Sunday, June 07, 2009

Sunday Survey

This little boy's name is Preston. His grandparents go to my church and his parents are on vacation this week so his grandparents are sitting. His mom, Caroline, reads my blog and she e-mailed me to let me know that she was excited they would be in the nursery together and wanted her mother to take their picture. So I took one for her! They make a cute couple don't you think? (This is about as good as I could get of them together).

Harper's BFF nearly had a heart attack when she realized they would be in the nursery together!
Sarah Kate and Wells - they are two active cuties - they are both turning one this month and I just can't believe it! Harper did good in the nursery this morning (I think the nursery workers are on to the fact that she is "SLIGHTLY" high maintenance). I don't think anyone will be calling her an "easy" baby. I went to feed her between church and Sunday School and she wasn't too happy so I decided to just stay in the nursery with her while Scott went to Sunday School. It was fun to be in there because there were 8 babies - all of our friends' kids. And there are 4-5 more who will be joining them (or weren't there) soon! I love watching them all grow!
I have two survey questions for all of you moms out there:

1. At what age did you put your baby in their own room? I plan on waiting until Harper is 6 months old (for some reason I've made that the magic age - we are going to wait on solids until she is 6 months, her own bed at 6 months, surgery on her extra toe at 6 months - it's like I think she will turn a big corner at that point?) Her room is just across the house from us and it seems like so far away. I want her to be sleeping through the night a little better also. I don't want to jinx myself but she has had two REALLY WONDERFUL nights of sleep so I'll try to get a 3rd night before I brag on her.
(well - I just messed up - we are going to be back to every 2 hours now). ha!

2. Did you get your baby a jumperoo and would you get one all over again? Did it really work/help?
I've heard a lot of good things and I'm tempted to get one for her but then again - I feel like we have a house full of big baby entertainers and she doesn't like any of them. I don't want to throw money down the tube again. So far the only thing that she really enjoys is me holding her. ha! She is a girl after my own heart though - she LOVES to shop. If I put her in her stroller and take her to stores - any store - she will be as content as can be. She just looks around and is so happy. So we try to go somewhere every day. I rarely buy anything - I just enjoy looking and keeping her happy! :-)

Thanks in advance for all of your tips - I'm going to be back soon with all kinds of surveys and questions!


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Mama's the Boss said...

We put our daughter in her nursery at almost 7 weeks. Our bedrooms are on separate floors, so my husband and I take turns sleeping in the guest room to be closer to her. We also use a baby monitor.

I have a jumperoo, but she is only 8 weeks old, so not old enough to use it yet.

Jenny said...

Hey there! I just love your blog, Kelly. I know everyone says that but I really do. I feel like I've gained a new friend and I always love seeing what sweet Harper is up to.

My boys went into their own rooms at about 1 month. I wasn't sleeping well b/c every little sound they made would wake me up!

And, we did borrow a jumperoo but neither of my boys liked it. :0( I'd test one out with Harper before you purchase one. Some kids seem to love them while others notsomuch. :0)

Blessings on your day! Jenny

Jimmy and Rachael Martin said...

We put Gracie in her own room at 1 month. She was close to sleeping through the night and we all slept better! Her room was upstairs and ours was downstairs. But with a great monitor I never worried!

Gracie liked the jumperoo, but it was given to us so I used it. I don't know that she liked it enough to have purchased it ourselves. However, my neice loved it and could have spent hours in it. every child is different!

Becky said...

Mine went into their own room their first night home from the hospital. I was pretty relaxed right from the beginning. They were at church within the first week and in the nursery to boot!

We had a foster baby who absolutely loved her jumperoo!! She would twist herself up tight and then let it spin around. I never saw anything like it! My daughter got one for the boys but never used it.

Michelle said...

My little high maintanence 9 month old didn't sleep very well either, and wanted to eat every 2 hours. When I moved him to his own room(it was hard for me too), he started sleeping much better(not first though the night, but he didn't wake up as much) My doc told me they can smell your milk and it makes them wake up. Crazy huh. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

I moved my daughter to her own room at six weeks... we both slept better! I registered for one of the door hanging jump up things and got it. It's less expensive than the floor one. Madison sat in it.. but would not jump! Maybe you could first put her in a friend's jumper and see if she would even jump??

Lauren said...

If you already have an exersaucer, than I say skip the jumparoo. We have both. My son is 5 months and not ready for the jumparoo, but loves his saucer! :-)

Caleb, Sara and Sammy J said...

We put Samantha Jane in her crib at 4 months. The basis for that was she was waking up in the night, but not wanting to nurse so we thought maybe we were all keeping each other up! She did really well for a few months, but went back to waking up for a while (from 8-10 months I would say). Her doc said that was normal, though. I liked the exersaucer better...she could rotate around in a circle and see what was going on!

Cabra said...

1. Hunter (my first) went to his room at 2 weeks old. He made so many noises in his sleep we couldn't sleep with him in our room! ha! He did great but didn't really sleep through the night until 6 months when we finally did the "let him cry" method with visits every 5, 10, 15 & 20 minutes. Took 3 nights and he learned. We've had to retrain a few times. He's 13 months now and will cry but put himself back to sleep without me going to his room (which is on the total opposite side of the house too).

2. BUY A JUMPEROO!!! Hunter liked his from 8 weeks on. I just put it away two weeks ago because I'm sure he was over the weight limit at 27 pounds and he cried and screamed as he saw me leave the room with it packed up! It was by far my FAVORITE baby gear item during the first year!!!!

Reid said...

I have to add here...
For my daughter, it was around 6-7 months and my son was around 8 months. For both, we waiting until they were sleeping through. If I were you, I would go on Harper's cues and not really a set time. When she's sleeping through is good won't tire you out as bad.

And about the jumperoo....I got one as a gift when my daughter was born otherwise I wouldn't have bought one. Well, w/ the first baby I might have thought I wanted/needed one, but really neither child has hardly used it. If you do decide to purchase one, I'd get a second hand one and not new....
Good luck on both!!!

~Rachel said...

My baby girl is 7 months old and LOVES her jumperoo! She has been in it for a little over a month and she will play in it forever. She loves to bounce...and has even bounced herself to sleep in that thing!!
Also, she is in our huge walk-in closet as her bedroom. I don't plan on moving her anytime soon. She is a good sleeper but I like the comfort of having her nearby but yet still in her own "room".

Anna said...

I put my son in his room as soon as we got home from the hospital because our room isn't big enough for a cradle,etc. He has done really well. He still gets up during the night sometimes but mostly he just sleeps through the night.

Sara Bading said...

We moved my daughter into her own bed around 2 months. Soon after she started sleeping through the night. As for the jumperoo...we put her in that thing and she LOVED it. I would buy it for everyone I know who is about to have a baby. She played in that thing until she was big enough to almost propel herself off the ground. Get the jumperoo for sure.

Rachel said...

Let's see... We put our now 4 year old daughter into her own room when she was about 10-12 weeks old. My now 19 month old went to his own room around 3-4 months. I found it was easier to do it a little earlier. Me, nor the baby, slept very well when we shared a room. When we got to the point that I felt that they only needed to nurse at the most, once a night, that's when I moved them. I tell you, we all slept much better in separate rooms. The first nights are always a little tough, but then you realize that when you aren't hearing each others every little move, a full night's sleep comes much more easily.

We never had a Jumperoo - we just did not have enough room in our living room for all of that equipment. We had an Exersaucer which both of my children loved.

Anonymous said...

We put our daughter in her own room at 4 weeks old because she hated the cradle. She started sleeping much better when I put her in her own room. I did (and still do) have a video monitor though so I could keep an eye on her.
The jumparoo is amazing. We started putting our daughter in it around 5 months. She loved it for about 4-5 months. She would stay in it for a half hour or so at a time and was wonderful for when I cooked dinner or needed to fold a load of laundry, etc. Once they are mobile (rolling, crawling) you need someplace to put them so you can get something done! Best of luck!

Mandy said...

My first son was in his room at 6 months and my second son was in the room at 9 months. They shared a room since that point. :) Baby number 3 (due in Nov) will start in our room and I will play it by ear.

Get the Jumparoo. It takes up a lot of space, but both of my kids LOVED it. The Jumparoo, Exersaucer, and bouncy seats were my life savers (esp. b/c my kids are about a year apart and were basically babies at the same time). You could always resell it on Ebay or Craigslist if she doesn't like it.

April Jackson said...

We put our daughter in her room starting at a month old! I highly recommend getting a video monitor...I would have never put her in her room that early without it. She is 14 months old and we still keep the video monitor on in our room so we can see her anytime we want. As for the jumparoo..Avery had an exersaucer similar to the one Harper has and someone let us borrow their jumparoo. She enjoyed them both but I would have never bought both of them!

G.B. said...

The jumperoo is great...but I never bought one. My kiddo's played in them at church and loved them. I was always a stickler about putting my babies in their own rooms...until my fourth was born. He has really bad asthma and so I was constantly up with him. He slept in our room until he was about 4 months old...the others about 2 weeks in our room:) He did sleep better in his own room though. Good luck!!

As for Me and My Nest... said...

We had a jumperoo and never used it. We tried several times but my little girl was not a fan. I have found that boys seem to like it more than girls. Our little one was way happier in her exersaucer.

As for putting her into her own bed. I did it at 2 months...but she was sleeping for 5 hour stretches at that point. And I LOVE my sleep!

The Van Ordens said...

With my first baby, he went to his own room at 12 weeks and with the second she went to her room about 10 weeks. We didn't have a jumperoo, we had just about every other toy :o) Both of my kids loved the exersaucers.

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly!

1. We put our daughter in her own room when she was just 2 weeks old! That might sound scary to some people but it just really helped all three of us (especially Daddy!) get a bit more sleep at night. I had the monitor right next to my ear the whole night though! Babies are so noisy at night...even when they are totally asleep. I certainly did get my exercise walking back and forth to her room every few hours to nurse but at least in between those sessions, I was able to fall back asleep and not hear every single tiny little peep or movement. I have to say....she absolutely loves her crib and her room and always has and I think us putting her in there so early may have fostered that a bit. Good luck with whatever you decide. It's truly a personal decision and you will definitely make the right one for you and Harper!

2. I highly recommend a jumperoo! It entertains them for so long and always made me feel like she was out of harms way. I try not to buy too many brand new toys though. (Her Grandparents do that for her!) We have some really great Kids Consignment stores here in Charlotte, NC and I have been able to score some *practically brand new* things like a jumperoo for next to nothing. You just bring it home and scrub it down with disinfectant. It's just like new!

Hugs to the Stamps family!


sriggs said...

From a grandmother's point of view HA!, I think it's time to put Harper in her own room, you might be surprised how sound she sleeps not being in your room. Also, today's baby monitors are wonderful, both of my sons and daughter-in-laws use them. Second, I bought my granddaughter a jumper and she LOVES IT, she is 6 months old and has used the jumper since 5 months, she loves jumping, jumping, and playing with the toys on the side. Be sure to get one.

Heather said...

slept in her room from day 3. which helped create great sleeping habits for her {and me}

and i didn't use stationary things and had a crawler at 7 months and a walker at 10 months. i think she developed MUCH quicker being able to explore and move about.

good luck.

Brad and Debi Rucker said...

Hi Kelly! I have been reading your blog since you had Harper, and I love all your updates. I am a mom to a 13 month old little boy. First of all, I moved Will out of our room at 1 month. We went in for his check up and my husband asked when it was okay to move him. The Pediatrician said he should be in his room already and assured me I would sleep better when he was out. Will's room is across the house from us, too, and I can honestly say, I slept like a baby as soon as he left. I could hear him breathing through the monitor, and it was heaven.

