In a few weeks - we are taking Harper for her first trip to the beach. I can't wait. However- I realized today that she only has one swimsuit and she has almost outgrown it. Oops. So we headed to the mall this morning to look around. Yeah - It's August. What was I thinking? There are plenty of sweaters, leggings and boots. But no baby swimsuits. (or adult suits for that matter). So I've been shopping online this afternoon.

And speaking of trips - I have something VERY exciting to share!!! I was asked by Compassion to go with them to El Salvador in November and blog about my experience! Of course I nearly said no because there is no way I could leave Harper. But I decided to pray about it. And I just really felt like God was pushing me. I also really feel strongly that if my blog is going to be read by a lot of people - then I want to use it for a good purpose. And that purpose is to share my faith and to help encourage and pray. And I feel very strongly about Compassion and the work they are doing to help children so I want to be apart of that! We sponsor a little 5 year old boy in Nicarauga named Richard. He writes us the sweetest letters and our money each month is helping him to go to school, have enough to eat and have a chance at a good life. We will sponsor him until he is 18 and my prayer is that because of Compassion not only will he have a better life for himself but he will come to know the ONE who is the giver of Life. I can't wait to go and see children like him who are being changed by the work Compassion does.
And Scott is going too!!! We will probably cry and miss Harper every second and I can't believe I am actually going to be away from her but my parents are going to keep her and trust me - she will get WAY more love and attention from the two of them than I ever give her in one day and it's only for 5 days. One of the most important things I can give Harper as a mother is to show her compassion and love for others and that doing God's work is NOT a sacrifice but something we love to do. She will never know we are gone but hopefully she will grow up knowing how much we love Jesus and how much we want to serve Him. AND how fortunate we are and how it is so important to share everything we have with others.
So I hope that in November you will pray for us as we go and I can't wait to share with you everything that we experience!! GOD IS GOOD!
(Since curious minds want to know - I had already planned to try and wean Harper by 9 months and she will be almost 10 month by the trip so it should work out fine. I always thought if I could just do 6 months - I would be happy. And it's been easy and wonderful and I love it but I also think 9 months is kind of what works for us.......)(I know everyone feels different on the subject - but I have found in motherhood that the "best" answer is just what you decide for you and your child). :-)
Actions speak louder than words. Harper will learn so much by seeing her parents put God's love into action. Reminds me of a saying...preach the gospel--use words if necessary. Thank you for preaching the gospel. God will bless your time and energy. Trust the One that gave Harper to you to take care of her while you are gone. Be blessed!
watch out for those hurricanes!! the tropics are really heating up and it's prime time for tropical storms in late August. just a heads up!
That is so exciting and I agree, it is very important for Harper to see you helping others. I also wanted to add that my Emma has the same brown/polka dot swimsuit and it is super adorable! Have fun on your trip! If you come through Huntsville, AL let me know and we can meet up!
Love the two swimsuits! They are adorable! And that is awesome that you and Scott are getting to go to El Salvador in November. I will defiantly be praying for you guys!
i haven't commented a whole lot lately...i'm bad about not commenting, even though i'm a faithful reader. =P i admire you so much for being so real about things; i feel like you & i could be great IRL friends - going to sonic for cokes, etc. i love that you are going on the compassion trip, and that you are so serious about being a good example to harper. she'll love you for that! keep up the good work, girl!!!
awesome Kelly..your such a great person...scott too.
That is awesome Kelly! You are so right, as parents we can talk to our kids until we are blue in the face, but if they never see us in action, how do we expect them to learn? We will be praying for you!
Thank you so much for serving our Savior. I hope that one day, I can be a mommy just like you - not only one who loves her daughter but one who loves her Heavenly Father. I will be praying for you, your husband, and the children you are going to meet along the way. May receptive hearts respond as you shine for Jesus. xoxo
The beach sounds fun! Little girl bathing suits are so cute. What a wonderful trip it will be in November. Harper will do great with the grandparents and she'll admire you for it in the future! Sounds like an adventure.
How exciting for you and Scott to go in November. What a blessing for y'all and all of the lives you will touch while you are there.
My girls have the same polka dot dot bathing suit from Target and it is sooo cute on! I had them monogrammed and they turned out precious. Monograms and polka dots just go together on little girls!
Hey Kelly! I never leave a comment...I started reading your blog thru a friend's blog. Anyway, my little girls have that same brown polka dot swim suit and I had a hot pink monogram put on it. Super cute! Anyway, just thought I would give you an idea.
Kelly, when I read this I nearly jumped out of my chair. I went to El Salvador my freshmen year in college and I just LOVED it. Missions is my passion...there's just something about reaching out to the lost and needy around the world and telling them of their Savior. I'm so excited for you. Get ready for the Lord to rock your world! I can't wait to read about your time there! :) Let me know if you have any questions about what it's like there.
Every mission trip I've been on has changed me so much! You will LOVE it, Kelly!
And Compassion is such an amazing organization. Tri Chi sponsored a few children when I was there, and now Patrick and I sponsor a little girl in Uganda!
How wonderful Kelly! I'm sure it will be a life changing trip for your family! Can't wait to follow this journey with you...
LOVE the two suits..Addison has the brown one and its just too stinkin cute!
What will you do about nursing that sweet girl of yours??
