Thursday, March 26, 2009


Scott had a pretty good birthday (I hope). I picked up Outback to go for us to have for dinner since going out to eat isn't a great option right now.
Harper gave him a new Baby Einstein video since Saturday when I was having brunch with my friends he sent me a text that said "Stop by Wal-Mart and buy EVERY baby Einstein video they have" ha ha ha!
We also got him a Dairy Queen Blizzard cake!! Reese's peanut butter cup to be exact. But we are saving it because his parents are coming today to spend a few days so we wanted to share it with them. I'll let you know how it is. ha!
This sweet girl who lives in my area had made Harper these CUTE flower headbands before I had her and she just got set up to sell in several stores in Arkansas and wanted pictures of a baby wearing them that she could frame and put in the stores. So I did a few shots this morning for her. I don't know if she'll use any - but I sure think Harper looks cute.

I especially am in love with this. Don't you want to squeeze her cheeks???
I do and it's just about all I do.

Now - just a few important things:

American Idol - my top 3/4 are constantly changing - the great thing about this season is normally I have one favorite but this year there are a lot who are good and every week they change the game for me: Kris, Matt (a new front runner for me), Danny, and I have to say it - I like Adam. Hated him last week but the boy has talent.

DWTS: I love Melissa, Shawn Johnson (she is the cutest little thing ever), Julianna Hoff and her boyfriend (they are such a pretty couple) and Ty Murray (he just seems really nice and a little country - two qualities I like in a guy!)

Also - one of my dearest life long friends, Jamie, is in the hospital having her 3rd baby today and I'm so excited to see him and praying for a healthy delivery. I'm jealous because my parents are going to be in Little Rock today so they get to see her and him and then they are going to see Chris Tomlin in concert. No fair. ;-) I love you Jamie - can't wait to meet Crosby!!!!

AND: If you look on the prayer blog - we now have 33 praises!!!!! In 4 months - we have 33 girls who have become pregnant or had adoptions go through. There are some MIRACLE praises in those names too! If you are still on the list waiting.............don't give up hope!!!!!

(UMMMMMMMMM............MAKE THAT THIRTY-FIVE GIRLS!!!!!!! 35! 35!35!)

post signature


Rhonda Rae said...

she is just so cute. makes me want my own lil gurl so much more.

The Pifer's said...

I just love reading your blogs and seeing all the new pics of Harper. I'm glad that your honey had a great b-day, that cake looks wonderful. I love icecream cakes, we normally go to baskin robbins, but there isn't alot of "cake" in it...those look really yummy, so I am very intrested in knowing if they taste yummy too :)

Harper is beautiful!!!!

God Bless,

Lauren said...

How CUTE are those pictures!!!!!!!! I sooo wish I lived in Arkansas, haha!!! I'm so glad Scott had a wonderful birthday!!!!!

Olde Town Style Guide said...

Harper is just too sweet in her new head band! I love it Kelly! Your girlfriend isn't going to be able to keep those bands in stock with pictures of Harper around her store!!

Those are my favorite DWTS dancers too. I love how Shawn Johnson is just so reserved and sweet on the show. Julianna and her boyfriend are just so entertaining to watch and Ty Murray - I agree with you 100%!!

morethanthestarsinthesky said...

Ooooh! I get to be the 1st one to comment. Yeah!

Harper looks so cute.....I think she will definitely use one for sure. She's just to precious not to. Thankful that the Lord answered prayers for her!


morethanthestarsinthesky said...

Fooey! They beat me to it!

Jennifer T said...

LOVE love LOVE the flower headband on harper!!!! soooo cute =) have a wonderful day

Rachel said...

Scott's comment about buying all the Baby Einsteins cracked me up!! Glad that he had a great bday....and yes I LOVE the tutu picture!!!!

Laura said...

I definitely encourage you to go out to dinner with Harper - we did that from the get go with both our kids and our 3.5 year old is very well behaved in a restaurant and the baby is very good. The key is to get them used to the environment. Our 3.5 year old was a very similar baby to Harper - very high needs - couldn't put down for a second, so it can be done and it pays off big time down the road!

I love the pink tutu picture - I just ordered a tutu like that to take newborn pictures - I hope to one day go from an amateur photographer to a professional on the side lines.

