I hate to type out the words I'm about to type for fearing of jinxing myself but we are 4 days from turning 6 months and many people have told me that is the "Magic Age" and I'm very prone to think they are correct!
I feel like a switch has been suddenly flipped. For the last few days - Harper has just been a new child. She rarely fusses, she slept 12 hours and only woke up once Friday night and slept well last night also. She smiles constantly and has just been so easy.

I mean - just look at this face! ha!

Here she is hanging out in her new stroller - HOT PINK! I stayed with neutrals for all other big things for her but I couldn't resist this lipstink pink stroller. Scott asked me what we were going to do if we had a boy? But I think surely we can get a blue stroller for him. ha! (There are a lot of big "ifs" in that statement).

Last night our Sunday School class had a going away party for our friends who are moving to NC. (They are moving to Charlotte for all of you who have asked). It was a lot of fun but a party OUTSIDE in July when it is 95 at 6:00 is not exactly the best recipe. We were all sweating a TON!

Ginger and her baby Kade with Isabel. It was really miserable outside but we enjoyed visiting.

I didn't get a lot of pictures. I was too busy fanning myself and carrying Harper but I did sneak one of Wells and his momma.

My friend Rachel's husband and two cute red headed boys. They are so precious. She is expecting a third in Feb and I'm hoping for a cute little girl! (But 3 boys would be the BEST!)
Harper did SO good at the party. We had planned to only stay about 30 minutes because we figured she would have a complete meltdown but she didn't hardly fuss at all. She just looked around and when we got her in the car around 8:30 she just crashed - bless her heart.
I had wondered if the happiness would carry on to the church nursery this morning............

Well - look what they got her to do? When I went to pick her up - she had been sucking on a paci!!!!! And she continued to suck on it all through Sunday School and lunch!!! I had given up trying but apparently 6 months is when she finally decided to give in. I can't get over it!

We actually went out to eat lunch with our friends after church which is something we haven't done in 6 months but we thought we could make it and Harper was absolutely PERFECT. Just sat and sucked on her paci and didn't make a peep.

We took a few pictures of her when we got home in her sweet little blue smocked dress. I want her to stay this way forever. I was looking at pictures of her last night of when we first got home from the hospital and how little she was and I can't believe how much she has grown and changed. She is the best thing that EVER happened to me. I can't stop thanking God for loving me enough to allow me to be her mother.

She went down for a nap and when she gets up - we are headed to Target to get some more of those paci's and a few more supplies for our trip to the Big D tomorrow. I can't wait to share her with my family in Texas. (I would LOVE to meet so many of you who are in DFW area but we are going to be on a whirlwind trip and I don't think there is time but maybe next time!!! )
And for all of you in MY neck of the woods who have children or grandchildren or want children or just like to take pictures of children:There is going to be a workshop on August 15th in Fayetteville to learn to take better pictures of your kids! I know it will be awesome - it's put on by
Benfield Photography. AND if you use the below promo code by 7/15 - you can save $20!!!!
SYK_KELLY20Check out the details here:
Such cute pics!She sure loves her momma!
Adorable! Happy 6 Months Harper!
At first I was thinking the collar in the first picture is a bib, but now I think its actually part of the outfit. Either way I love it. And Happy 6 months Harper!
You summed it up beautifully - for God to love us enough to allow us to be mommies... WOW! Pressure's on! :) Congratulations on 6 months, Miss Harper!
Adorable pictures! I just love the one of her making a silly face. I just laughed and laughed. Enjoy your trip to Dallas.
Yay! My computer loaded your blog and I can post a comment!!! I LOVED the age Harper is at right now...although each age has its own perks. :) Her pink stroller is perfect for a little princess! Enjoy your trip to Dallas.
Love all the pictures of Harper! The PINK stroller is too cute. Have a safe trip to Dallas tomorrow!
Happy 6 months, Harper! She is just too cute for words in these pics! :) XOXO
Yeah Kelly!! You have made it to six months! Harper is sooo cute in the blue smocked dress. And I love the hot pink stroller. Every little princess needs a hot pink stroller. Is it monogrammed too? HA! Have a great time in Dallas. My son lives in Austin and said it ws 105 there last week. Ouch! Keep cool and take lots of pictures. Oh, yeah. Can you figure out how to make those twice fried potatoes from PJ's? Look fabulous.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Harper's just gorgeous! I am so thankful she's in your life, too! She seems to bring you so much joy. Thank you for sharing her with all of us.
