Tuesday, May 05, 2009


1. I was gone part of today and I have a lot of comments saying the kitchen links are gone????
Are they still missing to you because I see them???? I don't know if they just temporarily went away??? Let me know so I can look into it if they are gone.
Thanks to Crystal - I now have a blog button and code for Fridays - I'll post it soon!

2. Ashley gave the prayer blog a new look and it is awesome! And you know what is better than that?????? 50 praises!!!!!

3. I DID post something last night but after I had re-written and re-posted about 7 times trying so hard not to offend anyone.....I just decided to delete. The thing is I am so thankful for all moms. This is the most difficult and most rewarding job you could ever have. And whether you stay at home or work, are married or are a single mom, had babies easily, went through years of trying, got a surprise or adopted - we are ALL blessed and cherish and love our children.
BUT my heart is with those who long to be married or want so desperately to have a child or grieve for the child they have lost. And this week when we celebrate those of us lucky enough to be called mom - please remember and pray for those who would love to be in your shoes. If you know anyone who is waiting or missing a child (or maybe their mother) - send them a note and let them know you care.

For me - she was SO worth the wait!


Love Being A Nonny said...

The links are back!!!!!!!!

Katie said...

Oh my gosh, I cant believe I am the first person to leave a comment!! I read your post yesterday and I didnt think there was anything in it that would offend or upset. As usual you spoke from the heart and I honestly cant think of anything in it that was hurtful, just Kelly :o)

I can see the kitchen links so I think you are safe!

I left a comment for you about the Weleda Calendular baby cream that you can get in Target, for Harper's excema. I dont know if you saw it - by the time you have so many comments I always think you must be cross-eyed!! ;o)
Katie (Texas)

Katie said...

okay, I take that back, after waffling on I became the second person, heehee!

Shannon said...

I'm sorry you have to worry so much about offending others...I suppose that is one price to pay for a large following.

You could keep a separate blog, totally private. Just for you...and Harper someday.

I guess I'm thinking of Harper and the years when she starts figuring all this out. And she learns (and reads) how inspirational she (and of course you) are. Then she starts to see you censor yourself and not share what you really feel. (Which I totally get)

Just an idea.

Chic Runner said...

I am going to try to post this Friday for your house tour, but I don't know what room it is. Hopefully you'll post this soon! :) I know what you mean about missing a mother, and I'm glad you appreciate your role. I lost my mom and I love having the blog community around me and see so many great moms out there that are encouraging and remind me of my own mom! :)

Brittany said...

So glad you're back! I couldn't see the links for a while, but they have been back yesterday and today for me. I personally am not ready to try for children, but it is heartbreaking to think of those who can't. I pray God gives me strength to face any trials that can come when my husband and I decide to start a family. Praying for the single and childless this week.

Lauren said...

I love your tender spirit, Kelly, and your awareness of what God has place on your heart. Love ya, friend!! :)

Mary said...

Hey Kelly. You do a great job thinking of how everyone else is feeling and that's why so many people read your blog--we can relate to what you're saying very easily! I read your post last night and understood what you were saying. I am one of the moms who had an "easy" time having babies and I was not offended in the least. It's because I fully agree that there are many women who would do a fantastic job as moms that have not been given the chance and they would in no way take it for granted the way I have in the past. Tomorrow morning I have a c-section (my 3rd baby,) and until yesterday we didn't know if the baby would be okay once delivered. She has had a tumor in her lung that would have required surgery immediately so she could breathe and Lord knows when they are so small any surgery is so scary...God has been faithful throughout the whole process of learning about her condition, monitoring her growth, etc. and keeping our hearts at peace but we have been so worried. That is the closest thing I can imagine to what you were describing...and it has been an incredible blessing to experience the realization that she is God's child, not mine. She has been in His hands throughout the entire 9 months and will continue to be. Yesterday I went in for my final sonogram to check the size of the tumor and it is GONE. Well, either gone or so small it will not cause a problem after delivery. We are overwhelmed with gratitude. :)

SLM said...

I'm sorry that you felt like you had to delete your post, and I'm also thankful that I snagged the poem before it was gone.


Amy said...

Thanks Kelly...it is important to remember our blessings and be mindful of others who struggle. But one way or another we all are blessed and need to remember and be thankful.

Thanks for a wonderful blog

Mandy said...

You have the sweetest heart!!! And the cutest little family....I don't think you could offend anyone not on purpose anyway. I hope you have the most Wonderful mother's day because you truly deserve it!!

Rach@In His Hands said...

Kelly, you are just SO dear. I'm sorry if folks took offense to what you shared yesterday. As a woman who has longed for a child for so long, my heart completely understood and appreciated that poem.

It is amazing to have a "Praise" next to my name on the prayer blog!! I will never forget the struggle we went through or take one single moment with our son for granted. It is obvious that you feel the same. :-)

Praying for SO many who are struggling right now...

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

ok..I am back again...hubby says there is an OBU in Arkansas that is different than the OBU in Oklahoma that he went to...which one? And the other thing I forgot to mention in my last post (I think I was number 1,831 ha! so I am sure you will remember me... :) ) is that I too love David Crowder!

This is a very sweet post and reminded me of Mother's Day this weekend....I totally forgot about it and while reading what you wrote was reminded...so THANKS! My mother passed away over 8 years ago from cancer and so I try not to think of Mother's Day too much because I still miss her terribly, but I forget that there are so many people who serve as a mother figure to me that I need to be thankful for them! and then I also need to remind my children...right? ha ha.


A mom and one princess said...

ALL your post are great and words of encouragement!! THANK YOU!!

Tammy518 said...

What a great post, Kelly! I have two beautiful children and I thank God always that they came to me so easily. I can't imagine what it's like for the ladies who are trying but can't get pregnant -- and for the families of babies that don't make it. I couldn't imagine anything harder in the world than to lose your child.

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Amy said...

Hi Kelly,

I wanted to respond to Harper's excema condition but since it is a few posts back I didn't know if you would still see it? So I am responding here since I am the first commentor. :)

I know a family from my brother's church who's children suffered with severe excema and they tried different creams and prescriptions which didn't help. They then heard about and started their kids on a whole food pureed product called "Jus." It is a concentrated antioxidant liquid drink. Have you heard of this? I guess it has done wonders for them. Here is a testimony site for you to read if interested: www.yjus.net (There are other excema testimonies here as well.)
If you are interested in trying the product out I can post the Jus website:

I hope little Harper's excema clears up soon! Although, looking at the recent pictures it looks better. :) Thank you for your blogging! It is my most favorite to keep up with and I feel like you are a friend although we have never met!


