Yesterday was a tough day. You knew about the poop and vomit already and then we capped it off with 7 straight hours of crying and screaming. When Scott got home I was so exhausted and I was covered in spit up. I told him sitting at a nice quiet desk, working on an excel spreadsheet, drinking a cold coke, and laughing with my co-workers........was sounding REALLY great about now.
But I always believe in putting things in perspective. When Harper was screaming and I was losing my mind.......I just remembered how badly I prayed for this moment. How that first night Scott and I spent in Tulsa - we laid in bed crying and pleading with God to save our baby and how we couldn't wait to hear her cry. I thought about the long list of you who are waiting on your own baby. I thought about all the sick babies out there like Stellan and Jonah Williams. I think about that sweet family so much. I think about what we all take for granted. It takes three people just to change his diaper and it's an enormous ordeal to try and bathe him. I thought about all of you who have lost a child. And my heart quickly became so thankful. I sat up last night just praying for so many of you.
That and HOW CUTE is that little face????Today she sat in my lap sound asleep and I was just looking at her little face thinking my heart might burst because I love her so much. Sometimes I can't believe she belongs to ME!
We had a better day today. We made her first trip to Sam's and she did great. Then we took an afternoon walk. I try to think of things to do with her every day. I like to sit her in her bouncy seat and read to her. Last week I was wondering if I was doing the right things and this lady e-mailed me an awesome site. I thought I would share it with you. You can put in your child's age and it will e-mail you daily with age appropriate activities. Or you can search the site for ideas. I was glad to see that so far everything they have sent me are things I've been doing. So I feel like maybe I'm doing something right!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I am very thankful for my husband and my sweet heavenly father that continues to bless me as I await my chance to be a mother!
She is so beautiful!!! Harper is very blessed to have you as a mom!
Today I'm thankful for appliances. No, really, I am.......when I think of how much easier my life is with a washing machine, dryer, dishwasher compared to say, my grandmother's day, I just smile! Makes it so much easier to be a happy mom!
Love the pictures... she gets cuter and bigger by the day!
She is beautiful! I love how your love just radiates through your words when you speak/write about your baby girl.
I am thankful for my Lord and Saviour. For my children and my family.
You are so right. Whenever I have bad days I just sit back and thank Him for all the things I DO have. And reading your blog inspires me to do that so much more! Thank you, once again, for reminding me that we serve an AWESOME God!! Harper is just so cute!
You're such a good momma!! Harper is so lucky to have you!!
It's easy to forget sometimes how blessed we are to be moms when they are screaming their heads off and we are losing ours trying to figure out what is wrong with them. It doesn't mean we love them any less or take then for granted, it just means we are human. She is a beautiful baby, 11 toes and all!
Kelly....when mine were little, it always seems like God would grant a
very good day following a very BAD
day, just to help you put things in perspective.
She is so sweet, and I enjoy reading your blog so much!
I LOVE that first picture so cute!!
She is so precious and I just love reading! Isn't it funny how God can put things in perspective real quick for us?! I know I deal with that a lot lately!
girl, I think about little jonah so much. when my little one is screaming or puking on me, or sometimes just sitting and looking at him sleep--I remind myself just how lucky I am.
And FYI--you are going to be blessed with many opportunities to be puked on!
I love that first picture!
Harper is such a sweet blessing! I almost commented when you posted a picture of our shared pediatrician, but today's post compelled me to make a comment. I have a dear friend (who lives in Bentonville) whose son had to have his extra toe removed. He had it done locally and it looks perfect. Would love to give you her info if you would like to speak with her! I love following your journey as a new mom...I have 3 little girls of my own.
I am thankful for spring break. As a working mom I am so grateful to have this week with my kids. I am soaking them up!!!!
As you stated, we need to be thankful, even when we have those bad days. I was doing endless laundry when my college daughter came home the other day for Easter, but just praised God that I had a sweet daughter to do her laundry. I felt blessed!!! Harper is as cute as ever. She is really growing. Have a wonderful week. You will love having the weather get warmer, because you can be out and about more and enjoy being outside. Plus, it is so much easier to get out with a baby when the weather is nice and not so cold. Take care. Love & blessings from NC!
I too am thankful for my sweet healthy babies!!
I loved this post because it is SO right where I am at and it's nice to knoe other godly women have the same struggles but GOD is FAITHFUL and so good to us! Reading these blogs too makes me be thankful for all I do have and I am learning a new level of praying without ceasing for all the other sweet families and babies...
Thank you Jesus for loving us through it all!!!
Kelly I know how you felt yesterday for sure Adlie went through 4 outfits in a matter of a few hours and I was more than happy to hand her off to daddy when he came home lastnight but we waited and prayed for her for so long that I am thankful to be spit up on and to have a crying cranky baby because she is not always like that!
Kelli, you put things in such a wonderful perspective. Harper is so lucky to have you as a momma! Miss Harper is looking adorable, as usual! :)
haha...get used to being spit up on! My husband reminds me how when I could tell one of our kids was about to throw up I would turn them right towards me and "take the hit" because I always thought it was so much easier to throw my clothes in the laundry rather than having to change beds or get stains out of carpet, etc. So it is something you just get used to over time...I guess!!
Glad you are keeping it all in perspective. Sometimes when I feel like I'm overwhelmed with the kids and crazy days I have to remind myself that these are "no problems!" You will definitely notice your patience increasing over the coming years!
God bless your sweet family!
I am so humbled by your grateful attitude and faith in Jesus. You are such a shining example for so many people, and I strive to be the kind of woman that other women can look up to. Harper is a beautiful blessing.
you are right, there is always so much to be thankful for in each day. what a great reminder! i am thankful for that chubby smile that belongs to your daughter and the way she daily reminds me of my adelaide's newborn days.
Lol...I doubt anyone woulda noticed her extra toe..I sure don't think I would've!! But she's still adorable! And just think, most people pray for their babies to be born with 10 fingers and toes, and she got extra!! She's PRECIOUS!
I think all of us Mommies needed that, Kelly! Thank you so much for your sweet inspirational words.
And have I told you how precious we think Harper is??!!
Love ya!
Oh how blessed that Harper-girl is to have you as her Momma! I know that no one could love and cherish her more!
Trust yourself & your God...although when you are exhausted it doesn't hurt to double-check yourself. I agree with you you about being thankful for kids. I have 3 who are healthy & I am through the spit up years. I am however, into the "Mo-o-om" (rolls eyes) years with my oldest. She does still listen approximately 89% of the time. ;) And she loves Jesus-BIG PLUS!!!
So great that you can put things in perspective;-) I truly believe that counting our Blessings is so important!
