I hope ya'll had a good weekend. We sure have. It started off Saturday morning with "Pancake Saturday" which just may become a standing tradition at our house when we can. Then we hung out in our pj's most of the morning. Why is Harper smiling in this picture???
Because on Saturday morning - Harper SAT by herself!!! Finally!!! She is still a little wobbly and won't sit on her own for long but we are getting there! I was so happy. I know one of the worse things us moms can possibly do is to compare our babies to others but it's so hard not too. I got stressed reading so many blogs and seeing all the babies Harper's age and younger were sitting and I was getting so worried. But they all do things on their own time. I figure she is smart enough to know that if she's sitting ......then we aren't holding her. And she would rather be held. And you know what? This momma wants to hold her as long as I can! :-)
Harper and Daddy had a lot of daddy/daughter time this weekend. Scott kept Harper most of the afternoon so I could get my hair done. (Hallelujah!) and then last night - Scott kept Harper so I could go down the street to a 30th birthday party for my friend/neighbor Melissa!

Me and the birthday girl!

All the girls at her party. It was really fun. Her husband had mexican food catered in and we ate and played Phase 10. I've never really played cards much but it was really fun!! I want to play again soon. All the girls at the party were so nice and fun! The guys played some games outside.

I had to take a picture of this cake - isn't it amazing???? and the best part - it was chocolate and red velvet (my favorite!) Jennifer Francis - I thought of you when I took this picture! :-)

The birthday girl opening presents

We always take pictures of me and Harper and so I wanted some of her and Scott. This was before church this morning. Scott and I took our first turn on the nursery rotation this morning. We also kept it during Sunday School so we were in there for about 3 hours.

We quickly learned what we already knew. Harper is the most high maintenance child in the nursery. We were amazed at how the other kids mostly sat so quietly and were so good and which child do you think cried most of the time (even with us in there?) Bless the nursery worker's hearts when they see us coming each week. Maybe our next baby will be an easy going baby that everyone else seems to have. ha! Harper really is so much happier these days......she just seems to hate church. ha!

Scott did a great job working in the nursery. I think a year ago he would have been stressed out but he's a natural with kids. I just love watching all the kids in our church grow and it's so fun to see Harper start to interact with the other kids and realize those will be her friends.
Well - everyone in my house is napping but me. It's a gorgeous day and I wish I was outside but I think I better go work on a grocery list instead. It's time to do the weekly shopping! :-)
Stopping by to say hi.
Congrats on Harper sitting up! She's precious! Everyone is napping around here too and I'm making my weekly shopping list also.
YAY HARPER! Good job baby girl! She's so precious, and that cake looks soooo good. YUM! Phase 10 is a fun game!
I love Harper's p.j.'s. So adorable. Harper is a smart girl, once they start sitting up, it is just so easy to plop them on the floor and get other things done!
Love your blog! Don't worry Harper will learn to love church! My first daughter was high mantienance with everything, but my next two have been a piece of cake! My oldest daughter now is such a delight, you'd never know how she was as a baby!
Hi Kelly,
I read your blog ALL the time but I don't think I've ever left you a comment.
I have a 3 and a 1/2 year old boy and a 6 month little girl:)
There was a great article in a parenting magazine a year or two ago. It showed pictures of about 10 babies and listed everything each one could do. Then it said to guess how old each baby was. I went through and carefully studied each baby and their "skills" and made my guesses. Guess what? Each baby was 10 months old! I know this doesn't make much sense until you read it (I'll try and find it for you), but since my son was about 18 months at the time, it put me at ease. I realized that every child acheives things when they are capable/ready. Because of that article, I'm so much more laid back with baby #2.
Enjoy Harper - she's precious!
I'm off to eat some Okra,
She is so precious and she is so daddy's girl.
I have to say... I know what Okra is... It is a staple in Brazilian Northeastern cuisine, but I just can't eat them.... As for the pierogis, they are a staple in my hometown (Curitiba) due to heavy Ukrainian and Polish colonization. They taste really good.
Yay for milestones!! That is too exciting:)
Glad to see she is sitting up, that's so exciting!! And that birthday cake was so cute! I think it's kinda funny that red velvet is just chocolate cake that is red! Who knew!?!?