Darla said...

Great pictures--Harper looks adorable!! I love Dairy Queen cakes, but I have not had one in years, since we do not have a Dairy Queen close. :(

Jess :) said...

Awwww, a baby and Chris Tomlin ~ how lucky are your mom and dad?!?! I can't wait to read when your mom posts ALL about it!! I sure hope she does!!

Adorable pics of Miss Harper!! Love them!! :) Of course they'll be used and put up. I wish I had a store to put pics. of Harper up in. Oh wait, I don't have to have a store...I've got a house to put them up in. Lucky me!!! :)

Anyways, thanks for the update!

Love you

Jacquie said...

I love Harper's expression in that first photo.

I've been thinking about and praying for Jamie all morning. I can't wait to see pictures.

I'll admit that while he's not my favorite (so far those are Kris and Danny) Adam is talented!! Last week I was one of those that thought it was strange, but I kinda liked it! Johnny Cash probably rolled in his grave.

And I like Michael Sarver (or whatever his name is). Is it just me or does his voice and style not remind you of Michael English?? He could sell some Christian records (CDs, whatever).

Nitzia said...

i love the pic if Haper in her pink cute.
I have a feeling that Adam will win the American idol competition this time.... he is not my favorite , he does have talent but i do not think i would ever listen to his kind music, just not my taste.
try also thecakes from coldstone creamery... so good! alittle more expensive but worth it:)

Heather said...

I could sit her next to my baby boy and just squeeze both of their cheeks at the same time! She's a doll! Love reading your blog!

The Stain Family said...

I should have bought stock in Baby Einstein when Raegen was little....babies LOVE that stuff! BTW, your recipes are being enjoyed by my fam and friends...thanks so much for sharing!

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Awe, Harper is so cute in the headband! That cake sound yummy!

Mary said...

Seeing the pictures of the Baby Einstein video reminded me--My kids LOVE them. Still and I have a 2 1/2 year old. I'll pull out even the "youngest" ones and he just sits and stares. They are fantastic!! I love the Praise Baby ones too and someone gave me one called "God made babies" and the company is Baby Faith. It's GREAT as well, the current favorite. It's the same thing as the other two but it teaches a ton about the Bible. Not sure how much they're actually picking up but you can hope it's a lot :) My husband used to say, "You show them too many videos...they need to play..." and after he kept our son when he was tiny for a few hours by himself he was like, "These things are lifesavers!"

The Gustafson Family said...

Happy Birthday Scott! Like usual Harper is absolutely adorable! I so want to be her Auntie! hehe

Ok..I am so with you with American Idol and DWTS!! I love Melissa and Shawn!!

Now..THAT CHRIS TOMLIN CONCERT TOTALLY ROCKS! We saw him a few weeks ago at Universal Studios here in California and let me tell you..Your parents are in for a treat! He did a live taping of the concert for a DVD and the African orphan choir flew all the way here to sing with him! Utterly amazing..We were so inspired and felt the Lord's presence!!I am so jealous..I would go 500 times if I could.

Well Happy Thursday!

Rebecca Jo said...

Dont tell me you'd rather hear Chris Tomlin over Baby Einstein!! I dont believe it! :-)

And I think that picture will for sure to be a selling point for those flowered headbands! Her little smile just makes it even more precious!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the perfect birthday to me! Good food and a great family - I am sure he wouldn't want anything more!

Anonymous said...

Harper in that headband and tutu is just way too cute! How could you NOT want to use that photo! She will see out :-)

CMC said...

I have the same favorites on DWTS :) Can't say the same about Idol though, I don't know what it is with this season - but I can just not get into it.

Harper looks adorable as usual, I'm loving all the big bows and tutus!

Enjoy the rest of Scott's birthday celebration, those cakes look delicious!

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

it sounds like scott had a great birthday! the cake looks amazing!!! and i love the way he looks so proud with his baby girl!

those are my favorites on DWTS-- i love melissa, really like shawn (because i love mark ballas), and ty murray is so sweet!

those are also my favorites on american idol. i'm not cheering for any of the girls. i hope danny wins the whole thing, but matt and kris are so cute too and adam can really sing!

Christy said...

