Welcome from snowy Arkansas! That's right, it's days away from April and it is snowing hard. In the words of Randy Jackson - "WHAT?????". ha!
Scott's parents have been here since Thursday so we have spent the last several days mostly watching Harper. :-) They have helped us with several projects around the house.
So here are some pictures we have taken of little miss the last few days.

Feel free to continue to leave your comment to win the shoes (aren't they the cutest things????) if you haven't already! I'll announce the winner on Friday! (PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS ON YESTERDAYS POST OR THEY WON'T COUNT!)
I have some more fun give aways coming up in another week so stay tuned!
Prayer Requests:
Brittany is from AL but her water broke at 24 weeks in D.C. on a work trip. She will have to stay at the hospital in D.C. until she delivers and the baby is okay to go home (could be months). They have another child at home as well.
Little Anthony has leukemia. The nice people at cotton candy tutus (CUTE STUFF MOMS!) are raising money for his treatments. Go hear to read about how you can help (and get a cute outfit in the process!)
Their 8 month son recently died in his sleep - please pray for this family.
Maybe mother nature got the wrong memo-snow instead of spring. Crazy!! Harper is tooooo cute. Thanks for sharing.
CRAZY weather, huh? Here, too...
I ♥ that you are making a faux studio. I need to do that!
OK - my favorite picture of this post HAS to be the one with the bow on the top of her head! In that picture, she truly looks like a baby doll! I think it's the look on her face that is so priceless! :o) And, yes, I can only begin to imagine what Little Miss Harper's closet looks like. I would probably be spending most of my day in there playing dress-up! Haha! And your own personal sweat shop production...how convenient! (I love the curtains in that room...)
Harper is so stinking cute!!!!!!! Love the photos!!!
We are supposed to get snow here too. Can't wait til spring is finally here.
We are going to get some snow too ........ YIKES. I hate it. My favorite shoes are the pale pink on green damask maryjane. The shoes are adorable. OK, I am just waiting for a tour of Harper's closet. I am dying to know what is in it !!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE little girls clothes, I am obsessed with girl clothes. I also want to know have you bought all of her clothes or got them as gifts. Where do you shop for her ??
Your house looks just like my house when my parents come. My mom sitting at a sewing machine! :)
I love that monkey bow - too cute!
It's crazy that it is snowing there because it is sunny and 55 here in Cleveland. Weird!
Have fun with your in-laws!
I want Harper's closet!! WOW! She is too cute and very deserving!
Snow??? How nice. It has been storming here in Louisiana. Pretty day today though. That little miss gets prettier everyday!!!
Thank you for the prayer requests you post on your blog. I enjoy getting to pray "outside of my realm" of people. I am in special prayer for those mentioned today. I just visited sites and sit here crying tears of sadness, yet tears of joy for God being as good as He is.
Hope your weekend is great!!!!
Love these shoes. I wish I knew about this site months ago when there were NO cute shoes for little boys... little fat feet shoes for boys that is. I cannot believe all of the clothes in Harper's closet... whoaa baby! I love baby shoes. My favorite are the little brown ones with the elastic loop (at least for little boys). Enjoy the snow.
This weather is soooo crazy!
I am cracking up at Harper's closet!! Does she have to change clothes two or three times a day to wear everything?? Haha! That would be a dream closet for any baby girl!:)
Harper is one lucky girl to have a closet like that! I hope you are staying warm today!
what?!?! snowing? oh my, i can't believe weather is this cold right now.... it's officialy spring. My daughter would have enjoyed so much some snow, to bad with didn't really get any on this side of AR this year, maybe next year:)
Please share the light panel pattern...
I would love to have one ...
Oh my gosh...that closet!! I would do nothing but play dress-up all day long!!!
Check out that closet full of clothes for that precious little girl. She is all set! Harper is just trying to help out the economy, right?
Wow that closet is packed full... I bet it's soo fun dressing her
Wow, I can't believe you have snow. The weather here is pretty gloomy, but at least it is not snowing! I love the new pics of Harper. I can't believe that closet, the girl is going to have to have multiple wardrobe changes everyday. Hopefully the snow stops soon, so you girls can get back outside!