Kelly, this is AWESOME! I'm so glad you are following God in this. I know you will not be disappointed. Harper has great parents! I can't wait to read about your trip!
You are Scott are setting such an awesome example for Harper. This trip will be an amazing experience for you guys.
I'm at the beach now and have seen two toddler girls wearing that suit you pictured from Target. They look super cute, I know Harper will also!
I'll be praying for you as you prepare your hearts and your family for this Compassion trip. What an amazing thing to be able to share with Harper as she grows older and learns all about what you've done for others!
And those swim suits?? Adorable! :)
That's awesome, Kelly! I will definitely pray for y'all when you go. I can't wait to read more about it. My grandpa went to El Salvador to do some work with the church a few decades ago when he was younger. I love to hear him talk about it.
Amelia has that same brown polka dot bathing suit. It's so cute on! Have you put it on Harper yet? Listen at me...look who I'm talking to. Y'all have probably already had a fashion show complete with bows and accessories! HAHA! The pink one is adorable, too. I saw a PRECIOUS one at Wal-Mart the other day and was so disappointed that I didn't have or know a baby girl to wear it. It was pink and had ruffles, similar to this one. Y'all are going to have so much fun at the beach with that sweet Harper!
Love the suits !!! I have a "thing" for little daughter has 8 ( I know ridiculous!) Harper will look sweet on both suits you chose.
How wonderful that you are going on the mission trip and your hubby will be going with you. I can not wait to read about how God is going to work through and in both of you!
oh my goodness! all i can think about is your poor boobs. will you quit breastfeeding? i cannot get tess to take a bottle right now. so frustrating. but what an awesome experience and i know your mom and dad will spoil her rotten while you are gone.
I have no earthly clue how I'm new to this blog, because I'm pretty sure we live in the same area.
Congrats! You are a Compassion Blogger! That's huge!
How exciting and what an honor to have been asked to go on this trip! My parents are living in India and I have been encouraging my mother is hoping to get involved with Compassion there. It is such a wonderful organization and you are sure to see God at work in the loves of so many come November! I will be praying for you and Scott as well as Harper and your parents!
How exciting for you guys on your Compassion trip!! You will do great and I am so excited for you! I will pray for you guys and for the Lord to do a mighty work in and through your obedience!! So cool!
Mollie kate has that polka dot swimsuit and I love it too!
What exciting're going to Honduras! My daughter went there on a mission trip a couple of years ago. She had an amazing time! She learned so much about herself and her relationship with God while she was there. I know you and your husband will do the same. We'll be praying for you when the time comes! And I know your parents will have a fabulous time with Harper while you are gone. So proud of you for having the strength to leave her for 5 days. Very courageous!
You will absolutely LOVE every ounce of your time at the beach with Harper. It will be so sweet for all of you. And who doesn't love the beach?
SOOOOOO stinkin excited for you and the Compassion trip. We sponsor a little girl in Africa because of the trip and blogging that Sophie did. Rocked my world. Wish I could sponsor a bunch of those kids. You are definitely going to be a part of something life changing!!!
Yes, Go Kelly, if God is calling you! I agree with Krystal that God will use it to rock your world. When we went on our missions trip to Swaziland this summer, we were "wrecked" in a good way though! I will be praying for you as you blog about your trip and share how God is at work! God is going to do amazing things with your "yes" and Harper will be so blessed while she stays with your Godly parents.
How exciting!!!!! I can't wait to read all about it.
Cute suits, too :)
Congratulations!! What an awesome opportunity for you and Scott! Can't wait to read your posts about your adventures!
Have been following your blog for a while hooked when Harper was born and had the privilege of praying for her and watch Jesus do some cool miracle stuff and watch Him use you to bring Him glory! I was at OBU just right after you and being a Tri Chi, of course, I knew who Kelly was and even met you a few times. Not that any of that matters.....I get so tickled when I read your blog because we have so many similar situations, circumstances, and stories and I always want to write you and say "are you sure we aren't best friends in some universe that we are unaware of???"
Of course, I never leave comments because I think, how in the world does she have time for a comment from me when she has hundreds of comments to read everyday. BUT this time I couldn't help but leave you a comment because I am SUPER excited about the Compassion deal!!! What an awesome opportunity God is giving you to bring Him even more glory. We are HUGE Compassion fans at our house. We sponsor two of which my husband has had for about 10 years now (5 years longer than we've been married) and it is really cool to see how much God has done in his life in that time. Anyway, just want you to know that I will be praying about that trip for you and I am proud of you for recognizing the impact that your example will have on that sweet baby girl of yours! God bless you bunches my best friend in some parallel universe!
This is amazing Kelly! I am happy for you and Scott both what an amazing experience for the both of you. I can't wait to see and read about your experience. My god continue to bless you and Scott! With love, Melissa
What a great and amazing thing for you and Scott to do! God is using you both as great witnesses! You will be in my prayers for a wonderful trip and for peace about leaving Harper. I know it will be hard, but she will be just FINE!
Those swimsuits will be adorable on her!
God is good all the time!!! This will be a life changing event for your family. I can't wait to see what God has in store for you all. It is all for His Glory!!!
HOW AWESOME! I can't wait to follow you while you are there. :) Isn't it neat how the Lord works these things out?
Enjoy the beach!!!!
How exciting about your Compassion trip! We sponsor a little girl, Putri, in Indonesia. I started sponsoring her 7 years ago when I was 18. And cute new swimsuits!