I can empathize with you regarding the crying and spit up. Our first daughter did not make a single peep in the hospital, but, the night we brought her home, she cried the entire night . . . from 10:00 pm through about 8:00 am. My husband and I were really frazzled. Several times we wondered what we had done and that maybe we weren't cut out to be parents. However, after a few months, she calmed down and settled into a nice routine. We are currently pregnant with our second (and final) daughter. Let's hope that she is a lot calmer than her older sister!
Your story has been such an inspiration to me. I found your blog on my sister-in-law's blog. While I already knew that God held infinite power, I was truly grateful to Him that he healed Harper and that she is able to live a happy and healthy life.
I really enjoy reading your blog and remembering Kaelyn as an infant. Many of your experiences are very similar to ours.
Keep on blogging! Congratulations to you and your family -- Harper is gorgeous!
That website is AWESOME!!! Thanks for directing me that way! I was just thinking today about trying to come up with some new activities for us to do so this is PERFECT!
Harper is looking really good and healthy...isn't it encouraging to know she's doing so well??? Advanced already...way to go, Harper!
I know what you mean about those tough days and keeping perspective. It can be tough because you are still human. (: You're doing a GREAT job as Harper's momma!!!
I am so thankful to be blessed to stay home with my daughter. I was just thinking today how tough it can be sometimes to be at home full time. However, I don't take it for granted. Thanks for the website. I had just recently been searching the internet for activities to do with her and had not come across what I was looking for... this is great. Thanks!
What a very sweet post! if you ever have any questions about developemental milestones you can ask me, i used to be a pediatric therapist, that was my speciality, :) Harper is just so precious & sweet,
Love your post today. I read often but don't always reply.
But I wanted to tell you that I saw that extra toe in one of her hospital pictures, and thought it would be way too inappropriate to ask.... and said exactly what you just said... "it didn't matter anyways, because all we want is to have her healthy, here screaming, puking and drooling on her mommy and daddy".
I think her little extra toe is too precious.... we just have to come up with what that little piggy does if the one before it goes all the way home.
You are guys are a beautiful family, and I love your love for God, your baby girl and your family.
And its okay to be thinking (without feeling guilty) that sitting at a quite desk, sipping a cold coke and socializing with co-workers sounds nice from time to time.
You need to get into a moms group fast. It will help keep you sane.
I pray for all the same sweet babies each and ever single night I rock Morgan to sleep.
Today she turned 1 and I am just so thankful.
Whatever you do decide for your little extra piggy..... we will be praying for you. If you decided to let it be her, we still love her just as much if not more.
God Bless.
She is just too cute! Glad she is feeling better today.
My grandma has a sixth toe, she never had it removed.
I am happy you are getting her toe removed, my grandma has always been self conscious about it, she never wore open-toed shoes and wont go for a pedicure.
I'll be praying the surgery goes well!
I was expecting a "it is actually...." type explanation. I had to laugh when I realized it really was an extra toe b/c yes, that would seem TOTALLY insignificant in light of everything else. I actually think it is kinda cool... but maybe I'm a weirdo. Can if affect walking? Does it have to be removed?
Today I am thankful for the new beginnings (resurrections) of relationships that I've had since Sunday and the many blessings that He bestows upon me daily! My heart is always open and full.
I heard that an extra toe means good luck!
Kelly, you are a star! Keep up the great work and because of you, I am on a Sonic hunt in my area...
I am very thankful. Thankful for:
*time with my family (especially my sweet nephew, Jorgen)
*being saved
*a job
*a place to call home
*people who love me and people I can love
*YOU!!! :) Yes, Kelly...I so mean you!! You are such a blessing in my life...just like Harper is! I love your entire family and thank you for being so wonderful!
Most of all...just like you...I'm just very thankful for all that I have been blessed with!
Glad today was a better day! the extra toe is ok. We remove the from babies all the time.
ok, ignore me... I just searched it and read about it and see that they don't usually have bone or are connected to the rest of the foot... so it'd just be like an extra bulb of skin there... and that would be annoying for sure. :)
I thought that was so great the other day when Harper rolled over. Every milsetone is so exciting and your perspective is so great.
Our middle child Hannah, who is now 11 had an extra toe also when she was born. I don't know if they told you it is called polydactil (sp?) and they took it off when she was 7 months. Her extra digit even had a little bone in it. We laugh with her to this day, that she was born special because God gave her an extra toe. Andy and I both cried when she went into surgery to have it taken off, yet we knew she would be fine and was safe in God's hand and would be fine. Thanks for sharing your sweet Harper with us! Blessings and praying for you!
Oh Kelly - we need to get together one of these days!! I had a very similar day today (not spitting up, but add WM meetings and moody toddlers) and I was pretty much losing my mind!! There are so many days where trying to work, get two little ones situated AND be pregnant, just feel is way too much for me!!! I finally sit down tonight and this is the first post I read and it made me smile! This Mama stuff is hard and we have to stick together!! Harper is lucky to have you!!!
Glad today was better and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that first picture!!!
You said it perfectly about being thankful. I stay at home with two kids and some days I think I would rather be back at work. Or when my two year old is being so naughty that I want to scream. AND then I think about how thankful I am to have two beautiful and healthy children and those parenting frustrations seem to go away. I think about the babies like Jonah and realize how easy I have it with my kids. By the way, I love your hair-u-mentary...too funny! I am a "tucker" to myself. I love your hair!
Thank you so much for that post! I have a one month old at home and yesterday was also a terrible day for us. She has bad acid reflux and cried all day as well. I also thought yesterday how nice it would be to be at work. My mom made a good point that my child was healthy and I needed to start looking at the wonderful things about her. Thank you for reminding me how precious children really are and how I should be thankful for all the blessings God has given me!
I think you should refer to her extra toe as a "bonus toe" God was having so much fun creating her that he added some extra cells to that tiny foot :)
You are an awesome Mama Kelly!
Those are 11 very cute toes! I love reading your blog, and I too am very thankful for my little girl.
It sounds like your day went much better today! Nothing like poopin' babies and vomiting dogs. I especially love when both of my dogs are sick at the same time.
I just looked at your hair-u-mentary and I about fell out of my chair! I could very well have been looking at me! I had the bubble suits and the big hair. It is a miracle my hair didn't all just fall out with as much hair spray and gel that I used.
Harper is a cutie!
I am so thankful that I can stay home with my sweet little girl & can watch her grow daily! It is such a blessing to be able to be with her every minute! Even on days like yesterday & today, when I'm covered in vomit & 'other gross functions' - I'm so thankful that I'm here for her, comforting her, washing everything we own :)
That Harper just gets cuter & cuter everytime you post a pic of her!!