It's actually pretty chilly here in Houston. Her closet is stuffed! I love all the outfits that she is wearing in the pictures! Enjoy your snowy day and you look great!!!
Harper's closet is AWESOME! It looks like a baby boutique in there! Would love more info on the light panel. Where does it go? How does it help? etc. Love photographing my kids!
Harper has got to be the BEST dressed baby in America. I think you may need a new addition soon to add a bigger closet!
It's 85 in Orlando today! Crazy weather!
Your little sweetie gets cuter every day!
We don't have snow, but it is FREEZING here! WHAT?!?!? is right! I am sick of the wavering weather....I want Spring and I want it to stay!
Harper is so adorable! I love her cross onesie and her closet MUST be like Disney!!! I can't wait to see Avery Kate's zebra and polka dots bedding...and see her sweet face sleeping in her crib...won't be long now! :)
Yeah hopefully this is the last snow!
wow, now that is a full closet!
That has got to be the most over-stuffed baby closet I have ever seen! What a well-appointed baby layette!
I'd love to see the instructions for making the light panel. Might want to make one myself.
Take care!
That is crazy about the weather. We had tornado warnings yesterday, just ready for the nice summer weather!! Harper's bow with the monkey is too cute, where did you get it? Love her closet too, so much cuteness! Hope it warms up for ya'll soon! Have a great rest of your weekend!!
You MUST check to see if any of the movie theaters in your area will be hosting a viewing of Dr. Laura's speech on motherhood May 5th. Her new book is out in praise of stay at home moms and it made me think of you:-) (Dr. Laura is the reason I decided to stay home 15 years ago!)
Her speech/presentation is May 5th in California, but is being broadcast at some movie theaters. Hope you go---you will love your decision to stay home even MORE after you hear Dr. Laura's words:-)
Snow White
(Andrea Peterson, Houston TX)
She is so pretty!! Like her momma :)
So, I am not even going to lie, I am super jealous of Harper's closet!
Can you believe this weather?? Crazy!!
There are SO many people to pray for. My heart just breaks...
Cute pics as always! Please share the directions for the light panel!!! Take care:)
With girls, the closet is always full of clothes. It's just a girl thing, I suppose!! Enjoy. It is so much fun to dress little girls. Harper looks adorable. Have fun being snowed in. We are still having rain. I'm ready to sprout duck feet. Love & blessings from NC!
she is SUCH a beautiful litle girl! she looks just like a doll.
We are expecting a huge snow storm here in Wi later today~I know I thought it was spring....was gives???
Cute pics of the lil one:)
My in-laws are in Bentonville this weekend vising my BIL and just called to say it had been snowing most of the day. You just have to love AR weather!
Hey! Laurie left a comment on my blog telling the UBC connection...I LOVE it! Since she doesn't have a blog (or does she?), tell her that I say hello and I will pass along the message to my Poppy. SO good to get to know you guys :o)
That closet is just amazing. You must have so much fun dressing Harper up!
I love you, your girl and your blog. I couldn't imagine if you had a little boy, would you still have Disney World? What a great thing you have with Scott's parents being there to help you guys out.
I love the Boy's shoes that have the lion on them...so cute!
It is a COLD day in Arkansas. My little girl had a softball tournament today and those poor babies froze. Harper's closet is amazing!! Her pics are precious! :)
Very cute!
That is the most wonderful closet I have ever seen. How can you ever choose an outfit? Its very neat and organized, as well!!
I CAN NOT believe that it is snowing there! CRAZY!
Personal Disney World...I hear ya girl! I have two sons (14 & 10) and now I have a little girl (2)...Disney everday! Even now it's so much fun getting her dressed. Wait till the toys! Oh the baby dolls, my little pony, care bears;just heaven! I know you're enjoying that baby girl! It only gets sweeter!
Just look at all those clotherings! :) Shees, that's ten times better than Disneyland, lucky little girl!
xoxo KB
Dear Lord,
Please let me have a babygirl one day with sweet cheeks JUST like Harper's.
Love, Jenna :-)
she is precious. I have heard of your blog from so many people who are regular followers. I have a 7wk old named HARPER! How did you choose her name? My Harper is named after my husbands college mentor Rick Harper. Hope you are doing well and enjoy your Sunday.