I love reading your blog and how happy you are to be a mother. I, like you, struggled with becoming pregnant with our first child. It drives me nuts when I see parents that don't realize what a blessing it is to have children. I love your blog and your love for Harper....I can completely connect with you! Isn't being a mother the best thing EVER?!?!
Six months was magic for our third child. He had only slept all night on occasion and then, like a light switch, started sleeping from 7pm- 7am EVERY night! It was great! Maybe that's what precious Harper has been waiting for. Keep us posted.
I think six months if the perfect age for a baby! It's like magic!
I am already registered for the workshop, but I would have loved to have saved $20. He is a fabulous photographer and I can't wait to learn more. He did my cousin's wedding a couple months ago and he and Mere and wonderful people.
Are you going to the workshop?
I got teary-eyed on this one. I think it because of my feeling heavy hearted lately about the Empty Nest. I feel exactly as you do about being so blessed to be given my boys in this life. They are my greatest blessing... see how much you have to look forward to??
I CAN NOT believe Harper is sucking a paci!!
I love that picture of you two. so sweet it makes me get all teary!
YAY for 6 months!! Adorable pics. I have got to know-where did you get that bib from? So cute!
She is so precious. I always read your blog and fantasize about the day when I can finally be a mommy, but for now I'm in law school mode. Keep the adorable pictures and updates coming, I'm always loving them! :)
kelly, believe it or not, every phase just gets better and better from here on out!!! (of course, we haven't reached the terrible twos/threes yet, but so far--it's been great!!!)
isn't being a mom fun!!!!!!!
ps. for several weeks, i had been getting an error pop up when i tried and load your blog (i didn't today!)... did you change something? however you have it set up now, it's working for me!
kelly, harper is so sweet...she has the most precious smile!
you are right, she is growing so fast! i loved 6 months for both of my little ones... but then again, each age is so special!!!
Oh my goodness! That picture of Harper looking at you, smiling is absolutely adorable. I thought I was going to tear up. Maybe it's the pregnancy hormones. Haha. If you haven't already, try those pacis that close automatically if they are dropped. They work great and they don't get dirty if they fall on the floor! Why couldn't I think of something like that!?!
If Isabel needs any advice on Charlotte or the surrounding area, I am one of the few native Charlotteans. I live right outside of Charlotte now, but I would happy to give her any info she needs.
How time flies!! I can't believe how she's grown. What a darling pair you two are. :)
Harper is absolutely adorable! Enjoy her!
I am also right outside of Charlotte - your friends are going to love it here!
You girls are just precious in those pics...love the blue dress!!! And Hooray for the PACI!!!
Hope you have a great trip!
OH-and how is Harper 6 months already?!?!?! She is more beautiful and cuter than ever, though!
It sounds like 6 months IS the magic age! She couldn't possibly be cuter in her pink stroller.
Congrats on the big milestone! I remember that Emily (Dr.H) seemed to become a "new" baby around that age as well:) Her 3? birthday was Friday, the 10th - can't believe it. Hope all of you are well. I need to make Harper some hairbows - our Kate just will not wear the bazillions I have made her:)
Beginning August 5 I will be hosting Crock Pot Wednesdays at Diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com. I hope you will join in the fun. Thanks again for sharing.
I think Harper looks like her daddy in that first picture!! I saw that some people posted they were from Charlotte, but I too am from Charlotte and absolutely love it here:) I sure hope they enjoy it as much as I do!
She is so smiley and happy in all these pictures! So adorable! Have fun in Dallas and enjoy your time with family and if you have time to get you some Sprinkes :)
You two look beautiful! 6 months was a wonderful age for my Mary-Kate! It seems their little personalities come out.
I think the second half of the first year is soooo much easier than the first half! They just get to be so much fun at this point. Yay!!
Harper looks especially like her daddy in these pictures I think!! Do you photoshop your pictures or do you just leave them as is?