I LOVE reading your blog. Thanks for being so open about your faith. You are very encouraging. Have a great week!!
Hi Kelly,
I'm so happy to read another of your wonderful post..I love your blog..and yes hold on to her as long as you can..my oldest is about to turn 19..I was just shareing pictures with him this morning of me holding him...seems like yesterday...I remeber so fondly the days of holding,singing.rocking him..and now he is off to college.
That cake is incredible!!
I totally know what you mean about comparing our babies to others! It's hard not to! I'm so anxious and excited for Lucas to sit on his own.. he is 5 months and not there yet but I know he will be on his own time! :)
I'm so glad you got to have some girl/alone time!
Your husband reminds me so much of my husband with his hair cut like that! It made me picture Marcus holding our daughter one day...can't wait for that. Super cute pictures.
You and your blog are a blessing.
She's such a cutie...yep everyone was napping here today too...it was a rainy lazy day in New England:) That cake looked yummy. Next on my SAHM list of things to learn is Fondant. Got any recipes?
Two phrases jumped out at me: "first turn on the nursery rotation" and "easy going baby that everyone else seems to have."
Just a guess, but I suspect eveyone else has been there and is just grateful it's your turn now. I promise. One day Harper will be the easy going one and everyone will envy you. We've all been there. Only in my case I was working the nursery and my daughter would scream like the dickens if I so much as looked at another child. The nursery thing gets better, I promise.
Great looking cake! YUM!
Love the new cut! I love getting my hair cut!
My hubby and I have been on nursery rotation, and we don't even have kids yet! I think it's fun!
These pictures are so cute! harper has got a great smile! What a cute birthday cake! I love playing cards and Phase 10 is a favorite of ours, but it can be a looooong game! Enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
Kelly, it was great seeing you last night as usual! ;) We enjoyed spending time with everyone for Melissa's BDAY! Love the pic of Harper and Scott!! So adorable girl!
Don't feel alone, I wanted to be outside too but Chad and Avery are asleep on the bed too! Im making my list too for the week!
Harper is so adorable! I just love to see her precious smile! And YAY for her almost sitting by herself. Kids grow so fast, I don't blame you for wanting to hold her so much! And it sounds like you had a great weekend. I know how nice it is to get out and have a day by yourself.
I just love Harper's smile - what a cutie! And I totally understand about stressing out about milestones. I've convinced myself my son has every condition known to man. I need to stop worrying and just trust God for today! Have a great Sunday!
I love this developmental milestone-- a little bit of independence! And it IS so hard not to compare what your own baby is doing to the next baby in line at the store or your friend's child or whomever! I do it too in my head. It happens! :)
I had a high maintenance baby who eventually learned (probably after crawling) that the nursery can be really FUN! Now (months and months later) when we pull into the church parking lot, he says "Play?"
yay that she is sitting up!! Awesome! I am also very impressed that he worked in the nursery with you! :)
Yay, on the sitting! All three of mine set at different ages, they all do things on their own time, that's what makes it so fun!! :)
Yay, for Harper sitting! Such a fun thing! My sweet boy didn't sit up until he was 7 months. He just turned 8 months yesterday and he is pulling up on everything, crawling, and walking along furniture. You will be amazed at how fast everything starts going!!
Congratulations on having a sitter!
Good job Harper! You are growing so much! Beautiful new pictures. Scott working in the nursery is so stinkin cute! and I love that birthday cake...talk about awesome!!! We need somewhere here that can make those kind of cakes - without costing $200 :)
She is such a big girl now!! Now that she is just sitting, I bet she will walk early!! I was a late sitter almost 8 mo. old...my boys were late sitters as well..my first Luke was crawling before he could sit up without falling over...he didn't want to sit..he wanted to GO!! Glad ya'll are doing well..love your blog..would love for you to stop by my blog and say hi sometime! much love and blessings from ga~erin
it was nice to meet you at the salon so randomly on saturday! haha...if you will send me your email address, i can add you to my "invitations!" on my blog (it is private). my email address is jenn73182@aol.com
glad you had a nice weekend :) loved the pics!