She just keeps getting cuter and cuter!!! You're doing a great job as her momma and are extremely blessed to have her!
great post! although i haven't read a post from you that isn't great.
when and/if you end up getting harper's toe removed, please please PLEASE request Child Life services if you don't receive them. i am in the field and it is so amazing, but sometimes frustrating that a lot of parents still aren't aware of Child Life Specialists. the shortest explanation i can give you is that they help to make the hospital experience less stressful for kids and the entire family with developmentally appropriate play and they help promote effective coping skills so that the hospital experience won't cause trauma. even at harper's age she will benefit from the interventions they will supply. ;) my blog is dedicated to all things child life!
Love all the pictures! I'm thankful for my husband, family, and my sweet nieces! I'm also thankful for all the sweet blog friends that I have met this year that have helped me through a lot this year! Thank you Kelly, for being such an inspiration to us all!! Have a wonderful week!!
Thanks for that website--I just signed up for both my boys! :)
You can rest assured that you are a normal mommy! Motherhood is THE hardest job on the planet...I don't care what anyone says!! And even though you love that sweet baby more than life is just so darn tiring sometimes!! All of us in the mommy world know exactly what you're talking about. But all those hard times that you live through are part of what makes the job so rewarding. I'm sure you are doing ALL the right things. God just helps you know what to do by instinct. You are so sweet, Kelly. Don't worry for a minute or second guess yourself. You're an awesome mom!!
I sat and rocked my baby tonight, thinking how thankful I am that he is healthy and thriving. The first couple of months were hard (the word easy never entered our vocabulary for awhile!) And to see him now, almost a year old, just blows me away.
She looks like such an ANGEL in all her pictures it's hard to believe she cries like that Kelly!ha...ha...she's just a doll :)
I totally understand how you feel! When I'm worn out with Grady or he's being especially onery, I think back to him being so critically ill and I thank God for blessing us with such a energetic, smart, healthy 16 month old!
VERY Thankful - to God be the glory!
Thanks for the link--i have already forwarded it to some friends! Anything with new and exciting ideas to be better parents!
I'm thankful for my husband. He is beyond wonderful.
Also, I'm excited for the productive parenting website.
Kelly, I just LOVE your blog! It puts a smile on my face everyday:) I tune in each day just to see what little Harper is wearing!
An organzation that I've stumbled upon within the last year is Hearts at Home (.org). Its specifically for moms, and they do awesome conferences! I recently attended one, and had a blast! Just felt I needed to share that:)
Have a great day tomorrow!
Love all of the pictures of your little miss as usual...somehow I overlooked yesterday's post so it was news that you'd had a rough day yesterday. I remember (and look ahead to,) those rough days with a new baby...they can be so overwhelming. The best part is that you've learned it's good to vent a little about it and not feel guilty for being frustrated. It doesn't mean that you don't adore her or that you are failing as a mom or that you aren't truly thankful to be with her--it just means it was a really hard combination of things and not all days are like that! It is also great to pray for other moms and ask God to help us keep perspective of course--which you are also doing. You're a pro! I'm about to have my 3rd and I'm trying to prepare myself for those hard days but there's nothing really you can do get ready is there??? Harper is going to be outgrowing some of that crazy stuff soon...I promise :)
Aw- I think her extra toe is extra cute!! So glad today was better than yesterday.
Oh my gosh, I laughed out loud when I read about the toe. Not because it's funny, but because of how nonchalantly you snuck it into the post.
One of my good friends in elementary school was born with an extra little finger, and we'd make her bring her baby pictures in to look at! She loved to show it off.
She is so cute, ten toes or eleven. I know it's hard, the first few months at home. It gets easier.
Harper is lovely and I love her many expressions. I have two kids (age just turned 3 and just turned 15 months---I was hoping Harper would share a birthday with my daughter :) ) anyway, I have a niece who was born almost 3 years ago and she has 9 toes and I love her all the same. She is beautiful and you are so blessed---welcome to club mommy!
i just wanted to let you know that my grandson( now age 14) was born with an extra thumb. I had never seen or heard of it before, but apparently it is not too uncommon. Anyway he had surgery at about 8 months and it has not bothered him at all. It does make his hand look a little different but he has chosen not to have plastic surgery for cosmetics because he can write and use his hand just fine.
I love your prospective on your life and Harper's crying spells. Even though I am sure there are difficult times..I think too often we forget to be very thankful for all of the normal things we take for granted very day.
Linda G.
All eleven toes are adorable. And in light of all that happen at birth I'm sure the toe was the last thing on your mind. I did laugh when I saw it because frankly i've never seen an extra toe. God can do some pretty cool stuff.
And this is a little late, but Harper's Easter dress is beautiful. I love the slip. You are so blessed with many clothes for Harper.
I am thankful that I was able to be a mother. There was a time that being a mother didn't seem like it was God's plan. Mothering is demanding and exhausting. I don't know what I would have done without my girls. God has truly blessed me.
Harper is so cute! I smile ear to ear when I see that sweet smile and cute little tongue. I, too, love seeing her milestones--holding up her head when prone, playing with her piggy toes, starting to laugh out loud, rolling...WOW! That's "our" girl!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your sweet post.
It is wonderful that you can put things in perspective. She looks so cute and happy!!!
Thank you so much for that site recommendation. So often, I think my son MUST be bored when I read him the same book for the 97th time. It's so refreshing to get new ideas. Some days, I am so brain dead/tired that it's difficult to come up with ideas, etc. So again, THANK YOU. And psst...I read that Oprah has a 6th toe! And also it's the sign of a genius! Hooray!
I love Harper's pictures today! I love them everyday but she looks super happy today! ADORABLE!
I am so grateful too. SOmetimes I want to pull my hair out and just run away from my children and then I think about how blessed we are. My son was diagnosed with cancer last May, they caught it early removed the tumor and that was it! No chemo, not treatments, no nothing, just automatic remission after surgery. HOW BLESSED!! I often think of little ones battling cancer or those who lost their lives and my screaming 22 month old doesn't seem so bad anymore. Harper is so cute and I am glad you had a better day.
Gina Ryan
Just remember, it wouldn't be normal to not get frustrated sometimes! It's a hard job! I've stayed home and worked with my kiddos and I think being at home is a tough job! You are doing a great job and Harper is so precious! And I am so thankful I have three healthy babies!
I'm glad you both had a better day. I'm thankful that God has allowed me to be a wife and mother. Two of the most demanding jobs yet most rewarding!!
Hi Kelly!! I know you don't know me, but I found this blog through a friend and read it daily! I decided to comment today because your sweet little Harper brings to mind my childhood best friend, Toni.