That is awesome news!!! My husband and I sponsor a little boy, Roshan, through the Compassion program!
You are so right! You will teach your daughter, through your actions, how to live a life full of passion, vision and generosity. I have spent the last 2 years doing mission work in Haiti and blogging about it. Many people have read my words and the response has been overwhelming. To know that people are following the journey God has put me on, through my letters made my mission that much more precious. That I was able to share it with others who couldn't themselves be in Haiti was a gift! You will pass along a gift as well. To those of us remaining here and to your sweet baby girl!
Praise God for giving you the chance to go and bless some Compassion families. I will pray for safe travel and that you will be able to show and teach the love of Jesus to those who need it. Lisa
Those are the cutest little swimsuits ever!
Wow! That is such an awesome opportunity the Lord has provided for you!! I will be praying for you.
SO excited for you Kelly!! What an awesome experience you are going to have! We just started sponsoring a little boy from India. I got my first letter from him a few days ago. It was so exciting to see his little letters that he is just learning to write. It is going to be so fun to watch him learn and grow over the years!
That is awesome about going on the Compassion trip. I have been a follower for a while, but have only commented once in a while, but I wholeheartedly enjoy your blog.
I was wondering- I know you have done the "Show us your house" series- could you do one just for those of us in college, such as 'show us your dorm or apartment'? I am a second year senior and just moved into my own place (an apt), and would love to partcipate in something like that!
Have a wonderful evening!
What an amazing opportunity! I can't wait to hear your accounts of each day you guys are all there. The swimsuits are both so cute! I'm sure they'll be adorable in all the photos from your vacation!
My daughter has the brown suit with polka dots and it is adorable! I love the ruffles on her little bottom!
That is so awesome that you are going to go on the Compassion trip. I read Angie's blog when she was on her's and it was so inspiring! I will be praying.
Such a true testimate to your faith and knowing the impact you will have with passing on the wonderful things Compassion does for these children. Harper will just SOAK up all the love from her grandparents. Also an example for her and when she is older to hear about her parents stepping out on faith and listening to the Lord guide them.
What an incredible gift and experience Scott and you will get to share together. =)
Ohh, and those swim suits are adorable .. Better keep her away from all those little boys on the beach! ha.
I just recently started reading your blog due to SUYL on other peoples blogs. You are such an inspiration and it's so uplifting to read Godly women's blogs! I really love that you are willing to go on the trip and be a witness to the people in nicuragua as well as to harper!
i LOVE the swimsuits! good work in getting them super cheap too!
And thank you for your prayer request list...I've added them to my list as well. Thanks.
that is so awesome! My husband and I have a Compassion child as well. Ours is a little girl from India!
How exciting! What a great opportunity for you & Scott. Harper will be fine and so spoiled when you get home :-)
That is awesome that you both get to go! Every one needs frequent trips alone with the grandparents to be spoiled rotten :)
Chez ami ( has their swimsuits 40%off right now...I just bought my little pumpkin a couple for an upcoming trip!
How awesome about El Salvador! And 5 days! Good first trip away from Harper. Not TOO long. And SO great that Scott is going too. I love going on mission trips with my husband. I can't imagine going without him now!!
Hey Kelly,
One of my best friends is from El Sal. So if you have any questions I know she would love to help out any way she could. Her uncle was just the president there and just ended his term. But her entire family is there. Anyway she is a mother of 2 boys and a newborn girl;) So my email is if you want to be in touch with her. So awesome! Praying for you!
Oh, Kelly!! I am THRILLED for you!! I'll be praying for you as you leave Harper. Time will fly and you'll be back with her in no time! Isn't our God INCREDIBLE??!?!
what an amazing opportunity for you and scott!!!
i will add this to my prayer list -- so exciting!
Kelly, that is absolutely fabulous and amazing! I am proud of you for answering God's call even when it was out of your comfort zone. I will pray for you while you are gone and if there is anything I can do (I don't know if you'll need any funds raised for this), please let me know.
What an amazing opportunity for you and Scott. And 5 days is the perfect amount of time for your first trip away from Harper. You and Scott will enjoy your time together!!
How exciting!!! What a great blessing and experience for you and Scott :) We will begin praying NOW.
This is so awesome! I am a long time reader, first time commenter. I love reading about you're little Harper girl... she is such a dolly! This post really struck a chord with me because I did a similar thing last fall. My husband lead a trip to Guatemala and he really wanted me to come and lead the women. At first I thought there was no way I'd leave my 6 month old son, but of course God had other plans. Thankfully God allowed me to really concentrate on serving during the trip and I was ok with the separation. I know you'll feel the same!! Good luck and many prayers!
What an awesome opportunity for missions!!! I love what you said about this trip being an opportunity to someday teach your little girl about serving others for God! Makes my wheels turn :) Looking forward to hearing about your wonderful trip!
Those suits are adorable! I especially love the polka dot one! We just got back from a trip to the beach, I wish I was going back!
I sponsor a Compassion child in the Philippines. I would LOVE to go meet him, but can't afford it. I know you will be forever changed! I enjoyed reading Angie's (Bring the Rain) post about her Compassion trip. It was amazing!
