Harper and I had such a wonderful trip to Texas this past week. We left Monday and came home Thursday night and had a great time spending time with my parents and my Aunt Linda and visiting all of our relatives in Dallas. Harper got a LOT of bonding time with her grandparents. If I had a nickel for every time my dad said "Is she not the most precious thing you have ever seen in your life?" ...... I could retire in Hawaii early. (By the way.....SHE IS!)
Harper spent her first time in a hotel and she was really, really good. She was good on the 7 hour trip there and back also. (It doesn't really take that long but when you stop a lot with a baby - it does). ha! The pacifier and turning 6 months seemed to do the trick and she is a whole new child!
We got to Dallas on Monday night. Tuesday we got up and went to visit my Grandma who is now living with my Dad's sister, Kathy and my Uncle Tom. This is their daughter, Molly, pictured above with Harper. She just graduated from college.
Molly and her brother Jackson. Jackson just graduated from high school. My Aunt Kathy has been super busy with their graduations, selling my grandmother's house, moving her in with them and they are also building a new house that they will all move to soon. We got to go see it and it is so pretty!
This is my Aunt Kathy and Harper. I always called her Aunt "Sacky" because I couldn't say Kathy.
Tuesday night my brother Chris and his wife Carrie had all of us over for a cookout at their house. They live in the cutest house. They cooked some great burgers and made two really good dips. I need to get the recipes and share. Carrie made a blue cheese and bacon dip (yum) and my brother made the BEST guacamole. So good!!!
This is a very special picture to me. It's Harper and her Great Grandmother Shirley. I'm so thankful we could get them together and I will treasure that. I want Harper to know how great our grandparents were. I know she will love hers as much as Scott and I both loved ours.
This is my beautiful sister-in-law Carrie. She was such a perfect hostess. I'm so thankful Chris married her. She just fits in our family so well and is SO sweet.
Dallas has some of the coolest "old" neighborhoods with amazing trees. My favorite things are all the pink crepe myrtles lining so many streets. Chris and Carrie live in one of these neighborhoods and their house and street are so cute. I walked Harper up and down the street once it got past her bedtime and I enjoyed looking at all the houses. I was trying to figure out where the mailboxes were and then realized they all had little boxes near their front doors. How cute is that?

Harper and I were both SO glad to get home and see Daddy and Dawson. We missed them almost as much as they missed us! :-)
So glad you visited all your bloggers from Texas. I love all the places you went to! Ya'll come back now:)
I love your blog. I have a 3 month old little girl and a 3 1/2 year old little girl. We just moved to a new town and your blog makes me feel like I've made a new friend! You'll have to take Harper to the American Girl store at the Galleria when you come to Dallas again.
I live in New Orleans and our mailboxes are always on the house by the front door. I remember thinking how strange it was when we moved to MS and mailboxes were on the street! Harper is one precious little girl. The Lord has truely blessed you and your husband. It was neat to see the pictures of her with your family. Thank you for sharing them!
Glad you enjoyed your trip to Dallas! Super sad you missed Northpark. I just bought Kate that precious yellow dress and love it. Come back soon...
I love Dallas too! Your trip sounds like so much fun!
Oh, how we LOVE Matt's!!! We go there once a year after our trip to the Arboretum in the fall...if you haven't been to the arboretum there, it is amazing! Looks like y'all had a blast!
I bought those same chips at my "always stop" at Central Market last week when we were in Dallas....
Hi Kelly, So glad you are home and had a wonderful trip and that Miss Harper is a good traveler. The pictures with Great Grandmother will be treasures. I know Harper was soaking up the love. Where was Dawson?
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
oh good ole' North Park Mall. I went to Dallas to see my sister a month ago and we shopped there. Love the new pictures. Your family is precious!
I am so happy you had a great trip to Dallas to visit your family. It looks like ya'll had a great time. Didn't you just LOVE this Texas heat? I live in Houston and we had a little cold front today - it was in the low 80's! That's a cold front for Texas! Ha! I love the last picture...with Harper looking up at her Great Grandmother, precious!
Have a great weekend!
Ok, I live in Big D and have never had the okra chips from CM. Going to have to make a special trip for those-- they sound delish!