Oh, glorious Baby Einstein! My baby girl Denay was very colicy and it was the only relief I got for a while. I would strap her in sling chair on the coffee table right up at the TV, put the monitor beside her, hit repeat play on the DVD and have a nice long shower being serenaded by Beethoven. My MIL just bought me a hat similar to the headband Harper's wearing. I just LOVE have a girl! Isn't it fun!?!
God Bless

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Scott!!!!

Enjoy your delicious cake and your beautiful family. :-)


The Allens said...

My brother got the Reeses Blizzard Cake for my niece's birthday - I did not know such a thing existed!

Crystal Renee said...

SHE IS SO ADORABLE! I love the one where she is laying down! Cute. And glad he had a good birthday! Baby Einstein is the BEST!

Heather said...

Shawn Johnson is the cutest little thing ever, Sounds like your hubby had a great birthday, and that cake sound yummy but would go straight to my butt and hips! I am sure that she will use a picture of harper, such a doll baby!

Julia said...

I LOVE the headbands! My friend, Ashley Culbertson, made a headband and sent it to the Ronald McDonald House...I'm wondering if you received it? I would so love to know what it looks like on Harper...if that's not too much to ask, I know you're soooo busy!!! :)

JenniferB said...

Hey where did you get that baby tutu? I really want one for my baby girl.

JAMIE said...

Danny is totally my number one! But last night I was also really impressed by Matt & Kris. And you know who else? Allison! She's got a strange look, but that girl can SING!

Colleen said...

Seeing Harper in that adorable headband would make anyone want to have a girl! She is just a little doll. My granddaughters are little stinkers who can't stand hairbows, ponytails or barretts! They pull them out within a minute!

So glad to hear that Scott had a nice birthday!

Southern Gal said...

Love the tutu picture!

Our tastes this week are amazingly alike on Idol. Adam usually gives me the creeps, but he was good and I could see his face this time.

Your DWTS favs are my faves, too.

Have a good day!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

I love the TuTu picture! That is just tooooo cute!

And the name Crosby is one of our names, if and when we ever have a child.

Have a wonderful day!

Brittany said...

Those cakes are sooo good! Our Dairy Queen here (Alabama) just switched over to something else. They say it will be the same stuff just without the DQ name....we'll see.

Those are my fav DWTS people too! I was a fan of Denise though. I think it's because I love Maks! I heard on the Today Show this morning that they arrested a man who was stalking Shawn Johnson. Apparently he had a gun, love letters, and some other crazy stuff in his car (He was in his 30's, I think---CREEPY!). They found him outside the studio where they film the show! So scary for her!!!

P.S. The happy birthday picture of Harper in the last post is so cute!!

Laurie said...

You got some great pictures!!!!!!!!!! Darling! The DQ cake LOOKS SOOOOO good. I could eat the whole thing by myself.

Brooke said...

I sort of agree with you on American Idol. I really like Matt and Kris but I also like Megan (probably because she is from Utah:) and Allison. I did like Adam this week but he still has not won me over.

DWTS I totally agree with you. And for some weird reason, I like the Apple guy. ha ha. Obviously he is horrible but his attitude and watching him make me like him. I think Holly needs go home now.

Stephanie said...

Love the picture of Harper in the tutu!!!! That's adorable!

Did you hear that Shawn Johnson has a stalker that tried to get into the studio where they were taping DWTS? Geez...leave the girl alone she's 17 for goodness sake!

Love Danny on AI..he's my fav!

Katie said...

I always thought little Miss Harper looked like a baby model anyway, so I'm not surprised someone wanted to use her pictures with their bows! :o) She's not just a cute baby, Kelly, she is a "pretty" baby. (But you already know that, right!) I love those DQ cakes... Best wishes for your friend who is giving birth today! I'm saying a little prayer for her and her baby!

Lucky in Love said...

That pb cake sounds delicious!! Yum!

Tracy said...

i can honestly say i own every single baby einstein dvd!! my 3 boys all LOVED them and my 2 year old still watches them! somehow the guilty feeling of letting them watch it goes away when you see how truly harmless they are. anyway, i'm cracking up b/c my husband and i would've done the exact same thing for our bdays...outback and a dq cake! btw, the blizzard cakes are YUMMY!! i usually have the oreo one and it is to die for! take care and visit when you have time! take care, tracy

Anonymous said...

