A few weeks ago - the anchor from a local news station contacted me to see if she could interview me about blogging. I felt a little inadequate but I thought it might be fun.So this morning she and her photographer came and did the interview at my house. I was really nervous but they were SO nice and put me right at ease. Here they are setting up the lighting in my living room. I thought it was pretty neat to watch how they set things up.
Here we are - about to be drilled. ha! No, she just asked me a lot of questions about why I blog and how blogging makes the world smaller and what a great resource it is for moms and pretty much everyone else. I'm just praying I don't look like an idiot or sound like an idiot on film. Chances are good that I will. ha! If you live in NWA - it will be on Tuesday, the 21st at 10 p.m. If it's not horrible - I might put a smidget of it on here for you to see.
This is Ashley the news anchor and me. She was SO sweet. I had to take this picture because Laurie just LOVES her. I wanted Laurie to be there but she had other obligations.
My parents came over for the day because my dad hasn't seen Harper in a few weeks and I wanted their help with her. But it ended up working fine because Harper took a nap and slept through most of the interview and I had forgotten that Scott was off today when I asked for their help. We woke up Harper so she could make her TV debut and she was really good! I was so happy she woke up in a good mood.
Afterwards we went and had Mexican for lunch. Harper had some applesauce. She is really loving the whole eating thing. She normally will grab the spoon from me and try to feed herself. Tonight she kept eating and eating and eating. We are going to be going to veggies next so we will see what she thinks about that.

P.S. Moms and Moms-to-be - I'm reviewing Avent bottles HERE and I'd love to know what you think plus find out how you can win a $500 Visa gift card!
Happy 4th everyone - hope you have a GREAT day!!!!
We loved seeing Harper today!!! Oh, and you too, Kelly and Scott!!
Happy Birthday Bill! Enjoy your week-end with the kids!
Congrats, Kelly! You look just gorgeous! Didn't see the interview here in Los Angeles :(...will it be on YouTube or their site?!
Happy 4th to you and your beautiful family :) XOXO
Wow, made the news! Way to go! Happy 4th!
Wow! I would love to see the interview if you decide to post the link! Have a happy 4th of July!!!
Oh please put the video on your blog!! I don't live in Arkansas, so I won't be able to see it! I think that's so awesome how God is really taking your blog and using it for great and mighty things!!
How awesome! Harper is growing up so fast!
Wow, how neat! I am sure the interview went well! I hope you post a copy here.
That is awesome! I am sure you will look great in the interview!
Christine in California
be sure and put it on the blog. i want to see it! that's very neat to be interviewed by the news.
How exciting!! I love your outfit for the interview, it's perfect!! Hope you and your family have a great 4th :)
I love Ashley Beck! I can't wait to watch you on the news! I'm sure you did great!
That is awesome Kelly! You look absolutely gorgeous!!! Can't wait to see the news clip. =)
You are the perfect person to represent blogging in Arkansas! I know with Christ's light shining through you, you will come across as the beautiful talented mother you are to us your readers. Congrats on that honor.
A smidget?....We want to see the whole thing!:0)
How fun!
How cool! I'm sure you did just fine. Hope y'all have an awesome 4th!
So fun!! Congrats on your TV debut- you look beautiful!
Wow! That is sooo cool! I can't wait to watch it. I'm sure you did a wonderful job! Way to represent the blogworld!
Look at you!?!?! And your 15 minutes of fame!
I've done smidgets on 20/20, LA Times, FOX LA News, and a few other talk shows that have come and gone, but never about blogging. I did it all for teen suicide prevention throughout high school. You just gotta love the special lighting they have and sometimes make up ha!
Harper and YOU! Look absolutely amazing. I wish I had the time to beautify myself, but I'm still working on that =) Happy 4th to you and yours!
Happy 4th of July. I would love to see your interview. Also I love your ring in the photo where you are feeding Harper!
That is so cool!!! You look beautiful!!!
Hi there! I have followed your blog for quite a while but never have said hello. Your story with your Little Harper is what drew me here and she is just so cute! Im so glad she is doing well and I love reading about her , I had a premie 19 years ago and at the time thought I was the only one who had a child in the NICU.... I wish blogging was around back then! She is doing fine now, but I know how sacry it can be!
