Monday, April 20, 2009

I like to get help from the "internets"

Okay - I need some serious help!

We have baby dedication coming up soon and we have to send in a picture for them to display.
I have the hardest time deciding on one so I'm going to let ya'll vote.
Just leave me a comment and tell me your pick.

The number will be UNDER each picture.

THANKS for helping a biased mom out!!!!


I'll tally the votes sometime tomorrow and tell you the winner!!!! Thanks for helping me!

Okay - I'm not working on a lot of sleep - I put a poll on the right - so pick and then go over and vote! What am I thinking??? That I have hours to sit around counting up votes? ha!


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Jennie said...

3, if I have to vote. But they are all precious!!

BOWquet said...

They are all sooo great! I can see why you are having a hard time. I'd say either number 7 or 8. :)

Heather said...

I like #7 or #1, I love the expressions on her face! Any of them would be great though!

Chell said...

They are all so ADORABLE!! But I think #5 is my favorite!!

Sarah said...

All so precious but I like #5!!

Jennisa said...

3! For sure!

New Momma said...


The pictures with the hats and tutu are adorable but I think something simple like #8 lets her beauty shine through and is appropriate for a baby dedication. I can see why you have a difficult time choosing though!

Jen and Jared said...

I vote #5.... love the smile in that one!


Aimee' said...

I love #2!! Her little beanie is just so precious!

becca said...

I like #1 b/c she is held in it, which I think is sweet... but if you are going for the "group awww giggle" reaction, then #3 :)

Briana said...

1 or 7!

Lauren said...

That's a tough one... they are ALL so cute! Can I pick 2??
#2 and #3

Creative Minds said...

I like all of them, but I'd say #8.

CLS said...

I vote #7!

... said...

#5 :]

Susannah said...

Definately # 8!!

Unknown said...

They are all so cute, but I vote for #3.

Jenn said...

I love #1. #3 would be my alterate. She's beautiful in all of them!

Debbie K. said...

They are all precious, but I am picking #7.

Brittney Galloway said...

I'm a fan of #3!

Amy @ Chicy-Creations said...

#3 is too cute, and Honey, you should have made things so much easier on yourself and added a blog poll to your side bar for them to place their votes on! Would have tallied them for you! You're going to have lots of counting to do. Good luck!

Bamawhitney said...


Kristin said...

AUGH!! I can see why you're having a hard time deciding...they are ALL adorable!

I think either #1 or #3.

Jayme said...

I think 5 or 8 would look nice on display

Anonymous said...

I am torn between number 1 and number 8, can I vote twice???

Anonymous said...

I like #4 because you can see all of her face and she's shown vertically. I think it's such a sweet expression she has in that one. But you're right--they're all great so it's hard to choose! You have the most beautiful baby girl!

Anonymous said...

#2. She is too cute in that little hat.

HandyFamily said...

#1 is my pick. I like the way she is being held, like an offering, and her expression is so innocent. What better picture to portray your dedication of her to the Lord. May God bless!

Beth said...

That is really hard!! #5 is my fave.

GinnyBerry said...

They are all so cute. She is so precious. I think all of them are wonderful, but I'd not use the one in the ballet tutu because it is not church attire. (I adore the photo, though!) That is number 4.

I think that number one is precious because you are holding her (or is it her daddy?) and it reminds us that you are giving her to the Lord's care.

but all of the pictures just make me want to hug her! She is so precious, and I'm so happy that the Lord healed her and let you bring her home. Thanks for sharing your adorable child!

Amy Maze said...

It's hard to choose, but it is I think it should be one that shows her wearing what she is famous for...a flower or hat on her head!! my vote is #5.

Marsel said...


KeLi said...

I love #3!! Cute! Cute! Cute!

Always Pretty in Pink said...

Number 5. She looks so happy.

Mandy said...

I'm leaning towards #2, though this is a very tough decision!!! :) Good luck!!!

Lisa said...