Hahah...I just want you to know that everyday I check your blog like fourteen times until you post a new in hopes that I will be the first one to comment...never happens. :) I love Shawn Johnson and Ty Murray. I'm with you there is something about a nice cowboy that you can't not like!

Anonymous said...

Hahah...I just want you to know that everyday I check your blog like fourteen times until you post a new in hopes that I will be the first one to comment...never happens. :) I love Shawn Johnson and Ty Murray. I'm with you there is something about a nice cowboy that you can't not like!

Shannon C said...

Of course, the lady will frame the picture of Harper with her tutu and headband. Too cute!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

That is so sweet that Scott wanted you to buy all of the Baby Einstein Video's for Harper. It sounds like Harper already has her Daddy wrapped around her finger. It sure doesn't take long does it? My husband will do anything or get anything for Carter and I think it is so funny sometimes when they get back from the store with a random purchase all because Carter asked so nice and is was just so cute he couldn't resist his charm!


okay i did good, i didnt cry on your blog today lol. but the cake does look great, and i gave up chocolate for lint. so i'll cry over that haha. and once again, Harper you are a doll!!!

Claire said...

Such cute photos! As ever. And I *love* Baby Einstein!


Jenny said...

I'm so glad your hubby had a great birthday! That cake looks delicious!!! Chocolate and peanut butter---my favorite!!

Harper looks just too cute in her headband!!!

Rachel said...

Sounds like you all had a great time celebrating! Harper does have some cute little cheeks. Looks like she is eating well :-)

Leslie said...

I have never posted before, but I've been following your blog since I was recently introduced into the blog world 2 months ago. I am a huge AI fan. My top two picks are Danny and Adam. I'm happy for you and choosing to stay home. I decided to work after having my son...We tried for 8 years to have him. My mom stays home with him, and I am so grateful to her for it. I think either choice for me is okay for him b/c my mom is with him, but I always second guess the choice and feel I should have had the faith that God would take care of us and finances if I had stayed home.

Jessica said...

I've been following your blog since Harper's days in the NICU, left a couple msg for either you or your father---great bit of love in your family! I just wanted to say something about the Baby Einstein DVDs...they're great, and you can get them at a great bargain online! I don't know if you LITERALLY went out and bought a bunch at WalMart, but if not (or if so and you can return them...) we got a set of 25 for $70-72 total w/ shipping and everything on Ebay while expecting our first child. I don't have a specific page to link you to, but that makes each DVD under $3 ea, as opposed to $10-15 that many movies cost. I'm frugal, and $70+ upfront was like *gasp*, but honestly they're amazing, and they're now being used by my 2nd baby (Kyleigh's 27mo, Josiah's 9 mo), so totally worth it! Hope your hubby had a fabulous bday!

Chari said...

That is so funny about the dvd's!

We didn't go out to eat until Ethan was about 3 months old. Now I nurse anywhere anytime. I bought a nursing cover off ebay and use it all the time! I'm thinking about making a second one. They look so simple to make.

Chari said...

I didn't watch Idol last night. I think it's the first one I've missed.
I think Adam blows them all away though. I didn't like him at first, but you are right...he is so talented!

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly-
I love the new Harper pictures . . . quite adorable. Once upton a time my daughter Eliza let me put headbands on her but now that she is one she rips them out the second after you put them on her. Maybe the bows will make a comeback when she has enough hair for a pony tail!

My daughter was also a BIG fan of Baby Einstein. My favorite was Baby Monet . . . I really enjoyed the music in that one.

I too am a HUGE Idol and DWTS fan. On Idol Matt has always been my favorite and I am so happy to see him doing so well. I am not a fan of Adam but I must admit that last night I was really impressed. On DWTS I really like all of them but Melissa is my favorite.

Hope you and Harper have a great day. Take Care
-Jennifer in Texas

Anonymous said...

Your little Harper is just too cute for words! Praise God for your healthy and happy family!

Anonymous said...

Adam ABSOLUTELY redeemed himself last night...that feminine boy has some reallllll talent!

Emily said...

I LOVE the tutu photo!! She's beautiful!

Kristie said...