The reason for my comment is, I thought of a cute "theme" for Harper's 1st b'day. Not that you are asking or anything, but what about a "Harper's Bazaar" party?!? Being the little baby fashionista that she is, it would certainly be fitting! You could do little cardboard purses filled with candy lipsticks and nail polishes. You could have shoeboxes stacked on top of each other for the cake. Anyway, I just thought I'd share my two cents... I tend to go overboard with parties!
Looks like a GREAT trip! I have family that lives in Dallas and have always wanted to visit. Most people who know me tell me I would LOVE it there!
Great pictures!
Such a fun trip!! Great pics!
Sam Moon?! I am beyond jealous!!! :) My favorite purse is from there!
I missed seeing Miss Harper's pictures! She really looks like she has grown!! She just looks so much older now!! Glad the trip was fabulous. Spending time with family is always fabulous!
Looks like so much fun. Great post! Do you have the recipe for the cheese dip?
I had a question for you, I am doing my first giveaway, but I don't know how I am supposed to randomly select someone to win. I could put all the entries in a hat, but their has to be an easier way right?
You should enter the giveaway, Harper would look adorable in some of these bows!
seriously, kelly. i was everywhere you were this weekend. i live in dallas and was at every place you were when you were there. craziness. so bummed i didn't accidentally run into you. :)
i ADORE your blog. came here through jenna's (jenna babe) a LONG time. i love your positive attitude and outlook on life.
have a great week.
oh, and your daughter? is adorable.
Glad we're fun!!!!!
Papa and Nonny
Welcome back! I haven't been to that market, but I love Eatzi's in Dallas...sounds similar to where you went. And doesn't North Park have a CrewCuts by JCrew?? AWESOME!! I'm glad you got to use all your paci clips after all!!
You went to two of my favorite places...Sam Moons and Central Market! Me and my girlfriend are going to Sam Moons tomorrow SANS children (thanks to our sweet hubbies) for some girl time!
The house we're in now has a mailbox at the door. I had to ask how to send mail because it had no flag!
We live in Dallas and I LOVE Sam Moon and Central Market! I could walk around Central Market all day. They have some of the coolest things there. I love to make my own peanut butter =)
Kelly, I just wanted to comment that I think you are so pretty and have such a sweet baby.
I do hope you'll post the recipes. They sound yummy!
Looks like you and Harper had fun!! I live right smack dab in the middle of dallas/fort worth. Wish we could've met up!
You guys down south eat the craziest food items! Cheese deep with cheese and guacamole? Crazy!!!
Glad to see you and Harper had a great trip to Texas. I will be planning a trip there to eat at a steak house. I hear Texas has the best.
Interesting about the mailboxes. In the city where we live in NC, it depends on how old your house is. We live in a 60 year old house and have a mailbox next to the front door AND a mail slot that mail can be slipped right into the house through. Newer houses have to put mailboxes on the street. Glad to hear about the pacis!
Hi, Kelly. Looks like a fun trip to Texas! The pictures are too cute.
Almost all mailboxes are up by the front door around here! There are the brick ones on the street, and the big metal ones with lots of boxes, but most of us have the boxes by the door! Very convenient! I'm surprised you've never seen this before!
I love JD's Chippery as well. I grew up in University Park and thought your brother's house looked like it might be around that area. How fun.
You HAVE to go to JD's Chippery next time you are in town. It is right by SMU off Hillcrest.
I just saw your parents pic and realized that if I lost about 150 pounds, I'd look like your mom! Glad you enjoyed our wonderful state! (And yes, your brother and sister-in-law's house is so cute!)
Well, here in California the mailboxes are all over the place, depending on what street you live on!
Looks like your trip was a success and Harper is so cute, as always.
there...ha ha, I was going to retype that but it was funny.
You always look so stunningly beautiful in all of your pictures, and always glow with happiness. My grandpa would say "Yer Jesus is showin again"
~Andrea from Houston
Glad you enjoyed your trip to my town. Next time you're here, let me know. I can meet you & Harper for some yummy Mexican food and shopping at Sam Moon!
Looks like you hit all the great Dallas hot spots. One sole reason we live in Dallas (well, I have lived here all my life) but is Central Market!! It is my absolute favorite!!!! Plus NorthPark. You just can't bet it!!
Oh how exciting - what beautiful pictures! I'm off to Texas in October, I'm really excited!