SO AMAZING Kelly! You and Scott will do HIS work with HIM right by your side! You are so strong and will be able to help through out this week in Nov. You are so right too. Harper will be in the best hands, other than yours :)
So exciting...I too wondered what you would do about nursing... Harper would be 9 months? Then I saw that only one other person asked this question...and it was one of my IRL friends! TOO funny... you know whta is on our nursing brains! I am consumed with my non-bottle taking 5 month old. But I weaned my others at 9 months (well DD#1 weaned herself and I weaned DS) so 9 months is a great time to wean if you choose.
I think that's wonderful that you all are going to get to go - what an example for precious Harper. I can't wait to hear about your experience.
I cannot wait for you to go with Compassion! I know HE will change your life even more. How exciting!!!! We will begin praying now for you and Scott!
Good words Kelly. Thank you for sharing your true feelings and thoughts. I agree that Harper will see how much you and Scott love Jesus and serving Him.
I got goose bumps reading this. That will be an amazing adventure and I can't wait to hear about it. Your parents will be total Harper mush when you get back. I love, love, love the glow in their faces and hers in all the pictures of them together. So precious!
AWESOME! You will be a great ambassador Kelly- can't wait to read all about it!
That is SO exciting Kelly!!!! God first, everything else second. THAT is the BEST example you can set for Harper!! To follow Christ WHEREVER He leads and to trust Him with your life!
He will bless you richly as you bless others!
I will start praying NOW for your trip!!!
I went to El Salvador the summer after I graduated high school, and while I'm not the same person I was at 18 that I am at 26, that trip was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had, and it was such a blessing to be able to give what I could to some of the poorest people I have ever seen. They were so thankful to have people come in and help them and love them for who they are -- it was an unforgettable trip!
Kelly, I am so thrilled for you and Scott. I can't wait to see what God does through the lives of children sponsored by compassion. You will miss Harper but I'm sure grammy and grandpa will give her LOTS of love!
Harper is blessed to have such wise and willing parents. You will find your heart tugged every which way on this trip but God will be there through every tear, every laugh and every exhausting moment.
Cute suits!
That's so wonderful about Compassion. You have such a heart for the Lord and are such a wonderful example to others. I am so happy for you to have this chance. Looking forward ti hearing more about it in November!
We have that swimsuit too! {when I say me, I mean my daughter not I. I imagine my chubby legs wouldn't be nearly as cute as our daughters ;) }
I think it's amazing to blog for Compassion!!!! We sponsor a little girl from India. What an awesome privelage to be asked to go
Awesome! I'm so proud of you and Scott for doing this. Your blog is a constant reminder of how God works in our lives. I'm sure your Compassion trip in November will be a blessing to many, many people.
Beautiful Sacrifice! Will begin praying for your journey!
I was at Baby Gap the other day and they have some really cute ones! I almost bought for next summer, but resisted.
PS We were in Gulf Shores/Orange Beach in May with our 5 month old and have taken our 3 year old since she was 1. If you want any tips or suggestions, I'd love to help!! We have been going there since I was 7..and I'm 32 now!!
Congratulations on your trip! It's going to be awesome and I can't wait to follow your journey through your blog! May God bless you with the work you'll do there and shine His light through you to many.
So very thankful you and Scott can make this trip. I'm sure you will be blessed as well as blessing everyone you two come in contact with while you're gone.
And yes I think Miss Harper will be 'well' taken care of:) even though I know you and Scott will miss her terribly.
She will love hearing stories from your time in El Salvador later in life and will appreciate what you are doing for others.
Blessings this evening and always,
Matthew 21:22
How exciting about your trip.
Those suits are so cute! Is the second one Kate Mack?
Good for you for deciding to go with Compassion! My baby girl is 6 months old, too, and I have noticed how easy it has been for me to become focused only on her...and to forget about serving others. I admire you're willingness to follow the Lord's voice!
omgosh Kelly. Everytime I read one of your posts and I go to leave a comment you always have sooo sooo many comments that I feel there is probably no way you can get thru any of them.
I was just going to say that my daughter has that same brown suit with the polka dots. And I love it. What I really like is there are no criss cross straps to get confused with. But it's super cute on her. I have many pics.
Have fun at the beach!
I had to tell you I bought some "Kelly" dresses today at need to check them out..they are all ruffly and bright and girly! The brand is "spense"
And that is such a wonderful opportunity to serve in El Salvador..God will bless your obedience to go and provide everything you need. And your life will never be the same again!
Kelly! What an amazing experience (and I'm not talking about your total score on the baby suits--though that is impressive too!). I can't wait to read about your experiences with Compassion. What a beautiful opportunity! Best to you in preparing for it spiritually & mentally--I haven't taken the leap of more than one night away from my kiddos so I feel your agony there! But you are right--she will be in amazing, loving, wonderful hands and that is a good experience for her too. Go, you!
cute suits! what exciting news!! you guys will be doing such great things!!
Another faithful reader who never comments. I am so glad you decided to do the Compassion trip. These blogger trips have made such a big impact. So wise to start modeling service for Harper while she is young. And as a grandma I am sure Harper's grandparents are super excited. This trip will be a blessing for everyone!
Yay for you and for Scott- and for Harper- there's just nothing like alone time with the grandparents! So glad you're going for Compassion!
I don't comment often because you have so many to wade through...but I am THRILLED to hear you are going to El Salvador, as that is where my sponsored child, Patricia is! I followed the India trip bloggers and will be hanging on every word from El Salvador.
