Today has been a busy day! I turned off the alarm clock this morning because we were up most of the night so we BARELY got up and out in time to make it to church. We had one cranky little girl on our hands and I don't think she enjoyed church today. The nursery workers were all so sweet and they just spoil her and try to make me feel like she didn't cry the entire time. I had a little chat with her when we got home and let her know that we can't act so ugly in God's house. ha!
This afternoon we went to our very first Birthday party!!! And it was the birthday of Harper's best friend Sarah Kate -she turned one today! Laurie had a turtle themed cake and these awesome turtle cookies that our friend Robin makes. (She has got talent!) We took a lot of pictures so bear with me.

Here I am with the birthday girl - she loves me and I love her!

Wells was prepping it in his little polo outfit - all he was missing was popping the collar

We tried hard to get a picture of all the babies - these are Sarah Kate's friends who are her age at church: Wells, John Michael, Sarah Kate, Neely, Ella Kate, and Harper (hidden back there).

John Michael is always dressed so cute - he just turned one last month!

Emily was excited about her sister's party

Sweet Neely - she is such a good baby

Sarah Kate was slow getting into her smash cake

It didn't stop the adults from digging in

I just loved this picture

Me and my girl - Harper was SO good at the party. Not one second of fussiness - she just watched everything going on. She was the youngest baby so maybe she was intimidated. ha! I think she is digging the birthday party circuit. Get ready - these kids end up with a busier social calendar than their parents.

Amy and Ella Kate. Amy also has almost 3 month old twin girls and she looks amazing.

