Today was play group day at my friend Ginger's! Harper wore a new outfit I've been saving for her until she grew into it! (of course she spit up all over me and her right before we left. Isn't that the way it always goes?)
We had a great time at Ginger's. She fixed a yummy lunch and the BEST banana pudding that I ate TOO much of. I enjoy visiting with my friends so much. Harper is starting to notice the other kids.
I didn't do a good job of taking pictures but this is a good one of Amanda and Jaime and their little girls!
Tonight I am taking dinner to my friend Caryn and her husband who just had a little baby girl Sophia. She will be another friend for Harper in the nursery. I wanted to make a fun dessert so I baked brownies in a tart pan.
And topped them with strawberries. I thought it would be a little fancier than just the normal pan of brownies! Is it wrong that now I want to keep that tray here with me and eat all of those???

My little Harper Brown in her Brown outfit
Okay - here is a question for you:
Ever since Harper was born - she has slept in the little footed pajamas from Carters. I mostly have bought them at Wal-Mart. I love the way they look and I want to keep her warm. I have a two part question:
1. I've noticed that after 6-9 months - it's hard to find footed pajamas. What do you do? Do you put socks on their feet? Because I know good and well Harper will have those socks off in 10 seconds flat. But I don't want her feet to get cold. She has also recently every time she wakes up and I go in her room - she has her pajama legs completely off of her. She kicks until they are snapped off??? I don't know if she gets hot or just kicks so hard they come off. I'm almost wanting to go to the two piece pajamas just to keep them on her.
2. When can you cover them with a blanket? Is it not until they are in a toddler bed? I want to err on the cautious side so I'm sure I won't until she's much older but I just don't know when that is? At one year? At two years? How do you keep their feet from getting cold? I worry about her every night.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 378 Newer› Newest»Those strawberry desserts look fabulous!
I find footed pj's at Kohls although they maybe hard to find this time of year. Stock up during the winter time with different sizes.
My Little Precious is 22 months old, and she still wears footed pj's every night. They are easy to find at Children's Place, Gymboree, Old Navy, or the Carters store. I love them! So much sweeter than separates!
And I let her start sleeping with a blanket at around a year. At that point, she was perfectly capable of moving it if she wished, so no worries at all about suffocation or any danger.
Harper's a doll!!!
I remember sleeping in the footed pajamas until I was at least in kindergarten so I'm sure you can find them somewhere. But I do remember my "mommy" friends talking about how hard they are to find.
Good luck!!
Harper Brown is looking snazzy. Although I haven't blogged or commented in a long time, I've been following the most popular toddler and her mommy!!
I've never commented before but have been reading since Harper was born. We have three kids and our youngest is adopted from Korea. When we traveled to pick him up he always had on two pairs of socks. I never knew why! A friend told me it's to keep them on. For some reason and this just may be a Korean wives' tale, it keeps them from pulling off both socks! Good luck!
And for the blanket thing....I don't think I ever listened to anyone about when to use one. I'm pretty sure they used one coming home from the hospital!
The Childrens Place carries footed pj's until they are almost 3 years old:)
That's where I buy all of my kids' pj's!
Kelly , I have seen the one piece fleese footed pjs at Walmart but I think it will be a little closer to cool weather before they show up there
You can find lots of footed pj's online. Amazon, Target, etc. For the blanket we used thiese until my son was 2
They wear their normal pajamas underneath. They were a lifesaver! (and they kept him from climbing out of his crib as he grew older.) :-)
I covered my son up with a blanket from day one. When he was too big to be swaddles, i just used a light receiving blanket to cover him up. I think Harper is old enough for a blanket.
Hi Kelly -
I've never commented before, so here's my chance! In place of a blanket or footed pj's, try using a sleep sack. They sell them at babies r us and walmart....they also come in sleeveless or long-sleeved versions. Hope this helps!
LOVE Harper Brown in her Brown outfit!
I put my daughter in a Halo Sleep Sack. It is like a blanket but it has arm holes and zips over her. I never have to worry about the blanket coming off of her or her feet getting cold.
The Carter's store has footed pjs up to 5t I believe. Kohl's carries alot of Carter's pjs. I noticed at my Walmart they have started to carry the Carter's Child of Mine footed pjs up to 5t now. Children's Place has a good variety also.
I just found your blog while blog hopping. It's so awesome to see another Sister-in-Christ. Our daughters are two days apart. Savannah pulls her socks off all of the time. You should be able to find the footed pajamas on carters website or in their store if you have one near you. we also bought the two-piece pajamas that has the snaps at the waist.
My continued prayers are with you and your lovely family.
there is a wearable blanket called a sleep sack. it is sid safe and pretty easy to find. i think toys r us has them. oh, and btw....i love miss harper brown in brown!! she is TOO cute!!
You need a baby gro bag or sleeping bag- they use them here in Europe and they come different weights- light weight summery and winter ones. I 've used them from day one. They were whatever pj's or onesie they want and put them in it before bed and it zips up the side, then you don't have to worry about blankets either!
Here's an example:
They do make larger sizes of the footed pjs but I've always used Halo Sleep Sacks with my three little ones.
I have been reading your blog for a while, but never commented. I am from Louisiana living in Orlando, FL. I love all your southern things! I miss that so much and Orlando is anything but southern. It is a big melting pot.
I had a little girl, Georgia Kate, in March and we have really enjoyed watching Harper grow up.
I put footed pj's on her everynight. The zip up ones are my favorite. You can find them at Target and they come in a pack of three. They also have really cute button up ones as well. I also LOVE the gap ones. They are all zip up and easy to put on them. Really cute and bright too. I also get them from Gymboree, Children's Place, and Old Navy! Happy Shopping.
oops, that link was for a travel gro bag, but there are normal bedtimes ones available too.
gymboree has footed pjs at least up to 24 months. They are tight but I like them because they stay on when they are crawling and don't ride up as much as other footed pjs. I let my son, Mason, sleep with a blanket- it is a homemade knit blanket so the holes in it are pretty big and he can't suffocate in it. I would say when it doubt talk to your pediatrician.
I didn't read the other comments so you may have already been told, but Carters makes footie jams all the way to 4T, I believe. Maybe higher. We are in 3T right now and things are good.
If you move her out of footies prior to age 1, you can always use a sleep sack, which is like a blanket that zips around them and has cut outs for her arms.
But if you like the footies, you are all set for a few more years. Just go to Carters or get them at Carters online.
Just to reiterate what others already said, Carters and The Children's Place have bigger sizes. Our wee one is outgrowing her 6-9 months too, and I realized the 12 months were harder to find, but Carters has TONS that fit even my tall 5 year old niece!
Both of my girls wore footed pajamas until we potty trained them (between ages 2 and 3). I always bought them at Children's Place. They have thick fleece for winter, and lightweight cotton for the warmer months. I would stick with the footed pj's.
Carters makes footed pajamas, just like the one you describe (I think they go up to like 4T..real big), check Kohl's or Penney's. My daughter also wore the Carter's footed pjs that snap at the waste, they are sooo cute, especially once they are walking around in them! I didn't use a blanket with any of my three until they were about 11 months.
LOVE Harper's brown outfit and bow, preciousness!
Very cute outfit. Miss Harper Brown looks great in Brown!
My daughter is almost 1 :(! She still sleeps in the footed pjs and I cover her with a blanket now...she does great, although the blanket is in the corner of the crib every morning when I get her out. I don't think she uses it much at night. It's not a big blanket either...I don't want her to get tangled up in it.
Hi Kelly
In Australia we use Grobags and theyre simply amazing. Theyre said to help prevent SIDS and you get different TOG levels for warmth. Winter in Tasmania can get very cold and Bennett sleeps in his Gap PJs and a 2.5 TOG Grobag. His also has an opening for his carseat harness which he can be transported from car to bed without disrupting his precious sleep.
I love her little brown outfit! It's pictures like those that make me want to try for a 3rd so we can have a little girl! But then we'd be out nope!
I love the footed pj's too! Children's Place carries them in all sizes and that's where I find them most of the time. Great prices too.