Toni was born with an extra toe on her right foot as well, but hers was partially attached to the fifth one. She is 24 years old & still has it to this day! I remember when I first noticed it (& it wasn't until Toni and I had been friends for about three years that I noted her special feature!) I went home and asked my mom why I WAS DIFFERENT than Toni-- I only had 5 toes. My mom pointed out to me that I was handcrafted by God, wonderfully made in His image. She said that like Toni, I was set apart in God's eyes as special. I remembered that and thought how special it was.
Harper truly is a beacon of hope and a beautiful little girl. Keep blogging -- your stories are inspirations and testimonies to us all. :)
So glad everybody's better!
I so enjoy your blog!
Oh the 1st 4, those were tough. It gets better though-promise! It will seem much better when you can get out of the house more, especially when the weather gets nice. That said, savor the moments when your husband gets home from work and can take over for you for just a few minutes!
I have realized I am thankful for the little things in life. A cold diet coke, a homemade meal (not made by me), modern appliances, my stroller, parks, a hot shower and guilty pleasure TV shows and magazines. I am of course thankful for my daughter, my son (who I am 5 months pregnant with), my husband, dogs/cat, family, health etc. I feel like sometimes I take these things for granted, and then I realize, wow, God is so good.
Aw, more Harper to love.
I'm thankful for full days. The kind where I go to sleep and replay the day, so I can remember what all we did that day.
It's amazing how many days my thoughts are put in perspective just by taking a little look around me!
Harper is precious and perfect in every way!!!
I feel thankful now just reading this post, even though my son is having a fit over his DVD player. Ha!
I am learning to have a thankful heart all the time! Thank you for sharing this post.
I am glad she is doing better. We just recently went through a time with Isabelle who had been really sick. She had been throwing up and had explosive diapers for over a week. We had been to the doctor's office two times during the week with nurse practioners who though thought it more of a nose/throat thing and gave us an antibiotic. We had thought it was more of a tummy/ gi thing. We finnally saw our real doctor at the week. He had sent her to the ER for fluids and some anti-nausea medication. And then she had recovered over the weekend with two more days with the medication!!! God does take care of us all!!! In good times and in bad times!!!
On crazy mom days I always think about how much more "calm" my life would be if I was at work. And one of my guys smiles and I am so grateful that the smile was for me and not for some babysitter. We all have the crazy mom days, it makes you appreciate the easy days more.
Glad to see Harper is feeling better. My 3 year old always says "That's Baby Harper... where's her daddy?"
Hi Kelly,
I am right there with you!! Our littlest guy has grown out of the spitting up 10 times a day, thank goodness! I have enough shirts with Nutramigen formula stains on them to remember those days by! And I totally agree with you...everytime Collin wakes up in the middle of the night for some reason or he is just clinging to me wanting to be held, and I get irritated...I just think about Patrice and Baby Jonah...I know that she wishes that she could just worry about the simple things sometimes. My husband and I definitely are thankful for our 2 healthy boys.
Enjoying your blog,
Christine Jacobs
That first picture is so precious. She is truly a beautiful gift.
Is the extra toe thing an Arkansas thing? Our really good friends from church, the husband was born with an extra toe and extra fingers. He grew up in Northwest Arkansas and 2 of their 4 kids had an extra finger and toe! Crazy!!
Harper gets more gorgeous as each day goes by. You certainly are blessed. My son was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice and he had swallowed meconium. He didn't cry for the first 3-5 minutes of birth. Those few minutes were the longet of my LIFE. I can only imagine what you went through watching Harper be in the NICU for a month. It certainly is a blessing to hear these little people scream and cry. I have to remind myself of his birth experience at times, and I'm FOREVER grateful that God kept His hand on my baby boy. Thanks for introducing me to the productive parenting website! I'm in love already!!
I read your blog every day but have never posted a comment. I found you through Bring The Rain when Harper was so sick. I didn't start my blog until February.
Anyway, I felt the need to comment today. Today is a sad day for me, but my post for today was "A Thankful Heart". My mom died two years ago today and today should be my baby boy's 5 month birthday. I was scheduled for a c-section Nov. 14, but sadly, he was stillborn on Nov. 12.
So, the long answer to your short question, is that I AM feeling thankful today and posted 10 things I'm thankful for on my blog.
I really love your blog and feel like I know you! And keep the pictures of Harper girls always ask me to get on your blog so they can see what she's wearing or what kind of hair piece she's sporting. She's beautiful!
i think her extra toe makes her extra special. precious.
I am thankful I have a job and that it allows me the flexibility to be around my children which I am VERY thankful for. They keep me busy but they are my world. I am also blessed to be married to a fantastic man. Have a great week!!
Many Blessings,
Hi Kelly! She is beautiful. I understand about those days where they cry. My little one had acid reflux and could projectile spit up and vomit. It was pretty rough for a while. We tried different options. The best thing was keeping Mary-Kate in her bouncer. When she started sitting in her exersaucer and started walking it helped a lot too. When she laid down her tummy got upset after a bottle. I had to try a different kind of formula too. You are a great mom. We have all been there and had days like that. I am thankful for a sweet 3 year old that tells me she is my best friend to ever more. :-)
Sorry you had such a hard day yesterday...being at home has its challenges for sure. BUT yes, we're both very, very blessed to be to raise our babies ourselves. I don't know what I would do if I had to give Katie to someone else every morning. It would kill me. That said, it doesn't mean that everything is sugar and spice ALL the time. :) Of course Katie NEVER cries and is always smiling. Uhuh.
I LOVE her toes...all of them! It's too bad that she has to endure surgery. I have a friend that was also born with an extra's very common and they usually DO have to remove them. Thank goodness it will be a straight forward and relatively easy procedure. Harper will have lots of prayers when the time comes. (Try to have)no worries!
Hugs, Kristine & Katie
I have an eight month old at home with double pink eye, but I am so thankful that he just smiles at me through the eye gunk. I am thankful that after my husband called me at work today and insisted that I get home immediately, I came home to a happy baby whose Daddy had gotten in touch with the Lord for! My five year old and I had game night tonight while the baby slept, and then I even got to lay with her for a little while as she fell asleep. This is rare during the school year, when I am working, and even more rare since the baby has been born. My baby, like Harper, thinks I am his pacifier, but I wouldn't change to bottles for anything! He only gets those while he is at daycare. Did I mention that I am thankful that the Lord has helped me to be able to nurse/pump for over 8 months now, despite working full time? If you ever need nursing encouragement, let me know! I don't know you, but I can tell by your hair-u-mentary that we could have totally been sorority sisters!
There are days I just don't know if I can make it through another minute and then I breathe and look at their sweet faces and realize how incredibly lucky I am to even be able to hear her cry. I would rather listen to Allie fuss and cry than not have her at all so I'll take it anyday :)
Personally I think her toes are adorable!!