Look at her sitting up by herself, that just warms my heart :) she is beautiful.
Yay for sitting, and new hair! And that cake looks amazing. :-) The pictures of Harper and her daddy are just precious!
Such cute smiley pictures!!
Lucy is almost 4 and still has mini panic attacks when we try to take her to Sunday school...my, my! We'll get her liking it one day, I hope!
Woo Hoo for sitting up! It makes a whole new world for Harper!
A few things...I loved the dress Harper was wearing in your last post. Where did you get it?...Phase 10 is an awesome game. I think we played it every night in college. You should try Skipbo as well...Harper is looking like such a big girl. I am not sure if it is her hair or what, but she looks like she is getting so much older.
Thanks for sharing your life with us. I just love checking in to see what Harper is up to and get ideas for cute bows and clothes. I also appreciate you sharing your faith walk.
i already took a short nap and neeed another one. This baby growing in me is kicking my rump!
I see you wrote something about your next baby! When will that be?
Great Job Harper! Sitting is so fun!
I know how hard it is to not compare your kid with others. I don't think the struggle ever stops in that area! What helps me is to remember that all kids have their niche. While my two boys seem to do physical milestones pretty quickly, my friend's daughter started reading at a little younger than 4! My 4 year old son isn't anywhere near that! They all develop differently than the next and when they become adults, when they sit up, walk, or cut that first tooth doesn't matter as much! :-)
Glad to see you had fun at the party! It looked like fun...although, I think any party with that cake is a good one!
Someone else may have already offered you this encouragement, (I never have time to read all your comments) but I bet Harper was fussier given her Mama and Daddy were in the nursery with her. My experience is that my kids are always a little worse behaved when I'm around compared with when I'm not. ;) I bet if you asked the workers, they'd say the same. I worked in the nursery at church this morning too and the lady I worked with has her baby in the nursery as well. Her little boy is the same way. :)
I know how you feel about comparing your child ot others! My lil boy didn't walk until he was 13 months old! All the other kids in our family walked by the time they were 1... many walked MONTHS before turning 1. But... he just does things in his own way and on HIS own time schedule and I've come to expect and accept that from him! He was undoubtedly put on this earth to teach me a thing or two about patience!
YAY! I knew Harper would sit soon. They all learn eventually. I wish Harper and Evie could meet - they good me HM together - Evie is a piece of work. I am worn out from being up 4 times last night and ready for some sleep. Our next babies have to be easier but they may not be as cute! Just kidding, Harper and Evie are the cutest ever but I am sure siblings would be cute too. Pray for patience for me with Evie -maybe she's teething! I am proud of Harper! Such a big girl!
Before you know it, she will be crawling! Enjoy every minute. Babies are a gift from God, that is FOR SURE!
Looks like you had fun! Harper looks so happy!
What an amzing cake! And your husband looks so cute with all the babies!
I know what you mean about holding your baby. My 7 month old can hold his own bottle, but I still hold him just because I want to!
Harper was probably high maintenance because y'all were in there. Mine always "misbehaved" the most when the parents are present. They were great in our absence. Over time, I chose to teach the Sunday School classes, VBS, etc they were not in.
What a great weeeknd. WTG Harper on sitting all by yourself. That is a huge milestone!! Kelly, the pic of Scott and Harper playing is pricless!! BTW, loved the pic of the cake. How awesome is that!! Have a great week!!
Oh girl-You know I LOVE a good cake picture! That makes my heart happy that when you take cake pictures, you think of me!:)
I know those nursery workers love Harper. She isn't high maintenance, she just knows what she wants!Ha!
Ha ha! That made me laugh about Harper not sitting yet! I got so worried about my oldest not rolling over! Seriously, at 6 mos old, he still hadn't rolled over. When I mentioned it to my dr, she did some little movement tests with him and said he was just stubborn! He had all the appropriate muscle strength and was completely *able* to do it, he was just being stubborn! Ah well. You are so good to know not to compare. I know it's sometimes easier said than done but you are such a good mama! I love keeping up with your sweet family.
Jennifer in Oregon
YAY Harper!!