What an amazing testimony to share with Harper some day! She may not understand now, but when she has her own children she'll know what a sacrifice it was to leave her and understand the faith it took to follow God! I'm so excited to hear about your journey!
(My little girl has the same brown swimsuit too and I love it! The little ruffles on the side are SO cute!)
That is so awesome about your Compassion trip! how exciting! And WAY TO GO on nursing Harper for 9 months! I could only go 5 weeks!
how awesome!!!! I am so excited for you that you get to go on this trip! God will do great things and He will see that little Harper is perfectly taken care of while you are gone :) My oldest is 3 but when he was 10 months we went on an overseas trip for 10 days and I was a wreck beforehand but the trip was AMAZING for my husband and i to reconnect. I also had to wean my son by 9 months! Very happy for you!
What an awesome experience that will be! One of my Christian radio station personalities is in Africa right now with Compassion, and it sounds like an awesome experience. I can't wait to hear more about your experience.
What a great trip. I'm so thrilled for you, and admire your compassion.
We have the polka dot Target swimsuit and I had a big hot pink "A" (for Ayden Claire) monogrammed on it. It is the cutest and we've worn it all summer! Since you share my love for all things monogrammed, I thought I'd pass that along!
My daughter has the polka-dot suit from Target and it is great! I love all the colors. I am so excited for you and Scott, what an awesome experience to have together, and some day share with Harper!
Kelly, I think your trip is wonderful! I know you will have a wonderful time helping those in need!
We went to Africa in Feb leaving our three kids and even though it was hard, it was life changing! We want them to see their parents put action behind what we teach! Such a great experience for them and for us.
We have supported a sweet girl, Marta since she was 6! She will be 19 in December. I am so thankful that we have impacted her life with food, shelter and an education. After being in Africa, you get a great understanding of the difference that makes. She lives in Ethiopia!
Blessings on your trip
My girls have the same swimsuits from Target... they are adorable! Good Luck with the weaning!
Congratulations Kelly! How wonderful that you are going to El Salvador with Compassion! I live right across the street from their headquarters in Colorado Springs and feel so blessed to have been there and seen the way they run their amazing ministry! I can't wait to hear all about your experience and you and Scott will be in my prayers; as will Harper and your parents. God is truly good and I am excited that you will be able to see him at work in those children's lives! God bless you and keep you!
Yay!!! What an amazing opportunity! Can't wait to hear all about it.
please check out my blog at:
love reading about sweet little harper and seeing all of her hair accessories!
So incredibly awesome!!! I am so excited for you! What a life-changing trip it's going to be Kelly!!
Kelly, I am so thrilled for you! It will be an incredible experience I'm sure. I will be praying for you and I can't wait to hear all about your trip.
I love the swimsuits you got for Harper. They are adorable!
That's awesome news! Compassion is a great organization. We sponsor a little girl and love getting her letters!
I love those swimsuits!!
I saw on your Tweet today that you were going on this trip. I couldn't believe you were going to leave Harper! haha! I think its great that your going though!
Kelly that is awesome! I am so proud of you! When God speaks, we listen! So proud of you and Scott!
And I am proud of you with the breastfeeding- you are doing everything right for Harper because it's what YOU feel and what YOU want! To go this long is amazing! You have done awesome!
What a great thing for you and Scott to do. I sponsor a Compassion child also : )
your trip sounds so exciting!! what great examples of faith you are for harper. 5 year old has the polk-a-dot suit from Target and we L-O-V-E it!! have a great trip!
It's a breath of fresh air to read your blog. I enjoy your wisdom and insight the Lord continues to give you so you can share with us. Thanks for being YOU.
Bless you and your sweet family! I just adore your blog.
Absolutely adorable swim suits! Great bargain shopping. And all you do and will do for children is so great!
Kelly, that is AWESOME!!! Wow, I'm so excited for you guys!!! That is an amazing opportunity, and I'm sure God will use you in neat ways!
I feel confident that Harper will be in very good hands with your parents! Dawson has probably told her fun stories about country life. Will he be staying there, too!? :)
I am so excited for you. A year and 1/2 ago I went on a missions trip ti Vienna, Austria with my church. I left my 4 year old twins and my 9 year old with my parents for two weeks. I missed them a lo, but there is nothing better than being right in the middle of God's will for you. That was the best experience of my life. I am hoping to go on another missions trip in the next year.
~Precious little suits! Your trip sounds wonderful! :)
Congrats on making the decision to go on the Compassion blogging trip! Just reading the bloggers' entries this year changed my life. I had two miscarriages several years ago and had been wanting to do something in honor of them. Because I could think of nothing else, I planned on getting a meaningful tattoo. But as I read the bloggers' journeys, I knew what I really wanted to do was sponsor two children. Anyway, all that to say I think Compassion is amazing and the Compassion blogging trips really make a difference. Can't wait to hear your stories, too!
Kelly! That is soooo awesome!!!! What a blessing to be able to be part of a trip like that!!! Can't wait to read about your experience!!!
That is SO exciting about your Compassion trip. Your parents have modeled that giving attitude for you all your life... you are doing the same thing for Harper. How great is it that Scott is going too!!?
I've said it before, but you are SO blessed to have a WONDERFUL option for Harper when you want/need to go somewhere. Some parents don't have that support system.