What a great mommy you are! Yes, she is absolutely precious! And apparently with her teeny extra toe, she must be an overachiever too... always wanting and delivering more than expectations!!! :) She brings such a smile to my face each time I pop over to your page. Thank you for sharing your story!
Wow- so much to be thankful for, but the first thing that popped into my mind was "my 3 yr old boy still takes naps!"
Glad to hear you had a better day than yesterday. Love the first picture--what a beautiful smile! =) But then again, I just adore all the pictures you post of this precious child of yours!
We have so much to be thankful for but I'm thankful for my loving, caring & thoughtful husband!
Many blessings and thanks for your blog which is uplifting for so many!
I can sympathize with you. I remember losing our son and prayed for a healthy baby...then our daughter Emma was born. She was colicy for 6 weeks...non stop crying from 6pm to 4am ahahaha. My husband and I would watch our favorite comedies on tv to lift our spirits and hug her all night. Because crying or not I was hugging my baby. She grew out of it, love holding her, and kisses, and raspberries on the belly, and watching my older daughter read to her. God's little blessings:)
I am thankful too! We are so blessed to have our daughter home and healthy! I look back at her hospital pictures and can't believe how sick she looked. She's great now though, so we are so thankful.
Harper is growing so fast. She sure is beautiful! It's good to see you are getting out and enjoying spring. Our pedi told us to stay in through May! Boo!
Thanks for the link to the activities. I'm going to try it!
I found your post amusing because that is exactly what I was thinking today. My little one fussed and cried all day. He needed several changes, as did I. Today was a hard day, but a blessing none the less.
I am very thankful for everything in my life. Waiting and praying that sometime soon my husband and I will be thankful for becoming parents. Please say an extra prayer for us, thursday and friday we will be doing insemination! I currently have 5 mature follicles! Thank you so much Kelly, you are an amazing person!
Hi Kelly,
Oh my goodness. I just published a post earlier today called... Thankful! Too funny! Yes, it's oh so easy to get wrapped up in the spit up, crying and poop of it all and go to that " sound good right about now" thought. :) I know I have those thoughts from time to time. And so it's good to take time to reflect, pray and be thankful. Sleeping babies always have a way of making you feel so blessed. :) It's just so peaceful.
Go Kelly for thinking of neat things to do with your precious Harper every day. But, don't be too hard on yourself. It's amazing what babies learn on their own!
Thank you for sharing through blogging!
It really does get better. The screaming, spit up does end. Then the fun starts, there personalities grow so fast it is so much fun to watch. It is so worth it... just remember there are days at work you wouldnt want to be there either.
Oh Kelly, how you have spoken to my heart! When Jack was seriously ill those 6 months I was so exhausted and my mom would always tell me to remember how badly I had wanted him. Sometimes we need to give ourselves a little reminder, we are mommas, not superhuman! Now being home with Gabe and working full time there are days I miss sitting at that desk, listening to my iPod and working quietly or just having an ADULT CONVERSATION. It seems like such a luxury now! Haha But, I would not give up this time with him being so little for all of the world. One day he will be grown and gone and I will long for these hectic days, chasing a baby around and rocking him for his nap. I feel so blessed! Just as you said though, reading Patrice and McKMamas blogs just really put it all into perspective. Being a mommy is hard but I have always believed that to get something this precious and perfect, the long ago days of little responsibility and clean clothes are a very small sacrifice. :O)
P.S. The pics are crazy beautiful. She is just plain gorgeous.
The Old Wives tale I've heard about an extra toe (or finger) is that it is from an Angel's kiss. An angel makes each toe with a sweetly placed kiss... some babies are just so sweet that the angel needed just one more kiss.
I saw this site of cute monogramed dresses and thought of you guys.
I know what you mean! I have days where both babies are crying..make that screaming. And, it gets to be too much for me. Then, after I scream or yell, I remember You, Jennifer, Hailey. All different circumstances, but the three of you didn't know if you were going to take your baby home. Praise God, you all did! And I am praying that Jennifer gets to take Stellan home. Then, that takes my mind to Angie. She has 3 beautiful daughters but beautiful Audrey was only in her arms for 2 or so hours. And, I regret loosing my temper. I regret loosing patience. I pray for all of you daily. I pray for my temper and God to give me mercy over my children!
Yesterday was a tough day for me also. We found out that our Frozen Embryo transfer did not work. So now...2 IVF's and a failed frozen cycle- still barren. I keep asking God why and I go through many stages of anger and grief...but through the midst of it all- God is still God and I am so thankful to know Him!
I'll have to check out that website-thanks for mentioning it! I know how hard it is sometimes to remember to be thankful to be a mother. It can be so easy sometimes to focus on those hard moments, but it doesn't take much to bring us back around, does it? Bless Harper and her little extra's just more of her to love! ;o) A little girl at our church was born with two thumbs on each hand (actually, each thumb bifurcated at the bend and they looked like little "Y's"). She had surgery on them before she was a year old, and all was well and now you only see a little bitty scar if you look closely. When the time comes for Harper's surgery, just call on her "prayer posse" out here in the blog world! ;o)
Hi Kelly, I've been reading your blog for a while, but just never commented. My husband and I were praying for Harper after she was born, and asked many others to pray too. I just thought I would comment on this post because my daughter went throught the same crying all day phase that Harper's in now. And every time, like you, I would just keep reminding myself of how long and hard we prayed for her and how blessed we were to have her, that seemed to keep me from pulling my hair out!! ;) Anyway, one day after 8 straight hours of crying and constant spit up, I made an appointment with her pediatrician. She told me to try giving Audrey (my sweet girl!) One mililiter of REGULAR strength Mylanta after each feeding. I was skeptical at first but we tried it and only did it once a day, but IT WORKED! No more non-stop crying, she napped regularly, less spit up, it was wonderful! We only gave it to her once a day for a couple weeks and then we didn't really need to give it to her many more times after that. Just my advice, if you want to give it a try, I would definitely run it by your Pediatrician 1st!! Hope Harper keeps having more good days, she's precious!
Lacey in Texas
Eloquently written. I have these little weak moments when my baby gets fussy too. I refocus quickly and thank God for such a blessing. It is quite humbling to read all the tragic and heartbreaking stories out there. Every time I see Harpers cute face I thank God for his miracle. I get joy seeing her pics and reading about her newest adventures ....and I am a complete stranger. That is for now....I believe we are all a big family as Christians. So neat to have that bond as christians and mothers.
I am thankful for your daily updates. They are an inspiration to me. Your energy and spirit is sweet and soothing.