Anyway...have fun in Dallas. I think that is one of the funnest places to visit. So much to do there!! :)
I have the EXACT same stroller in bright blue, so if I have a girl next we can switch! Ha!
Hi Kelly, I've posted on your other blog, but not sure I've posted on this one before. Anyway, my first son had terrible colic for the first 6 months. I mean SCREAMING 24/7 kind of colic. He was just not a happy baby and it took a toll on us. I am not kidding when I say, the DAY he turned 6 months, he woke up and it was if I had a completely different baby. Suddenly he was HAPPY and good and content with being who he was. I will never forget that day. So yes, I have to agree that 6 months is the MAGIC age!!! Luckily my 2nd son never had colic and my 10 week old is even better than the 2nd. They just get easier and better although we are done! ;)
love the bottom picture, total framer! She is adoring her mamma!
Six to nine months is a MAGICAL age. Enjoy it now...it tends to get wild once they start crawling and walking!!!
She's adorable.
I'm soo happy for you that she finally took the paci!!
That's great!!
Sweet Angel! Happy 6 month to HARPER! ;) Ya'll are so adorable! Can't wait to see you! The dress was precious!!!
Those are great pictures of you guys. She is gettig so big...I say this ALL the time...but they grow up way to fast!!!!! I know you are soaking up every minute!
LOVE the picture of Harper looking at you!!!!
I remember 6.5 months was the magic number for my daughter...and it justs keeps on getting better! Have fun in Big D!
I'm glad to hear she is getting easier for you! My baby's personality really changed when he started crawling...so look forward to that time too!
Absolutely love that last picture!!!!!!!
Kelly, does Ginger have a blog? I used to work with her (small world!) several years ago. I should have known you'd know her b/c I knew she went to FBC Bentonville. Anyway, if you get a chance, would you pass her info onto me if you have it?
The last picture of the two of you is just awesome!!
So hard to believe she is already 6 months old!! Glad she's sleeping well and acting so good!
She is just gorgeous and definitely loves her Mama!!
I saw this bib at a local shop today and loved it. It's adorable and looks great on Harper!
That last picture of her smiling up at you is so precious! I have really enjoyed reading your blog- and you helped inspire me to create my own blog. It is: http://loveshinesforall.blogspot.com/
Thanks for sharing with all of us!!!
Love, Kristen
YOU LOOK GREAT-I mean really!!! And little Harper is adorable. I love reading your blog. I can't wait until our little Baby Boy Braden is here in November. Thanks for sharing your story with everyone.
What precious pictures! She is looking so much like you! You will be SO happy some day that you get lots of pictures of the two of you together... I don't have very many from when my babies were little, because I didn't like how I looked (it took me longer than you to lose that baby weight!) and I regret it now. Have a fun, safe trip!!
Harper is such a beauty! And I am actually in Dallas right now--playing the Music Hall at Fair Park with A Chorus Line--it's super super HOT here, but the people are so kind and hospital! Hope you guys have a great trip;-)
6 months if when Lauren changed too. YAY for our girls!!! She cried ALL the time before 6 months. I loved being her mom of course but goodness it was tough! Woo Hoo and welcome to the 6 month group Harper!!
Yay! Let's hear it for the 6 month milestone!
Congrats on the paci. Did you find out exactly how they got Harper to take to it? I'm curious. :-)
Baby girl looks adorable in her pretty smock dress.
I've never commented before, but I enjoy reading often! (You seem like a truly delightful person:)) I just wanted to compliment you on how fantastic that last picture is! You both look so natural, and the way she is smiling at you just melts my heart. Definitely deserves a prominent spot on the wall. Beautiful!
I haven't commented before, but have been reading your blog for about a year now and really enjoy it. Anyway, I live in the Charlotte area and would be happy to pass along suggestions for things to do, churches, etc. in the area to your friend that's moving here. Feel free to pass along my e-mail to her: ashleydod@gmail.com
This one made me tear up! Being a mommy is the GREATEST! Pics are just adorable...sheer joy! Hope the paci continues to work...should make your trip to Dallas go more smoothly.
AHH Kelly I can't get over the cuteness!!! There are just no words for the adorableness that is her face... I don't know how you get anything done when you could just sit and watch her all the the time haha! Thanks for sharing, have safe travels!
the last picture on here is so gorgeous!
