Friday, April 03, 2009


My parents were here this morning so I'm just now getting around to posting. If you can see a pattern - one set of Harper's grandparents have been here just about every weekend since she was born. ha! They think it drives us crazy but we really enjoy them visiting her. I know how much they all love her and I want Harper to know and love her grandparents as much as we loved ours. Grandparents are a huge blessing. Even if they spoil her to death!

So drumroll please...........................I have some winners:

Gracious May Shoe Give away:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-04-03 18:46:53 UTC

Shawn Toole at

Faith Baby Onesie Giveaway:

(Bless your hearts - I read your comments and you all had such sweet responses - I wish I could give you each one. They are a pretty good price so I hope you can get one anyway!)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-04-03 18:53:50 UTC

Heather at

There will be more give aways coming up in the next few weeks. I'm going to be doing them a little differently so stay tuned!!!

Also - I hope ya'll will understand that I have a lot of readers and I get HUNDREDS of e-mails a day. I want so badly to respond to each one but sometimes it's just not possible. I do read all of them but a lot of times it is during a 3 a.m. feeding and I'm too sleepy to think clearly or type with one hand. I also get soooooo many requests for links, fundraisers, support, prayer requests and I want to help all of you but at the same time - it's nearly impossible for me to keep up with all of the requests and list them all on here. I try to do as many as I can but I don't want my blog to just become a list of links and fundraisers and requests. I want to stay true to what I started with this blog (when I had 2 readers) ......I want to record our family's life - especially with Harper now here.
I just don't want to hurt any of your feelings when I don't return your e-mail or list what you ask me too. Please don't take it personal......just understand that I am completely overwhelmed most of the time with requests and e-mails and being a new mom and it's hard to find the balance. I just love how sweet all of you are and I hate not being able to personally help each one of you but I'm trying. (Please don't quit e-mailing me or sending me requests - I especially love for all of us to prayer over urgent ones - we are the body of Christ! I just want you to understand if I don't answer or if it takes me a while)

It's a beautiful spring day here and I need to go take a walk with my baby girl ......and then maybe go to Happy Hour for a vanilla coke. Have a wonderful weekend!

post signature


Shannon said...

Love Harpers Dress! She's very lucky to have the grandparents around her all the time!

Jess :) said...

I'm so on my way to head to Sonic with you!!! :) Yes!

Thanks for the cute picture! I know Harper is loved to death by so many people!

Enjoy your weekend and Congrats to the winners!

Love you

bp said...

This is such a sweet picture with the grandparents! They all three look so happy! It is a blessing she has them in her life and it's great they can come visit often.

Sonya said...

Her dress is adorable and the expression on her face is priceless!! She enjoys her grandparents! :)

Lindsay said...

You are so lucky to have grandparents close by. I don't have any close at all. They are both three states away and I miss this greatly. I guess it's the price you pay when you are a military wife.

Carrie said...

Mmmmm, pick up a diet limeade while you're out, will ya?!

Staci said...

Enjoy that coke and the lovely weekend with your family and baby girl!

The Simmons Family said...

Your posts make me SMILE... you are so genuine. We all understand you're a busy mom and don't you even try to spend a minute away from your precious baby answering hundreds of emails. Time is too short.

What you better not stop doing is posting pictures of Harper... she is just adorable!

I don't have to wait for happy hour at my sonic anymore. I go every monring on the way to take Kamryn to school so they give me the cheap rate and call me a "VIP". Nothing is better than a icy cold drink from Sonic! :)

Jennifer said...

I really can't believe you have so many readers and followers. you really are a blogging rockstar! I really enjoy what you write and am inspired that hopefully I'll be in your place someday soon... a stay at home momma. :) Take care.

kate said...

love from your favorite single gal named Kate in OK! hugs!

Kaylan said...

