Monday, June 29, 2009

I am TOTALLY Random

Monday is our day to recover from the weekend and just play catch up! It's also laundry day. So we have been home all day and tonight is just a whole bunch of stuff I wanted to post.

  • First of all - I am going to be putting prayer requests on the Prayer Blog. There will still be a section for you who are TTC, a section for singles, and then there will be a section for all others. So check back often and Pray!!! Thank you!If it helps - I often mark different days to pray for different things. Like maybe Mondays I pray for government and church leaders. Tuesdays I pray for family members and friends. Wednesdays I pray for the sick and so on. Sometimes it seems like a lot to have just a HUGE list every day. There are some things you may be burdened with that you pray for each day but it can also help to break it down a little bit. And make sure you spend as much time praising as you do asking. We forget that a lot.
Isn't this a cute top?? I'm giving one away!!! Go HERE and leave a comment if you would like to win one and I'll draw the winner on Friday afternoon.
A sweet blogger sent me this necklace in the mail today. That one word pretty much sums me up!!!! What word describes you???

Okay - two more months until FOOTBALL season!!! Who is ready!!! You know we love our Razorback football around here and I have loved finding Harper unique Razorback outfits. Cotton Candy Shop made this for her and I am CRAZY about it!!!!! I can't wait until she is big enough to wear it!
And a couple of moms are now making fun TEAM TUTUS in your school's colors along with matching flower bands! Pair this up with a Razorback tee and Harper will be the cutest little Hog Wild Chick ever!!!!

  • I happened to recieve two more books for the single girl - two more copies of Gary Chapman's "Love Languages for Singles". I want to send those to two lucky readers. If you haven't already bought it and would like to have a copy - leave me a comment and let me know. I'll draw those names on Friday as well. (This was totally random but the 3 single winners last time ALL were from Alabama. I didn't realize it until I went to mail the books!)
  • Anyone watching "The Next Food Network Star"? I happen to be addicted to the Food Network because a. I like to cook and b. I like food. I'm so excited that the mom of 4 who is just a "home cook" is beating out all the chefs and culinary school graduates. Good food is good food, huh? I could never do that show because it would completely stress me out.
  • Ya'll have been so sweet telling me you think I look thin! Talk about making a girl feel good! I still have about 15 pounds to go before I'll be at my ideal weight but I do weigh less than before I got pregnant. I thought I would share my 5 pregnancy weight loss secrets (probably should not try these at home) 1. Have a 10 pound baby 2. Be in the NICU with that baby for a month and be too stressed and tired to eat 3. Breastfeed - that is the REAL secret 4. Go on lots of walks with her in the 90-100 degree AR weather 5. Have a baby who is allergic to nuts and eggs so you can't eat any ice cream or baked goods. ha ha ha!
  • Oh and very importantly - I asked today as I drove thru - and a Pina Colada slush at Sonic is WHITE coconut (make sure it's white and not blue) and pineapple. So just tell your sonic that if they don't know what I'm talking about.
  • One more thing - My mom just posted pics of me in the same dress Harper was wearing yesterday. I haven't seen those pictures before - I thought it was fun. You can tell Harper does NOT look like me - she is SO her daddy.
Have a great Monday!!!!


Sarah said...

You are looking great. When I saw that picture of you and Harper yesterday, all I could think was it should be in a Southern Living magazine. So pretty!

Jennifer said...

It just made me laugh when I read that Monday was your laundry day . . . I thought I might be the only one who set aside a special day to do laundry! Today it felt as though it would never end . . . hope yours went better! Take care - Jennifer

JennaDK said...

I cannot wait to go through the Sonic drive-thru and sip on a pina colada!

LuLu said...

I'm obsessed with those tutus...I hope they are still in "style" by the time I have a kid:)

Faith said...

I would love to win a book :)

Anonymous said...

I am a single girl and would love to win a book :) Harper is so precious I love the tutu!! Thanks for having this giveaway!
Praying and Believing

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE one of those books. I'm single and can't wait till God brings my Prince Charming! :) Oh and Harper is beyond adorable. And I am SO ready for football season! I'm a Gator though! :) We play ya'll this year too, I think. I love football!

Go Gators!! :)

Bear Girl said...

I would love a copy of Gary Chapman's Love Language For Singles. Thank you for all you do, Kelly!


