Well - today is Palm Sunday. I got to go to church today and I was so glad to be there. And today was the first time Scott has kept Harper that she didn't scream the entire time. She has been so happy today and slept most of the time while I was gone so it REALLY is the day that the Lord hath made! :-)
Since this week is Holy Week and Sunday is Easter - I thought I would do a little theme week here at Kelly's Korner. Every day this week - I'm going to show pictures of Harper in some kind of Easter get up (because for a new baby - she has accumulated a lot of Easter clothes). Then I'm going to share one thing each day that Jesus is to me. And then I'm going to share one of my favorite worship songs. I just want to celebrate this week that Jesus died for me (and ROSE AGAIN) so that I could have life and have it more abundantly!I got this little dress for Harper before she was born. It's cute but I'm not SUPER crazy about it once it was on her. So I'll save it and give it to another Harper or sell it on ebay to a lucky Harper mom for Easter next year. ha! She is a sweet little bunny to me though. ha!
Today - Jesus is my STRENGTH! I could not have made it through those 3 weeks in the NICU without Him giving me some kind of inner strength to carry on. I never fell apart, I never thought we wouldn't make it. I just leaned on Him and He carried me. I leaned on Him when we couldn't have a child. And I will continue to lean on Jesus through all the trials of my life.
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me STRENGTH!" Phillipians 4:13
I love Shane and Shane and this song REALLY makes me want to raise my hands and dance and sing!
One more thing - this week at our house we are going to have Pacifier Boot Camp. Harper WILL NOT take a pacifier and I really need a way to soothe her when we are out in public - especially now that we are going to start getting out. I can deal with her screaming at home but it won't work out and about. So I'm DETERMINED to get her to take a pacifier. Pray for me and if you have any suggestions - I'm all ears. If you think pacifiers are the devil - don't tell me. (Not to mention that she has a TON of the cutest pacifier clips ever and most of them are monogrammed so I'll be so sad if she doesn't use them. ha!) (I'm hoping we can stay in the Easter service for more than 12 minutes if I can get her to take a paci by then!)
I AM her pacifier right now and that sure will not work outside the home.....and she has been sucking her hand a lot but not enough to soothe herself and I'd prefer she didn't "find her thumb". I sucked my thumb until I was TWELVE. (yes - i did just admit that). And four years of braces and head gear later and I finally had the buck teeth fixed. :-)
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 274 Newer› Newest»Kelly,
Just wanted to make sure that you got my message about the shoes that I won? Let me know.
The Easter dress is adorable! Good luck with the paci!
Not so sure that she'll take one now that she's older. Good Luck and all my best! LOVE LOVE the blog!
Kelly, what a great idea about the theme week and those pictures are TOO precious!!!! :o)
The only advice I have it try, try again! My son took to it right away, now I am worried about having to break him of it!
Have you tried different kinds? My son took to the MAM brand more than any other.
She is too cute.. and I am glad she didn't make a fuss with daddy!
For boot camp, there is a pacifier at Wal-Mart made by parents choice, it's about $4 for two I believe, and it looks like a bottle nipple, that was the only one that worked. Let me see if I can find the link...
THEY ARE AMAZING! Let us know how it turns out...
My girls weren't too interested in the paci either. Do you have any of those Smart Mom necklaces? I hear those are awesome, especially for church service. They are just really long necklaces with pendants that are made especially for babies to play with and chew on. They make bracelets too. I never had one when my girls were little, but I keep hearing great things about them! And they're super cute and stylish too :)
I think pacifiers are the BEST!!!! I would say, just keep giving it, don't give up, and maybe she'll learn to love it! try a few different brands, maybe she'll prefer one over the other. My kids only took Nuks by Gerber but the MAM's are the cutest, they have sparkly girl ones!
Try all kinds of pacifiers. My older took one kind that was shorter...he had a very strong gag reflex, but once he was older, I could switch around and he didn't care as long as he had one. They are wonderful! My 2nd and 3rd tried really hard to suck their thumbs...THAT is the devil! : ) I'll be praying for success for Harper. BTW, is their a paci that is close the bottle nipple when she has to take one?
Oh, I almost forgot. I've heard the Raz-berry teether is really good too, maybe for when she gets a little older. It looks like a pacifier, but is bumpy like a raspberry, so it feels good for them to teeth and chew on.
Love the easter dress. I pray I have a daughter, that way I can name her Harper Grace and buy all the hand me downs!!!! Good luck with the paci situation. I'd rub some baby food on it and let her suck it off!!!
Hey Kelly! I have been reading for a while. I couldn't get my little girl to take a paci for a few weeks, but I realized she did not like the Soothie kind, she really likes the MAM button pacifiers. And some of them are REALLY cute! You do have to buy the MAM paci holders to hold them, but you can just take the plastic ring off that holds the button part and attach it to your cute paci clips. That's what we do. Good luck, and I am LOVING your theme week!
I am sure pediatricians all over the world will yell at me for this one, BUT...dip her paci in some sugar syrup...of course, NOT honey...she'll take that paci...you can keep a small amount in the fridge in a tiny little tupperware container and just throw it in the diaper bag when going out...
Only thing is...once you start with the paci, you have to use it all the time or she'll get real wise to your act. Babies...they know what we are up to...especially girl babies. Keep it around her all the time and let her hold it. Also, keep her lovie (snuggle blankie) with her all the time.
Keep us posted on the princess.
Have you seen that one saying, "I am a princess, and my Father IS the King of King's!!!" Fit's Harper to a tee.
our son had trouble keeping a silicone pacifier in so, we switched to latex and it made a TON of difference. the silicone was just too slippery.
Pacifiers are a wonderful way to help them self soothe. Try different ones and start with smaller nipples.... sometimes they feel like they're gagging if the paci is too large. The one from the hospital was a great first one for my boys because I could put my finger through the open side and wiggle it a little to help them realize it was there so they'd start sucking. You could also try dipping it in some of the breast milk/formula to make her want to start sucking.
Good luck!!
Hi Kelly! I think your little Harper is just too cute! My son didn't take to the paci right away. I had to try several kinds (had to do the same with bottles). My suggestion would be to try different kinds. The one my son finally took to was the Gerber Nuk. Best of luck to you!
Kelly--I have to go with the advice to try different kinds of paci's...and make sure you have the size for her age. My kids all loved NUK's (which is the one my grand-daughter uses, too) but Harper may like another kind. Maybe try it when she is relaxed and happy and not when she is already upset. I started my little ones on them when they were about three weeks old (and had the breastfeeding down) and it was a blessing--keep trying, mama!
My son wouldn't take a paci at first either...I had to distract him to take by giving him something to hold in his hands. I bought him a "lovie" (a little blanket similiar to the pink one Harper has) to hold. While he held that, I would put the paci in his mouth and he would finally take it. (The lovie was also great when he turned a 1yr. and I took the paci away.) Good Luck!
Neither of my girls enjoyed the pacifier (and we tried!). They were blanket girls - I couldn't believe how much a blanket would soothe them. Older daughter still has "Yellow One" to this day and for a while I was a bit jealous how she would want it sometimes - instead of me - when she was upset. My younger daughter was more of a silky girl - they were named bebe - and she loved them when she was a baby with my scent. Later she would "click" the seams with her fingernails to soothe herself. She doesn't still keep one around like her big sister.
I would only take a paci if it was cold. My mom would refrigerate it for about 10 minutes and then I would be a happy camper.
Just keep trying, trying, trying. My nieces both started taking pacifiers b/t 3-6 months! I kicked myself for not trying harder/longer with my boys. Now I have a 4 year old thumb sucker, which is SUPER hard to break. Dont get frustrated, just keep giving it to her and hold her really close to you, like she's nursing...kinda try to "trick her." My niece was away from her mom for the day and was crying and fighting sleep...she wouldnt take a pacifer at the time, so she was crying bc she had no way to "suck to sleep," without her mom to nurse her. So I just held her really close, rocked her and actually got her to suck on a nipple from a bottle (without the bottle-yes she was kinda sucking air in, but I was desperate!). She fought and fought, but I just stayed calm and kept rocking and she finally sucked on it and fell asleep. Next day, her mom tried it with a pacifier and she's been "hooked" ever since!
Good luck!!
My first born didn't take the paci but the next two did. I remember having to take Kansas, my eldest daughter into the dressing room at Target to nurse her...she was screaming her head off! I was a nervous wreck and thought that someone was going to call CPS on me! Keep trying the paci...they are wonderful if they take them!
Many Blessings,
LOVE the idea for the week. I clicked play on the video, and my girls and I danced around! We had a time of praise right here!!!
I think this might be our daily plan for the week. We have MUCH to celebrate. He is RISEN!!!!
Harper is precious, as always
Dip the paci in some sugar water! HA!! Does she like to suck on your finger?? Does she like to suck on anything? I don't know..my son was a big time sucker since day 1...we didn't have a problem...now he is a thumb sucker!!! Good luck...
I know a little baby Harper if you need a place for some outgrown clothes to go.