As far as night time...Kale is 8 months old and sleeps with a blanket. He's crawling and very strong so I'm comfortable with it in his crib now. He knows to move it too so that's nice. I don't like his feet to get cold either so I usually put him in the sleeper pj's. The kind that are like a blanket with arms. They are great and come in thick fleece for those cold nights.
Hope that helps! Love that little Harper!
Kelly in NY:)
The Children's Place for the lightweight footed pajama's. I love the look of them too :)
I am a new reader, have been reading everyday since Harper was born. Just thought I would let you know about the Halo sleep sack. I bought 2 for my daughter when she was first born because I was so worried about her getting cold while she slept (even though she was born in July, in California) and tangled in blankets. They worked great and I didn't worry too much about her getting tangled in blankets.
Target has some cute footed jammies for only $7.99 and they are up to twelve months, in a month or so everyone will have more again. They make the winter blanket ones up to big girl sizes but the thin ones they wear in summer are a little harder to find in big sizes.
Miss Harpers outfit is soooo cute!
I love foted PJs! We call them "Feetsy Weetsies." You can by them at Gymboree or the Children's Place for a while. I will say that the Children's Place PJs do not hold up very well though, but they are cheaper. If you hold out for Gymboree's baby sale (sometime in September, I think!) all their footed PJs are $10 each.
Hi Kelly,
I got a lot of the footed PJs at Kohl's. As for the blanket, I think I waited until my son was at least a year old. I too worried about him wrapping himself up in the blanket. Just think of it this way, if she were cold at night in her bed, she would let you know! haha! :)
i buy libby's footed pjs at childrens place. ;)
My daughter is 15 months old and still sleeps in one piece pajamas. Since she was born we have always put her in a sleep sack as we call is a wearable blanket and she loves it. I am just not comfortable letting her sleep with a blanket and this works great. Here is a link where you can find them. A lot of stores have them. They are kinda pricey but VERY worth it for the comfort of the baby and piece of mind for Mommy. Hope this helps. P.S. I had a hard time finding footed pajamas any where else besides the children's place. they have cotton for summer and fleece for winter. good luck.
You can get great footed PJ's at The Children's Place that zip so she couldn't kick out of them. They are also easier than buttoning all those buttons.
The Children's Place has the best jammies. They are one-piece footie jammies that zip up the front. They have lighter weight and then fleece ones for the winter. My daughter wore these until 2.5 at which point she was potty training and we had to go to two-piece jammies. It was a sad day. They really are great quality and so soft.
Harper is adorable in her little brown outfit!
I just went through this as well. I like the one piece footed pajamas, preferrably the ones that zip up. I had heard horror stories that involve two piece pajamas and poop so I am stearing clear! I did some looking online as well as in stores. I found some at Costco as well as Kohl's. I know the Children's place sells them too. I decided to go ahead and buy the bigger ones when I do actually find them so that I am not stuck looking when she gets too long.
I am not sure on the blanket. At this point, my daughter still rolls and moves around in her bed so much I would be worried she would get cold b/c I know the blanket wouldn't stay on her. If Harpers is learning to crawl, she is probably practicing her in her crib as well which might be causing her legs to come out. I know mine did!
Hi Kelly,
We bought the footed pajamas from L.L. Bean. My twin boys and my daughter wore their footed pajmas until age 2 1/2. Love, love the footed pajamas!!! Didn't cover the kids up until they were out of their cribs.
Take care.
Harper in brown--simply yummy!
There is a flurry of interest in those single jumbo bows. Just FYI. ;) Harper sports it, moms want it. :o) I have stocked up on every ribbon color imaginable. I might need to rename the bow in her honor.
Gerber makes fleece footed p.j's up to 5T. Our WalMart starts carrying them in the fall, and I stock up on several different sizes when they come out. They may be too warm for summer, though.
hi kelly! do you have an actual carters store you can shop at? they have the footed pj's up to 4 or 5t i think! My daughter is 18 months and she sleeps with a soft blanket from PBkids and a her little blankie. she has been doing that for several months now (i also err on the side of caution too!).... maybe ask your pediatrician if it's ok?
We love the 2 piece jammies too. Gapbaby has great ones! (i go to the outlet). A friend of mine suggested having her wear Robeez on her feet at night! i never thought of that but it's hard to get those off! Good luck!
Harper Brown is a cutie in the brown!
We love sleep sacks in our house (we have a three month old baby girl!). Our maternity class instructor recommended the Halo brand, which I know is sold at Babies R Us.
What a doll baby you have there!
I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your site and I learn things here too. For example, I just graduated from nursing school, with a rotation in the peds unit, and NO ONE ever said anything to us about not letting the babies sleep with blankets. I did go to the Halo Sleepsack sight, and those look really great for the precious little ones.
My daughter is almost 5 and still wears footed pj's. We LOVE Carter's. I buy them at Kohls or the Carter's Store.
Used to buy footed blanket sleepers up to size 12/14. Saw some last year at Target for adults. My kids loved them and my son would still wear them if he could find his size!!! (he's 6'4") No need for extra blankets with these.
Harper is a doll....
My son is 5.5 months.
He wears footed PJ's too.
I let him start with a blanket/lovie because he likes ot hold it as he falls asleep. I go in there after about 5-10 minutes when he is asleep or almost alseep and take it away from him so I don't have to worry abou thim putting it over his face in the middle of the night. He usually sleeps with a blanket at his chest, so he doesn't really move it.
my little Henry is 5 weeks old and he sleeps in a onesie and a miracle blanket (I think it is which is a swaddling is always warm (I almost fear too warm, so hard to know) when i unwrap him in the middle of the night to feed him and change his diaper..but he sleeps really well and seems to love it..this winter i will get footed pjs from babygap i think.
also, i live in South Texas and it is very hot so i love these aiden + anais swaddling blankets i just blogged about.i ordered them from baby but target now has them and they also make a sleep sack..they are so cool because they are lightweight muslin/cheesecloth and perfect for a baby in warmer climates..and breathable with little holes in the fabric..also great for laying over the carrier to block sun or germs while in target;;;
harper is just precious! so fun to watch her grow!
My kids use(d) sleep sacks, so those kept their feet warm. And I think we gave our first a blanket when he was 18 months old or so.
I love Harper in that brown outfit! Too cute!
Girl. my kids are 5 and 8 and they still wear footed pajamas! We have always called them zippy zippers (just wait until you hit the Blues Clues days) and you can find them in bigger sizes at Walmart and Target when it starts getting colder. Just a little FYI since I have been there and done that! :)
I have found the footed pajamas past the 9 month mark at Kohl's. I'm sure there are stores at the mall that have them, too, but for me...Kohl's is easier. :)
And -- I gave a blanket around 9 months or so. Have you checked into the sleep sacks? They're nice, but I didn't use them long at all b/c my little one is so hot natured.
I think that "blanket sleepers" usually come in sizes 12 months to 5-years. My son is six and still sleeps in footed pajamas. I get them in a two-pack at Target. My daughter has several also and she is two.
As for the blanket, I didn't give my children a blanket until they were about 18-months. They say 12-months is ok but I just felt waiting a smidge longer was a better fit for us.
Good luck!
I think that "blanket sleepers" usually come in sizes 12 months to 5-years. My son is six and still sleeps in footed pajamas. I get them in a two-pack at Target. My daughter has several also and she is two.
As for the blanket, I didn't give my children a blanket until they were about 18-months. They say 12-months is ok but I just felt waiting a smidge longer was a better fit for us.
Good luck!
Harper's outfit is precious! As are your brownies! It's the simple touches taht make all the difference!
Carter's also makes two-piece footed pajamas that have three snaps that keep the shirt mostly connected to the pants. They are better for mobility and wiggling. I don't know if they have them at could try online!
I'm not sure about the feet but for the legs you could get BabyLegs.
I love the color brown! it's pretty much my favorite color now!
I see several others have recommended the sleep sacks - they were by far my favorite baby "must have." We used the fleece ones in the winter and the thinner ones at night. I'm sure you already know about them! What about the zipper pjs, they would probably be better than the snaps. She wouldn't keep a blanket on anyway. My 5 year old barely does!
Thanks for your suggestion to use a tart pan for brownies! That is perfect for taking to friends for dinner!