That jungle girl outfit has got to be the cutest outfit EVER!!!! Where do you buy all her clothes???
I love the jungle bow,that is so cute. And the picture below it is priceless:)
I can't believe it's snowing..we're still getting rain here :)
I'm jealous of Harpers closet..I think she has more clothes than I do!
Harper is ADORABLE!!!!!
And it was 80 and beautiful today in southern CA! :)
i'm sorry its snowy! i'm sure harper has really cute snow boots & sweater dresses lol :) harper. i love your big closet! hope you had a great weekend kelly!!
Precious pictures!! LOVE them!! Glad that Scott's parents have been around to help you guys out this weekend!! How fun!
Sorry about the snow! It was actually fairly decent here in SD today...41 degrees, but nice and sunny. It was a great day for a Sonic DVanillaC...which made me totally think of you. Okay, everytime I go to Sonic I think of you!! There, I was honest!
Sending everyone lots of LOVE and HUGS,
Jess :)
thanks for the prayer request for the Daniel's. I sent them to Angie for the Sunday's to pray over. It's great she has made it to 10 days. Woot. Woot.
Nicole Collier
Footprints Ministry
Love your comment "your own personal Disney World" =)!! She looks so sweet as always!!!
Wonderful blog! Harper is such a cutie! My son who is 13 months is named Harper too:)
Yep, Harper definitely has a lot of clothes.
We had snow where I live too, and that hasn't happened in YEARS.
I am so jealous of the snow! We did not have any snow here this year, just ice. Enjoy it while you can.
ok girl! i am so jealous of harpers closet!! lol. she's truly a princess! I'd like to see the finished product of that light panel if you don't mind?? please!! thisgirlluvsbling@yahoo.com
And Harper is the cutest thing I love all her monograms!!
So much sadness in the world...
Know that I'm here praying!
Revelation 22:16-17 I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star. And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
Prayer Bears
My email address
I know Lil Miss Harper has more clothes than me haha
Please post directions for making a light panel
Kelly - I cant remember how I stumpled onto your blog but I sometimes have a hard time readong ones that invlove their children (as I am sure you know by now) BUT, I cant help but read yours and show my husband because the pictures you post on every post are sooo ADORABLE!!! Every bow and every outfit is soo cute!!!!!
COngrats - she is a wonder!
Hey, there. This sweet mom at www.smithscooptexas.blogspot.com is looking to create a button with a picture like the one you have on your blog of Stellan. Or, like the one you had the one for "praying for Harper." She has a son with cancer and wants to create a prayer button for him, but she isn't sure where to start. Thought maybe you could help her out! thanks!
Wow! Harper's closet is amazing! She is one lucky girl.
I read about baby Spencer, very sad. I'm praying for the family.
I love reading your blog. Harper's closet is WOW... You have a close second place with my 2 girls closets! (ages 4 and 17 months) And I LOVE to match them!!! So its always fun looking in each closet to see what they have the same. :)
Oh give us more information about the light panel. We want to know how to amke this.
Wow snow! I am so glad we didn't get any here. Harper looks so cute as usual. Glad you have had a nice visit with your inlaws.
It snowed here, too! In Illinois, in March. UGH
Harper just gets cuter and cuter with every picture!!!! I know this weather has been so crazy! I am ready for my flip flops to be worn full time!
Girl stuff is SO much cuter than boys!! I have a precious little boy and of course love him dearly, but I secretly (not so secret anymore) long for girl just for the clothes, bows and accessories!!! :)
Such cuteness - how can it be bundled all into one little child? That baby is definitely increasing my cravings for another one!
Praying right now for all three of these families! Harper looks so happy and content. She is beautiful! Blessings!
Wendy Ingram
Thanks for updating on the prayer requests! And I'm happy you got the panel you needed! Hooray!
harper is so cute!
ok, i am so intrigued... can you show more pics of her closet!!?!?! :)
She is SO cute :) Also thank you so much for putting up the prayer lists. I really appreciate it and it gives me families to lift up and pray for. Thanks again.
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