Martha said...

Mr. Linky was down for part of the day, probably why the links disappeared!

Carrie said...

i too read last nights blof entry and did not find it offensive at all. I am one of thoe who can conceieve just by looking at my husband! I have grown increasingly aware of how difficult it is for my friends who have a harder time concieving or who have miscarried babies. I just nought a gift for a friend who has been TTC for 3 years now and awas going to mail it to her for mother's day just to let her know I was praying for her. but will it be received well? Or will I get the "you still don't understand" response? We have a good friendship and she is genuinely excited for me and my 3 babies and she shares openly with me her struggles with infertility. God just really palced her on my heart this week and I wanted to send her a little gift.

Thanks for such a sweet blog!

Carrie said...

yikes! sorry for the typos!

Grecia said...

I also read your post last night and thought you did an excellent job of expressing feelings that only one who has been there would know...and it was very inspring to see it from that view (not offensive at all). However, being the sweetheart you are, you try to look out for everyone's best interest! Harper was definitley worth the wait because she is just a doll baby! Have a wonderful Happy 1st Mother's Day and Baby Dedication Day! Can't wait to see her all dressed up for this occasion!

Megan said...

Happy One Year Anniversary of when you found out that you were PREGNANT! I loved your post yesterday.

I love that you include us single ladies who think about finding a Godly husband AND wanting to be a mother. The need to have a child isn't just limited to women who are already married, and you recognize that. I identify with your impatience, and appreciate how much you share so that we know we're not alone. I try so hard to have a quiet heart and be at peace until the plans that God has in store come to fruition, but it's so hard. You are such a wonderful example of prayer and that impatience is sometimes unavoidable, but it's able to be overcome!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for you Kelly that people took offense to what you wrote. It is going to be impossible to always please everyone. If they knew your sweet heart, they would know your good intentions. Thank you for always acknowledging those of us that aren't Moms yet, but long to be. And I wanted to wish you a WONDERFUL early Mother's Day!!

Tori said...

Very well said! I couldn't agree more. It doesn't matter what journey you must take to get there. I'm sorry people can be so harsh on here, this should be a safe haven, where you can speak your mind. You've never spoke a harsh word of anykind and I think majority of us know that! Keep it up! :)

Ashley said...

You do a GREAT job of being tactful! I understand the stress of sometimes having to "censor". It can be frustrating. After reading your comments, it kind of makes me want to start a private blog, just for myself. Hmm.... Love you and your blog!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for including us single gals in that waiting too... so many time I think we get lost but you never do that. You have no idea what good that does to my heart.

Your Harper is so, so very precious.

Kelly said...

I read the post last night, and it definitely wasn't offensive to me. I loved the poem! I just found out that I'm pregnant...after having 2 surgeries for Endometriosis and being told that I'd never have a baby!!! Praise the Lord!!

Terriwc said...

I was so touched actually by the poem that you put in your post yesterday. I actually copied it to hopefully one day put in a grandchild's scrapbook. My daughter has had 2 prospective adoptions fall through and it has been an excrutiating process for the last 2 1/2 years. That poem really touched my heart and will touch hers as well, when she is again a waiting "mom", hopefully with a child in her arms one day soon.

Unknown said...

I cried as i read your blog today, i am just so emotional!
I got laid off yesterday, i was not expecting it!
But you know it's so weird because back in January when i was in my office God spoke to me, and said "May" i don't know what and still don't know what he means but I got laid off in the month of MAY!!
Was he trying to prepare me for something? When he spoke to me i smiled because i thought MAYBE in MAY I'll be pregnant?... nope, i got laid off.
It's so difficult but lucky i have my boyfriend here to help and I am so thankful.
I was mad, still am but i continue to PRAISE HIM because i know i do have it better than some out there.
Please pray for me and the others that are unemployed.
It's a struggle but I know God will not give a something i can not handle.
Harper is such a cutie
and Happy Mothers Day Kelly you are so lucky in so many ways and Harper was worth the wait!

With Love,
Suzie from Wichita Falls, TX

Tiffany said...

I wish I could have read whatyou psoted last nigth because it soudns like it probably put into words all that I am feeling as one of those women waiting and praying -- and almost two years later still facing an empty nursery. Mother's Day may be one of the most painful days of the year for me . . . especially at church. The comments can be so hurtful, even from people who mean well. It almost makes me long for the invisibility we childless women often face in church the other 51 weeks of the year.

Anyway, thank you for giving a Mother's Day voice to those of us still praying for our miracle baby, and thank you for the hope that Harper represents!

Sonya said...

You are so sweet to think of everyone and try not to offend them. I can tell you have a very sweet and tender heart.

Jennifer said...

Kelly, I've read your blog for a long time, but never commented. I did catch your post last night before you deleted it. I am one of the ones that got pregnant very easily (like four for four). You did not offend me at all. I'm not sure why God chose to make it easy for me to get pregnant, but I cherish the gift. Don't worry about offending those of us that got pregnant easily. I pray for those of you that can't.

The Jones Clan said...

I read your blog last night and didn't see anything in there that should be offensive. I loved it. It is sad that you have to try to please everyone all of the time. You are very inspirational and I love your upbeat attitude and your consideration for others feelings.

Anonymous said...

I read your first post and you weren't rude at all. You were speaking from the heart. I'm not a Mom and not married and could really relate because I come from a big family and know how Mom's work sort of :) I love your blog and appreciate your sweet nature and constant caring for people (some of which you have no idea who they are in real life)! It's awesome! The pics of Harper are so adorable and I wish I could squuze her to pieces! For sure worth your wait!
God Bless You!

Banana Pancakes said...

Hi Kelly,

I wondered if you might be able to post the poem somewhere else so that us infertile myrtles can get to it? It was so beautiful and made me feel a tiny bit hopeful after a long time of sadness. Perhaps on the prayer blog by those of us that are waiting for God to bless us with a child? Just a thought :)

Melanie said...