Costco has a bunch of Carter's footed pj's for cheap, and they're super cute! I put a blanket in Peyton's crib when she started crawling, which was when she was 9 months. I was so nervous about it! She doesn't really use it, but I figure if she gets cold she can snuggle up to it or the 2 stuffed animals she has in there! She is now a year old, and loves having a stuffed animal in there to snuggle with and "talk" too.
Harper is SO adorable!
1.The Target in my area has some. They are not the Carters brand but I used them on my first child and they worked just as well as Carters. Also Old Navy and Gap had some the other day. Most stores are starting to stock for the Fall so you should start seeing them.
2.As for the blanket both of my girls have always had to have a blanket on them to sleep. I just only cover them from the legs down. It is usually kicked off by morning but it gets them to sleep.
search some children's clothing websites and even google "footed pajamas" to find some!
my girls wear the two-piece type and I always check on them before I go to bed to put socks back on if necessary and so forth. Then the socks stay on until morning when they sometimes remove them again!
I allowed both of my girls to start sleeping with a light blanket around a year old, perhaps a little bit earlier than that on a cooler night here or there. Once a baby can crawl, roll and has good arm control she can get out from under a blanket if needed. My girls have never had a blanket over their heads at all.
Hope that helps!
She is precious!! And the desserts look yummy!
Sorry i can't babies for me...yet!
Harper is just too cute!
We are sad to see the footed pajamas go :( My son started potty training at 2 1/2 so they didn't work for us any more. I got all of ours at the Children's Place. They run to 3T in footed pj's.
We also used a blanket from the time he was born. I LOVED using a sleep sack for a while after he broke out of swaddles. At about 6 months he grew out of the sack and we started using a blanket. He just turned 3 and is very attached to that same blankie. :)
I just had to comment (even though there are a ton before me!) because I wish it were cold enough here to worry about my little man getting cold during the night! We live in the central part of California and it is SO HOT here - even at night, my 2 year old is sleeping in shorts and tank top sleeper sets! We won't pull out the footed pj's until probably November!
As far as when he slept with a blanket, he was probably 6 months old or so - and like other commenters said before me, he wakes up every morning with the blanket in the corner of the crib, he probably doesn't use it much during the night.
Harper is adorable!
Harper looks so cute
Sounds like y'all had so much fun!!
The strawberry desserts look so yummy.
Love Harper's outfit! Way cute!
I have been putting blankets on Hadley since she was able to roll over & sit up well. Of course she always ends up on top beacuse she is so hot natured! LOL I just made sure the blanket was at her waste & not close to her face. As far as pjs, I am pretty sure I saw some at Target yesterday for bigger sizes, maybe up to 12 months. We do use socks, but again she pulls those off. I have a goofy little princess. I checked on her the other night & she was freezing to the touch, so I covered her up. Well, she let out a scream & wouldn't stop until I took the covers off of her. Who knows!!
I don't think I have commented before, but I have been following since Harper was born. I have a little boy about 2 weeks older than Harper. I have had the same problem finding larger sized footed pjs. I found some 6-9 months at Target and the Carters store and Childrens place have a good variety also. I have put Brady to bed with a blanket since he was born, but I go in and take it away after he has fallen asleep but before I go to bed. He rubs it until he falls asleep. I worry the same. I think that is normal! Good Luck!
Children's Place has footed pjs up to like 5T. They also have the footed pjs that zip. I get tired of all the snaps.
As for 2 piece pjs...if you put the socks on first THEN put the pants on top of them, it's almost like it's a one piece. It's worth a try!! It worked for my Harper for a few months, but then there was nothing that would keep those socks on her.
I just keep my kids rooms warmer. Close off the vents...etc.
Harper is so precious. I love seeing her sweet pictures!
Kelly, honey, use the blanket when you think Harper's going to be cold. I used one on all my children from the day they came home from the hospital. My home is never warm enough for me and if I'm cold, the baby gets covered.
Such a little cutie pie! And those brownies are fabulous! I don't hold it against you for wanting to keep them for yourself!
I totally 2nd (or 45th!) the Children's Place suggestion! I love that store! Their stuff runs a little big so it lasts awhile longer than other brands. You can find footie jammies there at 3 for $25 all year long - up thru 36 months. We are officially grown out of them and I am so sad! You can find them online too if need be. I had to keep mine in footies that long because neither one of my girls would have a thing to do with a blanket on them until they were 2 1/2 or 3. Cozy jams were a must!
We have tried all brands and styles and right now I think Children's Place has the best knit material footed pjs. I think they run a little small, my daughter wears a 24 months while she is in 12-18 in most everything else. They zip up. Carters has the zip up kind for older kids as well but sometimes their fabric gets funky after it is washed. Baby Gap also has some thinner footed, knit pjs, but they are pricey. Watch for a good sale on these or try Just Between Friends Consignment Sale.
Now I'm craving chocolate!!!...
I just got three zip/footed PJ's @ the Children's Place today. They are really cute...I put the convenience of the zip ahead of the footed sleeper, so anytime I can find the ones that zip, I try to get them. Hannah Anderson is a really cute brand and they're made from organic cotton. Here's the link if you're interested:
Both of our kids hated, and I mean HATED, footed pajamas from day one.
Baby #1 was born in the summer, so no worries then along comes winter and ALL I could find were flannel footed pajamas. She's 6 now and still hates to have her feet covered up.
Baby #2 also hated the footed PJ's and he was a fall baby which made it more challenging.
I used the layette gowns as long as possible. Both of my babies slept on their tummies from the beginning with their feet and legs tucked under them so I used them even when they were too short until about a year old. On really cold nights, I used the flannel sleep sacks.
Baby #2 is almost 3 now and refuses to use a blanket. Sometimes I sneak in his room on cold nights and put on over him but it never stays on.
The Childrens Place has the best footed pajamas that do go up to size 5T or so and they zip up! Wonderful.....we love them and have tons of pairs!
Someone else already posted... but just wanted to say, that we used a sleep sack for my 3 yr old's 1st year. Did great at keeping her warm.
I've been able to find footed PJ's for both of my girls (my oldest is 7) at both Walmart & Target. Walmart I usually have to get the Gerber ones. Hope you find something!
I get Tiny-might's pj's at the Carter's store. They have a really wide selection of sizes. We have a Carter's outlet in my town (love it!!), so I usually get her pj's there. However, now that Cora is walking, I prefer the two piece jammies. Since it is summer, I just don't put socks on her, and she is fine. (I figure that if she is cold, she will be curled up when I go check on her. But, she is always spread out flat like someone dropped her in that position, lol!) The other good thing about the Carter's pajamas is that you can by them with the zipper instead of the snaps. I just got so tired of having to unsnap/resnap 27 (it feels like!) snaps just to change her diaper. The zipper makes it so much easier!!
Harper is adorable in that brown outfit!
I'm loving the strawberry topped brownies!!
I didn't read the other comments but i'd suggest either separates until Winter then flannel footies (stores will get them soon,) or if you can order from Carter's online they do make footies up through 5 T. I have a Carters store close by and they have 12-5T sizes on the back wall. Right now they are cotton but soon they'll have flannel. Also, Sams and Costco get Carters sleepers for 7.49 and I just bought a few today. Good luck! Oh and if your house is normal temp (not cooler than 70 or so right now,) I'd think her feet won't get cold!
I also use Halo sleep sacks. You can buy them in cotton for warm weather and fleece for cool nights. My son wore one until I transitioned him to his big boy bed. Good luck!!
I just started putting my daughter in 2 piece pajamas when she outgrew the footed ones. I didn't want to at first, but they are so much easier! As for the blanket...I used one from the time she came home from the hospital. I know that's a no-no, but it was winter, and I wanted her to stay warm. I think it would be fine to use one for Harper. She's old enough now to lift her head, so if it was in her face she would be able to move it.
I've been reading your blog almost since Harper was born - my sweet little boy was born at the beginning of January. I wanted to second all of the comments about sleep sacks. I also wanted to say that it's so funny to read about Harper because she does so many of the same things as Max, and I had to comment today because he has just starting making that same face that she's making in her picture. Some of the things I read about Harper make me think Max is the male version of her! He's been the same way about talking, napping, and eating (LOVES solid food), and he also was not a cuddler at all ("put me down so I can sleep!") but just started doing exactly what you said Harper was doing. I enjoy keeping up with your adventures!