Your little girl is adorable, I love her Easter dress and all of your encouraging words every day! My sis in law is a l&d nurse and she told me they put a little sugar water on the pacifiers to get babies to take them. So maybe put some milk, formula, sugar water or something on it to interest her...my 10 month old uses the playtex ortho ones and he loves those. Like other people said, maybe try a few different kinds. GOOD LUCK! We are on sippy sup boot camp in our house since my son won't drink from anything except me and I want to stop breastfeeding soon :)
Pacis are great! My philosophy is they are much easier to break than a thumb! ;) My older two liked the Avent brand, and my younger two seem to do better with the MAM. I've heard the kind they give out at the hospital are preferred by some little ones. I have found those at Target, Walgreens, and Kroger before. I got a really cute one in that style that has an adorable little stuffed animal attached to it called a WubbaNub. You can find them online at www.wubbanub.com I registered for mine at a local baby boutique. Good luck!
Love the outfit, she is too cute! Hope the paci boot camp goes well. My niece loved her pacis, she had the ones that are kind of see through, i think it's the ones that the hospitals use.. She used to look like Maggie Simpson when she used it.. Hope it goes well for Harper.. Can't wait to see the winning Easter outfit! Glad you had a great time at church! Have a great rest of your Sunday!
The dress is adorable!!
Both of my kids liked the Nuk brand, and like several people have already commented, my kids did much better with the appropriate size so it wasn't too big and gaggy! My daughter didn't like it cold so I held it in my hand for a minute or two...and then dipped it in breast milk so we didn't have an immediate reject. Before too long, she liked it for the suck-factor, without all of the tricks. :)
since she is older, you may have better luck waiting another few weeks, and I bet she finds her thumb....there are many pros and cons to the thumbsucking...but usually by 4 months, they will find that thumb if they haven't had a paci fixation. I had three thumb suckers and they were great babies and I never lost a thumb in the bottom of the car? JK.
Love the dress. Nuk or Mam are good pacies. Dip it in a little baby food and she will suck it off. Like peaches or something.
Hosanna! King of Kings! Praise God from who all blessings flow.
Isaac and Elijah wouldn't take a paci (wouldn't take a bottle either). I tried every kind of paci out there with no luck.
Abigail took one after she was a couple weeks old. Then when she was 6 months old, I only gave it to her at nap time/bed time til she was a year when I took it away for goood.
Noah was 6 weeks old before he'd take one, then he loved it for 2.5 years. It was actually nice b/c when we were out and about at naptime, I could give it to him and he'd stay happy. Sleeping at other places was easier too.
This baby, I will certainly try again. I don't think they are evil as long as they are used instead of feeding them when they are hungry... but I do know sometimes they just want to suck.
All 3 of mine took paci's but they all took different kinds...#1 took NUK, #2 took safety first, and #3 took a preemie paci (she had a tiny mouth and sensitive reflex so the nipple had to be small). I am so glad min etook them as it was such a life saver. I have a friend whose little girl wouldn't for the longest time and the finally got her to take one. She was so glad b/c she said she was beginning to feel like the "human paci" :) Hope it goes well. And Harper looks so cute! I love little girl clothes :)
Hi Kelly,
It takes a lot of trial and error in order to get the right kind of pacifier, since all of the paci nipples are different. My suggestion is to go to the store and get a huge handful of different ones and see if those work. My kids always loved the ones that were sent home from the hospital. There is a website on the paci itself that you can order bigger ones for older babies. You might want to check it out.
Warning......make sure Harper never meets "her thumb" because it will be all over at that point! It's MUCH harder to wean a thumb that it is to wean a pacifier when the time comes!
Make sure it is a size 0-6 pacifier and then get some flavored baby gas drops at your favorite Wal-mart. Just barely brush the dropper on the side of Harpers mouth and then quickly stick her pacifier in her mouth. It tastes good and she will start sucking. It will work!!!
Harper sounds so much like my oldest when she was a baby. She only wanted me. Screamed if I left her. Would NOT take a paci. Her only form of comfort was nursing, and well, that got old pretty fast. Nursing for nourishment is one thing, but for comfort ALL THE TIME is something else. She did finally start taking one, and I honestly don't know what exactly changed her mind. I just remember holding her one day, she had just nursed, she was tired and ready for a nap, and she was literally trying to suck on my neck!!! I just grabbed a paci, stuck it in her mouth, and she was hooked! Good luck! I know it changed my life when Ashlyn finally caught on!
I LOVE that Shane&Shane song. I don't think I had even heard of them until we took our youth to the Tennesee Christian Teen Convention in Gatlinburg this January. I totally fell in love with them, they're so nice and genuine. :)
That dress is seriously adorable!
As far as a paci, my Benjamin would never take one until he was about six or seven months old, but that was after his open-heart surgery. LOL
We just kept trying different kinds and were just consistent with it. I think after his surgery, he was stronger and hung onto one in his mouth better. He prefers those green, circular ones from the hospital, while my older son always liked the Gerber Nuks.
I feel your pain. Pacis are so helpful for them AND YOU! :)
Kelly...if I don't get my daily "Kelly's Korner" fix..then my day just isn't complete. :) Maybe it's just one of those emotional days...but I just got teary eyed (again)...Phillipians 4:13 was my Father's favorite verse (I lost him in Feb.'03-Motorcycle accident)...then May '05at the age of 27 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer (check out my story-www.supportthefight.com)...so not only has that verse been a family favorite...but it is a daily reminder that if we turn to "HIM"...he will always give us strength. I am alive today because of my FAITH, FAMILY and FRIENDS! Thank YOU so very much for giving us daily hope and reminders how great our dear Lord is.
Harper is so very blessed to have such a great mama!!!
Try giving stopping feeding her and put in a paci while she's still sucking, then feed her again. I know that sounds mean, but if she can suck the paci while she's still sucking, she'll get it. Also give it to her RIGHT after feeding her. Before you burp her, put one in her mouth. Again, while she's still in suck mode. At home when she's fussy, hold her and soothe her like you would, but put the paci in. Try to do thing you normally do, but with a paci with you at all times. Hopefully she'll get it. But like others have said..... try every kind. Find one that's like the bottle or breast. I bought one of everykind they make and just tried one until she got it. We too ended up with the funny looking green ones. ***Also**** Pay attention to the "level" of the paci. Some are for 6 month and younger. Because she hasn't liked one, make sure it's soft for her and again, simulates whatever she is eating with. (bottle or breast.)
You can do it Kelly and Harper! :) God hasn't dropped you yet :) He'll help you with this, and if she doesn't take it, she doesn't take it.
Also, just and idea, I keep my daughters clothes for the first 18 months and am making a blanket with them instead of keeping outfits. My daughter was tiny and wore Preemie clothes and I kept like 5 favorite outfits the first year but used the rest to make a blanket with.
My son had the same problem with pacifiers. He wouldn't take one at all. I tried every different kind and none worked until I found the one type that he would take. I always thought it looked HUGE and I couldn't believe he would take it, but it worked. Here's a link to see what kind I am referring to.
When my daughter was first born she wouldn't take a pacifier either. She hated the ones from the hospital and she hated the Nuk ones that I had gotten. It wasn't until I was looking at some at WalMart did I think "maybe she doesn't like the shape of the nipples" (you know, they aren't like mom) So I came accrossed the Sassy Mam pacifiers. They were small and kind of a rounded flat shape. She took to those like crazy and that is the only kind that she will take.
SO my point is, you might have to experiment with different brands and find out what she likes best.
The only paci that Ellie will take is a gumdrop. This is the paci that they gave out at our hospital here in Charlotte. They are hard to find in stores, so here is the website: http://www.gumdroppacifier.com/index.htm
One bad thing is that they don't work with any of our cute paci clips :( She loves them so much though and they are life-savers!
Take Care,
I wish I had great advice for the binky. I have 4 kids and my BEST baby was my binky baby!!!! I begged, pleaded, cried, laughed, plugged, dipped in ice cream, tried everything to get my other 3 to take one for months and to no avail. They had no interest.... Kiara (my binky baby) took hers til she was 4 (I don't want any negative feedback from it because it was her security and everyone wanted to tell us what bad parents we were for allowing her to take it so long) I have to tell you out of all 4 kids she is our only one that does NOT need braces! She had an open bite in her baby teeth but her adult teeth all came in straight and beautiful...... so long story short.... if shes not interested I doubt you will have much luck because I desperately wanted my others to take it so badly. But, if you do..... don't worry about her teeth and let her love that security as long as she wants.... she will give it up when she is good and ready.
p.s. The mini mams are what we used and they were GREAT!!! Just a matter of preference and finding which one your baby prefers. You may have to allow her to try 10 different brand before she finds one.
Hearts and Hugs
Sugar water on the paci! I also bought like every kind under the sun until I found the one she liked the best.
Oh, and I know we aren't supposed to comment questions but I emailed you too! I emailed you about putting me on the prayer list and I was wondering if it's closed now. Are you still adding people?
I love hearing everything about Harper! Happy Palm Sunday!