I read your post as it initially was posted and thought it was beautiful and not offensive at all! I have never known the pain of infertility and don't presume to have any idea what that is like, but I have lost a child, and while she was not my ONLY child, I still grieve for her most every day. Thank you for your sweet, sweet spirit and passion for bringing hope and encouragement to SO many women, in whatever circumstances they are in. You are a blessing to all of us who read here! Thank you for your tender heart and joyous spirit. May God bless you richly as you pour it back out to others.

whit said...

Hi Kelly, I thought the post you had written, but deleted was beautiful. I am the mother of two, it just happens that one of my beautiful babies lives in heaven. We are struggling, waiting, crying, praying, you remember the drill for a new addition. What you had written was touching. You don't have to second guess yourself when you speak from the heart.

Harper's skin condition: My son has horribly dry skin, that cracks and bleeds ,as do I. So my mother makes us a special cream. It is sooo easy to make and is the ONLY thing that works for us. Oh better than that, it does not burn. To make it, mix with an electric mixer: Four 8 oz jars of Vitamin E cream, One 15 oz bottle of Baby Lotion, and One 7.5 oz jar Petroleum Jelly. We use the Dollar General Brands of all items. We returned the mixed lotion to the empty used containers.

If you have any questions, you can email me at whitalexh@hotmail.com

J. Shelton Photography said...

I read your post last night and didn't think it was offensive at all. Even if it does this is your blog! You can post whatever you want.
Wanted to thank you again for being such a guiding light in my spiritual journey. Harper's story truly saved my household!

Jessica said...

How do I get my name on your prayer blog? I haven't been able to figure out how to email you or get on your prayer blog.

Shosh said...

I read that post last night and I was not offended. I guess I could see how some people would be but anyone who hasn't been in your shoes can't judge.
Anyway, it is your blog, so you can write what you want, but I commend you for trying to be sensitive to other people's feelings.

Stephanie said...

Ugh! I loved your post yesterday! It was wonderfully written and you have a great way with words and sharing YOUR journey. It is no one else's. Censoring be darned! Take no prisoners and stay a bold Christ like woman.

Jesus never censored. His words and the Binle are definAtely not loved by everyone and while it is not His purpose, many people take offense to His teachings. It was not His purpose to come to this earth to please people and it is not yours either. Harper would love to read your words and your deep conviction to have her in your life.

You will still have a million who support you while others can sit and sulk in their offense.

Perform all your actions in love and have no regrets! Much love!

Erin Parker said...

From a mom who conceives easily, that poem was not at all offensive. I know that there are things I take for granted that mothers who have really struggled to have a baby, or for those who still do not have a child, would not take for granted. I went in for my first OB appointment with my new little one, and I was very sick, with what I thought was morning sickness but ended up being a virus.

As I was waiting to go in, I sat next to a lady and she began talking to me. I found out that she had just had her second miscarriage the week before. All she wants is to know the feeling of morning sickness, because she never got that far. Now, I try to appreciate the queasiness and the things that come with my pregnancy knowing that there are women out there who would love to just know the feeling.

Not offensive at all.

Tonya said...

All I can say is "Thank you!".

From Tonya B who is still waiting...and on your prayer list.

Jenna said...

Thanks Kelly! I was so glad to hear that he didn't have to go, but I was planning a mini reunion with some of our favorite people down there! It was kinda sad! Miss Harper was ADORABLE on Sunday, and I can't wait for you to meet Brayden!

Jenna said...

Oh and I'm a little late on this one, but I HEART Trumpette Socks too! They are one of few that make cute socks for boys!

The Guess Family said...

I have been reading your blog since Harper was in the hospital. I wanted to give you a tip on the excema. I was recently introduced to Vanicream by other Mom's in my daughter's preschool.

My oldest is 4 and has horribly dry, irritated skin. To make matters worse, we moved from Houston, TX to Denver CO and it is DRY, DRY, DRY here! Vanicream lotion is sold through the pharmacy at Costco, no perscription necessary, or you could probably find it online. It has helped her skin so much and I love it to. They have a soap as well, if the perfumes in baby soap bother her.

I just had my 3rd daughter and my OB saw the bottle in my hospital room and commented that she loves it as well. Good luck!! Hope it helps her.

Jessica said...

Thank you so much!!! You are a true inspiration and you help me daily with your posts! My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years and have tried 6 IUI's we aren't sure what to do next! Thanks!

Kristi said...

I'm one of the the ones "in waiting" for a Mother's Day of my own, and I LOVED your post last night. I actually sent the link to a friend of mine who just adopted her son and then she e-mailed back to say she couldn't follow the link. Please consider re-posting or at least e-mail me the post so I can share it with her. You're a great writer and have an amazing gift for empathy....never second guess yourself or worry that others will misinterpret your words...that's their problem :).


Sarah said...

Thank you, Kelly, for remembering "us". I am a 36-year old single, never married girl. I have dreamed all my life of being a wife and mother. I had a hysterectomy when I was 27 and for now I seem to have the gift of singleness. As much as I like to celebrate my own wonderful Mom and my friends that are wonderful Moms, there is a large part of me that is EXTREMELY lonely on Mother's Day--and my empty arms ache even more. I just have to go back to the Lord knows the desires of my heart. He has promised to provide for my needs. So since I don't have a husband or a baby of my own, I must conclude--at least for now--that it is in my best interest that I don't...for I know God always has my best in mind. He doesn't call me to like it (I hate it), to understand it (I don't)--He just calls me to obey.

All that to say, thanks for your sweetness in remembering "us". As each Mother's Day passes, I wonder whether my dreams will continue to ebb away. At least the Lord knows what He's doing and there is a LOT to be said for that!

Many blessing to you and enjoy this first Mother's Day with Harper!!!! She is beautiful!!!

The Stain Family said...

Sweet post...and I'm thankful for all the comments about eczema as my son suffers from it as well!

Shannon said...

For the record, I was able to read your post with the poem before it was deleted. I am one of those moms who conceived and delivered my children very easily. But that poem was exactly what I needed to read. I think regardless of whether you had an easy or hard time having a family, that life catches up with you and you get so busy and overwhelmed, that you forget to enjoy the blessings of being a mom. Also, I know that every mom desires to give her children her best and be that perfect mom. That is where I have been this past week, so thank you for the poem. It reminded me to just enjoy each moment with my children, regardless of how busy or crazy life gets. Again, thank you for the post, and I'm very blessed to have been able to read it.