She is changing her looks so much. She is soo beautiful. I know another baby who had to have surgery for the same thing. When the time comes that you ask for prayer for this, I will most def. pray. She will be ok though.
I am thankful for my home and that I live in a neighborhood that helps each other out. I'm thankful that the tornado that came through my neighborhood did not hit my house so that God could use me to help those in need. I am thankful that my son is healthy and happy. I am thankful that my God loves me so much.
I've learned all about being thankful, especially after eduring the loss of our first little girl at 18 weeks into the pregnancy. Some days are trying, but we all know that you love your sweet little baby girl to pieces!
I'm sorry that Harper has to go through surgery to remove the toe, but I'm sure she will be just fine. My daughter recently had surgery at 6 months old to remove an ulcerated hemangioma on her scalp. As heart-breaking as it was, I felt the comfort of God while we were waiting the long 1 hour of her surgery! You will get through it, and it will be a thing of the past before too long.
Harper is such a cutie!
I always can't wait to see your new entries. She just brings a smile to my face. She's such a blessing.
Feeling very thankful and happy. I've had a pretty wild day, running kids here and there, going to t ball practice, getting NOTHING done in my house...the usual mom stuff. When I'm having a crazy hectic day, I always try to remind myself that I'm so blessed in many ways.
Here's a tidbit for you....I just read the part about Harper having an extra toe. My daughter was born with a "trigger thumb". This is when the thumb looks as if it's pulling a trigger and the tendon gets stuck in that position in the womb. I took her to a hand surgeon when she was three months old. Long story short, she started sucking that thumb and she "unfroze" it herself. Crazy how nature works sometimes.
The crying days are SO HARD!! Then I would sometimes start crying too and we'd all be a mess! Isn't that the way it is - have a grateful heart and then you are glad those lungs are strong and working well! It's hard when the weather keeps you in too - Lauren always seems to be happier when we even just get out for a quick errand or walk to the park. Off to check out that website. Even after 3 there are some days I wonder what I should be doing!
Hi Kelly, I don't think i have ever commented, but I do read your blog everytime you post. I started when Harper was in the hospital. Prayed for you guys, so glad she has been healed. Anyways, just thought it was cute that she has an extra toe cause my son Jordan was born with an extra little finger, they removed it when he was still in the hospital. No problem at all so don't worry it will be fine. :)
She is so precious!!
Being a parent is the most wonderful, trying thing we can experience. As I type this my 10 month baby girl is looking at Harper's pics sayin "Baby, baby". It's all so worth it. :)
I am SOO thankful for Miss Harper..and you!! You have made a difference in so many lives :) We are glad you and Harper are having all these day! xoxo
Hi Kelly!
I've been following your blog since Harper was born. I noticed her extra toe in some of her early photos in the hospital. My son was born with an extra finger that looked very much the same as Harper's toe. We had it removed when he was a week old and it was very easy (I can say that now, looking back). He is 15 months old now and you couldn't tell it was ever there if you tried! Thanks for having such a candid blog. There is tons and tons of love for Miss Harper out here!
She couldn't be any more adorable!! Jeryn had six fingers on each hand when he was born and they romved both before we brought him home (well sort of, it was a week long process) Mario had extra fingers to--along with several others in his family! :) Apparently, it is not all that uncommon to have either according to my pediatrician. Whatever you decide, it will be fine! Thanks for putting things in to was definitely a day that I needed to do the same, so thanks for the reminder!
Darling!!! I'm proud of you for being thankful in the midst of crying. It's hard sometimes. :)
Those kinds of days can be tough for sure! There have been days where Brody and I both sit and cry but I wouldn't want him screaming at home with anyone but me. My mom told me on the phone tonight that my reward staying home with Brody was bigger and better than any pay check I could get. She is right!
And we have a friend whose daughter had a sixth toe removed and there is a teeny, tiny scar. Harper will still be Miss America! :)
Okay, I think lil Miss Harper looks just like her Daddy,but with your rounder face. She is a joy. Try whispering to her in her ear when she has a screaming fit. They will usually calm down to hear you. Also, what worked with my little ones..was taking a warm bath. It would calm them down each time! Sometimes I would even take a bath with them in our big garden tub! Something very relaxing about the water I guess!
THe extra toe is no big deal, dont you worry bout it none. Its usually genetic, did you or Scott have one too or someone else in your family? Just call on us when its time for the surgery, and we shall all pray for her.
If I tried to list all I'm thankful for, I'd be here all day (and work beckons!). Love the pics of Harper, and I'm so glad she's doing better!
Kelly, on Monday I took Eva and Benaiah to a picnic and park outing. Eva was on the swing and everytime she got closer, he would belly laugh. I just froze, teared up and said outloud, "Please stop. Please stop growing. Please stop getting bigger. Please stop making me realize you are my last baby." You are doing the RIGHT thing to keep it all in perspective. Enjoy enjoy enjoy and have no regrets. And remember this...that won't die from crying. That will settle down later. Love you! Happy Spring!!!
Oops, I mean they won't die from crying. :)
I know exactly how you feel. We prayed for our daughter for 8 years before God blessed us with her.
I know I feel so guilty when I get frustrated with her and am snappy or when I get busy with something and can't spend as much time with her as she would like , which is 24 hours a day playing with the My Loving Family dollhouse or stretchy rabbits.
We all have days like this.
Harper is so precious.
She is so cute and so lucky to have such a wonderful mom. I remember after Lauren was born it was MONTHS before it finally settled in that I have a baby and she is MINE!! I was in awe and still am that with God's help I made this human being with my husband!
We all have those thankful moments... where God reminds us of where we were, and where we are... God bless you!
I just want to tell you how wonderful I think your blog is. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for quite a while now, and while everyone around us seems to be getting pregnant we have yet to. Every morning when I get to work the first thing I do is open your blog, and not only does it put a smile on my face, but it just gives me so much hope! Thank you so much!!! Such a beautiful little girl!!!
You have everything in the right perspective....extra toe: just one more to kiss!!! Thanks for sharing!
I am definitely thankful for my little Ethan =) He is 17 months old and just a blessing. We tried for three years before getting pregnant and I remember those days of nothing but crying and I wanted to pull my hair out. That fact that you were able to sit back and take it all in really says something about who you are as a mother. Don't ever think for one moment you aren't doing right by're the best mother she needs =) As for the toe....God just loved her that much more and I agree with the woman who said it's just extra to kiss! God Bless Kelly, we will be praying for Harper this summer =)
Hang in there....I have a 9 year old and we have those days too! I am just thankful that I have her and my wonderful husband in my life, can't imagine it without them!
When my daughter was born last year, I realized that I had never really known how much my own mother loves me until I had a daughter of my own. Soak up every single minute - the good and the bad.