I love being so close to family that we get to share our kiddos with them as well, so I know what you mean about grandparents!! I hope everyone understands (I'm sure they do) about your inability to answer every person!! With all of the people that read your blog, I can't imagine even being able to read all of the comments, much less emails, etc and respond!! You are doing an amazing job! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

Love Being A Nonny said...

Love how Harper is smiling with her Nonny holding her!!

Mary said...

Such a great expression on her face--"Look who's holding me!" I'm drinking my Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper as we speak :)

Anonymous said...

Harper looks so adorable today!! Congrats to the winners! :)

Katie said...

Kelly, you have such a sweet heart! You are so good to want to help everybody that you possibly can. :o) I also think that you are being such a wise momma to know what you can handle! And that Harper is your top priority! ;o) I hope y'all have such a wonderful, blessed weekend with some fun memories tucked in there! Take care!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Enjoy that baby girl and your family ALL that you distractions! (:

Heather L. said...

Yay!!! I am so excited that I won! Not sure how I claim the prize, though, LOL - I'm off to see if I see a link to email you. Thank you SO much for the great giveaway!!!!

Have a good weekend =)

Susan said...

I tried a Vanilla Coke for the first time today( thanks to reading your blog) and it was great. I think it might be my new favorite drink! I love Sonic me and my best friend at work are addicted to the .99 frito chili cheese wraps. I too love it when the grandparents come over. They are such a great help. I hope you guys have a great weekend!!

Heather said...

It is a gorgeous day that is a MUST for a Sonic!!!! Enjoy your walk, your drink and most of all...your baby girl!
Have a great weekend, Kelly!

Jennifer said...

happy hour vanilla coke... you are my kind of girl!

Jennifer in OR

Heather said...

Oh man, I saw the name Heather and nearly wet myself! HA!! But it wasn't me, but congrats to the other Heather that one and I do realize that I am not the only Heather that reads!!

Enjoy your walk and have a great day!

Sarah Bryant said...

You can't do but so much. It'll take away from your heavenly calling as a mom and wife. We just all love hearing about precious Harper! If I were you, I'd create an e-mail account for your blog readers to access if they want to e-mail you something, and have an auto reply on it with the paragraph from today's post explaining how much you get and how it means a lot, but you just can respond to all of them. That way you won't feel bad, and everyone will know what to (not) expect. Just my two cents.
Keep up the wonderful job you're doing investing each day in that precious eternal soul - Harper. Every time you wipe her butt is precious to God! You're feeding His sheep, and doing to the least (littlest) of these you're doing unto Him.

Susy said...

I love reading your blog and being reminded of NW Arkansas and all things Southern (I'm from Magnolia and a Razorback)! And how you tease me with Sonic! I live in NY where there is no Sonic!! It's torture! I don't know how you keep up with as much as you do with Harper around, but I sure do enjoy it! You even inspired me to bake a pecan pie tonight! Keep it up and have a great weekend!

Whitney said...

It's amazing how grandparents start visiting more often when you have a sweet baby to love on. Harper is precious!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it amazing how much our idea of "happy hour" changes once we have little ones??? Happy hour for me is also getting a PEDICURE!!! Much cheaper than therapy!! But I always stop on the way for a Chik-fil-A Sweet Tea, since we have no sonic!!!

Kari said...

Harper is very lucky to have grandparents that come every weekend to see her! It seems that I cannot PAY my parents to be here more. And, I have 2 kids! I go complaining again. Anywho. Harper is adorable as always.

Cary Hairbows said...


Nothing tickles me more than seeing both sets of grandparents smiling ear to ear while holding their precious Harper. I am glad they are all "working" out the visitation weekend slots. HA! Keep the pictures coming!!



Brooke said...

Isn't happy hour wonderful??!! Since my lunch is BEFORE it starts I usually only get to enjoy it if my boss makes a run and picks something up for me but I do love a good Sonic drink at half price!

Betsy said...

Kelly, you are so sweet to want to help so many people. I can only imagine how overwhelming it is with all your millions of readers! :) You are doing the right thing to try to keep it all in a balance!