I love your purchases for your trip!! Can't believe that girl is already needing a new swimsuit and she's only 6 months old. Ha!
Kelly, you're awesome. I am so happy that you stopped and prayed about it and listened to what God wanted you to do - because I totally would have had the same initial reaction! God has used you so much through this blog, and what an amazing opportunity.
I LOVE baby swimsuits. Love them. That polka dot number is the cutest thing.
I found that suit on clearance at Target last summer for my daughter...they changed it just slightly for this season:) Awesome that you found this year's on clearance:)
Can't wait to hear about El Salvador...and you're absolutely right, you have to do what's right for you when it comes to breastfeeding.
I always said "When they get teeth, they're done!" but now that I'm actually a mom and breastfeeding, I don't feel that way at all! You never know how you'll really feel about baby girl just turned 1 on Saturday, and she still nurses ALL the time, and I don't see us stopping any time soon.
Not at all what I expected, but it's totally right for us.
we are going to the beach in a few weeks too (gulf shores on labor day weekend) and i am SO excited! luckily little boys don't need to worry too much about cute swimsuits :)
we sponsor a compassion child as well (appu from india) and have been sponsoring him since we were first married. how exciting that you get to go on a compassion trip!
Kelly, I'm so excited for you and Scott! What a treat the Lord is giving all involved that week. Make sure you keep us up to date on the prayer requests you have as you prepare- even now.
Blessings! Tara G.
I went to Kenya, Africa with Compassion and I just loved it. It will be a life changing trip. I sponsor a girl and boy in Kenya. I love Compassion and the work they do. It is really neat to see the behind the scenes work that Compassion does. You will love your time there. It is so neat to see the family's of the sponsored children and to visit their home. It is a very emotional time, at least it was for me, so be prepared. I can go on and on about my trip, but maybe I should blog about it.
what a great step of faith and love y'all are making! i'm so proud of you for following.
and as for the swimsuits, the only way they can get cuter is when miss h is wearing them. that second one with the ruffles is just too much cuteness for me to handle!
Dear Kelly,
thank you so much for that last line on your post!
i love love love that ruffled suit!
Those suits are too precious!!!
I know you are going to miss miss miss that sweet little baby while you are away. But you are right, I can't think of a better couple to watch her...your parents will be wonderful!! :)
Can't wait to hear about your journey and what a difference you will make with those children.
I bought the polka dot one from target for my niece and she looked SO cute in it!!!
You go. You enjoy. I know you will feel SO guilty. You will never be the same. Never.
Wow! I got cold chills when I read your post this morning! I think it is wonderful that you and your husband decided to listen to god and help others on this mission. I know ya'll will miss Harper ALOT... but you'll be back before ya know it. We only have left Kelcee once and that was with my husbands brother and wife when I had a BIG appt. at John Hopkins... I missed her so much... But she was fine and around Harper's age so I don't think she really knew we was gone a couple days... She had so much fun...
Love the swimsuits... Is the second Kate Mack??? I have a Kate Mack Tutu for Kelcee and that looks alot like a Kate Mack Swim Suit... God Bless ya'll
My daughter has the little brown swimsuit from Target and it's so cute on! We receive a lot of compliments on that suit!
My daughter has the same polka dot swimsuit from Target and we love it! So exciting about your trip and can't wait to hear about it!
We are so excited for you and your trip. I know you will miss Harper but it will be so wonderful to help those in need. I love the brown polka dot suit...too cute.
What an amazing opportunity it will be for you and Scott to go on the mission trip! Have you been on any mission trips before? I've been on three- life changing!!
I'm so moved that God lead your heart to this point. I will be praying for you as yo and Scott leave Harper. This will be WONDERFUL for your marriage I just know.
This is my prayer for you today:
"Kelly...Give thanks to the LORD, call on HIS name; MAKE KNOWN among the nations what HE has done!!! Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell {El Salvador} of ALL his wonderful acts. GLORY in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice!!!!!! LOOK TO THE LORD AND HIS STRENGTH; seek his face ALWAYS. Remember the wonders he HAS done {and will do}, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced..."
Psalm 105: 1-5
Love me some baby swimsuits! Very great--absolutely CAN'T WAIT for baby on the beach pics! There's not much anything cuter than that! :)
That's exciting about your trip--I know you won't regret doing it! :)
Have a great day and thanks for sharing your life--always brightens my day to read your blog--you do have a wonderful ministry. :)
We are so excited about your trip with Compassion. We can't wait to read all that you and Scott experience. I can't believe you get to meet Richard! That's amazing.
Yay!!! So excited to hear about El Salvador. If this is your first foreign mission trip it will be life changing! And, you will love serving with is such an awesome thing to partner with your husband on mission. Can't wait to hear more!
Frequent reader, but infrequent commenter here.
I would love to go on a Compassion trip....we sponsor a precious little boy in Ethiopia! You'll be in my prayers as you leave Harper!
There is nothing cuter than fat baby thighs in a tiny swimsuit!!I'm headed to the beach today with my 13-month-old, and I can't wait! It's her third trip to the beach, and now that she's walking, it should be much more interesting!