Welcome to Texas!!! I'm thinking, as you say, "We would so be friends if we met in real life!" Blessings to you, Scott, and baby Harper.
That Central Market looks neat!
Looks like you had a great trip. I went to a MOPS covention in Dallas once, but didn't see much of the city. I thought it was funny that someone was telling me about Sam Moon tonight at our churchs softball game then I came home and you had it in your post. Looks like they have cute stuff.
What a specail trip! We live next door to my husband's grandparents; therefore, our children are growing up with their "greats"!!!! Priceless!
Sounds like you had a great trip! But, I did not know it was possible that a person could only buy one bracelet at Sam Moon? I love that place!!
I live about 2 hours from Dallas!! I love it!! It gets me in trouble though when I go shopping!! HA Oh, and I love me some Central Market!! Sometimes I will drive to Dallas just to go grocery shopping there!!
Glad you had such a good trip! I heart Central Market...but even though I live in Austin, I don't go there as often as I'd like. And yeah for Harper doing so well traveling! Happy 6 months to her. :)
I am so glad you had a fun trip and that Harper was so good. How wonderful Harper got to spend time with her great grandmother. I love Chris and Carries new backyard. They did a great job it looks fantastic.
Glad you enjoyed your time! It's a good thing you didn't go to Northpark...another overwhelming trip that would have been. It's a great mall-just a whole lot to take in. My kids don't do well there either. Gonna work on that...they are spoiled by play areas and Northpark doesn't have one. Harper is beautiful!
Looks like you guys had fun!
It is so precious to capture great grandma (GG) with the baby! My Mother-in-law, (who had alz) seemed to wait for my daughter to have her first baby before she passed away. The baby was a week old and we took the baby to her and told her she was a GG! She hadn't been talking but she spoke that day!! She was so happy to hold Sarah and we were happy to capture the picture! GG passed away 4 days later... the circle of life. She is missed, Sarah is 3 and knows GG smiles to her from heaven! I had the BEST mother in law ever!
Looks like you had a great time!!!! We LOVEEEE Matt's!!! I'm not sure if you know, but that dip is nicknamed "Bob Bob" at the restaurant...mmmmm, sooo good!!!!! So glad you trip was filled with so many great memories!
looks like fun!!!
Hey you got an award on my blog. Go check it out! :)
What a fun trip!!! So glad you had a great time and got so many special pictures. You will cherish that 4 generation pic forever.
looks like you had an amazing time! thanks for sharing all your pics!
Those are all such great pictures!!! That cheese dip looks amazing!!!
Okay, you just made me really homesick for Dallas! I've never been to Matt's and now I'm very curious about that crazy dip. Next time you definitely need to stop at JD's. You know what's crazy? One of my bff's from Dallas randomly came to stay with me last night and guess what she brought - JD's! The Lord loves me! I'm so glad y'all had a blast. Your brother's house and backyard are too cute for words.
Growing up our mailbox was right by the front door. My husband and I have been house hunting this year and I told him one requirement was a mailbox on the house ha! He didnt' agree, but I got my wish anyway. We got a house with a mailbox right beside the kitchen door...now I'm searching for the right mailbox.
I'm glad you had a great time in Dallas!
Glad you had a fabulous trip!
Great photos! Looks like you both had a wonderful time.
I LOVE those okra chips...we just tried them last weekend! now i need to get more!
Love all the great pictures from the week. Looks like you guys had a wonderful time!
TOO fun. You and your family are so precious and fun! And that Harper...well I think my feelings on the babe have been well-documented. :-)
OMG! I just recently bought Matt's cookbook and it has some awesome and super easy receipes in it. I have not made any yet. I have been wanting to go to his restuarant and I always see him on Good Day and his food looks sooo yummy. I am ashamed that I live in the DFW metroplex and do not have venture out to Dallas......way too busy for me. Someday I will get to Matt's!!!
I'm so glad you had a wonderful trip and arrived home safely! I just discovered okra chips last week and LOVE them! It's funny because I said they are so good but strange too!
Have a great weekend
I was at Sam Moon on Wednesday too! But I didn't see y'all :( Crazy thing - it's always that busy. Actually, weekends are BUSIER!
Sorry it stayed so hot here during your visit. Glad you survived :)
I think my stomach growled when I got to the photo of the chip and dip.