Bri said...

I understand why you deleted the post from yesterday, but I really enjoyed reading it and I feel the same way. I am glad I got to read it before you deleted it.

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

I read what you wrote last night and I thought it was perfect. It really spoke to how/what we are feeling right now. Thank you for it!

I can't wait to see what this Friday room is!!

Stori said...

I loved your post yesterday, I made my husband read it! I didn't find it offensive and I wish you'd repost it :). You're wonderful and sweet, and I don't think you have anything to worry about.

Heather said...

I was able to read your post before it was deleted, and I don't think it was offensive AT ALL!!

I am one of the mom's that gets pregnant VERY easily, so if it wasn't offensive to me, I don't think it should have been offensive to anyone else.

That's what I love about your blog anyway! You always speak from the heart, are so caring, and so sweet! I don't think you could offend anyone even if you were trying to.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that. I hope you are having a good week!

Crystal said...

You are so sweet.. you have such a big heart Kelly!

Anonymous said...

I didn't get to read your post. It was in my dashboard but shows up as an error when I click on it.

I got pregnant within 3 months of TTC. Still, I know my son is my angel and I don't think I could love him anymore than if it took a year or more to conceive him.

Part of me believes that is because of the trouble we had when he was born. He was whisked away to the NICU and I thought he had died because no one would tell me what was going on. The second he was placed in my arms as a healthy breathing boy I knew I would never take that gift for granted. And I never have. I treasure every single second with him. For I know how close I was to losing him in that first hour after he was born.

I have read too many stories about woman wanting a child and it makes my heart ache. I don't understand infertility and I truly believe that anyone who wants to be a parent should get that chance.

I can't pretend to understand or relate infertility. But I can say that I never wish that pain on anyone.

Rathi said...

I read your post yeseterday and I loved the poem and I think you should post it! I love the new look to the prayer blog, too cute! Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day, can't wait to see Harper's outfit! Have a great rest of your week!

The one girl said...

I did not read the now-deleted post, but wanted to say that I thought this one was very nice.

My oldest friend is missing her mom so much right now (by age 22, she'd lost both of her parents to cancer) and she has also been trying to have a child of her own for about 2 1/2 years. She and her husband never hesitate to be around others with children (or parents, for that matter), but I know how their hearts long for a child of their own. My friend recently wrote a beautiful post about how much she misses her mother, and your post reminded me of the wounds that can be lessened through the love of one's child. I have had such a rich experience with that myself and pray that my friend (along with every other woman longing for a child) will have it as well.

HappyascanB said...

I think Mr. Linky was having issues earlier today. I caught the blog last night, too, and it was beautiful. To me at least. And I'm a happily married girl who's anxious for us to start "trying". Things just aren't quite where we'd like for them to be yet, so I wait. And I wait knowing that I might wait longer. But I trust that God knows my heart, and that His plan is bigger than mine ever can and will be. You are precious!!!!!

Kylie and crew. said...

I loved the poem you posted and what you wrote. As a mom who hasn't struggled to get pregnant it makes me thankful BUT also compassionate and careful towards others who may or may not be struggling. I thought it was great and appealed to all emotions and feelings out there!

Pink said...

Thank you Sweet Kelly for thinking of those of us that are hurting this time of year...today would have been my sweet daughters 22 birthday....it has been a hard day! And Mothers Day is not much easier...so thank you for praying for us.

caknitter said...

I can see the links.
I enjoyed reading the post you had yesterday. It's too bad some people are very touchy, but you were very clear about not offending anyone. I didn't find it offense at all.
The baby looks adorable, as usual.
Have a great day!

Beth said...

Kelly, I thought your blog was very sensitive and I do not think you should have to censor yourself. There will always be someone who does not agree with you. It is your blog. Honestly. I hate to see you in such angst over this. God sees your heart and that is all that matters.

Alicia said...

Hey, I read your post all the time, just have never left a post. This comment has nothing to do with this post but I wanted to share. I have a blog www.sanfordslife.blogspot.com and I have posted a post about Angel Quilt Projects. It is a project that my daddy started and it is designed to give blankets to children fighting cancer and in burn centers. Please go to my site and check it out. And feel free to spread the word. The quilts are made from cross stitching and other things. God Bless. Your faith always inspires me to have more faith and a closer walk with our lord and savior!
Alicia S.

Sara Sexton said...


I read your blog daily and I actually caught the post you wrote yesterday. It was beautiful.

Please, please don't sensor your post just because there are some people out there that don't agree with you. Be yourself and be proud of it...that's what we all love about you!

There are always going to be hurtful people but I take my strength my reading your posts and knowing you stand up and say what you believe deep down...regardless of how others my interpret it.

It's obvious from all your other posts you are not a person that is hurtful or mean....you speak from your heart with the best intentions. I (WE) get that!

I just don't want you to be discouraged and sure don't want your honesty to be shielded because of others!


Katie Kordsmeier said...

I subscribe to you on bloglines so I got to read the post just now, even though it was deleted from your blog. I thought it was beautiful! I remember the first time I found out I was pregnant! I remember being so happy I couldn't even talk. My husband was watching the Razorback game so when I went in to tell him, he barely heard me (Razorbacks plus a wife who can't even find words)! It took us what seemed like forever to conceive that child, then had two more surprise blessings in the next two years!! Three babies in three years, and not long before that, I wondered if I would ever get pregnant!

MEGAN said...

You are VERY sweet to be so sensitive to the women that are not yet mothers, or any combination that you mentioned.

God bless YOU on your first MOTHER'S DAY KELLY!

noahandlylasmommi said...

This post brings on all kinds of emotions for me. I am blessed to have two wonderful children and one who went to heaven. It will be a great day to spend with my kids but also sad that one of our babies cant be here. We have been trying since baby #3 went to be with Jesus in June 08 and are currently doing infertility treatments, praying we will find one that works. Anyway just wanted to say that most of us dont think about how hard Mother's Day is for those who long for children. Thanks for reminding us all how thankful we should be.

Jill said...

I actually read that post before you deleted it. Only someone who has been through infertility or has waited on God to give them their mate can truly know how someone going through those things feels. There will always be people who are offended, but like you said, your heart is for those that are going through what you've been through. God gives us a heart for certain things for a reason. You can minister to those women, unlike someone who hasn't been through it.