As far as the jumper, as soon as Will could hold his head really well (4 months I'd say) I put him in his Johnny Jump up. He LOVED it. Those are about $25 and SO worth the money. As soon as he could walk, excuse me, RUN (9 months) he wanted out. It was so much better money wise to get it because our exercauser (sp??) was NOT worth the money.

But, like I tell all my girlfriends, listen to everyone's advice and take what you want from it!! Keep up the great posts! I love it!

mother of three fellas said...

My rainforest jumperoo is sitting out in the garage, if you want to come to Cabot you can have it! HA :)

My little guy liked it for a while, and then it got old like everything else.

about 6 months charlie Mac started sleeping in his bed, but still woke up a couple of times a night.

Erica Davis said...

My son went into his crib at 1 month old- I think this helped both he and I get better sleep (not to mention my husband!) When he was in our room, I would wake up with every little stir or noise he'd make, and his crib is much more comfortable for him. He sleeps on his belly, too- and he has great head and neck control, so I felt comfortable letting him sleep how he wanted to. We got that same jumperoo and he just now (he's 5 1/2 months old) has started actually jumping in it. He liked the toys on it before, but now realizes what he can do in it! Don't give up on all the equipment you've purchased- keep trying to put Harper in them a little each day, and she may surprise you one day and love it!! I always relate to you- my son is not an easy baby and would love to be held all day, every day. Each day that he gets older gets better though!

Sarah said...

My son Austin had colic and was/still is a very high maintenance (sp?) baby. We put him in his own room at 4 months and 2 weeks later he was sleeping all night. At that point he was only waking up once a night for feedings. We followed the advice in the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. This is my sleep MANUAL. We did exactly what the book said and it worked for us. I was nervous too about moving him to another bedroom because he was moved upstairs and we were downstairs. I still heard him though without a baby monitor. I HIGHLY recommend that book!

Jon and Melissa said...

My kids were 6 weeks and then my youngest was 5 weeks when we moved her to her crib. My OB even said at my 6 week appt if you are not getting good sleep put him in his room and I did and it worked. Also I have a ton of friends that there kids would not sleep through the night but then when they did move them they did and the wished they did it sooner. I could tell we all slept better not in the same room. Hearing the squeaky noises, etc. But we did Babywise and my kids were sleeping thru the night at 10 weeks and then my youngest was 7 weeks and I Bfed so the 2-3 weeks until they slept thru the night I was maybe getting up 1-2 a night. Not to bad. But mine always nursed and went rt back to sleep. That is how I trained them. Never did the jumperoo. I felt it was similar to the exersaucer and also there was so much baby stuff I did not want another thing.

Lehmansterms said...

We didn't have a jumperoo, but I'm sure my youngest would have loved it!

Both of my kids have slept in their cribs in their rooms from the first night home from the hospital. Newborns are noisy sleepers!! :)

Unknown said...

My kiddo slept in her own from the day we got home from the hospital (day 2 of her life). I couldn't sleep with her so close. I kept hearing all the little noises that babies make that don't really mean they need anything. We still can't share a room and she's 16 months old. She knows we're in there and will cry and wail for a while.

Cody Jean said...

We put Egan in his own room the first night. So I don't really have any good advice about the right time to switch.

I would NOT buy a fancy jumperoo. We bought an inexpensive one for the doorway and he LOVED it, but only for a couple months.

Susan D. said...

My twins slept in their room from their 1st night home. Our room is so close to theirs, I always felt comfortable. Plus, to try to fit 2 pack & plays in our room would have been a tight fit!

We have an exercauser, but never got a jumperoo. Maybe you could try out a friends before you bought one? They do take up a lot of room. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Hi, Kelly... Here are my experiences with your questions...
With our first baby, Cooper, my pediatrician suggested that I move him to his own room soon after 12 weeks. She said that babies are unable to form habits until then, and that it is "peak" time for a transition, the next best "peak" time would be around 2 years. We moved him at 12 weeks. Boy, was it hard, but he slept better starting the first night! (he was an every 2 hour baby, too...) he didnt start sleeping THAT much longer, but he did sleep better... With our 2nd, I was scared to death to move her into her own room. I waited to move her until she was 20 weeks...she was the same way, slept better the first night... LOTS better...I think that my husband and I are noisy sleepers/tossers & turners and that we were waking her up at night. She LOVES her crib. (Cooper loved his, too--- he'd 'dive' in at naptime, and shes already almost doing that!) Its scary to move them. You think of every possible thing that could happen--it's just one of the many, many, many times that you just have to pray and trust.
Now, the Jumperoo- We didnt have one for Cooper. But one of our cousins gave us one for Annabelle. She likes it a lot, but only for a little while. If I were you, I'd try to find a friend that had one and let Harper try it out first, before you spend the $$$ on it! I know what you mean about all the baby entertainers in your house... I feel like my living room looks like a daycare, and it's all only for one baby! I move it all into the formal living room every night, just to keep the house from looking like that, then slowly the next day it gets moved back in... :)

Fullers1006 said...

She is such a little BEAUTY! I put Pierce in the nursery the first time this week and it was so nice to be able to enjoy church although I missed him terribly! :-) I put my son in his own room at 6 weeks so I think 6 months would be perfect! I would try to borrow a jumperoo before you buy one. All babies are just soo different in the things they like! Well she is a beauty and I wish my son loved to shop as much as she does!

Lauren said...

Don't have any mother advice for you, haha, but just had to say those pictures are sooo stinkin CUTE!!! :)

Allison said...

I think all she needs is you and floor time. Babies don't need all the expensive stuff. You are your childs first and most important teacher and that is all she needs. That said I bought all the "stuff" too and my daughter didn't like any of it. Next time(if I get a next time) I will stay away from all the extras. I think you are such an inspiration to so many people and whatever you do Harper is one lucky little girl!!!!

Katie B said...

My baby was sleeping in his own bed at around 2 months...I didn't want him to get used to being near us...and has been sleeping through the night since that time too...I'm sorry things are so hard with Harper (as far as sleeping)...sleep deprivation and breastfeeding- I know all about it! It only gets better :) Do you have her taking naps in her own room yet? That might be a good starter...

as far as the jumpy thing...yes, we have one, and no, we didn't use it much...I guess it depends on the child!

Good luck!!

~aj~ said...

Hi Kelly! I know you've already received TONS of responses, but thought I'd share my 2 cents as well.

(1) Both my boys moved to their crib at around 4 months old. I tried to do most of their naps in their cribs in the month prior to the big move so they'd be used to sleeping in there. I did not feel ready either time, but was surprised at what a smooth transition it was and also surprised at how much I had missed going to bed with just me and my hubby in the room (not having to whisper and being able to watch tv together in bed, etc).

(2) The Jumparoo was a LIFESAVER with my first. A total waste of space with my 2nd. I think it's oen of those things that you never know until you try it. Do you have a friend with one that you could borrow or even test out at their house to see what Harper thinks?

Have a wonderful week!!!

ashley said...

i put audrey to sleep in her own bed when she was about a month old. i was hesitant because our bedroom is downstairs and hers is upstairs....but i was not getting any rest when i would try to fall back asleep after her feeding. she was SO noisy, i would lay there listening to her and then if i didn't hear her....that would make me start to worry. everyone was much happier with audrey in her own bed.

the other thing that was hard: our doctor told us at our 4 month apt that if she woke up in the night we should let her cry for 20-30 minutes before picking her up. that way we would give her a chance to self-soothe and put herself back to sleep.

but i know some people don't like letting their baby cry. and ultimately you just have to do what works for you! OH! and i'm so sorry this comment is so long - but audrey is just 4 months old and i've also been looking at the jumperoos, longingly. i think she would love one - i just can't imagine where it would go in this house. it already looks like i run a small daycare! :)

Julia said...

I thought I was going to wait until 6 months for solids too, but Asher's pediatrician surprised me when she said to go ahead and start them now. I can tell he needs something more because he's starting to become more fussy after feedings, like he's still hungry, and he's waking up more often at night than usual...and he's eating 5 oz. of milk at a time! :)

Also, I just finished doing a TON of research on play gyms, walkers, exersaucers. I have a Consumer Reports account and did a lot of review searching and reading and decided to order this:

Graco Mobile Entertainer Walker - Jungle Crew

Wal-Mart sells them. It is supposed to get here early next week, so I'll let you know what we think of it. It's supposed to be good because it has breaks on it that will help it remain stationary (like an exersaucer) but then can convert into a walker later on. I know some people say walkers aren't good, but we won't be using stairs, so it'll be OK for us.

I'll keep you posted on it though :)

The Allens said...

Well you've gotten a few comments (HA!) so you may not get to this one. But, we put Aaron in his crib in his own room at three weeks. To be fair, he never woke up more than twice in a night and his room is so close to us that we don't need a monitor to hear what's going on, But he has always done GREAT in his own room. I wanted him in his crib because I thought it established that this is the "Sleep Place" as compared to the bouncy or swing or pack n play that he might be in during waking times. It made me feel like we were setting a routine. When it's time to sleep, we go in here and we put on our Sound Soother and we get swaddled and we go to sleep in our crib. Anyway, it worked for us.

As far as the Jumperoo, a friend of ours let us borrow theirs since their daughter is three and they're going to wait a bit before their next one. We pulled it out Sunday (Aaron is three months old). He loved it! He wasn't able to Jump by himself, but when I made it jume he was just in Heaven. I probably won't put him in it much until he can utilize it on his own - otherwise it's just a seat alternative like the bouncy or bumbo, but I definitely think he's going to be a fan. I have a few friends that say the Jumperoo was the best thing ever!

SarahV said...

our first son (judah) was in his own room at 6 weeks! he would not sleep more than 45 minutes in his bed. it was rough. so i though my husbands snoring was keeping him up. the first night in his crib, he slept 6 hours straight and never went back. our second son (asher) is 2.5 months and is still in our room. he sleeps 6-7 hours a night no problem. so i may keep him there for a while!

you know your kid best. and remember it never hurts to try! put her in her crib and if it doesn't work out, put her back! God bless!!

Anonymous said...

My daughter is one month older than Harper. We put her in her own room at 6 weeks old and she slept so much better in there, but her room is very close to ours and I understand you not wanting her to be too far away. She has my older son's jumperoo and she has been having a blast in it for about a month now. She loves it. I like it too! We have a gazillion baby entainers too...Oh well. One of these days we will miss all the baby stuff cluttering our homes!

ml said...

I put my little girl in her own room at 4 months... she was sleeping through the night and just generally slept better in there, and so did I!
Also, I got her a jumparoo (Fisher Price Rainforest) and she absolutely LOVES it. I would maybe let her try one out first, but my daughter has been playing in one since she could hold her head up well. She is almost 10 months now and still loves it. It is great for me because I can drag it in the kitchen while I am cooking or doing dishes and she just entertains herself!

The Cates Fam said...

The exersaucer (sp?) was a wonderful addition to our home! We started putting Addison in it at about 4 months (I think). She LOVED it!!! It helped her feel really independent because she wasn't strapped to her back on anything.

As for the bed thing...we put Addison in her own bed at 2 weeks because she was such a load snorer!! No one got any sleep!

Julia said...

I cannot believe you have over 1200 unread emails, and I thought I had it bad, haha!

My thought was that I was going to wait until 6 months for solids too, and I was surprised when Asher's pediatrician told us to go ahead and start. He has been more fussy after eating and waking up more often at night, to indicate he's hungry and needs something he's a boy and I think they need more to eat! haha So we started rice cereal Saturday.