I can't pick just 1. 2,5,and 6 are my faves.

Elizabeth said...

#2 is my favorite. I love how she looks in the bright colors!

I also like #8. The look on her face is priceless!

Faith said...

I like #1, #3 and #4. I can see why you are having a hard time deciding...they are all precious!!!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

They are all so cute...I can't decide between #1 or #5 - well actually any of them would be great. She is such a cutie!

Sara said...

All of them are so adorable...but I think #3 is my favorite!! :)

Unknown said...

Def. #3 or #8. I love her eyes! She's one beautiful girl!

Kaycee said...

Oh man, I am not much help here - I like #1, #2 or #8! They are great pictures!

Whit and Bradley said...

Hey Kelly,
I vote either 3 or 5 but they are all precious!

lalalovely lindsay said...


Mommyto3andahusky said...

I think #7 is so sweet! :)

... said...


You should put up a poll, so we can all vote, vs. you having to count. haha.

Shannon said...

#3 is too precious! I have ever left a comment,but wanted to get my vote in on your precious little girl! Thanks for sharing your life with us!

michele said...

Gee...thanks for not making this a tough decision! ;) These are all such precious pics of your little girl, but let's face it, it's tough for such a cutie to ever take a bad picture. =)

Number 3 gets my vote.

Just the 5 of us said...

I really like #1. They're all so great, it's hard to pick. :)

Megan said...


Natalie Meester said...

I'd choose #2. It's hard to choose but that one is simple but yet stunning!

Tonia said...

I had a hard time between 2, 3, and 7. I have settled on 2 because of the pretty colors. When I just typed that last sentence I accidentally typed 7 instead of 2 and had to go back and delete and retype. So maybe that was my subconscience telling me to vote for 7! AHHH I don't know...

My final answer is...7!!!

Lindsay said...


Paula McKaughan said...

Too much pressure...they are all precious. I vote #7. Thanks for letting us be a part...she's so sweet!

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

#4, she is too cute

Kim said...

This is hard! I love love all her outfits but I have to say I think I'd pick number 8 because of her big, beautiful eyes!

Debbie K. said...

I know I have already voted for #7 in the line-up, but my all time favorite did not make the list. It is the one of Harper wearing her Easter bonnet posted on April 12.

m&msmommy said...

Ohhh, this is hard! They are all adorable (I had the same tough decision to make for my sons dedication! :) My vote is for #6, although they are all SO adorable!!!

Jennifer Owens said...

It is so hard to choose! THey are all precious! I vote #5 - I can't get enough of that little flower on her head!!!

2SetsOfTwins4Me said...

my pick would be between #1 and #7

Mariana said...

They are all cute but I think #1 or #8 are probably most appropriate for the occasion.

Joanna J. said...

I vote for #8! It lets her natural beauty shine through!

Congratulations, too, on the baby dedication service. That was one of the most special and memorable days for me when we pledged to raise our daughter in the Lord. Especially after watching other babies for so many years and praying for my own. It's a huge responsiblity in so many ways...and we are so thankful!

Charity said...

#1 - It looks like a dedication picture to me. :)

I enjoy your blog!

CarrieBearie said...

this is hard - .....number 1

Anonymous said...

#1 or #3,shes a beautiful girl so it is so hard to choose but I love her expression in those two!

Meghan said...

I have to say #4. I don't know how you narrowed it down to 8 they are all so cute!!!

Lindy said...

#3 or #4. Miss Harper is just so precious!

amy said...

this is HARD!!! I saw # 5!

Karah said...

I love number 3. Its so cute : )

Laura SanchezQuan said...

All are adorable!


Tothblog said...

I think 3 or 6.


Anonymous said...


Cheryl said...

# 3!!!

Me said...

#4 - she looks "angelic" to me in this picture!

Ann said...

I vote for #4...very sweet! They are all beautiful - I can see why you are having trouble choosing!

Crystal said...