I think anyone who reads your blog on a regular basis knows your heart. You've never come across harsh to me.


Pam said...

I read your post from yesterday and was very touched by it. I was in a hurry and was going to come back to read the poem. If you still have it typed, will you email it to me pac9591@yahoo.com. You don't have to retype it. I know you have more than enough to do. Spend your time with that precious angel. She'll grow up way too fast. I missed you on your break but got to see pictures on facebook so I didn't go into Harper withdrawal. Have a good week. Pam from FS

The Scott Household said...

Kelly - I read your post last night and loved the poem - can you re-post or email it to me? It really spoke to my heart last night :)
Thanks :)

lindsey said...

Hey Kelly!

When I was reading your post today, it made me think of something Beth Moore said in her most recent Esther Bible Study. She talks about waiting on the Lord and how so often, we wait on "something" instead of doing what the Word says and wait on "the Lord." This really hit me because I often wait for something to change with my situation instead of waiting on the Lord, which leaves me wasting time instead of letting God use me as my focus stays on Him. Is this making sense?? ha Really great post, and I know that God will bless your words and you being sensitive to Him...

Unknown said...

What a shame that you have to worry about offending someone on your own blog. I just want to let you know that, even though we've never met, I think you are a great person and an even greater mom!

Your post was perfect and it made me realize all of the things that I take for granted. I will make sure I am more considerate in the future.

Thank you for helping me be a better person! Please don't stop blogging.

I also wanted to say how much I enjoyed the "Show us where you live" tour on Friday. I am currently in the thinking process for remodeling my kitchen and it was so fun to look at other people's kitchens for ideas. Your kitchen is beauiful :)

Sorry this was so long...have a great week!


Carrie said...

Please keep doing what you do, in the way that you do it, with the content that you feel led by the Lord to share. That's ministry. You speak first and foremost (from your heart) to a specific population. No one knows the longing and frustration and joy of that specific prayer like YOU. If someone is offended, rather than sharing your joy (and the burdens of so many), let them search their hearts. Let their eyes be open to the experience of others. And honestly, if that doesn't work, let them go. Not in a rude way, just in a "different strokes for different folks" kind of way. You are a blessing, thanks for putting yourself (and your family) out there, so that we can be encouraged and enjoy seeing what God is doing at Kelly's house.

Anonymous said...

What I love so much about your blog is that you haven't limited yourself to only speaking to Moms. An earlier commenter mentioned how much your remembrance of us single ladies "touched her heart" - it does the same for me!
We have so much in common as WOMEN, many of the same desires and struggles and hopes...whether or not we're married yet or have been able to have children doesn't change that. Thanks SO MUCH for remembering us...

Ashley said...

Kelly- I just love you!!!!!!

Jill said...

ok kelly, for some reason, i haven't been able to see your links all day, but it seems like some people are saying the links are back, so maybe it's just me. i hope i can see some more kitchens tonight...it's FUN to see how everyone lives :)
(and thanks for my note...i felt like i got mail from a FAMOUS person!! i even called my sister right away-haha!)

Cathy said...

I thought the poem was so special. I got married at 42 and then got pregnant, but we lost the baby at 10 weeks. After that, the doctor said it too high risk to try again. Adoption is not an option for us at this time. My husband had a daughter who was 17 when we married and she has blessed me with a granddaughter that I love so much. I still long for a child of my own, but God has other plans, I suppose. On Mother's Day, I often feel so sad because with a miscarriage, people don't really think you were a mother. I knew my baby was there. She was very loved. I appreciate you caring about those of us who aren't able to have our own children. I love my stepdaughter and I'm blessed to have she and Madison in my life, but sometimes, well...I know you understand. Thanks again!

Michelle C said...

Oh no!! Could you email me the poem you shared yesterday? I wanted to keep it for my friend who is trying so hard to have a baby.I'm sorry you had to delete the post because people don't understand what you were trying to say.

Staci said...

Happy Mother's Day! I will be thinking of you on Sunday and praising God for all His blessings!

Kara said...

kelly i did see your post last night, and i loved it. you prefaced it so well that i cant see how anyone would have been offended. i am single and long both for a husband and children, but i know both are going to be worth the wait. i'd love a copy of the poem you shared, would you email it to me? karabethstarr@gmail.com


Wunderwoman said...

Hi Kelly, I have something for you over on my blog if you would like to hop over and check it out.

Amanda Ledford said...

I just wanted to tell you that you are such an AMAZING person and I can't thank you enough for all the support you've given me since we "met" last summer! Both through email and by being so transparent on your blog. You've taught me to have hope and to not be afraid to be an open book (I have always struggled with a fear of being too open!). :-)

Shari said...

I read your post yesterday and commented. Then I deleted it because it sounded weird. I commented again. Came back to read the poem again and POOF! It was gone. I was certain I had lost my marbles! =)

Melissa said...

i know that you are at the point where you realize how wonderful harper is and that you know how worth the wait she was, but do you feel like there was a specific reason God had you wait. do you feel like maybe you mentor more to those now who are waiting? or do you feel like waiting prepared you for the time she spent in the NICU and maybe two years ago when you started trying you wouldn't have been able to emotionally or spiritually handle the stress of her being sick at first? i'm just curious if you actually SEE why God had you wait if you feel that He was intentional about it? i love The Lord and feel that there's a reason and sometimes wonder if it's always evident.

Jacquie said...

You have such a thoughtful heart, Kelly. I did read your post and commented. I just wanted you to know that I found nothing offensive in it, because I KNEW where you had come from. I, fortunately, never had to struggle with waiting long for a baby. But, because of your experience and others that I've witnessed go through it, my heart is much more sensitive to those women who pray daily for a child to love.

Has anyone told you lately how gorgeous Harper is???

Meg said...

That was a very nice comment Kelly. You shouldn't be so worried with offending anyone though.

friendbrooke at everyday blessings said...

Kelly....as one of those gals who longs to be married and a mom, I really appreciate your tender heart. I have so many amazing kids in my life through my job as a teacher and my friends, but that desire is still there to have one of my very own. Just wanted you to know that I appreciate you! I love reading your blog...thanks for sharing your heart!

Taylor said...

I can still see the kitchen links!

And I also read your post last night and I thought it was beautiful and I'm not a mother that struggled with infertility, but I can only imagine that hurt and I think it's awesome that you can relate and try to help others struggling feel better about it and help them to keep faith!!

