Well - I have accomplished absolutely nothing today. Not one thing got crossed off my to do list. Not one load of laundry got done. No dusting. No bathrooms cleaned. But I wouldn't trade it.
Today was a day I used to sit around and day dream about. I woke up completely exhausted (I don't think I day dreamed about that part). Harper is still waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours. So she and I took a morning nap together somewhere between Kelly and Regis and the View.
Then I thought it was going to be an icky day but it turned out beautiful. It was 85 and sunny and a perfect blue sky - so Harper and I packed up and went to a local trail that goes around a little lake. It's one of my favorite places and for the last couple of years I have just dreamed about the day I could come during the week and walk my baby around.
(Note to Kacy M. - I didn't think I'd get to walk today due to weather so I never called you and then I hated to call last minute - but if it's nice next week - let's have a walk date!)
(Melissa - that goes for you too!)
(Do ya'll like how I'm giving out private messages on my public blog??? - it's called multi tasking)

Can you tell which one of us were happier in this picture???? I just love this because I think Harper loves her momma! :-) We walked all the way around and Harper just cooed and smiled and was so content and then she fell asleep so I went around again. Almost 4 miles! I was glad because these child birthing hips aren't going to come off with watching TV and eating red velvet cake and Harper got a good nap. As deliriously happy I was - I just thought about all of you who are day dreaming for the same kind of day. So my second lap was a prayer walk. I spent the entire time talking to God and asking Him to give children and husbands to those of you waiting. And to give a peace in the wait. I'm sure the other moms and senior citizens who were there walking thought I was crazy and talking to myself (because I like to pray out loud) but I didn't care. They should just be glad I wasn't singing to go along with the prayer. Cause it happens sometimes!

The other exciting thing is the high chair I ordered for Harper came today. I'm a little sad because she looks like such a BIG girl sitting in it.
The highchair is swedish - you can find it here:
http://www.ankababy.com I'm not big on modern style but I loved this. You might could find something similar and cheaper at

She's like "oh - I have a whole new view of the world from up here". I'm thinking that after her 4 month appointment next week - we are going to start her on rice cereal. I'm hoping that will help her tummy get a little more full. (wink wink - sleep baby sleep!)

And this is her after I broke the news to her that just because she had a high chair doesn't mean she gets to start eating cake and pizza and steak.
Life is not fair sweet Harper.
Life is NOT fair.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»Kelly, that is the exact high chair I want for Josiah!!!!! LOVE it, girl!
What an amazing day.....SO very very happy for you!
Oh, that last pic is breaking me heart. ;-)
I love that smiley face!! She is a doll!!
What a nice day! I love that picture where she's smiling at you in her stroller...so cute :)
OMgosh....she is such a cutie!! I know you are LOVING EVERY SECOND of being a mommy!!
More sunny days ahead (after tonight)....get ready!! :)
She looks like such a big, pretty girl!!
So glad that you two had a great walk. Thanks for praying for all of us that are waiting and thanks for the email too! Love the second pic of you two, very sweet.. Have a wonderful week!
I'm so glad you just took a day and spent it in the sun with your little girl. Those are the days you will remember and she will remember.
Also, I love the high chair. Very stylish and it looks practical too.
Thanks again for opening up your life to people and being a women of prayer. What an example you are to so many people! God has MORE mighty plans for you...but for now enjoy the sweet moments you have with Harper.
I love the high chair! I'm only dreaming that I'll be blessed with a baby someday but where did you get it???
She looks so cute in the high chair. Yea for cereal and more sleep! It was a beautiful day today....I spent it filling out forms to renew our foster license...We'd love another child but it is always such a heartbreaking deal to pray to get a child would mean another family would lose their child.
I adore and love these pictures. So glad you could enjoy the weather and go for a walk, Harper does love you so much! :) I can't believe she is already almost four months old! Crazy! Can't wait for Friday again. :)
Love the highchair. Where did you order it from? It is a "stylish" chair. And that pic of her in it!!! Too cute.
I'm just snickering...
Oooooo....I LOVE those kinds of days. Don't they just put you in the BEST mood??
I hope Harper will start sleeping better for you soon. I bet cereal will do the trick!
What a fun chair! And good for you- it benefits the whole family when we take days off as mamas!
HaHa that last picture is funny. I have a TON of Lauren that look like that. Did you watch the Doctors this morning to see the story on Kaleigh? I totally cried during the whole show!
Thank you for praying for my future husband on your walk!!
The smiling picture in the new high chair is the cutest thing EVER! When her Nonny sees that picture she's going to have to fight with herself not to pack her bag and hurry back for another visit! I'm sure those sweet cheeks need some grandmother kisses!
I love the pictures of Harper smiling at you....so sweet!
That face is so sweet and so sad all at the same time! I'm so happy to hear that your day was just dreamy. :)
We started rice cereal after the 4 month check-up so she should be good to go!
What a great post!
She DOES look so grown up!!
Love the post today. The last picture is too funny!
Such pretty girls! Harper is even beautiful with a teary little face! :)
I'm so sure that the ladies you pray so hard for appreciate every prayer. :)
Gosh, she does look grown up in a high chair! I know you are just counting these sleep-deprived days as blessings...they are part of the "answered prayer" package!
The picture of her smiling at you is one of her best so far!
Thank you for praying for peace for us single gals! God knows I have needed it today!