Some friends of mine kept a jar of KARO syrup in their diaper bag (Drs, stop reading now). To get her to initially start sucking, they would put a drop on the end. It worked for them. I thought they were crazy at first, but I guess whatever works, right?!?!? Good luck!!!
my little girl would not take a pacifier either and i too was determained... tried them all and the only one she would take is the ones ny Playtex... i could only find them a target they are a round circle with a nipple that sticks straight out they are white with one middle pink and one middle yellow i don't think they have a name? she would not take mam or nuck... maybe she will like them :)
My son found his thumbs early, so we had to fight like the dickens to get his paci in his mouth around his hands. There were times we'd try holding his hands so he couldn't take it out. Then we discovered he had quite the spitting trajectory -- he could launch that thing across the room. What fianlly worked for us was to sneak it into his mouth while he slept. He'd spit it out after a while, and we'd put it back in. He slept through it all, but the "suck instinct" kicked in and after a few days he never sucked his thumb again. He's 2 now; thumbs have never been a problem again, and he's also been paci free for a year.
This might be complete common sense but will mention it anyway. Have you tried every type of paci? They make so many different kinds now and it might just be the nipple part she doesn't like. Good luck!!!!
I am a huge paci fan! Harbor took to the pacis at Target that are the big blue ones.. not sure of the name. Nuk maybe? He didn't like any of the other brands. Keep trying different ones- she will find one she loves. : )
I wanted both of my kiddos to be attached to a binky/paci and just kept putting it in their mouth every chance I could get and they quickly became attached. My son gave his up on his own at less than a year and my daughter is still SUPER attached to hers at 17 months. I, too, wanted to be able to sooth them when they were fussy. It was one of the best things I did! My son was also attached to a pillow and still is at 4, that is his comfort. My daughter (in addition to her binky) is attached to her lovey/softie very much so and takes this everywhere she goes. Having the binky and lovey has really helped her transition from being away from me in the church nursery because she still has 2 things that are familiar to her and a comfort for her. Good luck...just keept at it and keep pushing forward with it and hopefully she'll jump on the bandwagon! :)
Try lots of different shaped binkies before giving up and just thinking she doesn't like them. Look for something similar to the kind of bottle she takes and make sure they're BPA free. I haven't completely banned BPA stuff from our cupboards, but if it's something they're going to have in their mouth all the time then I think it should be BPA free.
My 14 month old has pretty much been sick her entire life. She got the flu when she was 2 weeks old and ended up in the hospital. The nurses in the hospital insisted that she take a binkie. She was loosing weight rapidly and they thought her crying was burning too many calories. So it would drive me crazy when people would reprimand me for letting her have a binkie. One stranger even walked up to her one time and took the binkie out of her mouth and told me not to let her have it. My daughter has since been diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease and I think her binkie brings her a lot of comfort when she's having respiratory issues, so I'm in no hurry to get rid of it!
I just thought I'd let you know my paci struggles really quickly. I have a 10 month old little girl, Claire, and she will STILL not take a paci and she STILL uses me. We tried and tried but to no avail. Claire has never taken a bottle much either so I have breastfed for much longer than I anticipated!! It is a gift though and I will miss is when she is done. Good luck to you but just know if Harper doesn't take the paci it doesn't last forever and like the song says, "you're going to miss this, you're going to want this back, you're going to wish time hadn't gone by so fast." Enjoy it while she still needs you to pacify=)
My aunt showed me a fabulous trick to make my 8 week old son take a pacifier. She dipped it in ice water and he immediately started sucking! I do it every time he gets extremely fussy and it works like a charm! Hopefully it will work for Harper. Good luck!
My son was actually the opposite of most babies. He wouldn't take the newborn size paci, so I tried the bigger ones for 6 months and up and that was it. He loved it and only wanted those. He preferred the MAM latex ones at first, but as he got older, I could give him the silicone ones as well and he would take them. (He's almost 4 now and using the bigger sized paci did absolutely no damage to him. I just had to throw that in there on the off chance that someone will chide me for recommending that you try a different size.)
Our little girl was picky at first to which pacifiers she would take. We actually have 4 different kinds - there was only 1 kind she liked at first. Now she'll use about any of them, but it might be worth trying a few different styles. Good luck!
Lovin' your idea for the theme week. It will keep us so much more focused on what Jesus has done for us! Thank you!
Both my girls took (are taking) their pacis, so I don't really know if anything I say will help. But I will throw in my two cents anyway!:) I would try different brands and sizes. My girls only liked the MAM pacis and if I tried to give them anything else they would just spit it out!
Praying for you!
try different kinds until she she hangs on to one a little longer as if she likes it. hold it in for her, even when she's crying (not forcefully but enough to make that automatic suck reflex kick in). my son was a passy baby, until a few mos ago - about 22 mos old - and i don't regret it at ALL. stick with it...she'll learn it. it works well in the nite, for when she's not really hungry, just wanting to be soothed.
also, if you haven't done it yet, i'd introduce a bottle every now and then - with breastmilk - so she can get familiar with it. otherwise, you'll never be able to leave her for a date w/your husband, OR stick a bottle in her mouth during church. it'll help YOU out in the long run.
Good luck with the whole paci boot camp. We are starting it next week, just the other way around. My almost 3 year old STILL takes one, and we must get rid of it. Oh goodness. As for my sweet boy, Cash, he won't take a paci AT ALL. We have tried every kind out there. No luck! The best advice I can give, if she never takes one, is to just use a bottle as her "soother". It will work like a charm. I nurse him before I leave and then just bring a bottle of frozen milk just in case. If it doesn't get used, no harm done. Just throw it back in the fridge and use it another time. :)
i would say that all of the above are great (make sure you try different kinds and maybe dip it in formula or milk to make it more interesting to her) my other suggestion would be to not use yourself to paci her like you have been, but just give her the paci and then she might realize that's what she'll need to comfort her. might take a bit, but hopefully it'll work and make it easier on Scott when he has her too!
That is so comforting to hear that you sucked your thumb until you were 12 years old. Our dear daughter is almost 8 years old and still sucks hers. She is begging for an American Girl doll & I told her I would buy her one if she would only suck her thumb at night (not during the day). She told me she could never stop loving me just as she can never stop sucking her thumb. Ha! Needless to say, dear daughter #2 was given a paci the moment she came out. Good luck! I always snuggled her in like I was nursing her, put the paci in her mouth, and quickly rocked/swayed back & forth. You could even try it outside...there is more to distract her and she may calm, suck, & look around...not realizing she has a paci.
ps~i've been reading your blog for months...just don't comment very often. :)
Also, try a few different kinds of paci's. Try to find one that looks like your nipple. Paci's really are all shaped differently!
Hi Kelly!
Long-time lurker here ...
The paci issue: my youngest son rejected the pacifier from day one. I was distraught because he was such a fussy baby and nothing seemed to soothe him.
So one day, he was screaming his little heart out and I used the cloth diaper I had been using as a spit-up cloth and rubbed it softly against his cheek and talked softly to him.
He immediately stilled and clutched that blanket as if his life depended on it! From that point on, he was my "Linus" baby. We never went anywhere without his "blankie." He snuggled with it and sucked on it. And the best part? It was just a plain cloth diaper so it was easy to replace his gross ones with fresh ones.
Some babies simply don't like the pacifier. You might have to try different things but I'm confident you'll find something that will soothe her.
Good luck!
What a great idea!! Can I steal the idea and do it on my blog too?? In fact maybe you could put up Mr. Linky!! What a wonderful way to honor Holy week and more importantly Praise Jesus!!
Harper is always so adorable!! I saw where some have already mentioned the soothie, and I think its the same one I'm thinking of. Mine would only take the big giant ugly green ones the hospital uses.:( But now I see they have cute pink and purple ones available :) Yeah being a human pacifier is not pleasant!!! Good Luck!!
Love your blog....have been reading for months. As for the paci, good luck. My advice is to keep trying, and try EVERY kind you can find until she finds one she likes. I have 5 kids and they all took different pacifiers. It was trial and error, but just be patient! Hope it goes well. ~Melissa
I know I'm just repeating what has been said, but try different types. That's why I always give an assortment as a baby shower gift. And make sure you try some of the silicone ones. My kids wouldn't touch one of the latex ones with a ten foot pole.
Also, try dipping it in ice water. My kids loved that from the time they were tiny. My dad started it with them and it worked awesome.
Also, you have to be a little more stubborn than the baby. One of my kiddos used to spit it out, but I kind of had to hold it in at first until he learned to use it.
Good luck!
for me,
my girls would NOT take it whatsoever, they are italian girls and if they are working to suck something they better get a reward and a paci wasnt cutting it, UNLESS, you get a medicine paci and keep putting liquid in it and who wants to do that?
in public, my nursing girls used a traveling bottle system (i believe i got it at onestep ahead) in which the bottle sat to the side, or somewhere and the nipple was a paci-like situation and had a long tube straw down to the bottle and they used that, or i fed them in public with the breast shaped bottles from one step ahead.
good luck!
What a cutie Harper is! :)
My son would never take to a pacifier. Just kept spitting them out.
I figured that my daughter would be the same way, so I never really tried to give her one.