Please say a prayer for Stuart and I. We had our first two pregnancy betas and they are positive but the numbers aren't quite rising as they want them too. We go back Tuesday and our level needs to be at least 360! So I am pregnant, but being very cautions b/c if the levels don't double...it will more than likely end up in a miscarriage! This is our 3rd IVF!!!! Please pray our level rises to at least 360!!!! God can do anything. He put His miracle into my womb and I am praying desperately that He keeps he/she there!!!!
Oh Kelly, those pictures of you and Harper are so precious! They make me smile!
BTW-I live in Charlotte. Please tell your friends that if they are looking for a wonderful church they should try Elevation Church. There are 3 locations. I know you will miss them but Charlotte is a WONDERFUL place to live.
Great pictures. Love her expressions and so thankful she surprised you by having a paci in her mouth!!
Have a safe, fun and memorable trip.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
Congratulations on making it to 6 months!! It really is a magical age and so fun too! Harper is a doll as always. :)
I am so glad to hear that Harper is sleeping better and that is so awesome that she is enjoying her paci now. That will be a huge blessing on your trip! God is so good! I LOVED 6-12 months with all three of my kids. So excited for you to experience this next stage with Harper! She is so beautiful and her smile is so big and precious! She is such a happy baby girl in so many of your pictures! I agree, motherhood is the best! Have a blessed trip!
Ok I commented for the first time the other day and I told you that it seemed like we had alot in common and......... I saw that your friends were moving to Charlotte. Well my VERY good friend that I grew up with just moved to Charlotte about 10 mos. ago. We used to get together 4 or so times a week and let the kids play and her husband took a job there and they had to move. Now she just called me today and said she is expecting #4. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sad though because we won't see each other all the time anymore, but it's only 4 hrs. away and we can still get together sometime. Well I just thought that was another funny thing in common. By the way Harper is getting cuter every day. I just love the smiley pics. ADORABLE!!!
Tiffany from Georgia
6 months is an awesome age! One of my favorite ages for my son was then. Of course, right now at 13 months is wonderful too! What a cutie!
I just have to tell you that the last picture of you and Harper on this post is just precious! You look so beautiful and happy in it and I love the way Harper is looking at you and smiling!
Have fun in DFW (my neck of the woods!) Sorry to tell you - it is burning up here too!
I LOVE all the pictures! 6 months really is a great age, and it just keeps getting better! Have so much fun in Dallas!
look at her. i could just eat her up!!! love her smile.
Finally, she takes a pacifier! Never underestimate nursery workers, they are great.
Isn't it wonderful? I knew there was something different about the picture, she didn't just look like...Harper...then it dawned on me...it was her pacifier :)
6 months was my fav age for both of my kidos. I wish I could go back and freeze them at that age...they are so sweet and cuddly!
BTW...we live in Charlotte and I would be happy to help direct your friend in any way...church, schools, kids stuff, etc.
Keep Blogging-I love your blog!
Harper is so cute in these pictures. I love her expressions. I am so glad that she is taking the paci. That makes things so much easier sometimes (unitl trying to break them of it, we are trying to do this with my nephew now). However I have always said that it is better than the thumb because you can throw them out, a thumb is always there!
YEAH for paci!!! I think my nine year old would still take the paci if we would let her. She loved the thing. (Just joking of course!) I hope the sleeping through the night continues. I had one good sleeper out of my three girls. The first one (paci lover) slept good if she was between hubs and I. #2 was a different story. She still doesnt sleep through the night at least twice a week and she is now 8 years old. (NOT to scar you thought!) Baby #3 was the BEST! I think it was because she had to be... coming 14 months after #2 and 3 years and 3 weeks after #1. Crazy life, but wouldnt trade it. Harper is beautiful!! Cherish everyday... My babies are now 9,8, and 6 and I still feel like they are six months :)
Sorry for all the typ-o's!! OOPS!
I have read your blog since Harper was born and have loved watching her grow. I have a 3 month old little girl and really enjoy getting a sneak peak at all the different stages. It gives me hope. :) Thank you for being such a great mom and allowing us to follow your journey.
Six months is my favorite age! Enjoy every second -- she will be one before you know it! My baby is turning three in a couple of weeks.