All are great, but for a dedication, #8 is my fav!

Anonymous said...

They are all sooo cute but I like 2 and 3 the best!

Anonymous said...

Difficult to choose but I really do like #4.

ally said...

#3 love the expression!!

Rachel said...

First choice: Four!
Second choice: Seven!

But she is so beautiful. I could just smooch those little cheeks all day long as I'm sure you do! :)

duchess said...

#1 is sweet but how can you not love #3?
Any of them would be good.

Unknown said...

I like 3 and 4 because she's smiling.

Jennifer said...


They are all precious!

Amy said...

I love #1!!!

Page said...


Amberdawn said...

#2. They are all adorable!

Makila said...

#4. It was really hard to choose. :)

Megan said...

5 or 6!! All are very cute!!

Unknown said...

I love 1 , 2 and 3. But the winner is #3

Ashley said...

I would have to say 3 or 5! They are all sooo cute!

Melissa said...

I say that the winner is #5... I have always loved this picture of Harper! Melissa

Patty said...

I love her smile in #3. They are all beautiful but #3 is so cute. Of course, #4 is pretty cute too. Everyone will oooo and awwww! whichever one will use. She is a cutie pie!

CAMoore said...

NUMBER 3 has my vote...but of course they are ALL presh!

Anonymous said...

I think 7 or 8 would be nice...she's beautiful in every picture!

Allie said...

# 3. So adorable! =]

Bess Wuertz said...

I love them all but for the purpose of a dedication in church - #1.

Ms. Elaine said...

# 8 and # 3 are my favorites!

Anonymous said...

I love baby dedication days at church!

My pick is #3

Jill said...

#3 for sure

AEOT said...

#1 and #3 are my favorite!

Maddie said...

My favorites are #3 & #5 :]

Miranda said...


Melinda said...

#1 and #5 are absolutly beautiful, but I am leaning toward #1. She just has the best expression.

Jo said...

Definitely number 3 :)

Susan said...

They're all wonderful but Number 1 gets my vote.

Jennifer said...

#2 - You already used #7 for announcements, so I wouldn't do that one,though all of them are really cute!

Stephanie said...

You're right - it is a tough decision! I really love the look on her face in #3, though...and the little drool coming out of her mouth. Too sweet!

Maggie Morris said...

I definitely think #4! SO CUTE!

The Fancher Family said...

We have never met but I found your blog through Amy Metz blog right after you had Harper and have read your blog every day since. You are so good at keeping up with pictures. My vote would be for #1 first because it is so sweet and I love her facial expression. I also like #8 and think it is precious.

Dawn said...


trishandwade said...

Either #3 or #8...tough decision!! I don't blame you for asking for help!

Marci said...

Hi Kelly!!
Number 2 or number 7 are my fav! Quick question... what is the name of the book you suggested for couples thinking about starting a family? I think it was a Focus on the Family book? I tried looking back thru your blog but can't find it. Thanks and whatever pic you choose, Harper will be adorable!!!

Rachel and Jeremy said...

#7 I think that is the cutest picture. She looks so adorable.

Hey Kelly, I just wanted to remind you about the Loveprint. I didn't know if you had come up with a picture of Harper that you wanted added to the print. I'm sure that you have been busy and probably forgot all about getting your print made, so I wanted to make sure that I reminded you. (Also, if you want any changes in color or anything, let me know.) You can email me at

Rachel Post :)

onemorebaby said...

Number #3!

Amanda Gregory said...

#3 for sure!

Elizabeth S. said...

#7 is great!

jillie said...

my vote is most definitely picture #5...that one is just too cute :)

Heather said...

#2 is my favorite!

Tamara Ann said...

I love them all, especially number 5 but for the dedication I would go with number 1!!

Emily said...

#3... so cute!

Natalie said...

#4-The focus is on her sweet face instead of the clothes or bows! They are all great though!

Cass said...