My little boy is not to big on church either and its very upsetting. But hopefully it will change!
The picture of Scott and Harper is priceless. It looks like Harper has him wrapped around her little pinkie!!!
Have a great week:)
Harper is sittin pretty!
maddyforeman@yahoo.com please email me and answer my questions i have asked you so many questions and you havnt answers any of them!
Hooray for Harper!!! She is such a cutie!
AK made her church debut today...so that means soon Todd and I will be back on nursery duty!
Yay for Harper for sitting up!
I seriously don't know how you get anything done. I know I'd just kiss those precious little cheeks all day long!
Hey Kelly,
Did you know Cheesecake Factory just introduced a Red Velvet Cheesecake this week? My mom and I went, and I ordered it and thought of you. You HAVE to go try it; it is soooo good!
Also, I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but Harper will probably be just a little later than kids her age because of the time she spent in the NICU. That is really common for the first 3 years. So as long as she does things within a couple months of the kiddoes, you don't have to worry!
Have a great day!
Harper looks so darling sitting up! I knew she would do it soon.
Harper just gets more and more darling each time I come by. And honey - oh, how I know all about the comparing game. My baby girl didn't sit up really great by herself until she was about 8 months. I was so worried, and anxious, and wasted a lot of time wondering if everything was ok. Turns out she was fine, she just plain didn't want to sit! So I know the feeling. Harper is just perfect. I love how God instills in them to do things on their own little schedule.
Such cute pictures today. The first one of Harper is a winner. She looks so tiny in the picture of Scott holding her. He must have big hands. The birthday cake was awesome. Was your present the one in the zebra stripe paper? It looked like you.And as others have said, when you are around is when your child misbehaves the worst. Don't worry about it. So wonderful that Harper is sitting up. She is beginning to be independent. Great for her, kinda sad for Mommy.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
oh my goodness look at that big girl!! so precious!
i laughed right out loud about you telling us about nursery..we taught my sons 2 year old class today and he was such a weepy weeperson!!
so we know how you feel:)
1. AWWWWW!! That picture of Harper smiling is SO sweet!
2. The cake is amazing.
3. Scott's diet is working.
Have a great week!!!
I know exactly what you mean! My lil man is almost 3 months and not sleeping through the night. I ready your comments a while back about sleeping through the night and everyone said they did babywise. I decided that morning that I was going to "babywise" my child! We had a pedi appt that afternoon and he quickly changed my mind and reminded me that all babes are different. So...we're just lovin' every minute now...even if it's at 3am..ha!
Your family is so cute. Just a thought for you. I read your last blog about being over whelmed by all the comments and e-mails and needing to spend time with your family more. Why don't you only leave comments open once a week. That way people can comment on your week instead of leaving a comment everyday you blog. Just an idea. Have a blessed week!
Hey! My babies were always very fussy and clingy when I was in the nursery- but not when I was not there - they were better. I think they get a little jealous maybe when we try and tend to the other kids.
Your blog is very sweet!
I love Phase 10! The first time I played, I beat everyone. :)
Great pictures! Little Miss Harper is growing up too fast:(
Beautiful cake and thankful for your time with friends.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Way to go Harper, sitting all by herself! I hope my baby is as happy as Harper is, she is always smiling in the pics you post and so adorable!!
I love your cake. It looks so beautiful!!!
so cute! enjoy reading your blog! check mine out when you get a free minute (yeah, right=))
kelley smith
south carolina
My four year old hated the nursery, too. It was a standing joke around our church. I tried not to be embarrassed because I knew I had no control over the situation. Our Father knows best when He "wires" these children. If it's any consolation to you, my second child, never cried. So, so different from one child to the next.
Harper will grow out of it. It's just one of the many phases that you'll just have to "love" her through.
On a side note, can I tell you how much fun you are?! I live in MS and wish we were closer so we could be playdate friends. I know it sounds so stalkerish, and I don't mean it that way, but if I were to have met you at church or in school, you would be one of those girls that I would be friends with, no doubt. I'm just glad I get to be your friend via your unbelievable blog. Thanks for sharing!
Yay for Harper! She is so stinkin cute!
