly amusing that all your old vacation pictures mainly had pictures of food. But this time there's barely any food picture and just pictures or Harper! I guess its a pretty clear way to see what's changed!
I'm so glad you liked Sea n Suds. We love that place! How was Tacky Jack's for b'fast? We are leaving to go to GS next week and I was thinking of trying them.
and I had to say, I can't stand that WalMart in GS! It's so depressing or something.... I don't know what it is!
Too funny about SWEET tea! It's my favorite too...sounds like I'm in good company!
looks like you had a great time! and meeting David Crowder? OH MY. :) Love Harpers sailor dress and your black dress! Can you please share where they are from?? :) Can't wait to see more pics of your vay-cay!
Love the story about the waiter and the cats. My cat is named "Scout Lee James-Humphrey" To Kill a Mocking Bird is on eof my favorites so I named the cat for Scout and Harper Lee.
Ah sweet tea! My Dad grew up in the South (we now live in Minnesota), so I grew up with sweet tea. Sweet tea JUST arrived up here this summer in the restaurants. I'm so happy!
Soooo jealous of your trip! But happy you had a great time with your family and Harper. :) We stayed right by the Sea N' Suds two years ago and ate lunch their every day. Oh, I can taste the hush puppies now! Love Harper's swimsuits and her first pool experience pic.
Hi Kelly,
I know you will probably not read this since you get a million comments, but I am having a baby in November and was wondering where you got your green, black, and white diaper bag. I love it! Thanks,
Oh my goodness - PLEASE share where you got that adorable black dress!!!!!!!!!!! I don't remember seeing it on your shopping purcheses before...I'm DYING to know!!!!! :)
Adorable pictures of your sweet Harper. Sounds like you had a great time! We are at the beach with our sweet girl for the first time right now and I can't wait to experience all of our new vacation memories with her!
We went to Gulf Shores in early June and were also right next to Sea and Suds...you must have been really really close to where we stayed!! Glad you had such an awesome trip!!
Harper is adorable..not that you didn't already KNOW that..Lol!
I love that polka dot bathing suit!
So glad you had a great vacation:) It looks like everyone had such a fun time. I LOVE beach pictures! I have a favorite black & white that we had taken of my son and daughter.
I can't even tell you how jealous I am that you ate at the Original Oyster House. We love it and eat there everytime we're in the area.
Vacation looked amazing. I love your family beach photos. Your black, white, green diaper bag is so cute. Where did you find it??
Harper's face in the "I'm not so sure about this" photo is PRICELESS! I was cracking up. Love it! Glad you guys had such a fun vacation with your little gal!
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