I can't believe Harper is 6 months old. It is flying by way too quickly! Just wait for these next few months...they are SO much more fun and interesting. You're gonna be even more in love. She is a cutie pie!
Kelly, Harper's smile is just precious!! She is a beautiful little girl and I LOVE her pink stroller? Where did you find that??
I think this may be a first: All those pictures of Harper and NO BOW in ANY of them?? What's up with that? HA!
Thanx for the info on the photo workshop. Are you attending? because I would luv to meet you if you are. Have a safe trip and try to keep cool.
From another Kelly in NWA
6 months is a great age for many reasons. I think that by that point we have really been able to figure them out and are actually getting to sleep a little ourselves. :) That seems to make life a little more enjoyable for me.
Love the new stroller. I have the same one that we bought for my daughter when she was FOUR, prior to going to Disney World for the first time. She's almost six and it still works great for her. (She is a little person and gets tired of walking quickly, so it's been great.)
What a beautiful baby girl!! SOOO PRECIOUS!!! Harper looks like an angel...your pictures are AMAZING! Happy 6 month birthday, baby girl!!
I love your new blog header, Kelly. Your blog loads SO MUCH FASTER than before (and I have high-speed). It loads in an instant. Love that! You look gorgeous, as always.
I love the picture where Harper is smiling at you! It melts my heart when my 7 month old smile at me!! I love the new blog background! It is so cute!
So happy for you cute girls!
My daughter didn't really love her paci until she was about 1 year old (when I stopped nursing). After that, she couldn't live without them. She usually had one in her mouth and one in each hand! haha! She looked so adorable with a paci in her mouth!!
Love your new blog look! You must be playing with it right now because there have been two different pics on your header since I got on here!
As always, Harper is a doll...and YOU LOOK SO SKINNY!
Ha! My little Eli turned 6 months today and hasn't slept through the night for the past 2 nights! I hope he catches what Harper has soon! :)
First off... I love the new blog design!
Secondly-- Harper is too adorable! I love all the silly faces she makes! The pic of her gazing at you is def frame worthy!
Have fun in DFW! It's been SWELTERING here! Stay cool! :)
I have just enjoyed your blog so much, and feel like I am fanning the flame of grandchildren envy
through you! ( my oldest son just got married; NO not yet! ) I now compare every cute little baby girl to Harper, and I'm sorry, I'm prejudiced just like a Mimi would be! I had boys, but I changed their clothes about as much as you do Harper's...( and I took their picture in every outfit! )
She is adorable, as is her mother! And I love that she adores you! God has truly blessed you!
When your friends get to Charlotte, NC they should visit Elevation Church. Great Pastor, great staff and great people!!!
Love the new look Kelly! Harper is as adorable as ever, good luck with your trip!
Miss Harper just looks like the sweetest girl- what a doll!
adorable pictures and I LOVE your new header!
I love the photo of you and Harper with her big grin looking up at you! Adorable! I absolutely admire how you get in pictures so frequently. I am usually BEHIND the camera...and I think it's so important to be in front of it, with the kids, too! Kudos!
As for the pacifier - that's too funny. I wonder what made her take it. I know you must feel relieved about it since you did try for so long.
Yay! I'm so glad she is being so sweet for you! I agree that around that time they change A LOT and get a little easier. Just you wait to she starts crawling though. Ugh. The easy factor gets drained with that one! haha! My baby girl, London is 9 months and my little guy, Dylan is 4 and a half and they have both truly gotten so much more fun with age. At every stage I feel like I would like to pause time for a bit, but the next phase is just as special as the last so far.
Enjoy your trip to Dallas! You'll be in my neighborhood! :)
PS. Love you new layout and header!
LOVE the new layout and header! Six months is awesome...and it only gets better after this!
Have fun in Dallas! I love the pink Stroller too fun!
Happy Six months Harper...you get even more cute every day!
It goes by fast doesn't it!? I love 6 months, it's such a cute age! (they all are really, but for different reasons!) Harper is just a doll and I love her pink stroller, too cute!
Six months really is a fun age...happy, smiling, stating to sit up to play...the world looks so much better when one is sitting upright!!
I love that last photo. Our youngest is a snuggler and will lay her head on my shoulder and pat my arm...can't get enough of that!