Betsy said...

Love your weight loss tips. They must be working!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly!
First of all, you look awesome!! you are so real and down to earth, i enjoy reading your blog, thank you for taking the time to indulge us!!
Secondly, I am a single girl and would love the book!


Kim said...

Kelly, you definitely look really good. Way to go! Loved the big pearl necklace you wore to church!

Rory said...

I saw on FB that you got an Arkansas dress, that is so cute! I found someone on etsy to make some for my girls. I love that shirt too!

Carrie said...

I love your random posts!! I had a Sonic Pina Colada today and it was delish!! (They knew how to make it too!!) Also, that is a great idea for the 'prayer schedule'. I think I'm going to start doing that. It can be so overwhelming when I think of everything and everyone I want to pray about.

Oh, add me to the book drawing. : )

Theresa said...

I love to read your blog! I haven't purchased the book for the single girl-I would love to get it! Thanks!

ps, I love the strawberry fresh fruit slushes at sonic.. next time I will for sure try the Pina Colada slush with WHITE coconut!!

spring said...

Love your blog! Love Harper she is so precious! Please add me to your book drawing.

Jeni said...

Kelly I adore Vanilla Coke and we don't have Sonic and they don't sell it around here in MI! phoey BUT they do have Pina'Colada slushes at Taco Bell with a layer of sugared Strawberries on top....yum Who knew 1.99 could make this mom of 3 so happy!? ha and I ADORE Next Food Network star and adore Melissa...I love to read your blog just talk so "mommyish" I love it! so daily life-ish too!

Bekky said...

Kelly, that Pina Colada slush sounds so good. Now I really have a taste for it! :)

I am a single girl waiting for the right man God has for me. I would love to be in for one of the books.

Love reading about Harper and the progress she has made.

Unknown said...

You crack me up! I love seeing all the "H" for Harper shirts and bibs n things you have made. Or the Harper shirts! You are certainly one PROUD NEW MOM! love the TUTU! My M.I.L. is sending me one she made my daughter (3) for 4th of July. Can't wait to see it. P.S. that "H" tank and bow are darling. Girls are so fun!!!!

Prissy Southern Prep said...

"Blessed" is the word that best describes me too!! Love the necklace!


i make tutu's and hairbands too.. i'll have to send some harpers way soon!! and one word that describes me is.. FAITH!! i live by that everyday!!

Tiffany said...

I'd love to win one of the books!

Gracie Beth said...

You really do look fabulous!
Also, if you could please enter me in your single girl book giveaway that would be wonderful!

The Highley Family said...

I went to your mom's blog and I think Harper looks like you. Especially the first picture of you!

ClintandGina said...

Thanks for sharing your baby weight loss secrets......I am hoping to put them to use very soon. I am trying to find the Pina Coloda slush in Texas.....your post gave me a pregnancy craving for it today, so I tried but am 0 for 2.....I got one blue coconut slush and then a tropical tomorrow I will ask for white coconut and pineapple slush. Yay! If it weren't dark, I would have my 3rd Sonic run of the day :)

Unknown said...

I love post about nothing in particular...they keep me jumpin'! :)

April said...

I would love a copy of the book! I love reading your blog and seeing precious Harper!

Meg said...

I can't wait for football season!! Go Gators, am I allowed to say that on here? Oh well a little late now, I can't wait, football season is everything here in GVille. :)

Kim said...

You DO look much thinner! You look always!
Put my name in the hat for a single's book! Thanks for the give-a-ways!

Tee said...

I would love a copy of Gary Chapman's book! It's so frusterating being a single woman when all you've ever wanted is to be a wife and mother. Thank you for sharing your life with us, Kelly. Harper is one precious little girl!

Jennifer said...

OK, that top left picture of Harper on your Mom's blog is SO your smile!

SLM said...

How do I submit a prayer request?


The Runyans said...

i would SO LOVE to take pics of her in that tutu.

i love when my sweet clients show up with tutus or request for me to bring one of mine! so cute!

Sebrina said...

Gotta love Laundry day..Where can I find those cute little socks Harper wears that look like she has mary janes on? Thanks in advance..

Anonymous said...

i would love a copy of the book! i've been wanting to read it for awhile, but have never gotten around to actually buying it.

thanks for always remembering us single gals!