We had gotten quite a few for her baby shower so I gave her one when she was around 8-9 months old right before a nap and it made a huge difference in the length of time she slept.
She has never really wanted it at any other time of day though. When she was younger and we were at church, I would give her one if she was getting restless and kinda kept tapping on it to keep it in her mouth. That usually worked.
Now she takes one strictly at bedtime. If she finds one lying about in her room, she'll pop it in her mouth, but it is mostly for show. :)
She loves the MAMS pacis....she couldn't seem to keep any other one in her mouth properly. I also keep them in a cup in the fridge. She seems to love them cold!
She is going to be 2 in August, so I am going to have to be thinking of breaking her paci habit pretty soon! :(
Best wishes with Harper. Just keep trying different ones, you never know when you will stumble on one she will like!
Such a cute photo and love the song!
ok so i love your easter outfit idea, i must do that on my blog. kennedy has so much stuff as well, its just crazy! now onto the pacifier. I am all for it. she loves her and i love that! she is totally fine once i pop it in. i did have to try a couple at first and she really likes the Nuk ones. also, a boy i nannied didnt like it sometimes and i would put it in and just tap the top of it, where the little handle it, with my nail and eventually he would start sucking. just a tip that worked for me.
I didn't have time to read and see if others said this, but when you first start her with a paci, hold her close, like you do when you breast feed her, ( but not when she's hungry ) and put that paci in and hold her tight against your breast. Rock, talk softly, or whatever you do to
comfort her. Mine would get that
same close sensation of being next to me, but with a " different"
pacifier! Yes, and try different
kinds. Good luck!
She's precious....and i've just become addicted to your blog!
Not sure if someone has already said this, but my babies liked their pacis better if I ran some water over them first. They enjoyed (at least for a little bit) sucking the water off of them.
Worth a try!
Try dipping the paci in a bit of sugar water or watered down juice to make it sweet. She will suck it because it tastes good, and maybe eventually she will want to take it when it is not dipped. This worked for my oldest who is now 20 months and I get get the paci away from her...ha ha
~Andrea from Houston
Try dipping the pacis in Karo White Syrup....just a little to sweeten it a bit :-)
Good luck with the pacifier situations. I know everyone is suggesting various kinds and I seriously doubt you will buy/try all of them... but my son likes the Mam's brand. He originally liked the small nipple ones, but I switched him to the one with a little bubble tip(6 Month+ I think) fairly early on. He loves that size still and he's just 7 months. It gives him something more to suck on and helps keep it in his mouth. Hope you find the right one!
Hi Kelly! I love reading your blog! I had this same paci problem with my son. He loved the Snugli carrier, so I would put him in that and wedge the paci between us so that it stay in his mouth. I also did what the one commenter said, and slipped it in after he nursed when he was sleepy to kind of finish him off. Unfortunately (or in my case-fortunately) he found his thumb, and life was SO much better after that. He just wanted to suck a minute and was done. The paci just kept getting lost...the thumb never did!
As for the paci clips...if you don't get to use them for paci's, I used them a ton to clip toys and sippy cups to my stroller. Then when he decided to throw something overboard, they just hung there and didn't get lost. I would also clip stuff to the car seat and shopping cart cover. Just an idea to use them...I'm sure you have adorable ones!
Harper is the sweetest thing...I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of the weeks outfits and read your inspiring words!
I didn't read all the comments, so sorry if this was a duplicate!
My littliest refused a binkie no matter how hard I tried.I prayed for months abt the binkie!! One day when he was 8mths old he saw big brother with one and so littliest stole it when it was on the floor and never gave it back!:) The best thing ever! Littliest gave it up when he a little over two so that was not bad. I just trimmed the end and he said it was broken and to throw it away. That simple!:) So it is never too late to try. My advice is to try several different kind. Since you breast feed maybe try one that looks more like nipple.Good luck!:)
My daughter is 7 months and never would take the paci but started too finally at 6 months! SO! Keep trying she will eventually! ;)
my oldest took the NUK kind - we had to take it away at 2 years old b/c his teeth were getting really messed up (well actually, the dentist toook it away from him and i cried!!!). my youngest took the soothie (the green ones from the hospital) until he gave it up himself when he got an ear infection around 9 months! i was SAD to see that he would not take it anymore b/c it was so great in public =) good luck!
you may try dipping it in sugar water to get her to take it =)
Oh my you have so many comments I can't read them all to see if this has been covered...1.) DO NOT dip in Karo...it poses the same botulism risks as honey. I would maybe just dip it in breast milk myself. :)
2.) We loved those turquoise kinds the hospitals give out. you can get them at Wal-Mart too but they're great for breastfeeders.
I am a big pacifier advocate and I'm surprised the NICU didn't get her hooked on one. They totally pushed the paci on my NICU babe and I was alright with that!!!
My son preferred the bottle when he was first home from the NICU so I'd let him have it for a bit and then "sneak" my breast nipple inside instead. I might try that with your breast and then "sneak" in the paci dipped in your milk when she's good and drowsy already. Just as a starting point.
Good luck!
I am definitely not one to think binkies are the devil! I myself took one till I was four (by that time, it was nighttime only...but still). Amelia took hers at 2 weeks. I had tried to hold off because of my fears of nipple confusion, but she just wanted to suck all the live long day, and I had to give her one. She never had a problem with taking one though, so I'm so sorry to not have any advice on that for y'all. Good luck with Binky Boot Camp! (FYI: I used NUKs...don't know if that made a difference or not.) And I love Harper's dress...I can't wait to see more of her Easter dresses! She's just like a big ol' baby doll, and I love that you dress her up and show us pictures of her all decked out! ;o) And having seen pics of her closet, you could probably dress her up several times a day and post different pictures/outifts each time! Haha!! (Feel free to do that, Kelly...all of us girl mommas would enjoy it, too!) I hope y'all have a truly blessed Holy Week & Easter!
I didn't read through all of your comments, so I don't know if this has already been suggested, but make a mix up a little sugar water and dip the binky into it before giving it to her. It may take a few dips, but she'll love the sweet taste!
When babies suck on the sugar water (just a little bit) it releases endorphins (dopamine, I think), which calms them and relaxes their body. This trick works wonders for painful procedures too (such as immunization and other pokes). So, when Harper is due for shots, make sure to ask the nurse for some "Sweeties" or sugar water before being poked.
Hope that helps!
My oldest son took a paci and we had a struggle getting rid of it! He was only using it at nap/bedtime but the child was 2 1/2 before it was completely gone! WIth my 2nd child, we didn't use a paci at first because I needed to focus on breastfeeding and making enough for him (we had issues with that with the 1st) and by the time we tried the paci, it was too late. There was a random time when he was 5 months and we were camping for a week that he took one and then didn't want it again. So, with all that said, weaning a paci child versus a no paci child, I would pick a no paci child! That is my advice. Yeah, the screaming store runs and dinners that were not so pleasant kinda stunk, he is a very mellow, silly, happy baby now. The first few months, especially with breastfeeding, can be difficult but here are a few tricks I learned. Feed baby before leaving and try to choose naptimes for errand running. It isn't always the most convenient (especially with another toddler's attitude and nap schedule to deal with) but helps with fussy babies. Also, have you tried a sling? My little one LOVED to ride in one and calmed down instantly when riding in one Even for store runs, I would just put him in the sling and he was out! It worked great. I got one from target for about $40 (http://www.target.com/Hotslings-Baby-Carrier-Dot/dp/B000PGRWCI/sr=1-8/qid=1238960833/ref=sr_1_8/180-4980328-2618904?ie=UTF8&frombrowse=0&pricerange=&index=target&field-browse=1038576&rh=k%3Ababy%20slings&page=2) Well, good luck with all of this and finding a way to soothe your precious baby! ~Kara~
Ok, if you want her to take a paci - make sure you have one of every kind out there. Different brands, different sizes, different materials (some are silicone, some are latex). Hopefully, there will be one she prefers. And when you find that one, buy as many as you can! I will never forget when my 2nd dd FINALLY found a paci she liked, and I couldn't find anymore ANYWHERE. That paci was sacred! I did eventually find more (and when I did I bought every single one on the shelf), but until then I was soooo worried that it would get lost! I also wanted to add though, that there is nothing wrong with you being her pacifier while you're out, if you are comfortable with it. Don't let other people try to make you feel bad for doing what is best for your sweet girl! :)
I think, for some babies, it is a matter of learning what the pacifier is. Just keep pushing it, and she will learn to love it!!! I just know it!!!
My 6 month old wouldn't take a pacifier very well either. We tried all the different ones and she finally found one she loved - the Playtex binky. I think someone mentioned it above. Our Wal-mart quit selling them, but Target has them. There are pictures of her sucking on them on my blog if you look back through some of the months and want to see what they look like. Good luck! And I love the theme! Holy Week is a wonderful time for such reflection.
The big round pacifiers (not cute) worked with my youngest. Put something sweet on it at first (warm sugar water).
I am a HUGE fan of the pacifier.
