So taking a break is harder than I thought it would be because I always have a lot to say....................

So - what have we been up to for the last week besides sitting in our bumbo seat, not sleeping, and trying not to catch the Swine Flu?

Well, last weekend, Harper's Aunt Carrie and Uncle Chris came from Dallas to visit Harper. This was her first time to meet them. They came when she first got to the hospital but she was in a coma then. We enjoyed having them visit so much (this is my brother and SIL). They are Harper's only aunt and uncle so we hope she will be close to them.

My parents also came on Friday night and we had a family dinner and then they had to go home early Saturday and we mostly sat around at home but we did venture out to the local outdoor mall and ate lunch and pushed Harper in her stroller until she went to sleep. She did pretty good!

Because her daddy grew up on a farm in small town Arkansas and Mommy grew up in even a smaller town in Arkansas - Harper had to get down to her roots and wear this John Deere outfit. But just so everyone would recognize she is more "Chic Girl" then "Cowgirl" - she wore a big bow with it. :-) (Not that there is ANYTHING wrong with our country roots - we are PROUD of them!)

On Wednesday, Laurie and her girls came over to visit and eat lunch. Can I just say that times have changed a lot from the days Laurie and I led a care free life of two single girls in an apartment. Having 3 babies under 3 makes for a busy time. I loved having them over and I KNEW that watching those big girls would wear Harper out and it did - she fell asleep in her swing before they left and slept for 3 hours! I would love for them to come over EVERY day! ha!

Today we had play group at this little cutie Neely's house. Her mom, Amanda, made us the BEST lunch. I could have stayed and ate the leftovers all day but at some point I HAVE to quit wearing maternity jeans. ha!