Also, I did a TON of research on exersaucers, play gyms, walkers (I also have a membership to Consumer Reports)...and the best one I could find for the Wreyford family was this one:

Graco Mobile Entertainer Walker - Jungle Crew

Wal-Mart sells them. I just ordered it and it will be in early next week, so I'll let you know how we like it. It's supposed to be great because it is stationary, but can convert to a walker that works well on carpet! :)

kristy said...

I put mine in their own crib after about a week. I sleep better when I don't hear all the little noises they make. One of my kids loved the jumpy and the other one didn't. I think it made him feel like he was falling..he didn't like the swing either which was surprising since we thought those things were absolutely necessary since my first child did so well in them. i guess it depends on the child

Kelly said...

1. 3 months for both girls

2. A MUST. Both mine loves it and we have the FUNNIEST videos of them jumping.

Millicent said...

my first two never actually slept in their crib---it was not all that fun for us.
Our little guy just got moved into his room at 3 months and it's crazy how much better he is sleeping. I was a little nervous but after the first few nights it was fine! And he loves his bed!
the jumperoo--I didn't have one for the oldest 2, but we were given one this time from someone who thinks it's the greatest invention ever!

Jamie said...

We have a very high maintanence baby girl too (6mos now). Before she was born we bought everything (or got a lot at showers): bouncy seat, exersaucer, swing, etc. She hated them all.

But she loves the rainforest bouncy seat that we borrowed from my sister. And she ADORES the rainforest jumperoo that my parents have at their house ... go figure :)

I would totally recommend the Rainforest Jumperoo. We started Abby at 4months. She loved it! We put books under her feet so she could stand and only put her in for a minute or so at a time. Now at 6 months she bounces all over the place!!!!
Good luck!
Jamie and Abby

erika said...

I put Emily in her own room at 6 months too. I don't know what the "magic" was about 6 months but it worked well for us. I too wanted to wait until she was really sleeping pretty much all night before letting her go to her own room. She did nap in her crib before that though so it wasn't "cold turkey".

We didn't get a jumparoo but I know a lot of people like them. We had an exersaucer and Emily loved it! It was my getting ready saving grace!!!! I plopped it in our room and she would play in it while I put on make-up and did my hair, got dressed, etc. I was so sad when she figured out how to flip out of it (right around when she turned one).

Good luck! I love reading your blog every day and I love the pics of Harper!!!!

Nelson's Mama said...

My daughter is 17 now so I don't have to worry about you turning me in to DCS!

We had the type of jumper that hooked over the door and we tied one of the dog's toys to it! Our sheltie would grab the toy and shake take it.

Syd was only 5-6 months old and she would laugh out loud. It's one of my best baby memories!

Diana said...

Don't get a jumper. The research shows that for every hour spent jumping it delays walking 1 day. It causes them to develop the wrong muscles in their legs. My daughter who is 2.5 never had one and was "high maintenance" and we survived without it. We had an exersaucer and that was very helpful.

My 2.5 year old slept in our room in the bassinet until she was 5.5 months and then was in her own crib after that. My 6 month old is still in my room, but we are planning the transition this week. She is my last and I am in as much of a hurry to transition this time. I would recommend getting Harper used to her crib during naps and other times, that way when you put her in there she will safe and familiar with it.

Amy said...

My baby girl slept in our room exactly one night, then she moved right across the hallway into her room. With all the grunts, and noises, no one rested. We had a johnny jump up that Landry loved. Perhaps you can find a slighty used one on ebay as to not invest a lot of money in case Harper's not a fan.

Hester 5 said...

WOW!!! That's a lot of comments already! If you even get to this are my opinions...

1. My first child I was adamant about not putting her in her own room until she was 3 months old. That, to me, was the magical age. That is what all of my friends did, etc. BUT, I just could not sleep with her in my room. She was such a noisy sleeper. So, I decided at 2 months to try her in her room...she slept through the night (the longest she had ever slept) and I slept great! Now, I will tell you something that helped me...I have one of those monitors that detects movements like breathing and if she stops breathing for 25 seconds or more, the alarm will sound. It made all the difference in the world. With my 2nd little girl (she will be 3 months old on Friday), I put her in her bed before she turned a month old! She WOULD NOT sleep in the pack n play and has been sleeping through the night (8-10 hours) since she was 6 weeks old...the very day I put her in her bed. Again, I am using the monitors.

2. Never bought the jumperoo you have pictured but Rachel (my 1st) used someone elses and absolutely LOVED IT!!!! So, that's all I have on that one!

Harper is gorgeous as always!

The Thornton Family said...

We had the Baby Eistein Jumper and my SIL had the Fisher Price Rain Forest jumper. Both our kids loved them and loved visiting each other and jumping in each other's jumper. We both started around 4 or 5 months when they could kinda be proped up. For the first little bit we had to fold ablanket behind and/or in front of them so the wouldn't slump too much. and I had to put a phonebook or pillow under it because my son was short and his feet would touch the floor on the lowest setting.
I say go ahead! We did not have an exersaucer, but my MIL had one at her house for the kids. They liked it okay, but prefered to JUMP!

Let that cutie jump!

Oh, and on the room thing. I moved my sone to his room at 4 mos (my SIL moved her daughter then also). I was nursing - she was not & just felt like it was time. My son had stopped nursing during the night, but would wake and want a bottle. I moved him so that I would not have to get up everytime since i had started back to work at that time.
In my experience, too much change at one time is alot on them. I would only change one thing a week and it seemed to work well for us.

Good luck!

Stacey in Missippi

Jenna said...

B's been in his own room for several weeks and it's great!

We have that exact jumperoo. It is a LIFESAVER. It is B's favorite, favorite thing and he spends HOURS in it.

Emily said...

Yes, on the jumperoo.

Our goal was 6 months for our first daughter, but once she started sleeping semi through the night at 4 months we moved her to her crib. Now for our 2nd daughter, who was born the day after Harper, well, she she a bit different than her big sister. But, our goal is to move her into her crib in about 2-3 weeks once we adjust her older sister to her new big girl bed. We aren't going to force the crib, but definitely are going to attempt it.

As far as starting solids.....we tried solids with our first at 6 months and she showed now interest, so I just continued to solely breastfeed and about 8 months she showed interest in food off our plate and then we just smashed up whatever we were eating. The good thing about not starting solids and just breastfeeding is less cleanup and no smelly diapers. :) Just remember breastmilk is far more superior than anything else you could ever feed her. And yes, my 2 year old is still breastfeeding right along side her baby sister. I'm kind of a breastfeeding fanatic. Too many benefits for mom and baby to give up, plus I'm just waiting for her to wean herself.

BTW....small world, we live right across from Bob and Deb and have been playing with Preston and Taylynn in the evenings. They are the cutest things and Bob and Deb are the best grandparents!

Kari said...

I didn't put my daughter completly in her own room until she was about 5 months. I read to start them out with naps to get them used to their cribs. So we did naps for about a month then we did a full night. I also got her the baby Eisnstien Jumper/excersaucer combo. She loved it and it was great if I needed to get dinner cooked or take a quick shower. Especially when she started crawling. However when she started walking she no longer wanted it. And yes I would do it all over again!

Haley said...

Hi Kelly! I love your blog. :-) This is my first time to comment.

My daughter LOVED the jumperoo. I was hesitant to get it also, because she didn't like her exersaucer at all. But she began 'jumping' at around 5-6 months and it was a lifesaver! I definitely would say that she wasn't an 'easy' baby, either.

We moved her in her room when she was just a month old. Her bedroom is right next to ours, though, and I could still hear her in there. Much different than it being across the house. Good luck!

Sarah said...

I stumbled across your blog a few months ago and have really enjoyed reading it daily! Harper is a cutie!

We just moved our daughter to her own room at about 5 1/2 months. I ended up investing in a less expensive video monitor so I could check on her without disturbing her. She was sleeping long stretches in our room and now it is hit or miss. I don't think it is b/c of her room, but b/c of trying to reach milestones. Harper's sleep patterns will probably continue to change as well. There were lots of little things to work out and now we are finally starting to get back into a better sleeping pattern.

Devin will be 6 months this week. It was right at the 4 month mark that she really started to love her Exercauser. We just bought a Jumperoo this weekend and she LOVES to bounce in it. I have a short video of it on my blog. The doorway jumper just didn't work for us. She is becoming really independent so we needed another option for places to put her so we took the plunge.

Jennjilla said...

We put our kiddo in his own room at 3 weeks...which is kinda early, but we ALL slept better! If you haven't already, purchase a video monitor - that will help you with anxiety. Next baby will go straight into their room, we are not waiting!

We did not buy a jumparoo. The cost + the time the baby actually wants to use it = not worth it in my book. We bought one of those jumpers that you can hook to a door frame and that worked just fine for the 3 weeks Saw actually liked it. I'd recommend that instead.

Have a great week!

Amy said...

Coming from a mom of four, you can definately get overwhelmed by all the big "stuff" for little ones. I would vote to borrow or buy used for anything from here on out. Most of the time these things are short lived, so full price is not worth it. With my fourth we had an exersaucer and that was it. Of course she had her three brothers to keep her entertained! I know I am old fashioned, I like to watch my kids learn to entertain themselves, even at Harper's little age. People are amazed that my boys can make a game out of anything, entertain themselves in the car without videos or video games, etc. (We do watch videos on super-long trips.) Just my two cents, their little phases go so quickly at this age, she will be on to something else really soon, so keep it simple.
I think you all have a pretty big JUst Between Friends sale, I used them a lot when we lived in Tulsa and OKC, so you might check that out for quality used items.

Aimee said...

My son was a really bad sleeper so he didn't make it in his own room until he was 2...his choice,not mine!! My daughter started sleeping through the night at 2 1/2 mo. so we put her in her own room at about 3 mo. The bassinet was starting to get a little small for her.

I had a jumperoo for both of my kids...they loved it! I'd recommend it.

Stephanie Wood Smith said...

My 7 month old still sleeps in a crib in my bdrm. His nursery is all the way on the other side of the house. I'm not comfortable yet letting him sleep so far away! I introduced solids at 5 1/2 months but wasn't consistent with it until he was 6 months old. We got him a jumperoo at 4 months old. He really started using it more close to 5 months and now he's a pro :)

Amber said...

I got my son a jumperoo and he LOVES it. He's a year old and still uses it when I need to shower or something. From about 5-10 months it was his favorite thing to do. About the own room thing...i've read 6 months is a good age. If you wait too much longer, it's harder.

Taryn said...

My son went into his own room at 5 months because he couldn't fit in the co-sleeper anymore :o) Ha ha!

And I got him a jumperoo- it was the best investment out of all the toys I bought. Started using it at 7 months but probably could've started at 5 or 6. If you stand her on your legs and she tries to bounce up and down I think it's a wise investment. It will tire her right out! We loved ours!

Kathy said...

I had a son and then b/g twins 20 mos later. None of them liked the jumper things for doorways. They did *love* those exersaucers, though. Sleeping in their iwn rooms began at about 8 weeks for my oldest and probably 4 weeks for the twins. They slept better in there...I swear!

Suesan said...

Hi Kelly, with my daughter I had the old fashioned exersaucer & for my son I wanted him to have one of those fancy jumperoo's ...he prefers the exersaucer by a big margin!! i dont know if it is because he feels less closed in or what but he stays in the exersaucer for hours, the jumperoo maybe 15 minutes

Jennifer said...

I tried to comment once and I didn't see it, so if you get this twice ingnor this one!:)

We put Brody in his crib around 3 weeks at night.We started him in his crib for naps though the first week to help with the transition. He didn't start sleeping through the night until 10 or 11 weeks so Josh would just bring him to me in bed in the middle of the night to let me feed him. Anytime he has to sleep in the same room as us now he wakes up all night long to eat. It's crazy! I think he knows the food is right there! You know what's best for you and Harper though. Don't move her until you are ready!