Yay for all the praises!!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I really enjoy your blog. Harper is beautiful, and I am so happy that your dreams ahve come true with her arrival. I want to thank you for your prayers for the single women still waiting for Mr. Right and the kids to go along with him. (I am between 35 and 40 and still single. I have been through a lot with men, one in particular, entirely too much to go through here. I desperately feel like a wife and mother without a husband and children and I ache daily for the family I fear I may never find. I trust in the Lord and believe that he does have a plan for me. (I just hope his plan is the same as mine.)) So often, I hear, "You're so lucky that you don't have kids, that you can do what you want, when you want, that you can put yourself ahead of others." Well, I don't feel that way. Your blog shows how much you appreciate motherhood, and recognize it as a gift - not something to complain about or wish away. And, you acknowledge that. Thank you for remembering those of us who would do just about anything for the blessings of husbands and children in our lives. I doubt I speak alone when I say that so many overlook us and leave us out of their prayers. You are an angel, Kelly. Thank you. God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

You are incredibly thoughtful Kelly. For wiw I thought it was a lovely poem. I co-founded "Whispered Support" to help families who lose their babies and know that this time of year can just be so very, very painful. Thank you for encouraging others to think of these broken hearted ladies at this time of year.
You are just a pleasure to read xxxx

pcb said...

I, too, read your post last night and thought it was lovely and very sensitive. Anyone who has read your blog for any time at all knows you have a sweet spirit and would not hurt anyone. By the way, I met my husband on a blind date, too! :)

amy said...

I loved your post from last night. I thought about it several times today! :)

Kylie said...

I was able to read the post on my reader and when I got to your blog to comment, saw that it was gone! I thought it was a beautiful post and it made me hug my own two kiddos a little tighter today!!
beautiful girlie you have there! LOVE the onesie! I bought a similar one, well two actually, for my best friend, finally pregnant and with TWINS!

Cortni said...

Just wanted to let you know that I am having a tile pendant giveaway on my blog right now that ends Thursday, in case you want to enter. I will be having a different giveaway over the next two weeks as well!!


Take Care....Harper is such a cutie!!!


kate said...

I think you are right on sister! know that I am thinking of you big time this week - knowing last year at this time you had no idea...and now look at your beautiful family! God is so good! much love to you - k

4heartsliving in a 4square house said...

I really enjoy reading your blog.
I was hoping for a copy of the poem you posted it. I enjoyed it so much I went to writing it down and it was gone.:(


God Bless.
Harper is a Cutie Pie !!:)

kate said...

you know anyone who hasn't had to wait - it is differant. I so agree with you cute Kelly!

Think of those that go to college right after HS vs. those that have to wait years and years - of course their degrees and accomplishments are much differant than those that went at 18. Doesn't make one better than another - we all end up college grads - everyone ends up a mother - but to my sister who has waited for adoption for THREE years is very differant than my freidns who think "i want to be PG" and get it! Not that my sister will love her baby anymore than those that experienced an easier method of becoming a mother - but it is differant - and it should be noted. I would never expect more for my wedding showers since I've given 13 and been a bridesmaid 8 times...but longing to love and be loved is much differant than getting married before you can legally rent a car. But, just like you it is all worth the wait and in God's perfect plan. Love you - k

The Fabulous Ms. Beth said...

Aww. I wish I would have saw the post before it was erased. As a mommy who has been blessed with a vivacious 7 week old, and is always missing my first baby Charlie.. I am grateful to be a mama again. It's been a long journey full of heartache and waiting but God has answered our prayers and sent us a beautiful girl. :)
I love your blog

Cathy said...

Those are incredibly unselfish comments you made - your first Mother's Day and you still leave so much room in your heart for those who wait. Thank you!

Sarah said...

Couldn't agree with you more. My heart is so broken right now for a dear friend from church who lost her baby at 7 months pregnant. And it seems like everywhere you look in the blog world, there is someone who is praying that God will let their baby live, or someone who is waiting, or someone who has lost a child. Thank you for reminding us to keep those in our prayers.

{K} said...

I posted a comment yesterday that I'm afraid came across as offensive to you and others, or perhaps it sounded like I was offended with your poem.
I've been worrying about that all day today. I'm sorry if it was taken the wrong way. I know that parts of the poem could apply to most mothers but I realize the poem in whole has a special, deeper meaning for mothers who have suffered infertility.

Unknown said...

Such encouraging words. You know, sometimes it is REALLY hard to be patient, to know that God has in His plans the perfect guy for me to serve Him with but then there are the times when I am so at peace and confident waiting. I long to have a child and know that God places desires in our hearts, and if we seek Him, He will give them to us...He provides. Right now, I'm enjoying my best friend's precious baby. I was reading Esther the other day and noticed that she waited a whole year in the palace before brought before the king and then a whole extra year before Haman's plan was known to her. She was there for "such a time" but still had to wait! I pray that God gives us all patience to wait on Him and that we are effective for Him while we wait!

Jen said...


I just wanted to thank you for this post.
Thank you for remembering those of us who were supposed to be celebrating Mother's Day this year but are not.

I hope you have a WONDERFUL Mother's Day!!

Megan said...

I did leave a comment on your post last night. Not sure if you saw the comments or not since you deleted it, but I just wanted to thank you for your daily encouragement. I have that exact onesie, and I'm hiding it away until our wait is over! I have faith that God will answer our prayers and bless us beyond what we could imagine. Three years and waiting...but I know it will be worth it!

God is able to do immeasurably more than I could ever ask or imagine. Eph. 3:20

Stephanie said...

Kelly, I am so grateful that I got a chance to read your blog last night before you deleted it. It gave voice to my feelings better than I could myself. Thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with the blog world. My husband and I have been TTC for 1 year and are facing multiple issues. I intended to copy down the poem you posted, but didn't get to it. Would you mind emailing it? I would appreciate it. stephaniejchism@hotmail.com

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I don't comment often because I know you have so many to read. However, I need to tell you how much I appreciate your heart for single women, those longing for marriage. As a single woman in my thirties, your compassion warms my heart; there aren't many like you out there. Thank you for understanding and communicating it so well to others.
A faithful reader,

Lynn said...