Anywho, thank you for sharing your story with all of us and congrats on having the news at your house, all because of blogging ! Thats so cool!!
Happy 4th to your and your blessed family!
Can't wait to see it. Congrats!
I just love everything about your blog. What a cool thing that you'll be on the news! Your baby is beautiful! Your home is lovely! Enjoy every minute of your life! God is blessing you!
I think it's pretty fantastic that you are making the news!! Obviously your name is getting around!! So cool!! Love the pics and you look so pretty! Please share some of the interview!! I am sure that you did great!
Praise the Lord! He is really enlarging your borders!
You look pretty in your news interview, as always! Please post it for us to see! I hope it was an ABC affiliate! They're the best! haha I'm a bit biased tho since I used to work for one!
I am sure you did absolutely fabulous in your interview! You looked fantastic!
Wow! You're practically a celebrity! Happy Birthday to your FIL. Have a great fourth of July.
and of course, little Harper looks cuter everyday.
The magic of TV is exciting - but exhausting. My family was followed for a TLC show (hasn't aired yet). It was 3 days of non-stop cameras, microphones and lights. :)
Anywayyy... how exciting that you got to be interviewed! They picked a wonderful person to talk to :)
Wow, how exciting!! Please put it on your blog so the rest of us can watch it!
Congrats!! Please, put the whole interview or a link on the blog so we can all hear it. Not just a smidget!! We want it all! It is great that your parents got to help with Harper and Scott's came later. Happy Birthday to Bill. Have a wonderful 4th.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
I will just echo what others have said...I don't live in Arkansas and totally want to see the video so pretty, pretty please post for us when you can.
Mmm...applesauce, now I'm hungry. :)
Congrats on being featured!! That is so awesome! What an honor. And yes, I agree that you should definitely put the video on here! I'm sure you will be just adorable anyways.
You look GREAT, by the way!
What wonderful "news"!!!! Please post the interview if you can! I love checking in to your blog becasue of your daily life as a mom. It great that you touch so many others at well! Have a great 4th! Congrats!
That is just too fun! I'm sure you were wonderful. Have a wonderful 4th!
That's so exciting that you are on the news!!! I'm sure you did great!! I would LOVE to see the interview!
Happy 4th!!!!
That's so exciting! You never know...Oprah may be calling next!
Harper's picture at the exersaucer is so cute. The look on her face is wonderful! Isn't it fun when she starts trying to grab the spoon from you? Well, the messes she'll make won't always be fun, but they'll make great pictures!
What a wonderful compliment to be chosen as their subject on blogging! I'm sure after the interview was shown, your followers will increase tremendously! Wish we could see it here in the Northeast....!
I'm sure you did just fine! Happy 4th! :-)
Wow, you are a rockstar!! Post it please so we can see it.
That is so cool you made the news!!! I am sure you did fine.
that's awesome... we want to see the clips!!
Wow! Channel 5! That is so awesome! I can't wait to watch it!
How EXCITING, GOOD FOR YOU! I want to see a snipit clip! LOVE your living room and rooster lamp!
happy fourth of july :) have fun w/ scott's family in town!!
That is so awesome, Kelly! Ashley is my favorite local news anchor. (I always love to see what she's wearing for the day. lol) I can't wait to see it air!
Random tidbit...I'm really good friends with the weatherman on that station and he wanted to use my family for a weather story a couple of months ago, but I was much too chicken to be on tv. I really admire you for doing it!
your famous girl!!! :) i'm sending those bows out to harper soon, be looking for them!! have a great 4th.
Harper is getting so big. Just Beautiful. I'm sure you did just fine with your interview
How fun! I am sure you did just fine!
WOW great news about making it on TV. I read your blog everyday, I lie in Canada. I came accross your blog (from another blog that I read) when Harper was born. She is beautiful. I love reading each and every day. My baby is 3.5 months old now, its nice to see what Harper is doing so I can kind of know what to expect. I wish I was in the US so I could see the news cast...maybe you can post it when it's out. Thanks for being part of my day :)
Congratulations and hopefully you'll share the interview with your blog friends! I would LOVE to see it!