There were 9 of us moms and 11 kids under 4. Good times. And
every mom just happens to have a blog. Harper once again passed out in the middle of it. Watching all of those children just wears her out. She woke up but fell asleep in the car again on the way home and I'm hoping she continues to nap for a little while. Amanda has a beautiful home - she has made all these great drapes and curtains by herself. I REALLY need to learn to sew.
I love to try and find the silver lining in things and that is why I love
this post by Angie so much. She is in India right now and it would be easy to look around where she is and just throw up your hands in despair but I love how she found the hope in the midst of so much darkness. Read it!
And while you are at it - pray for
Aiden, a little boy who fell and is having severe brain swelling and is in a coma. Also pray for
Noah, a precious 5 month old who was shaken by his daycare 10 days ago and is in the hospital waiting to see what kind of brain damage he has - please pray for NONE! My heart is with these families right now. Also pray for
Xavian and
OKAY - tomorrow I'm going to start our Friday Home Tours. Your house can be a shack or a mansion - no apologies, no explanations - just show us where you live. In fact that's what we will call it ..... "SHOW US WHERE YOU LIVE FRIDAY".
So sometime tomorrow (or this weekend) - give us a tour of your kitchen and then come back here and add your link. Then we can spend the weekend touring kitchens - it will be fun!
Also - can I just add - I'm guessing you know by now how much I love Sonic. Well - about every time I go they give me a ticket that if I call and take a survey I will get a free route 44 drink. I've been saving them all up but I'm about to make a bunch of calls and have a week's worth of FREE DRINKS! It's the small things in life that make me happy!
It's good to be back!
glad to have you back!
I am so glad you posted the link to Aidan's blog. I was going to email it to you today! Aidan's parents are good friends with one of my husband's best friends, so they are sharing in this burden with them!
So Glad you are back. I absolutely LOVE reading your blog. You are so positive and have a great outlook on life. I love seeing Harper's pictures and her big beautiful bows. We missed you Kelly! I just read Angie's post right before yours. She is an awesome lady. Our God is GREAT! Glad you had a good break, welcome back!
I am soo happy your back! I enjoy reading your blogs everyday and seeing the cute pictures of Harper!
Welcome back!
So glad you're back! If you would've picked out any other room in the house I would've participated tomorrow but my kitchen is horrible! Tiny, stained laminate 80s countertops, and the world's oldest sink. Hoping to remodel it soon! Next week for sure though!
Glad your back Kelly - I have missed you (and Harper too!) :)
Can't wait to see all the cool kitchens this weekend.
So glad you are back to blogging. We missed you! I always enjoy reading your blog and seeing Harper's sweet face gets me even more excited (if that is possible) for our baby girl, who is due to arrive in TWO MONTHS. I hope it goes by fast!!! Blessings to you. Gina
and sometimes? when you take back the survery free drinks? YOU GET ANOTHER ONE! SCORE! Going to be redeeming one myself this evening. Mmmmm Vanilla Dr Pepper . . .
We missed you! I say keep wearing those maternity jeans! I honestly think everyone should have a pair!
I think about you every time I go to Sonic because I just love those diet vanilla cokes too. I usually only go during Happy Hour though.
Yay! I'm glad your back too! If you go to Sonic's website and enter your e-mail address, you will get a coupon for a free Cro-sonic-wich. Had mine this morning, yum!
Glad you're back! I love reading all of your posts. You are always so positive and encouraging.
So glad you and Harper are back.. Looking forward to the kitchen posts!!!
I've gotten a lot of those too. But, being a valued customer that should probably buy stock in Sonic I think I deserve them. It's sad when you push the button and they say...A large Dr. Pepper? Yep, that's a sign that I go to Sonic too much. Oh Well, it's an addiction haha. I even got smart and decided it's best to save those coupons for when drinks are full price not during Happy Hour that way I can go twice a day haha! Glad you're back & I love Harper's John Deere outfit it fits perfectly here in Arkansas.
It's the little things that bring the most joy isn't it?! I love your blog and you have inspired to start my own! in all of your spare time you should take a peek ;)
I am so glad you are back! I have missed seeing those cute pictures of Harper! I love reading your blog! It sounds like you had a great week!
Missed you sweet lady!
Thanks for sharing the wonderful pictures. Blessings to you and your family always,
Matthew 21:22
oh, the pictures are sooooo cute!
Glad you are back! Missed cute pics of Harper - loving the monkey outfit!!! I love to read your positive energy!!! Praying ...
I'm glad you're back :o) I wrote about little Noah on my blog...I just can't stop thinking about him. Thank you for making us aware of where prayers are needed.
I'm excited to see KITCHENS!
welcome back friend:)
i love how harper can make a john deere onesie look that feminine!
Glad to have you back. Today was a very bad day (at work) and I am always encouraged by you (and your beautiful baby girl). :) Thanks.
I love me some Sonic too!! :)
I wanted to thank you for posting the praise reports on your blog. Sometimes I get so down seeing all the sad stories out there, babies dying, getting sick, etc. It is always nice to read something upbeat and delightful, like your blog!!
Harper is a doll, your cup runneth over!!
Love, Patti
Glad your back!!
Welcome back! You are such a fun blogger~ thanks for your fun and loving spirit. Harper is such a total doll and my husband will love the precious John Deer outfit (!). Love, Kelly S. in Nashville (my little guy was the ECMO baby who was born full-term with very similar respiratory issues as Harper)
I love that too at Sonic. I get mad when my drink comes and there is no ticket for a free route 44!! HA HA
Glad that you're back! I'm looking forward to them home tours. I better start taking some pictures!
Yay! So glad you're back! Missed you and Miss Harper!
I've been reading Angie's blog too....absolutely AMAZING!!
Can't wait for the home tours!!
It's so wonderful to have you back!!!!
I missed not having you to read everyday. I don't have a blog so can't show you my house. I will just enjoy everyone elses.
Miss Lila in Atlanta
So glad you are back. Miss Harper sure is cute in her John Deere outfit. My Granddaughter, who is 16,wears John Deere t-shirts all the time.Laurie's girls sure are cutie pies. I know Harper will have a good time playing with them soon.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
Noah has stolen my heart. Thanks for letting me know.
Your brother looks sooo different!:O)
(oh gosh, isn't that a cute lil' face I just made?! lol) But your family is still a cute on!
I LOVE the green bow!! Too cute!!
Thank you so much Kelly for your really means a lot to me that you are praying for me :)
So glad your back and I can't wait for the home tours to begin!
So glad you are back! Love the green bow but her John Deere outfit is too cute! You had a busy week last week! Happy Friday tomorrow! Can't wait to see the kitchen tours!