No jumperoo at our house, but Brody loves the one at the childcare area at the gym I workout at. He uses it just about every morning!

Love B&P said...

Brice slept with us (in our bed) until he was 6 weeks old.

We moved him into his nursery about 2 weeks shy of him turning 6 months old.

We have an exersaucer (we bought that around 3 mos of age) and a jumperoo - Santa brought that. He was 4 months old at Christmas. We got a good 4.5 months of use out of it. He started crawling at 7.5 months and pulling to stand at 8.5 months - at that point both forms of "containment entertainment" became off-limits for him - he would cry, twist his body around, etc any time we went to put him into either.

He is now 9 months old - so both items are being taken out of the toy room and placed into the attic until our next bundle of joy arrives (late Dec).

Good luck!

Audrey said...

hey kelly!!! LOVE your blog!! i've been reading for awhile. i thought i would answer your two questions. about the first one. i had my first baby, jack, in late october. we didn't move him into his own room until end of march or first of april. for several reasons. one being that we tried before & he just wasn't ready. another was that, i was nursing & it was so much easier to pick him up from his bassinette then get up & walk to his room!! and the third, in all honesty, was b/c i was super nervous. i felt so much safer & comfortable knowing i could just sit up in bed & see him right beside me in his bassinette. it was kinda hard for me to let go & trust the Lord by putting him far away in his room!! he still sleeps in our room from time to time. especially right now, b/c he is sick.
about the 2nd question. i found the rainforest jumperoo at a baby consignment shop in my area. i live just outside the memphis area, in MS. i got it for $30, it was in great shape, so i took it home & cloroxed it really well. my son was around 5 months when i first got it. he would only sit in it for about 10 minutes & then he was frustrated. but now, he's 7 months, & he absolutely loves it. it will usually entertain him for about 45 minutes, which is a lot to a mom!!!! i think it was worth the investment. but if you don't want to spend the $80 then i would suggest looking at a consignment shop, garage sale, ebay or craigslist. you can always clean it really well!!
hope that helps you some!! little harper is just a doll. i know my jack would definitely have a crush on her!!!!

Audrey W

Connie said...

Our daughter just turned 7 months and is still in her pack 'n' play in our room...but we are transferring to a new base in 2 weeks so that's mainly the reason why. We decided to wait till we're set up in our new place to start a new routine!

We started her on cereal and baby food at 5 months. Our pediatrician said that you'll know when they're ready...they REALLY watch you eat and drink like they're curious!!

We have the Baby Einstein Jumperoo and Emily Rhyse LOVES it!! It is such a life saver!! My heart has filled w/such joy watching her learn new things in her jumperoo!! So for us it was well worth the money!!

Deepa said...

Dear Kelly, I've been reading your blog ever since Harper was taken to the NICU. I have a 2.5 month old baby and I really want to know what you have decided about putting Harper in her room and the Jumparoo. We live in India and there aren't many baby toys available here. I want to know if a Jumparoo is worth a buy... so let me know through your blog!!!

Oh.. and do visit mine if you have the time!!

God bless u!!

(p.s I can't wait for my lil one to begin sunday school!!! or even Church nursery for that matter!! Now she sleeps in her carseat cum rocker beside us at church and then I take her to the nursery for a feed inbetween)

The Wisers said...

Our little one was in his big boy room at 3 1/2 months. We didn't sleep well when he was right next to us in his bassinet...every movement and noise would make me look to see if needed feed, rolled over, or was uncomfortable. Baby monitors are amazing and pick up really EVERY sound. We thought about doing a video monitor but we realized it would be the same thing as having him next to us...and looking every time we heard anything. The funny thing was he slept WAY more soundly in his crib once we made the move!!

The jumperoo is GREAT. It was nice for him to do something independent. He loved the view from his jumperoo and would often just sit and watch us get things done. He also would jump jump jump and laugh and laugh at how funny he was. I too had other baby entertainers that did not get any use (swing, bouncy chair, etc...) but something about the jumperoo really grabbed Jonah's attention.

p.s. Switching to his big boy crib was way harder for me!!!

Gene and Annie said...

Just thought I might add my two cents even though it might have already been said or not?? I didn't have time to read through all the comments. My kids love the jump-a-roo but it might be nice to try it out first at someone else's house. Sometimes it does take them a while to get used to those toys. As for sleeping, every child is different and every family, so whatever you end up doing will be great for Harper. For my kids, though, they always end up sleeping better in their own room and with the monitor I could still hear them fine. In fact, I think it helped them sleep through the night faster because they would learn to settle on their own. But you do what is best for you and Harper! She's a beauty!

Me and My Boys said...

Hi Kelly-just thought I'd put my two cents in here too! My boys absolutely loved the jumparoo! With my first son I didn't find out about it's magic powers till he was 8 months old, but boy after that they were inseparable. With my second son, I started putting him in it when he was able to hold his head up really well (around 4/5 months). He would play for hours-literally-at a time. The jumparoo was the only way that I could take a shower, go to the bathroom or cook.
Happy jumping!

Karla and Edmond Long said...

Hi Kelly! I love reading your blog! Harper is precious! I put my 7 month old, Riley, in his own bed at about 3 months of age. I feel that he slept better and we slept better. People always told me that the sooner you do it, the easier the transition will be for them. have to do what's best for you!!! I have had to remember that in all of the decisions that we've had to make!

We haven't tried the jumper yet, but you'll have to let me know if you get it and it works!
Karla Long

April said...

The jumperoo was the hot new baby item when my little girl was born. I kept her with me at work and had the jumperoo in my office...let me tell you, that thing was a life saver! It does take up alot of room, though. I'm actually trying to get rid of the thing now, I wish you lived closer and you could have it!

Laura said...

I put our son in his own room at 2.5 months. I would put Harper in her own room before six months because at six months something happens! THEY BECOME SOOOOOO AWARE! It will be SOOO much more difficult if you wait. I would start putting her in there now.

As far as the jumperoo, Ian loved his, but we only used it until he started crawling. When he started crawling, he didn't want to be in it anymore. He wanted to get down and GO!

Cami & Co said...

For some reason we're not sure of my son was very behind on crawling and then walking. His leg muscles just were strong and we have no idea why. I got out our Jumperoo that we actually bought at a yard sale for my daughter and within a week Dominik was showing signs of improvment Once he figured out what to do and his muscle tone improved he LOVED it.

Cami in CO

vera said...

I moved my kids to their own room at eight weeks, which is exactly when they started sleeping through the night. For some reason we all just slept better when we weren't right next to each other. But our nursery was right off our bedroom (with a door connecting them). When they woke up around 5-6 am, I would go get them, put them in bed with me to nurse them and then snooze with them for another hour or two.

We never had the jumperoo.

Robin said...

We just started putting Caleb in his room at night this weekend. It is really close to our room and we have a video monitor, so really it's like he's in our room because we can hear him and see him! ha!

tgillock said...

I loved the Jumperoo for my kids (all 3) and with each of my daughters, I moved them into their rooms when they were between 4 and 5 months old.

Kim said...

Our son was in his room from the day we brought him home from the hospital. There were a few nights here and there where we would use our co-sleeper in our bed, but we just figured that if we had to transition him anyway we might as well do it right from the start. We all had better sleep I think because of it because I can still hear his noises if our door is open and he is down the hall.

We used a johnny jump up that was given to us. Our son liked it but probably not until he could really get moving, about 9 months or so.

the tichenor family said...

As always Harper is precious... we moved our son Carson to his own crib at 4 months. Not to discourage you, but he didn't start sleeping thru the night (10+ hours) until he was 15 months old. If 6 months if "your age" then stick with what feels right for you and your baby girl.

As for the jumperoo, we DID have one. The Fisher Price Rainforest Jumper. He LOVED it. Believe it or not, he used to jump to his little heart's content and fall asleep in there. Every baby is different. It seems that while one baby LOVES one thing, another couldn't stand it. Again, you'll have to see what Miss Harper thinks, but for our family, it was a hit!

Best of luck, continued prayers and blessings for your sweet little family!

Robyn said...

The bouncers are great..I would say you are safe to get one because even if she is not one of those kids that adores it, it will at least be good for sometimes, change of pace. Also I recommend the johnny jump up that hang in the doorway. But don't waste your money on the cloth cheap kind, you need the kind with the hard plastic tray and actual springs. I know has them.

Sleeping in the room...mine have always stayed with me (bassinet and then crib in room) with me until they went to a big girl room. I know people do it all the time but I just found I needed my rest to be a good mommy and I worried more with her across the house. If there were a fire, intruder, etc I just knew she was across the room. And she slept great, didn't bother us at all. Plus those times when she would get a bad cold, fever, etc, it didn't really disrupt things because she was already in our room. But if you do put her across the house, invest in a video can even plug it in to view on your bedroom tv to check on her.

She is too cute these days!!!!

BrookesMommy said...

Hi Kelly! My name is Libby, from PA...

My daughter, Brooke, will turn 9 months this week! Her Daddy and I starting transitioning her to crib at 3 months.

I had a C-section, so she stayed in our room mainly so that I didn't have to get up and down in so much pain.
I think her 'move' was more painful for me thank it was for her. I can honestly tell you that she slept much more soundly in her own room!
She especially liked special lullabyes that we could play in her room - Daddy wasn't really into that in our room! HaHa...

The transition was a slow one, and I would be lying if I said that she never came back to our room. If she was having a bad night, we'd bring her back with us, but never more than 1 night in a row!

They just have to learn some independence and that you'll never leave them - so as hard as it might be for her to NOT be right beside you, she'll learn to love her own bed and a good night's sleep!

Never had a jumperoo - Brooke did all of her jumping in the exersaucer!

NovelTeaMommy said...

We received the Baby Einstein Activity Jumper for a baby shower gift. Max LOVED it. It was the only thing that he played at happily for an extended period of time. That kid loved to bounce!

Also, he didn't sleep throught the night consistently until he was 10 months old, so from about 5 months on he spent some nights in his bed, some nights with us, some nights in both places : ) It still happens that he sleeps with us once in a while, but for the most part he is in his bed now (as he should be at 13 months!)

Melanie and Josh said...

my son jack was moved to his own room at 3 months...and I think I remember sleeping better at that point, even though he didnt sleep through the night until 6 far as the jumperoo or anything like that...beg to borrow one from someone for a while, or even just use it at someone elses house for the afternoon....see if she likes it at all, then decide!

Cassie said...

My twin boys loved their jumperoo. They would jump in it for hours, but I also have a little girl and she absolutely hated sitting in the jumperoo. She did, however, like standing and playing with the toys and listening to the music. I put the twins in it at about 6 or 7 months old. Also, the twins slept in their own room at about 4 months and my daughter at about 5 months. You just have to go by when you feel is the right time. Only you can judge that. You can always try putting her in her own bed at nap time to start out with and see how she does. I hope this was helpful.


Kristen and Andy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brittany and Charlie-Social Butterfly said...

My daughter is 9 months. Be careful with the not moving her to her room till 6 months. They say at 3-4 months is when they begin to actually recognize there surrounding so you don't want her to not like her room. As for the jumparoo thing my daughter LOVED it! I have a video on my blog of her jumping away. We did it around 5months I think and on. She liked to feel like she was standing and the bouncing. You can try a kids resale store first to see if you can get one for less? Hope that helps! Love you blog!!! Harper is adorable:)

Kristen and Andy said...