#5 is my favorite!! And then #2! But how can you go wrong with any of the pictures!!!!!!!!

Jeni said...

I like them all but I will pick #7

tootie said...

I vote for #1... or #8.

But they are all cute!

Lauren said...

How in the world can I possibly choose?? But if I must, I would say #5 :)

~Kathie~ said...

They are all absolutely precious-- I can see why you are having a tough time choosing just one!!! I love #1 with her being held for a dedication picture!!!

Cayle said...

3! def. 3!
that smile is so cute!

The Milams said...

#3...I can just hear everyone's AHHHHH when it pops up on the monitor.

Gracie Beth said...

#3 but I love them all! Harper is so lovely!

thoughts and ramblings said...

#2 and #6 are my favorites. She's so cute!

Have a great dedication!!!

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

My pick is 3, 4 or 5

Steph said...

I would have to say #3 or #8 but they are all so cute! I can see how the decision is a hard one.

The Underwood's said...

I have to go with 5... just so girly!

Sandy said...

Oh my goodness! No wonder you can't decide! They are all adorable! Number 3 does it for me:0)

Barclay Kathryn said...

Man that is a HARD choice!

Miss CJAC said...

omgosh they are all so cute!!
I like 1, 3, and 8!! :)

Kelly said...

#1 or #8. Love all of them though!!!

Me and My Boys said...

As for the picture vote-#3.

Secondly, my father was born and raised in Arkansas (Magnolia to be exact) and I can remember growing up and the ONLY team that existed was the Razorbacks. :) Just makes me smile to see your page.


Lori said...

#2 would be my vote:-)

Becca said...

I vote #5 and #7. They are all so cute, though!!

The Jeffcoats said...

Hands down it HAS TO BE #3!!!!!!! but she is just too darn cute any one would work!!! good luck

Anonymous said...

They are all ADORABLE! But I love #3!

Love Being A Nonny said...

#3!! It's possibly the cutest picture I have ever seen! (And they get to see all her cute clothes in person. This is just cute of her sweet face).

All About Me said...

I'd have to say #5...that tutu is just tooooo's so hard to pick she's just toooo beautiful of a baby not to chose them all...:0)

Amy said...

I really like #1 but since she'a little bigger and older now, I'd go with #7 or #8.

I agree that they're all great and I also agree that although the tutus and flowers are great, this is one time where everyone will just want to see Harper. :)

Good luck!


Lisa said...


Sandy said...

My favorite is #1.

E. Cooley said...

Hi Kelly - definitely #5! She is gorgeous!

Angela said...

#2 is my favorite picture of her so far!!! Definitely a tough decision though:)

megzie said...

number 2

Crystal Renee said...

I have to say #5!!!!

Christel said...

I vote for #3, too!

Beth said...

I vote for number 1. I love the posing of her and her sweet smile. I think it is perfect for a baby dedication picture.

emily said...

#4! i like the simplicity of it and the fact that it's vertical for this kind of thing.

Kelli :) said...

I like the first one and the third one! Precious! Love y'all!

Morgan said...

#2!!!!!!!!! But they are all adorable.

Hannah said...

I'm going with #8!

Frugal Jen said...

#3 is my favorite, what a cute expression on her face!

Gordostyle said...

They are ALL good! Hard to choose... but I pick #5!


Carolyn said...

They are all adborable, but I vote #3 - the little drop on her lip is so cute and I could just hear the audience say, "Aww!"

Newlywed Next Door said...

Ohhh this is hard! I vote #1 for a baby dedication picture since the hand around her head looks so sweet. :-)

The Dimino's said...

They are all so adorable but I would have to say #3!!

Green Mountain Living said...

Oh I love them all...okay so here's what I think since you've asked...nix the tu tu one it's adorable but wouldn't work for a dedication. I love #3 and #7 hee hee...beautiful.

Lisa said...


Anonymous said...

they are all beautiful, but #8 is my favorite for the purpose it will be used for.

she is just lovely! :)

Melissa said...