Oh my goodness! Those are probably the best pictures of the two of you EVER!!! And her so happy in the high chair is exactly how I feel right before a meal! Maybe Harper and I are soul-sisters or something! SO CUTE!!!
On a side note, I love that you pray for single gals (like myself!) who are looking for our future husbands! It seems like a lot of people overlook that step and seem to think it'll just happen. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement!
-Chelsea in Oklahoma
You are to funny! I love that you pray out loud, I like to do the same, it seems so much more real when you actually voice your prayer. I cannot wait to take my baby on a walk someday, so thank you for your prayers. You are truly an angel!!
Love the new high chair!
Have you heard Jessica Simpson's song "Pray out Loud" I'm not a big fan of her country music, but it's a really good song.
I love the highchair. Where's it from!?
I hope you start getting more sleep. Adorable baby you have there!
I always have to pray out loud too! At least if I want to stay focused. :) I love those pictures of Harper in the high chair. She IS getting so big! I'll be praying that God gives you wisdom on what to do - if anything - to help Harper sleep longer at night. That is one of the hardest things to deal with when you have an infant!!!
What a perfect day for a walk! I love the picture of you two!
Harper looks so big in her new high chair! Just to let you know, my son went through a stage from 4-6 months where he woke up several times every single night. He had been previously sleeping through the night and those two months were so hard and frustrating too! Then right after he turned 6 months, he slept through the night and he continued to do so. I so remember those sleep deprived nights, so hard. So how do you get all those cute pictures of you two together? I need your secret ha ha.
I'm a longing to be able to stay home with my little one and takes walk just like that!
PS...I love the new high chair and Miss Harper looks so grown up!
Let me say first, I am glad I'm not the only mother who allows her child to not wear socks. I have people all the time telling me to put socks on my child. What they don't realize is that I do and she takes them off. I'm learning to pick my battles, and that one's just not worth it right now.
Second, know what you mean about the BIG girl in the high chair. Mommies get sad at things like that. But she certainly is cute.
Hi Kelly,
Harper has such a beautiful smile! I love it! when I see her face, I smile too!
I know you didn't ask for advice, but when my kids were little, I started giving them a tiny bit of rice cereal when they were only 2 months old and that was the magic that got them at least 6 straight hours of sleep... meaning I got 6 straight hours of sleep too! I coculd have never kept working full-time with a baby up all night. I love rice cereal!! Well, I don't for me, but love it for babies!
If you get desperate for sleep, I'd sure put a teeny bit in a bottle and give her some... you might surprise yourself and get to sleep!!!!
I love LOVE love your blog!
kelly - we don't know each other at all, but i started reading your blog the day harper was born after angie smith posted the prayer request. and i have been sucked in ever since by the pictures of your sweet baby girl and your lovely style of writing. i just wanted to leave a note saying thank you for sharing your story and sharing your faith.
I'm so glad you post all these pictures of your beautiful baby girl, she has such a great smile!! And thank you for the prayers, they don't go unnoticed. :)
P.S. LOVE LOVE the cute shorter hair!!
You could try the rice cereal but if it doesn't go well, don't despair! Many breastfed babies (especially ones who love cuddles or have a fast metabolism- all mine were like that) wake every 1.5 - 2 hours all night until they are 12 months old or even older. I know that's the LAST thing you want to hear!! You never know though; all babies are different and their patterns can change week in week out. Just follow Harper's lead, let her feed when she needs it and enjoy this season as much as you can- it disappears SO quick!
All the best, and I'm joining you in prayer for women waiting for a baby, including a special friend of mine, Jen.
Thanks for your blog Kelly, have a great rest of the week!!
She is just to precious! I love that last pic & what you wrote about her, haha.
FYI - I have my first ultrasound on May 26th to find out how far along I am & we are so excited! It is such a blessing b/c we had just started seeing a fertility specialist & I was supposed to call at the first of the month to have an HSG done. (I think thats what it is called) Now we don't have to struggle with the financial difficulties of going through that. Neither of our insurances covered infertility. It still doesn't seem real & it kinda scares me b/c I cramp quite a bit & my boobs hurt! Ha ;) But, I'm sure everything will be fine!
What a pretty place to take a walk!
That's a cool looking highchair too. :)
I'm glad you and Harper had a great day together. Thanks for your prayers and support. :)
Oh, someday I want to come on a nice walk with you and Harper...someday!! :) Loved the pictures! You are both just so stinkin' precious! I love it!
Glad to hear you had a fabulous day! It makes things so much better, doesn't it?!
Love you tons
She is darling. On another note, have you thought maybe she's not getting enough food and that's why she's still waking like that? I know you are total breastfeeding and so was I, but I realized Carsen wasn't full so I supplemented an ounce of formula per feeding during the day and he started sleeping through the night within a week. She's probably not getting enough food if she's still eating at 4 months every couple of hours. However, that's just what I did, but thought I'd share so maybe you could get a bit more sleep. I love your blog and have a great day!
the picture of you and Harper is absolutely precious, that's the kind of picture she will cherish when she is older :)
next time you walk around the lake and pray... please pray for my sister... she just had Baby #3 on friday... and he(Nate) has MCAD deficiency. It is a disease that has to do with the blood and his system not being able to break down fats... it could lead to severe hypoglycemia, seizures and even coma... leading to death. Research shows that this very well could be linked to SIDS... it made me think of Angie Smiths sister and brother in law... who lost their son. I wonder if it was a case that could be linked to MCAD. This is a new test on babies... and only certain hospitals actually run it on children. So I am glad that the hospital my sister was in actually ran the test. Tomorrow will be more testing on nate. Thanks for your prayers.
hey kelly. i just want to tell you from a once STAUNCH breastfeeding supporter: don't feel guilty about supplementing with formula. my second daughter was still waking up every 2 or 3 hours when she was 8 months. i was a wreck from lack of sleep and was having trouble keeping it together during the day (i have a 3 year old as well...harper ann, actually). when layne finally took a bottle, she slept 8 hours straight the first night and 11 the second. your harper is still pretty little, so i can totally see why you'd want to do just breastmilk, but like i said, don't feel guilty about putting some formula into the mix.