We moved our daughter to her own room when she was about 4 months - we were all ready. She was such a noisy sleeper from the time she was born - we even nicknamed her 'little piggy' b/c of all the noises she would make while sleeping. By that age, I knew her sounds well enough to be comfortable with her not sleeping right beside me in her crib and still know she was ok. We still use the monitor for her and she's now 19 months old. Just that added security for mom I

As far as the jumper - we never originally bought one - I too, already had all the baby gear we thought we needed and honestly we were running out of room. She loved her exersaucer so I figured that was enough. When she was switched to the next room at daycare at 6 months, they had a jumperoo and she LOVED it. So of course I broke down and decided to get her one. However, I quickly realized that I didn't want to spend another $80 on a short lived toy. I ended up finding a Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo on craigslist for $25 - you couldn't even tell it had been used. I just wiped it down and away she went - it was a LIFESAVER. That thing would keep her entertained forever - and not to mention the added benefit of wearning her out from all the jumping. It was wonderful for us. But like so many others, I would also agree that if you can buy it used or borrow it - it makes much more sense - they are used for such a short time and take up a lot of space.

Hope this helps :)

p.s. Harper is such a doll - I can't believe how big she is getting....where does the time go?

Carol said...

Wow, so many comments already! I don't know if you'll read mine, but I put each of my kids in their own rooms when they were 3 months old. I figured that if I wasn't available on demand, possibly they would go back to sleep on their own. As a result, my kids were always put down to sleep while they were awake and all fell asleep on their own! At around 7 months, they develop separation anxiety from you, so I wouldn't wait too long to introduce a new room. The longer you wait, the greater the chances it would frighten her. Just my opinion. :)

Amy G said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now (and I just love it) and it seems that our babies had the same sleep pattern, waking every 1-2 hours to eat. My little one continued this pattern all the way up to 12 months! He was just not a naturally good sleeper and I didn’t help because I just taught him that it was ok to wake up that often and that I would be his crutch to get back to sleep. In our situation, we started putting him in his room at about 4 months, but he would always end up in our bed before the night was over b/c I needed my sleep. Finally I had enough (b/c I work full time and was just so tired) that I was in search of a sleep solution and we found it (after trying many different programs). It was called 3 day sleep (done by a doula) and really in about a week he was sleep through the night from 7pm to 5am without us ever going in his room, it was great and I was a changed person. After 12 months of never getting a full night sleep, I was sleeping at least 7 hours straight! Of course you have to find what is right for you, but you can start this solution at 4 months. But I would recommend waiting until she is on solids, then you know she is not hungry when she wakes and wants to eat at night. The reason I am suggesting this is because no matter what age you put her in her room, if she not a naturally good sleeper, you will be up all throughout the night. So if you find that is her, I would suggest this program or one that works for you. I hope this helps, I know it has helped a few of my co-workers in the same situation.

Aaron, Lacey, Audrey and Elle said...

My daughter never slept through the night in our room in a pack n play. She woke up every 2-3 hours, so we finally decided to try her crib in her room one night and she loved it. I remember that first night she slept from 8pm to 8am without waking. And she's done it every night since then too - and she's now 10 months old. She never really liked the jumper. She started crawling at 6 months old so she liked being down on the floor exploring everything ;)

lona said...

my son went to his own room/crib at 3 months when he started sleeping throught the night. he slept even better when we did that!!
he also LOVED the jumperoo!!! it saved me my sanity also...ha! it would keep him entertained for hours and made his legs so strong! look on your local craigslist...they are about $25-45 on there and you can wash everything on them and save a lot of $!!
harper is SOOO adorable!!!
i just love reading your blog and seeing all her darling pics!!

Sara Blackburn White said...

Love your blog!! Do you have any friends that can loan you one to try or to use?? I think its the BEST thing ever- Jumperoo;)
Jack my son didnt like anything else- sounds like Harper- loved being out and about...not so much on the swing, bouncy seat, excersaucer- hated them all until the beloved Jumperoo- He had so much fun and would even fall asleep in it. Just beware- all my girlfriends that used this with their kids- had EARLY walkers;)

Deborah Anne Whitfield said...

I have a 10 month old and she was in her room from day one. She has always been in her own room. To me start her off there and then you dont have to work on getting her there and she use to having you in the room with her. Get a video monitor to be able to keep your eyes on her at all times. It worked well for me and my little girl sleeps great!!

Melanie said...

1. Ours moved at about 2 months, BUT it was not across the house AND we had been sleeping (me on the couch, them in a bassinet) in the living room so that arrangement was not the best anyway! (Our bedroom just didn't work for babies ever.) I think whenever it is, it will take some getting used to...

2. We borrowed a jumper from friends and my now 1 year old LOVED it until he became mobile. Mine never liked the swing, but loved the jumper, so that gave me somewhere to put them to get a moment with my arms free when I needed it! We never had the one you put in the doorway, but I've had friends who loved it, and it might be a good solution b/c you can take it down, move it, doesn't take up much space.

kb's blogspot said...

Mayzie loved her jumperoo. She got one at about 6 months and only used it for about 3 months total. Once she started crawling, she didn't want any part of it. I kinda felt like it was a waste of money, since those things are kind of expensive. Although she laughed and giggled alot in it. She went to her own room on day 2 home from the hospital. She was an excellent sleeper, so it made it easy to move her, and her room is only across the hall. Best of luck on the big 6 month mark!

Amber Filkins said...

I'd definitely recommend the Bright Starts exersaucer. It's from Walmart, and it's PINK!! My daughter loved it. It has different height adjustments. The bottom panel that they stand on also gives way for a little bouncing, but helps them to learn to stand as well. After all, they're not going to go through life bouncing all the time. {Unless you're my 2 year old}. And it's only $30. It's so cute!

Robyn said...

Oh and also.....about smelling your milk and other comments I've doctor told me with my third that the Academy of Pediatrics had changed its recommendation to sleeping \in the same room until 6 months for breastfeeding babies. I don't know all the reasons behind this but may be worth researching.

Leigh said...

I have never left a comment before, but I LOVE your blog! I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old and I feel like I have learned tons from you! And I also really want to thank you for a post you wrote several months back and you said something about "part-time stay at home moms". That is what I am and until I read that, I was always so sad that I wasn't a real "SAHM", but since then I have just had a whole new outlook on it all. Thank you! Sorry this is so long. Now on to my comments...
We had the door Johnny Jump Up and neither one of them really just loved it (until we were trying to use it for our son when he was 6 months old - and we discovered that our 2 1/2 year old daughter could get in it by herself and "fly like tinker bell"!) At that point we quickly took it down and put it away!!
About the sleeping arrangements... to be perfectly honest, they both still sleep in our room. I had the plans of moving them at 4 months, then 6 months, then for sure by one year. I could just never do it. I had so much guilt about it forever because friends and everyone would say we HAD to move them. After Aiden was born, I just stopped caring what everyone else thought, because it worked for us and that is what really mattered. Now they both have toddler beds on either side of our bed and the princesses and Diego don't match our zebra print, but I'm ok with that. Soon enough they will be wanting to be in their own space. I know that I am WAY in the minority on this and that is fine, but I would say just do what works for you and your family and don't worry about it! Thank you again for sharing!!

Diana said...

Hi Kelly! I love reading your blog and all about little Harper! We moved my daughter into her own room when she was 4 months old since I stopped nursing at 3 1/2 months. Her room was right next door to ours so it made it easier and we also have a video monitor so it made it easier. Now, she is across the house from us and that video monitor really puts my mind at ease!
The jumperoo is a MUST from my point of view! Berkley LOVED her jumperoo and I think it really helped her developmentally! We started putting her in it when she was 3 1/2 months old and she just took off from there. She has been crawling since she was 7 months old and is now 9 and isn't far from walking! My sister is expecting in August and I told her that a jumperoo is a must! So that is my advice to you! Hope this helps!


Courtney, Jeff, Ayla & Leah said...

I believe it was around 3-4 mo. Most ppl say their baby ends up sleeping through the night better once in their own room? My newest is almost 2 mo, and I think Im going to try it around 3 mo again. We'll see how that goes? Good LUCK. Just pray and know God has a plan for little Harper.

Mrs.Shu said...

My nephew had that exact one that you pictured and couldn't have loved it more. I swear he would jump so hard I thought for sure he was going to jump right out. A solid investment....he liked it better that the saucer

Sara said...

i don't have a jumproo but use a jolly jumper they are great too and aren't as big or take up a lot of room. I didn't have one for my first wish i did. used it for my 2nd and my 3rd they go in a different ages because of length and size as my son quickly out grew the swing. I think around 3 months or so they went in if not younger. Exersausers are good too my baby now loves it same age as Harper loves the jolly jumper too. She is in a room with another sibling and doing great each kid is diff my first was 6 months 2nd 6 weeks and 3rd 4 months when they slept in a room on there own . oldest didn't sleep well and up alot so always ended up in our roomm in her own bed, Do what works the best for you. AS you know your baby best and what works best .

love all your photos Harper is adorable and you look great too

chrisandtif said...

Our son, Eli is just a few days older than your little Harper. I am looking on craigslist to find a jumperoo or something like one. Thay way I won't feel bad if he really doesn't like it.
Also, Eli is still in our room. We have an Arm's Reach Co-sleeper and we LOVE IT! I can't begin to think about moving him yet because it is so nice to have him right beside us! But, we are planning for around the 6 month mark too.

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

OK, Harper just gets so much sweeter with every single post. Your Mom's comment was so sweet. Ah how these grand kids turn our parents into mush. Have a wonderful Monday!

Seashellsterr said...

I don't have kids (yet), but our close friends put their daughter in her own room at 6 months. They said it worked really well to do that in addition to starting solids. She was able to sleep for longer sections at a time.


Mary Avery said...

LOVE the jumperoo but I can't remember what age. Hmm...5 months? Anyway, JM loved it so much and would just laugh and laugh and jump so high. Also, I cried when it was time to put JM all the way over on the other side of the house. It was more sad for me than him. It feels far away, but then it will feel like freedom to you after a while. It was apparent he was not comfy anymore in the pack n play at around 5 months!

Ashley said...

Evy slept in her bouncy seat for the first 4 weeks of life but then we put her in her crib--she didn't like sleeping in the pack and play, so we figured, well, she might as well get used to the crib! She started sleeping through the night (give or take some exceptions) at around 2 1/2 months, and I think she actually likes her own space. We sleep with our door and her door open (our house is pretty small so we can hear everything). It's nice because you don't hear every single little whimper, and I don't interrupt her sleep by picking her up too soon. I say give it a try! :o) xoxo!

kim_brough said...

Wow! SK is just turing one? She has so much hair!! My best friends son will be one next Sunday and he only has 3 hairs-- we call him Homer Simpson. Well, I do, ha.

No help on the moving to the room; all my friend did it the day they came home from the hospital!

Jessica Crozier said...

Kelly, I've been reading your blog about your sweet family for awhile now, but haven't ever commented! I just thought I'd give you my 2 cents on your questions. Regarding the got A LOT of use between my 2 kids. Well worth the purchase! As for sleeping in their rooms, Emma was actually 3 weeks, and Mason was 7 weeks. It was odd how ALL of us slept better. Mason started sleeping through the night right after we moved him. Also, my daughter has some medical issues and so our best purchase was a video monitor (from Summer brand?) around $90. Gave us a lot of peace of mind. Best of luck!
Jessica in AZ

Anonymous said...

All of our foster babies have always slept in their own rooms and never in the same room as us. The few times we had to put them in our room they woke up in the middle of the night and woke us up. In their own room if they wake up and look around and were not there they just go right back to sleep on their own. Plus, I sleep better not hearing the little sounds they make while sleeping. 7:30 is the magic bedtime for all our brood under 5 years old. They all sleep 7:30-7 every day! It's amazing! Lol

Most of my kids never liked the jumpers much. The exersaucers they like so much better. I always had to engage them in the jumpers while as in the exersaucer they play on their own so much better.