I love that birthday cake!!
That IS a fantastic looking cake. I don't think I've ever had a red velvet cake - I know - so sad isn't it?
I know Scott had to put the IPhone in his pocket for that picture. Ha! Thanks for taking our rotation!
Yay little Missy sitting up!!! It is SUPER hard not to compare what your kid is doing next to what other's are doing! Dylan, my (almost)5 year old was a late talker and I stressed about that all the time. London, my 10 month old, didn't crawl until exactly 8 months and I was stressed because Dylan had crawled at 6 months. haha! They all grow at their own rate though!
So your next child, huh? Its sounding more and more like y'all really do want another one! ;) Dylan was my laid back baby. London, not so laid back! Maybe its a gender thing?
And I know you closed the comments on the last blog, but I just wanted to say that I totally respect you making time for your family and putting them first. I love you ever more now! :)
Oh I love these pics! Such nice ones of Harper and her Daddy! I love your blog because you always hear from God on what to do and what not to do, for example, not to feature anymore fundraisers, yes much has gone on in the blog world regarding this but no need to go there. I love that you do not twitter throughout the day your every more, I seriously don't know how anyone has time to do that anyways! I loved that you heard from God that you don't need to answer every e-mail and that time spent with your family is more important. My three children are grown now, there really were no blogs back then there were computers but I was hardly ever on it. I check in at your Mom's and Dad's blogs as well about every other day and they are also such a blessing. They did a wonderful job raising you!
I am glad you had a fun weekend. The cake looks great!!
I totally hear ya- I have a 5 month old and he makes it through about 50% of the church services- the other half of the time my number comes up on the screen to go get him from the nursery- and he's in there wailing away!!!! From one mother of a high maintenance child to another- I feel your pain (and totally feel like the only one)!!!
Chaeli :)
YAY for Harper sitting up. She's becoming such a big girl. And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first picture of her and daddy :)
If you like red velvet then you have to go to The Cheesecake Factory (if you have one), and try their new red velvet cheesecake! It is SOOOOO yummy!!!
Congratulations on sitting, Harper!
I am also the mom of the most high maintenance baby in the church nursery. . .and we go to a megachurch. So, I know exactly how you feel! Bless your heart, too!!
We keep nursery at our church and Im always amazed how kids act so much different around their parents then they do with a stranger.
Looks like the party was a great time
Congrats Harper! My 7 month old just finally sat on Friday! Isn't it fun to see them see a whole new life from a better view?! ;)
Hi! You don't know me, I saw a link for your blog on another's blog (I also blog). I had a baby girl in Febraury and love to read about what other people are doing with their babies so I can find new things to try with my Amelia! I just wanted to say hello and let you know yet another person will be stopping by your page from time to time, even though we've never met :) Harper looks like such a joy to have around and she is beautiful!
I know that cake is so cute! I love purses!:) I love comments!:)
I'm with you on the nursery workers-I always feel like I should pay them! Ha! My kids don't like it-from newborn to like 2 1/2. My son (almost 3) just now loves it. WHY???? Wish he would tell me what was wrong for so long!
Wnat pretty pictures, Kelly! It's fun keeping up you and Miss Harper since my Libby is just around her age, as well. :o)
Libby's a super high maintenence chica, too...my eldest daughter Grace (3) was and IS the same way, LOL. Drama for the mama...and it's neverending. Bless their little hearts. :o)
Oh my goodness - she looks sooo much like your mom in the first picture. Maybe it's because she's a sitter now - she's all grown up! I love Phase 10. You can't go wrong with it for your first card game. Enjoy!
Yay for Harper sitting up! It's so exciting watching your little one grow! We finally put our baby girl in the nursery today at church for the first time. She did great and I did too!! Although I did miss her during the service, I was able to focus more on the sermon!
Way to go Harper. I am sure she will discover that when she is sitting up, she can see a lot more. Glad you had a wonderful weekend!
I don't know that I have ever commented, even though I have been reading since the first day I stumbled upon a "Pray for Harper" icon on a friend's blog. I just love how real you are. I love the beauty you create in your home and the joy that you bring to the lives around you. You are a shining star! I was so glad to read that you took some time away a while back. I was convicted to do the same last week. I was spending more time writing about my kids than actually spending time with them. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do! It makes a difference for so many.