Harper is cute as a button as always. That is such a great picture with your parents.

Have a great weekend!

Lori said...

She looks beautiful as always. Is this going be her Easter dress? I know you can't answer, I should have said: This is cute and springgy enough to be an Easter dress. Guess we'll just have to wait and see what Harper chooses(or her mom) from her wide wardrobe selection.

Lori said...

Also, I couldn't do Sonic drinks they come in stryrofoam and that is not something I touch, ever!

Rach@In His Hands said...

Kelly, the picture of Harper with your parents is SOOO precious! How wonderul to have both sets of grandparents living close that they can play a big part in sweet Harper's life!

Congrats to the winners!

R said...

bummer...i missed out on happy hour today! hope you caught it. :0)

Andrea said...

Harper looks so happy in her grandma's arms - so sweet. Hope you had a great walk - it is a beautiful day.

FROGGITY! said...

grandparents are the best! harper looks so great! such a doll!! :)

Megan said...

Great giveaway - I ended up buying a Faith Baby onesie anyway. Love them so much.

Can't wait to see Harper's Easter dress. Happy Weekend, Stamps Family!

Lea Ann said...

Harper looks so happy with her grandparents! She is adorable!

Kelli said...

You just worry about Harper and we'll worry about us. Just kidding. We love your blog and we love Harper. Sharing her with us is a joy! Thanks!!

caknitter said...

Enjoy your beautiful day with your little angel!!

A mom and one princess said...

I love sonic happy hour!

Rathi said...

Congrats to the winners and hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!! Harper looks so happy with her grandparents, what a sweet picture!

Fran said...

Can I just say that when I see your mom or dad with Harper I just wanna cry? After reading their blogs after Harper was born I just love seeing them love on her!!!

Happy weekend!

The Bottolfini's said...

Do you think maybe someday you could post some of your decorating ideas? Your home is gorgeous!!!! Thanks!

Celeste said...

Congrats to the winners! :D

Susan said...

Surely all of your readers totally understand that you must first take care of yourself and baby Harper!! I think you do a GREAT job on your blog:) Have a great weekend:)

Jennifer said...

You are precious! Enjoy your days with your sweet girl. I know you have already figured out that they grow fast! Have a wonderful weekend! I think it is going to be pretty again tomorrow so maybe y'all can get out and enjoy the day!

Kristin said...

I don't know how you do it Kelly! I think I'm busy if I get 15 comments on my blog. LOL!! I enjoy reading about your life with Harper, and seeing pictures. She is such a little miracle and it brightens my day to see her healthy and see your family so happy. It is a testimony to prayer and faith. Thank you so much for just being you and for sharing her with us. You are precious!!

I have become good bloggy friends with Veronica, because I saw her on your blog. So, whether you know it or not, you have inspired us and influenced us in ways you cannot imagine and made us want to be better Christian women, and I know I will be forever grateful for that.


Laurie said...

Such a good pictures of Harper with your parents!

Anna said...

You have the sweetest, most genuine heart! Thats why I love your blog! I just love to see pictures of precious Harper, and to hear the blessings God is giving you :)! Thanks for being such an encouragement!

Anna - TX

Chris said...

If you think they are spoiling her now just wait! I remember the first time I gave my oldest son a time out in front of her. She wanted to know if she could go sit with, no lol. I think it hurt her more than it hurt him.

Genesis said...

Harper looks adorable as usual. :)
I know it's hard for you to answer so many questions you get but I'm hoping you can answer mine at some point: Where did you get that amazing wrought iron decor that is hanging above the fireplace behind your parents in the photo at the beginning of this post? I *love* have great decor taste :)


KelMel said...

That's such a great photo!! Miss Harper sure is loved!! :D

I am super jealous of you going to Sonic for HH. We're going to be at my mom's for most of next week and there are three Sonics within five miles of her house. Can you say WOO HOO with me?! LOL!