Erin said...

Kelly, I would love to win a book!! I am 26 and still single. I thought I would be one of those girls who would marry someone from college. I was wrong.

Amanda Marie said...

OH my goodness!! I so want one of those books! I have been wanting to buy it but... my car needs like 600 dollars in repairs and there are these lovely things called bills. I really hope I win!! Also, I just LOVE your blog and hope that someday I can be a amazing Christian wife/mom/blogger! You are such an inspiration!

Emmy said...

Kelly, I would love a book! I'm 34, single, and trying to do it right. I want to honor God, but it is hard not to be a little bitter sometimes... thank you for being such a gracious inspiration.

Michele A. said...

Hi - I've never posted before but I LOOOOOOVE your blog! I got it as a prayer request for Harper and have followed ever since. Thank you for making my day all the time! You have such a beautiful family.
*I would love to be entered in the drawing for the book for single girls.*

And I'm a die-hard Penn State fan, so I understand your passion for football season!

Anonymous said...

oh my word i love that top!! so cute!! my little hadley would love precious in it! does it come in a 3t?

Anonymous said...

I think it is awesome how you are so passionate about prayer in general- but especially for single girls. I am 27 and SO desperately want a husband and children.It gets so hard waiting and I often feel so alone. Thanks for sharing your story!!!

-Melissa C.

K said...

I would love to win a book! :)

Kelley said...

That is so special that your mom kept your dresses and those pictures of you in it. Harper looked like a doll in it. What a wonderful keepsake.

Sarah Joy said...

I love the picture of you and Harper from yesterday!! You could be models for some store or magazine.

I would love one of those singles books, so enter me in! :)

Magda said...

She may look like her daddy, but her smile is IDENTICAL to the one in the pics your mom posted!

Brittnie said...

I'd love to be entered into the giveaway! And, I am watching TNFA! I like Melissa too. And the guy who does "sweet and spicy" things.

Kiss My Tiara said...

I would love to win a book! Thanks so much :)

Penny said...

Harper has your smile--- just look at the first picture of you in the same dress. Post some of Scott at Harper's age and let us judge for ourselves, how bout it? =)
I commented on your mom's that if you save Harper's clothes, she'll have to name her daughter "junior" or at least name her something that starts with "h." lol

Courtney said...


I love reading your blog! You look great! and Harper is cute as ever :)

I would love a copy of one of the books! Hope you pick me!


A mom and one princess said...

I would love to win one of your books for the single girls. I am from AL so maybe thats good luck! ha! I struggle with this daily and would also like to be put on the prayer list for this. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me.

Lindsey from AL

Frances said...

You probably don't want to know this, but Breyer's ice cream does not have eggs. It's the only one I have found, except for sherbet. My daughter has food allergies as well.

friendbrooke at everyday blessings said...

would love a book...thank you for always being so willing to open your heart! that tutu is so cute!!!! can't wait for pictures!

Missy said...

Love to be entered in the drawing for a book!

AuntieJaime said...

Hey Kelly,

I would love to win one of those books that you have for us "single ladies" still asking God to help lead us to our Godly husband. I've been praying each and every day and using several of the Bible verses that you provided to encourage us to keep the faith. You are such an inspiration!!

God Bless,


Amanda said...

I would love to win one of the books!

Jess :) said...

Where do I begin? :)

Okay, LOVE the cute clothes, especially the Razorback outfit and tutu...PRECIOUS!!

I love the Blessed necklace!

Food Network Star is something I've watched each season and can't get enough of it. However, I love to watch just about ANYTHING on The Food Network!

And THANK YOU a million times over for checking with your Sonic! 2:00 tomorrow afternoon can't come fast enough! That will be my treat before I leave for AZ! Pina Colada all the way!

Love and Hugs,
Jess :)

P.S. Oops...almost forgot ~ I would love to be included in the drawing for the books, as well!

Unknown said...

I'd love to win one of the books. Put me in the drawing. Also, I am watching FNS and I like the mom (though I think she needs just a LITTLE less bounce when she walks in the room for a presentation!). I like Michelle, too (I think that's her name - the one that got hit in the eye).

Mallory's Mommy said...

i totally agree, the two months my daughter was in the nicu was when i lost the most weight, i did nothing but gain when she came home (even while Breastfeeding lol)

Kimberly said...