Never left a comment before BUT I thought I would tell you this: my child is TERRIBLE for us in the nursery and she is great for everyone else. It is SO a phase...she will grow out of it! I LOVE LOVE LOVE looking at all the monogrammed clothes she wears. Being a southern girl myself, I am SUCKER for the monograms and bows!!! You are precious!!! I LOVE how real you are!!!
Sending LOVE from Nashville,
Katie Jane
Wow, Harper is really looking a lot like her daddy in the recent pics. Especially that first one. She's SO adorable! Congrats for surviving 3 hours in the nursery. I hope you didn't have to take too much Tylenol after. :)
Also, for what it's worth, both my babies were/are super high maintenance too. They're the babies that are always in the stroller instead of in their room at church. You know what I mean? But my daughter was (and is) a great toddler...calm, great sleeper, plays well, non-agressive, and very attentive. My little one is 15 months and starting to show some of the same qualities too. So, I'd rather have difficult babies for a year or so than toddlers that are stuck in the "terrible twos" for several years. I pray that you have the same luck as me!
I love the first pic of Harper and her Daddy! So cute with them both laughing and enjoying each other. I would frame that one!
i love harper's pajamas, they are just so adorable! you have a beautiful daughter!
ok, quick, get all the things done that you need to get done... NOW... you are in that tiny window when you can take baby with you wherever you are, put a few toys around her, and get your stuff done. But then comes mobility and that happy little phase is OVER.
Elijah took forever to get mobile. He sat for 3 months before crawling! It was great. He was happy as long as I was nearby, and I didn't have to entertain him.
Isaac crawled (creeped) before he sat.
You said, "next baby" yay!!!!So you are at least thinking towards another. Yes, they all do get easier. Our third is such a joy because we aren't as cautious.
Kelly - Thanks for taking the time to come to my party! You are a special friend to me and I enjoy each time we get together even if it is just a walk or a short talk. I know that god has brought you in my life for a purpose and it is to have faith and believe in all things possible. You bring calm and faith into my life and when we are together I fill at peace and I am happy. Thanks for being you and always having a positive attitude. Have a WONDERFUL week! That Harper is so cute... love the first picture her eyes are beautiful!
Hi Kelly!!!
Just curious if you've seen AGD contest/give away? You're supposed to take a picture of somewhere in your home town with a sign "AGD was here"
I was thinkin' you needed a picture of that HUGE WalMart coorporate office!! You gotta love WalMart! HA!!
Actually, I owe you a HUGE "Thank You" becasue I found AGD from your blog quite a while back. And she recently offered her first online photography class and I ABSOLUTELY loved it!! If you didn't have her blog posted on you sidebar, I wouldn't have found her. So, thanks!!
So great to see Harper sitting up! Out of all of my kiddos, every one of them crossed milestones at different times. Remember Ethan? He didn't walk unitl he was 18 months old. Seriously. But now we can't get him to slow down! HA!
Hope you guys have a great week!
Amanda Rooney
It's so hard not to get stressed about the milestones, but as a mom of 3, let me just tell you... my oldest, Gracie, sat up at 6 months. My middle child, Sam, sat up at 5 months... then my youngest, Sophie, didn't sit up 'til 8 months!!! They are all so different but all perfect and wonderful. It's hard not to worry when everyone else's child is walking or talking or something- but it all works out and you wonder why you ever worried. I guess that's why God warns us against worrying! One look at Harper and you can tell there's not a thing wrong with her! She's precious!
Way to go, Harper! What a big girl!
milestones.... how exciting! I've enjoyed reading your blog. just found you recently. looking forward to getting to "know" you more. :)
Harper looks JUST LIKE her daddy! So cute! I've always heard that high maintenance/demanding babies = extremely awesome and well behaved children! At least, that's what I'm clinging to for my own demanding fella. lol
And PS: I think you're awesome for taking time away from the computer for your family. There are other mommy bloggers out there that need to do exactly that, but they don't see it, I guess.