Where did you get the chair and what kind is it? I love it! Please post about it! Harper is so beautiful, in case you didn't already know that = )
Oh, I just love pictures of that sweet lil' puddin' face! SO cute, and getting so big. Sigh.
I love that you got to get out with Harper today and have a relaxing walk... You made me want to take one too!
Just a suggestion that worked with our son- maybe if you pump and give Harper a bottle before bed, you could add a little rice cereal to it and it may fill her up and help sleep longer. I know how precious sleep is & that may get you a little extra! :)
What great pictures! I am glad you got to go on a nice walk! I need to start walking more! The high chair pictures are great :)
Glad she loved getting outside!
I just love reading your blog! That high chair looks really cool, would love to know more about it!
This is my favorite post ever. Absolutely precious. Thanks for praying for the "rest of us" girls who are still dreaming about the day you had today. You're a gem, Kelly
Ohh what a beautiful day! That photo of her smiling at you is just precious!!!!
Love your blog!!!
I love that 2nd photo of you and her!! Absolutely precious!!
I read your blog all of the time & Harper is such a miracle girl! Your prayers for all of those longing for husbands/children are so thoughtful. I love the new high chair & would love to know where it is from!?
Hey there! I'm so glad that you and Harper had such a great day!
Hugs from Eventually Cottage!
Oh Kelly...I just love these pictures. You can tell that she is really getting a personality and a character all to her own at this stage in the game. Love the shot of you and her laughing together. You need to frame that one somewhere. So adorable! Pass some of that 85 degree weather toward Indiana, will ya? It's been overly crummy here lately. BLAH!
Enjoy your evening.
Blessings, Angie Seaman
Okay your happiness was just too contagious in that post - thanks for putting me in a good mood :) The picture of you and Harper is PRICELESS!!
so cute :)
love your blog and little harper.
You both look so happy! I love the one of her smiling at you!!
What a perfect day! I love to dream about the day I can do what you did today. You are an amazing Momma to a precious little girl!
That is the best picture of the two of y'all that I've seen on your blog! She looks up to you so much already!!! No pressure, Kelly ;)
so glad you all had great weather! i love taking walks & i always talk to myself. lol. as long as i dont answer myself, i'm okay :) harper gets sweeter and sweeter everyday!!
I absolutely LOVE the photo of you both at the park and she just has the biggest smile on her face looking at you! That is precious!
Those are the days I dream of! One day I hope it will be my reality. Thank you so much for the prayers. We are doing IVF and getting ready for ER. I pray it takes this time. It will be my 2nd IVF cycle. Thank you again for the prayers. God bless you and your beautiful family.
LOVE the pictures Kelly!!! You girls look great and so cute and I love Harper's smile!! That high chair is super cute and goes great with your kitchen!
I love that you still have such a heart for those who are waiting to have a child. You easily could forget about all the other people waiting, but you not only cherish the moments you have always dreamed about ... you also realize that there are still women out there waiting. Thank you for being such a prayer warrior for all of us! I have to add that Harper is absolutely adorable! The pics are priceless!
Love, Tessa
p.s. not sure how to get on your prayer blog - but my husband and I are dealing with secondary infertility. We could still get pregnant (never determined why we could not) and we are in the process of adopting a little girl from the foster care system. Could you please add us to your prayer list? We want to give glory to God when our little girl finally arrives!
Darling pictures! Coolest high chair I have ever seen!
I know you didn't ask for my advice, but I feel compelled to share - please please please reconsider giving that sweet little girl rice cereal!!! The AAP has said that no baby less than 6 months old get any kind of solid food (barring possible exception for reflux babies). If you give it to her, and she sleeps longer, it is not because you 'filled her up more', but because her little tummy is too immature to handle the solids, and causing the digestive process to take longer than it should. Rice cereal is empty useless calories, and the early introduction of it has shown a direct link to higher rates of food allergies, and GI problems. I would suggest formula before rice (although I bet shes just a growing girl, and really doesn't need any supplementation of any kind - 4 months is super rough with the growth spurts). If you absolutely must give her rice cereal, whatever you do, don't put it into a bottle. This is an extreme choking hazard, and creates unhealthy habits for your baby. If it makes you feel any better, my 10.5 month old is still up at night anywhere from 2 to 7 times, and breastfeeds every 3 to 4 hours during the day. This is completely normal for breastfed babies, and exactly what their systems were designed to handle.
Love these photos! Harper is such a precious little child of God and the two of you are bringing so much joy to so many people.
xoxo Caroline
Kelly, love the picture of the two of you smiling.Harper does love her mama a lot!
Thank you for praying for all of us who still don't lose their hopes for being parents. We are still waiting for our miracle to happen....