Please add me to the book for singles. I've been holding off buying these books until I know I didn't win the drawing. Thanks for your thoughtfulness.


Kelsey said...

I love The Next Foodnetwork Star, it's fun to see what they end up making with the ingredients they are given. But I fell asleep last night, who got kicked off?

Megan said...

Hey Kelly! I'm a single girl from...ALABAMA! So funny! I guess there is a shortage of Christian boys here. ha!

I love the razorback outfit! The tutu is precious. Harper is such a trendsetter!


Rhi said...

I TOTALLY disagree - your baby pictures look very similar to Harper. Especially the facial expressions!

Elsisi said...

I would love a copy of the Gary Chapman book!

Casey said...

I'd love to have a copy of the Gary Chapman book!

Carol Sue said...

I would love one of your singles books

Kelly said...

Yum for the pina colada slush! I tried the cherry limeade chiller today...YUM!

Also, I'd love a copy of the love languages for singles book!

Elizabeth said...

oh, thanks so much for posting about the sonic slush! i, like you, love sonic!!!! i go there all the time to get their drinks. so after i read about the pina colada slush on here, i went the next day to get one and was told they didn't have them. my mom said maybe our area just carried different products. ive been bummed about it. till now! now i can tell them what it is. thanks so much, kelly!

colesGodmommy said...

Hey kelly! At first I was going to comment thinking "gosh, I would still love that book!" (don't get me wrong..i still would! haha) but after clicking over to look at the picture of you, I HAVE to say how much I love your dads comment! That cracked me was so cute!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Please please add me to the book drawing!! At 31, all of my friends are married with babies. And I am always always single. It is so frustrationg! I feel like I am left behind- waiting to start life while everyone else is miles ahead of me. I just so long to share the joys of a husband and children!!

Also, I love your idea of different prayers each day!! Great idea!

Amanda said...

I'd love to win a book! My friends and I were *just* talking about this book at church on Sunday!

Brittany said...

I would LOVE to win a book also! You do not like you need to lose 15 pounds!! I'm sure keeping up with Harper is workout enough! :)

God Bless!

Joy said...

I would to be entered in the drawing for the cute top. My daughter is turning 2 in a few weeks and it would be too cute to win it for her birthday!

I love your blog. It is like a breath of fresh air. It is the first blog i check every morning. Keep on blogging!


Jenn said...

I would not mind that book for us single ladies :-) So I am going to comment. Oh and I wanted to comment on your last post.. can I tell you what I have loved about the fourth of july the last 2 years. I am living in nepal where dr. pepper and hotdogs and hamburgers are not available.. on the fourth of july the american embassy throws us a party with these foods at the american club that they bring from america. They also bring doritos. God bless the USA :)
Nepal (for 2 more weeks at least)

Jennifer said...

I would love to win a book. I am 23 years old and very single. I know God is using this season in my life for good things, but I cant say it doesnt sometimes bring me down. I am so thankful to hear your story about the great love you found, it is a story of hope for me! I am still so young, but am surrounded by a generation that gets married right out of high school. Thank you for your blog and inspiration for us single gals!

Andolicious said...

When I saw the pics of you yesterday and the pic of you feeding Harper her first baby food, I thought "She looks so good!" You really do look thin Kelly, and you look great! You are such a caring person to be praying for so many people. You are truly a woman of God and I love it! Harper is so lucky to have you as her mother.
I was wondering, how is P90X going for Scott? I saw QVC advertising it for the last couple of days and it made me so interested. Would you care to tell us the results so far? Thanks so much for sharing your life with us!You have such a blessed life just like your necklace says :)

Kendra said...


I had been in Tulsa the past few weeks visiting my grandparents, so I had not read your blog in awhile. Imagine my surprise when I saw that you were in Tulsa this past week. How funny the world really is! My grandparents live just a mile from the RMH you stayed in, so everytime I drove by it, I thought of you. I am so glad that Harper is doing good now and is happy and healthy. God amazes me in the way he works.
--Kendra in DFW

Allie said...

I would love to receive one of those books for single women.

I wish I could be so lucky to be organized as to set aside one day to get all of my laundry done. Laundry for 2 people (my son and I) just seems to pile up WAY too fast!