Harper has the BEST smile!
What a cutie pie!! My little one JUST started sitting on her own and she is 12 months old. We are now working on bearing weight on her legs!!
Happy b-day to your friend!
EVERY mom wonders if their child will EVER reach the milestones :) Even last night I busted out the What to expect the toddler years and I was like "OH NO- He can't stack 2 blocks on top of each other!" hahaha mainly because he only wants to destroy everything in site and if i build a tower to show him how he thinks it's hysterical to knock it over. I read in Baby Whisperer that unless there is a significant developmental delay all kids catch up with each other around the age of 3 :) i keep reminding myself of this when his cousin can talk up a storm but walked late and he walked way early and is running now but only has a few words.
She looks so adorable sitting up!!! Every baby does things at their own pace. She is PERFECT!
Beautiful pictures! Harper is so perfectly adorable.
The birthday cake is amazing and the party looks like alot of fun. I wish someone would throw me a 30th party (ok...40+ party)
Great post!! I love to visit your blog!
Harper looks so cute sitting up. Our boys , who are just a few wekks older are just starting to sit up now, one a bit better than the other.
All of our children have taken a little longer than average to sit. I put it down to the fact that we use the old style cloth nappies (diapers) when we're at home- a great money saver!- and they wrap quite tightly around the thighs, compared with disposables. But they all master sitting eventually!
It IS hard not to compare, isn't it. When I went to my Bradley class reunion and my son, who is the second oldest, was the only one who is not really crawling (he scoots and rocks on his hands and knees, but no forward motion) I was a little discouraged. But he cut his first tooth that night, so that made me feel good:-)
She is a cutie! And, I know you know that not every baby does every thing first:-)
Go Harper, I am having the same feelings about Avery crawling but she is scooting all over the place so she will be crawling in no time. I just have to remember that all babies are on their own schedule. The cake looks great, hopefully I can get one that looks so good for my 30th!
Awwww, what sweet pajamas Harper has!!! I love them :) Where did you get those? Your hair look great, hope you and Scott had a great weekend with your girl!
Just wanted to say, "Hi!" I have been a reader for awhile...I love your blog so much! It is just sweet, real, genuine, and so full of sharing. (all of that and one cute baby girl!)
we have a weekly tradition of Pancakes on Saturday and we love it. We started it when my husband was in seminary because they are so cheap and now we keep it up because they are so yummy! try substituting soda water for the milk - it's a chef's secret - they do it in all the restaurants - you won't miss the milk and your pancakes will be super fluffy!
I knew she'd sit up soon! I'm the same way, constantly comparing, but I can't help it! That cake is pretty! I kinda reminds me of my baby shower cake except it was blue not pink!
Yea! Look at Miss Harper just sittin' pretty! :o) Oh, honey, I know it is SO hard to try and not compare your baby to other babies. It just happens, even though we don't want to. I remember wanting Amelia to sit/crawl/walk so badly. This time around with Jack, I just want him to hang out on his back for a year or two! Hahaha! Just wait, with the second baby...you won't worry/stress about that stuff like you do with the first. You just spend all your time trying to soak in every moment because you saw how fast it goes with the first one!! :o)
Goodness, Scott looks like a body builder!! He must be starting to get ready for the day that the boys start coming over to take Harper on a date! Haha! Maybe he can just stand on the front porch and bend rebar and pull chains apart when they pull into the driveway! hahaha! I love that she looks like she is curled up in a ball in the picture of him and her. And could the smile on that child's face be any bigger??? She knows she is loved, that's for sure!
Ok...I just had to comment about the whole nursery situation here! Me and my husband have been taking a turn in the nursery since our daughter was little, and still take a turn now that our son is in there. Trust me...Harper was probably just acting up because you all were in there. We have a window on the door where you can see in the nursery but the babies can't see out of it. So between sunday school and church I always walk by and check on my son. And everytime he is just playing and laughing and having fun. But when it is our turn to be in there he is clingy and whiney and will not play by himself. All the workers say that he is just the happiest baby in the nursery. But when we are in there with him he thinks he has to have our undivided attention! Now since I don't really know Harper (even though I feel like I do sometimes!), she may really be a fussy child in the nursery all the time. But I am guessing that she is just not used to having to share you and her daddy with all those other kids!