Hey Kelly! About the Compassion trip, you will be surprised at how much you "won't" miss her. I mean, yea, you'll miss her and that sounds a bit harsh, but you will be so busy, be having so much fun, and spend much needed time with your husband, you won't have time to think about her too much. Also, since she will be with your parents, you will be able to relax so much more than you would if she were with others. In leaving Olivia for the first time, I was surprised at how well I did! And although I almost chickened out about leaving her (went to Colorado for 5 days) at the last minute, looking back, I am SO GLAD I didn't! Can't wait to read all about it- and hope you have the best time!
What a wonderful opportunity for you and your husband. Not only a way to serve God but to see life from a different perspective. Maybe you will come home with a desire to adopt a little Salvadoranian baby even!
I can't explain this but I just knew you would get approached by Compassion sooner or later...I am pumped you're going and know that we will be on our knees for you, sister.
It will be the experience of a lifetime and it will make you an even better mama and daddy for Harper when you get back because your encounter with God will make you (and all of your readers) more like Jesus.
You are loved!
I have friends who were missionaries there for 5 years. They moved back a year ago. They loved it there. Don't worry, we will pray for you and Scott and Harper and the grandparents!! God will show you His glory in BIG ways while on this trip!!
Hey Kelly!!I found your blog through another blog just days ago. I cannot believe how many readers you have. That is such an inspiration. I live in Bentonville, as well. I am so thrilled that I just met you at the airport!!!! I look forward to reading about your trip in November.
That is so amazing and so awesome that you guys get to go do that together!!! And I'm sure Miss Harper will be taken good care of!!
My husband and I have taken many mission trips to El Salvador...we have worked in the orphanages in San Salvador through a group called Orphan is a needy country but they are so welcoming every time we go! We will be praying for you!
What a blessing. My family also sponsors a child through Compassion, and I think it is a wonderful opportunity you have to go and see the good works they do in action. I'll be praying for you.
That is so AWESOME! It's great Scott will go too and yes, Harper will get so much more from this long-term. Don't worry about the short-term. 5 days is not bad at all! Plus, the weaning. 6 months was my goal too and I was thankful we made it that far. It can be a full-time job all on it's own! I remember many mall trips sitting in the parking lot nursing with blankets all around! Great job on making it that far! Many will try to deter you...stay focused! What an awesome testimony you will be able to share!!! You will definitely be in our prayers.
Wow Kelly, what an opportunity to blog for Compassion. I am actually familiar with the program. Our local Christian radio station, 95.5 The Fish, designates a few days a year to call and contribute to Compassion. It seems like a wonderful cause. I can't wait to read about your travels. Take care.
How exciting for you and Scott to do this together! That will speak volumes to Harper as she grows up!!
My friend's toddler has the polka-dot suit and I just LOVE it!!!
The swimsuits are adorable. My cousin bought the black with polka dots for her daughter and had her initials monogrammed on the front in lime. Turned out really cute! I thought I would throw the idea at you.
I bought that same adorable bathing suit for my little girl from Target. It's so cute on. Also, will be praying for y'all as you go on your trip. Leaving Harper will be hard, I left my daughter for 2 and a half days and I was pitiful. But you will be glorifying the Lord through your trip and that is what we are here for! Can't wait to hear all about it!
EG had that same polkadot swimsuit, and I ADORED it! Target just has the cutest girl clothes! I am so proud of you for going to El Salvador! I know you will be blessed and others will be touched by your presence there. I'm so proud of you and thankful your are my friend! Oh, and on the breastfeeding thing...I kept saying 6 mos, then 10 mos, then 12 mos, well little priss didn't give it up until 18 mos! Isn't that crazy!?! Actually, she would probably still be nursing if I let her. LOL! When she would pat one and say, "Peez," I knew it was passed time to cut her off. LOL!
So exciting that you are going on a Compassion trip and Scott gets to go with you. Praying that God works in a mighty way!
Kelly what tremendous news that you and Scott get to minister in such a HUGE way to the people of El Salvador. We will be praying for your safety as you travel to spread the Good News!
Love the bathing suits, especially the brown polka dot! So cute!
we left to do a missions trip when our son was 7 months old. it was hard but wonderful at the same time! it was my husbands first time leading a missions trip and i knew i had to be there to support him. you will be glad you did it and harper will be just fine. it will help gain a little more independence :) will be praying!!
so excited for you what an experience that will be and Im excited to read all about it on your blog. Compassion is a great organization doing great things so what a great trip to be apart of... I bet it will be hard for you to leave sweet Little Harper but she too will have a wonderful time with her grandparents!!
The suits are cute! $25 for a baby swimsuit!? That's just crazy!!! I think that's so great you are going to go on a Compassion trip. I sponsor a child from India through Compassion and it feels great to know that I am helping a child better their life. I pray that the little girl I sponsor will get everything she needs and learns about how wonderful God is. It'll be hard leaving Harper for sure but God will surely bless you and this experience.
What an awesome thing to be able to do. What great stories you will be able to share with Harper when she gets older. She is so lucky to have you as a mom and we are so lucky that you are a blogger and will be able to live the experience thru you. God bless you and your family.
What an amazing opportunity! It's so awesome that God has used your blog to open doors for you to do mission work. I cannot wait to read about it!
I wish we were already going back to the beach! Y'all are going to have so much fun!
I really admire all you do. What a wonderful opportunity.
I will pray for you!!
Molly :)
9 months worked well for my first, too. He just decided he was done! The 2nd made it the entire 1st year, but it was just easier for me.