You are such a cutie pie! Fun family photos too!
We love Matt's Rancho Martinez and eat there all the time. I could eat Mexican food like 5 times a week though! Glad you enjoyed Dallas, it is a blast to live here and there is always something to do.
Awww, Kelly, you just have the sweetest, loveliest, most adorable family!! SO happy that you and Harper were able to spend such a fun week with them!
Glad you had such a great trip! Ya, Dallas is fun and lots of stuff to do.. I have been visiting alot since my niece is spending time with my parents. Sam moon can be overwhelming, but maybe next time you can get more shopping in!! Have a great rest of your weekend! Hugs to Harper!
looks like you guys had so much fun! :) The pics are great!
hey kelly! harper has to be hands down the happiest little soul! she has the cutest dang smile! :)
come over and visit our blog whenever you get time, i've decided after a long three month summer break (ha!) to start posting again....
just 2 short weeks until luciana's arrival, yeah for baby girls!!! :)
have a wonderful weekend! -Tara
my hubby and i LOVE to go to Matt Martinez's - it is SO good!! so glad you had fun in Dallas - not only because it's where i live :) Next time you will have to make time for JD's - their snickerdoodles are my personal favorite and you should go get a Sprinkles Cupcake - they are like a million calories but totally worth it! too bad you left so soon - a "cold front" came through here and it's only been like 89-90 degrees today! ha!
I LOVE Sam Moon! I have to settle for shopping online, though. I actually bought the earrings I wore on my wedding day from there. :)
It looks like you and Harper had a blast in Dallas!! Your brother and his wife are so precious together. And I couldn't help but notice how much you look like your Aunt Linda. You have such a sweet family!
I love your blog and have been reading since Harper was born. I live in the Dallas area and want you to know there is a place you need to go next time you are here...Babe's Chicken. It's home cookin' at its best! The website is www.babeschicken.com if you want to look it up! Enjoy your little one...mine just turned 10 yesterday! It goes by fast!!!
Central Market is our favoirte also! Oh, how I wish we had one in Louisiana!
Looks like a really fun trip!!!
Looks like you had a great time! Would you believe although Sam Moon is probably about 7-8 minutes away from me I have NEVER been! ahh! I need to go! Also-love Central Market and World Market...I go to Central Market a lot on my lunch break to get a sandwich :) Glad you had a fab trip!
I live in OKC and I always try to go to Central Market when I'm in the DFW area...it's my absolute favorite. Also love the outlet mall in Allen and get the majority of my daughter's clothes there.
Phyllis(mom to Kristen)-who will be driving thru Arkansas this Fri on our way to TN :)
Howdy! I am in Texas... Plano, which is right outside of Dallas.. it is Holy Moses HOT here isn't it? It's going to get worse...last summer ( I was preggers with my Chloe ) it hit 107 a few times...just makes ya want to run away - or something! I LOVE CENTRAL MARKET!! One of my best BFF go there and really do just walk around looking at everything... SAM MOON scares me... really...hehe.. so glad you had a fantastic time here...
Oh, if you ever get a chance to go back to Sam Moon, they have wonderful bows and CUTE luggage. Great prices!!! Also, I don't know if they all do, but our Sam Moon has a home store right next to it. It is fabulous!!!! :)
I live in Dallas and you hit a few of my favorites. I love Northpark and I love Matt's I could have run into you several places last week and felt silly for introducing myself as a blog follower. Next time you are at Northpark you have to go to the new CHildren's Place outlet across central from the mall. It is amazing and full of cute clothes at great prices.
Looks like yall had a blast
So glad you had a great trip! Harper looks soo happy, she is cheesin' in all the pics except the one where Chris was holding her??? Was he pinching her?? Can't believe they've already been married for almost a year! They are such a cute couple. I tell you this everytime, but you look fabulous! You wear motherhood so well, you look so happy and glowing! The picture of H and her great-grandmother is awesome to have...what a treasure!
Oh my land, Harper is so sweet and it is so wonderful that you had such a blessed time with your family in Texas. I just checked out you prayer blog. I will be joining you in prayer.....What an incredible eternal impact you are having through this blog. Praying blessings for you, your husband, and Harper!
LOVE the Bob Armstrong dip (the queso you were talking about) at Matt's. I seriously dream about that stuff! YUM! :)
How wonderful to get the 4 generations picture! It will become a family treasure.