Harper is soo cute! Hope you catch so more Zzzzs this week!
Agata from IL
kelly, i seem to have lost your email address. i just wanted to let you know you have another praise! my husband and i are expecting a baby in december. thank you so much for your prayers, i will continue to pray for the others
Kera B
Loving this post!! Thank you seems so inadequate to let you know how much it means for you to pray for those of us who are still day dreaming of your perfect day!! Enjoy! Thank you for encouragement!
do you supplement with formula??? i think she may need it.. she probably doesn't take a bottle but it may help.
Those are beautiful pictures! Your baby is getting bigger and more beautiful daily. What a wonderful day you had today. I really hope to have a relationship with God like you do one day.
As far as cereal, I know so many moms that have added just a little cereal and it works! Totally harmless. We add half a teaspoon to Jackson's bottle on nights that he can't sleep well and he digests it totally fine and is much more content and sooo am I!
:) Amanda
Looks like you both enjoyed yourself today! I know...it's not fair we don't get to eat what we want to without paying the price later!!!!
Oh my word!! You guys look so completely happy and I love the picture of both of you smiling!!
I can't believe it's already time for her to start eating baby food! She's growing way way way too fast!
You look so incredibly great for not being able to get much sleep!! Mommyhood's done you good!!
Holy Cow! Big girl in that chair is right!! She grew overnight!! The last picture is adorable ... I'd cry too if I couldn't have cake & pizza:) Glad you had a fun day!
So happy you got to enjoy your day! I am a prayer walker/singer/praiser too. I even raise my hands; I am sure people think I am CRAZY. That's ok, because the One to Whom I am singing likes it!! I love Harper's smile. Enjoy that sweet baby;eat up every minute!!
What sweet pictures of you and Harper! Thank you for your prayers as we wait on our miracles!
Kelly I have a prayer request that I would love to pass on to you and others. I have followed your blog and have been praying for your family for a few months now. I do not have a blog myself but still read/comment often. There is a little girl that is 17 months old that was diagnosed w/ cancer. I have been babysitting Layla since she was 2 months old and to hear this happening all of a sudden is heart breaking. Her website is: http://www.carepages.com/carepages/LaylaGrace or you can go to: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/group.php?gid=95631285947&ref=share
Thanks for never forgetting about us. 37 and single when all I've ever wanted is to be a mom is like a daily NO from God. You frequently remind me I'm not alone and people are praying, that must be why today was such a good day. Thanks for praying!
Awwww absolutely adorable!!
--Faith P
So happy for you! Harper is such a cutie!! Love the pic of her looking at you- priceless!!
I pray out loud too! Harper looked like such a happy girl today :) have a wonderful tomorrow!!
Harper gets cuter by the minute! Love the new high chair-where were those 8 years ago?
That picture of the two of you smiling is just the sweetest! So cute. Love your sunglasses too by the way! What a great day - I pray out loud like that too, nothing wrong with that!
What a happy girl in those pictures! I l-o-v-e the pic of you and her...I want one like that of me and my girly!!
LOVE the picture of Harper looking at you! Presh! Take care.
It sounds like you had a wonderful day! Isn't being a mom a dream job? I love it!!
The high chair is so cool! She looks too big and grown up in it. Tell her to stop growing so fast!
And I am so glad you wore your pearl earrings to walk in Miss Priss! I thought I was doing good putting make-up on a few days a week, but you are making me look really bad!!:)
please reconsider the cereal as others have said it does cause allergies and gi problems. My oldest daughter whom i experienced the same as Haper. Not knowing what know now i would do diff as I'm sure that is where the allergies and gi problems came from . Which could be bigger problems later on in life. Wish i would have been told that . So count yourself blessed to have others telling you. Cause its no fun dealing with allergies. Sleep is important but it does get better and some days and weeks are different.
Harper is so sweet - thank you for praying out load - glad to hear it!
I love every inch of this post. :-)
Hi Kelly - Love your blog. I have a two year old and just wanted to let you know that I loved the book Baby 411. It had some really good stuff on sleep in it. Just in case you want to ck it out! We actually did "Ferber" at 6 months. It was a tough couple of days, but so worth it!!
Lovin' the pic of you and Harper both smiling :o)
I sure wished I would have had your perspective, when I was a new mom. It took 13 years of motherhood for God to really show me that our houses and lists will waste away. The list will eventually get done, or maybe it won't. Just like Paul says, all that stuff is temporary and will waste away, but our relationships with our kids and others and with him, are all the things that matter and are eternal. What a fabulous day you and Harper had enjoying each other, God's creation, and doing a prayer walk. Those cat naps are the best during those baby years-precious! BLessings sent your way right now!
Yesterday I was sitting on the couch looking at the blog and Emma came up and said: "That Harper" "Ooooh Harper so pitty (pretty)". It was SO sweet! :)
I'm so glad you go the day you always dreamed of. I can't wait to be able to stay home with my girl! :)
She does look like such a big girl in that highchair! She is such a doll! I am so happy for you and your family!
Oh how I remember that with my first. You are super lucky girl!! Enjoy every minute. Just curious who took the pictures...did you find a stranger or set it on auto timer?
My heart is filled with such joy each and every week that I read your blog and watch Harper grow. Sometimes I tear up- it's wonderful! Congratulations on living the life you've dreamed of for so long.