I am also a new first time mom and my son is a little "cranky" too! I hear you on the pacifier thing.....I found these this week and I think I am going to try them. I have heard they help so much with keeping them in their mouths. Hope this helps!
The Soothie paci work really well with my daughter. They have them at Wal-Mart, we got ours from the hospital where I had her, the one at Wal-Mart was alittle different then the other one though. Good Luck!
Don't underestimate the power of the silkie blankey either! My daughter would start crying,I would search frantically for the blanket, give it to her, she would pull it to her face and crying would stop. Great self-soothing tool! But I am a thumb fan myself!
Kale nursed and sucked his thumb. Tyler didn't nurse (very long) and used a paci. The paci was definitely easier to take away. I do think that because Harper nurses, that could be part of the reason she doesn't want the paci. Babies prefer momma.
I can't believe I was behind on 3 of your posts. All caught up now. (That picture of your M & D with Harper is so cute!!)
We have to hold Audrey's in her mouth, and sometimes wiggle it. Even while she is crying her head off. Eventually she starts sucking on it. I am trying to get her used to ONE kind of paci instead of a bunch of different ones. Maybe try a different one each day. But, only use that one for the whole day. See how long it takes her to get used to it, hopefully by Wednesday or Thursday you will have found one she likes best, then use the rest of the days to get her used to taking it right away, so you can sit through a Service! Good luck, I will be praying for you!
Love the paci boot camp idea. I was in your boat about not wanting to have to tote around a screaming baby in public. But, I will tell you from experience that most people are very sympathetic and not at all judgmental like I feared. I got my daughter to take the paci at her 2 month appointment when she got her shots. I just shoved it in her mouth when she started to scream, and since then, it has worked. Unfortunately, the only paci she takes are the soothies (like you get in the hospital). The only paci clips for those are E-normous! And, for my daughter who at 9 1/2 months weighs a little under 14 pounds, when she sucks on the pacifier, the clip makes her look like her face is blooming a flower! ha! Good luck with the boot camp!!
hey kelly! love the blog and thank you for taking the time to put up peoples prayer request...the power of prayer is so incredible and i am so humbled to get to read them and pray for families ive never met but who need prayer and encouragement!
also, my 2 boys have loved the paci...my 17month old still takes his and my 2 month old just started liking a paci...i just kept trying and he now loves it but it took a few days for him to like it! they both love the MAM paci's...and when i put it in his mouth i just tap on it for a min and he gets a good solid suck! just have patience and keep trying!!
Hey Kelly,
I have a 6 week old baby girl. Her name is JennaBeth. She would not take a pacifier for the longest, until we found the right one! She did not like the Nuk ones at all, but she loves the Mam pacifier. So it may just be a matter of finding the one she likes. So try several until you find the one she likes. Also, I am a big fan of pacifiers. You can deal with taking it away when that time comes. There are lots of little tricks for that as well. Recently the studies show that babies who take pacifiers especially at bedtime are at a lot less risk for SIDS than babies who don't.
Good luck with paci boot camp!
Happy Easter Week to you Kelly. Harper is cute as always. Just another word about the paci from a mom whose kids never took it (all three of them): if she won't take it by now, there's a good chance she just won't. I think babies who like them take to them from the start; my babies would 'play' with them in their mouths for a minute or two and spit them promptly out - and that happened from the first few days in the hospital. It's always worth a try, but at her age now, she may be ready for certain other lovies to distract her: do you have a Taggie blanket? That worked very well for my kids between 2 - 4 months old. I don't have a link, but you can Google 'taggie' or find one on Etsy. (A Stellan seller is selling one version, actually!) Best o' luck!
Love your blog! And...Harper's Easter dress. As far as the pacifier goes, some friends of ours never used one on their daughter Brooke, but instead Brooke's daddy used his finger. Yep, his finger! When she would get fussy, he would place his middle finger on her gums and she would suck away for a few seconds and then she was calm. Its amazing. I am a dental hygienist and expecting my first baby in August. I don't like the "passy" either, but will probably use it for a few months or so. Then its bye bye!
Oh, and after just now reading a few comments, I have heard that sugar watered paci's can sometimes coax them into interest. I would suggest that :). A funny side story of my own, just to validate you, is that all of my kids were colicky for some reason, the first especially. I remember when he was about 12 weeks I was so DONE with the screaming that I decided to do the paci boot camp too. It didn't work (hence my note to you above), but I remember even when he was 16 months old joking that I should try the paci just one last time, LOL. Fortunately, things got better with him after that. Now, at age 5, he's a perfect joy :). Hardly any tantrums ever! LOL
Here are my paci tips. I'm not sure they are worth anything, but Brody has been taking one since he was a week old.
We use Avent orthodonic pacifiers. Brody loves them and it mentally helps me think he will not get bucked teeth! Ha!
We used gripe water and stick Brody's paci into the gripe water to coat it, then put it in his mouth. Gripe water is at Walgreens and it stupidly expensive but we can't live without it! Then, this is going to sound really, really weird, but I promise it worked. I would hold the paci in his mouth so he couldn't spit it out, then I would hold him right need to one of my boobs (i can't believe I just said boob in your comments). That would make him think I was his paci when actually he was using a real one. We did this several times until he got used to the feeling of the paci, but could also associated it with being comforted. Does that make sense?
Good luck! We don't go anywhere without about 5 pacifiers! They are lifesavers!
I don't know how many types of paci's you have tried, but my daughter would only take one kind. After three months of screaming, we finally found the paci that worked for her. It fits their mouths better. It is round, I think made by Gerber, not sure. But they are only pink and purple. You never know, it might work. They sell them at grocery stores more than I see them at Wal Mart.
My daughter didn't take up the pacifier until she was almost 10 weeks and I did it for the same reason...that and to get her on a feeding schedule. All I can say, is just keep trying. Get several types of pacifiers and just keep trying until you find one she likes. My daughter finally settled on the NUK, but we tried two or three other types--that other mommies swore by--before we figured out those were what she liked. Good luck! I'm praying for you.
Harper is just beautiful! I love that outfit, and I hope I have a little girl "Harper" one day I will buy all of her clothes!!!!!!!
So Brody loves his paci and it is so nice because it does soothe him for a little bit even though he would rather have "me" to.. I don't know how open you are.. but I just very discretly at church put my nursing wrap over me and feed and no one ever knows a difference. You have to do what you have to do.. Brody has taken his paci form the beginning but.. i had to try different brands, have you? I tried nuk and the one the hospital has and then bingo.. MAM Pacifiers, it is ALL Brody will take!! So I buy a 2 pack every time I go to wal mart..haha but if you haven't tried them Go buy8y some MAM pacis and plus they are super cute!! Also make sure to get the right age ont he pack because I got brody 6 month ones and he wouldnt take it and I was WHHAT he loves these but when i put the 2mo+ he sure did!! Let me know!!
Hello there! The only brand of pacifer my daughter would take was the MAM brand. They have a 2+ month one so be sure to get that size. I have also had other breastfeeding moms tell me their kids liked them. I think my daughter liked them better because the are a little shorter and she would gag on all other brands. Also a plus is that they have cute designs on them! :) I can totaly relate because I was my daughters pacifer as well and it isn't real convient when you are driving down the road, trying to check out at store, etc. :)
After two children and close to $100 spent, Soothie pacifiers are the only ones I swear by. They are used by NICUs all over the country and have only recently been available to the public. Especially for nursing babies. The Soothie nipple is most realistic (and its made of this rubber/silicone material that will NOT cause that nastly little rash around her mouth!)
No one in the world will probably agree with me - especially doctors but rub a little flavoring on it (ex. dip it in sweet tea, rub just a tad bit of a cherry sucker, you get the idea) and I promise she'll LOVE it (speaking from experience)!!!! And if not - go ahead and attach those cute clips and paci - they still "go" with little babies - used or not!!!
Thank you so much for the great post and praise song! My daughter is almost a month old and it has been probably 2 months since I have been to church. This morning I woke up really down because I really miss going to worship. I love this song and listened to it while feeding my little one!
Also my little girl will only take the soothie paci. You should try it! :) Good luck and have a great Holy Week!
She looks so fancy on her Easter Dress.
Good Luck with the pacifier fight!!
My daughter never took a pacifer! After I spent all of my money on all different kinds, I finally gave up (and was really glad I did!) She was picky about the kind of nipples on her bottles too - only would use the AVENT ones!
Thought of you in the Wal-Mart baby section yesterday!
Thanks for reminding me it is Palm Sunday. I am so bad right now, and in my own little world. I always loved Palm Sunday when they would play the Palms on the trumpets.
I would put a drop of mylicon on it and since it was sweet he would suck it. It would also be easier than sugar water to take with you out and about. Good luck!
I think that little bunny dress is cute, but Harper wearing it makes it even cuter. She is SO pretty!!
As for pacis, good luck. My firstborn was a "mamaholic" like Harper. I as her food supply, paci, etc. I couldn't even get her to take a bottle. Ever. Yikes!! But, don't "listen" to that part, okay?! ;)
My second (and youngest) took to those Soothie pacifiers right from the get-go. (http://www.amazon.com/First-Years-Newborn-Soothie-Pacifiers/dp/B000JOQMO0) I have found them at Target and a few other places. Anyway, you can put your finger right into the paci and hold it in their mouth. I think that helps. Might be worth a shot with Miss Harper. Good luck!