I needed this reminder Kelly. To be thankful on the good days and the rough days!!!! I LOVED the pics!!!! :o) Love ya!
yes one night I was bouncing between 2 sick kids, a baby and toddler and got no sleep and looked horrible...getting sick myself and my parents came to drop off medicine. My mom said, "what would you do if you had a job to go to today?" My dad said, "Probably be thankful."
Sometimes I wish I just had one day in an office just to remind me how thankful I am for these days. But time flies so we better enjoy all the vomit we can before they are too big! hehe
A solution...Kelly, I don't know if you have one or have tried this or not, but you have seen (or may have & already tried it...)those bouncy seats that have the "vibrate" button on them. Lots of my friends found this to be a LIFESAVER for them. It emulates the same feeling for a baby as riding in the car of the car seat on top of the washer (which is suppose to be a lifesaver for colic). I just thought I would mention this to you. Lots of my friends used these when their sweeties have had colic or when they just were in a "crying a lot" phase. Like I said, this may be old news to you & maybe you have tried this & it didn't help, but I just wanted to mention it.
I know you are thankful & I so appreciate your awareness, gratefullness & your grace...but really girl~after the day you had, you deserve to be a little frustrated & maybe a little crazy! Can you say HAPPY HOUR & DIET VANILLA COKE!?!?! GO FOR IT! YOU SO DESERVE IT!
I often do the same thing. Whenever we have an "off" day I sit there and thank my lucky stars that I have a baby who can cry, and I think about all the babies who are sick or that have passed away. I think it really puts everything into perspective and I appreciate her so much more.
I love her big smiles! Harper is such a beautiful baby!
Harper is so lucky to have you as a mother! She is just so precious!! I hope today is another good day :)
I remember these days very well. I prayed really hard for a baby and when he came he was perfect then there were those days. They were hard but you are doing the right thing in focusing on what to be thankful for. She is looking so precious laying there playing with her toes.
I'm so glad you are honest! So now I know that one day when it's all happening to me, it's just normal.
I think we put on this "happy" face too many times and make people believe in this unrealistic life. It would be so easy for you to paint this fairy tale picture for us, but you just tell us the truth..... and the best part is that it still comes across as a fairy tale :)
You are very blessed! And your blog reminds me to realize how blessed my life is also.
And your baby is so cute!
From an experienced mom of three, just let me tell you.....when you have those screaming awful days, just think that Harper could be having that kind of day with a daycare worker instead of you. Aren't you glad that you are the one that's there for her instead of someone who might just stick her in a crib and let her "cry it out". Being a SAHM is THE hardest job in the world and THE most rewarding. Now that my kids are nearly grown I remember so many more fun times than bad....I do remember blowout diapers, but now I laugh about it. Hang in're doing a great job!!
Harper is so cute! Glad things were better for you yesterday than Monday.
Hey Kelly,
If you get a chance.......come by my blog today...I'll send you to a GIVEAWAY!!!! It's lovely....Thanks, Katy
She is too adorable. You make me so excited to be a mom someday. Thanks for sharing your thankfulness -- I am so grateful for so many things!
Love these pics of Harper! She precious, precious, precious! I was thrilled to hear that she is doing so well developmentally too! Go Harper! :-)
Harper has the sweetest expressions. I think it every time I visit your blog.
Our friends baby girl was born with an extra thumb. Pretty cool looking actually! They got it removed when she was about 4 months and you would never know! They did an imprint of her hand before they removed, maybe you could too, to remember it.
I'm thankful for perspectives like yours today. Thanks for remembering the times you begged God for a crying, screaming bundle of joy! Harper is amazingly beautiful!
Thank you for the website you listed. I enjoy your blog and am feeling your pain in the "messy" stages of life. I am not sure they ever go away!! But the Lord is good and gives us strength every day. God bless your beautiful family.
I love that you put your frustration in perspective, because you have to do that everyday (or at least the days you want to scream!). I can remember the early days with my newborn and just feeling so thankful that he was screaming his little head off. What a blessing after 9 yrs of trying. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Yesterday when I got off work I was NOT feeling thankful for my job. I was in a total opposite position than you in that I was hating my desk, disliking my co-workers and never wanted to see an apple computer again! I cried all the way home because I was missing out on doing fun things with Asher that his Nani was doing with him, like giving him a bath. But then I found out that my friend who was 7 months pregnant lost her baby yesterday...God always finds a way to put things into perspective...that was a terrible way for me to appreciate Asher...but I just had to go into his room and stare at him while he slept and just thank the Lord for where he has me...even if it is at an office away from him for 8+ hours a day.
Today I am thankful for an excellent medical team for my son ~ a team of 10 specialists that works well together despite being in cities almost 300 miles apart ~ who all care about Joshua & want the best for him.
I'm thankful for an IV specialist who was able to get an IV in Joshua last night on the first stick ~ a feat that has never been achieved in the past 3 years.
I'm thankful for friends who are here to offer their support, encouragement & love to my entire family through every peak & valley that God has us journey.
I'm also thankful that Harper is doing so well, Kelly, and that you don't take typical development for granted. It warms my heart to read how much you enjoy your daughter & how you are able to see past the yucky times to embrace the "bigger picture". She is blessed to have you for her mother & I am blessed by reading your blog.
What a beautiful attitude and of course baby! Blessings on you day.
I can so relate to this post! But, I too quickly remind myself just how blessed we are to have a healthy baby Thomas. We pray often for the sick children and thier families and those who long for a child. It just breaks my heart. So, I give thanks to Jesus for the blessing of a healthy child, strong marriage, and a wonderful support system.
May today be a happy day for your family!
Kelly - I'm thankful for the beautiful smiling pictures of your daughter that always make me grin - and some of the ones with the huge flower headbands that make me chuckle out loud. I am thankful for the privilege of praying for little ones I know only through the internet. You and Harper were my first "calls" to internet intercession when Amanda Jones posted a plea for prayer for you on her blog in January. I prayed so fervently for Harper when she was in NICU and still find myself continually giving God thanks with grandmotherly pride for all her developmental accomplishments. (You might enjoy a couple of posts on my blog last month:You Musta Been a Beautiful Baby and What's So Grand about Grandparents)
From your blog, I also have come to love Stellan and Jonah. They are two that I am praying for constantly these days. And Angie Smith - what a precious young woman! I find myself in awe of you young wives and mothers and how articulate you are about your faith and love of Jesus. Keep up the great work!