Sarah Kate eventually got into her cake

The kids love to play together

Wells is up next! He turns one in just a little over a week...........where does the time go????
We are going to have a kid's party carnival after the home tours are over because I only have 7 more months to get Harper's party planned!
I hope you're kidding about the popped collar!
I went to a 1st bday party today, too.
Happy Birthday to Harper's little friend!
My Anthony turns 4 on the 24th! Cherish every moment, it flies by so fast!
My wee munchkin turns one July 10th and I'm still trying to figure out where the time went. I'm slowly realizing it's all about the theme and I've got no ideas! On a different note, it's so great to hear that you have such amazing nursery workers who will keep Harper even though she's unhappy rather than page you each time she fusses. Be encouraged, she will get used to it and eventually enjoy it!
I love your outfit in these pictures! It's too cute. I cant believe Harper will be 1 in 7 months!
Never a dull moment around there, huh?
Stopping by to let you know I'm still here praying. Sharing a verse of a hymn today.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus' name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand. The Lutheran Hymnal #370, verse 1
Prayer Bears
My email address
Aww, what a fun day!!! Can't wait for the kid's party carnival! I won't be able to participate, but looking forward to IDEAS! :)
What a fun day (minus the not liking church)! Harper looks precious at the party and all the other babes are so cute too!
I LOOOOOOVE the party carnival idea! I have two big parties to finish planning for thus year!! My baby, London, turns 1 in October and my big boy, Dylan, will be 5 in September!
HI Kelly, What a cute cake Laurie had for the birthday. And I had not thought of having a little cake for the birthday girl to smash, "eat". All the kids are so cute. You look great! Love the necklace.
Keeping you in my heart in Ga.
Ooooo I Luv your outfit, especially the necklace... too cute!
What a fun birthday theme, the cake looks delicious... Mmmm
Oh the party carnival will be so fun!!!!
Everything looks so festive! What a wonderful party!
So sweet! Loved all the cute photos of all. :)
you should do a show us where you live town/city special with landmarks. :)
1st birthdays are always fun!
These babies are going to be BUSY with social activity...What fun! Happy party hopping to you and Harper!!!
I hope the parties don't turn into competitions like they so often do. It is nice that you have such a great group of friends for Harper.
I can't wait to see what you come up with for Harper's first birthday!
As you know, these will be priceless pix of the kids when they are all older! We live in a small community; therefore, my children will graduate HS with some of the kids in their preschool classes! It will be awesome to have pix of all of them when they were little! always look adorable...and Harper steals the show every time! So cute!
Happy Birthday to the birthday girl!! She's such a cutie! Those cookies are to die for!!! I have an outfit for Amelia that matches them exactly!!!!!!!! I would give my "I" teeth to be able to make those kinds of cookies...well, to be able to DECORATE them that well... Just wait till Harper's 1st party! Won't that be fun, Kelly?!
love the cookies! and on a fashion note: love your necklace, tres chic!
Looks like a fun day!
I really like your necklace, where did you get it?
That is a fabulous necklace! Where did you find that?
You have such a great sense of style! I really enjoy all the pictures you post of your and Harper's outfits.
ooooh i just adore your necklace!!
What cute cookies!!! And I LOVE your necklace!!! Where did you get it?
Awww, so cute! All the kids aer just adorable!!! :O)
I love kid bday parties!
Love your necklace...and of course Harper is precious! Of course Harper is happy at a party - she is your daughter!
happy week! k8
Me and the mothers loved this post!
I LOVE your blog! My liitle girl has the same butterfly outfit as Harper. Thanks for reminding me. She's never worn it! Also, you look really pretty. Have you gotten some sun?
What a neat party! Harper was in awe watching all the kids. My baby is the same way. He loves watching other kids!
Sarah Kate looks SO much like her mama!
I'm so excited about the party carnival! I start planning my little girl's parties 6 months in advance. I get so excited about them. Her first party is still talked about..I'm working on her 3rd one now..she loves Elvis so we may be doing an Elvis theme!
I just posted about Caroline's razorback party last week. You will love it....
I love the theme she had for the birthday party! If you are anything like me, you are probably already trying to decide what to do for Harpers first birthday...I started planning Presleys at 6 months haha! Check out my blog in the month of Feb and you can see what I did for hers...just cute girly colors, not really a theme :)
Fun party. I love your necklace!
Looks like a wonderful party - those cookies are the cutest!
By the way, I love your necklace!
Do you know where she got that cookie cutter?
Looks like a fun party--and as usual I'm not the first to compliment something you're your necklace!
Ooo, too fun, and Harper looks precious as ever! (I love your necklace too - where's it from?) I'm at a first next weekend, can't wait!
Sweet babies! A kids party carnival would be so much fun!
Cute pictures and cute necklace!!! Speaking of birthday parties, I know this is a few years away for Harper, but you would not believe the Sweet 16 party that happened in my hometown this weekend! The birthday girl is a huge Marilyn Monroe fan - Marilyn and Elvis were at the party, red carpet, 3 tier cake, unbelievable decorations, the "Hollywood" sign on the hill.....I could go on and on. I think the kid's party tour would be so much fun!!
Britni in Alabama
Those cookies look professional! So cute!
You are lucky to have such a close circle of girlfriends and friends for Harper to play with. I envy you
those turtle cookies are too cute!!
My sweet baby turns 1 in October! Time flies! I think we might have it at Gymboree Play and Music. They have free classes for first timers. You and Harper should try it out. We have only been once and we are hooked. Can't week to go back this week.
Too cute!! I love pink and green and turtles!! Those were my sorority colors and mascot in college. Too fun. Looks like you guys had a great time.
So cute!!!!!
I can't believe that my niece Kensley and my nephew Isaac will be one in september! They were born 8 days apart.
I love your necklace...saw something similar in a Cookie Lee catalog.
what a fun party! those cookies are to die for cute.
and words cannot express my excitement over the upcoming kids' party carnival!!!
it's never too early to start planning harper's first birthday and adelaide's second birthday and i know there will be some fabulous ideas out there.
Other idea...proms, weddings, Christmas.
It's me again....I forgot the best part about the Sweet 16 party.....the "birthday girl" has Cystic Fibrosis and she asked everyone to bring a toy instead of a gift. She collected all of the toys the night of the party and will take them to the children at Children's Hospital in Birmingham, where she has spent a lot of time during her sixteen years. Such a sweetheart!!!
I'm anxious to see the birthday carnival. Great idea. I love planning parties.
Those cookies look AWESOME!!
I love all the pictures. Birthdays are so much fun
looks like a fun party!! you and Harper look great! :)
Love the turtle cake and cookies. Glad y'all enjoyed the party.
Sweet pics!
My grandson turns 1 tomorrow (June 16). Little ones enjoy watching other little kids, don't they?
I loved the pictures from the birthday party. SO CUTE!
What precious babies and their Mom's. Looks like everyone enjoyed a wonderful birthday celebration.
Thanks for sharing.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
TOO fun!! And all those little party animals were looking too cute. Glad ya'll had fun and happy happy birthday to that sweet SK!
The little ones are all so adorable. Love the cookies!
I love you necklace!! Where did you get it???
Those cookies are making me really hungry! Maybe that doesn't have to be the first photo I see when I open your page :)
Cute necklace!
for real--i have way more fun planning my childrens' birthday parties, and i'm an event planner by trade!! i start a year in advance.
I think I started planning Cillian's 1st Birthday the day after he was born.
I am a nut about 1st birthdays!!
Those little turtle cookies are precious! -e
Those cookies really rock...does the person who made them have a blog?
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