I'll be looking forward to your updates this week. What am I saying? I look forward to reading your blog anyway, but this week seems extra special. :)
My oldest loved the pacifier from day 1 - but our second wasn't that into it at first - but now she wants it all the time. Just keeping trying - you might try a few different types - luckily both my girls like the gerber ortho ones - so I didn't feel too bad about their teeth! :) But I tried a few different ones and you could really tell which one worked for each.
I am one to tell you that dipping the pacifier in water with a little sugar mixed in works well. My daughter was born at 32 weeks and we needed a way to calm her through the medical procedures she had to endure. the nurses would poor a little Iv fluid (saline solution) in a little cup and dip her paci in there. It worked well even if she wasn't strong enough to suck on it yet, it kept her preoccupied.
We used Playtex Ortho Pro Latex Pacifier (had to be latex, the silicon ones were too hard) they make them in two sizes, preteething and teething.
Oops, I was going to suggest encouraging her to find her thumb and then read the end of your post!
My kids never, ever took a pacifier, and my youngest never took a pacifier or a bottle. It was a hellish four months and then she started sucking her thumb.
For a nursing mom who nursed about 12 hours a day until that, I was totally okay with it. Of course, now she's turning five soon and has a nice little overbite. She says when she turns five she is giving it up, but I know that's unlikely.
So I have no advice! I was never successful at getting my kids to like the paci. Maybe you'll have better luck.
My daughter didn't take one until she was about 3 months old. I think she just wasn't strong enough until then and up until that point I too was the pacifier. I had to try lots of different ones before I found the right one. I used the Soothie ones that are green. They worked well because you can put your finger in them to keep them in their mouth. Then we moved to the Gerber ones. Good luck and know once she gets the hang of it she will love the paci.
My son wanted to suck his thumb...but we would always sneak the paci in his mouth instead. We used the soothie pacifier (kind issued from the hospital). I think he ultimately liked that one because he figured out that he could still suck his thumb by putting his thumb in the hollow part in the back. So, if Harper seems like she wants to suck her thumb, maybe she will like this paci simply because she can have the best of both worlds.
Harper is just too adorable in her bunny dress!!!
Good luck with the pacifier. My oldest took a pacifier so I tried and tried (like $50 in different types of pacis) but my daughter wouldn't take one for anything. She is now 9 months and never took one, but I did get her hooked on a 12X12 Taggie brand blanket which she sleeps with, and it has really helped. Obviously Harper is still a little young for a blanket in the bed, but something to consider in a few months if the paci doesn't pan out.
Another thought I had was to try a "nursing necklace." That is something Harper could play with while you are holding her at this age, possibly. Maybe it would distract her a bit. When she's older and gets distracted while nursing, a nursing necklace will give her something to do while she nurses to keep her focused.
I have found some REALLY cute ones on Etsy. :)
I know we don't know each other, but I came across your blog a while ago, and have been silently following your sweet little girl. Just thought I would comment on the pacifier issue. I have a 5 month old son, and we went through the same thing. He only wanted my "pacifier". But I kept trying. Then about 6 weeks or so ago he decided it wasn't so bad. The only kind he takes is the NUK, and really only when he is tired. But that has helped a lot. What got him used to it was giving it to him when he finished nursing, while still in the same position. So, just keep trying and maybe it will work for you too!
What a great idea for the theme this week! Also, good luck with the pacifier. I hope she takes to it by Easter!
My mom helped Sofia take the pacifier because my expertise on babies suddenly disappeared the moment she was born. She'd rock her and hold it in there. Looks like there are a plethora of suggestions to arm yourself with! Maybe she'll respond better to Scott holding it in because he doesn't provide the milk. Really, after 3 kids, I'm still no expert! I'll pray she gets it!
Love your theme post idea! And what a relief it is to me to know I ain't the only one who sucked my thumb until I was twelve!! Only when the orthodontist told me I'd have serious problems did I stop. Brennan says 'hi' to Harper! :)
Kelly, I got my son to take a paci at 9 months. It's never too late! He was SO fussy and just nursed and nursed for comfort. He finally took a NUK pacifier. I had been trying the soothie, but he never took it.
It is similar to the breast for a a baby and him taking it, changed my LIFE! :)
Hopefully Harper will be like my little guy who also does not take a pacifier. He likes being out and about so he's so busy looking at things and he's more happy. Good luck whether she takes it or not!
We are big fan of the MAM pacis at our house. It sounds like many other people have made comment about those too! I have heard people have also had good luck with the Soothie Pacis (the 1st yrs brand). Both Soothie and MAM make bottles that are just like the pacis if you find that ones of these work. Good luck!
Paci Pluses---you can take them away later when the "Paci Fairy" comes to give them to another baby.
Thumb Pluses----they can find them in the dark.
(ha! One too many nights I had to be back and forth back and forth trying to find paci's stuck in the bumper pad.....it was then i wished for a thumb sucker!)
Good Luck!
Try different kinds. I bought several for Kai(my baby boy) that my daughter took as a baby. He wouldn't take them. I bought as a joke some "bling" pacis that I thought were cute by Munchkin. They are the only kind he will take cause the nipple is bigger and shaped more for sucking. Look at the nipples and try different ones til she gets the one she likes. I know it stinks to have to buy several dif. kinds but they are picky little stinkers!
Hello Kelly-
I love reading your blog and I have been following since before Harper came home!! My son would not take a pacifier at all but my daughter did and you may have already tried this but she liked the avent brand pacifiers at first and then she took the Nuby or Nuk ones you can get either at Wal-Mart! Try some different kinds and see if that helps!
Thanks for your inspiration and humor I enjoy it every day!!
kelly i love the post! you are such a wonderful christian women. i admire you so much and we have never met. your blog just makes me smile so much. i earn to be more and more like jesus everyday! :) I loveee palm sunday. and the fact that this is the week we celebrate our redeemer, its such a bitter sweet feeling sad & happy that he died for us. my favorite worship song is.. above all by micheal w. smith, share that one! have a great palm sunday.
My nephew would not take any pacifier BUT the one from the hospital (soothie). Thank god I am a nurse and could get some, because they are not cheap and sometimes you have to order them. It's worth a try.
I had to comment on the paci issue!!! I have had 3 kids in the NICU and ALL of them were given pacifiers in the NICU by the nurses there. If they were the "devil" WHY om earth would they give them to them in the NICU?!?! Don't let people make you feel bad about them...they are WONDERFUL if you can get your little one to take them AND it has been reported that they reduce SIDS! You can probably find more info on line about that. In the NICU, they were given "Soothie" pacifiers. Wal-Mart carries them and they are made by "Parent's Choice." My little guy wouldn't take a bottle and the "soothie" bottles they make FINALLY worked for him!:)
My lil one took the SuperSoothie brand and you can find that in Wal-Mart or Target...
Just keep giving it to her, and one day she will make the connection...
My daughter... she sucked her fingers in utero... hence why i made the immediate decision that she was going on a pacifier, otherwise she'd be 5 and sucking her fingers... like I did... ditto about the braces!
Good luck!
Try the ugly green soothie ones not the pink one just the green one. I forced my babies to take them and those were the only ones that they would take. Good Luck!
I know some moms will think this is awful, but I too wanted my colicky baby to take a paci REALLY bad ha so we got it moist and put just the slightest amount of sugar on it, and slowly did less and less and VOILA then we had to have the "Paci Fairy" come when he was 3 to get it for other babies but cross that bridge another time! haha good luck!
I was determined that my kids would take a pacifier. A pacifier is a great soother and my kids turned out just fine. haha
I would put the pacifier in thier mouths and tap on it with my middle finger while making a sound (that I can't explain) kind of a sucking sound, also kind of sounds like I was calling a horse or trying to get it to go. haha It wasn't loud or anything just enough to get her to try to suck. Weird but it worked with mine. My kids ended up loving their pacifiers. They weren't dependent on it, but it sure helped in those moments when you needed them to be quiet, such as church. Good luck!!
I could dance along w/ you to that song any day! Praising God you have your Harper close by to celebrate Easter week with... God is good!
HI Kelly!
Both of my daughters would not take a paci (or "sassy" as my youngest calls it ) until they were about 3 or 4 months old. We just kept trying and they just took it one day. Good Luck!!!!
I love all of the precious pics of Harper!!!!
~ Blessings,
Neither of my kids took pacifiers BUT I was able to get both of them to (wonderfully, happilly, blissfully) take their thumbs. I wouldn't change it for anything. I just kept putting their little thumbs in there. My oldest stopped on his own at less than a year old, my second still sucks hers when she's sleepy at 18 months - Drs say its not a problem until age 5, so I'm going to let her keep going until then. Just a thought - it was the miracle-cure for screaming in our house!