Thank you for continuing your prayers for the rest of us!
Those are the cutest SMILE pictures ever!!
A little rice cereal may be the answer to your prayer for sleep.
the rice cereal will help but you also have to teach her to fall asleep on her own. If she relies on a bottle, nursing, rocking, car ride etc... to fall asleep every time she wakes in the night she will need the same to get back to sleep instead of just being able to fall back to sleep on her own, she's old enough to be waking once or less. Also, google the "dream feed" that helped us a lot. She should get 3 naps a day too.
Kelly, this is the first time I have posted. I LOVE reading your blog & hearing about all things girly. God blessed us with 2 BOYS after 4 years of waiting and praying.
About the sleep...I know you get a lot of advise so please ignore this if you want.
I haven't seen anyone suggest this and I could be a nice alternative to cereal. Could you attempt to breastfeed more often during the day, even if she is not asking (even as often as every 1 1/2-2 hours)? This would help increase her calorie intake during the day & maybe lead to less need at night. Of course, this depends on her being willing to partake! This definitely helped with my boys. When I started "offering" a little more often (especially in the late afternoon/early evening) they started sleeping more at night. At 4 months they were going to bed at 8 up to eat at 2 & 5 and up for the day at 8 (when one woke at night I woke the other so they would eat at the same time). Not STTN, but I got that wonderful 6 hour stretch! They didn't get cereal until 6 months. Once they had been on cereal for 2 weeks they began sleeping from 8-5.
If it matters, my boys are breastfeed, but not the "typical" way. I pump and they get my milk in bottles.
No matter what, you know Harper & what she needs best so trust yourself to make the best choice for her. I hope you get more sleep soon.
Love the picture of Harper adoring her mama!
(Sorry this got so long!)
I'm telling you, every time I see that sweet face I can't help but smile!
You're right! She does look like a big girl in her highchair!
What a sweetie!
love this post!
i smiled the whole time :o)
and i love that highchair....very chic ;)
the last pic is hilarious to me b/c my youngest is the same way w/big people food!!
I love reading your blog because It;s so cool seeing your beautiful precious little girl with the coolest name in the world. I'm a little biased though!!! Also, I love all of her mongrammed stuff it's just so cool seeing my name in print because when I was a child there wasn't a whole lot of monogramming going on and there defiently wasn't anything with the name Harper on it.
P.S. Hope you had a blessed 1st Mother's Day!!!!!!
Harper Loyer
I like to walk and pray out loud, too. If you put a bluetooth in your ear- you just look like everyone else who talks to theirselves! ha
Get her OUT of that highchair 'cause she looks way to growny in it! Can't believe how fast she's grown. She's adorable- enjoy every second.
Sounds like a perfect day to me!
It's a blessing to be able to pray for your family!
Psalms 70:4-5 Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.
Prayer BearsMy email address
What a great day you two had! Also, I think the last picture along with your explanation was HILARIOUS!!!
I just love the picture of Harper looking at you and smiling!! Those are the moments mommys live for!! She is too cute!
Enjoy your blessed day!
I love the picture where Harper is smiling up at you. How perfectly sweet.
Also, thank you for praying for those of us who are waiting and needing the extra prayers in our life.
Have a great tomorrow as well
What a cutie!
Hi Kelly,
The pictures of Miss Harper are adorable today. Glad you went for your walk and forgot about the laundry and housework. That can wait until another day. Harper won't wait.She will be grown before you know it and these are the times she will remember, not Mama doing the laundry. You are doing everything just right!
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
Love it, yes I love the picture of Harper and you! The love she has for her mama is so evident! =) Who cares if you didn't get anything done, you had a day you have dreamed about for YEARS and that is what counts! =)
Ohh and of course the last picture of Harper is priceless..
I can't believe how adorable you both are...and how much she is changing. Love the pics...and the prayer around the lake touched my heart!
Have a great weekend....hope it's just as beautiful as today!
Your baby is seriously gorgeous! She does look like a big girl sitting up. Good luck with the rice cereal!
She is seriously too cute in the stroller and in the high chair with that huge, gorgeous smile. Thanks for sharing!
Your morning sounds like mine. I wanted to put together a playgroup to go to the park today, but yesterday they said it was going to rain all day. Then I woke up to a beautiful day - what happened with that? So I texted a couple friends who couldn't make it and we went anyway. I didn't understand how we went from like 80% chance of rain all day to clear blue skies???
My name is Anna. My cousin, also a very dear friend of mine, has been in an accident and broken his neck. He has been diagnosed as a quadrapalegic, and is not doing well. I know this is probably a strange comment to leave for you, but I know you do a good job of requesting prayers! Rance needs all the encouragement and prayers he can get, and I was hoping you could help! I have started a blog for him at www.prayersforrance.com where I have been posting daily updates on his condition. Thank You so much for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon! I couldn't find your email address, so hopefully you get this message!
My girls weren't sleeping great either and I didn't even wait until the 4 month check-up. I gave them cereal anyway and it did the trick as far as sleeping goes. Sometimes you just have to do what works, despite what the doctor or anyone else tells you. Glad you had a great day walking. Love & blessings from NC!
What a wonderful day!
I don't worry about the cleaning, dusting, mess that I have all over my house.