Happy birthday to your Father-in-law and Happy 4th of July to you and yours.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
How exciting! I hope you can put a little bit of the interview on your blog for all of us too far away to see it live! :)
Have a wonderful July 4th weekend!
Wow, you're a television celebrity! You should definitely put the interview up on your blog so we can all see how well you did!
How cool is that! Hope that you post it so we can see it.
I look forward to watching on Tuesday!!
I am so excited to hear about your interview. That will be awesome! When does it air?
Can't wait to watch! I hope y'all have a great weekend with family. Your parents are just the cutest people! :)
You definitely need to post the link when you're on the news. I'm in Cincinnati and won't get to see it. I'm sure it'll be fine, let us be the judge. Plus we all are our own worst critics. Happy 4th to you and your family!
How exciting that you made the news?! I wonder if we can see it in Memphis? Hmmm... Anyways Happy 4th!
How exciting. You are becoming a celebrity!!! You should post the interview here for sure. Everyone wants to see!!!
Hope you are having a great 4th of July!
You and Ashley look really cute!!!!!!!
LOVE your blog! I can't wait to read it everyday as I am a SAHM too! Just curious...your top is so cute. Where is it from?
Hello. I have been following since you left Tulsa, (which is were I'm from). Harper is growing up so much. What a little doll!! Now, you are a celeb. How much fun!! You take good care and give Harper a hug from me. Leslie
HOW NEAT that you're going to be on the news!!!!! I have to ask Lane if there's a way we can get that channel so I can record it!?!?!?!?
I'm going to try to remind Kale to DVR it for me. Hope your weekend is super special! I know the 4th of July is pretty meaningful in your family.
Oh Kelly! WOW! that is so great. You are completely beautiful! I am a first time visitor. You have such a great blog and a beautiful family. Happy 4th of July!
Hey! So sorry I stole Laurie away from her potential big moment of fame!!! :) We had so much fun, stayed up til midnight laughing our heads off. Kelly, do NOT send the thank you note...I know you are thankful...just glad you got the gift this time...it once went back to my mom and she re-mailed it! I love you. Kiss sweet HArper for her Aunt Sara.
Hi Kelly-
I have been reading your blog since right before you were pregnant with Harper. It's been fun to follow because I had my second girl in November of last year. Your bright outlook and faith are such an inspiration. I had to comment because my sister is Ashley Ketz-she works at the same station as Ashley Beck. I told her when Harper was in the NICU that she should do a story on your family so I was excited to see that Ashley Beck did it. Can't wait to see!
Kristi Ketz
Wow!!! I want to be on TV too! Congrats! I love your home and the paint color in the LR what color is that? I am looking for a paint for my Guest BR. Please email me the color! Love your blog.
What a fun, fun experience! Very cool!
So great that Harper is liking foods!! Cash has tried most everything and seems to like it. We did struggle with peas, but, I just mixed a fruit with it, and he did great.
Hope y'all had a fabulous 4th.
Oh, did you get my message on fb about the bathing suit? Just wondering.
VERY COOL! I would love to interview you for my show! And I always love it when someone wants to take their picture with me....so I know she was blessed by getting to meet you!
Kelly!! You know you HAVE to put it up so we can see it! THAT IS TOO NEAT! I bet you did great on there. (Is that Mister Dawson in the corner by the coffee table trying to get in on some TV camera action??) :o) Happy, happy birthday to Scott's dad!
Im recording the news, we will be looking for it!! ;) So excited!
How fun! It is SO interesting to see the cameras and how they produce. My husband and I taped a TLC show in our home in January for 3 days and it was so fun, such a memorable life experience. I'm sure you'll be great on camera!
How exciting! I just found your blog through someone else posting the Show Us Where You Live stuff, and I absolutely love it!! I am just getting into the blogging thing and am amazed at this whole, amazing community!! I actually live over by Fort Smith, so I'll try to remember to watch for your segment...so neat! :)
How neat that you were on the news! I bet you did great ;)
That's awesome! You must post it!!!! =) Also, I'm sure you wont be able to respond but if you just happened to have a free moment, would you mind telling me what lens you use with your camera? I assume it's some sort of wide angle? Thanks so much, I really appreciate it.
Congrats on the great press! You deserve it!
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