Hey Kelly!! Love the idea of theme week and good luck with the paci! They really are a great thing!! I would try dipping it in some expressed breast milk and then giving it to her! If she doesn't take a bottle and only nurses exclusively, it may not be the paci per say she is dissing but just the fact that she only wants mommy! Also try lots of different brands! My daughter has been a paci girl from the begining but we had to try different ones to find the one that she really liked and now she has totally changed her mind!! Keep trying though and good luck!!
I so love the theme week.....bbut your girl would be cute in ANYTHING.
And we so love the paci...It is a must!!!!
Stop by my blog when you have a chance.
I am going to have a "card box" giveaway every month. This drawing will be the last day of April.
Every comment you leave throughout the month will enter your name in the drawing, so if you visit several times and leave several comments, you will have a better chance to win. This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I got on the Blog Party, that I decided to make this a monthly GIFT...
Also, if you link to my blog telling about the monthly giveaway, you will have your name entered 10 extra times...How is that for an incentive?
I was so blown away by all the responses that I wanted to email each person personally, but TIME...has not permitted..but I did love reading all of them..I am continuing to introduce my family members and then there will be some fun blogs coming up from Disney World in May. I am so thankful for all my new friends.
We HAVE to have pacifiers! Can't live without them. My 5 month old will only take the NUK pacifiers. Maybe dip it in her formula/breast milk and then give it to her. I usually stick Connors in as soon as he is done with his bottle and just burp him with the paci in. Good luck!
See if you can find ones that are like the bottle nipples you use.
My first son used his binky until he was almost 3. My second son until he was 15 months. And my daughter spit hers out when she was 4 months old.
Well, I wish I could tell you that yes, she will take the pacifier if you force her. But -- that didn't work with my youngest (he just turned a year). We gave him a paci from day one, and while he took it, he didn't LOVE it. But -- as soon as he found his hands/thumbs...well, in they went! We tried and tried not to have a "thumb sucker", but we have one. I asked the pediatrician if some kids are just "thumb suckers" regardless of what you try, and he agreed. So, we'll have to deal with the repercussions (I guess that's what we'd call them...lol), but he's happy and can self-soothe.
But -- like you, I'd try the paci. Just keep in mind that she might suck her thumb regardless of what you do. Or -- she could very well not require either.
Love your blog and Harper is a doll!
The easter outfit is adorable :) Good luck with the pacifier, I took one until I was 4 or 5. My mom "broke" it while cleaning it once and that was the end of that ;)
oh, the pacis! we went through several brands, until we settled on MAM. And the 6months+ kind (he would NOT take the 0-6months!). They were such a hit that we had to stage a paci intervention when he turned 3 (good news: it went REALLY well and he was paci free from that day). we tried almost every brand out there - but he was VERY partial to MAM.
I don't know what I would've done without the pacis, they were a lifesaver for us all :)
Hey Kelly, this is my first comment to you but I have been praying for you and your family for a while! I too, suffered from years of infertility. We are now blessed with twin boys who are 10 and a little princess who is 5. I was also a NICU nurse for 10 years and my boys were 11 weeks early. I really relate to everything you have been through! Now to the paci's! Good luck. I tried EVERYTHING to get my daughter to take a paci, nothing worked. My boys LOVED their's and there was nothing that was going to get my daughter to take one! LOVE your Holy week. God Bless you and your beautiful family!
Loved your post today and look forwad to reading them this week. You may have already tried MAM pacifers, but if you haven't it's worth a try. They were the ONLY kind either of my kids would take, and I have talked to several moms who have said teh same thing. You can go to http://www.mambabyusa.com/pacifiers.html and if you scroll down just a little, the three or four on the right are the only one that worked for us. They make different sizes and different nipples but the smooth clear silicone in the bigger size were the right ones for us. I never paid attentiont o the 0-6 mos. or 6+ much...just used the only thing that worked! Both of my kids would suck their hands without them, and it wasn't too difficult to break them. Jaiden at 11 months and Jeryn before he is two, so it was worth it in my opinion!!! :) Good luck!
Actually I think it's cute!
Well I tried all kinds of pacis and they didn't work. I HATED the thought of using my finger... ick....but a couple times I did IF I just washed them.
Good luck finding one! You might want to experiment with some different toys even the musical ones you put on the carseat, they might help as well. Ethan just got one he loves.
I kept trying a paci with my daughter because I was her paci as well. Finally at about 2 1/2 months she took one. I was persistent in my trying it and tried different kinds. I thought she would just take the one my son had liked but that wasn't the case. Try different kinds. My son liked the ortho-pro by playtex but my daughter likes the Binky by playtex. I hope she will take one for you.
Kelly, many years ago we had the same problems. My daughter wouldn't take a paci either, after trying several brands we went to the NUK..make sure you get the preeie, or the newborn size to start with. They are smaller than the average, and worked great!! I was worried about breaking her too,until my SIL had a baby when my daughter was about to turn 2, we just put them all away, told her baby Jessica needed them. She never mentioned them again.
the other thing you can do to wean them of the habit, is start cutting the tip off, a little a time after about a month, there isn't anything for them left to suck on, or before, they get irritated and just stop.
OOOPs sorry kinda long winded,hope it helps.
Hello! My daughter would not take one either but the soothies that they gave in the hospital was the key! Not the 3 month plus but the 0-3 months. Their not the cutest things but they worked! It resembles the nipple on a bottle so that's why I think she enjoyed it. Hope this helps!
As others have said try different brands and get the smallest ones you can. I tried at least eight different brands. She took the MAM newborn immediately. Every other brand lasted less than 30 seconds.
It's funny because I was so against them for my daughter before she was born. Then after I realized either my husband or myself had to keep our fingers in her mouth 24/7 to soothe her I quickly changed my tune. I hope you find something that works!
I will pray that Harper will take to the pacifier, I had do that with one of my children, I hope you have more luck than me
I will be checking you blog daily this week for your Holy Week enters
Ya know, I have a feeling you are out of luck. Either they take them or they don't. My oldest LOVED his "binky" and my youngest had no use for it any way we sliced it! This year will fly right by and it won't be an issue. On the bright side you won't have to wean her off of it! :-)
My kids hated the paci too and I was their paci. Our pediatrician reccomended we dip it in apple juice to give it some flavor b/c no kids are allergic to apples. He said once it flavored, stick with it. Good luck with that. My son randomly started taking it at 8 months and it was very easy to break him at 2 years old. We just cut the tip and that was that after a rough day or two.
If she doesn't like one kind...keep trying...we went through a few different kinds with each of our kids before they decided on one they liked...and it was totally worth it to me!!
My little guys both suck their thums! One right, one left.....now they each favor those hands for writing!! We came home from the hospital with "binkys" but they each favor their thumb...which can come in handy in the middle of the night....but can not be taken away like a pacifier...case in point-8yr old..still sucking away, but the little guy has given it up! So, theor is good and bad! I think I have the boy version of Harper...he to this day, ay 8, only wants mama! When he was little...only I could even push him in his buggy or wal-mart cart!
oh how i love that adorable outfit!!!
LOVE that song! One of my favorites... One of those where I become a traffic hazard when I hear it in my car! Ha!
And good luck with the binki! Neither one of my babies REALLY cared for one... I don't know why! I tried EVERYTHING and literally bought every one they made! It would have been SO nice to pop it in when they got fussy! : )
Love the second picture of Harper!
My youngest never took a paci, and we tried and tried and tried. She was the same way, I was the paci. She eventually learned to suck on a finger, but more often than not, I just had to whip out a booby and give her what she wanted. I hope you have better success!
I think her dress is adorable and I can't wait to see all her other outfits. I had to laugh when you said you were trying to get Harper to take a paci because right now we are trying to get my nephew to stop taking the paci (he is 16 months old). My theory is if you are old enough to talk you are old enough to get rid of the paci. Sorry I don't have any advice for you. GOOD LUCK!
I know a lot of people have said this....but try different kinds of pacis. The only kind either of my girls wold take is this Gerber Soft Center kind, and they aren't as easy to find as Nuk or Mam. But they are curved away from their face and that seems to be what my girls like, also the nipple part is round like a real nipple. My youngest will only take the clear nipple, not the brownish kind.
Every time I read about Harper having a hard time with Scott, it takes me back to a time when my daughter, Tanner, was about eight or nine months old. I had actually gotten to out out to dinner with a girlfriend, so Tanner stayed home with her Dad. After being gone a couple of hours, I came home and found Tanner in her bed and her Dad sitting on the floor of her room, with his hand poked through a slat in the crib, giving her a bottle. He was ducked down so that Tanner could not see him over the bumper pad. Evidently, as long as Tanner didn't SEE him, she'd take a bottle and not scream her head off. Since we lived in an apartment at the time, he didn't want to let her scream it out so he that's what he did to keep her quiet. Thirteen years later, she's quite the Daddy's girl. So tell Scott to hang on, Harper will come around!! :)
Glad you got to go to church!
Hope paci boot camp goes well!