One more "little" comment - this is to ANONYMOUS who felt the need to advise you about your hair (yesterday's post). This is a mantra I adopted when my children became adults. I highly recommend it. "UNSOLICITED ADVICE IS ALMOST ALWAYS PERCEIVED AS CRITICISM."
hi kelly!
i've been reading your blog for some time now. i just wanted to comment and tell you that i love your blog. harper is just too cute!! i totally understand about being thankful. we had our first baby 10/25/08. jack was 5 weeks early b/c i developed pre-eclampsia and had to be hospitalized. we were so worried that he would have to spend time in the NICU. but he came out weighing 4 lbs 15oz and doing great. he never spent one second in the NICU. we were so thankful. i praise the Lord all the time for keeping jack so healthy!!! it's such a blessing to be a mom and i never want to take it for granted!!! my little boy is small but i'm not worried, he's perfect and i know he'll catch up on the growth charts eventually! my hubby is a youth minister and we serve the Lord in MS. just outside of memphis, so we are only a couple hours from you! thanks for all the wonderful tips on your blog! i love your recipe blog, i've tried several recipes and i LOVE them all!! i'm so glad little harper is so healthy! Praise Him! feel free to check out my blog, i just got started like 2 months ago!!
~Audrey W.
Harper is beautiful. My little niece (she's 13 now) was born with six toes. She had an extra big toe and the two big toes together made a heart shape...she called it her "heart toe." It was sweet.
We had a hard day around here yesterday, too. Your post made me smile!
I'm so thankful for my two boys, after 2 years of infertility and IVF. God is good, isn't he?! But that doesn't mean you aren't human, and can't have a rough day. Parenting is hard and it's also normal to have your feelings all over the place, especially post partum. Heck, my feelings are all over the place and mine are 5 and 4!! :) It's good to pull yourself back in and be thankful, just don't beat yourself up for the occasional sadness or rough day.
What an adorable face! I know the days can seem long sometimes. I remember saying the exact same words to my husband:) My daughter wasn't happiest baby. We knicknamed her "DQ" at a very young age. (Drama Queen, not Dairy Queen) I couldn't even take her for rides in the car to soothe her. She screamed even louder. But I am so thankful too for every day we have got to spend together, good and bad.
I want an extra pinky toe!!
That is just tooo cute!!
God said she was SO cute, he gave her an extra cute pinky!!
Lucky girl!!
She is just too perfect for words. I hope to God, I get blessed with a Daughter next year. With 3 boys and a hubby, i'm outnumbered!!!!
I couldn't agree more w/ your post; I think all the time of Monica w/ her baby Evan and that blog just makes me cry and cry and CRY!! And I just think how much more grateful I need to be for baby Carter, even during those crying fits, b/c I can not imagine being in their position & having to lose a child.
Thank you for this post!! :)
Preppy Coastee
Wonderful post!
That top picture of her looks just like you to me ;) she is beautiful!
all mother's have those days! but then you realize nothing could be better than this!!!
You're so right, Kelly. Perspective is everything. There will be moments of craziness... but there's so much joy in the journey!!
Thanks for the reminder to be thankful. Being a mommy is the hardest job ever! I enjoy your blog and appreciate your testimony!
Another video my kids love is Baby Faith. Think Baby Einstein with a Christian spin. Here's their website: and they also sell the DVDs on Amazon.
Keep up the great work and remember some day soon she'll smile at you and say "mama" and give you kisses!
What a sweetheart! One of my little guys has something extra as well! God gave him an extra chromosome, and so he has Down syndrome. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I am not as great at sharing on my blog, but I do when I can :).
I am so thankful for a healthy happy baby too! It's such a blessing! Although I too have stressful days, it's all SO worth it! I just read Angie's (story of Audrey Caroline) most recent post and itw as so good and really helps put things in perspective. Everyone faces trials, some more challenging than others, but we as believers are all here to worship the Lord and praise Him for our time here as we await glorious Heaven! Harper's too cute. Maybe we can arrange a blog set up with her and my son Carter! hehe
I have to say that your words are so true. Eight years ago we were blessed with a little 34 weeker. She weighed under 4 pounds. We had been going through infertility treatment and had lost twins before making it to 34 weeks with our sweet Carrie Beth. We were again blessed to be out of the hospital in 9 days and we never looked back. She's now a vicacious 2nd grader and when she was 4, God gave her a little brother to keep her in line. When you've been on your knees praying for a baby, spit up and poop can even be a blessing. It really does go by so fast, you will never regret being a "pacifier" or holding your sweet little one as she sleeps.
She is so beautiful...but I feel your pain! I feel like all I do is try to calm a crying baby and then get puked on! The crying can get old and frustrating and so can smelling like spit up! I know. Like you I try to think about what a blessing she is through every second of it all! We love bath time too! Too bad we can't sit in the tub all day long!
Kelly, Thank you for sharing your heart! Tears welled up in my eyes as I read this. I have TOTALLY been in that place where a bit of perspective is much needed. With two boys, 1 year apart, things get a bit hairy around here and sometimes down right frustrating.... it's so easy to see our present circumstances without seeing the BIG picture that God's sees! We so quickly forget how these moments just pass us by and one day we will wish for them back!
Oh yes, and I am thankful for a husband who loves me with his whole heart and is so understanding and gracious. I am also thankful for our two beautiful sons who fill our home with laughter and our lives with joy and are big, strong and healthy boys. Thanks be to Jesus!
Hey! I had a friend years ago whose son had an extra toe. I don't know if they ever removed it (he was two when I met the family), but they had the greatest sense of humor about it. His name is Owen, and he had two nicknames: Towen Owen and Blackjack. So cute!
First of all, I love your blog! I have seen your blog on a ton of my friends pages and friends of friends, and have been looking at yours for some time now. I love your story and I admire your faith in our Mighty GOD! How awesome He is! We have 4 children and have had major dificulties with 2 of them. We trusted our Lord and he saw us through! Thank you for sharing your story with the world!God has touched more people than you know through you and your sweet family!
What a beautiful little girl! God tests you every day, so always find something to be thankful for every day!! My son (15 months) screams a lot for attention. DRIVES ME CRAZY. So on those days I make sure I go into his room while he is sleeping and remember how thankful I am for him, because then he is the sweet quiet angel!!
Also, I have an extra wisdom tooth. My dentist jokes it makes me more wise. Harper has an extra toe, so maybe it will give her more balance!
Love your blog!!
I'm also thankful for so much!!! God is so good!!!
Hello Kelly,
I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blogs. Harper is so adorable and such a blessing. It is amazing how precious life truly is. I think you are an awesome MOM and I just wanted to let you know that.
Check out my blog:
Thank you for posting that website! I have an 8 month old boy, and I am blessed to be able to stay home with him, but sometimes I feel like there is more I could do with him. This will be super helpful!! Thank you!!
Oh, and I just love reading about Harper!! She is so precious!!
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