Oh...your baby is SOOOO adorable. :) I love them at this sweet little stage....so tiny, and yet so full of a personality of their own!
I can't believe she's 'high maintenance;' she is always so 'smiley' in her pictures!
Hooray for Harper sitting up! My first two didn't sit up until almost 8 months. I think they were happy just to be and be held! It's so hard not to compare though I know! Wanted to tell you my son Graham HATED church! We go for 3 hours every Sunday also and he would fuss and cry. It was pretty frustrating. For some reason as soon as he hit 2 he decided he loved to go! 4 years later and he still gets so excited to go to church! So hang in there - she will love it before you know it!
Harper looks so darn cute! And that cake!!! Yum!
The cake looks delicious and what a fun girl time!
Regarding your previous post - I am SO PROUD of you! Seriously, proud. I was beaming when I read it. It is *hard* sometimes to keep up on everything. You want to do features and giveaways, return every email, but there just isn't always the time to make it happen. Good for you for stepping back and refocusing.
Keep being real and letting God use you and your blog, Kelly!
Bless you Kelly~I can just look at your face and see that you are such a good person & sharing your wisdom just confirms that. May you continue to find joy in sharing your life and little one with us.
Take care,
I love that cake! And the pics of your family!
Also, THANK YOU for emailing me back! I know you are busy...it means a lot to me that you took the time to send me a quick email!
Have a great day!
I read your blog often, but have never commented! When I was reading this I was thinking how I used to fret so much if my 2 kiddos didn't do things when my friends' kids did! But now I see they truly do just do things in their own time! They have to eventually! ;)
And I love the cake...cakes are my hobby! :)
Have a great week!
The pics with daddy are adorable! Gotta love those daddy's and their girls. :)
Yay Harper! Yay Momma for being patient and waiting in grateful expectation for littel miss to do her thing. Be fore you know it she'll be running all over the palce. Enjoy this time. It goes quickly!
Blessings to you and yours.
When our first was in the nursery at church and we'd be in there to help, he was horrible! I think a lot of little ones do that when their parents are around...even though it's so frustrating. :)
Your daughter is absolutely beautiful!
Kelly, I don't know how to email ya but thought you might find this interesting.
Great pics!! I will tell you that my kids were late doing everything...sitting up, rolling over, crawling, walking. My son didn't pull himself up or walk along furniture until 12 1/2 mos. I never stressed about it. Now they're 5 & 7 and just fine!!! Kids learn in their own time, my kids surely proved that!
Harper is just too cute. I love the picture of her sitting up. So sweet.
Hey there... just wanted to let you know that my little guy didn't sit up til 7 months, didn't crawl til 10 months and didn't walk til 17 months! he did get PT for the walking thing...but don't worry. Harper is doing great! It is hard not to compare with other kids. My son is a little behind but still makes progress. He was born 6 weeks early. However, his little buddy was born 4 weeks early and is the same age and talks in 5 word sentences! My son says one word at a time. She is doing super and is just too cute. No worries....before you know it she'll be walkin and talkin!
Take care!
THREE HOURS in the nursery ... bless your hearts!
Love the pictures of Scott and Harper.
That cake is amazing!!
I remember when my daughter, Addison, started sitting up. It was so sad! Well not sad in a crying way, but sad in a "my baby is growing up" way! Just wait until Harper starts crawling! Addison is a master now at 7 months! I need to invest in some baby gates...ahhh add that to the Target list!
I LOVE her pajamas. They are so cute & girly!
Hey Kelly, We have Pancake Saturday at our house too. We actually eat them for lunch and we make the dutch version of pancakes. It actually helps our kids know the days of the week and the highlight meal for them is pancakes and let me tell you it is quite a disappointing Saturday for them when they don't get to have pancake. So I would encourage you to make that a tradition for Harper and hopefully she will grow to love it like our kids did. (I will honestly say that pancakes are not my favourite food...I would rather eat a salad or a sandwich, but my fam. loves them, so I make them)
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