#5 or #7 get my vote. All are cute :).

kristin said...

I love the expression on her face in #3, you just don't get much cuter than that, but #7 also is
very, very sweet and it also has
her name on her outfit which is
nice & personalized.


Anonymous said...

#2 and #3 ... couldnt just pick one :)

Pam said...

7 :)

Unknown said...

they are all so good!!
Hard to pick just 1!

Anonymous said...

#3 for sure!

jamie b said...

It's too hard to pick! But, I really like her expression in #4! :)

Anonymous said...

So far I've only seen one person agree with me, but I say Hands Down #4.

Jennifer said...

#1 for a baby dedication I think...the rest would be great also but I think a baby in her natural start is much better and I think #1 is geared more towards that:) She is precious!
your #1

Unknown said...

#3 is the most adorable picture...

even though she is posed -- it looks so 'natural'!

so... #3 gets my vote!!

Mab said...

They are all just precious.....but my all time fav of Miss Harper is # 3.....she is TOO TOO TOO TOO CUTE!


Staci said...

#5... love that smile and, of course, the tutu!

Mandy said...

#4 is my fav, but they are all so cute! It helps that you have a beautiful subject to take photos of:)

perfectwhitebow said...

#5 is my fav

Alise Nettles said...

#4 - but they are all beautiful!

Anonymous said...


Randall @ Happy For This Moment said...

I like #4 or #7 best.

Tera Floyd said...

I have been following your blog since you all were in the NICU in Tulsa. I have to say that you have been an inspiration to a lot of people out here and Harper is beautiful. Since I am expecting a little boy, I am envious of the tutu's so I will have to vote for #5. She is adorable!

Becca said...

#5 is my fav!

stampsndeidre said...

They are all so precious, but this one is so clear and up close on her face.

Kristen said...

#1 or #4. I think #3 is super cute but I like the other two when she is wearing pink and for sure a girl! :)

I loved putting together my children's blessing days, the luncheon afterward, etc. What a special day to look forward to!

Anonymous said...

#3 or #5

so cute!

1Kathleen said...

#1 is fantastic, sweet and being held. I think it's perfect.

#2 says I'm not a deep thinker
#3 Is a little "fashion" with the animal print for church
#4 I sooo cute, but #1 wins for the holding factor
#5 Adorable, but I wouldn't do so much skin at church
#6 sooo cute, but casual
#7&#8 both adorable but for me

#1 has to win. said...

I vote #3

Trudy said...

I love #8 It's the one. (funny how everyone sees something different. Thought everyone was going to say #8 because it's so clear to me ;)

Tara G. said...

They are all so cute, but I think #7 best fits the nature of the ceremony.

Unknown said...

I think I like #7 the best. But all of them are great and you should be proud of displaying any of them.

Won't they let you do a collage, like in 11x15 size :)

Kimberly said...

My vote is for #1. They are all adorable but #1 shows that you are placing her in God's hands (symbolized by the hands of probably a parent).


Amanda said...

So hard to pick! 1 or 3 I think.

Laura said...

they are all precious, but my vote is # 4

Miss Merry said...

#1 definitely. #7 is a close second.

Anonymous said...

I can't decide between 3,4 and 7 so I can see why you're having such a difficult time. She is just such a beautiful baby girl that no matter which one you pick, it will look great.

Have a blessed day!

Krista said...

lovin' #4!

Kelly M said...

Hi Kelly, this is another Kelly from way up in Seattle. First, I just have to say I LOVE Harper's little monogrammed clothes and bibs and blankets! LOVE THEM! Monogramming is not all the rage up here in the great northwest as it is down south, which makes me kind of sad, but I'll try to bring it into the spotlight if my wonderful husband and I are blessed with children of our own. For my vote: #3! Love it! Thanks for blogging. I'm excited to be a mom someday!

Tirzah said...

#3; I love how expressive her little face is.

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