You do look great by the way! Great job!

God bless =]

dreaming in pink and green said...

please enter me for the singles book :) you and your daughter are beautiful - I've been reading about you both for months, I want your hair cut!!! I also want a Sonic around here (I live in Maryland, there aren't any here!). This slushie you are talking about makes me want one...7 up slurpee run right now at about 1 am???

ashleyjnc said...

Would love a copy of the book, entered the other time.

Andolicious said...

BTW, please don't change your comments to disqus! lol. I can't ever leave a comment on Mckmama's blog now because of it. Oh and I'm gonna try a pina colada slush tomorrow because of you talking about it!

harmonysong said...

Love all the cute outfits!

Love a copy of that book! :)

Anonymous said...

Continuing to lift up prayers for you!
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Angela said...

I'm a single gal in Montana.

kim_brough said...

So what's the secret to loosing weight when you HAVEN'T had a baby?? ha ha

I'd like to have one of the books for singles.

Chrissi said...

Hey Kelly! Single girl here who would LOVE to win the book. :) Loving Harper's little tutu. Wish they made one in my Texas Tech colors, of course. :)

aimymichelle said...

i'd love to win a book!

and i really love that mom on food network star shes my favorite i am rooting for her to win.

Melissa said...

Hi Kelly!
I'd love to win that book, so please add my name to the drawing. :)

Also, I didn't comment before, but I also think you look fantastic!

Melissa in Oklahoma

southerngalinlondon said...

Hey Kelly,

Please enter me into the drawing again. I went to the book store and they said that book very popular so they never have it in stock.

Rebecca from Perrin West

Father's Grace Ministries said...

Checked out your Mom's blog- I can see a strong resemblence with Harper and yourself comparing the old photos with the lovely black and white one of Harper on the right hand side of your Mom's blog.

Nichole Fisher said...

I would love to win the single girl book.

I checked out your mom's blog - you looked so cute in that dress too! I wish my mom had saved some of my old dresses.

I miss Sonic. There was one on my route home from work when I lived in Louisiana. Now that I am in North Carolina, there aren't any near Durham. You have to plan a special trip out of town to get to one :(

Erica said...

1. I've never been to Sonic, but you keep making me want to try it out! Luckily they just built one about 10 mins from my house!

2. I LOVE the pictures of you and Harper- you are so elegant & she is so stinkin' adorable!

3. You are so sweet to have giveaways from us single girls! I would love a couple of Chapman's book! :)

4. Bring on the football!!! I'm from OH though... so Buckeyes it is for me!

Have a great week! Erica :)

Rachel H. said...

Thanks for the weight loss tips! I'm definitely going to need them!

Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous! said...

I would love to win that book!

lottfam said...

I would love to win the Chapman book for my friend who is single!

TerraD said...

Hate to disagree with you, but I can definitely see some resemblance between you as a baby and Harper. She is such a cutie!

Nicole said...

Kelly, I would love to put my name in the pot for the book that your giving away!! And, if you lose 15 more pounds you are going to dry up and blow away. :)

Katy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mandy said...

I think Harper does look alot like you... Yes ALOT like her daddy but I see you too!! Your little family is super cute : )

Katy said...

Hello from NC again, I am one of those single girls praying for that special one that the Lord has picked for me. I would love to be add to your singles prayer list please and I will be praying for them also. Along with you and your family. I work with a non-profit that is connected with the church Dr. Chapman works with so I don't need to be included in the drawing but, wish all the other girls good luck.

Anonymous said...

I just looked at your baby pics on your moms blog and I think the top left pic of you laughing looks just like Harper when she laughs.

Jenn Prather said...

I would love to have one of the books to give to my best friend, Ashley! She is a precious girl with a great love for the Lord, just waiting on Him to bring her the right guy!!!!! Thanks for giving them away again!

We've Got Scents said...

Thanks for sharing your 'random' Monday with your readers. And loved seeing you and your Mom when you wore the patriotic dress. Such a special memory for your entire family.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22

Lisa said...

I still haven't bought the single girls book! I'm still single. Some days are better than others.

The pictures on your Mom's blog are precious! Have a great day :)

Riley said...

I would love to win the book too!

Jennifer said...