You can always buy one of those sleep sacs. I don't think Wal-mart sells them but you can get them on-line at Babiesrus or at there store. It's like a blanket, but not a hazard. They also sell footed jammies with zipper instead of snaps.
Harper is such a cutie!! I love reading your blog!
Like many other have mentioned, there are many places you can buy footed pjs. I've found them at Target, Walmart, Children's Place, Carters, Kohl's and Old Navy. My 4 year old, who wears 5T, still loves to wear footed pjs....if I'd let him, he'd wear the fleece footed pjs during the hottest months of the summer. He actually snuck some on one night on a really hot summer night. My kids wear socks to bed most of the time when they don't have footed pjs on, they just like their feet to be warm! :-)
Kohl's and Target have sleepers up to around 24 months, along with Babies R Us. I still have my girls in footed sleepers as well. No blankets for me until they are around 2 I think. Just scares me a little.
Sleep sacks didn't work for me after my son was 6 months, he rolled all over the place and we never could find one that fit well. But I agree with the Carter's recommendations, they, Childrens Place, and Old Navy always seem to have the footed pj's, even for my almost 2 year old son! He is always in them.
Blankets - we let him have a small blanket at 6 months in his crib, but it was the size of a small baby's security blanket. I didn't cover him with a blanket until just recently, when he moved to a toddler bed. He is just about to turn 2 so that gives you an idea on the age.
I used the sleep sack with my little girl as well. I loved it.
Nobody in town will agree with me but maybe what I say will be a little food for thought.
With our first babies we strive for perfection. I am 50 years old and had four children. I know from experience that we all stress over that first one, second one, and even third one but somewhere along about the fourth, fifth or sixth, we finally relax and let common sense take hold.
If I were raising a baby now, I would feel their feet to feel if they felt cold and needed covering. If they felt normal, I wouldn't worry. There are those people who do not like to wear socks and love for their feet to hang out and be cool. Remember we are what we are from the time we are born . . . . I can assure you that is true having raised four. I have one son who must have his feet covered at all times and he has been that way since a baby. If Harper keeps wiggling her feet out of things it could be that she is the barefoot kind. Again, I would check her feet to see if they "feel" cold and if not, I wouldn't worry about covering them.
Babies since the beginning of time have been covered with blankets. I can hear the 'gasps' as I write this. That is just food for thought. You're the momma. An idea might be to fold the blanket in half and only lay it over her feet and legs if you feel they need covering. Remember to trust your instincts. God gave them to we mothers . . . . Always listen to them!
Just wanted to comment and tell you I've enjoyed reading your blog since Sara first requested prayer for Harper. I do think it is a ministry and so neat the way God does things like that, don't you think?
Take care and God bless you.
An Older Mom
My sister-in-law had the same problem and she asked my mom to make her a sleep sack for my niece and nephew. That way she didn't have to worry about socks OR issues with a blanket. I attached a link for you below to see the basic pattern of a sack. My mom made the sack from fleece and put the zipper on the front and it zips from the bottom to the top. Then she covered it with an inch wide and three inch long strip of fleece fabric that snapped so that they couldn't pull on the zipper. It's really easy, the little ones could still move around in it but there wasn't an issue of them getting into "trouble" in their crib.
Hope that helps...also, if you'd like I can have her send you one - just email me at if you're interested. She makes them for friends all of the time so I'm sure she'd send one off to you for Miss Harper!
Carters is the way to go for footed pajamas. And I second the suggestion for a sleep sack. We loved those and they go up to I think a size 2T. I've also seen the footed pajamas in Walmart up a size 5T, I think Gerber makes them, not as cute as the Carters, but cheaper.
I am lucky enough to live near a Carters store so I buy most of my son's pj's there and they go pretty high on sizes. Or you can also try Kohls. I use a regular blanket for him, but he is 9 1/2 months and can move around really well. If you are concerned you can always get a wearable blanket. They carry them in most stores. I know I saw some cute ones at Target the other day.
Hi Kelly! I absolutely adore your blog ... I just found it and read posts for 3 nights to get "caught up."
If there are any outlets near you, Carter's and Children's Place outlets are the best for footie pjs. Also, you can look online for coupons before you go to dave a little. My favorite coupons sites are and . I hope this helps!
Her outfit is so cute! I wish it came in my size! ;)
My baby girl is almost a year, and I've been putting her in Carter's two piece jammies for the last couple months. I do know that Target has a pretty good selection of 6-9 month sleepers, but once they start walking (and even crawling), those become a pain!
We didn't put a blanket on our son until he was 18 months old (super cautious), but our pediatrician told us it was fine around 9 I started covering her when I started putting her in the two piece jammies!
Harper is so adorable!
My 11 month old wears footed pj's in the fall/winter. During spring/summer she wears the cute carters's pj's that have a top w/ shorts & pants. Her little feet are fine at night.
She also sleeps with a blankie. My first baby I never had a blanket with her till she was after one. With my second she always had a blanket with her. She slept a lot better being tucked in. Now she has her blankie at her side to cuddle with.
I feel that it pretty much comes down to what you and your baby are comfortable with.
I often can find footed jammies even up into the 24 months range. Kohl's or even JC Penny's also carry Carter's and some other brands. Usually this time of year, Summer, it is hard to find them, stock up in the winter and when you find big sizes.
I began putting a light blanket on P around the 10 months range...just when I layed her down, I would cover her up. We also did socks and she never bothered them.
Ooops, forgot to mention how much I LOVE the brown outfit. She always has the cutest outfits with the cutest bows.
I rarely comment but this is something I have dealt with and still do.... pjs! The Children's Place has footed pjs that go up into bigger sizes and come fall, WalMart will have Gerber fleecy ones that go way up in size. We do both footed and two-piece.
Regarding blankets - I use the loosely crocheted blankets (like handmade ones) that are full of "holes" so that even if my girls were to pull them over their heads they would still be able to breathe through the blanket's holes.
Harper is beautiful and I bet she looks darn cute in some footie pjs. :)
i would error on the safe side and not use a blanket...just the footed sleepers. Good ol Walmart usually has the gerber ones.
We lost a baby at 2 1/2 months old due to sids. He didn't suffocate due to a blanket issue we found out thru an autopsy and they couldn't find a reason why he passed away.
He died 10 minutes after my mother in law fed him and led him down for a nap. She checked on him 10 minutes after feeding him and he was already blue and gone to heaven. They tried to revive him but to no avail.
His name was Jacob John Meester. Named after his two great grandfathers. It has been nearly 12 years ago but seems like just the other day.
Carters actually makes footed pjs up to 2T. We went through the same thing with our son. But we have an actual Carters store where we are (Texas) and buy a ton of things there with great coupons.
We also did not provide a blanket for him until he was in his toddler bed, 2 yrs; to also be on the cautious side.
p.s. they do have wearable blankets that we used as well, they are just real warm here in the summer, but perfect for cooler weather.
Childrens place has the BEST Pj's!
We used a blanket starting at 1 year. I think that is the recommended age. I still use the footie pjs during the winter (we get them at Children's Place) and in the summer use the two peice. I don't put socks on her and she's fine!!
Im sure a bunch of people have already written this, but Carter's makes GREAT fleece footed pajamas (although i dont know how cold it gets there...i live in the cold midwest!)
Childrens place and gap also make great cotton footed pajamas. Carters also makes 2 piece footed pajamas where the shirt and footed pants snap together.
Kate is Harper's age (2 weeks apart) and I'm doing fine finding footie pjs--I found one that was separates with footies, and she scooted right out of the pants!
Carter's stores sell them up through toddler sizes. Not sure if someone else already mentioned it - you have a lot of responses before I read your post.
Hands down... Children's Place footed pajamas are the BEST.
I am glad I am not the only one with this question! I did recently find the jackpot on footed the Carter's store in Branson and I ran into a sale at Babies r us so I stocked up on a few sizes.