Jennifer said...

John Alden loves his bouncer! He has the one you have shown in your post. I am also a stay at home mom and he is a "HOLD ME" baby too. SO for me spending $100 to have about an hour and somedays more time to just watch him jump was so worth it!!! The other night he was jumping and would fall asleep then he would wake up and start jumping like crazy he did it on and off for a while it was the funniest thing ever! you can see a picture on my blog here...

Have a great wk!!!

Lauren said...

Get the Jumperoo. Get it now. She'll go into orbit she'll jump so much.

Amy said...

Both of my kids moved into their own rooms around 3 months. They slept SO much better in there. I started putting them down for naps in the crib a couple of weeks before I was ready to transition them and it worked like a charm. It was REALLY difficult with the first baby but the 2nd one was much easier. I just know it made a difference in their sleeping, though.

Hope that helps! :)


Heather said...

I put my first two babies in their own bed from the first night. But my third baby I didn't have a room for her so she slept in the cradle next to us. It last for about twelve weeks. I just couldn't take all of her noises. She would make grunting noises,like she was going to wake up soon, and I didn't want my husband to wake up.
So I would just get up and feed her. Well when I put her in her own room I didn't hear the little noises and she never woke up!!!

Amber said...

I live in a very small apartment, so i bought the Johnny Jumper, (you know, the one that hangs from the doorway)I think we started using it when our baby was about 6 months. It takes up a lot less room, and is much cheaper.
Harper is an Angel!!
Amber (Las Vegas)

Team Davis said...

I think I'm your 323rd poster so you might not need anymore advice, but I decided to go ahead and give it anyway. :) Keep her in your room as long as you like!! :) My son turns 1 next month and we kept him until he was 4 1/2 months. I wanted to keep him with us until he was sleeping through the night, but he didn't do that until about 6 months and I was going back to work and needed to be able to sleep. That is also when we started supplementing the breastmilk with some formula so my husband could do some overnight feedings as well. I just think it is easier to keep her in your room when you have to keep feeding her during the night, but that is my opinion. :)
We got a jumperoo in addition to the exercauser and our son loved it! It was nice to be able to go back an forth between the two so he didn't get bored as easliy while I cleaned or did other house work. This is the one we got. It is a little more expensive but it has so much to do (it was from Santa!) :)
Good luck!

The Greenfields said...

not that you need anymore input, but Noah moved out of our room after 3 nights- he was wayyyyy too noisy for me. I woke up at every sound and was desperate for better sleep

i love "babywise" stuff (you don't have to go to major cry-it-out extremes! i only did what I was comfortable with- not what the book said) i also LOVE "secrets of a babywhisperer", who gives GREAT advice on scheduling without doing CIO. she really helps you understand YOUR specific child and doesn't offer a one size fits all approach! It's GREAT!

my son LOVED the johnny jumper, and i agree with those who have said it's easy to take down and get out of the way when you need/want to. he would stay in the jumper for up to an hour sometimes!!! it was awesome! that and the exersaucer saved my sanity from 4-7 months old! Harper is the perfect age for these things- esp. if she has good head control.

you are a GREAT mom!

Jess said...

My daughter is almost 10 months right now but I put her in her own room at 3 or 4 months. It was tough at first and I'm pretty sure we would wake up every other hour to check on her but I'm so thankful we did! It's changed our lives for the best!

We were given a jumperoo very similar to the one you are showing and she began using it right before she turned 4 months. IT WAS SO AWESOME TO HAVE!!! She had a lot of fun with it and it was hysterical to watch her. She outgrew it at about 8 months or so.

You're daughter is a doll! :o)
God Bless!

Rachel said...

We put our son, Drew, in his own room at around 3 months. Maybe more like 2 months. It's all a blur now.
We had an exer-saucer and a Johnny Jump Up for our little man. He loved them both. The Exer-Saucer was very handy especially since my husband and I are both educators. It was easy to put Drew in and let my play while we got ready in the mornings.
Hope this helps!

Leah said...

LOVE the Jumperoo. We got one at a garage sale (my friend) and the music didn't even work, but my Tyler LOVED it. He was not too keen on the exersaucer like my other two had been. It is worth the investment, but see if perhaps a friend is finished with theirs.
We moved Lindsey to her own room at 2 months, but we were in an apartment and she was right next door to us (and I slept in the bed in her room for the first month), Trey slept in our room until he was 5 months and I loved every second of it, and Tyler got booted at 3 weeks ... he was a light sleeper and we were waking him up all night every time we would move and he would not go back to sleep. So frustrating! :)

Snoodle Family said...

My daughter liked her jumperoo for awhile, but not for a long time. We got it as a gift, but we would not have purchased it ourselves just because it did not last long for our daughter and she was not "in love" with it.
Our daughter was in her own room at three months, It worked out well with the baby monitor. Go with your gutt, though! :)

Unknown said...

We put put daughter in her own room the day she came home from the hospital. Then I would go where ever in the house to nurse her at night. As for the Jumperoo, we only had an exersaucer, our friends had the Jumperoo, and their son used it so much that he is now delayed in walking, and is in therapy for his hip bones turning out. No they aren't bad parents and didn't leave him in there for hours on end! So just be careful I guess!

Gail said...

My only advice would be to be careful not to try to many new things at once. She may become overwhelmed and crabby!

Unknown said...

I got my little boy a jumperoo and he just loved it! Maybe Harper will, too!

Jennifer said...

My daughter is now a little over 3 months old, and we put her into her crib in her own room about a month ago. She is a very restless sleeper and would not sleep in her pack-n-play at all. Moving her into her own room was much easier on her than it was for me emotionally! We have a video monitor system that allows me to watch her in her bed and hear her movements and noises, but I've learned to sleep through most of her grunts and other sounds unless it's a cry. She is now sleeping 7-9 hour stretches at night which is great! I know it's a big step, but our doctor encouraged us to do it early because he said the longer you wait, the harder it is.

roadrunner201 said...

1. Jude is 8 months old and still sleeps in the cosleeper in our room. The thing is, he will sleep through the night for a few days, then he won't for a few days and so on. I REALLY don't feel like getting up out of bed to get him, so in the cosleeper all I have to do is reach over next to me and pull him over. I'm HOPING I will be able to put him in his room by 1 year!

2. We have a saucer, so I see no point in getting a jumparoo. Didn't I read that you have a saucer for her? I agree with you about not wanting baby stuff to take over the house!

Brenna,Jake & Kinley's Mommy said...

First of all I love your blog! Secondly we have a two year old daughter Brenna and a 4 month old son, Jacob. We moved Brenna to her own room at about 2 months and the same with Jacob. Jacob actually began to sleep through the night more consistently after we moved him, I think because he wasn't hearing all of our noises like the TV and daddy snoring. He now sleeps pretty much 9 to 10 hour stretches at night. This has been a wonderful blessing.

We bought a Jumperoo for our daughter when she was little and she loved it, but she also loved the exersaucer at her Grandma's house. If you already have an excersaucer, I am not so sure I would spend the money on the jumperoo. Brenna didn't really enjoy these things until she was past 5 or 6 months old. So hang in there, someday Harper will let you get something done, and then she will be 2 and will want to help you with everything.

Sarah said...

We put my son in his own room on Day One home from the hospital...however, our house was small and we could hear every little peep from our bedroom.

As for the jumparoo, we borrowed one from a friend. I would HIGHLY recommend borrowing whatever big items you can from other people, simply because you don't know if your child will love it or hate it. If she just falls in love with it (and your friend needs it back) you could always get one later. But, my son thought it was fun for a while and then was over it. I just returned it to a friend and we were good.

Love reading your blog! Thanks for your uplifting posts!

thejennings said...

We put both of our little girls in their own room at 4 weeks. I am a light sleeper and anytime they would grunt I would wake up. Also, they were just good sleepers, so all of us slept better when they went into their own room. But, since you are still breastfeeding I could understand keeping her in your room longer! You just have to do what is best for you and Harper!

AS far as the Jumperoo, my first little girl didn't like it. But, my second little girl is only 3 months, so I am planning on bringing it out in the next 2 months and I am praying she will love it!!! Good luck, I hope you find something that will entertain her and give you a little break, every Mama needs some breaks in their day!

Ashley said...

My baby girl slept in her own crib, own room on the very first night home from the hospital! We both slept much better that way. On the occasions when we all have to sleep in the same room (like vacation) she sleeps very lightly and poorly- she likes her privacy, I guess.

I got a door jumper- didn't take up any room, easy to take from room-to-room, or over to a friends house- I would try that!

Bourg Family said...

Hadley slept in a bassinet until she was around 6 months old because it was wedged in between our bed & the wall. She still ends up in our bed several nights out of the week. We didn't get her a jmperoo, but bought the activity table that the seat goes around. She hated being confined to the, but loved to pull up on it & play with the table. Still does...Of course, Hadley hated the bouncy seat, swing, & tummy time mat too. Good luck. Sounds like you have a precious little diva, I mean angel like we do. They're wonderful aren't they?!?!?

Robin said...

Jumparoo all the way!! Our little guy LOVES it!!!!! We had exersaucers with our other 2 children and while they were fun for them, out newest son started using his jumparoo around 4 months and just screams with joy everytime he uses it.

Anonymous said...

when you're a mom, i say the fewer transitions, the easier it is. the older harper gets, the more of her surroundings, she'll be. my oldest daughter (her name is harper, too...i know that probably annoys you, haha) was in her room as soon as i was able to walk across the house (i had a c-section)...i think when she was about 4 weeks. she did great in there, although i do remember a few nights of sleeping on the floor because i was sick of going back and forth from my room to hers. my second daughter (layne)was in our room until she was 6 months because we didn't want her to keep harper up, but as soon as we figured out that harper could sleep through layne's crying, we left them in the room together. i sleep SO much better without a baby in the room with me. honestly, though, it will be hard to put her in her own room, but the sooner you do it, the easier it'll be on both of you. good luck with your's times like those that i wish God delivered babies with a custom instruction manual tied around their waist. :)

Anonymous said...

ps. we have a really small place, so we got the jumper that hooks to the door frame...both my girls LOVED it!

Ashley said...

Harper sounds EXACTLY like my Ava. She always has sounded like Ava.
VERY high maintenance.
VERY social.
Loved the stroller...if it was moving.
Loved the car...if it was moving.
We wasted all kinds of money on big baby machines. None of which she cared for. All she wanted to do was move around. I recommend a mai tei and just put her front facing on you and as she gets older, on your back.
Also, we thought we wanted Ava in our room until 16 (ha!). But we opted for 5.5 months when I came to the realization that her pack n play was too hard and uncomfortable to sleep in.
The VERY NIGHT we put her in her crib, she slept all the way through...and never looked back! Good luck!!

Rachel said...

The pictures are too cute!

1. Bedroom -- They probably went full time into the nursery at about 4 months. I'm pretty sure, after getting them on a nap schedule, I put them in the crib for naps and started them off in the crib at bedtime. I'd usually just pull them with me if they woke up in the middle of the night.

2. Jumperoo - I bought one of those tigger ones that hangs from the doorway. If you don't want to spend the money, you might see if the have one at church she could try out or at a friends house. Try before you buy is my philosophy :P

Mary said...

Hi Kelly! My FIL got my boy a jumperoo for Christmas when he was 4 months old - he really started enjoying it around 6 and now, at 9 months he loves it and I love it because it burns a lot of his energy! He's very active and alert, like little Harper so if you can get one I think it would totally be worth it!! Honestly, I love any toy that buys me time to take a shower or have b-fast, or do chores! lol.