Hi Kelly:
I feel your pain. My daughter didn't take her paci until she was 6 weeks old and it was so frustrating. She finally took the gerber Nuk ones and never looked back! We tried the Avent ones and some other off brand ones and she wanted nothing to do with them. Also, she will only use the clear silicone ones, not the brown latex. Now I dread the day of breaking that habit. :o) But they really are a life saver.
have you tried several different pacifers? We tried many to finally get the right one for our daughter. Another idea is to take some sugar and water and boil it down to make a syrup of sorts and dip the paci in that before you give it to her. babies like sweet stuff and she won't give enough sugar to be bad for her. this was an idea i heard a nicu nurse telling another mother while we were there. best of luck
I've heard babies like sugar water & I know for babies under 6 months they use sugar water on a paci to help with pain. Not that she's in pain but hey if it'll keep them from screaming during painful procedures maybe it'll make her start liking the paci? Just a thought.
My little guy had a hard time taking one and had to be "trained" as well. Every time he spit it out I'd dip it in a glass of water and then re-insert. It gave him a "mini-drink" and a "new sensation" and eventually (in a couple of days) he learned to take it like a pro! Good luck!
I'm a PICU nurse, and for our babies, we give them a little drop of sucrose (sugar water) and they nearly suck the plastic of a pacifier. Try mixing some sugar and water, giving her a little drop in the corner of her cheek, and she should suck away!
one of my twins is a total paci girl and has been since the nicu! But- the other is NOT. She does not like the paci, but recently has started to LOVE her blanket. She puts the little corner in her mouth and it totally soothes her... it's nice to find something that works! I saw in another post that Harper likes her blankies-- do they soothe her? Good luck getting out and about!! We're just now getting out too! Praying for less "fits" :) and No sicknesses! :)
If you find a way to get Harper to take a paci let me know- I can't get David to take one and I wish I could! Good luck!
Hey Kelly,
I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but try dipping the paci in sugar water. When my son was 6 weeks old he was put in the hospital for a week and needless to say was not a happy camper about it. There were nights where there was nothing that would comfort him, until one night the nice nurse came in with this little thing of sugar water, dipped the paci in it, and put it in my son's mouth. That was all she wrote :) The best part was it helped him relax enough to get some rest!! Hope you find something that helps with your sweet baby girl!! Have a blessed week!!
Good luck with the pacifer issue. I tried forever to get my daughter to take one, and was never successful. I tried all different types, but to no avail. You might also have a hard time now that she's a little older. The good thing is if she never takes one is that you never have to take it away from her. She might do better out in public then you think. Good luck!
Our hospital's lactation consultant gave Sydney a "Soothie" pacifier. It's been a godsend. It is shaped like a nipple, so it doesn't interfere with breastfeeding. Gumdrop also makes similar ones. You can find those online. Good luck with boot camp! Just wait until sippy cup boot camp! That's even more fun!
My lactation consultant always pressed that we try straight and "stiff" nipples so as not to confuse his desire to nurse. We used the Soothie... but there is also Gerber NaturalFlex, Gumdrop, or the pacifiers by Goldi. Our son still sucked his thumb (bummer)!
Best of luck!
The only thing I can say is try different ones...also a friend on another blog said these were her lifesaver so check them out and they might work for you..
she has quads and they worked for all four of her babies...
.Wishing you the best and some peace and quiet so you can enjoy life out in public...Hugs from Traci Reynolds
Look at that dress!! Too cute!!
Hi Kelly,
None of our 3 boys really liked the paci. Well, I think I tried too late with a couple of them. Anyways, Harper may pleasantly surprise you. I've found that being somewhere can be refreshing for the babies. A lot of time they just enjoy looking around in a new environment and don't seen to fuss/ cry as much as they would at home.
Harper is so precious!
Oooo that girl is a doll!! Dress is adorable! I totally feel your pain on the no paci thing. Kinley refuses to take one, too. Sometimes she sucks her thumb, but when she really gets cranked up, nothing really soothes her. Let me know if you find out any secrets.
Yeah for theme week! What a great idea. As I got out my easter decorations this year, I realized that it was full of eggs and bunnies and not so much Jesus. So tomorrow I plan on making a trip to our local christian bookstore for "real" easter decorations! I hope that I can find a beautiful cross or something with a verse to display in my living room or kitchen. HE IS RISEN!
Good luck with the paci, I was a nanny for 4 kids and none of them took to it, no matter what we tried.
I have twins and one took the paci and one did not. I have 1 question do you hold her all the time or most of the time and if you do that could be why she is screaming all the time. With twins I did not want mine being spoiled. If they are spoiled you will have a very hard time for along time especially when she starts to school. Hope this helps.
we attempted at least 5 different pacis before we found one my daughter liked....and my son liked a different brand. i suggest buying a few different kinds to see if it is the actual texture or nipple structure. she may not take any, but if you find one...you'll be in heaven and purchase 20 of them! good luck!
Allie won't take a paci for real either..she'll play but won't actually suck it and it drives me insane. She's still adorable no matter what she's wearing...just a cutie!
Something tells me you won't have trouble finding another "Harper" baby to wear the dress. I bet there are a lot of "Harpers" being born right now, all in honor of yours. (Just a thought).
Google WUBANUB they are the amazing pacifier that saved us when our son was young and nursing! They look a little silly, but worked wonders. Babies learn that the paci is attached to the animal and can soothe themselves.
Good luck on your paci week!
You have got to try the PLAYTEX BINKY- MOST LIKE MOM. My baby was the same way. These were the only ones she would take and she breastfed as well. Give them a try; they are a lifesaver at church. :)
I have enjoyed following your story- God is amazing. I am a NICU nurse and mom so I could relate on some levels.
Lindsay from Texas
On pacifiers: Our first two kids loved their pacis from day one and stopped using them on their own by six months, which was great. However, our third baby HATES pacis. She spits them out like they are poisonous and sucks on her hands all day long. I know what you mean about soothing herself in public because I stressed about that myself. Now that I have accepted the fact that she won't take a paci I think it's great: She is low-maintenance and never wakes up in the middle of the night crying because the paci fell out of her mouth. If I were you, I wouldn't stress about it. And don't forget about the church nursery. She'll be okay there. Promise. :-) Oh, and our oldest daughter, who took a paci, started sucking on her hands when she was about three. (She's five now.) So, you never know what kids will do.
My first son wouldn't take one either! I WAS his pacifier! It was too much and on one trip to Wal Mart we left him with my mom and he was taking it when we returned. She used sugar free pancake syrup. It took a week or so to not need to be dipped in it anymore but then he loved it. (Just a small dab spread out-it wasn't heaping, but we kept it in the diaper bag in a ziplock container for a while!) Now my baby took one from the hospital from the first week then stopped. He doesn't need to be soothed often, but I'd still like that option. He wants nothing to do with it!!! Were about to go to boot camp also. She is not too old. It will work.
we use the soothie pacifier from wal-mart...asher doesn't always know what to do with it, almost like he forgets he's supposed to suck on it. So I have to take a few minutes sticking it in his mouth and having him fuss, and eventually he figures out that he's supposed to suck, then he's a happy little camper! It actually is great at soothing him to sleep...it just stinks when it falls out of his mouth because he almost always cries.
Try a Wubbanub. My first would take anykind but my 5 month old twins are much pickier. They both have found their thumb although I replace it ASAP with a soothie pacifier or a Wubbanub. I love reading your blog and seeing how God is working in your life and others... Blessings and Happy Easter!
Ok, so I didn't read through all 190 comments so someone may have already mentioned this. My boys won't and never have taken a paci even when I really wanted them to but the paci clips may come in handy at some point. We use them as toy clips when they are in the stroller or in the highchair at a restaurant....this keeps their favorites from hitting the floor and being covered with germs or just plain being lost. Hope the paci boot camp goes well but just thought I would offer an alternative for all the monogrammed clips.
Hey Kelly- I am a mom of seven, and I sucked MY thumb until I was 13yrs old! As much as I would have loved to have a thumb-sucker, to this point, I have never had one (maybe #8???)! I totally agree with you about using a pacifier and highly recommend them-especially now that they are making them BPA free. In my experiences, you just have to keep trying- sometimes they will be 5 or 6 months before they will take and hold them in on their own! Good luck;-)
Only 1 of my 3 kiddos took a paci. I tried and tried with our 3rd, but she was so not having it. However, I got really excited about one paci that I thought she was going to take and it was a Gum Drop paci. You might give that one a try. I tried almost everything on the market and this was the one that she sort of took to, but it did not last long. Good luck!!!
Try lots of different pacis. The green soothies, Nuk brand, clear nipples, brown nipples, round and flat nipples. She might just not like the kind you are giving her so the won't take it. My son loves the round, clear kind (Mam brand). Good luck!
Try gerber soft center paci!
Every child I know that was given this paci will not let it go. I use the latex version but they are hard to find. Keep trying different kinds.
That dress is so cute.
Hi Kelly, I just wanted to thank you and all of your readers for the prayers on your prayer blog. I happy to report that....I AM PREGNANT!! We had our first ultrasound this week and so far no morning sickness :)
Christie Everett
As someone else posted, with my daughter she would only take the newborn Soothies, and I still sometimes have to put my finger in the opening to get her to latch on! Best of luck!
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