Harper is such a doll and her outfit is FABULOUS!! Of course I've never seen her in anything that wasn't fabulous! Such a good momma you are!!
The Day after Thanksging sale and Walmart always has footed Pj's for like $2-3 we stock up then- they sell them to size 5T. We use blankets after 6 months just one not a bunch of them.
The brownie's look yummy- that was a good idea in the tart pan.
Kelly my 5 year old who wears 5t cloths still wear footed jammies as well as my 18mo. I buy them Carters at the carters outlet, Childrens place also has them into I think 3T, not sure about gymboree or osh gosh...childrens place and Carters usualy have 3 for 20.00 deals. hope this helps you! oh also I live in the North east where outlets abound, not sure about you neck of the woods...
the childrens place have them year around and normally on sale and CUTE. i am a footed pj mom (well, for james not me, i wish!)
A couple options...they still sell those Carter pajamas at Sams in bigger sizes. My son wore them up to 24 months. Also, we had the sock and blanket issue as well and we found that a sleep sack worked well for us and made me feel comfortable because I knew they couldn't get their faces underneath it. They won't be able to get their socks off with a sleep sack either. I buy them at Babies R Us and Target.
I've been getting Harper's from Target... I know they at least go to 12 months (but I think even bigger) and are only $5.99. They are pretty cute too! As everyone else has said, they are at Children's Place... 3 for $20 maybe? I know it is some deal like that. Also, she is just adorable! I love her bows!!!
Your answer is the gro-bag! Check out the website bumps to3. They are great to keep kids warm and also just covered. We use a 0.5 tog one here in CA for Jemima our little girl, and it works fine.
This company also does PJ's with socks attached so when the toddlers are walking on a wood or tiled floor they don't slip.
I also know that costco sell carters things up to a size 24months - they definitely do them in Mark and Spencer too which is a UK company that now ships to the US.
Hope this helps.
my little girl is 4 and still has footed pajamas, my step daughter is 8 and still has them( that fitt) look at sears pretty sure thats were we found ourS!!!!
Go to Children's Place. They have footed pj's in EVERY size (seriously, like up to size 5T). They are available year round and are the BEST pj's in the world. They usually have them on some ridiculous sale (like buy one, get the other 1/2 off) so you get them at great prices, too.
Here's a link to their PJ site. You can see their variety.|25914_baby%20girl|sleepwear
Until she's a lot older (like out of the crib older), I'd keep her in blanket sleepers and not worry about a blanket. She'll stay warm. Mine don't start sleeping with blankets until right before I move them out of a crib. Then I take down the bumper pad, add a pillow (to teach them to sleep with their head in one direction) and add a blanket. Most of the time, they come out from under the blanket, but they understand to keep their head on the pillow. Then we transition to the big girl bed.
Our Costco seems to always have footed Carters pj's all year round and up to like size 5T (and oh so cheap)! I worry about coldness too so I keep my boys in them all year round for the most part! Good luck!
That outfit is the best!!! My newest son (4 weeks old) does the same to me. I get a cute outfit on him for church or whereever and he spits up on it and me before we can get him off the changing table. eek!
I have 2 other kids (8 and 9) and I recall that when they started to get thier footed PJ's unraveled they were too constricted feeling or hot and I just dressed them in the regular pj's. I did not go with socks because it was impossible to keep them on thier feet. They would be all over the crib. :) I put a light blanket in the crib for the babies (the one that came with the bumper pad and sheets for the crib) as soon as they were able to sit up and rolled over on thier own. They will not suffacate if they can move and take the blanket off thier face themselves. If they can pick their head off the mattress when they can not breath then they canhave a blanket. I think SIDS is when they can not pick thier head up (newborns and a little older) and so if they can not breath they can not pick up thier little heads to free up the mouth or nose. (does that make sense?) I would not give my 1 month old a blanket at night because he still is discovering his hands and his neck is not string enough to move his head when need be. He was puttling his own hair the other day. I saw he was crying and he seemed in pain. I tried to figure out why he was hurting and noticed his hand on his head. I toughed his hand and discovered he was grabbing onto his hair and pulling. He did not knwo what to do about this and when it hurt more each time he pulled he would pull harder out of frustration and pain and that made him cry more. I pried his little fingers off his hair and he was instantly fine. but that shows that he really has no idea what to do with his hands yet. All he ahd to do was let go to feel better but he did nto knwo what was going on. It was funny but so sad too. :)I will be bloggin about this soon. :)
If I couldn't always find footed pjs, I would use the two piece pant sets (carter's have great ones) and put his socks on before I put his pants on. So they were kind of tucked in to his pants and he couldn't get them off. Gymboree also has the best footed pjs. I always went online and bought the clearance one's from the previous season. I am pretty sure that I was the only one with a child wearing xmas jammies in July but they were affordable!
I love the footed pajamas from both Children's Place and Baby Gap, and from both of those places they zip instead of snap so she couldn't kick out
I've been reading your blog for a little while and love checking in on you and Harper. I have a 2 year old daughter and when she grew out of footed pjs, I just bought 2 piece sets. As for blanket, I only give a blanket and naptime and then at night she sleeps in a sleep sack and that keeps her feet warm. She loves it and won't go to bed at night without it. I love it that I don't have to worry about her getting tangled up in sheets or a blanket.
Hey Kelly- I always find the footed PJ's at Walmart in the 2 pack by Gerber but they are a little heavier. On the plus side they Zip up and you get 2 for under ten dollars usually!
As others have been suggesting, use a HALO SLEEP SACK! They are FANTASTIC! They go on over normal pj's and are used as a wearable blanket. The zipper pull is even at the bottom so it doesn't scratch their chin or neck. My now five year old LOVED his and wore one until he was over two years old.
Harper looks great in brown!
My daughter is just now moving into 2T/3T so we are leaving the footed pajamas size. We used to find them at Kohl's, Babies R Us, TJ Maxx (occasionally) up to 24 mos.
One other suggestion that I can make is a sleep sack (by Halo). I have used one since my daughter was born and I love it! I have used the cotton ones because she runs really hot & the fleece would be too warm for her especially over her PJ's. They are somewhat pricey if you buy then at Babies R US, but I have seen them at TJ Maxx or Marshalls for much less (or I buy them at Babies R Us when they go on sale). Unfortunately Emily is starting to outgrow the XL size so now I am back to square one!
Sleepsack...absolutely sleepsack. Long time reader, first time poster! I couldn't resist sharing my favorite, even though I'm just an Aunt!
Harper is growing up so fast! She is so goregous! Just alittle doll! :) What a blessing!
Kelly I know that Walmart(in Canada) has those sleepers up to a size 2-3 that can be footed or non(just flip the foot thing out for a socky thing).
Let me know....I can always go "girl shopping"(as a mom to 3 boys) and buy a few of these sleepers for you and ship them to you.
Kelly your daughter is just so adorable. I think she gets cuter every day!
My daughter will be two next week. Like you, I love Carters clothing and was saddened to find that Sleep n Plays and other footie things tend to stop around 9 month size with the exception of blanket sleepers. Like others have suggested, Children's Place makes larger sizes, but I personally found them to be really snug and slim in the arms so they were more difficult to get on her, and she's a former micro preemie so she's skinny. I think if you look online, you should be able to find some larger size footed jammies. Also, you could look into a light/summer weight sleeveless sleepsack. Those are great. Halo, Gerber and I think Carters makes some. We currently have a newborn foster baby and I'm loving all the fun footie clothing options again. they are so much easier than trying to keep socks on little feet!
That's great that Harper is starting to notice the other kiddos. Playdates are great fun for mommy's (and essential for sanity!) and it's fun when the kids can enjoy them as well.
Your strawberry topped brownies look very decadent. You are so sweet to bring a yummy treat to the new parents.
My nieces are 3 and 4 and STILL wear footed pajamas, so they are definitely out there. They buy theirs at Target. They're the kind that zip up the front (all the way from one toe to the neck of the pjs). Check em out - they are inexpensive and it might solve the problem of her ripping her legs out.
Good luck!