Hey Kelly, I have 3 vhs Einstein videos and 1 dvd Einstein I would love to send to Harper. Please e-mail me
with your address and I will send them to Harper.

She is so so cute. Just wait till she starts crawling and sitting up by herself....ohh what fun.


Jennifer said...

Baby Einstein is so fun~ They are on the Disney channel too. :)

I remember my oldest loved watching Veggie Tales. I don't even know if you can get them anymore or not.

The cake looks delish!

Carole said...

YAY for Harper and YAY for the prayer blog. Love it!

NovelTeaMommy said...

My son is 11 mo. old today and we have loved Baby Einstein. I have to ration how much he gets to watch each day! You can get some great deals on sets online:

One of our friends loaned us an older version of this set (-6 DVDs)and it is great to have the variety (I am now forever in her debt!).

I am new to DWTS this season. I'm from IA, so had to tune in for Miss Shawn. I cannot believe that I have missed this for years!

Harper is one BEAUTIFUL baby by the way : )

Anonymous said...

First of all, I love that you are talking about DWTS and AI on your blog. 2 of my favorite shows! Chris, Matt and Danny are my favorites too! Adam does have a lot of talent, it's just not my cup of tea. :) My pick for DWTS is always Julianne Huff...I named my daughter Julianne if that is any indication...she's just too cute!
Does she sell those headbands online???? Too cute!

Alicia said...

SHe is too cute in that headband!

Andy and Wendy Ingram said...

Harper is such a doll! I love the NFL channel idea and may use it for my husbands upcoming birthday, since he loves football. I hope all goes well with your friend Jamie and the delivery of their 3rd baby today. Blessings!
Wendy Ingram

kate said...

She seriously gets cute with EVERY single day! I love Scott's text - spoken like a man dedicated to his princess' needs/wants and maybe silence while he enjoys the NFL?

Danny Hinton said...

I'm cracking up at the Baby Einstein video comment! That sounds exactly like something my husband would say. Harper's eyes are so beautiful. You better lock her up now before she starts breaking hearts left and right. :)

rachel said...

I'm sorry, I accidentally left that last comment from my husband's account!

Preppy Mama said...

I never do get tired of seeing those adorable little hats!!!

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

My hubby and I got on craigs list and found a set of every baby einstein made (26 videos or so) for like $75...after we got them...also saw similar deals on ebay...check it out. Saves our day some times!!

creative gal said...


Veronica said...

Hi Kelly, I meant to stop by yesterday and leave a comment but I ran out of time. Glad that you all had a great day celebrating your Hubby's birthday!

Kelli said...

Harper is so precious...I just love your pics!

And birthday was this week me some of that cake, would ya??? LOL :)

Jenna said...

You KNOW your child is sweet when she shares a post with pics of DQ cakes and is STILL (by far) the most delicious thing in the post. LOVE it, love her, and love The Stamps!

Anonymous said...

Love the headbands! The DQ cakes look yummy!

Watts Family said...

Harper is so stinkin cute! Chubby cheeks on babies are the best! Give her hugs from all of us in Texas.

Many Blessings,


Heidi said...

I always forget to tell you, I love your kitchen. We are renovating ours, tomorrow I have to pick the granite and back splash. They'll start ripping out the old cabinets a week from today!! Did you pick your kitchen or did you buy the house with it done? coral springs, fl

Kimberly said...

I love your picture of Harper with the headband and tutu! Soo beautiful! :)

Anna said...

Those flower head bands are just adorable!! I love the picture of Harper with the tutu on. So cute!! I hope I have a girl someday. I definately want some of those headbands.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I love following your blog. Harper is precious! Her lil` face brings so much joy. Bless you and your little family.

kim_brough said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kim_brough said...

Wow! With all the success you ladies have had with babies ya'll should start praying for husbands for the single girls-- like me!

Anonymous said...

harper is too cute in that flower bow! I noticed her skin still looks a bit broken out, have you tried that breastmilk tip on the skin yet? I swear it cleared my baby's acne up in no time! The pediatrician actually was the one that told me about that tip! I just express a few drops and rub into her skin and voila it clears up! Breastmilk is magic! i was also curious , i have only seen you pictured always with the same hair style with your hair tucked behind your left ear. Is that the ONLY way you ever wear your hair, is there a reason why you only tuck the hair behind that left ear?
Also, you mentioned that you quit your job to be a SAHM to Harper. What was your job before and do you miss it yet? Thanks for answering the questions! Have been praying for Harper!!