Cute Razorback outfit and tutu! Harper is going to be set to cheer this fall! Are y'all going to take her to games? We can't decide what we will do about that this fall.
I love your weight loss secrets! Ha!You do look great! And the pics on your mom's blog are so sweet! I love that Harper was able to wear your dress Sunday!

Linda said...

Harper is such a doll! Absolutely beautiful!!! Harper and I have something in common,, not that we are both beautiful! ha!
We are both allergic to nuts and eggs. But my question is how did you learn that she was allergic to those things? Especially the nuts? Babies don't eat nuts???

Be careful of chicken and poultry too,..I am supposed to leave all poultry alone....cuz I am allergic to all of them,...and they are related,...eggs/poultry.
Check with your doctor.

Love, Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

Unknown said...

Hey Kelly :) I was leaving a comment to register for the book drawing. I'm a single gal. I added my prayer request to the prayer blog. I looked for that book and haven't found it yet at wal-mart or target. I'm going to school so I haven't tried to hit up barnes and noble or amazon... maybe I'll win it instead. Thanks for praying for me! - MandyJo

The Smith's said...

I would love to have one of those cute little shirts! And if it wasn't big enough for my daughter then we have a couple of girl baby showers coming up at church!

The little tutu is adorable too...but it is the wrong color! It needs to be orange for the TN VOLS!!!

I love reading your blog. Harper is just the cutest and I love all her bows. My 13 month old son thinks she is cute too! He points to the computer screen when I am looking at your blog!

Unknown said...

first of all...i have been to sonic almost everyday for the week -- i'm addicted to the grape slushes -- you can get a large b4 11 a.m. for .99!! ha -- so, i always swing by on my way home from the!!

i too, like the foodnetwork star!!! i'm slightly addicted and i don't feel bad about it!!! pulling for the stay-at-home mom of course :o)

you look great!! keep it up -- and just know it's just as hot here in GA!! over a 100 yesterday...yikes!
but, i try not to complain b/c my hubby is in iraq and it's 120 degrees!! wowie!!

Jess said...

You are Harper are absolutely precious. All this talk about Sonic makes me a bit sad because the closest Sonic to me is about 30 minutes away. Regardless, I would love an opportunity to win a copy of Gary Chapman's book. Thank so much!

Maryellen said...

Mmmmmm...pina colada slush...yummeeeee.

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly, I would love to win the "Five Love Languages for Singles" book..I've actually looked for at the Christian Bookstore near me, but they don't carry it...
And I'm nuts about the Food Network, love the Next Food Network Star!

Brei said...

Are you kidding me? That beautiful babe looks so much like you to me! So funny what different people see!

Mary said...

Please enter me in the drawing for the book.

BTW, Harper gets cuter every day. With all of the smiling pictures you post, I just don't believe she can be fussy. ;)

~Manda Jo~ said...

Hey Kelly!! I am sooooo addicted to The Next Food Network Star! I was glad that Teddy went home Sunday!! I could not beleive how he kept throwing people under the bus in the evaluation room! Anyway...I am stoked that Melissa is kicking their butts too!! :) Hope you and Harper have a great rest of the week!

Ginny said...

Kelly- I think you need to have a Q&A session on a future blog. I am a curious mind that wants to know if you are considering homeschooling for Harper!

SassyCassie said...

I think the word that best describes me is persevere...I know that's a verb and not an adjective, but it's what I always think. My appendix ruptured a couple of years ago and I had major complications and really should not be here right now. I'm still dealing with those complications so I always think to just persevere through it all and it's worked!!

I would love a copy of the Love Languages book! I'm still waiting for my library to get it in. :(

Lindsey said...

I'm a big Alabama fan...although I can cheer for the razorbacks since they are an SEC team. That hogs outfit is so cute!

I have been meaning to get the book haven't been able to find it. I know I can order it from Amazon, but I like to wait until I have $25 worth of stuff so I can get free shipping.

All that to say...I would love to be entered for the free one.

Elizabeth said...

I have been checking out your blog here and your recipe blog for a while now. Your writing is so fun and your heart is lovely.

Would you please enter me into your singles book contest? I would love to read it.

Stacia said...

I would love to read that book! And I must hit up Sonic :)

Melissa said...

I checked out your Moms blog to see your baby had a lot of hair as a baby. Thats so awsome you have that dress and put Harper in it. I love sentimental things like that!