Harper look so darn cute in that brown outfit :)
In answer to your questions... I actually still have my boys in 1 piece zip-up PJ's (when the weather is cool enough for them) and I get mine at Childrens Place ( I know they go up to at least 3T there) and also Costco has a brand called Pekkle that has super cute 1 piece PJ's that go up to 24Months sizes. I find the zipper ones work well & she probably wouldn't be able to kick out of those ones. ;) I'm from Canada, but have been to Costco in the States & they carry the same ones there.
As far as a blanket goes, have you tried using a sleep sac? It's much safer than using a blanket as there is no risk of baby getting all tangled up & of course it keeps there little feet all warm & cosy too!
Hope that helps :)
I had the same problem....hit up the Carter's outlet stores and the Osh Kosh Bgosh outlet stores they have footed p.j. sizes up to at least 2T. Also if you register for their online emails you get lots of coupons and special sales ads...Very worth the money you save!!!
That is such a cute outfit, made cuter by sweet Harper, of course!
I had some pjs for my son that zipped up and they worked really well, they were from Target. If they don't have those in her size, the two-piece ones will work. Just put the socks on and put the band of the pants over the top of them. You can also put them on after she is asleep, I have to do that sometime!
Blankets... I never put them on my kids, I just had them in the warmer footie pjs. We are in AZ and I saw that Costco had them out today... it's still 110* here... ha, so funny to me!
Just remember though, whatever you chose is best for you will work out, you'll find your own favorites and Harper will let you know what hers are, for sure!
Here in NZ we don't have central heating so babies are tucked into bed under blankets ++ from birth, as long as they're tucked in on all sides and fairly large there's no way to get tangled up in them. The peadiatricians here recommend making the bed up at the foot of the cot so the babies can't wriggle under. I had never heard of anyone not using blankets until I started reading american sites!!
I use the Halo sleep sacks over thinner cotton pjs. Hanna Andersson will put them on sale and I'm sure other companies who sell them reduce the price, too. I like them better than the Carter's brand/off-brands because they have the reverse zipper and they are longer. I have also layered my kids in the footed fleece sleepers if it is really cold. You can find footed pj's (Carter's) that are 2-pc. I just found some at Kohl's. In fact, I found an 18 month one piece sleeper there, too, with feet.
Brownies looked lovely and delicious!!
I have bought footed sleepers up to size 4T at Children's Place.
I do training for child care providers and parent ed and the sids resources recommend the Halo sleep sacs (part of the proceeds goes to sids research and information). The Back to Sleep campaign also recommends that you tuck the blanket halfway under the mattress and only have 1/2 of it in the crib. When it's tucked under the mattress it is less likely to get wrapped around a child.
For what it's worth, i've found the Carter's footie pajamas at Babies-r-us go up to way older sizes.
The night I stopped swaddling Adelaide, I started putting her in Halo Sleepsacks. They are BY FAR one of my favorite baby products, and got the job done keeping her warm through the night and giving me peace of mind because I knew she didn't have a blanket in the crib with her. They come in a soft cotton knit or fleece so they are the right weight for different seasons.
I definitely erred on the cautious side of these things, because her sleeping was my BIGGEST fear as a mom. We just started putting a blanket (super thin, lightweight) in the crib with her at 18-months. She was old enough to ask for it ("covers please!") haha.
I have found footed pajama's for my boys up to size 12 (boys) at Target, Sears, and K-Mart. It gets a little tricky after the toddler sizes, but I mostly find the boys' ones at Target now. It is not hard to find them at these three places up to 5T, especially if you hit them early in the year like right now. I know our Target has them in the baby clothes section right now and there is a whole end wall full of them for boys and girls.
I love that little outfit on Harper.. too cute. I'm glad you have such a great group of friends to support eachother, that's not easy to find.
As far as pj's go. Owen sleeps in a diaper. Since his heart doesn't work, he overheats and so we just let him sleep naked. He's always slept with a pillow and blanket, he got used to it in ICU where he was constantly watched. His crib is pushed up against our bed so I can monitor him all night. I'm more looking out for how to keep the oxygen from wrapping around his neck at night.. YIKES.
Good luck on the PJ hunt!!
i think you'll have better luck finding footie pajamas in the winter. i remember wearing them till i was 5 or 6. and recently i saw zipper ones with a snap button over the top of the zipper to theorectically make it more difficult to unzip. (i saw theoretically because i saw this 2 y/o get out of them faster than i could find her diaper supplies!) about the blanket, i remember always having one and seeing pictures of me with mine from day one. i also remember tucking in my baby brother. i think thats more of a personal choice now. i don't have kids so maybe i just don't get it, but it is august...would her feet get cold in this weather?
one more thing, i know she's your angel and your everything, but try not to worry too much.
Egan's 28 months and he still wears footed pjs. We buy most of them at the actual Carter's store. At his age all of the pjs have zippers.
We still put him in extra warm pjs because he does not keep any blankets on him because he rolls all over and he pulls socks off before he falls asleep.
Good luck! You'll figure out what works. Harper will let you know. :)
Carter's makes fleece footed pjs that zip instead of snap. My son still wears them and he is almost 3...I just bought some at Costco and they go until 5T.
You could also try a Sleep Sack. I think Harper is still small enough for one. It is like a sleeping bag that has arm holes so it doesn't fall off. My daughter is 5 and didn't really start sleeping with a blanket(that she kept on) until 3 1/2.
Great pictures!
In my personal opinion, there's no way around it. Olivia is a warm sleeper- she doesn't like to be covered or have socks or pants...etc. She literally sweats and then gets sick. So, I gave up and although I think she does get cold in the middle of the night, I can't go in and cover her up, cause she wakes up easily. This sounds bad, but she's learned to kinda get on her tummy with her arms & legs tucked under her if she gets cold. I know! It's hard to not worry about them. But I just learned that she was fine and most likely she was kicking off and wiggling out of clothing and blankets because she was more comfortable that way. Good luck!
You can find footed sleepers up to like 3T to 4T at Gymboree, Khols, and Children's Place... Walmart never really had many except fleecy ones sometimes... As for the blanket idea, I didn't use one until Kelcee was 1 1/2 and it was a breathable one I bought out of a parenting magazine. I always err on the cautious side of things. Ya have to love the Brown outfit on Harper Brown... How cute is that... Betcha no-one will mistake her for a boy today... Ha! Ha!
If she's getting out of the legs, perhaps she's hot? Then maybe non-footed pajamas may be the way to go. I know that if I'm hot and stick my feet out from under the blanket I feel much better. :)
My son is 4 months and I have always kept a blanket on him.
We live in a pretty cold place so footed pyjama are there all year long. Summer ones are lighter and winter ones are made from more plushy fabric.
My daughter slept with us a lot (until 5 months full time) so she kinda always slept with a blanket.
But now that she sleeps by herself (13 months) she never keeps it on...
I love strawberries! that looks delicious!
I get footed PJs still, and DS is in 2T. I just have to look harder. My jackpot is the Carter's outlet. I go once a year and buy tons of clothes, all for under $5/item. You can buy Carter's at JcPenney too, btw.
I'm with all the others who suggested the Halo Sleep Sac. They are awesome and put me at ease during the night. Regardless, I do still tend to put the kiddo into footed pajamas as well in addition to the sleep sack. My sweet baby girl is only a month older than your sweet Harper.
Those brownies look very yummy. Wish I could dive in through blog world and snag one for myself. ;o)
I have had the same issue with the PJ's. You probably have to find them somewhere else. They go up until at least 2T (and I've seen bigger sizes) but you can't find them at Walmart or Target. I've been where you are though and it's pretty frustrating! Try an actual Carter's store or Gymboree.
My Daughter is 10 months and she sleeps mostly in two piece pajamas, she wiggles so much and can't stand to be fiddled with so we switched to two piece jammies in order to spend less time wrestling her into them.
However, I have been able to find lots of cute one piece pajamas at OshKosh, Carters, and especially the Children's Place. The ones from the Children's Place are really cute and I love them because they have a zipper! It makes it easy to put her in something warm but not have to tie her down for too long.
Personally, I started using a blanket when my Daughter Vivian turned about 7 months, she can easily roll and moves around so much when she sleeps so I make sure that the blanket is somewhat lightweight and not too big, that way she can't get twisted around in it.