When my guy was one week shy of 6 months we went to visit family in TX - and he had a cousin that was exactly 3 weeks older than him. His cousin had to be weaned early because mom had medical issues after he was born. I was shocked when my little guy would NOT nurse - didn't matter WHAT we tried. We had always had issues in getting him to gain weight - he was gaining SUPER-slowly - and he was a constant spitter-upper. So I (probably in tears) bought his first canister of formula and lo and behold if he didn't "chunk" right up AND quit spitting up almost COMPLETELY! *On a sidenote - he got his first tooth the next week - maybe God provided after all! LOL!*
First of all- love the swimsuits! Harper will have such a good time..
Secondly... I admire you so much for going on the trip. Harper should be proud to have such an amazing mama!
Love the suits. So cute!
And good for you - listening to your heart is the key.
What an exciting time in your life! I sponsor a child through Compassion in India.
I have to admit, one of my first thoughts (since I am a huge breastfeeding advocate) was that it will be quite the time away with having to pump, but I did it myself recently on a 5 day trip and it wasn't any great inconvenience in the end. I was saddened I'll admit to read your weaning plans. The recommendation is to nurse for the first 12 months of your child's life. I understand that it is your choice to wean earlier than that, but, and I hate to say this and seem unkind, because that is the furthest intention, what is 'best' is not necessarily just what you decide is best. It's a 'choice' and that's a different matter....but it is not 'best'.
However, I do take my hat off to you that worked so hard in the beginning with pumping when Harper was in the NICU and it was great to see you on such a public forum advocating nursing and showing that you can nurse a NICU child with success. Thank you for that!
Of course, I do wish you would reconsider about the 9 month weaning, but again, that's entirely your choice.
Love the bathing suits!!! I have boys who are now into nothing but denim and camouflage, so I really love the girly suits!
I know Harper will do great staying with your parents.
Definitely a score on the swimsuits!!! Can't wait to see beach pics!
I am SO THRILLED for you to go on the Compassion trip- I know it will be life changing! Todd and I went on a mission/youth trip when Connor was 12 months old...and we have never regretted it, although it was HARD to leave him! Love ya!
What a wonderful opportunity! I've read a few blogs about Compassion trips and it's very heart-warming. It's such a great program!
I am a mother of four children myself. My oldest daughter just graduated high school, and I through having little ones...BUT, after looking at these precious swim suits, you have no idea what you did to the mommy in me.
I'd better not let my husband know I was over here. He wouldn't be happy about it...nope, not one bit.
How awesome is that. I'm sure you'll miss her bunches. :-) How couldn't you? I bet your parents are SO EXCITED!! She'll be excited with all the spoiling that's gonna go on. :-) Good luck on your trip! May God continue to bless your family for all that you do! :-)
Wal Mart had baby swimsuits for $3 tonight! Thought of you, go pick up some and a few for next year too! Have fun at the beach.
Oh that is so exciting!!
And that's a pretty stinking cute swimsuit too. :)
how exciting! I can't wait to read about your trip!
I think the 2nd bathing suit is so cute!
Have you checked out Once Upon A Child in Fayetteville for clothes for Harper? It's a great resale can find some wonderful things, including those with tags still on!! I've even found quite a few Strasburg and Feltman Brothers outfits. You should check it out next time you are down in Fayetteville!
Oh, and she will be SO stinkin cute on the beach!!
Oh my gosh! I'm so pumped about your trip with Compassion! I've been sponsoring girls from Guatemala for about 15 years and have always wanted to go visit them, but don't have the funds so I live vicariously through the bloggers! LOL I was very moved and inspired by Angie and the others who went to India, so I look forward to you and Scott sharing your experiences with us. What a blessing to have that opportunity!
wow. I went on a mission trip to Kazakhstan when my youngest was about the same age as Harper. It was incredibly hard to leave her for two weeks, but I felt God calling me to go and my life was FOREVER changed by that experience. It is because of that reason why I have started my own business, so that part of what I make I can send to an organization call Orphan Impact, that helps families across the country with the HUGE financial cost of adoption. We have three perfectly healthy children, and we have prayed for a very long time about adopting another so that we can share what God has blessed us with. Maybe one day, but right now, I am blessed to be able to help others who cannot have children adopt.
Kelly - my hubby and I just got back from an 11 day mission trip to Moldova (close to Russia) working with orphans. It was very difficult to leave our baby girl, but so rewarding! She is 4 and understood that she was sharing her mommy and daddy with kids that didn't have them. I'm so proud of you for answering God's call and I know your entire family will be blessed.
I love your blog! You are such an inspiration to many people including me. You need to look at clearance! I got my little girl a couple of cute bathing suits for $4.98!!! They have great sales!
Wow, Kelly, what an honor. You said you had prayed a long time ago for God to have you use this blog for His glory. I know you do that daily and were a huge testimate of faith when Harper was in the NICU. But going to El Salvador with Compassion International, that's huge. They are an awesome charity and you are a gifted writer. I hope it works out! What a great opportunity for you.
You will have to check out Beth Moore's blog at
Her daughter Melissa did the exact same thing with Compassion only she went to India. (a few months back I think) So cool to get the opportunity to meet the child you sponsor.
Abigail, my twin girl, has that same swimming suit. It's the cutest darn thing on too. The little Ruffles across the butt. Oh weeeeeeee.
-Shannon in Austin
Wow! That's great about the Compassion trip!
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