I love your blog! I've followed it faithfully ever since little Harper was born - so blessed to hear how good she is doing! love to you all!

sharpe said...

I recommend getting an exersaucer (we have the evenflow 3 in one) and then a johnny jump up for the door frame. Its a lot easier to move around!

Laura said...

We have a jumperoo - my first son was not that jazzed about it, but my second loved it. We are just about to retire it as we are just tripping over it now and not using it.

My first son was in our room in the pack and play till he was 7 months old. My second was there till 9 months (but that was a function of his room not being ready rather than anything else).

My second son still does not sleep through the night (he just turned 1) so it makes for a long night of traipsing across the hall-way to nurse him back to sleep.

If those straps on Harper's car seat are not at or below her shoulders, please move them down to the bottom slot - they need to be at or below when rear-facing.

ktarbell43 said...

1. I put my son, who by the way is exactly 5 months older than Harper (Aug. 16), in his room at 5 weeks. He was constantly waking him self up in the bassinet . I tried putting him in the crib and he sleep so much better. He still woke up every two hours to eat until he was 6 months (I feel ya on the little sleep thing).

2. I could not have lived with out the jumperoo. My son is extremely high maintenance and the jumperoo kept him entertained. My suggestion to you is to look on craigslist. You can usually find a used one for half the price. I bought a walker for my son that looked brand new. You may have to look around a bit sometimes stuff is really good and sometimes its not. I say get one.

Ellen G said...


We put our little one in her own room at 7 weeks. We all slept so much better once she was in her own space (even the baby!) A good monitor was helpful in knowing if she needed us. I would highly recommend the jumperoo. Our little girl absolutely loved it!!! If you don't want to shell out the bucks for another new baby gadget, you might try finding one second hand. They aren't used very long. Ours still looks brand new!

Anonymous said...

The jumperoo was at Nana's - our house's door frame's couldn't accomodate the clampy thing. Older daughter LOVED it - almost more for swinging than jumping, but loved it nonetheless. Baby sister hated it.

Both girls were in their own room by 2 months. But we are right across the hall, not the other side of the house. 2nd baby was much quicker at sleeping on her own than #1. I think that had more to do with me than with her ;)
Good luck!

3boysmom said...

To answer your sleeping arrangement question: With our oldest son, we waited until he was 8 weeks old to let him sleep in his room. Know what? That was the first night he slept all night long and did so from that point on! Then with the other 2 boys they slept in their beds at around 6 or 8 weeks and did the same thing. I should've done it sooner as they slept SO well in their own beds and my hubby and I were finally able to get some rest ourselves. Good luck!!

Matt and Cristin said...

Holy cow! You MUST get a jumperoo. Our precious boy LOVES IT!!!!! It keeps him happy and busy while I can actually accomplish a task. He just LOVES it! I could say that a million times. I'm serious. It could be life-changing for you and your husband! :) I'm not kidding. We actually have the one you have pictured...we're pretty happy with it. We live in a small place, have many baby things that he doesn't like/use....but this is SO WORTH IT! :)
I started transitioning JP to a crib at 3 months....he would take naps in his crib, etc. Well, we would try to get him to like it. He started napping well in it...and I then easily transitioned him there at night. We have a monitor (of course!)..I could hear him breathing on it, which helped me through it too. :) If he had fit in his bassinet I prob. would have kept him in our room longer. He's our first so that explaines that! :)

Dawn Hudson said...

Baby one 6 weeks
baby two 2 weeks
baby three 5 weeks.

I was a little nervous putting baby three into the crib. I had always said that with the next one he would go straight to his room, but my husband is deployed so i felt the urge to protect him more. Heaven forbid something like sids happening and his father never being able to see him. But then I can to my senses and realized that I can't live like that so into his crib he went. He has been there two weeks now. Daddy gets back in hopefully 5 weeks.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

My son (now almost 8) never slept in his crib...long story. My daughter slept in her own room when she was a few weeks old.

I had a jumparoo and LOVED it. I would buy it again. I did get it cheap though because I bought it at the fisher price toy store. =D

Lisa said...

I have often wondered why Harper is still not in her adorable room and I am glad you have finally asked for advice and I'm not offering my opinion when it wasn't asked for! Having said that...I think Harper should totally be in her own room and bed. I had my son in his own bed the day he came home from the hospital and he was sleeping through the night by 6 weeks. And yes, the next question...I breast fed for 18 months. Now..towards the end of that saga, I just pumped :-) READ: There is a book series I recommend. The baby version is call "On Becoming Baby Wise" by Gary Ezzo. It teaches you how to train your baby to sleep through the night!! My son is nine and to this day...there is no fights at bedtime. NONE! It's all about keeping a schedule which kids/babies thrive on. The second is "On Becoming Child Wise" which deals with discipline and being consistent...KEYS!! My friends tell me they don't mind going out to dinner with me and my son because he is so well behaved. THAT is music to my ears! Hope this helps! Lisa

The Buchanan Family said...

My first was in her room at 5 weeks and sleep through the night. My second was 2 months and he hasn't slept through the night since he was born and he will be 2 in August.
I loved the jumperoo. Laynee my first would jump so much it would put her out. (I have pictures of her asleep)
Connor not so much cause he didn't like to be confined to one place.

Tina said...

She's so stinkin' cute!

My babies moved to their rooms relatively early, I guess.

My oldest (now 6) was 3 months old, my middle boy (now 5) was 6 weeks old and my baby (now 14 months old) was 4 weeks old.

As far as the jumparoo, all of my boys LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED it! I could get SO much done when they were in it, too. I'd highly recommend it and would get one again in a heartbeat.

Beth said...

1) To make you feel a little better, the Academy of Pediatrics recommends infants sleep at least 6 months in their parents rooms (not in the same bed, of course). This has been proven to decrease SIDS rates (noise stimulation from parents movment, etc...) during the high risk first 6 months. SO - you are justified :)!!

2)JUMPAROO = Best purchase we made. PERIOD.

Mandy said...

Hello...I'm a lurker as I don't think I have ever commented on your blog but read it daily.

With my first I put her in her own room at 8 weeks and I believe that was her turning point for her sleeping through the night. The first night she went 6 hours. I think I was nervous and she just made noises all the time so I didn't sleep because I was constantly checking on her.

I just had a little boy 5 weeks ago and he went the first night home and it has been great. Although I am up every 2 1/2-3 hours he sleeps and I sleep.

With that said I still sleep with monitors with both of them.

Didn't do the jumperoo but had an exersaucer.

Love your blog. As I tell everyone you have to do what is right for your family. What works for me doesn't always work for others.

Katie Kordsmeier said...

With our first two, we moved them to their own rooms at 4 months when we started using the Ferber method (where they have to get themselves to sleep and get themselves back to sleep if they wake during the night). Be careful of that though because not-so-coincidentally we ended up pregnant again when the first one was 7 months old and then again when the 2nd was 5 months. The third baby actually slept in her cradle in the living room long before she was 4 months old because she couldn't sleep in our room; she liked pitch black and the video monitors on the other two kids kept her awake! I thought her room was too far though b/c it was across the house.

On the Jumperoo, we LOVED ours! We bought it when our first born was 4 months old (both the moving him to his own room and the Jumperoo came after his first hospital stay...that's how I can remember the age so vividly). All three have loved it at some point in their infancy. I think Layton (the oldest) would still jump in it if we'd let him. Okay that's an exageration (he's 4!) but seriously, he loved it!

Laura said...

I have twins and I waited till they were 4 months to put them in their own room/own cribs. I also started them on soilds at 4 months because i wanted to get a hang of it before 6 months. The own room thing I waited to 4 months because they have a room upstairs and we have one downstairs. Wait on the jumperoo, I don't have one, but my babies didn't like their entertainers until they were about 4-5 months, then they LOVED them. So wait to see if she loves hers and it might be enough. If I had it to do over again, I'd put my babies in their own room sooner, because it really makes for a good routine and helps them adjust by having them in their own room and sleeping in their own crib and being able to fall asleep on their own, plus, I got more sleep and was able to relax with my husband then. Just a thought.

purejoy said...

i put my kids in their own rooms within the first month, because i would wake up at their every peep. my first learned how to sleep through the night by about 3 months, but our second i had to train to sleep at six months. after they weigh 12 pounds, they don't calorically need to eat at night, and by nursing, it just "trains" them to wake up at night. i started giving my kids a bottle of water when they woke and soon they grew disinterested (although my second took more convincing!).
from reading lots of baby books, it seemed they all said that teaching your baby to comfort themselves back to sleep is a very good skill for them to learn. my kids were both power sleepers. (of course the silky blanket helped TONS!)
hope this helps. of course, it is only my opinion. it worked wonders for me! (a baby monitor will make it easy to hear her when she awakens and when you get to the training phase, you can wait out her cries to see if she really means business.) good luck!

Pamela said...

Wow 6 mth sounds like a huge month for Harper! My oldest was in his own room after only a month and half. My second one after just a few weeks but the nursery was right by our bedroom, not across the house.

Melody said...

my youngest stayed in our room for a really long time. I nursed her for a year and it was just easier to have her in there. Even when she slept through the night, it was easier for that 'first thing in the morning' feeding. Don't worry about all the entertainment toys you have that aren't being used yet. She will soon be in them and loving them. Especially when she gets really mobile and you need to get ready but don't want her to go to sleep. She is beautiful!!!

Jill said...

Wow, lots of comments already. Jake went in his own room at 4 months and he slept better and we slept better! Just try it, and if it doesn't work at first, try again later on. No biggie, no magic number, just trial and error. I would wait on the jumper until she's a little bigger. Keep introducing her current toys because she may like them more now that she's bigger than she did before. You may have to try the same toy a few times before she really takes to it. I love that cute face of hers, BTW.

Neubauer Family said...

I put my daughter, Edee, in her room at 4 months. My doctor recommended it so that she would not look over and see us when she woke up in the night. It worked out great and now at 1 year, she sleeps for 10-11 hours each night! Hooray! We also received a jumperoo from my sister and Edee loved it! We took it away on her first birthday just to make room for new toys. She was still playing with it at that point.

Mary Dunbar said...

Hi Kelly, I read your blog often but think this is the first time I have ever posted. I am a mom to 11month old GBB triplets. We had them in their own room at about 2 months old. However, their room is very close to ours. We also opted for an audio monitor only, no video as I would be obsessed with checking it. I would say all babies started sleeping 7-9 hours straigt at about 4-5 months old. They have always had an early bed time though. The key to good sleep is making sure they are not overtired. Now at 11 months they go to bed between 6:30pm and 7:00pm and sleept until 5:00-5:30am. They are early wakers but thats ok. As far as the jumperoo we have 2 and 1 excersaucer and ALL my babies loved the jumperoo's. They still use them although not nearly as much. We have the Rainforest Jumperoo and the Baby Einstein Jumperoo. They all have their favorites but I would say they love the excersaucer the best. Hope that helps! Harper is precious by the way!!

Julie said...

I was so shocked when I went to my very first breastfeeding support group at the hospital my first baby was born at when the lactation specialist suggested (GASP) that we put him in his own room to sleep. He was less than a month old. (2 -3 weeks).

She said often moms get so much less sleep cuz the babies are very noisy and the mom is always expecting the grunts/noises to turn into full fledged crying, so she never really gets as much sleep as she could.

She also reminded me that babies have very loud cries and will wake you if they need you!

So off to his own room he went. And it was wonderful. I know I slept better. And then I never had to worry about transitioning him.