Thank you SO MUCH for acknowledging those who are hurting this mother's day. I am a single woman in my 30's, waiting on God to bring me a Godly husband and would love to be a mother. I am so grateful that you think of those who are hurting. The Lord is truly using you in so many ways...thank you for letting Him do that through you.

Blessings to you!

Fran said...

I have a little boy at church whose mom died on Christmas Day. Yep. Hard to swallow. My heart breaks for them this week. I'm going to send them a note. Praying for kids who have lost their momma's.

Love ya girl..

MtnGirl said...

Kelly, I want to say thank you for encouraging people to reach out to single women and motherless women. I did not get married until 40 y/o and that, in and of itself, has had many struggles, BUT because of PCOS and my age, I will never be a mother. Although I have a wonderful mother, I hate mother's day! I hate it because I feel like since I am not a mother, I am not worth squat! I was the girl who always played with dolls, always did my "duty" of working in the church nursery, etc. Although there have been several wonderful women who have "shared" their babies with me and for that, I will always be grateful and touched by that love. However, I quit going to church because married couples with children do NOT reach out to singles or to childless couples - at least, not when/where I went. I think that it's great that people want to be missionaries overseas, etc. but when "church folks" don't reach out to the people in their own pews who are hurting, then I am not interested in sharing fellowship with those people! This is not a rant, but really a note to say thank you to you and those who DO reach out to hurting people whether it's singles, infertiles, parents who have lost their babies, who have sick babies, etc.

Keely said...

You're so sweet to be considerate of everyone. I happened to catch your post last night and I thought it was beautiful.
Mother's Day IS miserable when one is waiting to become a mommy. I remember having two very miserable Mother's Days while my husband and I were trying to conceive. The first (after two miscarriages the previous fall and winter) I sat in church hiding the fact that I was crying. The second (after a third miscarriage and MONTHS of nothing happening) I couldn't even stay in church. Those two days will always stand out in my mind as the darkest of days when my heart hurt most.
I wouldn't wish that kind of grief on anyone and I always remember to pray for the women who are trying to be patient for God's will.
That said...enjoy your first Mother's Day.

Allikaye's Mama said...

Oh! That pic of Harper made me get all emotional! My Allikaye had that onesie - and I loved it on her! Now she is potty trained and getting so big! Good reminder of how small she was! It goes so fast!

Creekmore's said...

I caught your post last night too and I thought it was very sweet and sincer. In fact, I was going to tell a friend of mine who's been trying to have a baby for over a year to read it. I too had fertility issues, but small compared to others. You never think when your growing up about having these issues. You just think you'll get married, have babies and have this great life. It's so hard when you come to realize it's not that easy.

won said...

I am missing my precious girl. Her name is Olivia Grace and I lost her to brain cancer. Tomorrow marks the anniversary of her diagnosis.

Mother's Day is hard. I feel so slighted by having NO ONE acknowledge it.

I wish there was someone to send or make a card, take me to dinner or pick some dandelions and lovingly give them to me.

I want to acknowledge you for acknowledging me in your post. It means a lot.

And I love you my princess Olivia...from the Ground up to God forever...promise!

Annie said...

I think that your post (yesterday) was adorable.

Mama2aMiracle said...

Hey Kelly!

I havn't posted many comments but I just wanted to share a new song that I just heard over the radio. Its called I just call you mine, by Martina McBride..and I tell ya grab some tissue cause its a tear jerker! haha!

It made me think of you and sweet miss harper..as well as my son Seth. He was born 15 weeks too soon and stayed 99 days in the NICU but is now a very happy and healthy 3 year old with only a few issues here and there from his prematurity! God is soo good!

Hope you enjoy the song (if you havnt heard it already). hehe..Im the type of mommy that hears songs and they make me think of my babies. :-)

-Lori from TN

Heather said...

If it helps you feel any better, all I remember is that cute jar you found to put your cookies in! I was wondering where it went! Jelly, I don't think anything you ever say comes across hurtful!! Keep writing and doing a good work for the Lord. Oops, I called you Jelly!! ha ha!!

Mrs. Valente said...

Kelly, please try not to worry about the following. Your job is just to share from your sweet heart. Last night's post was perfectly beautiful, btw. And that's from a fertile myrtle's perspective!;)

I'm actually working on a similar post.

Love you!

Lindsee Lou said...

You have such a sweet heart, Kelly.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

Your sweet spirit is what has us all coming back day after day. Keep writing your heart.

aLena said...

KeLLy thanx for being sooo sensitive and trying not to offend anyone. I read the post from the other night, and didn't think that there was anything offensive about it, and then again you can't please everyone.

Just keep doing what you're doing because you're great at it!!!

Anonymous said...

The hardest is for those whose children have died through miscarriage/stillbirth, etc, and don't have any living children. They are still mothers but so many don't view them that way......
Still praying in Seattle!
2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.
Prayer BearsMy email address

Olive said...


I've never commented before, and am a fairly new reader- not sure how I found you, but the Lord led me here when Harper was born.

I just wanted to say thank you for your heart for us single gals! I am 28 and "still" waiting for the man God has chosen for me and will lead me and our family. I deeply desire to be a mom (and a stay-at-home one at that), but God is so gracious to give me just a taste of it as a nanny (I got laid off this fall- best blessing ever!) to two precious girls (3 and 5). I love my job!

Anyway, thank you and God bless you for your heart for single women and hopeful moms. It is a blessing to "watch Harper grow" and see your heart poured out on these pages. I read the poem yesterday and was blessed to read it, thank you.

MamaLacey said...

I think it's wonderful to think of those who've not yet been able to have a child, those who can't, and those who have lost.

This Mother's Day I'll be thankful for the two beautiful boys that I have. One who lives in Heaven & the other who lives on Earth. <3


Lori said...

Can somebody please explain how to link our house to the post. I don't understand "linking" and if it's not too much trouble...how do you draw a line through a word (like cross it out). This is not a ploy to get you to come to my blog but I'd sure notice your help much more easily there.

Thanks Lori

Bethany said...

Kelly, I'm a mom who got pregnant very easily and I really enjoyed your post yesterday. You should repost it. If those of us who had our babies easily cannot empathize at all with those who have struggled, then there is something wrong. We need to show love towards all moms, but we need to especially love on those who are going through struggles of any kind, especially with not being able to grow a family. You were not offensive in your post at all and I appreciate that you share such compassion with all moms, specifically those who are going through what you have been through.