Hope this helps, and your dessert looks GREAT!
I find alot of footed pj's @ children's place! Actually the other day I found some footed pj's @ costco ~ not sure if you have costco but they had a bunch ....light weight footed ones!! Harper is a doll!! I read your blog every day.
halo sleep scks and Carter's one piece footed jammies are the cutest and softest and they go up to 5T, their store is great, also try babies r us, kohl's and tj and marshalls has some really cute ones right now..
I have been reading your blog since Harper was in the NICU and enjoy it so much - thanks for keeping it open and letting us read about her and your life with her! I just had my third child, and FIRST girl, and have been on the hunt for good sleeper PJs myself. The Children's Place zipper footie PJs are great - I know you're one for a bargain - and they're not bad (usually 3 for $25 regularly - sometimes certain prints are on clearance for $5.99 or so)and during the winter they make soft fleece ones (otherwise they're cotton knit). I prefer a more expensive brand (although I usually find them on ebay or online where instead of being $38 or so, they're under $20) - Kissy Kissy is the brand, and they make them out of pima cotton and are so soft and wash so well, I don't mind paying more for quality - especially since my baby girl is slowing down her growth a little and staying in one size longer. Kissy Kissy runs extremely small as far as length, so I go up a size or two in that brand.
I do cover my daughter with a light blanket at night, something that's not plush - just knit or satin on front/flannel on back. Since she can roll now and lift her head up so high, I'm not scared. But she's also my third, so I'm definitely more relaxed than with my first, so I understand your reluctance.
I love to read your blog everyday but this is my first comment! I am a HUGE fan of the sleep sacks! My little boy slept in one till he was about 13 months old. I try to tell all my friends that are new moms about them!
The Children's Place has really great footed pj's. They go up to toddler sizes and they always have them.
Hey Kelly-
I had the same issue a few weeks ago with my daughter. She too is pretty tall like Harper and Carters pjs only go up to 9 mths or so I've found. But I did some research and Children's Place makes long sleeve, footed pjs in almost all sizes. I needed 12 months and they had them:) I think they call them stretchies. We also use the Halo Sleep sacks (Babies R Us)which is great b/c Avery will kick her blanket off in a second! Hope this helps:)
-Mandi Shelfer
Carter's outlet has great footed pajamas and they usually zip so she won't be able to snap them off. You can get them at really good prices too if you watch! I used the socks with the bubble around the cuff and my daughter could NOT get those off even when she could with every other kind of sock. Also, my daughter still doesn't sleep with a blanket and she is three. Not necessarily b/c I worry about SIDS but she just doesn't seem to need it since she is covered from head to toe in PJ's. Harper is just beautiful!
You can put her in footie pj's,they make them in her size from lots of places. And give her a blanket. As long as she is rolling over, she can get herself out of it if she needs to. Plus, if she is pushing up with her hands, she can lift her face if she needs to. And you can always use blanket sleepers; those are really warm and then you don't have to worry.
My granddaughter sleeps in a kangapouch and I highly recommend it. It's awesome!
Yummy brownies!!! I buy the footed pajamas at Children's Place 3 for $25. They're the best and hold up they have zippers which are wonderful when they reach the age where they start unsnapping those things.
In the warmer months (like now) I put mine in the 2 piece outfits and he wears a sleep blanket. He just sleeps better when his feet are cool, but his room is too cold to not have his feet covered at all. They make light weight blankets for summer and fleece for winter. I LOVE them. Target has the best online for "sleep sack."
I hope you find some cute solutions! :)
GAP has footed PJ's that zipper up so she wouldn't be able to kick her feet out. They come in such cute prints/colors too!
Love children's place p.j.'s.They zip up,and go up to size 4t maybe even 5.Another thing I do,use the two piece pj's and put a sleep sak over them,I still use that on our 18month old.Keeps him warm on those cooler nights!That would solve the blanket need for now.Though,our kids have always slept with a silk lovey,but thats it,no heavy blankets or anything.LOVE Harpers brown outfit!
I think that I found footed pj's until my little one was at least 18 months. I liked the ones from Carter's too! I found some at Toys R Us, Target, Sears, etc.
Blanket wise you can start using one once they are rolling over and moving things out of their way by themselves.
Also Love the desert idea! Yummy!
I didn't go through the 156 comments, so I apologize if this has already been said, but you need a HALO SLEEP SACK! We've loved sleeps sacks with my son Hayden (13 months). This summer, I tried to transition out of them and just do a blanket but he moves around so much in his sleep that I always worried he was cold. No more worrying! He wears a foot-less long sleeved sleeper under his sleep sack and loves it! They're a bit pricey but so worth it!
Harper looks adorable!! :)
As for the pj' daughter just turned 3 and she still sleeps in the footed pj's! We get them at wal-mart or kohl's!! We did gowns for a while too...and she's always used a blanket in her bed. We've never had a problem. My little boy is 11wks and he sleeps under a blanket too. I guess it all depends on the mommy! :)
I don't know about the blanket thing, but I put Bennett (my 8 mo old) in footed pj's too. I stopped buying the snap ones because they were too much trouble..I only buy the zip ones! They are a life saver at 2 am when you can't see straight. He doesn't kick them off either. I like to put him in those because I can't cover him up yet. I found the zip pjs in a pack of 3 at Target. I think they are Circo brand. Cute too! And the 6-9 months have fit him for a while. He is pretty chunky and they have worked really well!
I have been following your website for several years since I discovered it BooMama's Tour of Christmas homes.
So, I have followed you from infertility to mommyhood bliss. I found out this past Sunday I was pregnant (at 37 with 2 teenage sons). Knowing from your site the frustration that many women go through for this experience made me realize what a blessing this absolutely shocking news was.
I have been looking at a lot of baby clothes lately trying to make all this feel "real," (it didn't work). I remember there were a lot of footed pj's at Target up to at least 24 months for $5-7 and they were really cute.
As far as blankets, I covered my other 2 with lighter weight blankets from the day they were born... but all the rules have changed since that decade, ugh!
i have had the best luck with The Children's Place footed jammies. they are pricey, unless you watch for sales or find an outlet. they seem to hold up the best, are the softest and just seem the cosiest! they also seem to fit the most-to-size. some places are way too small and i wasted money. i want one of those desserts!!!
First off I need to know where you bought the strawberries? It took me 30 minutes the other night in Wal-Mart to find some actually good strawberries.
To answer your question I would just buy the 2 piece pj's that maybe are a little to long on her so that way her feet will stay inside them. That way you don't have to worry about socks.
We didn't use blankets until we put our son in a toddler bed at around 2. I was terrified of SIDS and I just hated the thought of pillows or blankets.
sleep sac, sleep sac, sleep sac....LOVE EM!!! We have a Carter's outlet near and they have footed pjs all the way up to 4 or 5T. Also, a brand called 'Little Me' goes up to bigger sizes in footed pjs. You can find Little Me at Belk.
Target has just recently put out pjs that have the footsies for the bigger babies for $7.. awesome!! LOVE THEM!!!
I'm sure its just a coincidence, but I think its funny how Harper's outfit and the brownies seem to match and look to be almost the exact same shade of brown
I agree with others who say The Children's Place has good footed PJ's. I think theirs are the best. They are cute, stretchy, fit great, and affordable. Buy the ones that zip up rather than snap; that way she won't be able to wiggle out!
I started covering my daughter with a lightweight blanket when she was about Harper's age. However, she wiggles around so much that it doesn't cover her for long!
We cover them with a blanket as soon as they kick out of being swadeled.
I don't know if anyone has said this because 169 comments is too many, but a friend of mine has almost-three-year-olds (twins) that wear footed pajamas, and she just puts them on them backwards so that they can't unzip them and take them off. It doesn't choke them or anything; it just looks a little silly cause the footie part is kind of backwards. But it seems to work great!
Carter's makes footies and so does Gerber up to at least 24 months!
You can find them at Kohls!