Yeah for the paci!!! Hopefully this makes your life a little bit easier! I know it did mine when my little one started taking it at 6 months.
What a doll she is, Kelly! She just couldn't get any more perfect. Enjoy each and every moment -- I'm getting a little teary-eyed just thinking about how fast she's growing up! Love the new blog design, too!
Oh my stars those pics of you two are ADORABLE. You will treasure those forever. I love the one of her looking at you. :)
Also, SO happy to hear that Harper is sleeping better. Yippee!!! It's so much fun when they get to that stage of just happiness. Love it!
Love the new header - I had to refresh to see all of them :)
She's adorable and I love the stroller!
Evy randomly decided to start taking a paci last month---crazy! I'm so excited about it :o) Adorable pictures of you and Harper. xoxo!
I love the bib! Did you have it made .....or did you make it?
Hey girl...
The last picture in this post is PRECIOUS! I think this is 8x10 and frame worthy! You can see how much she LOVES her mommy!
Oh and BTW... you are looking GOOD girl!
God Bless!
Love the new blog design. Six months is a fun age-they really start to develop a personality then. Harper is too cute but I'm sure you already knew that:)
Harper is definitely hitting that wonderful magic age! Enjoy that sweet baby girl, she truly is a special gift from the Lord :)
Oh my goodness she is a sweet angel! And love the new look, too!
Thanks for posting about the photo workshop Kelly! Lots of your followers have e-mailed us abut how to sign up so I thought I'd post the link!
Benfield Photography
I love the new pics of her she is just darling!!!
And i am from Charlotte, NC too. So tell your friend welcome to the big city! Its crazy over here! Tell her if she ever needs a photography i am one!
Best of luck with the trip to Texas tomorrow. That is where my husbands family is from!
SUCH cute pics!! love harper's bib!!
Your friends are moving to our neck of the woods :). If they need help with finding doctors, dentists, etc., please let them contact me. I would be happy to help!
I wish I lived in your neck of the woods so I could take the photography session. What wonderful pictures - thanks for sharing!
My son Cole started taking the paci at 6 months too, when he was starting to teeth. I was happy that I could give him this so that he wouldn't stick other things in his mouth. He just turned two and had been using it only while sleeping for a long time. We are finally getting rid of it now:)
Love the new pics. It only gets better the older they get.
That was my favorite age! I looooved that 6-8 months part.
You look so happy and so does Harper. That was a prayer that I had, Lord give me a happy baby! Looks like He gave one to you too! :) Yay for the paci success...our daughter loves hers and it is so nice for helping her relax a little in her car seat or when we need her to be quiet like in church or at a wedding! :) Loved the pics of you and your little sweet pea, you both look beautiful!!
Love the new blog! Please please please move Harper's harness down a slot in her car seat - the harness for rear-facing children should be at or below the shoulders - in these and previous pictures of Harper in her seat, I can see that it is above her shoulders. This is is for Harper's safety Kelly - hopefully you read your comments.
Awww, she is soo adorable!!! And I agree, at the 6 months mark they seem to change so much! It's like, before they were just little babies who were relatively passive and laid in your arms.... and suddenly they are these tiny little people with senses of humors, great personalities, sitting up, starting to put paci's back in their mouth, and so on and so forth. It's just so incredible! You blink your eyes and suddenly your baby is just growing up! I love it!!!! :-)
Great blog!!!!
@ SweetWifey on Twitter
I just can't get over how she glows looking at you. What a beautiful smile. I am so happy that the magic 6 months is great for you. Yeah for sleeping for mama and daddy!
You are so sweet. We are so blessed to be mommy's! I am so thankful I found your blog. You and Harper can always make me smile :)
This is exactly what I've been looking for! I'm upgrading my camera and need some tips on how to take awesome pics of my girls!
Thanks so much!
Tiffany Morris
PS - I'm friends with Traci McCoy and Dia Dixon and live in their town!
That last photo of you holding Harper is so precious! You look blissfully happy and she is so cute smiling at her mommy. You must have loved it too because I noticed it is one of the photos in your new headers. So cute!!!
Kelly! LOVE your blog! I too am a mom of a lil girl and LOVE blogging!
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