Glad to have you back! And wanted you to know that God is so good and giving and has blessed us tremendously. We have a 3 1/2 year old son, D-Man, whom we love and adore. We wanted another and got pregnant in December of 2007, only to miscarry 13 weesk later. Devastating, yes, but we knew God had a plan and remained faithful. Well, I'm happy to report that we are 14 weeks pregnant now and everything is going great! My husband is a physician, so I get the perk of getting to see my sweet one weekly and I am so in love already. Thanks for praying...God bless you and your family and all those out there who are so faithful to pray!
Love the pictures. Thank you so much for sharing your life with us.
So glad you're back. I've REALLY missed the cute pictures of Harper. I'm probably as bad as your parents, thinking I need to see a picture of her everyday. GRIN
Kelly, I appreciate the prayer opportunities you intersperce in your blog SO much. I posted info about Stellan on my blog when he was in Boston to encourage my friends to pray for him. But I put a pic of Harper on the post "Why I pray for Stellan" because you are who introduced me to MckMama's blog. You have no idea how much God uses you, dear one!
Keep writing. This old lady loves reading about you young moms and your love for the Lord.
YAAAAAYYYY. You were missed!
YAY!!! so glad that you are back!! I am looking forward to these home tours, gotta go clean the kitchen like a mad woman now!!
I am so glad you are back, I have missed you and Harper this week!
I've missed you. I read your blog every day and have since Harper was born (via Boomama). Glad you are back. You are such a blessing.
Have a lovely weekend. Can't wait for Show us where you live fridays.
I sooooooooooooo miss Sonic. They don't have em up north.
I am sooo happy you are back!! I love Sonic cokes too (and it's all your fault) haha
Thank you for posting these prayer requests. My heart could barely get through the family progress reports. The pain from reading their posts was excruciating. These parents are so strong. I will lift them so high and beg His mercy in healing these beautiful children. I will also pray that these families know the Lord and rest in Him ... Jesus loves our babies even more than we do.
I am so glad you are back blogging--my routine was thrown off from not having your daily reads. You were missed xoxo
I missed your blog last week! So glad you're back!
Good to have you back!
I missed you pretty Kelly! Although my kitchen is my least favorite room - I will play! Of course!
Oh how I've missed you! I just know we'd be such good friends...You have no idea I exist BUT I love keeping up with you! Harper is precious!
Maternity jeans ROCK!!! Why give up jeans that have an elastic waist? I love mine. :-)
So glad you're back! I love reading your posts and checking out Harper's cute oufits (and hair bows...and cuteness in general). Take care!
Kelly, I too missed reading about Harper. I am glad that you are back and I am looking forward to the tour of homes.
Thank you too for your prayer list. I like to hope that if I were in a time of need that there too would be others that would be thinking and praying for my family.
Thank you SO much for adding the link to Noah's blog that I sent you! I know he and his family will get so many prayers from your readers!
Great to have you back from your much needed blogging break! Missed your posts and precious Harper ofcourse!
Thanks again!!!
Girl, so glad your back. You were missed. Sounds like you needed a bloggy break, you were a busy woman. LOVED the pics :)
Okay...I have NEVER gotten one of those free drink coupons!! What is up with that?!?!?! :) My friend Jenni gets one every single time, too. How can I get in on this?!?!?Glad you're back....playgroup looks wild, but fun!
Love ya!
YEA! So glad you're back! Harper is so cute in her John Deere outfit!! Gotta love it!
So glad that you are back. I love reading your blog and of course seeing pictures of Harper and her cute little outfits.
Welcome Back! Love reading & seeing all of the fun that Harper is having with her mommy!
Yay!! I'm so excited that you're back! I've missed you and Harper more than ever!!!! :)
Love the updates, pictures and prayer requests.
Oh, just so you case you haven't taken the Sonic survey in order to get your FREE Route 44...make sure you have some time. If you even think about pressing a number before the lady is done with her ENTIRE question...she totally freaks out at you and says, "YOU MUST WAIT FOR THE ENTIRE QUESTION BEFORE ENTERING YOUR ANSWER!" or something along those lines. YIKES!! :)
However, the reward is well worth it!
Love you tons
Good to have you back! Well, I was really debating whether I had to clean my kitchen tonight or not... I guess this answers THAT question ;)
She is growing so fast! Or at least it would seem so in your short vacation.
Welcome back and way to dive right back in covering so many topics and with so much to say!!!
Thanks for sharing and still praying!!!
Glad to have you back! I just LOVE the look on Harper's face in the first pic!! She looks like she's saying," You've got to be kidding!"
So precious!!
That bumbo seat is AWESOME!! I just love it.
I've been an emotional wreck all week reading the Compassion bloggers posts. But, it stirred me to support a little 3 year old boy. I'm SO excited!!! I'm just so overwhelmed by what $32 a month does for a child.
Precious, I love the John Deere outfit and especially the big green bow!
I had to laugh because I just had my blog made over, and told Jennisa I wanted a Cowgirl Chic look! Ha!
Read your blog everyday!!! So glad you are back!!! Harper is making her name known here in Kansas - a friend of mine just named her new little princess - Harper!!! :-) You go girl on the Sonic!!!!
Guess I have been "a lurking" for quite awhile. I have been praying for you and Harper and Scott, as we were NICU parents with our second little Miss....and she's amazing and extraordinary and full of joy! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know, Miss Kelly, that we are Sonic sisters, and I CRACKED up when I saw that you wait to take surveys. I do it too...and I use them when I don't have time to go during happy hour (they all know me by name and voice and order) b/c I refuse to pay full price for something I can get for half...anyway, I just wanted to wish you a happy hiatus, a welcome back, and a good long sip.
Thanks for linking to Noah's blog! I don't know if it was from my request or someone else's. I know the family will appreciate it!
And I'm glad you're back too! I have missed your funny southern girl wittiness. It makes me still think I am living in the south (because now I'm a northerner....) :) Glad you got a much needed break from blogland...but don't disappear anytime soon! I need you! Have a good weekend
Kelly! We've missed you & baby Harper!
Welcome back!
Hi Kelly!
I am not sure if I have ever commented on your blog before, but I do enjoy reading it. I wanted to thank you for posting the prayer request for Aidan Fredette. I assume that you learned of his accident from Renee @ My Special K's...she got it from me. I went to school with Aidan's daddy, Kalen and I am in complete awe of Aidan's improvement! I know that it is because of the prayers. I thank God for being able to utilize the blogging network to gather hundreds, if not thousands, of people in His name to pray for Aidan and the other children.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for having an open heart to pass on the prayer request.
Carter has that same john deere outfit except the background is white!! How funny!
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