I know that my time with my boys is gonna go so fast-I hardly spend a second doing anything until of course 12am--you see what I am doing:)
I know you will never take a day for granted--I am not! My second baby is almost 1--sniff, sniff!!
oh, the highchair! it'll totally open a new world for you in terms of getting stuff done. babies love being on the same level as you, so it's nice to put them in the highchair and cook, clean, whatever--my girls seemed to really allow me more time to get work done when i settled them in the HC with something to do along with me!
i've been thinking about you--we brought our third child home on monday. he's a boy, and he's been waking every 2 hours these last 2 nights to eat (and we bottle feed!). i am SO NOT used to this. my girls slept through the night very, very early! so i've been thinking about you when it's my turn to get up for night feedings. i wonder if you're up at the same time as me here in N. TX!
:-) I *love* that picture of the two of you!
I love those gorgeous smiles! IKEA does have an awesome cheap chair. The antilop is $25 with a tray. It isn't too beautiful but it is all plastic and metal so it is soooo easy to clean (I used to put ours in the shower. It is sturdy and supportive. You can even take the legs off and easily put it in the car. I haven't seen that ankababy chair. It looks nice. I like how it folds.
PS Anka means duck in Swedish.
What a wonderful post, Kelly! Great reminder to us all to stop and enjoy the moment!
My daughter's best sleeping time was when we walked every morning before it got too hot. It was so peaceful and we both enjoyed getting some fresh air. On bad weather days, I would still put her in the stroller and we would tour the house. Of course, I should have mentioned this earlier so you could have tried it when you were asking for ideas on getting your little lovey to sleep...
Hi Kelly,
Several weeks ago, a sister in Christ, Rachel, shared a message with a group of women entitled “Death is Not Dying: A Faith that Saves.”
I was so affected as I watched this video that I wanted to share it right away. I guarantee that if you take five minutes to check it out, you will want to find another fifty to watch the whole thing. It’s that powerful!
Have a Blessed day!
She's so happy and getting so big! She does look like such a big girl in that high chair. And in the one picture, what is she hanging over the high chair looking at?
What a beautiful day and so glad you and Harper got to enjoy it. And she looks like such a big girl in her high chair. Our little Harper is growing up :o( haha!! :)
You have such a beautiful family!
I just wanted to say thanks for praying for all of us who are still waiting.
even when she's screaming she's beautiful! I will pray that she starts to get more sleep at night!
Oh, I wish I had known you (or your blog - ha!) while I was battling infertility. We have a sweet baby girl now (well, an 18month old!) due to fabulous doctors and IVF. We are so blessed and never knew life could be so sweet. I too pray all the time for the other ladies out there battling this horrible battle. And like you, if nothing else, I pray for peace for them. Thank you for doing the same!
Look at those smiles for the camera. She knows she's popular!
Love the chair! Harper looks very proud.
I love how you pray consistently for others. Great example. Harper is so adorable.
Great Post! I love the pictures. It is nice to get outside every once and a while, isn't? Harper looks so happy to be outside with mommy! I hope you have more nice days to get outside!
Hey. She is so cute. I am a new reader to your blog and I LOVE IT! My little girl Madilyn is the same age as Harper. If it's ok, can I enter your name in a site that is giving away a free onesie outfit? it's at www.rusticraspberry.blogspot.com
What a great post! Sounds like a fun day...I love the high chair :)
right now i really need that prayer. thank you so much. love the picture of harper in the high chair- she looks so big (and so happy!).
What a big girl in that chair!! Time is flying by:) I love the picture of her smiling up at you. It looks like she is saying "Yeah, that's my cool mom"
Wow! You're right she does look like a big girl in that highchair. It looks like she grew up overnight. I just can't get over how cute she is. She get's cuter and cuter everyday. How is that even possible? You are one lucky momma!
As one of those single girls waiting for a husband I really appreciate that you took time out of your perfect day to say a prayer for me. That makes my day!
Awwwl she looks so cute in her new high chair...and growing fast too. I do the same thing I pray out loud in the car on my drive to work...and I know people are staring like who is she talking to?? Whatever...I'm talking to my Lord.
What a perfect day!! I LOVE the picture of sweet Harper looking at you! I also love the picture of her in her new high chair. Precious! :)
What a great day you girls had - what a blessing!! I love the picture of Harper in her stroller smiling at you...and the one in her high chair. Great!
Hope today is just as good!
I loved this blog! Harper just seems like a happy baby! Praise God. What a blessing! I hope you and Harper have another GREAT day!
What a beautiful day you got to enjoy with a beautiful girl!
I don't want to be discouraging, but don't hold your breath on cereal helping her sleep better. We started cereal early with my daughter, too because she was a terrible sleeper, but it just didn't work. I won't tell you when she started sleeping through the night b/c it might make you cry... nor will I tell you that she'll be 3 this month and still wakes up at night. But I promise it will get easier. I would just research the pros and cons of starting cereal early before doing it just so she'll sleep better.
Good luck! And from one tired mommy to another, I'll be praying that she sleeps better soon.
What a lovely day for you both. Thank you for being so encouraging to those of us in the trenches of motherhood. I have been at home for a long time (14 yrs), and I tend to forget how much I enjoy outings like you had. I had secondary infertility after we had our first baby. Our second one came along 4 years later, and then God continued to bless us, and we now have 6 children.
Next time, you are walking and praying out loud, wear a blue tooth headset. (I saw that on House the other week.)
Love the picture of you two going for your walk! She is just as happy as ever being with her mommy!! :)
Like the high chair too!!