Kendra said...

Happy belated birthday Scott!! Love the pics =) And YES I do LOVE those cheeks!! How could someone not?!

GREAT news about the prayer blog!! That is incredible!! I needed that reminder today too, not to give up hope, so thanks!!

Just the 5 of us said...

I LOVE her little tutu and hairband! So precious! I am totally going to get one for my little princess!

Unknown said...

I agree about American Idol. I can't decide and if they all continue to improve it will be an interesting finale.


Bethany said...


You've mentioned before that you're trying to lose the last 20 lbs that you gained while on fertility meds. While I certainly don't think you look even 1 pound overweight, I'm wondering if you might share w/ us any dietary / exercising plans you might have to shed the lbs? I need some inspiration and you are the most inspiring blogger I've ever known!!!


Anonymous said...

That last photo of Harper makes me want to try for a girl (I've got three boys). I don't think my hubby would appreciate me putting a big flower and a blue tutu on my one year old son right now. HA!


lovinlife said...

I just wanted to let you know that I look forward to your blog everyday. I too, am a stay-at-home mommy. It is the most rewarding job in the world! I used to teach Kindergarten, but always knew that my real calling was to be a mom. Anyway, Harper is so super cute! My daughter Emma Grace was born on Dec. 3 so they are very close in age. She too, is a girly girl and insists on wering a headband everyday. I just wanted to send you a message. I hope you have a Fabulous Friday!

We've Got Scents said...

She is just tooooo cute and I'm sure these pictures will be used. She is a model baby-baby model for sure!
Thankful Scott had a great day and so thankful for so many answered prayers for these families.
Matthew 21:22

Kari said...

OH I love that picture too!! I wish I had someone that could get me those headbands or beanies! I have been looking for some to buy around here..but cannot find them. Anywho. I LIke Adam too! he is a little intense sometimes, but he can sing! I agree with you on DWTS, too! Man...we would get along so great in the real world. he he.
That is awesome about 35 praises!!!! God is almighty..and He is wonderful, isn't HE?!

Anonymous said...

So thankful for the assurance we have in Christ! Praying!
1 John 1:1-4 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Teach said...

Harper is just precious!!

I liked Adam until i saw this...and other things about him.

I really like Danny!

Robin said...

So that's where all the Baby Einstein videos went! Ha! Just kidding. I did look at walmart the other day for a newborn one but couldn't find any. Glad Scott had a good birthday! Enjoy your weekend with your family. Caleb and I are looking forward to going on walks when you can get Harper out!!

Unknown said...

My son LOVED Baby Einstein when he was a baby! Some days, that was the only 30 minutes of peace I had in order to make dinner, do the laundry, wash the dishes, etc.

I don't care what the "experts" say, I don't see how a little classical music and dancing puppets can cause too much damage :o)

Catrina said...

I've been following your blog for sometime and hate to admit that I've never commented.

You have an absolutely beautiful little girl and your story is so inspiring. Thank you for sharing it!

Lori said...

When I read what about Scott telling you to buy all the Baby Einsteins at Wal-Mart, I almost died laughing. And Harper is as cute as ever.

I am so thankful and in awe of the 35 praises on your prayer blog. Its truly shows you what prayer does. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for over 2 years now, and I would really love to be added to the prayer blog list. How wonderful to know that people care, and are rooting for us to overcome infertility! Thank You!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

We're going to see Chris Tomlin on April 9th. I can't wait!!! His last concert that we saw 3 years ago was amazing!! Harper looks precious, as always, in her flower headband. Love & blessings from NC!

Lauren said...

I LOVE those pictures! Emma Kate has one of those headbands... Love it!!!

Mama Jean said...

Dear Kelly, I just want mcmmama to know that an electrophtsiligist would help her a lot with her little boy, my hasband had the same thing and the cardioligist were all in a thither about what to do, after trying all kind of medicines, I insisted on consulting with an electrophysioligist and he saved my husbands life. I can't get to her because of so much e-mail.