Teresa said...

Kelly, check this site out. I know this girl personally, have been to her house. She has 3 girls of her own and creates wonderful clothing for babies. I also think her prices are much better than the shops I see on etsy and other places.

Katie said...

I love your weight loss tips...have a 10-pounder....hahahahahaha! That is so exciting that you now weigh less than before pregnancy! That's awesome, Kelly!! I'm working on my weight loss. I have about 15 to hit my pre-preg weight and then I want to go a little further. I love watching Next FN Star...I could watch FN all the live long day. (I won't lie...I least, it's on in the background all the time...haha!) Anyhoo, I hope the stay-at-home momma wins because I love her to bits, and I'd watch her and cook her food. I like Jamika, too though (spelling on that name???)

Susanne said...

what a great giveaway! too cute!

Crystal said...

Oh those are too cute!!

capperson said...

My mom laughs and says me and you are too much alike with the sonic thing. I go to sonic every chance I Also I am a single girl so I would love to be entered into the giveaway. Harper will also most definately be a doll in both of those razorback looks!!!

Megan Light said...

Will you enter me into your singles book giveaway? Thanks!

Lucky in Love said...

I love the Next Food Network Star! I am also loving that the mama is doing so well and beating all of those people that seem to think they are better than her.

Very inspirational!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

I love The Next Food Network Star and just adore the mom too. She knows what she is doing. Please enter me into your singles book giveaway. I never realized I had a single love lanuage. :)

More of Mandi said...

I'd love to win the book! :)

Cindy said...

Re: Next Food Network Star
by MissAmy » June 26th, 2009, 8:04 pm

Guys, this show is rigged. Without going into too much detail, I worked for a woman who was trying to get a show on Food Network. They offered her a spot on Next Food Network Star and told her that if she signed their contract she would have a guaranteed spot in the top 3. She turned them down (that is a WHOLE story in and of itself - she was crazy), but it left a really bad taste in my mouth.

Kelli said...

Kelly, will you add me to the drawing? Thanks so much~


musicgirl said...

I would love to win one of the single girls book.

Kyle's wife said...

Kelly, I am a single 31 year old girl who needs all the prayers I can get! I would love to be considered for one of the books. I am so encouraged by your story and continue to hold you, Scott and Harper in my prayers. Blessings to you!
Elizabeth in the MN

Anonymous said...



Monogramchick said...

One of my biggest Sonic weaknesses is diet Limeaide... I think I could drink a gallon of that stuff!! Slushes are a close 2nd though :) Love the tutus... So cute!!

Nancy said...

Great blog, I've been lurking for some time now. I would love to win the book, thanks for all of kind words. You're an angel!

Amy said...

Single girl (well 35 year old) hoping that the stars will align and god will bless me with a christian mate and home..

Michelle said...

Kelly, you look amazing! Your tips made me laugh out loud. :)

And I'm a single gal too, & would love to win a book! :)

I hope you guys continue to have a wonderful week!

Christina said...

Hi Kelly-

Precious pictures of Harper!

I am interested in the drawing for the books. Thanks!

They call me the boss said...

Harper has her Daddy's eyes but I see a strong resemblance to you too!

Jennifer Beaty (Thompson) said...

Well I'm single and would love to read that book, but I'm far from Alabama. ;-) I could have it sent to the next volunteer coming down though!

Love checking in on your blog when I have a chance and seeing your beautiful baby and all her boutique stuff!! We don't have the luxury of dressing all of our babies that way so it's fun to see her.

Jen (in Bolivia!)

Lori said...

I would love to be entered in the drawing for the book!

Michele said...

Hi Kelly!! I'd love to be entered into the drawing for the book! Thanks for all you share - your blog is usually the last thing I look at on the computer before I go to sleep and it leaves me with such a happy feeling to see your cutie baby, all your cute style, and some inspiration for prayers. Thanks!

Jenny said...

What a fun post. You do look great. It took me a long time to lose the baby weight.

One thing I was wondering: My daughter is allergic to nuts and has to avoid coconut as well. Is the white coconut at Sonic just a flavoring or is it real coconut? I'd love to try it sometime!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

The white coconut and pineapple slush is my favorite! So yummy!

Holly said...

What a cute shirt! Love that tutu! :D