Harper's headband is SO CUTE! Do they make those in grown-up sizes? Sadly, I don't think it would look as cute on me :)
we started using light blankets at about 9 months and Katelyn has done fine with them. we did use a crocheted (sp?) blanket but Katelyn got her toe stuck in it one morning and by the time I got to her, it was blue, so I recommend you don't use those! Our blanket like that was out of the crib for good after that! swaddling is also an option but they don't make those very big!
I don't know if someone has mentioned this or not. I don't have time to read all the comments!! When my son was a newborn, we had a nurse coming to our house because he had jaundice and had to do bili-light therapy at home. She told me to NEVER put socks on him to sleep. Once they get the socks off, they can put them in their mouths and because babies like to chew and suck, they can suck them right down their throats. My son is my 3rd child, and I had never even though of that before. He's 18 months now, and I still don't let him sleep in socks!
I can usually find alot of footed pj's at our Children's Place. We also have a Carter's outlet that has a ton of them. I have a 2 1/2 year old and a 6 month old, and I like to keep them both in footed ones.
As far as a blanket goes - I don't use them for either child. When it's cold, I put them in a sleep sack - I think they're the greatest things! Babies squirm around way to much to leave a blanket on, but the sleep sacks are wearable blankets!
I don't know if this has already been suggested or not but you could always try the Gerber zip up PJs!!! They are great and my little man can't slip out of them.
childrens place has the best footed pjs. My son wore them until he was 2 1/2. they usually have sales for 3 for $25. They are soft and comfy and they zip all the way up. Good luck
Someone else posted about the sleep sacks & a couple I babysit for has one for their little boy. It is pretty awesome! The only thing though is that he is hot natured so they had a fan on in his room, mostly for noise, but I think it helped circulate the air so he didn't get too warm. He used that until he was about 10 or 11 months old I think and now uses just a blanket. :) My sister is thinking of naming her sweet Christmas baby least that's what I keep telling her my vote is for! :)
I was so excited to share the answer to the "footed pajama" question...until I realized that I was comment 177!
Oh well, Praise the Lord anyways!
Blessings and go get yourself to Children's Place! :>)
I worried about the same thing!! I am in LOVE with the PJs from Children's Place and they go into bigger sizes. Perhaps my favorite part about them is that they zip!!! In the winter they have fleece ones too so you don't have to even worry about a blanket.
PS Love little Harper's outfit today:-)
My girls wore Carter's Child of Mine footed pajamas from Wal-Mart up to size 5T. And Target has them up to adult sizes. :) My 7yo has a pair of size 8=10.
I so enjoy following your blog! We began using a blanket on our Little Man at 9-10 months of age (he is now 13 months old). By that time, he was fully capable of rolling from front to back and back to front and turning his head if he could not breath. He was born with a mass in his lung called CCAM, so we were paranoid about SIDS and took every precaution recommended and known to man. I think it depends entirely on your comfort level and Harper's ability to move around fairly easily.
I have found that the blanket does not help to keep his feet warm through the night, since he moves right out of it. He also pulls the socks off. If you visit the children's clothing stores when they are just putting out the cooler fall clothes, you should be able to stock up on footed p.j.s for several size categories for your growing girl! And, there is always Ebay!
Sleep Sacks!! They are the best :)
The Children's Place has footed pjs in bigger sizes that zip up instead of snapping, they even have fleece ones in the winter time. I chose not to do two piece pjs because of the sock issue and because the shirt would ride up and leave their tummy exposed. We didn't do blankets until after the boys moved into toddler beds. I didn't really feel like they needed it with the footed pjs and fleece ones in the winter.
CUTE brownies...I am going to try that the next time I need a cute, quick dessert.
The Children's Place has awesome ones!!!! That's where I shopped for my kiddos.
My son is almost 3 and still doesn't sleep with a blanket. We've tried. But he is a creature of habit, and since we didn't use one when he was little, he doesn't care for them now!
We also grew out of footed jammies. But if you can find an actual Carter's store, you can find them up to 24 months! The older they go, however, the feet start to get plastic on the bottom for gripping.
We just switched to socks once we could not find jammies with footies! And oh yeah, we keep the house at 78 degrees! ha!
You can get Carter's footed pjs up to 24M at the actual Carter's store. I think Children's Place also carries larger size footed pjs. Both of my children started sleeping with a crocheted blanket as soon as I stopped swaddling them. Since it has holes in the blanket, the can't suffocate.
My son has used a blanket since Day ONE. He would not sleep any other way. I guess it's whatever you are comfortable with. You will hear SO many different opinions of what you "should" and "should not" do. Do whatever you feel best as her mother and forget the rest. Trust your instincts, you are a great mommy!!
No footed PJs for us! My daughter who is a year old but was 3 1/2 months premature only wear onesies and socks. I cover her with 2 blankets (one to cover her whole body and the other to cover her legs and feet) but I also have an ANgel Monitor on her. If it weren't for the monitor I probably wouldn't have blankets in with her because I often find the blanket over her head...she likes the darkness! I think it was the covered incubator!!
I have been reading your blog for about a year now, but I believe this may be my first time to comment! Your devotion to Christ inspires me so much! I just wanted to throw in a quick "thank you" for that! :)
My precious little man, Jared, is now 13 months old. I have always used Children's Place footie p.j.s. They have a little elastic behind the heels to keep them from kicking their little tootsies out of the foot part. Also, they zip! No more 20 snaps to do up on a squirming infant! Best of all, if you hit the store at the right time, they sometimes have them on the sale rack for $1.99!!!!! They go up into toddler sizes, too. This is great for us since Jared, at 32.5" and 27#, is growing out of size 24 months! I hope this helps!
Hi Kelly...i've never commented before (and why now, i don't really know!) anyway...I may be the oldest mom on here, my kids range from 3-12 yrs. This grow sack or whatever is new to me, but sounds nice. What you need to remember is however you feel at night, is probably how Harper feels at night, as far as temp. goes. I've used a variety of pj's, from footed to non footed. My kids eventually liked having their feet free. I also ALWAYS gave my kids a blanket. Nothing heavy, just a little baby blanket, or receiving. She is old enough to manauver those things herself. I really wouldn't worry about it too much. Have fun and enjoy!
We love the pjs from Children's Place. My three-year old STILL refuses to use a blanket. She does insist on sleeping on top of her favorite one, spread out just so. :)
So we'll probably be using footies again this winter, too.
SLEEP SACS! You can get them from Babies R Us in various sizes. A medium should be good to start with now for Harper. My son used them until after he was 2 (and he used a large). They also prevent monkeys from lifting their legs so they can't climb out of their crib. Their feet stay warm. Blankets don't come off. They can't undress themselves.
And you can get cotton or fleece ones, depending on the temp.
We use the Halo Sleep Sack for Carter and it works great - I've used it for the last two babies and loved it. As far as the PJ's, I love Gymboree's, although they run small/tight sometimes.
Good luck! Love Harper's outfit!
my sister seems to be able to find footsie pjs for my almost 5 nephew.(or maybe he still fits into his old ones lol) Their the cutest pjs..and Harper is the cutest little girl! Take care.
A sleep sac or Children's Place! E.C. started sleeping with a blanket after a year old but that doesn't help. They don't stay covered up!!
Kelly, you can find the footed pajamas at Carter, either at the outlet or T.J. Maxx for cheap. They can wear them until 3 years old. Blankets have always scared me with little ones.!
Sleep Sacks!! My son is 10 months, and he loves them. They make me feel soo safe when he wears them. And, he sleeps like a rock star!
First of all, Harper is as cute as a button. I especially LOVE her brown outfit!
I too LOVE footed pjs and bought them for both of my kids. I always had good luck finding them at Target. I loved the zipper kind and they came in packs of 3. I think I was able to find them up to 18 months. Maybe the zipper will help with her being able to get out of them. I have a 14 month old little boy right now, and it has been harder for me to find. I find that I look online and have better luck, so you might try that too!!
As for the blanket. I didn't use a blanket until around a year with either of mine and I moved my daughter at 2.5 years to a "big girl bed." We skipped the toddler bed because tons of my friends had a hard time with it. Their kiddos got out of bed a ton. At the time my daughter couldn't get in and out of the "big girl bed" by herself. The transition was so great for us!!
Good luck! You are a fantastic mom and Harper is lucky to have you as her mommy!!
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