You deserve days like this...I love the pictures! Harper is beautiful!
You bring tears to my eyes just knowing how faithful you are to pray. I hope you said a prayer for us moms would would love to have a day like that but are literally stuck working a full-time job while someone else enjoys our babies. :( I cry every day still. Also, I just love Harper, I wish I could come to Arkansas and hold her :)
No wonder that baby girl is smiling at you...she's got the prettiest momma in town! Those pics are adorable! You two look like you're having such a great time!
I just love your blog... I have been reading for a while now.
I do have a question or need advice. I am almost 7 mos pregnant and plan to nurse. But I would also like to pump so that my husband can have that bonding time with our son. Do you nurse exclusively or use a bottle as well? If you also use a bottle - what is the best one for breast milk and breastfed babies?? We are going to register tonight and I would love to put that on my list...
Thanks for your help. You can email me at jkeith0519@hotmail.com or leave me a message on my blog...
Have a good day...
Atl, GA
What a fun day to spend with your daughter! I dream of being able to do the same things with my children. I just wrote this morning on my blog about the fact that I am not going to be able to stay home wiht my son when he is born and how heartbreaking that is for me. Yet, I know God has a plan in all of this somehow.
As always, sweet Harper is precious. You can see the admiration on her face for you when she's in that stroller. You are such a good momma!
Aww, sounds wonderful! Go you on all the walking!
That certainly does look like a fabulous day!!
Eddie Bauer Pack and Plays were recently recalled. I am not sure what brand yours is but it looks similar to the one I saw on the news today. Just wanted to give you a heads up so you can look into it.
Could she possibly be any cuter? I don't think so...and the adoring look she's giving you! You are soooo blessed to spend this time with her!
Thank you for posting this. I have never posted a comment on your blog but we are about the same age and I'm in the same situation as you were in a couple of years ago. Your dream of walking with Harper in her stroller is my dream too. Thank you for praying for all of us who are still in waiting!
Oh my goodness!! You MUST frame that pic of you two...it is so adorable. You can just tell how much she loves her sweet momma :) PRECIOUS!
Thanks for praying for those of us waiting for a godly husband! I needed it yesterday as my little sister got engaged.
Hi Kelly,
I'm considering that high chair after seeing it on your blog. Can you tell me how you like it now that it's here and you've used it a few times?
katie.eberhard at gmail dot com
or you can leave a comment on our blog
I understand if you don't have time to reply - I know you get hundreds of comments. If you do though, I'd love to hear more about the high chair.
I love the picture of you and Harper...she sure does love her Mommy a ton! That picture needs to be framed for sure!
I just recently started reading your blog, suggested by one of my best friends. She knew I was having a rough time, so she suggested I read your blog. We have been TTC for almost a year now and am just praying and keeping the faith that the time is coming soon. I have read all the way back to before Harper was born, and I am so inspired and amazed! You are a blessing from God. Reading about your diligence in the Lord makes my heart very happy! I cant wait to check your blog every morning to see any new posts! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your posts and prayers! Harper looked like she really enjoyed your walk yesterday! In God's Love, Elise
The picture of Harper in her stroller looking at you is priceless.
It's so hard to believe that beautiful Harper is ever cranky. She's always (well 99% of the time) gleaming in utter happiness.
And Kelly, you are always so radiant in your pictures. I look like a standing pile of garbage in comparison. How do you do it with so little sleep???
Please! Share your secrets! HA!
I love reading your blog! I became addicted when Harper was born and in the hospital and have been hooked ever since...so fun to read another Mom's blog from the farthest corner of the country and feeling such a connection to someone I'll probably never meet! And Harper is so darling!I'm so glad you are having such a great time with her! On a personal note, I want to thank you for you honesty about infertility and keeping those in prayer who are praying for their own baby. After tons of blood tests, medicine changes, doctor appts, 2 1/2 years,etc...we had our first child in December of '05 and then tried again for over a year to conceive our 2nd baby. We are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of our newest family member in July. I know the sadness and hope that women who are trying to conceive hold in their hearts and I just want to thank you for what you are doing to help them! God Bless You. May all your days be as blessed as yesterday!
love, Karen
Oh goodness! Harper is absolutely adorable! I'm so happy you had a wonderful walk on a beautiful day. The both of you looked thrilled. Hope you have many more blessed and beautiful strolls in the near future. Even with tears in her eyes and a frown she is still just soooo scrumptious! God bless.
Hi Kelly,
just wanted to make sure you were aware about delaying solids till 6 months and ensure you had done your research about that - http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/solids/delay-solids.html. I know solids can be an exciting new stage, but I would advise holding off till 6 months and keep Harper exclusively breastfed till then. It will be worth it in the long run for her health.
That is so funny about no pizza or steak!!! Love it! It won't be long though!! I love reading your blog because you feel so much like I do about my daughter. What a blessing each day to get her out of her crib. She's 20 months old, wears HUGE bow always and loves steak, cake, and pizza.
What a sweet happy post!
I haven't read any of the previous comments about the rice cereal. My MIL(who is my baby's dr) wanted me to give him rice cereal because he is so thin "according to the scale". But I really held off until 5 months because, like you, I thought the rice cereal would help him sleep. It did not AT ALL. I wish I would have waited until 6 months and now at 9 months I am very slow to add many solids to his diet.
However I have known people who had FORMULA fed babies slept better with rice cereal.
Just do what you think is best, but do a little research first.