This is YOUR blog. If someone doesn't like your opinions, then they can leave. You do an exceptional job on your blog and that's why so many of us love it.


Sherri said...

Kelly, I got to read your post yesterday too and it touched me. I think anyone with compassion in them and reading it would be too. I did not have trouble conceiving my two children. I was on long bed rest (8 weeks)with each of them because they wanted to see the world a little early, but I will never complain about that since they were born perfectly healthy. My sister in law tried for 6 years and went through several IVF's before she was blessed with twin girls almost 2 years ago. I have seen the pain of many others that comes along with trying for years or having and losing, and my heart hurts for them on Mother's day.

I will continue praying for peace to those who don't look forward to Mother's Day.

Father's Grace Ministries said...

Beautiful Photo! We can feel your heart, yes, Harper was worth the wait. I feel very humbled and thankful this Mothers day season- it's this coming Sunday, here in Australia. Eleven years ago I was 30, alone and single, and wondering where I'd be at 40, and if God would grant my hearts desire for a husband and children. He has and I'm so grateful, but like you I still feel for those with unmet desires. I just want to encourage others to hang in there and don't give up on God no matter what.

Erin said...

Where did you get that onesie? I know someone it would be perfect for and I'd like to send her a little care package.

The Laney Family said...

I was lucky enough to actually read that post before you deleted it! I am waiting for that baby- and I know what you mean- I have a feeling we will appreciate the miracle more than someone who had a child easily- BUT I do know that it took my mom one month to have me- and a mother could not love her only child more than I know my mom loves me. I know for a fact that for my mom, after watching us go through what we are going through, has a whole new respect for the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth now. She does admit- she had NO idea how BIG of a miracle that having a child truly is... Thank you for your insight and for always praying for those of us that are still waiting. I bought that "worth the wait" onsie the other day- and I feel certain that someone will be wearing it SOON!

Jennifer said...

I read your post before you deleted it. Obviously, I get pregnant easily and surprisingly!!:) After reading your post and even talking with friends who have been trying for months or even years, I realize what an incredible miracle Brody is, and we couldn't love him more! I'm so thankful that we were spared from that heartache our first time around. I'm praying for a lot of girls this weekend. Thank you for the wonderful reminder!

Meredith said...

I'm a single girl in her late 20's. Most of my girl friends are married and pregnant or trying to get pregnant. No one ever seems to think that I might long for a child too. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers to the single girls out there who long for a married and a child. I'm a new reader of your blog and enjoy it so much. It's been a blessing during some hard days.

Dionna said...

Absolutely love that onesie that says "worth the wait." They should make shirts like that for husbands and wives... :)

Claire said...

What a cute post, and I love that onesie.


Addy said...

Kelly, This is my first time commenting on your blog, but I have to say thank you for your post yesterday. I lost my mother over a year ago after years and years of sickness. This is my second Mother's Day without her. The last Mother's Day I spent with her was a beautiful day and one that I will cherish for the rest of my life. My husband and I have also been trying to have a baby for over 3 years. We have have had 2 miscarriages during that time. At this point our doctors do not know what the problem is and that can be very frustrating. Both of us have a very strong faith in God and believe that He will lead us to where we need to be. It is such a blessing to see miracles happen as with your little girl. It gives me hope and warms my heart. I wanted to say thank you for remembering those of us who have lost a mother and/or have lost children of our own. I have many mother figures in my life that I celebrate and thank God for every day. I also have 2 precious angels in heaven that I know I will meet someday and I pray that God will bless us with a child here on Earth someday as well. God Bless and I hope you have a happy Mother's Day. :-)

Jen said...

Hi Kelly!

I posted that same poem about this time last year, while I was about 6 months pregnant with our little IVF blessing. However, somebody DID get offended, and it caused me to go private for a few months. Then I realized, it was MY blog, filled with MY feelings and thoughts, and realized I didn't need the approval of others...especially since it wasn't intended to be offensive.

Keep you the good work...as a momma and a blogger! :)

Jen said...

Oops, I meant "keep UP the good work!" :)

Kim Pigue said...

I read the post before you deleted and I thought it was wonderful. You are so mindful of the different paths that the Lord sends us all down and a true inspiration to all who come here.

Staci said...

Remember you blog for yourself. I had to remind myself of this lots of times.

Kimberly said...

I want to say thanks for your simplicity. As a 30 year old single girl, I do long to be married and have a family. Singles like me get forgotten about sometimes. I enjoy checking your blog often. God bless.

Shelly said...

Our little miracle, Leah, is 6 months old! We were married 9 years in September and she was born in October. We have a onesie just like the one Harper is wearing that says "worth the wait". She definately was!!! I have friends going through the fertility challenged journey right now and my heart breaks for them. I promised myself when I found out I was pregnant and she was born, that I would not forget from where I came...the despair and the hurt. Harper and Leah and so many more are miracles :)

I guess us girls in the south (Tennessee girl over here) could say they are a big ole heap of God's blessings :)

I love reading your blog...us first time mommies have to stick together.


PS - Gotta love those Wal Mart dresses!

Mrs. Valente said...

You inspired this post:


I hope you'll get a chance to read it before Sunday.

Happy Mother's Day!

Dawn said...

your comment under Harpers picture is EXACTLY how I feel. I didn't have my daughter until I was 39 and she definately was soooo worth the wait. I love her to pieces and sadly she will be my only. But I really try to remember to be thankful for what I have and not focus on what I don't have.

In This Wonderful Life said...

you are so sweet! I really appreicate your attitude! I read the post and liked it :) cute jar! i LOVE jars!

Danielle Bridgers Banks said...

We have that same onesie and I agree, My Avery was also so worth the wait, even though it was a long wait!

Ruth said...

I'm late to this post but had to comment - what a sweet heart you have! Such a touching thing to say about mother's day.

klsd76 said...

Dear Kelly -- As someone who has struggled from infertility herself... I loved the poem and actually wanted to reflect on it in my blog. My husband and I are now on a adoption waiting list, eagerly waiting and trying to be patient (again). I have truly enjoyed reading your blog, as I am new to the blog world myself. Can you please e-mail the poem, I truly did love it and wanted to add it to my memories of what kept me going during this time. Peace to you, a friend in waiting. Keri