So my advice to you is: get her in her own room sooner rather than later. Because she is not gonna be too happy about sleeping alone and figuring out how to get herself back to sleep on her own. (Oh yeah, another point the lactation nurse made was that everyone wakes up during the night. You may not even know you do, because you get yourself back to sleep so fast. But if a baby is used to getting help in falling back asleep, they will only get more and more used to that. The older they are when they go on their own, the harder it is!)

Good Luck!!!

Oh, my advice for the jumparoo, can you borrow someone's first, for maybe a week or even 4 days and see how she likes it?

Zoe said...

Hey Kelly! We have a jumperoo thing, and my girls enjoy it, but not for long stretches of time - it is handy to be able to keep them immobile for a minute while I do something else (bathe the other baby, open the hot oven, mop the floor, etc). I do tend to have to give them extra toys to be entertained with though. It's fun, if you have the space. I also bought mine used from a neighbor - and don't regret the $20 I spent. Probably not worth the $80 new though...
And baby #1 moved to her own room at 6 months old (because baby #2 was coming!), and baby #2 moved to her own room at about 5 months old, because she had outgrown the portacrib and needed to be in her big crib. Both baby bedrooms are just across the hall from our bedroom, so I can still hear every little squeak. It was sad to move them out of our room - at least for me. :) But they sleep much better. We made the switch gradually, first at naptimes for a few days, before bedtime too.
Eeee, sorry this got so long!

Bri said...

I have a high maintenance girl too and a baby sling has helped so much! I have a hotsling and a baby k'tan. We go to the store in it, wear it around the house, and go out to eat! LOVE babywearing!

Jamie said...

I loved loved loved the Jumperoo. Payton loved it too! He would sit and jump in it all the time. When he made it light up and make noise it would make him jump harder. It was too funny! As for the room thing, let me know when you get an answer, I want my next kid to sleep in his/her own room/bed better than Payton. Let me know what works!

Good Luck!

Heather said...

I didn't have a Jumperoo for my son, but I did for my daughter, and she LOVED it!!

She was like Harper, didn't like any of the other toys, but she would have spent HOURS in the Jumperoo if I would have let her!

It was literally a life saver for me. If I wanted to get anything done, I could just stick her in it and she was perfectly content.

I hope you are able to find one for a good price and Harper loves it too. Good luck!!

Oh, and my son was in his room at 3 weeks because he wouldn't sleep anywhere else. Since it went so well with him, I had our daughter in her room by the time she was 2 weeks old.

GotGRITS said...

I have 3 girls 9,5 (6 on July 4th) and 15.5 months. My two oldest loved the exersaucer, jumper & swing. My baby didn't. I wondered if it was because the baby was a daycare baby while my other 2 had been home with me. They all loved to lay on pallets with toys and books though. Of course, Mama's arms are the best though. As far as moving to their own room, I am a terrible Mom. I had a beautiful nursery just across the hall from our room. The only time my girls spent in their bed was when I would carry them in there to reorganize their closet or pick out their clothes. They all slept in our bed. The oldest moved out when the baby girl #2 showed up and baby 2 moved out when she was about 2--of course she loved her sister. Baby 3 is still sleeping with us. And of course, they still pile in the bed if they can.

If you get a chance, go here and add her to your prayer lists. This baby and her parents really need it. The single mom had a suprise pregnancy only to learn the baby has Trisomy 13 with no chance of survival. The doctors wanted her to abort, but she didn't. In March they wanted her and the father to let them induce because she wasn't growing--she didn't. She has relied on "His will". The baby that would be lucky to be born in April, was born Sunday. The baby with the failing heartbeat and no growth, suddenly grew and kept a steady heartbeat. That in itself was a miracle, now we just pray for another miracle.

Sonya said...

No jumperoo for us although they have one at daycare and Lauren loved it. I put her in her own room when she was 7 weeks old. I transisitioned her by putting her in her crib for naps for about a week and then started putting her in there at night. It worked great for us!

Myra @ My Blessed Life said...

hey kelly, i'm super late getting my "two-cents worth" in! :) we started putting ridley in his room at about 3 months. it was super hard for me for the first couple weeks...he felt SO far away! but it did get easier. he sleeps so much better in his own room because his daddy's alarm is quite loud and early! :) i have found that using the cool mist vaporizer helps his breathing too.
and the jumperoo...well, ridley can't stand his swing at all. he does ok in the bouncer during my shower, he can tolerate his bumbo, but he loves the jumperoo. actually i got the exact one for him that you have pictured here. he loves to "stand" and the dr. recommended a jumperoo for building his leg muscles and not straining his bones. anyway, sorry for the epistle! :)
p.s. i totally respect the decisions that you've made for Harper...i'm just sayin' what's worked for us!

Melissa said...

Jett is 2 days older than Harper. He is our foster baby that we are hoping to adopt ,we got when he was 2 days old. We had to start him in daycare at age 2 weeks as we both work. He was not sleeping well in our room at about 6 weeks old so we put him in his crib and he's been sleeping through the night ever since. I think he needed the e
extra room and is much happier. We started cereal at 4 months and veggies at 4 1/2 mos. Good luck!!

SF said...

My goodness- SO many comments!!! Just thought I'd put my bit out there too. With my first two, I had them in bed with me until they night-weaned, which for them was about 22 months! I loved having them close to me, and they certainly slept better that way- though I admit my own sleep was compromised! I'm a pretty light sleeper. So with my 3rd little one, I tried very hard to get up at night to nurse him, resettle him, then back to bed. Sometimes I'd bring him in bed around 4am when he woke, though I still mostly nursed sitting up rather than lying down with him. He seems to be the best sleeper of them all- though I think this is just his natural makeup! He's a very calm baby. We moved him into a cot in the bedroom with his siblings when he outgrew the bassinet- about 4 months I think. He is now 12 months, and still wakes once or twice a night, resettling with a cuddle from me or my husband. He was an early weaner (9 months), so doesn't feed in the night anymore.
Kelly, just do what YOU want to do. When you follow Harper's lead, and your own, you will have a peace about it. Be willing to change course too, if what you decide on doesn't work! There is nothing at all wrong with having Harper sleep in your room- families co-sleep all around the world, and not just by necessity. Do whatever feels right for your family!!
She is SO beautiful!! You're doing a great job- it can be such a challenge the first time round!
All the best,
Saminda. xo

Mandy said...

Kelly, I now you don't need to hear this from me, but you really do have a super beautiful little girl on your hands! I didn't do a jumperoo (even though they were a hit at the church nursery) because I already had an exersaucer and didn't want another big item. I did, however, get the Graco door jumper that mounts to the door frame and has a snack tray attached too. Great for cheerios and jumping while mommy takes a shower! (And WAY cheaper than a jumperoo) Also, we waited a while to have kids so I wasn't in any hurry to move them to their rooms, but we did about 7 months with the first and 4 months with the second. Do you have a video monitor? I'd just hold it in my hand all night and never take my eyes off of it. :) I must say, though, that both kids slept much better in their cribs! Good luck with both Harper's and Mommy's transition!

mommyrg said...

I moved my oldest to her room at 6 mos.Her room was just right across the hall,but it was still hard!! That was a huge step for me! It was security for me having them sleep right next to me in their pack and play! I was also a little OCD about sids,and wanted to wait until 6 mos. until the risk went down. Though I knew my girls were in the hands of Jesus! My second daughter, I waited until 9 mos,and the move to her room was my husband's decision not mine! Ha! I knew she was my last baby and wanted to keep her in there as LONG as possible. Though both girls semmed to sleep better in their own rooms in their cribs!
I didn't buy a jumperoo,because I had an exesaucer that my girls loved. Though I gave a jumperoo to my bff and her son LOVEd it. The thing was just so BIG and took up tons of space!

Cynthia said...

I HIGHLY recommend the book "Nighttime Parenting" by Dr. William Sears. It's excellent. I feel they are only little for such a short time, and I LOVE cuddling with them at night. We let our kids sleep in our room for quite awhile. Around the age of 2-3 we started transitioning them to their own rooms. Dr. Sears says that around 3 most kids want their own space anyway.

Cynthia said...

So follow your gut, and don't feel like she HAS to sleep in her crib. We bought this beautiful crib when our daughter was a baby and she slept in it maybe 3 times. For #2 and # 3 we realized we didn't even need a crib! It just felt so wrong having her in another bed, let alone another room. But everyone is what feels best for you. I just feel bad when people feel they are judged for co-sleeping.

Cynthia said...

Sorry! One more thing, our oldest is now a confident, outgoing, top 3% of her grade, 10 year old!

franknbellesmom said...

We used a jumperoo that clamped over a door frame - no lost real estate! My kids were crazy about it, so I'd look for on of that type. Also, my kids went into their own rooms by 6 weeks, but our rooms are close by.

Stacy said...

Hi Kelly,

I love reading your blog! We have kept Jackson in his crib in our room the whole 6 months because I read on the SIDS website that you should until 6 months. I am starting to prepare myself to move him now that he is 6 months old because he seems to wake up with us getting ready in the morning, I think you should do whatever feels right to you. Mommy instincts are pretty right on!

Check out my new blog by clicking my name, you were one of my inspirations!


Natalie said...

We LOVED our jumperoo! We got ours when our daughter was 3 months and although she couldn't jump yet, she loved sitting in it and playing. She decided at about 3 months that she was going to stand, not sit, and NOT lie down, so it was perfect for her. She started walking at 8 months... so after that she wasn't too interested but we kept it out until she was about 10 months and she got in it occasionally.

C said...

We kept our baby in our room until she was almost 7 months old -- the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that babies sleep in a crib in the parents' room until they are 6 months old, and that's what our doctor told us as well.
The risk of SIDS drops off dramatically at 6 months (though continues thru a year), and this is what this recommendation has to do with.
So I'd hold off that long:)

Molly W. said...

I'm sure you've gotten enough advice by now but I put my daughter into her room at 4 months. She was a preemie so I think thats why I waited "so long" but it seemed like the right age for us. As far as the jumparoo, I didn't get one but wished I had! SO MANY babies love it and I know my daughter would have! She used it once at a friend's house and loved it. Coulda woulda shoulda. Maybe for the next one!

Bethany said...

I have two girls, age 3 and 10 months. My oldest started sleeping in her crib around 5 months or so. I felt like there was a CANYON between our rooms, so i slept on the twin bed in her room for a few nights until i got used to her being in there. My youngest was about the same age when she started sleeping in the crib alone.

I bought a jumperoo but both my girls hated it! They prefer the Exersaucer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I've been a "lurker" forever. :) I am a mom of 2 kids — a 21 month old boy and a 2.5 month old girl. My kids are still very little, so I still feel super new at this mom thing, but I'll share what we did!

1. With our son, we kept him in a cradle in our room till (I think) about 2.5 months. I remember it wasn't quite as long as I wanted, but he was starting to outgrow his cradle. Our daughter is 2.5 months, and I'd like to keep her in there for another couple weeks yet, at least. After that I think she'll be too big...little arms and legs sticking out between the railings and such. :) I'm a super paranoid mom (scared of SIDS) so ideally I would LOVE to keep her in there thru 4 months (when the risk drops a bit), but I don't think that will be possible.

2. By "jumparoo", do you mean a johnny jump up? Or excersaucer? We had both with our son, and I COULDN'T LIVE WITHOUT THEM! :) It's just nice to have options for where to put them when you can't hold them. I would set up the johnny-jump-up if I was cleaning that room or something, so he could watch me and bounce. And we used our exersaucer EVERY DAY...maybe this is bad, but I would plop him in it in front of the TV to watch Baby Einsteins or Praise Baby while I took a shower (just around the corner). So I would highly recommend both. It is good to have options!

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