Love the stroller smiley pic, especially! :)
Thanks for continuing to have a heart for those of us that haven't yet lived a day we've dreamed about. Not that I'm denying my many blessings, but I never dreamed to be alone and childless at age 35. God knows the desires of my heart and I must trust Him. But it is such a blessing to read your blog and know you are interceeding on our behalf. Thanks!
Baby girl is looking very big in her high chair! :)
I love that highchair. I'm thinking my twins each need one. So glad you had a great day with your girl. Sometimes I break out in song when I'm praying, too. :)
i am LOVIN' the pictures! The girls here @ work are "ooooo-ing and awwwwww-ing" over her! So precious! =) Awesome high-chair too! And that last picture is a classic!
You're too funny, Kelly! I'm a wee bit jealous of your weather and the fact that you get to walk around a lake! We have one in Seattle that sounds familiar - it's called Green Lake & it's beautiful! That's actually where my fiance proposed! I love it there! Anyways! Enjoy your day!
~Krista from Seattle
She is BEAUTIFUL! I love her smile, and her crying face!
I my, I didn't think that was the same girl in the highchair. She did look older.
What happened to the ice cream post? I see it in my blogroll but not on your blog.
I love that you find joy in the simple things with Harper. That is so important. And the house will wait. I love this little verse, "cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow, for babies grow up I've learned to my sorrow, so quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep, I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep!" There's more to it than that but I love what that says. I raised three beautiful daughters and now have a beautiful granddaughter so I know how blessed you feel!
Donna from Texas
Just love the pix of the outside time. I wish I was better about these type outings, but I don't like dragging bikes and strollers and dealing with whiners. I'll stick to small strolls around the block for now with dreams of walks around the ponds and lakes.
That is a neat high chair. Good find.
As always - thanks for sharing with us and wanted you to know the family ALL loved the grean beans!!!
The picture of you and Harper is PRECIOUS! You can tell she just adores you! My baby is a mama's girl too, and I know how good it makes you feel to know your baby loves you :o)
thanks for praying it means alot - Harper is way too cute for words!!
Good for you!!
She does look SO grown-up in her new little seat!! Amazing! (Just wait 'til you're giving her pig-tails!!)
Love the picture of the two of you and even the one of her crying - so classic!
I just wanted to say I love reading your blog! I think you are an awesome person and we could all learn from you!
I absolutely love the picture of Harper smiling at you! She definitely loves her momma! Glad you can get out today. The chores can wait :-)
Love the highchair! Looks like you had a great walk. I'll have to check out that trail. Is it in Bella Vista? I have 3 children and I know my oldest would love it. The younger 2 would enjoy the stroller ride.
Love reading your blog!
Pam in NWA
I KNOW that sweet Harper LOVES her Mommy! Look at the way she looks at you! Two peas in a pod! :) I can't believe how big she has gotten! (I also can't believe that I post like we have known each other for years) haha!
Here's to a million more amazing days!
Love this post! And that you are getting to stay home with her. I know you are cherishing every moment!
I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE your blog, you crack me up! Harper is just precious! I'm glad the sun is shining for you.
she is too cute in her high chair!! so glad you had a nice day :0)
I hope you had a really special
1st Mother's Day...loved seeing all of the pics!! I swear H just keeps getting cuter in each new pic you share with us. She truly is a beautiful baby and such a glorious blessing to you and Scott. Continue to be so happy for you!!
My goodness! Harper has gotten so big!! She is such a doll.
I love how you always make me smile!!! I hope we meet one day, because I just know we would be friends and our little girls could play together :). Thank you so much for the gentle reminders to pray for those struggling with infertility.
Love the pictures!! She looks so big in that chair!! WOW!!
A prayer lap, such a good idea. I may have to borrow that one. :)
I have four children (which is why I have no guest room) and all had different sleep patterns. No. 4 was up like Harper. I was supplementing his nursing with formula and it gave him play doh like green poops and tore up his tummy.
He would wake up, I thought he was hungry so I would give him formula because I was so tired I worried I would drop him if I nursed in middle of night. He would fall asleep and wake up a few hours later and we did it all again. The regular Infamil stopped all that (the fussy one did not help!)and he started sleeping 4-6 hours. Not sure if you are supplementing and this is even relevant!
Peace and joy to you and your sweet family!
i always hesitate to comment because 196! comments and how will you ever have time to read them all.
but i know how you feel with the sleeping thing. or rather not sleeping. tess was doing so good, like 5 hours in a row and i got used to that then suddenly she's up every 2 hours again and it's killing me!
i also started exercising this week (the shred) and so i'm double exhausted.
babies are hard!
P.S. Regarding starting solids:I had my first baby in 1994 and my fourth in 2008, and A LOT changed in between about feeding solids. In 1971, when I was Harper's age, my parents fed me soup-y scrambled eggs. In the past few years, I have seen friends (I want to say starve) but shall say make miserable their children because they are trying to follow a guideline.
I always get my best advice from my mom-see what your Mom did with you and see if it works for Harper.
Every baby is different and starting solids earlier than some people (even doctors)think is NOT going to keep Harper from being Miss Arkansas. If she does not tolerate them well, you can always stop!
Oh, she's getting so big! So cute! And you are looking good! I'm still in maternity jeans!
You think Harper loves her mommy?? Yeah, I think so, too. My word, that is a precious picture of the two of you!
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