I was featured in one as a baby, and was looking forward to having one taken when our first daughter came along 7 years ago. It would have been 4 generations of first-born girls! However my beloved Grandmother went to be with the Lord 3 months to the day, before my daughter was born. She passed away on September 11, believe it or not- natural causes-Then I knew why God had given her a vision of us and our daughter in the early days of my pregnancy, before I even knew I was pregnant!
Sorry for such a long comment! The mention of the 4 generations brought back special memories that were too good not to share. God bless you and your family Kelly.
I have been following your blog for some time now. Imagine my surprise when I looked at your Dallas pictures and saw two of my favorite former students in one of the pictures....Jackson and Molly. What great kids and what a great family they come from. I teach high school Food and Nutrition and was blessed to have them both in my class. That it is a small world is indeed an understatement!!!!
JNext time you come check out Charming Charlies. It is a version of Sam Moon but set up by colors. It is a shopping experience!!!! Hugs to Jackson and Molly if you talk to them!!
So glad you had fun here! My husband's dental office is right across the streets from Matt's, so you guys were really close to where we live. Next time you come to town, let me know, and I (along with the whole brood) could meet you! Harper is just precious, and I'm so glad she did well on her first big trip!
i live in Dallas! it makes me happy that you like it here. sam moon, north park, central market...familiar places to me. glad you enjoyed your time here with your family. oh, and the whole 100 degree thing at night...very accurate! haha.
To Patti,
I wanted to email you but coudn't to thank you for all the kind words about Jackson and Molly. I thought if I commented here you would see it. Jackson and Molly will always remember you as a wonderful teacher. Molly still talks about you. She graduated in May from TWU. Hooray for teachers like you!
Kathy aka Aunt Sacky
Glad you had a good time here in Texas! Too bad you didn't come this week...not in the 100s for the first time in a month!
I was secretly hoping I'd see you and our Harpers could meet! I thought my best chance would be when I was at North Park... too bad you didn't get to go! And you must go to JD Chippery the next time you're here... best cookies ever! Glad you had a great time!
I'm so glad that you got those generation pictures and Harper was able to meet her great-grandma. It looks like y'all had SO much fun.
I think I could retire in Hawaii with you on your Dad's comment!
What a fun trip! But I have to say, Kelly, in Texas you cannot call it "cheese dip." That is queso, and more specifically since you had the caloriffic wonder at Matt's, The Bob. :)
Glad y'all had a nice visit. Sounds like you did alot!
Have you noticed that Molly and Harper have the same smile?
Pretty smiles run in the family.
Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures.
I luv Sam Moon's and North Park Mall..and of course the Cheese Factory. Those are a MUST if you visit Dallas!
Oops! Cheesecake Factory!
You made me miss Dallas! We moved away a year ago, and we love it here in California even more, but there were some great things about Dallas...and North Park Mall was one of them:) You'll have to go on your next trip there:)
I've been reading your blog for a while now - probably since right before you gave birth to Harper. I'm not even sure how I found you. I am a faithful reader and have so enjoyed "watching" Harper grow as well as reading about your new motherhood adventures. You are a breath of fresh air in this negative world we live in. How I wish there were more people like you raising children. Harper is sure to become a wonderful young lady who loves the Lord with all her heart like her mama does. Thank you, thank you for the life you are leading and for the love your profess for our Lord daily in your blog. You will be so blessed for it!
By chance do your brother and sister in law live in the M streets or Lakewood area? That's where we are right now and love going to Matt's!!! We're just renting our home, while we were waiting for our Houston house to sell, but are thinking about staying in this area.
Anyway, glad you had a nice time here in Texas and hope you'll come back for a another visit.
Sounds like yall had fun. Matt's mexican is one of my favorites! Your family is so cute.
It really sounds like you had such a great time! I love time with family!
Looks like such a fun trip! Man, I wish I could have seen you (and sweetie pie Harper!!!!)
So glad you love Dallas! I was born and raised there, and it will always have a special place in my heart! Love reading your blog!!
we should have warned you! sam moon is much better enjoyed on a weekday when school's in session. i always take my (preschool-age) daughters there on the first day of school to celebrate it finally not being a madhouse again during the week!
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