Enjoy the weekend!

Anonymous said...

Every picture you post is cuter than the last! Looks like she loves the grandparents too!

Sharing some blog love by awarding you with the Kreativ Blogger award over at my blog!

Anonymous said...

The two Sonics closest to me just recently closed ... I hope it doesn't follow your way, because I'd seriously be worried about you!!!! :)

Anonymous said...

The two Sonics closest to me just recently closed ... I hope it doesn't follow your way, because I'd seriously be worried about you!!!! :)

Kara said...

Love pretty little Miss Harper! Enjoy the grandparents, they are a blessing! Have a blessed weekend with your little miracle!

Don't worry about answering are only one woman!

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Look how springy Harper's little dress is!! So cute!!

Leigh Ann said...

That is THE most precious picture EVER!

Kristie said...

Kelly, I don't know your e-mail address and I don't know if you will see this comment, but I know how you love to get clothes with Harpers name on them. Here is a Web Site you might be interested in:

Take Care,

Lynn said...

Happy Friday to you, Kelly! I so enjoy your blog--look forward to reading it daily--thank you!! =)

You're so right-grandparents ARE a huge blessing and my brother and I were abundantly blessed for having our grandmothers in our lives for so long-(our grandfathers died in '66 and '75). Both grandmothers have passed on as well but we have so many wonderful memories.

Love the dress Harper is wearing. =) Kelly, you are just precious!

God bless and have a wonderful, beautiful weekend!

Stephanie said...

Love the great that they want to come and be around you all so're very blessed!

Kristen said...

That is so nice that both sets of parents live close enough to visit and enjoy Harper! I love that about our parents here also. Her dress is so sweet by the way!

Not sure how you would manage all the emails and things that you do. It would be like another full time job! I'm sure most people can understand!

Andrea @ Mommy said...

I just want to eat her up! She's so cute!!!

And, I'm sure everyone understands that you can't get back - you're a new mommy and that precious lil' girl and your man are your priorities!! Just keep showing us her little bows and I'll be happy! LOL

Andy and Wendy Ingram said...

That is so wonderful that Harper will know her grandparents. God has not had us live close to any of our family, so when we see them it is really precious. Kelly, you are so very faithful to people and your heart is so big. I have learned over these last few years, that inorder to be there for my own kids and be the kind of mom God desires me to be, I have to sometimes not be there for others. You are going to have such an amazing Spring with Harper. Enjoy lots of walks and I am praying for you!
Wendy Ingram

Anonymous said...

These verses are so very comforting. The Holy Spirit Himself is praying for you!
Romans 8:26-27 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Jessica said...

Awww! Harper has such a cute little smile in that picture!

Traveler said...

I love to read your blog Kelly!!!

sagreen125 said...

what a blessing to have grandparents that want to be with their grandchild so much. Our parents don't make any effort,(even though they live out of state) but we also have 2 grandchildren, and even though they live out of state, we try to see them when they can't come to see us.Your parents receive the blessings more than you think. many many more blessings

Lauren said...

Hope you enjoyed the time with your parents. I'm sure you did :o) Congrats to the winners :)

~aj~ said...

Kelly, you are such a sweet and genuine person. I adore you! :)
You just need a personal assistant to handle the "business" end of your blog. lol

Enjoy this beautiful weekend!

Elyse said...

Thanks so much for hosting the giveaways! Even though I did not win it has been a lot of fun to enter in them. And such great prizes!:)
I hope that you were able to get your Sonic fix. We went to Sonic last night and got some ice cream! Love that place!

Jenna said...

I just love seeing your parents with that babygirl!! Too sweet!

Hope ya'll are having a GREAT weekend, my dear!

Lori said...

When I see how many comments you get I was wondering how you always read all of them and also your e-mail plus everything else in real life. So I totally understand how you are feeling, I just love following your blog and your precious miracle!